Navy Serial Number Search Results

BuNo Criteria: 17883
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:36:28 2016
117729 ... 118928
General Motors TBM-4 Avenger
cancelled contract
17456 ... 18121 (EXACT MATCH)
Vought F4U-1A Corsair
17516 converted to XF4U-3 
17527 (VMF-214) lost to enemy action Dec 28, 1943.  Pilot MIA
17562 collided with tow target and tow aircraft over Slate Mountains, CA Mar 30, 1944.
Pilot killed.
17592/17616 to Royal Navy as Corsair I JT170/JT194
17592 (JT170) overturned on landing at Lewiston Sep 6, 1944,
declared damaged beyond economical repair.
17594 (JF172) swung on takeoff from Brunswick Oct 11, 1943
and struck parked Corsair JT170(17592).  Declared total
loss and SOC>
17597 (JT175) crashed on landing at Brunswick Jun 17, 1944.
Pilot survived.
17598 (JT176) stalled from 100 feet while on aerodrome dummy
deck landing approach to Brunswick Oct 5, 1943.  Pilot
survived by aircraft declared damaged beyond economical
17602 (JT180) crashed near runway while on aerodrome dummy
deck landing approach at Trenton, near Bar Harbour
Apr 29, 1944.  Pilot died of injuries received.
17603 (JT181) overturned when brakes applied, Lewiston
Sep 11, 1944.  Pilot survived but aircraft damaged
beyond economical repair.
17607 (JT185) returned to US Navy by Aug 1945
17608 (JT186) collided with Corsair JT214 (17716) during
formation flgith Mar 24, 1944 and crashed near Waldoboro,
ME.  Pilot killed
17609 (JT187) returned to US Navy by Dec 1945
17610 (JT188) DBR after undercarriage struck snowdrift during
aerodrome dummy deck landing approach at Brunswick
Jan 19, 1944.
17612 (JT190) collided with Corsair JT198 (17700) during
formation flight Oct 3, 1943 and crashed at North
Pownal, ME.  Pilot killed
17614 (JT192) force landed during sortie from Brunswick Jun 14, 1944.
Pilot survived but aircraft DBR.
17615 (JT193) overturned while braking to avoid another 
aircraft when landing at North Kingstown Aug 20, 1943.
Pilot unhurt but aircraft DBR.
17616 (JT194) returne to US Navy by Aug 1945.
17644 (VF-OTU5) ditched 3 mi off Sapelo Islands Oct 20, 1944.
Royal Navy pilot killed by sharks.
17679 (VMF-214) lost Oct 13, 1943.
17697/17721 to Royal Navy as Corsair II JT195/JT219
17697 (JT195) floated into barrier on USS Charger Jan 27, 1944
and overturned.  Pilot unhurt but aircraft DBR
17698 (JT196) crashed when port wing folded during takeoff from
Stretton Nov 29, 1943.  Pilot survived.
17700 (JT198) crashed at North Pownal, BO Oct 3, 1943 after
colliding with Corsair JT190 (17612) during formation flight.
Pilot killed.
17706 (JT204) papers deposited Mar 23, 1944, which means that plane was
SOC before that date,probably as a result of striking pom-pom
barrier and island on HMS Illustrious Dec 10, 1943.
17707 (JT205) while taxying for takeoff at China Bay, struck by landing
Corsair JT347 (55960).  Both aircraft burned out, both pilots killed.
17708 (JT206) starboard wing folded after takeoff from HMS Illustious
Jan 11, 1944 and crashed into sea and sank.  Pilot killed.
17709 (JT207) relegated to ground instructional airframe at RAF Locking
Aug 1945.  Presumably subsequently scrapped.
17713 (JT211) shile landing on HMS Illustrious Jan 7 1944, onewheel struck
port gun turret and was fromen off.  Aircraft made belly landing
ashore in field, declared total loss and SOC.  Pilot survived.
17714 (JT212) stalled on approach to HMS Illustrious Jan 17, 1944 and spun
into sea.  Pilot rescued.
17716 (JT214) crashed burned out 2 mi N of Waldoboro, ME Mar 24, 1944 after
colliding with Corsair JT186 (17608) during formation flight.  Pilot killed.
17717 (JT215) bounced off lift, missed wires and struck barrier while landing
on HMS Illustrious Mar 11, 1944.  SOC.
17718 (JT216) while landing on HMS Illustrious Mar 10, 1944, port wheel struck
gun turret and was broken off.  Aircraft went through both barriers
as caught fire.  Pilot killed, aircraft SOC.
17740 ran out of fuel and ditched adjacent to Melip Village, Malekula Island, unknown date.
17752/17776 to Royal Navy as Corsair II JT220/JT244
17753 (JT221) relegated to ground instructional airframe at RAF Locking Aug 1945,
presumably subsequently scrapped
17757 (JT225) hit rounddown while landing on HMS Unicorn Jan 23, 1945, lost
port wheel and skidded over port side into sea.  Pilot killed.
17764 (JT232) struck pom-pom while landing on HMS Illustrious  Mar 11, 1944,
burst into flames and exploded.  Pilot killed as was one rescuer, another
subsequently died of burns.
17769 (JT237) missed wires while attempting to land on HMS Illustrious Dec 12, 1943.
Port wingtip struck deck and aircraft went over side into sea.  Pilot killed. 
17777 (VMF-214) overturned on landing Dec 16, 1943.
17799 (MSN 3884 ??) SOC Aug 31, 1945.  Acquired by MGM Studios for a 
film that was never made.  Noted derelict outside MGM
studio in 1969.  To the Air Museum, Ontario, CA in 1970.
Registered N83782 Sep 1977.  at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA as NX83782.  Flew in
TV series "Baa Baa Black Sheep"
17804 (VM-17) shot down by small arms fire near Kahili, Bougainville Nov 21, 1943.  Pilot KIA.
Wreck discovered in dense jungle in late 1960s.
17808 (VMF-214) lost to enemy action Dec 28, 1943.  Pilot MIA
17840 (VMF-214) overturned on landing Dec 12, 1943.
17844 (VMF-214) overturned on landing Dec 17, 1943, pilot injured
17847/17871 to Royal Navy as JT245/JT269
17851 (JT249) while performing aerodrom dummy deck landing at Puttalam
May 22, 1944, stalled, struck runway with port wheel and overturned.
Pilot survived but aircraft SOC.
17855 (JT253) force landed on Wallasey Beach Nov 3, 1943 following engine
fire.  Aircraft SOC.
17864 (JT262) returned to US Navy by Aug 1945.
17883 shot down in Pacific theatre Jan 28, 1944
17888 (VMF-214) overturned on landing Dec 5, 1943.
17899 (VMF-214) struck by B-24 on ground Jan 1, 1944.
17910 (VMF-214) lost to enemy action Dec 28, 1943.  Pilot MIA
17915 (VMF-214) shot down Jan 3, 1944 with Maj Gregory Boyington.  Made POW.
17916 (VMF-214) hit tree Sep 21, 1943 and pilot bailed out
17952/17962 to Royal Navy as Corsair II JT270/JT280
17959 (JT277) swung into soft earch and overturned while making
precautionary landing at Colombo Mar 29, 1944.  Pilot unhurt
but aircraft was total loss.
17995 to civilian registry as N9028S, then ZK-FUI.  Currently airworthy at Congonhas. 
18072 (VMF-214) overturned on landing Aug 25, 1943
18080 (VMF-422) crashed during diving attack on target at Maloelap Atoll, Taroa Island,
Marshalls Aug 11, 1944.  
18082/18106 to Royal Navy as Corsair II JT281/JT305
18082 (JT281) made heavy landing on HMS Victorious May 5, 1944 and
broke back.  Pilot unhurt but aircraft DBR.
18090 (JT289) broke up when pulling out of dive near Brunswick
Dec 1, 1943 after engine oversped.  Pilot died of injuries
18098 (JT297) ran off runway after touchdown and overturned on
loose ground at Coimbatore Oct 10, 1944.  DBR.
18099 (JT298) broke formation in cloud and dove into sea 2 mi SE
of Nilaveli, Trincomalee May 31, 1944.  Pilot killed.
18100 (JT299) while returning to HMS Victorious after strike on German
battleshp Tirpitz Apr 3, 1944, floated over wires into barrier.
Pilot unhurt but aircraft DBR
10103 (JT302) hit by flak and ditched near Skomvaer Light, Norway
Apr 26 1944.  Pilot POW.

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