USAF Serial Number Search Results
Serial Number Criteria:
Description Criteria: UH-60L
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
77-22714 ... 77-22728
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
MSN 70008/70022
22715,22719,11721,22726 converted to GUH-60A.
22714 (MSN 70008) w/o Oct 3, 1986.
22716 (MSN 70010) to Navy as 722716. Returned to Army and
delivered to Sikorsky for upgrade to UH-60M, but now reported not to be
converted to UH-60M. I now have a report that it was indeed converted
to UH-60M 02-26978.
22717 (MSN 70011) to NUH-60A. Now reported to be converted to UH-60M, presumably in place
of 77-22716
22718 (MSN 70012) converted to UH-60L and to US Customs Feb 2, 2011
22723 (MSN 70017) To Israeli AF with serial 601.
22724 operating at Lowe AHP, Fort Rucker, Alabama as 74A
22725 (MSN 70019) rebuilt to UH-60M 04-26998.
22727 (MSN 70021) To Israeli AF with serial 605; later reserialled 705.
22728 (MSN 70022) for sale by GSA Auctions at Madison County Exec Arpt, Meridianville, AL, Sep 2, 2014.
To N112HC with Hail Helicopter Holdings- Unit 3 Llc, Inola, Oklahoma on December 2, 2014.
84-23933 ... 84-24016
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
23935 for sale by GSA Auctions at Huntsville, AL, Dec 30 2015
23939 (MSN 70764, 2nd Avn, C Co) w/o Sep 8, 1987.
23942 (MSN 70767) assigned to 3378th Med co at McEntire Joint National Guard base, South Carolina
23945 (377th Med Co (AA)) damaged Oct 9, 1997
23949 to Indiana NG
23953 converted to UH-60L, remanufactured as UH-60M 04-27000
23954 (MSN 70779, 377th Med Co) crashed in South Korea Aug 7, 2003.
Helicopter was conducting hoist training when it struck two cables
across the river. Descended backwards, stabilator hit river bed
and rolled over onto left side.
23969 (214th Med Det) rolled over during emergency landing at
Aldea Campo Llano, Honduras Jun 14, 2004 during training
flight in bad weather. Aircraft had flown between trees and
lost part of main rotor blade. Crew unhurt.
23970 (MSN 70804) Assigned to 1st Battalion, 168th Aviation Regiment
Assigned to B Company, 1st Battalion, 131st Aviation Regiment
23982 (MSN 70819) w/o Apr 11, 1988.
23983 (MSN 70820) Assigned to Aviation Technical Test Center [ATTC], Fort Rucker, AL
Instrumented for the UH-60A/L Cockpit Air Bag System (CABS) limited Developmental Test
Assigned to Aviation Applied Technology Directorate [AATD] , Fort Rucker, AL Oct99
In-flight inadvertent deployment tests were conducted on 18-20 October 1999 at the US Army
Cairns Army Airfield, Ft. Rucker, AL
23984 (MSN 70821)
23987 (MSN 70824, E Co, 228th Avn) crashed Sep 30, 1989.
23995 (MSN 70832) converted to UH-60L
23997 converted to MH-60A
23999 to Jordan
24003 converted to UH-60L with more powerful engines and improved transmission. To Indiana NG in 2010.
24016 to Indiana NG. Damaged by lightning strike Jul 20, 2008 at Shelbyville, IN. Repaired and returned to service.
85-24387 ... 85-24464
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
24394 (MSN 70870) 24394 for sale by GSA Auctions at Madison County Exec Arpt, Meridianville, AL,
Jul 7, 2014. Reserve not met. Re-advertised Oct 1, 2014. Reserve not met
24406 (57th Medical Company) w/o May 27, 2002.
24410 (MSN 70888) in service with the Aviation Company, 1st Support Battalion Task Force Sinai
24416 to be converted to UH-60L
24421 flying with Arizona National Guard
24422 (MSN 70901) Assigned to USAREUR, Germany
Stored at Wiesbaden, Germany. Returned to USA Nov14
Assigned to 1st Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment
Noted at Cairns AAF, Fort Rucker, AL [Apr15]
24426 (MSN 70905)
24431 (C Company 2-4th AVN) damaged Jul 21, 1999
24432 (MSN 70914) rebuilt as UH-60M 02-26976
24440 (MSN 70926) for sale by GSA at Huntsville, Alabama Mar 16, 2015
24441 (MSN 70930) for sale by GSA Auctions at Huntsville, Alabama Dec 17, 2014, for sale again Jul 29, 2015.
To N244AA with Aircraft Investment Holdings Llc, Enterprise, Alabama on December 10, 2015
24452 (MSN 70943) Assigned to B Company, 1st Battalion, 131st Aviation Regiment
24462 (101st Avn) crashed near Fort Campbell Mar 8, 1988 after
colliding with UH-60A 87-24606. Total of 17 personnel killed.
85-24465 ... 85-24482
Sikorsky EH-60A
24465 (MSN 70999)
24480 modified to EH-60C
24481 converted to UH-60A, then to UH-60L. To Indiana NG in 2010.
86-24483 ... 86-24560
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
24488 (571st Med Coy) shot down by SAM 4 mi S of Fallujah,
Iraq Jan 8, 2004. All 9 onboard killed. AFM 4/2007
24499 with Indiana NG 2007. Had hard landing in Layfayette
24503 (MSN 70.998, 4-6th Cav, D Troop) w/o Sep 16, 1987.
24506 (MSN 701003) Assigned to A Company, 1st Battalion, 169th Aviation Regiment
Assigned to 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment
Possibly converted to HH-60L
24507 (571st Med Co) crashed into river Tigris, Iraq May 9, 2003.
24514 (MSN 701013) modified to EH-60A.
24520 surplus Jul 14, 2015. For sale by GSA Auctions at Huntsville, AL Jul 29, 2015. Regd N160AX Unical Defense,
Los Angeles, CA, Dec 16 2015
24524 to be converted to UH-60L
24535 (82nd Med Coy) crashed into lake near Rubtah, Iraq Aug 8, 2006 after
encountering technical problems during area familiarizaton flight.
2 killed, 4 injured.
24539 (MSN 701045)
24542 (101st Avn) w/o Sept 29, 1990.
24543 converted to JUH-60A
24546 (MSN 70.1060, 326th Med Co) crashed in Iraq Mar 12, 1991. Four crew killed, also two Iraqi patients.
24548, 24558 to US Customs
24549 (1-227th Avn) crashed Jul 22, 1989.
24550 (MSN 701066)
24551 (MSN 701068)
24552 (MSN 701070) Assigned to USAREUR, Germany
Stored at Wiesbaden, Germany. Returned to USA Nov14
Assigned to 1st Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment
Noted at Cairns AAF, Fort Rucker, AL [Apr15]
24560 converted to YUH-60Q
24561/24574 modified to EH-60H
24561 (MSN 701080) w/o Mar 10, 2007 at Skelly, AL
24564 (MSN 701094)
24560 modified to YUH-60Q
87-24579 ... 87-24656
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
24658, 24659, 24661/24669, 24671/24673 modified to EH-60A.
24660, 24670 modified to EH-60C
24579 (A Coy/1-244th Avn) forcelanded in southern Iraq Sep 21, 2004. Named "Miss Understood" in 2002 when
serving with 5th Vattalion 158th Aviation Regiment in Germany.
24583 (MSN 701088) Assigned to SHAPE Flight Detachment, Chièvres, Belgium
Assigned to 52nd Aviation Regiment
24584 (MSN 701090) Assigned to SHAPE Flight Detachment, Chièvres, Belgium
Assigned to 52nd Aviation Regiment
24586 (1-228th Avn) crashed into mountain near Lake Yojoa, Honduras during training exercise
Dec 11, 2002. All 5 onboard killed.
24588 (MSN 701096)
24595 (MSN 701106) Assigned to 1st Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment
24596 damaged Jun 24, 2001 in hard landing while conducting a simulated
engine failure landing in dusty conditions.
24602 returned to INARNG in 2008
24606 (MSN 701124) Assigned to 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment
Possibly converted to HH-60L
(101st Avn) crashed near Fort Campbell Mar 8, 1988 after
colliding with UH-60A 85-24462. Total of 17 personnel killed.
24610 (MSN 701131) for sale by GSA Auctions at Huntsville, AL Jun 11, 2015. To N596ZB with Brown Helicopter Inc,
Pensacola, Florida on September 24, 2015.
24621 (MSN 701149) (B Coy/5-158th Avn) while in clamshell hangar at Aviano AB, Italy was
struck by high winds Jun 29, 2006 that destroyed the hangar and tipped
helo over, wrecking rotor system and breaking off the tail boom.
Has been removed to Coleman Barracs, Germany for probable repair. (B Coy/5-158th Avn)
crashed at Viernheim, Germany Feb 3, 2010. 3 killed.
24624 (571st Med Co) crashed in Kuwait Apr 6, 2003.
24629 (MSN 701159)
24631 returned to Indiana ARNG in 2008
24641 (MSN 701177) to US Customs Mar 1993.
24642 modified into CINC aircraft with weather radar and satcom communications.
24643 (MSN 701180)
24645 (MSN 701184) Assigned to USAREUR, Germany
Stored at Wiesbaden, Germany. Returned to USA Nov14
Assigned to 1st Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment
Noted at Cairns AAF, Fort Rucker, AL [Apr15]
24647 (MSN 701187)
24648 (MSN 701188) to US Customs Mar 1993. Returned to US Army Apr 2006. Returned to Indiana ARNG in 2008
24653 converted to UH-60L
89-26123 ... 89-26173
Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk
26149,26154 modified as UH-60L
26123 to Multinational Force and Observers Air Wing which patrols Israel/Egypt
26126 w/o July 1994, circumstances unknown.
26131 to Multinational Force and Observers Air Wing which patrols Israel/Egypt
26132 (MSN 701358)
26141 (A Company 1-228th AVN) damaged Nov 15, 1998
26142 (MSN 701370)
26144 w/o Jan 10, 1990, circumstances unknown.
26147 (IL ArNG/B/1-106th AVN) damaged when struck ground in Iraq
Aug 24, 2004 after the low rotor RPM warning sounded.
26149 converted to UH-60L, converted to JUH-60L
26169 (1-140th AVN CA ArNG) damaged by tornado in Iraq May 24, 2005.
89-26179 ... 89-26193
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26184, 26189 modified as MH-60L
26179 (MH-60L, A Coy/1-160th SOAR(A)) crashed during tactical landing
at Military Operations Urban Terrain site, Fort Campbell, KY
Jul 30, 2003 after rotor struck communications truck. AFM 12/2005
26185 (MH-60L, 160th SOAR) crashed on Shomali Pains in Afghanistan Jan 30, 2003 during routine
night training sortie. All four crew killed.
28186 converted to MH-60L
26188 converted to MH-60L. (160th SOAR) shot down by RPG Dec 3, 1993, Mogadishu, Somalia.
3 KIA, one captured.
26192 (C Company 2/82nd AVN) damaged May 8, 2002.
89-26194 ... 89-26194
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
converted to MH-60K
89-26195 ... 89-26212
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
All to USAF as HH/MH-60G Pavehawk
26195 (HH-60G, MSN 701413) noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003
26196 (HH-60G, MSN 701415) noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003
26197 (MSN 701420) modified as MH-60L. Noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003, so presumably
has been reconverted from MH-60L
26198 (HH-60G MSN 701421) noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003
26199 (HH-60G MSN 701422) noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003
26200 (HH-60G MSN 701423) noted with 55th RQS Nov 2003
26201 (MSN 701424, HH-60G, 939th Rescue Wing, 304th RQS) crashed on Mt Hood, Oregon May 30, 2002 while attempting
rescue of climbers. 1 of 6 crewmembers injured. Has
been repaired and now with 55th RQS (AFM 3/2007)
26207 (MSN 701435)
89-26213 ... 89-26217
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26214 w/o Feb 2, 1991, Desert Storm, circumstances unknown.
26215 crashed Feb 20, 1991. AFM magazine says this helo went
missing in bad weather in trainign flight with P Troop/4/2nd ACR from Fort Bragg,
NC Apr 26, 2004. Wreckage found in swamp near Florence the
next day. All 3 crew killed.
26217 rebuilt as UH-60M 02-26977
90-26218 ... 90-26221
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
90-26222 ... 90-26239
Sikorksky UH-60L Black Hawk
All to USAF as HH/MH-60G
96224, 26226 and 26228 noted as HH-60G at Davis Monthan AFB Mar 5, 2004
26232 (HH-60G) with 301st RQS, 920th RGp, Patrick AFB, FL
90-26240 ... 90-26308
Sikorksky UH-60L Black Hawk
26240 to Bahrain as BAF-900
26248 converted to MH-60L
26251 converted to MH-60L DAP. Lost Feb 21, 1991 in Saudi Arabia. While returning to a medical facility, the A/C encountered a
sandstorm and the pilots lost visual reference with the ground - 3/160th SOAR, 7 killed
26253 (3-25th Avn) struck by RPG over Mogadishu, Somalia Oct 3, 1993. Able to return to base
where it crash-landed
26256 (MSN 70.1484, H & H Troop 4-3rd ACR) crashed on training exercise at Fort Irwin, CA Aug 29,
2002. Four crewmen not seriously injured.
26258 converted to MH-60L
26267 (B Coy/2-10th AV) severely damaged Nov 6, 2006 when taxied into shipping
container at Kabul, Afghanistan. All four main rotor blades wrecked
and further damage caused by flying debris. Believed repairable.
26273 (B Company/2-10th AVN) crashed into wooded area on western edge of Fort Drum, NY
Mar 11, 2003. 11 out of 13 occupants killed, 2 survivors seriously injured.
Pilot error was reportedly responsible. AFM 1/2006
26274 (C Company 2-10th AVN) damaged Nov 26, 1996.
26276 converted to MH-60L. (D Company 1-160th SOAR(A)) damaged Jun 5, 2000
26284 (4/3rd ACR) w/o 2/1/1998.
26285 converted to MH-60L
26286 converted to MH-60L
26287 (MSN 701519) converted to MH-60L. Named "Night Express" with 1670th Special Operations Aviation Regiment in
Feb 1994.
26288 (MSN 701520) converted to MH-60L. Was known as "Super 68" from the Battle of Mogadishu, Blackhawk
Down. On display in October 2013 at the US Army Aviation Museum, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
26289 converted to MH-60L
26290 converted to MH-60L
26293 converted to MH-60L
26305 (C Company 2-82nd AVN) crashed July 8, 1997
90-26309 ... 90-26312
Sikorksky UH-60L Black Hawk
all to USAF as HH/MH-60G
26311 (MSN 701541)
90-26313 ... 90-26318
Sikorksky UH-60L Black Hawk
91-26318 ... 91-26351
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26318 (MSN 701605)
26319 (MSN 701615)
26320 (MSN 701616)
26321 (MSN 701617) of 36th Combat Aviation Brigade of Texas ANG crashed during takeoff
from Duncan Field, TX A&M University campus Jan 12, 2009 while putting on a
demonstration for the Corps of Cadets. Tail rotor
failure sent aircraft spinning to ground, where cockpit area detached.
One crew member killed, 3 injured (one of whom subsequently died), one
student on the ground injured by flying debris.
26322 (MSN 701618)
26323 (MSN 701621)
26350 modified to MH-60L
26324 (MSN 701622, MH-60L) shot down by RPG in Mogadishu, Somalia Oct 4, 1993.
2 KIA, other 2 crew and 4 passengers (members of Delta Force) injured, one
of whom died.
26325 (MSN 701623)
26326 (MSN 701624)
26327 (MSN 701625)
26328 (MSN 701626)
26329 (MSN 701627)
26330 (MSN 701628)
26331 (MSN 701629)
26332 (MSN 701630)
26333 (MSN 701631)
26334 (MSN 701632)
26335 (MSN 701633)
26336 (MSN 701634)
26337 (MSN 701635)
26338 (MSN 701636)
26339 (MSN 701637)
26340 (MSN 701638)
26341 (MSN 701639)
26342 (MSN 701640)
26343 (MSN 701644)
26344 (MSN 701645)
26345 (MSN 701646)
26346 (MSN 701647, B Coy/1-207th Avn) crashed at night in severe weather
7.5 mi E of Tal Afar, Iraq Jan 7, 2006. All occupants
(8 US military personnel and 4 US civilians) killed. AFM 4/2007
26347 (MSN 701648)
26348 (MSN 701649)
26349 (MSN 701650)
26350 (MSN 701651) modified to MH-60L
26351 (MSN 701652)
91-26352 ... 91-26359
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
All to USAF as HH/MH-60G Pavehawk
26352 (MSN 701653)
26353 (MSN 701654) is HH-60G.
26354 (MSN 701656)
26355 (MSN 701658, AK ANG, 210th RQS) w/o Sep 1993.
26356 (MSN 701719)
26359 (66th RQS) collided with 88-26105 Sept 4, 1998
at night on Nellis range.
91-26360 ... 91-26392
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26360, 26361, 26363, 26364, 26365, 26366, 26367 modified to MH-60L
26360 (MSN 701657, 1-160th SOAR) badly damaged in Somalia Oct 3, 1993, repaired.
26362 w/o Jul 1994, circumstances unknown. Subsequently became instructional airframe at Ft Campbell, KY.
26364 (MSN 701726) converted to MH-60L DAP. Named "Southern Comfort" with 160th Special Opeerations Aviation Regiment
if Feb 1994.
26367 (MSN 701732) converted to MH-60L
26368 (MSN 701773) converted to MH-60K. Badly damaged in Somalia Oct 3, 1993, repaired.
26369 (MSN 701774) converted to MH-60K
26370 (MSN 701775) converted to MH-60K
26371 (MSN 701776) converted to MH-60K
26372 (MSN 701777) converted to MH-60K
26373 (MSN 701778, converted to MH-60K, D Company 1-160th SOAR) heavily damaged Dec 4, 1996. Has been repaired.
26374 (C Company 1-160th SOAR(A)) w/o Oct 19, 2001.
26375 (MSN 701780) converted to MH-60K
26376 (MSN 701781) converted to MH-60K
26377 (MSN 701782) converted to MH-60K
26378 (MSN 701783) converted to MH-60K
26379 (MSN 701810) converted to MH-60K
26380 (MSN 701811, converted to MH-60K, D Company 1-160th SOAR(A)) damaged Jun 18, 2001 in hard landing in
brown-out conditions. Repaired.
26381 (MSN 701812) converted to MH-60K
26382 (MSN 701813) converted to MH-60K
26383 (MSN 701814) converted to MH-60K
26384 (MSN 701815) converted to MH-60K
26385 (MSN 701816) converted to MH-60K
26386 (MSN 701817) converted to MH-60K
26387 (MSN 701818) converted to MH-60K
26388 (MSN 701819 converted to MH-60K, D Company 1-160th SOAR(A)) w/o Aug 4, 1999. Now at National UDT/SEAL Museum in
Florida. A lot of where it has been is still classified, but it was used on a rescue mission in Somalia. Officially
belongs to NMNA and is on loan.
26389 (MSN 701820) converted to MH-60K
26390 (MSN 701641)
26391 (MSN 701642)
26392 (MSN 701643)
92-26408 ... 92-26459
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26408, 26410, 26419 mod to MH-60L
26410 modified to MH-60L
26411 (MSN 701751)
26413 modified to MH-60L. 26413 (5-101st Avn) written off at Tikrit, Iraq Nov 7, 2003.
Serial number 92-26431 also quoted.
26414 modified to MH-60L
26416 modified to MH-60L
26417 modified to MH-60L
26418 modified to MH-60L
26419 modified to MH-60L
26421 (MSN 701771)
26422 (D Coy/4-16th ACR) w/o Dec 21, 2006.
26422 (R Co/4-6th Cav) struck tree and crashed on Mount Peak, WA Dec 21, 2006 during night vision
goggle training mission. All 3 onboard killed.
26423 (MSN 701879)
26424 (MSN 701881, A Coy/2-149th Avn) crashed Feb 9, 2000 during brownout conditions on takeoff.
5 occupants injured. Helo destroyed, reports of its subsequent activity
are incorrect.
26429 (MSN 701880)
26434 (A Company 1-82nd AVN) damaged Oct 2, 1997. Repaired and returned to service.
26450 crashed Oct 14, 1993. Eventually repaired.
26455 (A Co/4-101th Avn) suffered Class A (repairable) damage at or
near Fort Campbell, Kentucky when it impacted the ground during
an autorotation demonstration Aug 16, 2005. Significant damage. AFM Apr 2006
26457 (A Company, 5-101st AVN) crashed Apr 22, 1999.
26459 (H&H Company/2-10th AVN) damaged May 4, 1998. Repaired and put back in service.
93-26460 ... 93-26466
Sikorsky UH-60L Pave Hawk
93-26470 ... 93-26488
Sikorsky UH-60L Pave Hawk
26489, 26490 to MH-60L
26486 (MSN 701994)
26487 (9-101st Avn) crashed after midair collision with UH-60L 94-26536 at Fort Campbell, Kentucky Jun 18, 1996.
Six crew killed on the two helicopters, but some passengers survived.
93-26491 ... 93-26532
Sikorsky UH-60L Pavehawk
26498 (MSN 702252)
26513 (MSN 702000)
26514 (4-1091st AVN) made hard landing in Iraq Jan 1, 2004
26517 (B/5--101 Avn Regt) crashed in northwestern Zabul Province, Afghanistan Sep 21, 2010.
26528 (4-101st Avn) damaged on taxiway at Bagram airfield, Afghanistan Jul 28, 2002.
26522 (B Co/4-101st Avn) crashed in Iraq Apr 6, 2003
94-26533 ... 94-26595
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26547/26562 to MH-60L
26531 (A Coy, 4-101st Avn) collided with UH-60L 94-26548
and crashed in Borsa district of Mosul, Iraw
Nov 15, 2005. One helo may have been struck by a RPG
and while climing to escape further fire struck the
other one. Total of 17 occupants on both helos killed
and 5 injured. AFM 4/2007
26536 (9-101st Avn) crashed after midair collison with UH-60L 93-26487 at Fort Campbell, Kenducky Jun 18, 1996.
3 crew killed.
26543 assigned to 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviatin Regiment. Assigned to 1st Battalion, 212th Aviation Regiment.
26548 (9-101st Avn) collided with UH-60L 93-26534
and crashed in Borsa district of Mosul, Iraq
Nov 15, 2005. One helo may have been struck by a RPG
and while climing to escape further fire struck the
other one. Total of 17 occupants on both helos killed
and 5 injured. AFM 4/2007. May be in FY 93.
26551 assigned to 5th Battalion, 159th Aviation Regiment.
26552/26590 MSN 702072/702110
26562 (2-3rd AVN) crashed July 6, 1998.
26560 (C Coy/4-101st AV) struck power line and crashed mear Skyline, AL whil
on training flight from Fort Campbell, KY Sep 11, 2007. All 3 onboard
26564 (A Company 2-227th AVN) crashed at Fort Irwin 1/16/2001 while carrying Humvee. 5 crew injured.
26580 MSN 702100
26583 MSN 702103
26584 MSN 702104. Assigned to A Company 2-25th AVN. Crashed Aug 16, 2012.
26585 MSN 702105
26587 MSN 702107
26590 MSN 702110
95-26596 ... 95-26663
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26619, 26620, 26622/26627,26634 to MH-60L
26597 (B Co/2-82nd Avn) crashed into trees 50 mi W of Richmond, VA Oct 27, 2004
during low-level training flight using night vision goggles. All four
crew members injured, one critically.
26598 (1-159th AVN) crashed Jan 31, 1998.
26602 (MSN 702119)
26603 (MSN 702120)
26604 (MSN 702121)
26605 (MSN 702122)
26606 (MSN 702123)
26607 (MSN 702124)
26608 (MSN 702125)
26609 (MSN 702126)
26620 (MSN 702141) from Indiana NG to New York NG.
26621 (MSN 702142)
26622 (MSN 702143, B Coy/2-2nd Avn) landed hard in Dam Site Training Area at Camp
Stanley Uijongbu, South Korea Oct 15, 2004 while practicing dust
landings and main rotor blades struck the tail cone from which the
pylon detached.
26623 (MSN 702144)
26624 MSN 702145
26627/26655 MSN 702152/2180
26629 assigned to 4th Battalion, 3rd Aviation Regiment
26648 (MSN 702173, B/3-158 AHB) crashed near Al-Mahzam area Camp Speicher outside Tikrit, Iraq Apr 17, 2010. 1 killed.
26649 MSN 702174
26653 (MSN 702178) (A Coy/3-158th Avn) struck by RPG while flying
near Tikrit, Iraq Oct 25, 2003. Made successful forced landing
but then hit by further fire and subsequently burnt out.
All 5 occupants injured but were rescued by accompanying H-60. AFM 5/2007.
26656 (MSN 702147)
26657 (MSN 702184)
26658 (MSN 702149)
96-26664 ... 96-26728
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
26667 MSN 702189
26668 MSN 702190
26669 MSN 702191
26670 MSN 702192
26672 MSN 702195
26673 to YCH-60 (prototype CH-60S). TO US Navy as 966673. SOC Dec 18, 2000.
26674 MSN 702198
26675 MSN 702199
26676 MSN 702200
26677 MSN 702202
26678 MSN 702203
26679 MSN 702211
26680 MSN 702206
26681 MSN 702208
26682 MSN 702209
26683 MSN 702210
26684 MSN 702219. Named "Penetrator" in 2002 when serving with 3rd Battalion 158th Aviation Regiment in Germany.
26685 MSN 702214
26686 MSN 702215
26687 MSN 702216
26688 MSN 702217
26689 MSN 702221
26690 MSN 702222
26691 MSN 702224
26692 MSN 702225
26695 (2-25th AVN) damaged in Afghanistan Sep 6, 2004.
26696 assigned to 25th Aviation Regiment, assigned to A Company, 78th Aviation Regiment
26699 (B Co/2nd Squadron-25th Aviation Regiment) crashed in Gurbuz district of Afghanistan
Aug 12, 2004 due to mechanical failure (chocks lodged in
the collective during maneuvering flight). One of 4 crew
killed, 12 of 14 passengers injured. (AFM 11/2005). Was it repaired and assigned
to A Company, 78th Aviatin Regiment?
26718 MSN 702384
26719 MSN 702306
26724 MSN 702204
26725 MSN 702205
26709 and 26710 (both 2-25th AVN) collided over Hawaii Feb 12, 2001 during training exercise in bad
weather, both crashed. All 6 crew on the trailing helicopter killed. All 11 in the lead
helicopter were injured
26713 (B Co/3-25) had hard landing in Iraq in 2007. Eventually scrapped.
26728 MSN 702220
96-26729 ... 96-26740
Sikorsky S-70A Black Hawk
26729/26730 to Egypt
26731/26737 to Colombia
26733 with Columbian army UH-60L, crashed Oct 19, 2000.
97-26738 ... 97-26743
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 20 Black Hawk
26738 MSN 702408
26739 MSN 702409
26741 MSN 702415
26742 MSN 702421
26743 MSN 702422
97-26744 ... 97-26767
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 21 Black Hawk
26744 MSN 702403.
26746 MSN 702400
26747 MSN 702401
26749 MSN 702395
26750 MSN 702404
26752 MSN 702407
26753 MSN 702411
26755 MSN 702414
26756 (A Company 2-2nd AVN) w/o Jun 30, 1998.
26757 MSN 702418
26758 MSN 702420
26759 MSN 702425
26760 MSN 702426
26761 MSN 702428
26762 MSN 702430
26763 MSN 702431
26764 MSN 702432. (2-501st Avn) Crashed in Iraq Sep 2, 2003 while attempting
to land in brownout conditions. Aircraft impacted ground and came
to rest inverted. One soldier was killed.
26765 MSN 702433
26766 MSN 702434
26767 MSN 702436
98-26795 ... 98-26828
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 22 Black Hawk
26796 MSN 702450
26797 MSN 702454
26798 MSN 702459
26799 MSN 702461
26800 MSN 702556
26801 MSN 702463
26802 MSN 702458
26803 MSN 702467
26804 MSN 702469
26806 MSN 702472
26808 MSN 702494
26809 MSN 702500
26813 MSN 702464
26814 MSN 702465
26815 MSN 702539
26816 MSN 702468
26818 to HH-60L
26820 MSN 702478
26821 MSN 702485. To HH-60L
26822 MSN 702486. To HH-60L
26823 MSN 702487
26824 MSN 702489
26825 MSN 702492. To 4-227th AVN
26826 MSN 702495
26827 (A Co/2-4th Avn) struck stabilizing cables of transmission tower while
flying in thick fog 30 mi NE of Fort Hood, TX Nov 29, 2005, crashed and
caught fire. All 7 aboard killed.
26828 MSN 702497
99-26829 ... 99-26846
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 23 Black Hawk
26834/26840, 26842/26845 MSN 702541, 702543, 702490, 702545, 702548,
702552, 702553, 702542, 702544, 702483, 702547
00-26847 ... 00-26851
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 23 Black Hawk
26847, 26849/26851 MSN 702560, 702498, 702504/702505
00-26857 ... 00-26870
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 24 Black Hawk
01-26878 ... 01-26893
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 25 Black Hawk
26881 from Indiana NG to New York NG.
26884 MSN 702670
26885 MSN 702677
26886 MSN 702679
26889 MSN 702686
26890 MSN 702688
26891 noted with 1-244th Avn Louisiana Army National Guard at Alexandria, Louisiana Mar 3, 2015.
26893 from Indiana NG to New York NG.
02-26954 ... 02-26963
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 26 Black Hawk
02-26966 ... 02-26968
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 26 Black Hawk
02-26970 ... 02-26975
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 26 Black Hawk
03-26979 ... 03-26986
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 27 Black Hawk
26986 (MSN 702820)
03-26991 ... 03-26994
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 27 Black Hawk
26992 MSN 702784 noted Oct 2003 as UH-60M with 1-244th Avn
26993 (B/1-150th AVN, Delaware Army NG) damaged by tornado in Iraq
May 24, 2005.
26994 noted Nov 2003 as UH-60M with 1/244th Avn.
04-27006 ... 04-27018
Sikorsky UH-60L Lot 28 Black Hawk
05-27023 ... 05-27034
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27023 to Colombian Army as EJC-178
27024 to Colombian Army as EJC-179
27025 (MSN 70.28790 to Royal Thai Army
27026 to Thai Army
27029/27034 to Jordanian AF
05-27039 ... 05-27068
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27039 to AMARC Apr 10, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27040 to AMARC Dec 3, 2012. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27044 (MSN 702859) noted with 1-244th Avn Louisian Army National Guard at Alexandria, Louisian Feb 10, 2015
27045 to AMARC May 2, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27048 to AMARC Mar 26, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27051 to AMARC Apr 24, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27056 to AMARC Mar 19, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27064 to AMARC Apr 5, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27065 to AMARC Jan 18, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27066 to AMARC Apr 12, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
27068 to AMARC Jan 30, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF.
05-27023 ... 05-27034
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27023 and 27024 noted in Colombian Army markings at Lowe AHP,
Fort Rucker Mar 8, 2005.
27025/27026 to Royal Thai Army
27027/27028 to Jordanian Special Operations Aviation Brigade with
Jordanian serials SO-3001/2
27031/27034 to Jordanian Special Operations Aviation Brigade with serials SO-3005/SO-3008
06-27024 ... 06-27024
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
06-27069 ... 06-27108
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27073 (MSN 702882) to Brazilian AF as 8901
27074 (MSN 702885) to Brazilian AF as 8902
27075 to AMARC Apr 3, 2013. Will be converted to HH-60G for USAF
27077 With D Coy/4-6th Cav suffered tail rotor problem and crashed in northern
Iraq Aug 22, 2007. All 14 onboard killed.
27099 (MSN 702887) to Colombian Army as EJC2181
27103 to Colombian Army as EJC-185 then to EJC-2185
27104 (MSN 702931) to Colombian Army as EJC-186, then to EJC-2186
06-27116 ... 06-27118
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27116 (MSN 703373) to Brazilian AF as 8903.
27117 (MSN 702971) to Brazilian AF as 8904.
27118 (MSN 703011) to Brazilian AF as 8905.
07-27135 ... 07-27135
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27135 (MSN 703160) to Colombian AF as EJC-141, then EJC-2141.
07-27198 ... 07-27199
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27198 to Brazilian AF as 8909.
27199 (MSN 703370) to Brazilian AF as 8910.
08-27180 ... 08-27180
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
for Royal Saudi Land Forces
11-27242 ... 11-27242
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
MSN 703887. To Colombian National Police as PNC-0608. Crashed Aug 4, 2015.
11-27244 ... 11-27245
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
27244 MSN 703909. To National Police of Colombia as PNC-0610
27245 MSN 703920. To Colombian Army as EJC2188
11-27329 ... 11-27329
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
11-27242 ... 11-27242
Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
MSN 70-3887. As PNC-0608 in service with Policia Nacional de Colombia at Guaymaral Jul 2013.
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