USAF Serial Number Search Results
Serial Number Criteria:
Description Criteria: B-25
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
37-51 ... 37-51
Douglas DB-1
MSN 1353. Delivered to Wright Field Aug 1935. Returned to Douglas for modification to B-18
production standard. Returned to USAAC 28Feb37. Displayed at Bolling Field Exhibition 19Jan40
In Aug 1939 the aircraft was modified to test the feasibility of firing a large cannon from aircraft. A forward-firing 75mm
was mounted in a fixed position in the bomb bay and the nose was cut down to accommodate the muzzle for initial tests
over Lake Erie and at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Phillips Field, MD. Vibration during firing proved excessive, and the
experiments were discontinued. However, data gathered were of value in developing the cannon-firing versions of the
North American B-25G/H.
40-2165 ... 40-2188
North American B-25 Mitchell
MSN 62-2834/62-2857
2165 later modified as company transport. W/o Jan 8, 1945 at Mines Field, CA
2167 damaged Sep 27, 1941 in taxi accident at Wright Field, Ohio
2168 (MSN 62-2837) modified as General Arnold's personal
transport. later operated by Hughes as N75831. Sold to
owner in Mexico in 1962, when it became XB-GOG. Returned
to USA in 1969.
Still airworthy as N2825B by AMPHA as 'Miss Hap'. Located at American Airpower
Museum, Long Island, NY.
2169 (17th BG, 34th BS)
2171 W/o 16 Mar 1942 at Westover Field, MA
2172 W/o Sep 25, 1941 at Jackson AAB, MS
2173 W/o May 23, 1942 at McChord Field, WA
2174 (17th BG, 95th BS) W/o Oct 28, 1942 at Colorado Springs, CO
2175 W/o Apr 3, 1941 at McClellan Field, CA
2176 W/o Apr 9, 1942 at El Paso, TX
2178 W/o Jan 31, 1942 at Mitchell Field, NY
2179 W/o Sep 27, 1941 at Jackson AAB, MS
2180 assigned to 17th BG, 34th BS. Either damaged or destroyed in
accident Mar 31, 1943.
2181 W/o Jul 6, 1941 at Felts Field, WA
2183 W/o Aug 10, 1942 at Colorado Springs, CO
2185 damaged Jun 7, 1943 in taxi accident at Knolwood Field, NC
2186 damaged Jun 6, 1941 in fire at Olympia, Washington.
2187 W/o Jul 8, 1942 at Colorado Springs, CO
40-2189 ... 40-2228
North American B-25A Mitchell
MSN 62A-2858/62A-2897
2191 W/o Jun 7, 1942 at Margate City, NJ
2193 crashed in West Greenwich, RI Apr 3, 1942, killing all 5 onboard.
2194 damaged Jul 7, 1941 in taxi accident at Memphis, TN
2195 damaged Jul 29, 1941 in landing at Patterson Field, Ohio
2197 W/o Feb 27, 1942 at Morrison Field, FL
2198 W/o Jun 21, 1942 at Hillsgrove Field, RI
2199 crashed Jan 1, 1942 shortly after takeoff into sand pit
at New Hyde Park, NY. No survivors.
2200 W/o Jul 6, 1942 at Amagansett, NY
2203 W/o Sep 15, 1942 at Eglin Field, FL
2205 W/o May 7, 1942 at Esler Field, LA
2206 W/o Sep 7, 1943 at Peterson AAF, CO
2208 W/o Mar 11, 1942 at Hope, TX
2212 W/o Dec 31, 1941 at Portland AAB, OR
2213 damaged Jan 23, 1943 in landing at Portland AAB, Oregon
2214 W/o May 12, 1943 at Vinegar Bend, AL
2216 W/o Feb 24, 1943 at Drew Field, FL
2217 W/o Jul 20, 1942 at Vasilia, CA
2218 W/o Jul 18, 1941 at Lindbergh Field, CA
2219 W/o Jan 13, 1943 at Madison AAF, IN
2220 W/o Dec 3, 1941 at Maxwell Field, AL
2221 W/o Aug 6, 1941 at Felts Field, WA
2222 W/o Mar 26, 1942 at Esler Field, LA
2223 W/o Jul 25, 1941 at Geiger Field, WA
2225 W/o Sep 15, 1941 at Houston, TX
2226 W/o Mar 29, 1943 at Grenier Field, NH
40-2229 ... 40-2348
North American B-25B Mitchell
MSN 62B-2898/62B-3017
2230 damaged May 19, 1942 in landing at Westover Field, Massachusetts.
2231 crashed into Lake Apopka, FL Jan 18, 1942. 4 crew killed.
2232 (MSN 62B-2901) W/o Sep 10, 1941 at Jackson AAB, MS
2233 (MSN 62B-2902) W/o Nov 1, 1941 at Mt Cory, OH
2234 (MSN 62B-2903) W/o Apr 4, 1942 at Langley Field, VA
2235 (MSN 62B-2904) W/o Apr 3, 1943 at Ft Dix, NJ
2236 (MSN 62B-2905) Lend-Lease to USSR
2237 (MSN 62B-2906) Lend-Lease to USSR
2239 (MSN 62B-2908) W/o Sep 13, 1942 at Columbia AAB, SC
2241 (MSN 62B-2910) W/o Nov 21, 1942 at Greenville AAB, SC
2242 (17th BG, 95th BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 8th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Mixed crew from 37th BS, 89th Recon Squadron. Bombed Tokyo, landed 40 mi
N of Vladivostok Apr 18, 1942. Crew interned for 13 months, aircraft kept
by USSR, scrapped in 1950s.
2243 (MSN 62B-2912) destroyed Sep 13, 1941 at Ellington Field, Texas before delivery so it was
deleted from the order.
2244 (MSN 62B-2913) W/o Mar 19, 1942 at Miami, FL
2245 to Brazil
2247 (17th BG, 37th BS, "The Avenger") was Doolittle raider. Was 13th aircraft launched
from USS Hornet, bombed Yokosuka Naval Yard, ran out of fuel, crew
bailed out near Poyang Lake North of Nanchang, China Apr 18, 1942
2249 (17th BG, 89th RS, 432nd BS, "Hari Carrier") was Doolittle raider, mixed 34th BS
crew. Was 11th aircraft launched from USS Hornet, bombed Yokohama,
ran out of fuel, crew bailed out 40 mi NE of Chuchow Apr 18, 1942
2250 (17th BG, 89th RS (432nd BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 10th aircraft
launched from USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, crew bailed
out 30 mi N of Chuchow Apr 18, 1942.
2251 damaged Oct 16, 1941 in landing at Patterson Field, Ohio
2253 (MSN 62B-2922) W/o Feb 3, 1942 at Pendleton Field, OR
2254 (MSN 62B-2923) W/o Mar 10, 1942 at Ellington Field, TX
2255 to Brazil
2256 (MSN 62B-2925) Lend-Lease to USSR
2257 (MSN 62B-2926) Lend-Lease to USSR
2259 (MSN 62B-2928) W/o Nov 6, 1941 at Daniel Field, GA
2260 (MSN 62B-2929) Lend-Lease to USSR
2261 (17th BG, 95th BS, "Ruptured Duck") was Doolittle raider. Was 7th aircraft
launched from USS Hornet, bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel and ditched on
coast near Shangchow Apr 18, 1942.
2262 (MSN 62B-2931) W/o Mar 12, 1942 at Columbus, SC
2263 to Brazil
2264 (MSN 62B-2933) W/o Jan 16, 1943 at Charleston AAB, SC
2266 (MSN 62B-2935) W/o Jan 14, 1943 at Charleston AAB, SC
2267 (17th BG, 89th RS (432nd BS) "TNT") was Doolittle raider. Was 15th aircraft launched
from USS Hornet, bombed Kobe, ran out of fuel, ditched on coast near
Shangchow Apr 18 1942
2268 (17th BG, 34th BS, "The Bat out of Hell") was Doolittle raider. Was 16th aircraft launced
from USS Hornet. Bombed Nagoya, ran out of fuel, crew bailed out S. of Ningpo
Apr 18, 1942. All crew taken POW. Two executed by firing squad Oct 15, 1942.
2269 damaged Jul 10, 1942 in taxi accident at Miami MAP, Florida
2270 (17th BG, 95th BS, "Whiskey Pete") was Doolittle raider. Was 3rd aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, crew bailed out SE of Chuchow Apr 18, 1942.
One crewman killed landing in parachute Apr 18, 1942
2271 (MSN 62B-2940) W/o Jul 8, 1942 at Wilson Mills, NC
2272 damaged Aug 13, 1943 in taxi accident at Palacios, Texas
2274 damaged Feb 18, 1943 in landing at Westover Field, Massachusetts
2276 (MSN 62B-2945) redesignated RB-25B Oct 22, 1942.
(472nd BS, 334th BG) pulled up hard out of dive and wing snapped off Nov 29, 1942. 4 killed.
2278 (17th BG, 37th BS, "Fickle Finger Of Fate") was Doolittle raider. Was 12th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Yokohama, ran out of fuel, crew bailed out
40 mi NE of Chuchow Apr 18, 1942.
2281 (MSN 62B-2950) W/o Dec 24, 1941 at Portland AAB, OR
2282 (17th BG, 95th BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 4th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Target was Tokyo, attacked by 4 fighters, gun turret inoperative,
salvoed bombs, ran out of fuel, crew bailed SE of Shangjao Apr 18, 1942.
2283 (17th BG, 95th BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 5th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, crew bailed out SE of Chuchow
Apr 18, 1942.
2284 (MSN 62B-2953) W/o May 29, 1942 at Lake View, MA
2288 to RAF as FK164. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2289 to RAF as FK167. SOC Aug 23, 1945. Also reported as w/o May 17, 1942 at Columbia AAF, SC.
2291 was damaged Mar 23, 1942 at Eglin AAF on takeoff during training for Doolittle Raid and
did not make the mission.
2292 (17th BG, 37th BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 2nd aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, bellylanded in rice paddy
near Ningpo Apr 18, 1942
2293 damaged Jun 27, 1943 in takeoff accident at William Northern AAF, Tennessee
2295 (MSN 62B-2964) W/o Jun 17, 1942 at Myrtle Beach, SC
2297 (17th BG, 89th RS (432nd BS)) was Doolittle raider. Was 14th aircraft
launched from USS Hornet. Bombed Nagoya, ran out of fuel, crew bailed
out SE of Shangjao Apr 18, 1942
2298 (47th BG, 95th BS, "Green Hornet") was Doolittle raider. Was 6th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel and ditched in Poyang Lake
near Nanchang Apr 18, 1942. 2 crewmen drowned, other three taken POW.
1 executed by firing squad Oct 15, 1942. Another one died in prison
Dec 1, 1943.
2300 (MSN 62B-2969) W/o Sep 2, 1942 at Columbia AAB, SC
2301 (MSN 62B-2970) W/o Nov 1, 1943 at Lake Charles AAF, LA
2303 (17th BG, 34th BS, "Whirling Dervish") was Doolittle raider. Was 9th aircraft launched from
USS Hornet. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, crew bailed out 80 mi S of
Nanchang Apr 18, 1942.
2306 to Brazil
2308 (MSN 62B-2977) W/o Jun 7, 1942 at Florence Field, SC
2309 to Brazil
2310 to Brazil
2313 to RAF as FK163. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2314 to RAF as FK170. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2315 to RAF as FK169. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2316 (MSN 62B-2985) W/o May 25, 1942 at Elmendorf Field, AK; repaired (?); to Brazilian AF
2317 to RAF as FK173. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2319 to RAF as FK171. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2320 to RAF as FK175. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2321 (MSN 62B-2990) W/o May 1, 1942 at Biggs Field, TX
2322 to RAF as FK172. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2323 to RAF as FK174. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2324 (MSN 62B-2993) W/o Dec 22, 1941 at Biggs Field, TX
2325 (MSN 62B-2994) W/o Dec 21, 1941 at Biggs Field, TX
2326 to RAF as FK181. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2327 to RAF as FK180. Damaged beyond repair Oct 15, 1943
2328 to RAF as FK166. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2329 (MSN 62B-2998) W/o Jul 6, 1942 at Orlando AB, FL
2330 to RAF as FK178. Crashed Jan 12, 1943 at Morrison Field, FL prior to delivery to RAF.
2331 to RAF as FK176. Crashed on night training flight Delaport, Bahamas Feb 26, 1943
2332 to RAF as FK179. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2333 (MSN 62B-3002) W/o Mar 16, 1942 at Westover Field, MA
2335 (MSN 62B-3004) W/o Dec 10, 1943 at Bolling Field, DC
2336 to RAF as FK177. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2337 damaged Nov 2, 1942 in forced landint 38 St Airport, Miami, Florida
2338 to RAF as FK168. Retained in Canada
2339 to RAF as FK165. SOC May 29, 1943
2340 to RAF as FK162. SOC May 31, 1943
2341 to RAF as FK161. SOC May 12, 1943
2343 to RAF as FK182. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2344 (17th BG, 34th BS) was Doolittle raider. Was 1st aircraft launched from
USS Hornet, flown by Lt Col James H. Doolittle. Bombed Tokyo, ran out of fuel, crew
bailed out 70 mi N of Chuchow.
2345 to RAF as FK183. SOC Aug 23, 1945
2347 (MSN 62B-3016) fuselage recovered by Ed Maloney ca 1966 from
Hollywood studio. Reported 1989 in storage at Aero Trader, Chino, CA.
41-6722 ... 41-7115
Bell P-39D-BE Airacobra
7068,7073,7075,7094,7097 modified to P-39D-3 recon configuration.
6722 entered flat spin and crashed 3 mi NW of Pigua, OH Apr 26, 1943 and pilot killed
6723 to RAAF as A53-15. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Returned to USA Jan 18, 1944 and surveyed
Feb 1, 1944
6724 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6725 condemned Mar 18, 1942
6726 wrecked in force landing after fuel exhaustion at Cross City AF, FL Dec 17, 1942 and DBR
6727 force landed after fuel exhaustion and wrecked at Midway, FL Aug 18, 1942 and DBR
6728 surveyed Feb 20, 1942
6729 to reclamation at Kelly Field Oct 2, 1945
6730 (MSN 15-69) Conv to P-39D-3-BE; w/o 16 Jun 1943 at Godman Field, KY, surveyed at Godman Field Jun 17, 1943
6731 (MSN 15-70) wrecked in landing Oct 21, 1941 at Selfridge AAF Oct 21, 1941. To New England Aircraft School
6732 condemned Aug 18, 1943
6733 condemned Jun 7, 1943
6734 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6735 returned to USA Jan 27, 1944, surveyed Mar 28, 1944
6736 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6737 returned to USA Apr 4, 1944, surveyed Apr 12, 1944
6738 to RAAF as A53-16. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed in USA Apr 28, 1944
6739 wrecked in landing accident at Sarasota AAF, FL Sep 3, 1942 and DBR. To CL-26
at Lincoln Tech School, MB Sep 24, 1942.
6740 salvaged Mar 23, 1944
6741 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6742 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6743 condemned Mar 25, 1944
6744 surveyed May 8, 1942
6745 surveyed Mar 9, 1942
6746 (MSN 15-85) W/o 13 Jun 1944 at Las Vegas AAF, NV, surveyed Jun 16, 1944
6747 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6748 wrecked in takeoff accident Dec 9, 1941 at Midland, TX Dec 9, 1941 and to CL026 Mar 4, 1942.
6749 pilot bailed out 7.5 mi E of Tifton, GA Nov 16, 1942
6750 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6751 (MSN 15-90) W/o 15 Jun 1942 at Aguacatan, Guatemala, condemned Jan 7, 1944
6752 wrecked in taxi accident at Sarasota AAF, FL Mar 14, 1943
6753 flew into ground during approach to target at Dale Mabry, FL Oct 14, 1942. Pilot killed
6754 wrecked at Greensboro, NC Nov 16, 1941
6755 propeller failure E of Hempstead, NY Sep 2, 1941 and pilot bailed out.
6756 wrecked SW of Key Field, MS Jun 28, 1942. Pilot killed.
6757 condemned Jan 15, 1944
6758 to RAAF as A53-10. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed in USA Mar 28, 1944
6759 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6760 condemned Mar 23, 1944
6761 to CL-26 at Gulfport AAF, MS
6762 surveyed Jun 17, 1944
6763 (MSN 15-102) W/o 18 Aug 1942 at Reykjavik Field, Iceland
6764 (MSN 15-103) W/o 6 Oct 1942 in Iceland, condeMned Jan 18, 1943
6765 to CL-26 at Cross City AAF, FL Oct 20, 1943
6766 to reclamation at Kelly Field Oct 2, 1945
6767 surveyed at Reading AAF, PAMar 28, 1944
6768 wrecked in takeoff accident at Ft Myers FL Feb 23, 1943
6769 returned to USA, surveyed May 21, 1944.
6770 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6771 wrecked after loss of control at 6000 ft 4 mi NW of Quicy, FL Oct 8, 1942
6772 (MSN 15-111) W/o 17 Oct 1943 at College Park, GA, surveyed Oct 18, 1943
6773 to RFC at Ponca City, OK Jan 3, 1945
6774 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 19, 1945
6775 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6776 surveyed at Eagle Pass AAF, TX May 20, 1944
6777 to CL-26 at Chanute Field Jun 20, 1942
6778 (MSN 15-117) W/o 4 May 1943 at Hilo, HI, condemned May 24, 1943
6779 wrecked 12 mi W of Pittsburg, PA Jan 18, 1942. To CL-26 Feb 26, 1942.
6780 to reclamation at Robbins Field Jul 6, 1945.
6781 condemned Sep 20, 1943
6782 (MSN 15-121) W/o 8 Jul 1943 at Brooks Field, TX, surveyed at Brooks Field Jul 11, 1943
6783 condemned Oct 30, 1944
6784 (MSN 15-123) W/o 14 Dec 1941 at Inyokern, CA, surveyed Sep 9, 1942
6785 condemned Oct 3, 1942
6786 to CL-26 Feb 9, 1943
6787 stalled on landing and spun-in at Mitchel Field, NY Nov 14, 1941
6788 crashed into parked PBY-5A at APO-860 Aug 28, 1942. Condemned Sep 8, 1942
6789 wrecked at Drew Field, FL Sep 20, 1942
6790 (MSN 15-129) W/o 26 May 1943 at Berry Field, New Guinea.
6791 to reclamation at Spokane May 21, 1945
6792 (MSN 15-131) W/o 17 Nov 1943 at Matagorda Peninsular, TX, to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 7, 1945
6793 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6794 to CL-26 at Shappard Field, TZX Feb 26, 1942
6795 wrecked 17 mi NW of Dale Mabry AAF, FL Oct 4, 1942
6796 (MSN 15-135) W/o 16 May 1942 at Dale Mabry Field, FL, to CL-26 Jul 29, 1942
6797 to DPC at Bush Field Oct 6, 1945
6798 pilot bailed 1/2 mi E of Matagordo Peninsula, TX Nov 17, 1943
6799 wrecked in wheels-up landing at Key Field, MS Aug 13, 1942. To CL-26 Aug 21, 1942.
6800 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6801 to CL-26 at Windsor-Locks Apr 15,1 945
6802 (MSN 15-141) shot down by Japanese in Papua New Guinea May 12, 1942. To William G. Chapman Air Museum of PNG
1970-72. To Kodoka Track War Museum, Port Moresby, PNG in 1972. Loaned to Museum of Transportation and Technology, Auckland
1975-79. Reportedly owned by N. M. Armstrong of Auckland, New Zealand. Need confirmation.
6803 (MSN 15-142) W/o 25 Jan 1943 at Page Field, FL, condemned Jan 28, 1942
6804 crashed on takeoff Myrtle Beach, SC Nov 19, 1941. Pilot killed.
6805 to RAAF as A53-11. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed in USA Mar 28, 1944.
6806 (MSN 15-145) W/o 30 Jan 1944 at Minden, LA, surveyed Feb 8, 1944
6807 wrecked in swamp near France Field, CZ May 15, 1943
6808 (MSN 15-147) W/o 24 Aug 1942 at Melgerdi Field, Iceland, condemned Sep 8, 1942
6809 wrecked at Palm Springs AAF, CA Nov 17, 1943
6810 to CL-26 at Venice, FLO Oct 15, 1944
6811 (MSN 15-150) wrecked offshore from Myrtle Beach, SC Mar 1, 1943,
6812 to CL-26 at Dale Mabry Mar 20, 1943
6813 (MSN 15-152) W/o 21 Nov 1943 in New Guinea, condemned Nov 22, 1943
6814 wrecked in takeoff accident at Boward Field, CZ Jan 13, 1943 and DBR
6815 condemned Nov 13, 1942
6816 (MSN 15-155) W/o 30 Aug 1942 at Sarasota, FL, surveyed at Drew Field Jan 1, 1943
6817 surveyed Apr 9, 1942
6818 to CL-26 at Godman Field, KY Oct 30, 1043
6819 to CL-26 Sep 24, 1942
6820 returned to USA Jan 16, 1944. Surveyed Mar 27, 1944
6821 surveyed Apr 30, 1942
6822 surveyed Aug 3, 1944
6823 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 19, 1945
6824 condemned Oct 3, 1942
6825 condemned Oct 31,1944
6826 returned to USA Mar 8, 1944. Surveyed Mar 19, 1944.
6827 (MSN 15-166) W/o 25 Aug 1942 at Melgerdi Field, Iceland, condemned Sep 8, 1942
6828 (MSN 15-167) W/o 2 Nov 1941 at Greensboro, NC
6829 wrecked at Selma, AL Oct 7, 1942.
6830 to reclamation at McClellan Jan 3, 1946
6831 crashed and burned 25 mi NE of Cambridge, OH Jan 8, 1942.
6832 returned to USA Apr 1,1 944. Surveyed Apr 14, 1944.
6833 condemned Oct 3, 1942
6834 (MSN 15-173) W/o 20 Sep 1943 at Bellows Field, HI, condemned Sep 27, 1943
6835 wrecked in landing accident at Reykjavik, Iceland Nov 18, 1942
6836 condemned Oct 16, 1943
6837 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6838 to RAAF as A53-20. Returned to USAAF in 1943. returned to USA Jan 27, 1944.
Surveyed Mar 28, 1944
6839 condemned Oct 3, 1942
6840 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 22, 1945
6841 crashed and burned at Tallahassee, FL Jan 12, 1942. Pilot killed
6842 to CL-16 at William-Northern Field, TN Nov 4, 1943
6843 condemned May 30, 1943
6844 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6845 wrecked in landing accident at Loesy Field, Puerto Rico Aug 8, 1942 and DBR
6846 (MSN 15-185) W/o 9 Oct 1941 at Courtney, PA, surveyed Feb 20, 1942
6847 wrecked 1/2 mi N of Berlin, GA Nov 13, 1942. Pilot killed
6848 (MSN 15-187) W/o 1 Apr 1943 in Iceland
6849 to reclamation at Olmstead Field, PA Jun 2, 1945
6850 crashed 2 mi W of Berlin, GA Dec 15, 1942. Pilot killed
6851 crashed in Puerot Rico after entered spin at 6000 feet Jan 30, 1943. Pilot killed
6852 crashed at sea 8 mi offshore of Puerto Rico Jan 12, 1942. Pilot killed
6853 (MSN 15-192) W/o 10 Mar 1944 at Palm Springs AAF, CA, surveyed at Stinson Field, TX Mar 15, 1944
6854 to reclamation at Kelly Field Jul 17, 1945
6855 (MSN 15-194) demolished in wreck at Jun 19, 1943 at Trinidad.
6856 wrecked at Vera Cruz May 4, 1942
6857 (MSN 15-196) W/o 12 Aug 1944 at Ephrata AAB, WA, surveyed at Ephrata AAB Aug 15, 1944
6858 surveyed at Ephrata AAB, WA Jun 22, 1944
6859 (MSN 15-198) W/o 19 Nov 1942 at Waller Field, Trinidad, condemned Apr 1, 1944
6860 surveyed at Lemoore AAF Aug 3, 1944
6861 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 11, 1945
6862 (MSN 15-201) W/o 21 Jul 1943 at Hato Fld, Curacao, condemned Apr 1, 1944
6863 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
6864 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6865 to RFC at Alridge AAF, TX Jan 10, 1945
6866 surveyed at Naples AAF, FL Aug 22, 1944
6867 to RFC at Bush Field Dec 16, 1944
6868 (MSN 15-207) W/o 31 May 1943 at New Orleans AAB, LA.
6869 condemned Oct 2, 1943
6870 while attached to 36th PG, 32nd PS based at Losey Field, Puerto Rico damaged Jan 20, 1942 while
parked by another landing aircraft (AT-6 40-2133) ground looping at Arecibo Field, Puerto
Rico. While attached to 16th FG, 24th FS damaged in takeoff accident at Howard Field, Canal
Zone. Feb 17, 1944 while attached to the 339th FBG, 504th FBS at Rice AAF, CA damaged in midair
collision 3 mi SW of Rice AAF with P-39N 42-18466. Surveyed May 22, 1944
6871 wrecked in takeoff accident at Dale Mabry, FL May 29, 1942 and DBR
6872 to reclamation at Kelly Field, TX Oct 2, 1945
6873 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6874 to CL-26 at MAD Jul 31,1942
6875 surveyed at Kelly AAF, TX May 1,1944
6876 to RFC at Ontario, CA Jun 1,1945
6877 (MSN 15-216) W/o 12 Apr 1944 at Victorville AAF, CA, surveyed at Kelly AAF, TX Apr 13, 1944
6878 (MSN 15-217) W/o 12 Nov 1942 at Clearfield, PA, to CL-26 at Cross City AB, FL Nov 26, 1942
6879 condemned Jun 16, 1943
6880 (MSN 15-219) W/o 22 Aug 1942 at Waller Field, Trinidad, condemned Apr 1, 1944
6881 wrecked in takeoff accident at Patterson Field, OH Nov 16, 1941 and DBR
6882 (MSN 15-221) W/o 15 Dec 1942 at Hato Field, Curacao
6883 (MSN 15-222) W/o 30 Jun 1943 at Managua, Nicaragua, surveyed at Brownsville, TX Mar 1, 1944
6884 wrecked in emergency forced landing at Howard Field, CZ Dec 22, 1942 and DBR
6885 wrecked in takeoff accident at Chame, CZ May 14, 1942 and DBR
6886 crashed and burned at Losely Field, Puerto Rico Nov 9, 1942. Pilot killed.
6887 (MSN 15-226) W/o 28 Mar 1944 at Victorville AAF, CA, surveyed Apr 1, 1944 at Esler Field, LA
6888 to reclamation at Spokane, WA Jul 26, 1943
6889 condemned Sep 20, 1943.
6890 (MSN 15-229) W/o 3 Jan 1943 at Galapagos AB, Galapagos Islands, condemned Apr 19, 1943
6891 wrecked in emergency landing at Old France Field, Canal Zone Nov 18, 1942 and DBR
6892 (MSN 15-231) W/o 13 Apr 1942 at Chame Point, Panama Canal Zone, condemned Apr 30, 1942
6893 condemned Sep 13, 1943
6894 returned to USA Mar 18, 1944, surveyed Apr 1, 1944
6895 surveyed Jan 8, 1945
6896 surveyed Aug 15,1944
6897 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
6898 surveyed at Kelly Field, Tx Dec 30, 1943.
6899 (MSN 15-238) W/o 16 Aug 1944 at Strafing Range, WA, surveyed at Moses Lake, WA Aug 17, 1944.
6900 to RFC at Bush Field Dec 16, 1944
6901 condemned Oct 3, 1942
6902 crashed in water AP_0502 Apr 15, 1943 and DBR. Condemned Apr 15, 1945.
6903 surveyed at Spokane, WA Jun 9, 1944
6904 crashed off Beane AAF, BWI Apr 23, 1943. Pilot killed
6905 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
6906 (MSN 15-245) W/o 4 Nov 1942 at Tobago Island, Trinidad, condemned Apr 26, 1943
6907 to RFC at Ontario, CA Feb 20,1945
6908 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6909 condemned Apr 30, 1945
6910 (MSN 15-249) crashed 1.5 mi N of Dale Mabry AAF, FL Jun 27, 1942 during aerobatics. Pilot bailed out.
6911 crashed 1.5 mi E of Dale Mabry AAF, FL in takeoff accident Jun 27, 1942. Pilot killed
6912 to RFC at Ontario, CA Feb 20, 1945.
6913 condemned Feb 28, 1943
6914 (MSN 15-253) W/o 2 Jul 1943 at Hato Field, Curacao; repaired (?); to Brazil AF on 22 Jan 1944
6915 spun in 2 mi W of Catano, Puerto Rico Feb 26, 1943. Pilot killed
6916 to reclamation Buckingham AAF, FL Jun 16, 1945
6917 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 19, 1945
6918 surveyed Mar 1, 1944
6919 crashed and burned near Cerozal, Puerto Rico Nov 13, 1942. Pilot killed.
6920 to reclamation at Winslow, AZ Oct 22,1945
6921 disintegrated during dive bombing practice 1.5 mi E of Arecibo AAF,
Puerto Rico Feb 24, 1942. Pilot killed.
6922 wrecked in landing accident Dec 4, 1942, Curacao, Dutch West Indies and DBR
6923 condemned 13, 1943
6924 condemned Sep 20, 1943
6925 condemned Feb 1, 1944
6926 to RFC at Alledge Field, TX Jan 10, 1945
6927 wrecked Feb 14, 1942.
6928 condemned after accident Jan 7, 1943
6929 to RAAF as A53-17. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed Jan 26, 1944
6930 condemned Nov 30, 1944
6931 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 28, 1945
6932 surveyed at Stinson Field, TX May 11, 1944
6933 condemned Oct 16, 1943
6934 condemned May 28, 1943
6935 condemned Sep 20, 1943
6936 (MSN 15-275) W/o 8 Jun 1943 at Hilo Field, HI, condemned Oct 16, 1943
6937 (MSN 15-276) W/o 2 Jun 1942 at Kaneohe NAS, HI, condemned Jul 10, 1942
6938 (333rd FS, 318th FG) lost Jul 9, 1943, Hawaii. Condemned Jul 29, 1943
6938 (318th FG) lost Jul 9, 1943, Hawaii
6939 condemned Sep 20, 1943
6940 wrecked Jun 27, 1942 at France Field, Canal Zone
6941 condemned Nov 30, 1944
6942 returned to USA Apr 1, 1944. Surveyed Apr 14, 1944.
6943 condemned Nov 30, 1944
6944 to RAAF as A53-12. Damaged beyond repair in forced landing Jul 1, 1943
and converted to components. Crated and returned to USAAF in Aug 1943.
6945 condemned Nov 30,1944
6946 to reclamation at Kelly Field Oct 2, 1945
6947 to RAAF as A53-18. Returned to USAAF in 1943. To reclamatin at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
6948 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 12, 1945
6949 diverted to Australia.
6950 pilot bailed out after midair fire May 30,1942, Howard Field, CZ
6951 (MSN 15-290) crash-landed near Weipa, Queensland, Australia May 1, 1942. Recovered
1972 by Sid Beck. Under restoration at Beck Aviation and Military Museum, Mareeba, QLD, Australia.
Displayed at Sid Beck/Beck Military Collection, Mareeba, Queensland 1987-2002 as 16951 "Erminie"
6952 condemned Aug 1, 1944
6953 condemned Sep 7, 1944
6954 surveyed at Spokane, WA Jun 2,1944
6955 force-landed 6 mi S of Rankin, WS Nov 19, 1941 and DBR
6956 condemned Nov 30, 1944
6957 condemned Nov 30, 1944
6958 condemned Dec 16, 1942
6959 condemned Nov 30, 1944.
6960 (MSN 15-299) W/o 27 May 1943 at Hilo, HI
6961 pilot bailed after entered unrecoverable dive Mar 22, 1942, Quincy FL
6962 condemned Oct 16, 1943
6963 condemned Aug 9, 1943
6964 salvaged Oct 27, 1943
6965 salvaged at Lemoore AAF, CA Aug 26, 1944.
6966 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6967 wrecked after entering inverted spin Mar 21, 1942 at Wheeler Field, HI. Pilot bailed out.
6968 to RAAF as A53-14. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed Mar 28, 1944
6969 to reclamation at Robbins Field Jun 19, 1945
6970 (MSN 15-309) reported recovered in Papua New Guinea. Reported 1982 at National Aviation Museum,
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
6971 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6972 condemned Mar 20, 1944
6973 to RFC at Bush Field Dec 16, 1944
6974 condemned after accident Sep 7, 1942
6975 (MSN 15-314) W/o 24 Jun 1942 at Kahuku Point, HI, condemned Aug 8, 1942
6976 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6977 condemned Jan 4, 1943
6978 condemned Oct 16, 1943
6979 to CL-26 at Lambert Field, MO Jul 29, 1942
6980 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6981 surveyed at Kingman, AZ Aug 15, 1945
6982 condemned Oct 31,1 944
6983 to CL-26 at Kelly Field, TX Apr 27, 1944
6984 (MSN 15-323) W/o 16 Apr 1942 at Dale Mabry Field, FL, condemned May 18, 1942
6985 (MSN 15-324) Conv to P-39D-3-BE; w/o 23 Jun 1943 at Blythe AAF, CA. Also listed as condemned May 20, 1942
6986 condemned Oct 31, 1944
6987 (MSN 15-326) W/o 14 Feb 1944 at Palm Springs, CA, surveyed at Kelly Field, TX Feb 22, 1944
6988 surveyed at Palm Springs AAF, CA Sep 30, 1944
6989 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
6990 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 7, 1945
6991 ditched off Tahaguilla Island, Canal Zone May 4, 1942.
6992 went out of control 1 mi off Chame Point, Canal Zone Apr 13, 1942. Pilot bailed
out but chute was caught on plane and he was killed.
6993 (MSN 15-332) W/o 18 Dec 1943 at Key Field, MS, to CL-26 at Kelly Field, TX Dec 23, 1943
6994 surveyed at Kelly Field, TX Apr 25, 1944
6995 to CL-26 Feb 26, 1942
6996 (MSN 15-335) W/o 19 Oct 1942 at Howard Field, Panama Canal Zone, condemned Oct 26, 1942
6997 surveyed at Palm Springs Sep 30, 1944
6998 wrecked at Chorrera Auz #1, Canal Zone during force landing Jun 13, 1942
6999 wrecked at Athens, TN Oct 20, 1942 and to CL-26 Feb 26, 1941
7000 condemned Jan 18, 1943
7001 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 22, 1945
7002 to RFC at Ponca City, OK Dec 27, 1944
7003 (MSN 15-342) spun in at Chame, Panama Panama Aug 18, 1942, pilot killed
7004 wrecked at Ft Blackmore, VA Feb 20, 1942. To CL-26 Mar 23, 1943
7005 wrecked at Athens, TN Dec 21, 1941, to CL-26 at Biloxi, MS Feb 26, 1942
7006 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 22, 1945
7007 wrecked at Dale Mabry Field May 10, 1942, pilot killed.
7008 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
7009 (MSN 15-348) W/o 2 May 1944 at Ephrate AAB, WA, surveyed at Love Field May 3, 1944
7010 to reclamation at Robbins Field Mul 6, 1945
7011 surveyed May 22, 1944
7012 (MSN 15-351) Conv to P-39D-3-BE; w/o 19 Oct 1943 at Selfridge Field, MI, surveyed at William Northern Field, TN Oct 21, 1942
7013 dove in at Ochlocknee Bay, FL Apr 26, 1943. Pilot killed
7014 wrecked in takeoff accident at Howard Field, Canal Zone Sep 3, 1942 and DBR
7015 wrecked 1 mi N of Chorrera Aux #1, Panama Apr 1, 1942 and DBR.
7016 wrecked SW of APO-838, Canal Zone Apr 29, 1943.
7017 condemned May 28, 1943
7018 condemned Apr 2, 1942
7019 crashed at Harlingen, TX Jan 14, 1942. Pilot killed
7020 to CL-26 at Kelly Field, TX Dec 21, 1943
7021 (MSN 15-360) W/o 10 Feb 1943 at Howard Field, Panama Canal Zone, condemned Apr 20, 1943
7022 (MSN 15-361) W/o 18 Jul 1942 at La Joya, Panama. Also listed as being dropped from roster Apr 19, 1942
7023 (MSN 15-362) W/o 7 Oct 1942 at Chame, Panama, condemned Nov 25, 1942
7024 to CL-26 at Kelly Field, TX Dec 21, 1943
7025 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 21, 1945
7026 (MSN 15-365) W/o 16 Mar 1942 at La Chorrera Field # 1, Panama, condemned Mar 16, 1942
7027 in midair collision 1.5 mi offshoure in Deadman Bay, FL Jan 9, 1943. Both pilots
bailed out
7028 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 28, 1945
7029 crashed at Reykjavik, Iceland Apr 2, 1942.
7030 (MSN 15-369) wrecked at Tjferin, Vera Cruz Mar 9, 1942. To CL-26 May 8, 1942
7031 to CL-26 at Kelly Field, TX Mar 19k 1944
7032 wrecked at Jackson, MS due to prop failure Jan 11, 1942. Condemned Jan 30, 1942
7033 returned to USA Mar 8, 1944. To reclamation Nov 2, 1944
7034 returned to USA Mar 8, 1944. Surveyed Mar 19, 1944
7035 condemned Sep 8, 1942
7036 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 21, 1945.
7037 to reclamation at Kelly Field, TX Oct 2, 1945
7038 (MSN 15-377) W/o 10 Jun 1942 at Nanson Airdrome, Nandi, Fiji, condemned Jun 17, 1942
7039 (MSN 15-378) W/o 6 Jun 1944 at Naples AAF, FL; repaired (?); wfu 16 Dec 1944 at RFC Bush Field, GA
7040 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 19, 1945.
7041 (MSN 15-380) W/o 20 Aug 1942 at Verde Island, Panama, condemned Sep 15, 1942.
7042 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 27, 1945.
7043 collided in midair with B-25B 41-17590 south of Itai Island,
Fiji Oct 13, 1942. Condemned Jun 15, 1944.
7044 surveyed at Dale Mabry Field, FL Feb 10, 1944
7045 (MSN 15-384) returned to USA Sep 24, 1943 and W/o 11 Apr 1944 at Foster Field, TX, surveyed Apr 14, 1944
7046 to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 21, 1945
7047 returned to USA Mar 6, 1944 and surveyed May 30, 1944
7048 to RFC at Arledge Field, TX Jan 10, 1945
7049 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 21, 1945.
7050 crashed at Howard Field, Canal Zone Aug 13, 1942 when enetered inverted spin. Pilot killed
7051 (MSN 15-390) W/o 22 May 1943 at Meeks Field, Iceland, condemned May 31, 1943
7052 to RFC at Ontario, CA May 28, 1945
7053 (MSN 15-392) modified as P-39J. w/o 1 Jul 1943 at Aiken AAF, SC, Surveyed Jul 3, 1943
7054 (MSN 15-393) modified as P-39J. w/o 25 Sep 1942 at Sarasota AB, FL, To CL-26 at Lincoln, NB Oct 21, 1942
7055 modified as P-39J. In midair collision with P-39D 41-38302 at Sarasota AAF, FL Sep 7, 1943
1 killed.
7056 to reclamation at Brownsville, TX Jan 6, 1945
7057 (MSN 15-396) converted to P-39D-1. W/o 30 May 1943 at Naviti Island, Guadalcanal. Also listed as condemned Jun 19, 1942
7058 converted to P-39D-1. Condemned Jun 15, 1944
7059 modified as P-39J. Pilot bailed out Everett, WA Jan 25, 1942.
7060 (MSN 15-399) modified as P-39J. w/o 4 Jun 1942 at Pulaski, MS, To CL-26 at Love Field, TX Jun 29, 1942
7061 modified as P-39J. Damaged wing on landing Ft. Benning, GA 3/10/1943.
to reclamation at Spokane, WA May 29, 1945
7062 (MSN 15-401) modified as P-39J. Wrecked 1 mi S of Kelly Field, TX in takeoff accident Jun 12, 1942.
w/o 24 Apr 1943 at Kelly Field, TX
7063 (MSN 15-402) modified as P-39J. w/o 7 May 1942 at Myrtle Beach, SC, To CL-26 at Morris Sub Depot, NC May 25, 1942
7064 (MSN 15-403) modified as P-39J. w/o 16 Oct 1942 at McGrath, AK, Condemned Oct 17, 1942
7065 modified as P-39J. To reclamation at Spokane, WA May 21, 1945
7066 modified as P-39J. Wrecked at Marianna AAF, FL Jun 1, 1943
7067 modified as P-39J. To RFC at Ontario, CA May 19, 1945
7068 modified as P-39J. To RFC at Arledge Field, Stamford, TX Jan 22, 1945.
7069 modified as P-39J. Wrecked at Cross City AB, FL Nov 20, 1942. Pilot killed
7070 (MSN 15-409) modified as P-39J. w/o 16 Oct 1942 at McGrath, AK, Condemned Oct 17, 1942
7071 modified as P-39J. To CL-26 at Sarasota AB, FL Nov 14, 1942.
7072 modified as P-39J. Destroyed in wheels-up landing Florence, SC Apr 12, 1942
7073 (MSN 15-412) modified as P-39J. Wrecked Sep 10, 1943 in test flight at Morris AAF, NV. Pilot killed.
7074 (MSN 15-413) modified as P-39J. w/o 10 Apr 1942 at Florence, SC, to CL-26 May 21, 1942.
7075 modified as P-39J. To RFC at Ponca City Jan 9, 1945
7076 (MSN 15-415) modified as P-39J. w/o 31 Mar 1942 at Woodward Field, SC, To CL-26 at Gulfport, MS Jul 31, 1942
7077 modified as P-39J. Surveyed at Brooks field Jun 1, 1943
7078 modified as P-39J. To CL-26 at Lincoln, NB Oct 27, 1942
7079 modified as P-39J. Surveyed at McClellan Field Jun 18, 1944
7080/7115 converted to P-39D-1
7089 to RFC at Ponca City, OK Dec 27, 1944
7081 condemned Jan 29, 1944
7082 destroyed in wheels-up landing Apr 8, 1942, Harlingen, TX
7083 surveyed Sep 5, 1944
7084 (MSN 15-423) W/o 22 Jun 1943 at Floresville, TX, surveyed at Brooks Field Jun 23, 1943
7085 to RAAF as A53-13. Returned to USAAF in 1943. Surveyed Mar 28, 1944
7086 condemned Jun 17, 1943
7087 crashed SW of APO-662, Canal Zone Mar 22, 1943. SOC Mar 25, 1943
7088 (MSN 15-427) wrecked Aquadulce, Panama Canal Zone Apr 29, 1943 and SOC Apr 30, 1943
7089 (MSN 15-428) W/o 3 Mar 1943 at Chame Field, Panama Canal Zone, condemned in Panama Mar 27, 1943
7090 (MSN 15-429) W/o 3 Mar 1943 at Chame Field, Panama Canal Zone, condemned in Panama Mar 27, 1943
7091 surveyed at Lemoore AAF, CA Jul 18, 1944
7092 returned to USA Mar 8, 1944 and surveyed Mar 19, 1944
7093 surveyed at Love Field, TX Nov 28, 1943
7094 (MSN 15-433) Conv to P-39D-3-BE; w/o 5 Jul 1943 at McCamey, TX, surveyed at Kelly Field, TX Jul 15, 1943
7095 force-landed and nosed over at Thomasville, GA Dec 21, 1941 and DBR
7096 (MSN 15-435) W/o 6 Jan 1943 at Galapagos AB, Galapagos Islands, condemned Apr 19, 1943, Galapagos Islands
7097 surveyed at McClellan AAF, CA Jun 18, 1944
7098 to reclamation at Brownsville AAF, TX Jan 6, 1945
7099 surveyed at Victorville AB, CA Aug 11,1 944
7100 surveyed at Lemoore AAF, CA Mar 15, 1944
7101 surveyed at Lemoore AAF, CA Jul 13, 1944
7102 (MSN 15-441) returned to USA Mar 30, 1944. W/o 10 May 1944 at Victorville AAF, CA and surveyed May 18, 1944
7103 (MSN 15-442) W/o 15 Apr 1942 at Nandi Airport, Fiji, condemned Jun 15, 1944
7104 (MSN 15-443) W/o 22 Apr 1942 in Pacific Ocean off Fiji, condemned Jun 15, 1944
7105 overshot landing at Nausori Air Field, Fantan Feb 14, 1942 and DBR.
Condemned Feb 19, 1942.
7106 in force landing at Nandi airport Feb 27, 1942 and DBR
7107 spun in N of Nandi Aprport Feb 23, 1942 and DBR.
7108 surveyed at Victorville AV, CA Aug 17, 1944
7109 surveyed at Lemoore AAF, CA Aug 3, 1944
7110 surveyed at Kingman Jul 26, 1944
7111 (MSN 15-450) W/o 8 Nov 1943 at Narewa Fld, Fiji, condemned New Caledonia Nov 16, 1943
7112 (12th FS, 18th FG) lost over Solomons Jul 27, 1943. MACR 151
7113 (68th FS, 347th FG) lost over Fiji Islands July 5, 1943. MACR 88
7114 (70th FS, 347th FG) lost over Fiji Islands Oct 3, 1943. MACR 441
7115 to reclamation at Spokane, WA Sep 6, 1945.
41-12434 ... 41-13038
North American B-25C Mitchell
MSN 82-5069/82-5673
12434 (MSN 82-5069) W/o 10 Jan 1942 at Los Angeles Muni Airport, CA
12436 sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
12437 (MSN 82-5072) to Netherland Indies AF as N5-132 Feb 5, 1942, ferried to Australia, reserialled as N5-124 Jun 21, 1942.
To USAAF Sep 1, 1942.. Damaged Mar 25, 1945 at Archerfield, Australia when a landing B-26
skidded off the wet grass runway and hit the aircraft. Renumbered N5-122 Jun 1942. Assigned to
18 Squadron, NEIAF, Canberra, Australia.
12438 (MSN 82-5073) to Netherland Indies AF as N5-149. Ferried to Australia but
NTU by NEIAF. Returned to USAAF as 41-12438 Apr 26, 1942. W/o 14 Jan 1943 at Eagle Farm, Australia
12439 (MSN 82-5074) to Netherland Indies AF as N5-136. Ferried to Australia and assigned to 18 Squadron, NEIAF, Canberra,
Australia. Renumbered N5-124 Jun 1942. Returned to USAAF as 41-12439 Sep 1, 1942.
12440 (MSN 82-5075)to Netherland Indies AF as N5-122 but NTU. Believed crashed at Palm Beach on ferry flight Feb 1942.
12441 (MSN 82-5076) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-154 Mar 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and impressed Mar 27, 1942 by
USAAF and assigned to 3rd BG. Shot down by fighters during attack on Lae May 25, 1942
12442 (MSN 82-5077) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-123 Feb 6, 1942 but ferried to Australia and impressed Mar 27, 1942 by USAAF
and assigned to 3rd BG. Recovered from aircraft
dump in New Guinea in 1974. Original user was 34th BG, 13th BS. Now on static display Aitape, Papua New Guinea
at Tajdi District High School. Tail of 41-30074 used in restoration.
12443 (MSN 82-5078) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-124 Feb 5, 1942. Ferried to Australia but impressed Mar 27, 1942 by USAAF
and assigned to 3rd BG
12444 (MSN 82-5079) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-137 Feb 9, 1942 but NTU, ferried to Australia and to USAAF.
12445 (MSN 82-5080) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-143 Feb 11, 1942. Ferried to India but NTU by NEIAF.
Transferred to RAF as MA957 Apr 12, 1942.
12447 (MSN 80-5082) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
12448 (MSN 82-5083) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
Shot down by fighters May 25, 1942 on mission to Lae, New Guinea.
12449 (MSN 82-5084) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
12450 (MSN 82-5085) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
(3rd BG, 90th BS) shot down by fighters during attack on Lae May 25, 1942
12451 (MSN 82-5086) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
Lost in accident Jun 1, 1942
12452 (MSN 82-5087) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
Condemned Jul 21, 1942
12453 to RFC at Hot Box Field, OK Apr 19, 1945
12454 (MSN 82-5089) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 2, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
W/o Jan 27, 1943 at Columbia, SC. To RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
12455 (MSN 82-5090) to Netherlands East Indies as N5-133 Feb 17, 1942. Ferried to Australia
but impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF ans assigned to 3rd BG. Crashed into
Mt. Bartle Frere, Queensland, Australia Apr 21, 1942. All 7
onboard killed.
12456 to CL-26 at Columbia AB, SC Jul 22, 1943
12457 (MSN 82-5092) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-125. Assigned to Dorval, Montreal, Canada for training
of ferry crews of RAF Ferry Command. To USSR
12458 to RFC at Bush Field, GA May 24, 1945
12459 (MSN 82-5094) to USSR
12460 (MSN 82-5095) to Netherlands Indies AF with serial in N5-164/184 range Apr 2, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
W/o 6 Jan 1943 at Columbia, SC, to CL-26 at Columbia AB, SC Jan 14,1943
12461 (MSN 82-5096) to USSR
12462 (MSn 82-5097) to Netherlands East Indies AF Feb 19, 1942 as N5-126. Ferried to Australia but impressed by USAAF Mar 27, 1942
and assigned to 3rd BG. Shot down May 23, 1942 during attack on Lae, New Guinea
12463 (MSN 82-5098) to USSR
12464 (MSN 82-5099) to Netherlands East Indies AF Feb 7, 1942 as N5-134. Ferried to Australia and assigned to 18 Squadron, NEIAF, Canberra,
Australia. Renumberd N5-123 Jun 1942. Returned to USAAF as 41-12464. (71st RG) lost Feb 18, 1944. MACR 2549.
12465 (MSN 82-5100) W/o 2 Feb 1945 at Greenville AAB, SC, to reclamation at Greenville AB, SC Feb 9, 1945
12466 (MSN 82-5101) to Netherlands East Indies N5-135 Feb 12, 1942. Ferried to Australia but impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF and
assigned to 3rd BG. Shot down by fighters during attack on Lae, New Guinea May 25, 1942
12467 (MSN 82-5102) wrecked Mar 14, 1942 enroute to USSR, 5 mi NE of Natal, Brazil. Crew killed.
12468 was to have gone to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-140 but crashed Mar 1942 near Accra, Gold Coast on
delivery to India.
12469 (MSN 82-5104) to USSR
12470 to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-127 Feb 17, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
(3rd BG, 90th BS) shot down 40 mi NW of Buna, New Guinea Jul 26, 1942. All 5 crew KIA.
12471 (MSN 82-5106) To Neth East Indies AF as N5-128 on 19 Feb 1942; retained by USAAF. To USSR
12472 (MSN 82-5107) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-129 Feb 18, 1942 but ferried to Australia and impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF
and assigned to 3rd BG. Missing Sep 7, 1942 in New Guinea
12473 (MSN 82-5108) to USSR
12474 wrecked in takeoff accident Jul 14, 1942, Columbia AAB, SC.
12475 (MSN 82-5110) to USSR
12476 (MSN 82-5111) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-130 Feb 25, 1942. Ferried to Australia. Damaged Apr 6, 1942 on arrival at
Amberley, Brisbane, Australia when landing gear collapsed. Impressed by USAAF Sep 1, 1942 and assigned to 3rd BG, written off.
12477 (MSN 82-5112) to USSR
12478 (MSN 82-5113) to Netherlands Indies AF as N5-131 Feb 25, 1942. Shipped to Australia Apr 12, 1942 and retained by USAAF,
condemned Mar 1, 1943.
12479 (MSN 82-5114) to USSR
12480 (MSN 82-5115) to Netherlands East Indies as N5-150 Feb 27, 1942. Ferried to Australia but impressed Mar 27, 1942 by USAAF
and assigned to 3rd BG. Condemned Sep 7, 1942.
12481 (MSN 82-5116) to Netherlands East Indies AF Feb 25, 1942 as N5-138 but ferried to Australia and damaged Mar 25, 1942 on
arrival at Archerfield, Austalia at end of ferry flight from USA when landed short in a group of trees, w/o
12482 (MSN 82-5117) to Netharlands East Indies as N5-151 Feb 28, 1942. Ferried to Australia, renumberd N5-125 Jun 2942.
Assigned to 18 Squadron, NEIAF, Canberra, Australia. To USAAF Sep 1, 1942.
12483 (MSN 82-5118) to Netherlands East Indies as N5-152 Mar 1, 1942. Ferried to Australia, impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF and
assigned to 3rd BG. Participated as one of the aircraft in "Royce Raid" of Apr 11-13, 1942
in which a quick raid from Darwin, Australia was made to the Philippines to pick up VIPs. Missing Jan 7, 1943
on flight from Charters Towers to Port Moresby. 5 crew MIA.
12484 (MSN 82-5119) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-159 Feb 28, 1942 but ferried to Australia Apr 12, 1942 and retained by USAAF,
condemned Mar 1, 1943
12485 (MSn 82-5120) to Netherlande East Indies AF Mar 190, 1942 but ferried to Australia and impressed Apr 7, 1942 by USAAF and
assigned to 3rd BG. MIA Jan 18, 1943 near Mount Strong during recon mission of New Guinea coast from Buna to Gona. 6 crew MIA.
Condemned Oct 31, 1944. Wreckage discovered Feb 13, 1957. It is likely that the plane
flew blind into a valley and struck a mountain.
12486 (MSN 82-5121) to Netherlands East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Condemned Nov 26, 1943
12487 (MSN 82-5122) to Netherlands East Indies AF Mar 27, 1942 but ferried to Australia retained by USAAF. MIA May 18, 1943
12488 (MSN 82-5123) to Netherlands East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF
12489 (MSN 82-5124) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-160 Feb 28, 1942 but shipped to Australia Apr 12, 1942 and retained by USAAF.
12490 (MSN 82-5125) to Netherlands East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Condemned Oct 31, 1944
12491 (MSN 82-5126) to Netherlands East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942. Ferried to Australia and taken over by USAAF. Shot down
May 23, 1942 during attack on Lae, New Guinea
12492 (MSN 82-5127) to Netherlands East Indies AF but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Salvaged Nov 4, 1945
12493 (MSN 82-5128) missing from Columbia AB, SC Jun 29, 1943
12494 (MSN 82-5129) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-146. Ferried to Australia
but impressed by USAAF Mar 25, 1942 and assigned to 3rd BNG. Crashed Mar 30, 1942 when landing gear
collapsed at Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia. Flown to Brisbane for repairs. Assigned to 18
Squadron of NEIAF as N5-127 Jun 1942.
12495 to Netherlands East Indies AF. Ferried to India but NTU by NEIAF. Handed
over to RAF Apr 2, 1942.. condemned Aug 7, 1943
12496 (MSN 82-5131) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-147 Feb 19, 1942 but ferried to Australia and mpressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF
and assigned to 3rd BG. In accident May 3, 1943
12497 (MSN 82-5132) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-155 Feb 25, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
Condemned Mar 1, 1943
12498 (MSN 82-5133) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-155 Feb 25, 1942. Ferried to Australia
but impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF and assigned to 3rd BG.
Ditched offshore May 25, 1942 after being attacked by fighters during attack on Lae, New Guinea.
12499 (MSN 82-5134) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-157 Feb 24, 1942 but ferried to Australia and impressed Mar 25, 1942
by USAAF and assigned to 3rd BG. (3rd BG, 13th BS) missing on flight from Port Moresby, New Guinea to Milne Bay Aug 25, 1942.
12500 (MSN 82-5135) to Netherlands East Indies AF Mar 15, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Salvaged Nov 6, 1945
12501 (MSN 82-5136) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-161 Feb 26, 1942. Ferried to Australia and renumbered N5-126 Jun 21, 1942.
Assigned to 18 Squadron, NEIAF, Canberra, Australia. To USAAF Sep 1, 1942. In accident Oct 15, 1942.
12502 (MSN 82-5137) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-162 Feb 26, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF.
In accident Feb 9, 1943
12503 (MSN 82-5138) to Netherlande East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942 but retained by USAAF. Condemned Jun 30, 1943
12504 to RFC at Searcy AAF, OK Sep 20, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
12505 (MSN 82-5140) to Netherlands East Indies AF but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Condemned Jun 30, 1943
12506 (MSN 82-5141) to Netherlands East Indies AF Apr 1, 1942 but ferried to Australia and retained by USAAF. Salvaged Nov 22, 1945.
12507 (MSN 82-5142) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-145 Feb 11, 1942. Ferried to India but NTU
by NEIAF. Transferred to RAF Apr 12, 1942. W/o Sep 19, 1945 at Alipore, also listed as condemned Jun 30, 1943
12508 (MSN 82-5143) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-139 Feb 14, 1942. Ferried to India but NTU
by NEIAF. To RAF Apr 12, 1942. W/o Feb 13, 1943 at Rangoon, Burma, condemned Jun 30, 1943
12509 (MSN 82-5144) to Netherland East Indies AF as N5-148 Mar 17 1942. Ferried
to India. Diverted to RAF Apr 12, 1942. W/o Nov 5, 1944 at China Bay. However, there is a photo
of 41-12509 with the serial N5-145 painted on it. But the plane never got to the NEIAF.
12510 (MSN 82-5145) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-142 Feb 18, 1942.
W/o Feb 24, 1942 West Palm Beach. To CL-26 Oct 22, 1942
12511 (MSN 82-5146) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-153 Feb 28, 1942. Ferried
to Australia but impressed by USAAF Mar 27, 1942 and assigned to 3rd BG.
12512 (MSN 82-5147) was to have gone to Netherlands East Indies AF, but not
ferried to Australia and returned to USAAF as 41-12512 .
Condemned Nov 30, 1943
12513 (MSN 82-5148) was to have gone to Netherlands East Indies AF but not
ferried to Australia. Returned to USAAF as 41-12513.
Wrecked Oct 4, 1942 at Roberts AAF, Liberia
12514 (MSN 82-5149) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-163 Feb 26, 1942. Ferried to Australia, impressed Mar 25, 1942 by USAAF and assigned to
3rd BG. Crashed Mar 30, 1942 on heavy landing at Charters Towers, Queensland, Australia and
w/o Apr 6, 1942.
12515 (MSN 82-5150) to Netherland East Indies AF as N5-158 Feb 27, 1942. Ferried to Australia, but
returned to USAAF as 41-12515. MIA Sep 6, 1944. MACR 8805
12516 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 24, 1945.
12517/12522 (MSN 82-5152/5157) to USSR
12523 wrecked when wheels folded up during takeoff run at Barksdale AAF, LA Apr 4, 1942. 1 killed.
12524 to reclamation Sep 17, 1946
12525/12526 to USSR
12527 to reclamation at Amarillo Apr 9 1946
12528 (MSN 82-5163) to USSR
12529 to CL-26 at Esler Field Sep 25, 1942
12530 (MSN 82-5165) to USSR
12531 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 18, 1945
12532 to TB-25C. (119 BU) crashed 9 mi WE of Cheste, SC Mar 14, 1945. To reclamation at Mooris, MN Mar 27, 1945
12533 to RFC at Altus Nov 9, 1945
12534 (MSN 82-5169) to USSR
12535 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12536 to RAF as Mitchell II FL175. Shot down by AAA over Abbeville, France May 25, 1943.
12537 (MSN 82-5172) to USSR
12538 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 7, 1945
12539 to RFC at Altus Nov 2, 1945
12540 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
12541 to reclamation at Moody, IL Jun 16, 1945
12542 (MSN 82-5177) W/o Apr 24, 1942 at Patterson Field, Ohio, to CL-26 May 12, 1942
12543 crashed and burned Newark OK Sep 8, 1942. 6 killed
12544 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 10, 1945
12545 to RAF as Mitchell II FL705. Crashed after stalling on takeoff at
Foulsham, England Apr 12, 1943
12546/12557 (MSN 82-5181/5192) to USSR
12557 to Netherlands East Indiea AF as N5-125 Feb 6, 1942, retained by USAAF and to USSR
12558 to Brazil
12559 to USSR
12560 diverted to Brazil for Mechanical Training School Jul 1944. I also
have this one as going to RAF as Mitchell II FL168 and SOC Jun 5, 1947.
12561 to USSR
12562 to Britain
12562/12564 to USSR
12565 to reclamation Esler AAF, LA Oct 19, 1945
12566 to RAF as Mitchell II FL202. SOC Jun 5, 1947. Later to N522D
12567 to USSR
12568 overshot landing at night Myrtle Beach, AC Aug 24, 1943 and damaged beyond repair.
12569 to USSR
12570 to RAF as Mitchell II FL183. Flew into trees in bad visibility near Worksop,
England Feb 25, 1945
12571 to RAF as Mitchell II FL707. Shot down by AAA over Martinvast Nov 26, 1943
12572 to RAF as Mitchell II FL686. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12573 to RFC at Altus Feb 25, 1946
12575 to RAF as Mitchell II FL182. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12576 (MSN 82-5211) diverted to China Jul 20, 1943. Must have been returned because it was civilianized as CF-MWC
12577 to RAF as Mitchell II FL201
12578 to RAF as Mitchell II FL708. Hit overhead cables and crashed near East Dereham,
England Nov 30, 1942
12579 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12580 to RFC at Altus Nov 2, 1945
12581 to RAF as Mitchell II FL203. Crashed at Kimberley, England after engine
failure Jun 9, 1943
12582 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31,1 945
12583/12584 to USSR
12585 (MSn 82-5220) w/o Oct 18, 1944 at Hobart, OK, to reclamation at Fredrick AAF, OK Nov 20, 1944
12586 to USSR
12587 to RAF as Mitchell II FL675. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12588 (MSN 82-5223) to USSR, but w/o Jun 2, 1942 at Qileh Murgah Airport, Iran
12589 to CL-26 Aug 22, 1942
12590 salvaged Nov 2, 1945
12591 (MSN 82-5226) to USSR
12592 to RAF as Mitchell II FL172
12593/12594 to USSR
12593 (MSN 82-5228) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-141(?), retained by USAAF and to USSR
12595 (MSN 82-5230) to Netherlands East Indies AF as N5-144 Feb 17, 1942, ferried to India and to RAF as Mitchell II FL173.
SOC Dec 26, 1946. Later to N92875
12596 condemned Nov 27, 1945
12597 to RAF as Mitchell II FL165. DBR when crashlanded at Foulsham, England
Feb 12, 1943 on return from air sea rescue search
12598 to RAF as Mitchell II FL169. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12599 to RAF as Mitchell II FL170. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12600 to RAF as Mitchell II FL166. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12601 to RAF as Mitchell II FL167. DBR when crashlanded at Manston, England
Jun 10, 1943 following AAA damage.
12602 (MSN 82-5237) w/o Aug 7, 1943 at Columbia AAB, SC
12603 (MSN 82-5238) surveyed at Columbia AAB, SC Oct 1, 1943. Also have this one as going
to RAF as Mitchell II FL171 and SOC Oct 31, 1946.
12604 to RAF as Mitchell II FL164. Crashed into sea Oct 24, 1943 after losing fin and rudder.
12605 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945.
12606 to reclamation at Atterbruy, Ind Jul 1, 1945
12607 to reclamation at Bedford, OHG Apr 30, 1946.
12608 (MSN 82-5243) w/o May 7, 1942 at Derider AB, LA, to CL-26 at Lowry Jun 4, 1942.
12609 to RFC. Delivered to Montana Tech School Oct 12, 1945
12610 (MSN 82-5245) W/o 16 Feb 1944 at Gainesville AAAF, AL to CL-26 at Chatham AAF, GA Jul 18, 1943
12611 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Apr 15, 1946
12612 surveyed at Long Beach Aug 10, 1944
12613 (MSN 82-5248) W/o 15 Jun 1943 at Columbia AAB, SC, surveyed at Columbia AAB, SC Oct 1, 1943
12614 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12615 to CL-26 at SAAD Jul 18, 1942
12616 crashed on takeoff Walterboro, SC Jan 19, 1943
12617 (MSN 82-5252) W/o 5 Oct 1942 at Columbia AAB, SC, to CL-16 at Sheppard Oct 14, 1942
12618 (MSn 82-5253) burned at Myrtle Beach, SC Sep 17, 1942
12619 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 11, 1945
12620 wrecked 3/4 mi SE of Westfield, TX May 20, 1943. 7 killed.
12621 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
12622 force landed at Wellford, SC Sep 11, 1942 and damaged beyond repair
12623 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 15, 1945.
12624 to RAF as Mitchell II FL204. MIA on mission to Ghent, Belgium Jun 10, 1943
12625 to CL-26 at Wichita Falls, TX Sep 11, 1942
12626 to CL-26 at Jacksonville, FL Jan 2, 1943
12627 to RFC at Cincinatti, OH May 28, 1945
12628 crashed Decator, GA due to failure of both engines Sep 22, 1942 and burned
12629 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
12630 (MSN 82-5265) wrecked N of Monroe, LA Jan 2, 1943
12631 condemned Oct 19, 1943. MACR 1170
12632 (SN 82-5267) W/o 31 Oct 1943 at Greenville AAB, SC, surveyed at Greenville AB Nov 22, 1943
12633 crashed after takeoffJan 19, 1943, Myrtle Beach, SC.
12634 (MSN 82-5269) crashed into Lake Murray, SC, Apr 4, 1943 due to engine failure.
All crew survived. Wreckage found at bottom of lake.
Recovered from depth of 150 feet Sep 19, 2005. The plane is to go to
the Southern Museum of Flight, Birmingham, AL Remains noted there Mar 2006 and
is to undergo preservation (not restoration). Forward fuselage is
on public display.
I have another report of this plane going to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 24, 1945.
12636 to reclamation at La Junta Feb 1, 1945
12637 landing gear collapsed on landing Apr 30, 1942, Columbia AB. Reduced to CL-26. Must have been repaired
since it eventually became N7674.
12638 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
12639 (MSN 82-5274) W/o 20 Jun 1943 at Greenville AAB, SC, to CL-26 at Greenville AB, SC Jun 29, 1943.
12640 surveyed Oct 2, 1943
12641 to RAF as Mitchell II FL205. Shot down by AAA over Martinvast Nov 26, 1943
12642 wrecked in loanding accident at Newark AAB, NJ Dec 25, 1942 and to CL-26.
12643 to CL-26 at Shepparf Field Sep 18, 1942
12644 crashed and burned at CXolumbia, SC Sep 18, 1943
12645 to RAF as Mitchell II FL181. MIA Apr 13, 1944
12646 wrecked in landing accident at Columbia AAB, SC Jun 14, 1943.
12647 to RAF as Mitchell II FL199. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12648 to RAF as Mitchell II FL206. Spun into ground at West Raynham, England Oct 17, 1942
12649 to RAF as Mitchell II FL207. Crashed when both engines cut on approach to
Foulsham, England May 16, 1943
12650 to RAF as Mitchell II FL193. Crashed aftertakeoff from Steeple Claydon, England Sep 21, 1943
12651 to RAF as Mitchell II FL180. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12652 to RAF as Mitchell II FL184. Ditched at sea 10 mi E of Nassau, Bahamas Apr 2, 1943
12653 to RAF as Mitchell II FL185. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12654 to RAF as Mitchell II FL178. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12655 to RAF as Mitchell II FL174. DBR when hit tree while flying low at Foulsham,
England Mar 3, 1943.
12656 to RAF as Mitchell II FL176. SOC Dec 17, 1946
12657 to RAF as Mitchell II FL676. DBR when undercarriage prematurely retracted
on takeoff at Swanton Morley, England Apr 12, 1943
12658 to RAF as Mitchell II FL194. Spun into ground 3 mi SW of Buckingham,
England Feb 15, 1944.
12659 to RAF as Mitchell II MA957. Was ex Netherlands East Indies AF aircraft N5-143 that
had been impressed in India. Crashed in Bay of Bengal during air sea rescue
search Nov 5, 1944.
12660 to RAF as Mitchell II FL177. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12661 to RFC at Altus Nov 9, 1945
12662 condemned Jun 30, 1943
12663 (MSN 82-5298) 1 PBS 1 PBG, 14th AF damaged when bellylanded
2 mi N of Malir AB, India Dec 24, 1943
12664 (MSN 82-5299) W/o 8 Feb 1943 at Karachi, India, condemned Jun 30, 1943
12665 to RF as Mitchell II FL208. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12666 to RAF as Mitchell II MA956. Caught fire at Alipore, India Dec 16, 1944 when
fuel-soaked ground caught fire. Plane was an ex-Netherlands East Indies AF N5-139 and
had been impressed in India
12667 to RAF as Mitchell II FL209. Crashed at Ville St Pierre, Canada after running
out of fuel on ferry flight May 22, 1943. Plane was attached to 45 Group RAF
at Dorval and used for training purposes. Crashed during a
training flight while attempting a forced landing. The pilot and
radio operator were the only occupants and they were both killed.
Aircraft ran out of fuel because it had not been refuelled following
its previous flight and the pilot omitted to check fuel status
before taking off.
12668 condemned Jun 30, 1943
12669 to RAF as Mitchell II FL188. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12670 condemned Jun 24, 1943
12671/12674 condemned inventory Jun 30, 1943
12671 (341st BG, 22nd BS) crashed after midair collision with B-25C 41-12436 at Chakulia, India
Jan 12, 1943. Pilot killed, rest ?.
12673 (340th BG, 486th BS) crashed 8 mi W of Bowling Green, KY Dec 9, 1942. 6 killed.
12674 (MSN 82-5309) to China Jul 1943.
12675 condemned Apr 29, 1945.
12676 condemned Jun 30, 1943
12677 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 11, 1945
12678 to RFC at McKellar Field Jul 17, 1945. Also have this one as going to
RAF as Mitchell II FL689 and crashed on landing at Friston, England Feb 9, 1944.
12679 wrecked at Greenville AAV, SC when undershot landing Sep 1, 1942
12680 landed in storm at very small airfield Sep 5, 1942 at Clanton, AL and wrecked
12681 (MSN 82-5316) W/o 6 May 1945 at Greenville AAF, SC, to reclamation at Greenville AAB, SC May 22, 1945
12682 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 26, 1945
12683 wrecked at Greenville AAB, SC May 19, 1942
12684 wrecked in takeoff accident at Springfield, IL Jun 20, 1943
12685 to RAF as Mitchell II FL709. Damaged when swung on landing at Foulsham, England
May 7, 1943. Relegated to instructional use as 4023M and presumably scrapped
in due course
12686 to TB-25C. (379th CCTS) crashed 1/2 mi S of Coffeyville, KS Jan 14, 1945. To reclamation at
Coffeyville AAF, KA Jan 24, 1945
12687 to RAF as Mitchell II FL706. DBR when belly landed at Harwell, England
May 29 1945 after undercarriage failed to lock down
12688 to RAF as Mitchell II FL691. Damaged by AAA near Abbeville Feb 25, 1944 and
failed to return from mission
12689 to RAF as Mitchell II FL687. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12690 to RAF as Mitchell II FL688. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12691 to CL-26 at Shrappard Aug 17, 1942
12692 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12693 surveyed at Tollahoma AAF, TN Aug 5, 1943
12694 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12695 to reclamation at Rosecrans AAF, MO Feb 13, 1946
12696 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12697 wrecked in landing accident at Gulfport, MS Feb 20, 1943
12698 surveyed at Moris AAF Jun 26, 1944
12699 to CL-26 at Sheppard Nov 30, 1942
12700 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12701 to RAF as Mitchell II FL685. Shot down by AAA over Bonnieres Mar 28, 1944
12702 to RAF as Mitchell II FL694
12703 to RAF as Mitchell II FL695. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12704 to RAF as Mitchell II FL696. Crashed into sea off Wells-next-the-Sea, England
May 26, 1943
12705/12710 to USSR
12711 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 27, 1945
12712/12715 to USSR
12716 to RAF as Mitchell II FL211. Shot down by AAA over Abbeville, France May 25, 1943
12717 to RAF as Mitchell II FL212. MIA on mission to Ghent, Belgium Jan 22, 1943
12718 to RAF as Mitchell II FL210. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12719 to RAF as Mitchell II FL200. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12720 to RAF as Mitchell II FL213. Crashed near Rochford, England Jun 23, 1943
12721 to RAF as Mitchell II FL214. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12722 to RAF as Mitchell II FL187. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12723 to RAF as Mitchell II FL190. Shot down by AAA near Watten, France Aug 30, 1943
12724 to RAF as Mitchell II FL189. SOC Oct 3, 1946
12725 to RAF as Mitchell II FL192. MIA Jun 19, 1944
12726 to RAF as Mitchell II FL186. Damaged by explosion of aircraft flying nearby
and crashed in France Jul 23, 1944
12727 to RAF as Mitchell II FL179. Stalled and crashed on approach to Attebridge,
England Nov 16, 1942
12728 to RAF as Mitchell II FL191. DBR during belly landing when undercarriage
prematurely retracted during takeoff at Boscombe Down, England Oct 1, 1942
12729 to RAF as Mitchell II FL700. Dove into ground after takeoff from Dunsfold,
England Apr 20, 1944
12730 to RAF as Mitchell II FL702. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12731 to RAF as Mitchell II FL699. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12732 to reclamation at Culver City, CA Nov 28, 1945
12733 overshot landing at Greenville AAB, SC Dec 31, 1942. To CL-26
12734 (378th BS, 309th BG) lost in training accident
Columbia AAB, NC Mar 12, 1943. 7 bailed out OK.
12735 to RFC at Walnut Ridged Sep 19, 1945
12736 wrecked Jul 9, 1943 at William Northern AAF, TN.
12737 to CL-26 at Barksdale, LA Jul 21, 1942
12738 to RFC at Kingman, AZ Oct 23, 1945
12739 to RFC at Ponca City, OK Jul 25, 1945
12740 (473rd BS, 334th BG) in ground collision Mar 10,
1943. 5 killed.
12741 condemned Greenville AAB, SC Feb 17, 1943
12742/12753 to USSR
12754/12773 to Britain
12754 to RAF as Mitchell II FL198. Ditched in sea off Clacton, England
May 31, 1943 after AAA damage
12755 to RAF as Mitchell II FL195. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12756 to RAF as Mitchell II FL196. Crashed in flames near Dover, England while returning
from mission to Audinghem Nov 25, 1943
12757 to RAF as Mitchell II FL197. MIA on mission to Boulogne, France May 13, 1943
12758 to RAF as Mitchell II FL671. SOC jun 5, 1947
12759 to RAF as Mitchell II FL697. Crashed near Nassau, Bahamas after engine fire Mar 19, 1943.
12760 to RAF as Mitchell II FL679. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12761 to RAF as Mitchell II FL672. MIA on air sea rescue mission over North SEa Feb 27, 1943
12762 to RAF as Mitchell II FL673. Abandoned by crew after engine failure during night
navigation exercise Jan 5, 1945
12763 to RAF as Mitchell II FL674. DBR when crashlanded at Lympne, England after AAA
damage Jan 21, 1944
12764 to RAF as Mitchell II FL683. Shot down by Fw 190s over Hesdin, France Sep 21, 1943
12765 to RAF as Mitchell II FL678. MIA on mission to Ghent, Belgium Jan 22, 1943
12766 to RAF as Mitchell II FL677. Shot down by AAA over Vlissingen, Holland Jun 13, 1943
12767 to RAF as Mitchell II FL692. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12768 to RAF as Mitchell II FL682. with 98 Squadron, crashed and destroyed by fire after collision with
Mitchell FR396 (41-12837) over Alfold, Lincolnshire, England Jan 7, 1944
12769 to RAF as Mitchell II FL681. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12770 to RAF as Mitchell II FL693. Shot down by AAA over Ghent, Belgium Jan 22, 1943
12771 to RAF as Mitchell II FL684. SOC Dec 17, 1946
12772 to RAF as Mitchell II FL680. Crashed at Esher Common, England after collision with
Mitchell KJ637 (44-29166) Jun 19, 1945
12773 to RAF as Mitchell II FL690. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12775 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 28, 1945
12776 to reclamation at Palm Springs, CA Oct 13, 1944
12777 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 27, 1945
12778 to RFC at Kingman Dec 5, 1945
12779 to TB-25C. (3014th BU) crashed 5 mi E of Douglaz, AZ May 18, 1945. to reclamation at Douglas, AZ Jun 13, 1945
12780 wrecked at Wilmington Islands Jan 12, 1943. Crew killed.
12781 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 11, 1945
12782 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
12783 to CL-26 at Columbia AAB, SC Jun 15, 1942
12784 surveyed Feb 24, 1943, Will Rogers AAF, OK
12785 to CL-26 at Columbia AAB, SC Nov 26, 1942
12786 wrecked Sep 2, 1942 at Easley, SC when ran out of fuel and crew bailed out.
12787 to RFC at Altus Aug 30, 1945
12788 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12789 to CL-26 at Adams AAF, Ark Aug 22, 1944
12790 to reclamation at Brooks AAF, TX Aug 3, 1945
12791 (560th AAFBU) spun in on landing while in right
hand turn, Palm Springs AAF, CA and crashed
Jun 30, 1944. 2 killed.
12792 (3rd BG, 90th BS) shot down 40 mi NW of Buna, New Guine Jul 26, 1942.
Pilot and upper gunner parachuted to safety, 4 other crew members
12793 salvaged Dec 14, 1944
12794 salvaged Apr 24, 1944
12795 wrecked at Urbana, OH Jun 30, 1942
12796 to CL-26 at Lowry AAF, CO Oct 6, 1943
12797 condemned after accident Jun 11, 1945
12798 to NEIAF as N5-145 - crashed at Batchelor, Australia Oct 18, 1943. However, there is a photo of 41-12509 with N5-145 painted on it.
12798 was received and also got the Dutch serial N5-145.
12799 to RFC at Ontario, CA Oct 16, 1945
12800 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
12801 to RAF as Mitchell II FL698. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12802 to RAF as Mitchell II FL215. SOC Nov 21, 1946
12803 to RAF as Mitchell II FL216. Shot down by AAA voer Brest, FRance Jun24, 1943
12804 to RAF as Mitchell II FL217. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12805 to RAF as Mitchell II FL703. DBR when undercarriage collapsed while taxying
at Finmere, England Nov 24, 1944
12806 to RAF as Mitchell II FL218. DBR in crash landing at Hawkinge, England after
AAA damage Jan 25, 1944
12807 to RAF as Mitchell II FL701. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12808 to RAF as Mitchell II FL704. SOC Jun 5, 1947
12809 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 7, 1945
12810 to RFC at Searcy Field, Oklahoma Sep 19, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
12811 to RFC at Altus Oct 10, 1945
12812 to CL-26 at Sheppard Oct 1, 1942
12813 to rFC at Bush Field May 24, 1945
12814 wrecked in wheels-up landing Oct 27, 1942, La Junta, CO
12815 surveyed Sep 7, 1943.
12816 to FFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12817 to reclamation at Brooks Aug 14, 1945
12818 wrecked in landing accident Columbia AAB, SC Jun 11, 1942
12819 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12820 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 28, 1945
12821 to CL-26 at Ft. Dix AB, NJ Nov 26, 1942
12822 to reclamation at Douglas, AZX Oct 22, 1945
12823 to reclamation at La Junta Jul 21,1 945
12824 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 13, 1945
12825 to reclamation at La Junta Jul 21, 1945
12826 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12827 missiong from Deming AAF, NM Jan 24, 1944
12828 condemned Mar 30, 1943
12829 condemned Mar 2, 1943
12830 scrapped Jan 9, 1945
12831 condemned May 24, 1943
12832 condemned Mar 3, 1943
12833 salvaged Oct 10, 1944
12834 to RAF as Mitchell II FR394. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12835 to RAF as Mitchell II FR395. SOC Aug 23, 1945
12837 to RAF as Mitchell II FR396. Crashed 5 mi S of Dinsford, England Jan 7, 1944
after colliding with Mitchel FL682 (41-12786)
12838 to RAF as Mitchell II FR397. DBR when bellylanded at Thorpe Abbots,
England Mar 23, 1945 as undercarriage jammed up.
12839 to reclamation at La Junta Jun 15, 1945.
12840 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12841 to TB-25C. (1517 AAFBU) crashed 29 mi SW of Beaumont, TX Apr 19, 1945. To RFC at Ponca City Jun 15, 1945
12842 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 13, 1945
12843 to reclamation at Mitchel Field, NY Nov 18 1945
12844 to TB-25C. (3014 BU) crashlanded at Douglas AAF, AZ May 9, 1945. To reclamation at Douglas AAF, AZ Jun 13, 1945
12845 surveyed at Mather AAF, CA Dec 5, 1943
12846 surveyed at RFC Ponca City Jun 13, 1945
12847 to reclamation at La Junta Jun 21, 1945
12848 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12849 shot down Sep 14, 1942.
12850 condemned Apr 19, 1943
12851 condemned Apr 20, 1943
12852 salvaged from enemy action Oct 10, 1945
12853 (12th BG, 81st BS) shot down by AAA from German convoy over Mediterranean Sea Aug 23, 1942.
5 KIA. MACR 16390. Condemned Mar 3, 1943
12854 condemned May 10, 1945
12855 shot down Sep 14, 1942.
12856 condemned Jan 3, 1943
12857 ditched Feb 1, 1943
12858 shot down by AAA Sep 14, 1942.
12859 salvaged Jun 8, 1945
12860 to reclamation Jun 21, 1946
12861 salvaged Jul 24, 1945
12862 condemned Mar 3, 1943
12863 condemned apr 19, 1943
12864 to Chinese AF Apr 15, 1946
12865 condemned due to enemy action Oct 18, 1943
12866 condemned Mar 4, 1943
12867 salvaged Sep 24, 1945
12868 condemned Apr 30, 1943
12869 salvaged Apr 23, 1943
12870 to reclamation Aug 6, 1948
12871 condemned Mar 3, 1943
12872 given to 1st Brazilian Fighter Group in Italy in 1944.
Operated as squadron hack, and returned to USAAF
after the war.
12873 crashed Oct 27, 1942
12874 condemned Apr 5, 1943
12875 salvaged Feb 1, 1944
12876 crashed Sep 30, 1944
12877 to RAF from USAAF stocks Nov 22, 1944. RAF serial (if any) not known
12878 crashed May 25, 1943
12879 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
12880 to RFC Ponca City Jun 6, 1945
12881 to RFC Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
12882 to RFC Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
12883 to RFC Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
12884 MIA Mar 29, 1943
12885 to NEIAF as N5-134
12886 to reclamation Nashville, TN Mar 13, 1946
12887 to reclamation Atlanta, GA Jun 7, 1946
12888 to RFC Altus Sep 4, 1945
12889 in accident Jan 31, 1942
12890 in accident Sep 25, 1942
12891 condemned Apr 5, 1943
12892 condemned Nov 16, 1943
12893 salvaged Aug 31, 1945
12894 to reclamation La Junta Jun 15, 1945
12895 condemned Nov 16, 1944
12896 condemned Oct 31, 1944
12897 condemned Oct 31, 1944
12898 in accident Jun 21, 1943
12899 condemned Dec 25, 1944.
12900 condemned Oct 31, 1944
12901 salvaged after accident Feb 17, 1944
12902 salvaed after accident Oct 11, 1944
12903 salvaged Jul 23, 1944
12904 in accident Apr 10, 1943
12905 in accident Jul 24, 1944
12906 MIA Jul 31,1 943
12907 in accident Dec 6, 1943
12908 condemned Nov 16, 1944
12909 condemned Mar 10, 1943
12910 (405 BS) crashed on takeoff avoiding P-40 at Horn Island
Aug 1943. condemned Oct 31, 1944
12911 condemned Oct 31, 1944
12912 to NEIAF as N5-135 - lost in action 4/43
12913 to NEIAF as N5-139 - crashed 2/43
12914 to NEIAF as N5-130 - scrapped 8/45
12915 condemned Nov 10, 1945
12916 to NEIAF as N5-129
12917 condemned after accident May 20, 1944
12918 lost to AAA Feb 4, 1943
12919 to NEIAF as N5-132 - crashed 2/43
12920 condemned after accident Apr 4, 1944
12921 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 21, 1945
12922 to RFC at Altus Oct 8, 1945
12923 to CL-26 at Fairfax AAF Oct 10, 1944. To reclamation at Fairfax Feb 13, 1946
12924 (321st BG, 445th BS, "Patricia") badly shot up by flak over Italy
Jan 20, 1944. No missions flown thereafter.
12925 crashed Oct 4, 1943
12926 to reclamation at Brooks Jul 17, 1945
12927 to reclamation at Brooks No 13, 1945
12928 crashed Jul 30, 1943
12929 to reclamation at Brooks Oct 2, 1945.
12930 salvaged Jun 19, 1945
12931 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12932 condemned Aug 19, 1943
12933 to NEIAF as N5-136 - missing 10/43
12934 to NEIAF as N5-138
12935 to NEIAF as N5-128 - soc 2/45
12936 to NEIAF as N5-131
12937 condemned Jun 30, 1943
12938 condemned Nov 16, 1944
12939 (10th Air Service Command) crashed after takeoff Mar 29, 1944 from Jorhat, India due to right engine fire.
Aircraft attempted to make gear-up landing in a rice paddy. 8 killed, 2 survived.
Aircraft condemned Mar 30, 1944.
12940 salvaged Dec 12, 1945
12941 salvaged May 14, 1945
12942 to TB-25C. (3014 BU) crashed 10 mi SW of Safford, AZ Jan 25, 1945. To reclamation at Douglas, AZ Feb 2, 1945
12943 salvaged Jun 3, 1945
12944 salvaged Aug 25, 1945
12945 condemned Aug 20, 1943
12946 condemned Aug 9, 1943
12947 crashed May 13, 1943
12948 condemned Nov 3, 1943
12949 condemned Mar 20, 1944
12950 (22nd BNS, 341st BG) condemned Sep 10, 1943, Burma. MACR 644
12951 wrecked 20 mi N of Lagos, Nigeria Dec 31, 1942 when crashlanded in lagoon.
12952 condemned Nov 30, 1945
12953 (MSN 82-5588) to USSR
12954 (MSN 82-5589) to RFC at Ponca City Jun 13, 1945. Became NC300, then NR300,
then NC300C.
12955 salvaged Oct 29, 1945.
12956 salvaged Dec 12, 1945
12957 to reclamation at Brooks Jul 17, 1946
12958 crashed and burned near Columbia Sub Depot, SC Oct 12, 1942
12959 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
12960 condemned Jan 21,1944
12961 crashed Sep 22, 1943
12962 (3rd BG, 13th BS, "Calamaty Jane") then transferred to 90th
BS and renamed "M&M". Hit a barge and crashed into
Hanish Harbor Jul 27, 1943.
12963 to reclamation at Brooks Oct 19, 1945
12964 to USSR
12965 condemned Jun 30, 1943
12966 lost Oct 30, 1943. MACR 1085 and 1059
12967 surveyed May 6, 1943
12968 condemned Jun 3, 1943
12969 condemned Jun 26, 1943
12970 exploded in midair near Tampa, FL Oct 20, 1942
12971 condemned Dec 22, 1944. This was "Dirty Dora" 345th BG, 499th BS, Port Moresby.
12972 salvaged Jul 19, 1945
12973 salvaged in USA Apr 2, 1945
12974 MIA Dec 6, 1942
12975 salvaged Dec 25, 1945
12976 to Walnut Ridge Sep 10, 1945
12977 condemned Apr 30, 1943
12978 lost in action Apr 30, 1943
12979 to RFC Altus Nov 9, 1945
12980 MIA Jun 23, 1943
12981 (3rd BG) MIA May 22, 1943. MACR 4405
12982 lost to AAA Nov 17, 1942
12983/12994 to USSR
12987 wrecked at Atkinson Field, KS Aug 23, 1942 enroute to USSR.
12995 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945
12996 MIA Nov 26, 1942
12997 salvaged Dec 14, 1944
12998 (3rd BG, 8th BS, "Tugboat Annie") shot down at
Rabaul, New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1633
12999/13005 to USSR
13006 salvaged Jul 21, 1944
13007 salvaged Aug 24, 1945
13008 crashed Jan 18, 1944
13009 to USSR
13010 to USSR
13011 wrecked at Ladd Field, AK Dec 7, 1942 enroute to USSR. 4 killed.
13012 salvaged Nov 15, 1945
13013 to reclamation Jun 5, 1946
13014/13018 to USSR
13019 to RFC at Ontario, CA Jun 30, 1945
13020/13038 to USSR
41-13039 ... 41-13296
North American B-25C-1 Mitchell
MSN 82-5674/82-5931
13039 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Apr 28, 1945
13040 surveyed Jan 7, 1944
13041 crashed Feb 25, 1943
13042 lost in action Feb 8, 1943
13043 condemned Oct 31, 1944
13044 shot down by AAA Feb 8, 1943
13045 salvaged Oct 12,1944
13046 (310th BG) lost Jan 22, 1943, North Africa. MACR 2638
13047 (310th BG) crashed on landing at Horham, England Oct 30, 1942.
Condemned Oct 31, 1944
13048 (310th BG) MIA Apr 4, 1943. MACR 14581
13049 wrecked Sep 22, 1942 near Presque Isle, ME Sep 22, 1942 while deploying
to ETO. All 7 onboard killed. Sabotage is a possibility.
13050 to reclamatin at Brooks Nov 13, 1945
13051 MIA Dec 5, 1942
13052 to reclamatiion at Brooks Sep 17, 1945
13053 salvaged Jul 29, 1944
13054 crashed Jun 10, 1943
13055 (340th BG) shot down by AAA Mar 10, 1944. MACR 2813
13056 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945.
13057 to reclamation at Inglewood, CA Nov 28, 1945
13058 to USSR
13059 wrecked Oct 9,1942 at Berry AAF, TN in tow accident. To CL-26.
13060 in accident Dec 3, 1942
13061 to RFC at Kingman Oct 8, 1946
13062 condemned Jul 8, 1944
13063 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 10, 1945
13064 in accident Nov 26, 1942
13065 crashed May 15,1943
13066 shot down by AAA Dec 8, 1943
13067 crashed Dec 13, 1942
13068 to CL-26 to Stinson AAF, TX Aug 7, 1943
13069 (310th BG) lost Feb 23, 1943, North Africa. MACR 14582
13070 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
13071 condemned Aug 1, 1944
13072 salvaged Jun 1, 1944
13073 (310th BG) lost Feb 8, 1943, Tunisia. MACR 14584
13074 lost in action Jan 19, 1944
13075 shot down by AAA Feb 22, 1943
13076 (310th BG, 379th BS, "Phyllis Girl") shot down by Bf 109G-6 of JG 53/8 10 mi NW of
Benevento, Italy Aug 27, 1943. MACR 637. 3 KIA, 1 POW, 2 evaded.
13077 salvaged Oct 20, 1943
13078 salvage Apr 10, 1946
13079 (310th BG) lost Mar 13, 1944. MACR 3300
13080 MIA Feb 21, 1943
13081 to CL-26 at Brooks Jun 12, 1944
13082 salvaged Jan 22, 1946
13083 crashed Jun 18, 1943
13084 lost in action Feb 8, 1943
13085 salvaged Aug 16, 1943
13086 shot down by AAA Mar 12, 1943
13087 in accident Jul 8, 1944
13088 salvaged May 6, 1943
13089 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
13090 shot down by AAA Feb 23, 1943
13091 in accident Dec 20, 1942.
13092 salvaged Sep 14, 1944
13093 salvaged Dec 3, 1942
13094 lost in action Oct 3, 1945
13095 condemned Jul 8, 1944
13096 (310th BG) shot down by AAA May 21,1943. MACR 14580
13097 crashed Feb 21, 1943
13098 wrecked Apr 22, 1942 near Presque Isle, ME
13099 salvaged Nov 6, 1945.
13100 (310th BG, 380th BS) shot down by AAA 3 mi NE of Capua, Italy Sep 16, 1943. 1 KIA, 1 POW, 2
died of injuries. MACR 718
13101 MIA Feb 2, 1943
13102 shot down Feb 23, 1943.
13103 condemned Nov 30, 1945
13104 (380th BS, 310th BG) shot down by AAA at Montecorvino, Italy Jul 20, 1943. MACR 250.
13105 to TB-25C. (409th FS, 272nd FG) crashed 1 mi NW of Weldon, TX Jul 14, 1945. To reclamation at Hunter AAF, GA Jul 23, 1945
13106 to RAF as Mitchell II FR362. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13107 to RAF as Mitchell II FR363. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13108 to RAF as Mitchell II FR364. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13109 to RAF as Mitchell II FR365. Ditched in sea 8 mi SW of New Providence,
Bahamas May 22, 1943
13110 to RAF as Mitchell II FR366. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13111 to RAF as Mitchell II FR367. Destroyed by fire when undercarriage retracted
prematurely on takeoff from Finmere, England Aug 30, 1944
13112 to RAF as Mitchell II FR368. SOC Jul 25, 1944
13113 to RAF as Mitchell II FR369. Crashed into sea during ferry flight Oct 15, 1942
13114 to RAF as Mitchell II FR370. Collided with Mitchell FW108 (42-87223) on runway
at Harwell, England Mar 13, 1945. Relegated to instructional airframe with
serial 5221M
13115 to RAF as Mitchell II FR371. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13116 to RAF as Mitchell II FR372. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13117 to RAF as Mitchell II FR373. DBR when bellylanded at Oakley, England
Feb 10, 1944 after undercarriage jammed.
13118 wrecked 2 mi off Destin, FL Oct 19, 1942.
13119 to RFC at Ponca City Jul 6, 1945
13120 condemned Aug 14, 1943
13121 to reclamation at Brooks Nov 13, 1945
13122 to RFC at Ponca City, OK Jul 6, 1945
13123 to reclamation at Amarillo, TX May 24, 1946
13124 MIA Jun 11, 1945
13125 (12th BG, 434th BS) at night shot down by AAA at Comiso, Sicily, Italy Jul 4, 1943. 5 KIA. MACR 26.
13126 (12th BG, 83rd BS) lost over sea between Sicily and Tunisia Nov 3, 1943. MACR 1228. 5 KIA.
13127 condemned Aug 7, 1943.
13128 condemned Mar 23, 1943
13129 (321st BG, 445th BS) crashed 31 mi NE of Rome, Italy Feb 21, 1944. MACR 2478
13130 (70th BS, 42nd BG) MIA Sep 17, 1943, Southwest Pacific. MACR 618
13131 to reclamation at Brooks, TX Nov 13, 1945
13132 force landed 5 mi W of Wheaton, KA Dec 25, 1943 and damaged beyond repair.
13133 to RAF as Mitchell II FR374. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13134 to RAF as Mitchell II FR375. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13135 to RAF as Mitchell II FR376. SOC Dec 12, 1943
13136 to RAF as Mitchell II FR377. Wrecked when sank back on takeoff and hit
building, Jaconville, PQ Jan 11, 1943
13137 to RAF as Mitchell II FR378. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13138 to RAF as Mitchell II FR379. Ditched in sea 15 mi SW of New Providence,
Bahamas Apr 9, 1943
13139 to RAF as Mitchell II FR380. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13140 to RAF as Mitchell II FR381. SOC Aug 23, 1945
13141 to RAF as Mitchell II FR382. Ditched in sea off Bahamas Jun 28, 1943
13142 to RAF as Mitchell II FR383. Ditched in sea off Bahamas Jul 13, 1943
13143 to RAF as Mitchell II FR384. Ditched in sea off Eleuthera, Bahamas Oct 4, 1943
13144 to RAF as Mitchell II FR393. SOC Aug 23, 1945.
13145 crashed and burned Oct 19, 1942, Berry AAF, TN
13146 condemned Aug 6, 1943
13147 wrecked at Colorado Springs, CO Feb 1943
13148 MIA Dec 25, 1943
13149 salvaged Jun 28, 1945.
13150 to RFC at Altus Nov 2, 1945
13151 to reclamation at Brooks AB Mar 13, 1946
13152 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 20, 1945
13153 (390th BS, 42nd BG) lost 7/20/1943, Solomons. MACR 205
13154 surveyed Sep 9, 1943, Peterson AAF, CO
13155 to reclamation at Brooks AB Nov 13, 1945
13156 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 19, 1945
13157 (69th BS, 42nd BG) MIA in Solomons Sep 20, 1943. MACR 624
13158 crashed Apr 28, 1943
13159 surveyed Mar 23, 1943
13160 to reclamation at Inglewood, CA Nov 28, 1945
13161 salvaged May 28, 1945
13162 salvaged Sep 4, 1944
13163 crashed Sep 4, 1943
13164 crashed May 1, 1944
13165 (12th BG) lost Jan 7, 1944. MACR 2456
13166 condemned May 21, 1943
13167 salvaged Sep 4, 1944
13168 condemned Apr 1, 1946
13169 to reclamation at Brooks Oct 19, 1945
13170 crashed Apr 28, 1943.
13171 crashed Mar 20, 1943
13172 to reclamation at Brooks AB Sep 17, 1945.
13173 to RFC at Altus Dec 14, 1945
13174 condemned Jan 12, 1943
13175 condemned Jun 24, 1944
13176 crashed Mar 20, 1943
13177 surveyed Jun 29, 1943
13178 crashed and burned at March AAF, CA Jun 30, 1943.
13179 salvaged Aug 29, 1945.
13180 (340th BG) shot down by AAA Apr 28, 1944. MACR 3959
13181 to Britain Aug 1945, returned Jan 1,1946
13182 (12th BG, 83rd BS) at night shot down by AAA near Punta Secca, Sicily, Italy Jul 4, 1943. 5 KIA. MACR 25.
13183 crashed Apr 4, 1943
13184 condemned Aug 13, 1943
13185 salvaged Aug 2, 1945
13186 to reclamation Brooks, TX Sep 17, 1945
13187 condemned Aug 7, 1943
13188 condemned Feb 13, 1944
13189 overshot landing and crashed Dec 7, 1942, Greenville AAB.
13190 condemned May 3, 1943
13191 crashed and burned Dec 17, 1942, Greenville AAB, SC.
13192 condemned Jul 8, 1944
13193 salvaged Jun 10, 1945
13194 crashed Jul 8, 1943
13195 diverted to French May 10, 1945.
13196 (321st BG) lost 4/5/1943, Mediterranean. MACR 14576
13197 (321st BG, 446th BS, then to 310th BG, 380th BS) shot down by AAA 5 mi N of
Amorosi, Italy Sep 28, 1943. MACR 761. 4 KIA, 2 POW.
13198 salvaged Nov 18, 19o43
13199 crashed Apr 28, 1943
13200 struck off charge Nov 30, 1945
13201 to RFC at Bush Field, GA May 14, 1945
13202 to reclamation Brooks AAF Sep 17, 1945
13203 condemned Mar 13, 1943
13204 to reclamation Sheppard AAF Aug 3, 1945
13205 (321st BG) lost 3/31/1943, Mediterranean. MACR 14578
13206 wrecked 12 mi NW of Love Field, TX Oct 16, 1942, 6 killed.
13207 salvaged Jan 31, 1944
13208 (321th BG) lost Jan 13, 1944. MACR 1836
13209 (321st BG) lost 3/31/1943, Mediterranean. MACR 14579
13210 (321th BG) lost Jan 12, 1944. MACR 1837
13211 (321th BG, 445th BS) shot down by Macchi C202 of 167 Gruppo CT flown by Capt. Serontini near Ciampino, Italy
Jul 19, 1943 in first raid on Rome. 6 KIA. MACR 248
13212 (321st BG) lost 3/24/1943, Tunisia. MACR 14577
13213 to RFC Ponca City Jul 6, 1945
13214 to RFC Walnut Ridge Sep 18, 1945
13215 to CL-26 at Greenville AB, SC Jan 18, 1944
13216 to CL-26 at Columbia, SC Oct 19, 1943
13217 wrecked Jul 15, 1943 at St. Joseph, MO due to structural failure. 5 killed.
13218 crashed and burned 1/4 mi S of Sacremento Municipal APT, CA. 1 killed.
13219 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 27, 1945
13220 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 18, 1945
13221 to reclamation at Greenville, SC Sep 14, 1945
13222 to RFC Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
13223 to reclamation Atlanta, GA Jun 29, 1945
13224 to CL-26 Columbia, SC Jan 14, 1943
13225 to CL-26 at Mather AAF, CA Mar 30, 1944
13226 to CL-26 at Mather AAF, CA Dec 13, 1943
13227 to RFC Ponca City Jan 18, 1945
13228 to RFC Ponca City Jun 13, 1945
13229 to CL-26 at Chico AAF, CA Jul 25, 1944
13230 to reclamation La Junta, CO Aug 3, 1945
13231 to RFC McKellar AAF, TN Sep 19, 1945.
13232 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
13233 (TB-25C, 37th Wing, Douglas Army Airfield, Arizona) crashed 20 November 1944
in bad weather 14 miles SSW of Williams AAF, Arizona killing both student
pilots. Plane apparently iced up in the clouds and crashed in a steep, diving spiral without
having regained control. This aircraft broke up in air in a high speed,
sweeping circle, with the fuselage and engines impacting and exploding. Pilots were believed
to have experienced vertigo and confusion and had very little IFR training
13234 wrecked Dec 14, 1942 Columbia AAF. To CL-26 at Columbia, SC Jan 31, 1943.
13235 to reclamation at Godman AAF, KY Nov 27, 1945
13236 salvaged Jul 14, 1945
13237 condemned Apr 29, 1943
13238 to RFC at Ponca City Jun 18, 1945
13239 to RFC Walnut Ridge Jan 3, 19456
13240 to RFC Altus Aug 30, 1945
13241 to RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
13242 to RFC Albuquerque Jul 26, 1945
13243 to RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
13244 to CL-26 at Hamilton AAF, CA Mar 6, 1944
13245 wrecked at Chicago, IL Jan 5, 1943 in landing accident. To CL-26 at Chanute Mar 7, 1943.
13246 to RFC Walnut Ridge Sep 18, 1945.
13247 wrecked near Petterson AAF, CO Jan 11, 1943.
13248 to RFC at Stillwater, OK Oct 2, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
13249 to TB-25C. (3014th BU) crashed on takeoff at Douglas AAF, AZ Mar 27, 1945. To reclamation Douglas, AZ Apr 4, 1945
13250 to RFC Minter AAF, CA Jun 13, 1945.
13251 (MSN 82-5886) to RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945. To N75635. To Hughes as N39648C. On static
display at Milestones of Flight Museum,
Lancaster, CA with civil registration N3968C. Reported in 1974 at
Antelope Valley Air Museum, Lancaster, CA and 1987 at Milestones
of Flight Museum, Lancaster, CA (is this the same museum?)
13252 to RFC Ponca City Jun 13, 1945
13253 to CL-26 Eglin AAF ,FL Aug 18, 1943
13254 condemned Jan 15, 1945, Dale Marby, FL
13255 to RFC Altus Sep 6, 1945
13256 wrecked in force landing 6 mi S of Flordale, AL Mar 3, 1943.
To RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945.
13257 to RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 7, 1945
13258 to RFC Ponca City, OK Jul 2, 1945.
13259 surveyed Eglin AAF, FL Apr 27, 1944.
13260 missing from Ft Richardson, AK Sep 20, 1943.
13261 surveyed Jan 24, 1944,
13262 to CL-26 at Greenville AB Nov 1, 1943
13263 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
13264 surveyed Sep 7, 1943
13265 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
13266 to RFC at Ontario, CA Dec 3, 1945
13267 to reclamation Deyesburg AAF, TN Dec 17, 1945
13268 to RFC at Altus, OK Nov 9, 1945
13269 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
13270 surveyed Oct 22, 1943
13271 to RFC at Kingman, AZ Oct 25, 1945
13272 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
13273 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 23, 1945
13274 surveyed May 16, 1943
13275 in midair collision near Newberry, SC Feb 5, 1943. 7 killed.
13276 surveyed Memphis, TN Mar 20, 1943
13277 surveyed Aug 21, 1944, Rosecrans, MO
13278 (470th BS, 334th BG) crashed 3 mi N of Great Falls, SC
Feb 25, 1944. One bailed out, 5 killed in crash.
13279 to RFC at Altus Aug 11, 1945
13280 to RFC at Albuquerque Aug 8, 1945
13281 in midair collision near Newberry, SC Feb 5, 1943. 7 killed.
13282 surveyed May 15, 1944, Portland AB.
13283 to RFC at Altus Aug 10, 1945
13284 to CL-26 at Greenville AB Jan 31, 1944
13285 crashed 6/6/44 into Lake Greenwood, SC. Surveyed Jun 7, 1944,
Grenville AB. Found in 1983 at bottom of lake. Restored and
put on display at South Carolina State
Museum, Columbia, SC. Moved to Owns Field in 1996.
13286 crashed Dec 7, 1943 at Columbia, SC. 6 killed.
13287 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 27, 1945.
13288 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6 1945
13289 condemned Mar 5, 1943
13290 to reclamation at Atlanta, GA Jan 17, 1945
13291 to CL-26 at Columbia, SC Jan 11, 1943
13292 wrecked Jan 5, 1943, Ballentine, SC
13293 to CL-26 at Columbia, SC Mar 31, 1943
13294 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 26, 1945
13295 to RFC at Altus Nov 2, 1945
13296 converted to XB-25G. To RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945.
41-29648 ... 41-29847
North American B-25D Mitchell
MSN 87-7813/8012
29652 (21st BG, 389th BS) crashed near Whistler, AL Jun 3, 1942. 7 killed.
29655 (340th BG, 486th BS) crashed at Columbia AAB, SC Oct 24, 1942. 5 killed.
29681 (12th BG) shot down by AAA over Sidi Haneish, Egypt Sep 14, 1942
29692 (417th BG) lost May 22,1944. MACR 6136
29693 (12th BG, 81st BG) lost shot down by AAA N of Adrano, Italy Sep 5, 1943. MACR 180 and 700.
3 KIA, 2 POW.
29704 (38th BG, *Torpedo Junction*) nosewheel collapsed on landing and sheered nose off Aug 14, 1942.
at Grafton NSW, Australia.
29705 (3rd BG, 13th BS, "Baby Blitz") badly damaged on ground at Durand Drome during Japanese raid
Apr 12, 1943. Saw no more combat. Later converted to components and scrapped
29713 to NEIAF as N5-133. With 18 sqdn damaged by Zeros and forcelanded
at Melville Island, Australia Mar 30, 1943. 1 injured. Wreck was
still there in 1986.
29714 (3rd BG, 13th BS, "Fair Dinkum") destroyed on ground at 17 Mile
Drome (Durand) during Japanese air raid Apr 12, 1943.
29716 to NEIAF as N5-142
29717 to NEIAF as N5-144 - ditched 2/43
29718 (MSN 87-7883) to China
29720 (MSN 87-7885) to China
29722 to NEIAF as N5-143
29723 to NEIAF as N5-140 - ditched 4/43
29725 to NEIAF as N5-141 - crashed 11/44
29735 to NEIAF as N5-137 - missing 1/44
29753 lost Aug 16, 1944. MACR 7861
29767 (321st BG, 445th BS) right engine failed after takeoff and crashlanded
near Souk-el-Arba, Tunisia Jun 7, 1943. No injuries.
29775 (321st BG) lost Feb 19, 1944. MACR 2618
29784 converted to TB-25D - sold on civilian market (N2XD,N2DD,N122B,N5078N).
Now on display at Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum,
Charleston Harbor, SC as "Fertile Myrtle"
29828 (309th BG) crashed NW of Bedford, VA Feb 2, 1943. Crew of 5 killed.
29841 (561 ABU, Rosecrans Field MO) crashed Jul 10, 1944 in a blizzard at night while on an instrument
training flight 7 mi. SW of Tecumseh NV. All 3 POB including one WASP killed.
41-29848 ... 41-29947
North American B-25D-1 Mitchell
MSN 87-8013/8112
29875 modified as F-10
29876 modified as F-10
29877 modified as F-10. Delivered to RCAF
as 894
29878 modified as F-10
29879 modified as F-10
29880 modified as F-10
29881 modified as F-10
29882 modified as F-10
29883 modified as F-10
29884 modified as F-10
29885 modified as F-10
29886 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF
as 891
29887 modified as F-10
29888 modified as F-10
29898 (12th BG, 83rd BS) lost on night bombing mission to Trapani, Sicily, Italy Jul 10, 1943. 6 KIA. MACR 55.
29924 modified as F-10 - Delivered to RCAF
as 892.
29926 modified as F-10
29927 modified as F-10
29929 modified as F-10
29930 modified as F-10
29932 modified as F-10
41-29948 ... 41-30172
North American B-25D-5 Mitchell
MSN 87-8113/8337
29970 modified as F-10
29983 assigned to NACA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, NAS Moffett Field, CA Mar 26, 1943 to 1943.
used by NACA for flying qualities, stability and control, and performance evaluations.
29984 modified as F-10
29987 modified as F-10
29988 modified as F-10
29989 modified as F-10
29990 modified as F-10
29991 modified as F-10
29992 (345th BG, 500th BS, *Jack Rabbit Express*) shot down by AAA
during attack on Kavieng, New Britain Feb 15, 1944
29996 (310th BG, 380th BS) shot down by Bf 109G-6 of JG 53/I and crashed into sea 18 km NE
of Stromboli, Italy Sep 8, 1943. MACR 716. 6 KIA
30010 ("Matilda") missing during flight from Chengjung, China to Dinjan, India Jul 4, 1945. 15 aboard.
30017 (345th BG, 499th BS) lost Oct 5, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 754
30020 (345th BG, 499th BS, *Stingeroo*) ditched east of Kar Kar Island due to
engine failure Apr 16, 1944 during infamous Black Sunday mission to
Hollanida. Crew rescued.
30028 (499th BS, *Blunder Bus*) crashed Jul 8, 1943 in takeoff accident. 3 crew members injured.
30036 (345th BG) lost Jul 7, 1944. MACR 6472
30039 (345th BG) converted to D-1 (345th BG, 499th BS, "Miss Ellen",
loaned to 500th BS. Hit by AAA and crashed 3 mi SW of
Rabaul, New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1071. 5 KIA
30040 (345th BG) lost Mar 29, 1944. MACR 4110
30041 (345th BG, 498th BS, *Gremlins Holiday*) shot down by AAA
in attack on Kavieng, New Britain Feb 15, 1944.
30045 (345th BG, 498th BS) blew tire on takeoff at Woodstock airfield, Queensland, Australia
May 28, 1943. Plane crashed off the side of the runway and was destroyed. Crew injured.
30046 (345th BG, 498th BS, "Impatient Virgin") converted to D-1. Damaged by
light AAA from a freighter and ditched into Murik Lagoon,
New Guinea Nov 27, 1943. MACR 1248. 6 crew POW, all died in
prison camp.
30054 (345th BG) lost Oct 18, 1943. MACR 1339.
30056 (345th BG, 500th BS) lost Oct 18, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 987
30058 (345th BG) lost Jul 30, 1944. MACR 718?
30071 converted to D-1 strafer (345th BG, 501st BS) damaged by AAA,
then ran out of fuel and crashlanded 12 mi from Dumpu, New
Guinea Dec 22, 1943. MACR 13996. All 5 crew returned. Tail section recovered
and used in restoration of 41-12442.
30074 (345th BG, 501st BS) shot down May 21, 1944 near Dagua, New Guinea airstrip. MACR 16180.
All 6 crew KIA.
30075 (345th BG, 500th BS) lost Oct 24, 1943, SW Pacific. MACR 996
30080 converted to D-1 strafer (345th BG, 501st BS) damaged and
4 crew bailed out, then continued and crashlanded in vicinity
of Annanburg, New Guinea Dec 22, 1943. MACR 1463.
4 crew were killed, pilot returned.
30084 (345th BG, 499th BS) lost Aug 13, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 8639
30094 (345th BG, 501st BS, "Hellzapoppin") shot down and ditched
off Rapopo, S of Rabaul, New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1219.
4 POW, 3 of them murdered in 1944.
30099 (498th BG) lost Sep 11, 1944, New Guinea. MACR 13263
30114 (Bombardier Training School) crashed near Grey Butte Aux field, CA Oct 2, 1944. All 3 onboard killed
including WASP copilot.
30117 (405th BS, 38th BG) shot down by AAA over Dagua Aug 18, 1943. Crew KIA.
30118 crashed Aug 4, 1942 off Wangat Island. One crew KIA, rest
captured by Japanese. All but one were murdered.
30128 (12th BG, 434th BS) shot down AAA and crashed into sea 10 km SE of
Siracusa, Sicily Aug 7, 1943. MACR 179. 3 KIA, 3 returned.
30132 modified as F-10
30141 (340th BG, 489th BS) during violent evasive action two crew bailed out over Italy Aug 31, 1943.
Both POW, rest landed safely with plane. MACR 1199
30148 (341st BG) lost Feb 6, 1944. MACR 2315
30152 (341st BG) lost Feb 6, 1944. MACR 12970
30161 (345th BG, 500th BS, *Avoca Avenger*) downed in attack on
Kavieng, New Britain Feb 15, 1944
30163 on static display at National Museum, Port Moresby, Papua
New Guinea. The plane had left USAAF service in Aug 1943
when it ran off the runway at Port Moresby, PNG and was
written off.
30167 (405th BG) lost May 14, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 12970
41-30173 ... 41-30352
North American B-25D-10 Mitchell
MSN 87-8338/8517
30178 (42nd BG) lost Jan 18, 1944. MACR 1802
30179 (38th BG) lost Jan 16, 1944. MACR 1690
30181 modified as F-10
30182 (38th BG) lost Jul 1, 1944. MACR 7344
30183 (38th BG, 405th BS, "Lucky Star") damaged by Japanese fighters and ditched Oct 16, 1943 near Madang,
Dutch East Indies. MACR 901. 5 crew MIA.
30185 (345th BG) lost Mar 19, 1944. MACR 6734
30187 disappeared enroute from Hickam Field, HI to Christmas Island
May 3, 1943. No information regarding crashe ever discovered.
30189 collided with B-25D during ending of landing roll at Saidor during
infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida. Aircraft was repaired.
30190 (38th BG) shot down at Rabaul, New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1218
30195 modified as F-10 - delivered to RCAF as 893.
30211 (42nd BG) lost Apr 11, 1944. MACR 3793
30212 (3rd BG) shot down at Rabaul, New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1013
30221 (38th BG) lost Aug 2, 1943. MACR 4698
30222 (MSN 87-8387) with 345th BG, 498th BS force-landed in Tanami
Desert, Australia Jan 25, 1945. Recovered Jun 1974 by
Aviation Historical Society and displayed at East Point
Museum, Darwin, NT. Reported 1976 under restoration for
Darwin Aviation Museum, Australia.
30239 (38th BG, 405th BS) lost Oct 12, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 811
30240 (38th BG) shot down and crashed into Simpson Harbor, Rabaul
New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1246. 2 KIA, 2 POW
30247 (38th BG) shot down 3 mi NW of Wewak, New Guinea Sep 2, 1943.
MACR 4508. Some crew bailed out but were executed.
30252 (38th BG) lost Feb 29, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 408?
30254 (345th BG) lost Mar 5, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 3143
30255 (38th BG, 405th BS) shot down by Japanese fighter and crashed
into Bismarck Sea 15 mi off Wewak, New Guinea Sep 2, 1943. MACR 13287
30259 (345th BG) lost Mar 26, 1944. MACR 4496
30274 (3rd BGF, 8th BS, "The Hot Horse") damaged by AAA and crashlanded
at Dobodura Nov 2, 1943. Rebuilt and transferred to 345th BG
30279 converted to D-1 strafer with 3rd BG, 90th BS, then to
345th BG, 500th BS, "Here's Howe". Shot down by friendly
AA fire from ships NW of Silimati Point, New Britain Dec 26, 1943. MACR 1847.
6 KIA.
30303 converted to D-1 strafer. (38th BG, 71st BS) shot down by
AAA at Alexishafen, New Guinea Dec 20, 1943. MACR 1418. 5 KIA.
30306 (38th BG, 71st BS, *Pissonit*) lost Feb 15, 1944, SW Pacific in
attack on Kavieng, New Britain. MACR 3502
30311 (3rd BG, 8th BS, "Fifi") shot down by AA while strafing a
Japanese heavy cruiser at Simpson Harbor, Rabaul, New
Gunea Nov 2, 1943, SW Pacific. MACR 2527, 14581. 4 KIA. Pilot
Maj. Raymond H. Wilkins posthumously awarded Medal of Honor.
30315 (345th BG, 500th BS, *Tinkie*) missing Jun 4, 1944. MACR 4338
30317 (345th BG, 499th BS) crashed on takeoff on raid on
Kavieng, New Britain Feb 15, 1944. All 6 crew killed.
30318 (3rd BG, 90th BS) lost Oct 30, 1943, SW Pacific. MACR 995
30319 (405th BG) hit by AAA and ditched in Bismarck Sea near Wewak,
New Guinea Sep 2, 1943. MACR 13282
30321 to NEIAF as N5-169 - missing 8-44
30326 (321st BG, 448th BS) shot down by AAA NW of Chieti, Italy
Dec 2, 1943. MACR 1516. 5 KIA, 2 returned
30330 Lend-Lease to France. Crashed Nov 28, 1947, killing French General LeClerc.
30337 (38th BG, 405th BS) collided with F-5A 42-67350 in poor visibility at Saidor Apr 16, 1944
during infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida. 4 crew killed.
30338 accidentally landed near Melilla, Spanish Morocco Apr 1944 whil enroute from Gibraltar to Tunis.
Impressed by Spanish AF and used as staff transport. Presumably eventually scrapped.
30352 (321st BG) lost Jan 7, 1944. MACR 1818
41-30353 ... 41-30532
North American B-25D-15 Mitchell
MSN 87-8518/8697
30355 (321st BG) lost Jan 21, 1944. MACR 2474
30362 (Sector Search Squadron) shot down by Japanese fighter
in India Dec 10, 1943, India. MACR 1700. 5 KIA, 1 returned.
30363 (115th BG) lost Oct 9, 1943. MACR 1057
30367 (341st BG) lost Dec 20,1943. MACR 1492
30369 (341st BG) lost Dec 12, 1944. MACR 2137
30372 (345th BG) lost Aug 1, 1944, New Georgia. MACR 8552
30376 (3rd BG, 8th BS) lost Oct 24, 1943, SW Pacific. MACR 979
30383 (341st BG) lost Mar 13, 1944. MACR 3009
30386 (340th BG) lost Feb 12, 1944. MACR 2401
30388 (310th BG, 380th BS) crashed into sea 5 mi N of Tabarka, Tunisia Jul 25, 1943. MACR 207 and 237. 3 killed.
30391 (12th BG, 81st BS) shot down by AAA N of Randazzo, Sicily Aug 7, 1943. MACR 701 and 181.
4 POW, 1 KIA
30393 (321st BG, 446th BS in Jan 1944.)
30395 (21st ASS) crashed into Gulf of Mexico 120 mi SW of Tampa, FL Jun 23, 1943. 8 killed. MACR 16352.
30406 (341st BG) lost Jan 15, 1945. MACR 11966
30412 (TB-25D, 3020BU, USAAF La Hunta AAF). Crashed on training flight Aug 10, 1944 1 mi. SE
of Rocky Ford Aux. AF. Stalled, did not recover. All 3 onboard killed..
30414 to NEIAF as N5-167 - destroyed 12/44. Also listed as going to RAF as Mitchell II FV940
and ditched following AAA damage Mar 20, 1944.
30419 to RAF as Mitchell II FV941. Stalled off turn and dived into ground at Colkirk,
England Nov 14, 1943
30424 to RAF as Mitchell II FV942. Crashed and burnt out near Kirkbride, Scotland Jun 30, 1943.
30426 modified as F-10
30427 modified as F-10
30431 to RAF as Mitchell II FV943. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30432 to RAF as Mitchell II FV944. Damaged by Fw 190s and ditched in English Channel Sep 21, 1943
30433 (38th BG) shot down and crashed into Simpson Harbor, Rabaul,
New Guinea Nov 2, 1943. MACR 1086. 4 KIA
30434 (3rd BG, 8th BS) lost Sep 27, 1943, New Guinea. MACR 731
30438 lost Jan 10, 1944. MACR 1644
30441 lost Sep 27, 1943. MACR 1312
30455 (341st BG) lost Oct 26, 1943. MACR 1058
30457 (341st BG, 11th BS) during low level bomb run the right wing
struck the mast of the targeted ship and crashed on north bank
of Yangtzee River 10 mi W of Anking, China Dec 30, 1943. MACR 1631.
4 KIA. Wreckage found by fishermen in the Yangtzee River in 2013
30458 (11th BS, 341st BG) lost Jul 13, 1943. MACR 305
30462 to RAF as Mitchell II FV945. Damaged beyond repair during German air raid on
Melsbroek Airfield, Belgium Jan 1, 1945
30471 to RAF as Mitchell II FV946. Crashed into sea off New Providence Island, Bahamas Apr 9, 1945
30476 to RAF as Mitchell II FV947. Struck off charge Nov 21, 1946
30477 to RAF as Mitchell II FV948. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30478 to RAF as Mitchell II FV949. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945.
30486 to RAF as Mitchell II FV950. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30490 to RAF as Mitchell II FV951. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945
30493 to RAF as Mitchell II FV952. Crashed into sea off Bimini, Bahamas Nov 23, 1943.
30495 to RAF as Mitchell II FV953. Crashed after takeoff from Nassau, Bahamas Aug 7, 1943
30498 to RAF as Mitchell II FV954. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945
30511 (3rd BG) crashed in South Carolina Apr 14, 1944. MACR 1458
presumably belongs to 41-30311.
30517 converted to D-1 strafer (345th BG, 498th BS, "Crabb 2nd").
Hit by friendly AA fire from ships and ditched into Borgen Bay
6 mi off Silimati Point, New Britain Dec 26, 1943.
Crew paddled ashore and returned.
30525 (312th BG) lost Oct 11, 1944. MACR 9457
30527 (38th BG, 823rd BS, *Fer-de-Lance*) force landed at Yamai Apr 16, 1944
during infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida.
30532 (3rd BG) lost Feb 1, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 2565
41-30533 ... 41-30847
North American B-25D-20 Mitchell
MSN 87-8698/9012
30548 to RAF as Mitchell II KL133 - retained in Canada, no RAF service.
30551 (321st BG) lost Feb 19, 1944. MACR 2577
30554 modified as F-10
30555 (341st BG) lost Jan 10, 1944. MACR 1645
30561 (500th BS, 345th BG) lost Oct 16, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 935
30562 Lend-Lease to USSR
30566 (42nd BG) lost Jan 14, 1944. MACR 1668
30567 (69th BS, 42nd BG) shot down by AAA 10/6/1943
Kahili, Solomon Islands. 6 KIA. MACR 786
30568 Lend-Lease to USSR
30569 Lend-Lease to USSR
30570 Lend-Lease to USSR
30572 (345th BG, 500th BS) damaged by AAA and ditched near
Uligan, New Guinea Nov 20, 1943. MACR 1146. All 6 crew
captured and executed.
30577 ("Old John Feather Merchant") collided with Empire State Building, New York in fog
Jul 28, 1945. 3 on aircraft plus 11 on ground killed.
Plane had left Boston for La Guardia, NY in marginal
weather conditions. Pilot really wanted to land at Newark
and browbeat the ground controllers into letting him do
so. While crossing NYC, the aircraft flew into the 79th
floor of the Empire State Building.
30580 modified as F-10
30584 to NEIAF as N5-154
30586 to NEIAF as N5-155 - crashed 9/44
30587 to NEIAF as N5-156 - w/o 9/43
30588 to NEIAF as N5-157 - crash landing 8/44
30589 to NEIAF as N5-158
30592 (345th BG) lost Sep 2, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 8636
30596 to RAF as Mitchell II KL134 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30604 (345th BG) lost Aug 30, 1944. MACR 8632
30609 converted to RB-25D. Suffered a ground accident at Wendover Field Jun 24, 1946
30611 (38th BG, 71st BS) collided with 41-30189 at Saidor during
infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida. Aircraft was repaired.
30612 to USSR. Crashed on market place of Martonos, Hungary Aug 11, 1944. 6 KIAl
30613 (41st BG, 396th BS) shot down Jan 19, 1944, Marshall Islands, Pacific. 2 crew KIA,
5 made POW but were executed by the Japanese. MACR 1900
30616 (41st BG) lost Feb 11, 1944, Central Pacific. MACR 2170
30621 (41st BG) lost Apr 30, 1944. MACR 4673
30630 Lend-Lease to USSR
30636 (90th BS, 3rd BG) lost Sep 27, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 730
30637 to RAF as Mitchell II KL135 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30640 (42nd BG) lost Jan 24, 1944. MACR 1950
30648 Lend-Lease to USSR
30657 Lend-Lease to USSR
30658 (42nd BG) lost Jan 22, 1944. MACR 1801
30660 to RAF as Mitchell II FV985. Destroyed when own bombs exploded on release over
Glos-Montford Jul 23, 1944
30661 (42nd BG, 75th BS) damaged by AAA and ditched 1 mi W of Baga
Island, Solomons Dec 17, 1943. MACR 1416. 2 killed, 3 rescued.
30662 Lend-Lease to USSR
30664 (345th BG) lost Feb 12, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 13823
30665 Lend-Lease to USSR
30673 crashed Oct 26, 1944 Zorn, TX. 4 killed.
30677 Lend-Lease to USSR
30679 Lend-Lease to USSR
30682 to NEIAF as N5-159 - missing 12/43
30686 Lend-Lease to USSR
30703 (TB-25C, 37th Wing, Douglas Army Airfield, Arizona) crashed 20 November 1944
in bad weather 17 miles WSW of Williams AAF, Arizona killing both student pilots.
Pilot apparently iced up and lost his horizon. Aircraft crashed in a
near landing attitude as if he'd almost recovered. It exploded just 5 miles
short of and in line with Williams lighted Aux field, and the pilot appeared to
have been trying to make the field.
30713 to NEIAF as N5-160
30720 to RAF as Mitchell II FR180, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - ditched on mission to Gorenflos Mar 18, 1944
30721 to RAF as Mitchell II FR181, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Crashed at Mandersfield, England
Jan 13, 1945 following premature explosion of bombload
30724 to RAF as Mitchell II FR182, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Crashed after collision with Mitchell
FR150 (42-32284) over Sussex, England Jun 8, 1944
30725 to RAF as Mitchell II FR183, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947
30730/30754 to USN as PBJ-1D 35048/35072
30757 to RAF as Mitchell II KL136 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30758 to RAF as Mitchell II KL137 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30759 to RAF as Mitchell II KL138 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30760 to RAF as Mitchell II KL139 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30771 converted to D-1 strafer (38th BG, 405th BS). Shot down by AAA
and crashed into Astrolabe Bay, S of Madang, New Guinea Dec 21, 1943. MACR 1544
30777 (41st BG) lost Feb 11, 1944, Central Pacific. MACR 2171
30778 (41st BG, *Lady Godiva*) salvaged Sep 1945.
30781 Lend-Lease to USSR
30782 Lend-Lease to USSR
30783 Lend-Lease to USSR
30784/5 to RAF as Mitchell II FV955/6. Both struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30790 Lend-Lease to USSR
30791 to RAF as Mitchell II FR192, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in US. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947.
30792 (MSN 87-8957) to RAF as Mitchell II FR193. Late in 1943 shipped to UK and taken on
charge by RAF Maintenance Unit. To No. 320 (Dutch) squadron at
Dunsfold on 4/23/44 as 1-17 then 13-6 then 2-6 and used for training. After
Emergency landing 4/25/1945 went No. 151 RU later
To No. 12 MU. In 1946, stored at RAF Kirkbridge
And from there to Royal Netherlands Air Service
(MLU) Jul 22, 1947, registered as A-17, then M-6, later B-6, later
2-6. SOC 7/8/1954. To Deelen and used as instructional airframe. In
late 1959, put on static display at National
Orlogs en Verzetsmuseum, Overloon, Netherlands.
Repainted in original No. 320 Squadron RAF colors
in 1977. Wartime code letters NO-L applied.
30793 to RAF as Mitchell II FV957. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30794 to RAF as Mitchell II FR194, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947
30795 to RAF as Mitchell II FR195. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947
30796 to RAF as Mitchell II FR196. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947
30797 to RAF as Mitchell II FR197. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947 as A-20/1-20
30799 (1st BG) lost Apr 7, 1944. MACR 3788
30800 crashed Jun 18, 1945
30801 to RAF as Mitchell II FV958. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30802 to RAF as Mitchell II FV959. Struck off charge Feb 3, 1947.
30803 to RAF as Mitchell II FV960. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30804 to RAF as Mitchell II FR184 - Hit by AAA near Abbeville, France and ditched
in English Channel May 5, 1944
30805 to RAF as Mitchell II FV961. Damaged beyond repair during German air raid on
Melsbroek Airfield, Belgium Jan 1, 1945
30806 Lend-Lease to USSR
30808 Lend-Lease to USSR
30810 Lend-Lease to USSR
30811 Lend-Lease to USSR
30812 to RAF as Mitchell II FR185, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK. Missing from mission to
Fontainebleau, France Jul 26, 1944
30814 to RAF as Mitchell II KL140 - retained in Canada, no RAF service
30816 to NEIAF as N5-161 - scrapped 1/44
30817 to RAF as Mitchell II FV962. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30819 to RAF as Mitchell II FV963. Struck off charge Feb 19, 1947
30820/1 to RAF as Mitchell II FV964/5. Both struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30824 to RAF as Mitchell II FV966. Hit trees on approach to Finmere, England and crashed
Dec 3, 1944
30826 to RAF as Mitchell II FV967. Hit by flak over Venlo, Holland and abandoned Oct 29, 1944
30827 Lend-Lease to USSR
30828 to RAF as Mitchell II FV968. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30831 to RAF as Mitchell II FV969. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30832 to RAF as Mitchell II FV970. DBR when ran into pit while taxying at Melsbrolek,
Belgium Jan 22, 1945.
30834 to RAF as Mitchell II FV971. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30835 to RAF as Mitchell II FV972. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30837 to RAF as Mitchell II FV973. SOC Jan 24, 1947
30838 to RAF as Mitchell II FR198, served with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK. Transferred to Netherlands AF Jun 22, 1947
30840 Lend-Lease to USSR
30841 to RAF as Mitchell II FV974. SOC Oct 9, 1945
30842 to RAF as Mitchell II FV975. Dove into ground after takeoff from Great Ryburgh, England
Apr 21, 1944
30843 to RAF as Mitchell II FV976. SOC Dec 26, 1946
30844 to RAF as Mitchell II FV977. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30845 to RAF as Mitchell II FV979. SOC Jun 5, 1947
30847 Lend-Lease to USSR
41-31773 ... 41-31872
Martin B-26B-25-MA Marauder
31773 (MSN 3487, 322nd BG, 449th BS) was *Flak Bait*, the first Allied
bomber in the ETO to complete 200 sorties.
Nose section was on display at NASM. NASM was reported to have the
rest of the airframe in storage at Silver Hill facility. In 2015 the entire aircraft was in
the restoration ship at the Udvar-Hazy Center. The nose was moved from the NASM on the Mall in
Jun 2014, and the rest of the airframe came over from the Garber facility. The entire plane
will be displayed in its original paint, fabric, and markings at the Udvar-Hazy center.
31775 (386th BG, 553rd BS, 9th AF) damaged by flak and fighters and ditched in Channel Mar 25, 1944. MACR 4029.
All 6 crew bailed out, 4 died in the water, and 2 were rescued 2 days later by RAF Walrus flying boat.
31781 (323rd BG, 455th BS, "Liberty Lady") damaged by AAA, abandoned,
and crashed in UK Dec 13, 1943.
31783 (387th BG, 557th BS, 9th AF) in landing accident at RAF Tetling, Maidstone, Kent, England Apr 27, 1944.
All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
31786 (386th BG, 552nd BS) crashlanded Jun 22, 1944
31789 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) damaged by AAA and crash landed at Beaumont-sur-Oise Airfield A-60
Persan, France Nov 18, 1944. All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was DBR and was scrapped.
31790 (386th BG, 554th BS, 9th AF) crashlanded at RAF Manston, Kent, England due to flak damage Nov 10, 1943.
All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
31793 (387th BG, 556th BS) shot down over Neuburg, Germany by Me 262A-1a flown by Lt Klaus Neumann of JV 44
Apr 18, 1945. MACR 14456. All six crew killed.
31794 (386th BG, 555th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and bellylanded on beach 3 km S of Hardelot,
10 km S of Boulogne, France Jul 12, 1944. MACR 7045. All 6 crew survived and became POW.
31796 (386th BG, 555th BS) destroyed in wheels-up landing Apr 24, 1944
31798 (322nd BG, 452nd BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAAover SW border of Grivesnes, 8 km NW of
Montdidier, France Mar 25, 1944. MACR 3167. All 6 crew killed.
31801 (456th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Denain/Prouvy A-83 Valenciennes, France Feb 16, 1945.
All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
31803 (322nd BG, 450th BS) crashed on landing at Boscombe Down, UK
Aug 15, 1943.
31804 (323rd BG, 454th BS) blew tire on takeoff Oct 26, 1944, crashed,
and burned.
31805 (386th BG, 553rd BS, 9th AF) in midair collision with Fw 190 over Lessard et le Chene, Normandy,
France Jul 28, 1944. MACR 7016. All six crew killed.
31807 (455th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) crashed into English Channel7 mi offshore of North Foreland, Kent,
England after midair collision with B-26B 41-31959 Apr 11, 1944. MACR 3741. 4 crew killed, 2 bailed out
and were rescued.
31809 to Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, England for
static vent and directional control trials. Arrival date
not known but returned to USAAF Feb 20, 1944. To 323rd BG, 453rd BS, "Heaven Can Wait/Miss Satan"
31811 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) crash landed at Clastres Airfield A-71 Picardy, France due to flak
damage Feb 14, 1945. All 6 crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
31813 (454th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Denain/Prouvy A-83 Valenciennes, France Mar 19, 1945.
All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
31814 (452nd BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF, "Bag of Bolts") shot down by Bf 110G-4 flown by Maj Wolfgang himming from NJG 4/Stab
and crashed at Warlus 22 km SSE of Abbeville, France Jul 8, 1944. MACR 6626. 1 crew killed, 5 bailed out,
3 became POW, 2 evaded.
31816 (449th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff at Beauvais/Tille Airfield A-61, Picardy, France
Oct 19, 1944. All crew survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
31817 (452nd BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA over Saint Omer-Wizernes Airfield, France Pas-de-Calas,
France Nov 23, 1943. MACR 1187. All 6 crew killed.
31818 (454th BS, 323rd BG) nose flew 344 missions as a part of 3 different planes. originally named "Goatee Hell"
when first put into operation, the tail was lost in a landing accident. Nose was grafted onto tail section
of another damaged B-26 and renamed "Half and Half". Tail section damaged and plane was sent to the scrap
yard. The nose was grafted onto Weary Willie, a B-26 with 160 missions, and flew more missions. Also listed
as being shot down by AA with 453rd BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF over Dieppe, France May 20, 1944. MACR 4967.
All 5 crew killed.
31819 (322nd BG, "Mild and Bitter") after 100 missions sent back to the States in 1944 for a war bond promotion.
31820 (456th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) salvaged Jun 23, 1944 at RAF Earls Colne Essex, England after returning from
mission with severe flak damage. All crew survived, but aircraft DBR.
31825 (453rd BS, 323rd BG, "Miss Chievous") damaged by AAA, crew bailed out over North Sea Feb 5, 1944. 2 crew were
killed 4 were captured.
31826 (453rd BS, 323rd BG, "The Flying Dutchmen II")
31827 (386th BG, 555th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA 3 km SW of Saint Omer, France Apr 30, 1944. MACR 4212.
All 6 crew bailed, five became POW. One died due to heart attack.
31829 (1st PFS) w/o at Rozy-en-Brie, France Apr 7, 1944
31831 (453rd Bs, 323rd BG, "Smokey/Wyoming's Dirty Boy")
31832 (386th BG, 554th BS, 8th AF) hit a tree during a forced landing near RAF Great Dunmow, Essex, England
Aug 18, 1944. 2 crew killed, 4 survived with injuries. Aircraft was destroyed.
31834 (387th BG, 557th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Canteleux, 9 km S of Frevent, France
Apr 11, 1944. MACR 3743. Four crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
31842 (386th BG, 552nd BS) crashed in France when ran out of fuel Dec 12, 1944
31844 served with 451st BS, 322nd BG, IX Bomber Command photographed at Picauville, Normanday Aug 1944.
With 553rd BS, 386th BS, 9th AF) in landing accident at Juvincourt Airfield A-68, Picardy, France
Nov 25, 1944. All 6 crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
31845 (322nd BG, 452nd BS, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-6 flown by Oblt Detlev Grossfuss of JG 2/2
at Charleville, France May 7, 1944. MACR 4479. All 6 crew bailed out, 4 became POW, 2 evaded.
31848 (386th BG, 553rd BS, 8th AF) damaged by AAA over Calais, France and ditched in English Channel
8 km W of Calais May 29, 1944. MACR 5126. 4 crew killed, 2 bailed out and were captured and became POW.
31849 (322nd BG, 450th BS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA and crashed at Nortbecourt, 12 km S of St Omer,
France Mar 20, 1944. MACR 2845. 5 crew killed, 2 bailed out and became POW.
31850 (386th BG, 552nd BS) crashed on landing Sep 21, 1943
31851 (453 BS, 434 BG) w/o in landing accident at Earls Colne, England Apr 6, 1944
31852 (386th BG, 555th BS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA NE OF Blosseville, 6 km E of Saint Valery-en-Caux,
France Apr 25, 1944. MACR 4133. All six crew bailed out. 5 were captured and became POW, one was
killed in his parachute after hitting an aircraft during bailout.
31853 (323rd BG, 455th BS, "Lois Rose") shot down by AAA May 25, 1944 and crashed 500 meters e of Aubel 21 km
NW of Liege, Belgium. MACR 5039. 2 crew killed (one after bailout) 5 crew bailed out anf four were captured.
31856 recovered from British Columbia by David Talliched in 1971 and
stored at Schenectady. Under restoration at Pima Air and Space
Museum, AZ
31859 (323rd BG, 454th BS) shot down by AA over Geldern, Germany Feb 14, 1945. MACR 12373. 5 crew killed, three
bailed out and became POW.
31861 (456th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Denain/Prouvy A-83 Valenciennes, France Mar 26, 1945.
Al crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
31865 (387th BG, 558th BS, 9th AF) crashed 4 mi S of Ares, France Oct 12, 1944. All crew survived, but aircraft
was destroyed.
31866 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) crash landed at RAF Gravesend, Kent, England Jun 8, 1944. All crew survived,
but aircraft was destroyed.
31867 (387th BG, 556th BS, 9th AF) crashed on takeoff and burned at Clastres Airfield A-71, Picardy, France Nov 19, 1944.
One creman killed, rest survived. Aircraft destroyed by fire.
31868 (387 BG, 559 BS, 9th AF) crash landed at RAF Ursel, Airfield B-67, East Flanders, Belgium Oct 30, 1944.
All crew survived, but aircraft DBR.
31870 (455th BS, 323rd BG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Lessay Airfield A-20, France due to bad weather Sep 9, 1944.
Pilot killed, rest of crew survived. Aircraft was destroyed.
31871 (557th BSD, 387th BG, "Dottie") flew 164 combat missions.
41-35573 ... 41-35772
Martin B-26C-35-MO Marauder
35573/35621 to US Navy Oct 1943
35586 (VJ-15) coded 15-J-8. Assigned to Kindley Field, Bermuda in 1943 for target towing. Named
"Tornado from Hell" and falsely painted as code 15-B-8 with fake kill markings.
35598/35620 converted to AT-23B
35622 condemned Nov 8, 1943 This plane was near completion in Glenn Martin plant at Fort Crook, Nebraska when
B-25D 42-87195 crashed Sep 22, 1943 through the roof of the plant, destroying this plane.
35623/35630 to US Navy Oct 1943
35631 to US Navy Oct 1943.
35632/35671 to US Navy Oct 1943
35672/35750 to US Navy Nov 1943
35751 (449th BS, 322nd BG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Bretigny Airfield A-48, France
All crew survived, aircraft badly damaged, condemned salvage no battle damage Jul 17, 1945
35752 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 5, 1945
35753 to reclamation/scrap at Las Vegas AB, NV May 22, 1945
35754 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 20, 1945
35755 condemned salvage Jul 25, 1944
35756 condemned salvage from enemy action Jan 23, 1946
35757 condemned salvage from enemy action Jan 25, 1946
35758 condemned salvage from enemy action Mar 1, 1946
35759 to RFC at Altus Dec 5, 1945.
35761 to Walnut Ridge Dec 5, 1945
35762 to RFC at Searcy Field, OK Jul 24, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
35763 condemned salvage Jan 16, 1945
35764 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
35765 to reclamation/scrap at Kingman Oct 16, 1944
35766 to RFC at Altus Dec 5, 1945
35767 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
35768 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 8, 1945
35769 to RFC at Altus Dec 5, 1945
35770 surveyed at Yuma AAF Apr 20, 1944
35771 to RFC at Altus Aug 29, 1945
35772 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 8, 1945
41-39300 ... 41-39349
Douglas A-26B-25-DL Invader
MSN 7013/7062
39301 (642nd BS, 409th BG) shot down by AAA near Arzfeld, Germany Jan 23, 1945. MACR 12395. All three crew KIA.
39303 (B-26C) with Pacific Coast Air Museum as N5589A
39308 (409th BG, 640th BS) crashlanded near Bilsen, Belgium Mar 30, 1945.
39309 (641st BS, 409th BG) in landing accident at Laon/Couvron Airfiled A-70 Aisne, France Apr 24, 1945.
All 3 crew survived. Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
39312 (409th BG, 641st BS) shot down by AAA near Arzfeld, Germany Jan 23, 1945. MACR 12396. All 3 crew KIA.
39316 (TB-26B) to Colombia in 1957 as FAC 2515
W/o Mar 4, 1968 at Apiay, Meta.
39319 converted to TB-26B. To Norton AFB, CA for storage. Sold to A. S Wikstrom Inc of Skaneateles, NY Oct 1, 1958.
Registered as N2876G Dec 8, 1958. Executive modification carried out Jun 1960. Registration
cancelled Mar 1, 1961 as dismantled.
39320 to civil registry as N107H
39321 (416th BG, 671st BS) lost from unknown cause over Germany Feb 16, 1945. MACR 12448. Fate of crew unknown.
39322 to civil registry as XB-BUI
39323 (640th BS, 409th BG) lost from unknown cause over Germany Feb 16, 1945 while on mission to Unna,
Germany. MACR 12434
39327 (B-26C) to Chile in 1957 as 823. Lost Mar 21, 1964 when its bombs exploded in flight during
an exercise during FACh's anniversary.
39330 stalled after takeoff and crashed near St. Columb Minor, Newquay, England Dec 1, 1944.
39331 (416th BG, 668th BS) crashlanded at Sittard, near Beek, Netherlands Feb 9, 1945.
39333 (416th BG, 669th BS) stalled after takeoff and crashed near Melun, France Jan 14, 1945.
39334 (27th ATG, 310th FRS) caught fire in landing accident at St. Magwan, England Nov 26, 1944
39335 (416th BG, 668th BS) in midair collision and crashed at Cormeilles en Vexin, France Jun 23, 1945.
39337 (B-26C) to Chile in 1954 as 812. Collided with 845 Nov 16, 1962, which survived.
Serial 845 may have been reallocated later.
39340 (MSN 7053) on civil registry as N4186A
39341 (409th BG, 641st BS) crashlande at Laon, France May 3, 1945.
39343 (386th BG, 555th BS) in landing accident at Baumon-sur-Oise Airfield A-60 Persan, France Mar 18, 1945.
All 3 crew survived. Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
39344 (MSN 7057) on civil registry as N4185A with Arrow Sales, Inc
39345 (MSN 7058, B-26C) to Peruvian AF in 1954 as FAP 575. Crashed Dec 1956
39348 (573 rd BS, 391st BG) in landing accident at Roye/Amy Airfield A-73 Picardy, France Apr 11, 1945.
All 3 crew survived. Aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
39349 (416th BG, 668th BS) crahlanded at Melun-Villaroche, France Jan 25, 1945. Repaired. To France as 250-B
in Dec 1956. Renumbered with USAF serial Mar 1959. Wfu Aug 1963. SOC Feb 1964.
42-28189 ... 42-28438
Republic P-47D-26-RA Thunderbolt
28192 collided in flight with towed target and crashed at Palacios AAF, TX Feb 7, 1945.
28193 crashed on landing at Strother Field, KA
28194 forcelanded at Strother AAF, KS Jab 6, 1945
28196 in midair collision and crashed 4 mi NW of Galveston, Tx Jun 20, 1945
28205 collided in flight with towed target and crashed at Galveston Gunnery Range, TX Apr 11, 1945.
28209 (301st Air Depot Squadron, 8th Service Group, 5th AF) crashlanded at Nadzab, New Guinea due to
mechanical failure Apr 23, 1945. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28211 ground looped on landing at Majors Field, TX May 2, 1945.
28215 (325th FG, 315th FS) damaged in takeoff accident at Dole, France Oct 8, 1944
28220 crashed on approach to Majors Field, TX Jan 29, 1945.
28229 (313rd FS, 50th FG, 9th AF, "Juicy Lucy") in landing accident at Toul/Ochey Airfield A-96, France Jan 23, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repairedl.
28232 (405th FG, 509th FS, "Woooooooooo")
28235 in midair collision and crashed 12 mi SE of Caldwell, OK Jul 21, 1945
28237 crashed 35 mi NW of Harding, LA Jan 10, 1945
28245 crashlanded 4 mi NE of Salt Flat, TX Aug 19, 1945
28246 ground looped on takeoff at Avenger Field, TX May 10, 1945
28253 went out of control near formation flying near Cordova, Nebraska
and crashed Sep 14, 1944. Pilot killed.
28259 crashlanded 5 mi SSE of Markel, TX Jun 22, 1945
28264 in midair collision and crashed at Ardmore Gunnery Range, TX Jan 9, 1945.
28265 (513rd FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) in taxiing accidnet at Mourmelon-le-Grand airfield A-80 Champagne Ardenne,
France Dec 8, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28274 (391st FS, 366th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AA 1 mi N of Konigshardt, Germany Amr 14, 1945. MACR 13106.
Pilot killed.
28276 (388th FS, 365th FG, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 believed flown by Oblt Radau of JG 6/7 at Wahlscheidt,
4 km E of Rosrath, Germany Oct 7, 1944. MACR 9820. Pilot bailed out and became POW.
28284 crashlanded 11 mi E of Palacious, TX Jan 22, 1945.
28285 (365th FG, 388th FS) lost Jul 26, 1944 in area of Sainte-Pience (St. Lo), France. Pilot KIA
28286 (510th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 7 mi NW of Coutances, France Jul 27, 1944. MACR 7935.
Pilot killed.
28289 (411th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Dorsten, Germany Mar 28, 1945. MACR 13525.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
28290 (23rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Leman Sirfiedl A-35 Pays de la Lorie, France Sep 8, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28291 (365th FS, 358th FG, 9th AF) hit by AAA while strafing locomotive and crash landed 1 km W of Walmestroff,
Germany Oct 14, 1944. MACR 9790. Pilot survived and became POW.
28292 (405th FG, 509th FS) shot down by Oblt Hans Schleef in Bf 109G-14 of GG 4/16 near
Gerolsheim, Germany Dec 12, 1944. MACR 11001
28295 (378th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) crshed from unknown cause at Courcelles-sur-Nied, France Oct 26, 1944.
MACR 9629. Pilot MIA and fate unknown.
28296 (386th FS, 365th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 10 mi NE of Duren, Germany Mar 23, 1945. MACR 13332.
Pilot bailed out but was killed.
28299 April 20, 1945 MACR 14014 346th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Hit By Anti-Aircraft Fire
While Strafing a Tank North of Vignola Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission in The Bologna and Modena Italy Area. Made Wheels Up
Belly Landing Tearing off One Wing and The Tail Southwest of Guglia Italy. Pilot Survived and Evaded Capture.
28300 (514th FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA while strafing enemy forces SE of Manty-En-Bexin,
France Aug 23, 1944. MACR 8588. Pilot killed.
28301 (53rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF) crashed 2.5 km SE of Loehlbach, 12 km SW of Bad Wildungen, Germany Nov 5, 1944.
MACR 10280. Pilot bailed out and was badly injured, died in German hospital.
28302 (513rd FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) crashed after strafing motor vehicle 8 mi W of Spa-Belgium Dec 26, 1944.
MACR 11478. Pilot bailed and unknown if captured or evaded.
28303 (201st FS, Mexican AF) crash landed near Laoag, Philippines May 21, 1945
28303 also listed April 28, 1945 MACR 14158 347th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy
Crashed 30 Miles West Southwest of Bologna Italy Due to Heavy Rainstorm While Returning From a Armed Reconnaissance Mission
to Vicenza Italy. Pilot Was Killed.
28304 (79th FG, 87th FS) damaged in takeoff accident at Fano, Italy Dec 13, 1944
28307 (57th FG, 66th FS) damaged in takeoff accident at Grosseto, Italy Oct 7, 1944
28311 (85th FS, 79th FG, 12th AF) hit by AAA near Imola, Italy and crash landed E of Imola Nov 7, 1944. MACR 9704.
Pilot survived and became POW.
28314 October 4, 1944 MACR 9310 347th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy Shot
Down By Anti-Aircraft Fire 15 Miles Southwest of Bologna Italy While on a Bombing and Strafing Mission of a Bivouac Area South of
Bologna Italy. Aircraft Caught Fire and Exploded. Pilot Bailed Out and Was Captured and Became a POW. He Was Badly Burned and
Injured During Bail Out. Taken to Freising Hospital. Released in 1945.
28315 March 11, 1945 MACR 12818 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Crashed During
Wheels Up Belly Landing Near Adria Rovigo Italy Due to Propeller Failure While on a Armed Reconnaissance Mission to Verona Italy.
Pilot Survived and Was Captured and Became a POW. Released in 1945.
28316 (57th FG, 66th FS) damaged in landing accident at Grosseto, Italy Apr 10, 1945.
28317 (390th FS, 366th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 1 mi SE of Diesdt, Belgium Sep 4, 1944. MACR 8476. Pilot killed.
28318 (350th FG, 346th FS) crashlanded at Pisa, Italy Apr 24, 1945.
28319 April 12, 1945 MACR 13796 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Shot Down By
Anti-Aircraft Fire Over Motta di Livenza Veneto Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission Railroad Bridge at Motta di Livenza Italy.
Aircraft Caught Fire and Crashed 20 Miles East of The Mouth of The Po River in The Gulf of Venezia. Pilot Bailed Out But Was Killed.
28320 (525th FS, 86th FG, 12th TAC) shot down by AAA 6 mi W of Landau, Germany Feb 25, 1945. MACR 12724.
Pilot killed.
28321 December 27, 1944 MACR 10796 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Shot Down
By Anti-Aircraft Fire 2.5 km Southeast of Somma Lombadro Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission on a Railroad Bridge at Palazzese Italy.
Aircraft Caught Fire and Crashed. Pilot Was Killed.
28322 September 16, 1944 MACR 8944 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy
Crashed 2 Miles Southeast of Pontremoli Tuscany Italy Due to Propeller Failure While on a Dive Bombing Mission on a 240mm
Railroad Gun Near The Marshalling Yard and Railroad Turntable at Pontremoli Italy. Aircraft Crashed and Burned. Pilot Was Killed.
28324 (391st FS, 366 FG, named "Rebel Jack") crashed 2 miles from St. Vith, Belgium on Dec. 25, 1944, Probably from flak.
MACR 11429, Pilot KIA. Wreckage located August 2006.
28329 September 25, 1944 MACR 8961 347th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy
Shot Down By 20mm Anti-Aircraft Fire 2 Miles Northwest of Piacenza Italy While on a Bombing Mission on The Marshalling Yard
at Fidenza Italy. Aircraft Caught Fire and Crashed in Flames. Pilot Bailed Out and Was Captured and Became a POW. Released in 1945.
28330 to French AF. Damaged in takeoff accident Oct 13, 1944 at Lyon-bron, France. Pilot unhurt.
28332 October 1, 1944 MACR 9036 346th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy
Hit By Anti-Aircraft Fire at Piacenza Italy While on a B-25 Bomber Escort Mission to Piacenza Italy. Able to Make a Wheels Up
Belly Landing South of Castell Arquato Italy. Evaded Capture With Partisans For Two Months Until Captured. Put on Train and
Escaped From Box Car and Returned to Allied Lines.
28333 December 29, 1944 MACR 10946 346th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Crashed
From Unknown Cause Southwest of Massa Italy While on a Bombing Mission to Massa Italy. Pilot (MIA) and Believed Dead.
28337 (85th FS, 79th FG, 12th AF) in takeoff accident at St Raphael/Frejus airfield Y-12, France Aug 29, 1944.
Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
28338 (315th FS, 324th FG, 12th AF) crashed on takeoff at Luneville airfield Y-2, France Jan 10, 1945.
Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
28339 February 26, 1945 MACR 12757 347th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Shot Down
mm Anti-Aircraft Fire While Strafing a Truck 20 Miles West Northwest of Milan Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission on The
marshalling Yard at Mortara Itlay. Aircraft Exploded and Burst into Flames on Impact. Pilot Was Killed.
28341 (79th FG, 85th FS) damaged in landing accident at Iesi, Italy Nov 17, 1944
28342 April 3, 1945 MACR 13636 347th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Shot Down
By 20mm Anti-Aircraft Fire While Strafing a Target Near Sassuola Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission to Colorno Italy.
Aircraft Burst into Flames and Crashed. Pilot Was Killed.
28343 (523rd FS, 27th FG, 9th AF, attached to 1st Tactical Air Force Provisional) collided with 2 P-47Ds 42-29029 and 44-33095
in midair near Delramy, France and crashed Feb 26, 1945. Pilot killed.
28344 December 29, 1944 MACR 14566 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pisa Airfield Pisa Italy Shot Down By
Anti-Aircraft Fire While Diving on Target Near Torrite Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission on a Small Group of Buildings West of
Castelnuovo Italy. Pilot Was Killed
28346 November 12, 1944 MACR 9850 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy
Crashed 1/4 Mile Southeast of San Caterina Italy After Hitting a Church Steeple After Strafing a Motor Transport and Trailer in San
Caterina Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission on a Railroad Bridge North of Parma Italy. Aircraft Right Wing Hit The Steeple
Throwing it Out of Control and Crashed. Pilot Was Killed.
28349 (362nd FG, 377th FS, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Dillingen-Pachten/Saar, Germany Nov 20, 1944.
MACR 10514. Pilot killed.
28353 (523rd FS, 27th FG, 12th AF) crashed near Brescia, Italy due to engine failure Feb 8, 1945. MACR 12117. Pilot bailed
out and evaded capture.
28354 (405th FG, 509th FS) damaged in landing accident at Ophoven, Belgium Apr 8, 1945.
28355 September 5, 1944 MACR 8753 345th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Tarquinia Airfield Tarquinia Italy Shot
Down By Anti-Aircraft Fire and Crashed South of Bologna Italy While on a Dive Bombing Mission on The Truck Workshops at
Bologna Italy. Aircraft Caught Fire and Crashed and Exploded on Impact. Pilot Was Killed.
28357 (353rd FG, 350th FS, 8th AF, "Natalie Ann II") shot down by AAA and made wheels-up belly landing S
of Gilze-Rijen, 4 mi SE of Tilburg, Netherlands Sep 18, 1944. MACR 8803. Pilot evaded capture.
aircraft destroyed by gunfire from other P-47D to prevent its capture.
28358 (66th FS, 57th FG, 12th AF) shot down by small arms fire 16 km NE of Padua, Italy Dec 9, 1944.
MACR 10382. Pilot bailed out and became POW.
28359 (378th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Einsiederhof, 3 mi W of Kaiserlautern, Germany
Sep 28, 1944. MACR 9285. Pilot killed.
28360 (350th FG, 345th FS) crashed on takeoffat Pisa, Italy Apr 9, 1945.
28361 (366th FS, 358th FG, 9th AF) crashed SE of Ranes, France while strafing tanks Aug 4, 1944. MACR 8505.
Pilot killed.
28362 (86th FG, 525th FS) in midair collision near Cecina, Italy Oct 23, 1944
28364 (507th FS, 404th FG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at St-Trond Airfield A-92 Sint-Truiden, Belgium Feb 25, 1945.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28365 (324th FG, 316th FS) crashlanded at Dole, France Dec 17, 1944
28366 (512th FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) crashed while in a dive 7 mi SW of Saarbrucken, Germany Sep 27, 1944. MACR 9289.
Pilot killed.
28368 (36th FG, 53rd FS) crashlanded at Juvincourt, France Oct 9, 1944
28369 (523rd FS, 27th FG, 12th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing at Loyettes Airfield Y-25, France due to
engine faioure Sep 29, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28370 (405th FG, 509th FS, "Stinkey")
28371 (527th FS, 86th FG, 22nd TAC) crashed 25 mi SW of Brescia, Italy after aircraft caught fire after flyng
through explosion of ammunition car just strafed Dec 10, 1944. MACR 10370. Pilot bailed out but was killed.
28373 (509th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 14 mi NW of Sarre Union, France Nov 18, 1944. MACR 10867.
Pilot killed.
28374 (406th FS, 371st FG, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-14 believed flown by Hptm Hans Morr of Jg 76/3 Stab
at Heming, France. MACR 9649. Pilot MIA.
28376 August 12, 1944 MACR 14556 346th Fighter Squadron 350th Fighter Group 12th Air Force Pomigliano Airfield Naples Italy
Crashed 10 Miles South Southwest of Capri Island in The Tyrrhenian Sea After Aircraft Went into a Spin and Never Recovered
While on a Dawn Patrol Over Naples Harbor Naples Italy. Pilot Was Killed.
28377 (412th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Le Culot Airfield A-89, Belgium Dec 4, 1944.
Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
28378 (Headquarters, 29th Tactical Air Command, 9th AF) lost from unknown cause in Germany while on an
administrative flight to England May 18, 1945. MACR 14470. Pilot missing and presumed killed.
28380 (511th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF) hit by AAA while strafing locomotive at Landau, Germany and crashed
near Forsthaus Barenbach, 5 km SE of Zabern, Germany Sep 9, 1944. MACR 9174. Pilot bailed out and became POW.
28381 (86th FG, 526th FS) crashlanded at Braunchardt, Germany Apr 21, 1945.
28382 (405th FG, 509th FS) crashed 2 mi W of Horn, Germany Apr 13, 1945
28383 (406th FS, 371st FS, 1st TAF) crashed from unknown cause 8 mi SW of Ramberville, France Jan 22, 1945.
Pilot bailed out but was killed. Aircraft was destroyed.
28384 (377th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Prosnes Airfield A-79, Champagne-Ardenne, France
Oct 22, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28385 (66th FS, 57th FG, 12th AF) crashed NW of Chiari, Italy after possibly ing hit by bomb blast Nov 12, 1944.
MACR 9846. Pilot killed.
28388 (404th FS, 371st FG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Beuizefille Airfield A-6 Basse-Normandie, France
Aug 18, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28389 (379th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) hit by AAA near Kaiserlautern, Germany and made wheels-up belly landing S of
Otterburg, Germany Dec 18, 1944. MACR 10997. Pilot survived, but fate unknown.
28390 (326th Ferry Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, 9th AF) crash landed 1/2 mi S of Le Molay Airfield A-9, Basse-
Normandie, France due to engine failure while on ferry flight Aug 6, 1944. Pilot survived, but aircraft was
28391 (509th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 12 mi E of Essen, Germany Apr 11, 1945. MACR 14460.
Pilot believed killed.
28392 (353rd FS, 354th FG, 9th AF) hit by AAA near Clusserath, Germany and made wheels-up belly landng 3 km
S of airfield at Trier, Germany Feb 11, 1945. MACR 12315. Pilot survived and became POW.
28393 (378th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Rennes/St-Jacques Airfield A-27, Brittany, France
Sep 20, 1944. Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
28394 (379th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA at Sarreguemines, German Dec 12, 1944. MACR 10996.
Pilot killed.
28395 (405th FS, 371st FG, 1st Tactical AF) in takeoff accident at Dole/Tavaux Airfield Y-7, France
Dec 17, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28396 (411th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) hit trees and crashed during wheels-up belly landing 5 mi NW of Soissons,
France Aug 27, 1944. MACR 8485. Pilot killed.
28398 (53rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF) crashed into trees during strafing run 6 mi SE of Melun, France Aug 26, 1944.
MACR 8053. Pilot killed.
28399 (411th FS, 373rdFG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Saint-James Airfield A-29 Brittany, France Sep 1, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28400 (393rd FS, 367th FG, 9th AF) crshed from unknown cause E of Strauaszfurt, Germany Apr 5, 1945. MACR 13836.
Pilot believed killed.
28402 (514th FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA near Houffalize, Belgium Dec 24, 1944. MACR 11425.
Pilot killed.
28403 (412th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) lost at Saint-James Airfield A-29, Brittany, France due to mechanical
failure Aug 23, 1944. Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
20404 (22nd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Le Culot Airfield A-89, Belgium Feb 23, 1945. Pilot
surivived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28405 (36th FG, 23rd FS) crashed near Hougarde, Belgium Nov 25, 1944.
28406 (821st FS, 50th FG, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause while strafing vehicles W of Sarrbourg, Germany Nov 25, 1944.
MACR 12401. Pilot killed.
28408 (HQ, 78th FG) hit by AAA while strafing locomotives and made wheels-up belly landing NE of Valenciennes,
France Aug 28, 1944. MACR 8308. Pilot survived and evaded capture.
28410 (511th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF) crashed while strafin truck ast Chefmont, France Sep 1, 1944. MACR 9100.
Pilot killed.
28411 (410th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause 2 km E of Rottegen 6 km SW of Bonn, Germany
Dec 23, 1944. MACR 11445. Pilot killed. Also reported as crashing with 494th FS, 48th FG, 9th AF
at Deux Jumeaux airfield A-4 Basse-Normandie, France Aug 4, 1944.
28415 (326th Ferry Squadron, 31st Air Transport Group, 9th AF) crash landed 1/2 mi S of Le Molay Airfield A-9,
Basse-Normandie, France due to engine failure while on ferry flight Aug 6, 1944. Pilot survived,
but aircraft was destroyed.
28416 (378th FS, 362nd FG, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot and unit at Reiterberg,
10 km NE of Zweibrucken, Germany Nov 8, 1944. MACR 10189. Pilot killed.
28419 (36th FG, 53rd FS, 9th AF) crashlanded at Le Culot, Belgium Dec 10, 1944. Must have been repaired
since crashed from unknown cause with 53rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF while strafing near Endorf, Germany Apr 10, 1945.
MACR 14376. Pilot killed.
28420 (53rd FS, 36th FG, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Helden, Germany Apr 3, 1945. MACR 13661.
Pilot was having trouble releasing his bombs and was last seen going down to try and release them.
Pilot must have survived.
28421 (389th FS, 366th FG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Laon/Couvron Airfield A-70, Aisne, France Sep 13, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28422 (350th FS, 353rd FG, 8th AF) in taxiing accident at RAF Raydon, Suffolk, England Sep 22, 1944. Pilot
survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28423 (494th FS, 48th FG, 9th AF) in landing accident at St-Trond airfield A-92, Sint-Truiden,
Belgium Nov 18, 1944. Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
28424 (512th FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) crashed while strafing trucks at Chalons-sur-Marne, France Aug 28, 1944.
MACR 8489. Pilot killed.
28425 (411th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by unknown pilot and unit 1.5 km SW of
Gross Vernich 9 km Nof Euskirchen, Germany Dec 23, 1944. MACR 11437. Pilot bailed out and became POW.
28426 (406th FS, 371st FG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Coulommiers/Voisins Airfield A-58, France
Sep 9, 1944. Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
28427 (410th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) shot down by small arms fire NE of Nont-AMousson, France Sep 15, 1944.
MACR 11652. Pilot bailed out and evaded capture.
28431 (411th FS, 373rd FG, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown by unknown pilot of JG 26 at Clairefontaine,
France Aug 15, 1944. Pilot MIA and fate unknown
28432 (36th FG, 53rd FS) lost between Kerkrade and Holz, Netherlands Nov 7, 1944.
28434 (386th FS, 365th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 6 mi E of Linnich, Germany Nov 28, 1944. MACR 10555.
Pilot killed.
28436 (512th FS, 406th FG, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-14 flown by Lt Friedrich-Hugo Sieck of JG 27/9
at St Denis SW of Meulan, France Aug 19, 1944. MACR 8569. Pilot MIA and fate unknown.
28437 (371st FG, 404th FS0 crashed on takeoff at Tantonville, France Dec 24, 1944
28438 (63rd FS, 56th FG, 8th AF) in takeoff accident at RAF Boxted, Essex, England Feb 12, 1945. Pilot
survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
42-32233 ... 42-32382
North American B-25C-10 Mitchell
MSN 94-12641/94-12790. Intended for delivery to RAF, but this order was cancelled in lieu of aicraft transferred
from USAAF release.
32234/32242 to USSR
32247 missing in Caribbean area Feb 18, 1943.
32249/32254 to USSR
32255 (42nd BG, 75th BS) hit by AAA and crashed into sea off
New Guinea Nov 23, 1943. MACR 1217. 6 KIA.
32262 (405th BS, 38th BG) lost Oct 18, 1943, Papua New Guinea. MACR 962
32263 lost Sep 17, 1944, India
32264 (22nd BS, 341st BG) shot down Jul 25, 1943, Bay of Bengal. Plane and crew never recovered. MACR 153
32272 to RAF as Mitchell II FR141 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - lost Mar 20, 1944
32273 to RAF as Mitchell II FR142 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - damaged by friendly fire from Mosquito and
crashed 3 mi NNE of Headcorn, England Apr 26, 1944
32274 to RAF as Mitchell II FR143 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - damaged by AAA and ditched in English
Channel Aug 9, 1944
32275 to RAF as Mitchell II FR144 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - stalled and crashed into North Sea Jul 30, 1943
32276 to RAF as Mitchell II FR145 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32277 to RAF as Mitchell II FR146 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - lost Nov 26, 1943 from mission to Martinvast
32280 to RAF as Mitchell II FR147 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - ditched after being damaged by AAA Aug 20, 1943
32281 modified as XB-25E deicing research aircraft and used by North American from 1942 to 1944 to test
hot gas anti-icing system. Assigned to NASA Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, Lewis field,
Cleveland, OH Jul 10, 1944 to Feb 1953. Code BD-281, named "Flamin' Mamie". Assigned to Wright
Field, Ohio. Deliberately crashed in a program to develop fire extinguishers for aircraft.
32282 to RAF as Mitchell II FR148 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Missing from ferry flight between Gander and Prestwick,
Scotland Feb 23, 1943
32283 to RAF as Mitchell II FR149 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Shot down by AAA into Grimbecq Forest Jun 12, 1944
32284 to RAF as Mitchell II FR150 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Collided with Mitchell FR182 (41-30724) over Sussex,
England June 8, 1944; crashed and exploded
32285 to RAF as Mitchell II FR151 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Shot down by flak over Moyenville Jun 20, 1944
32286 to RAF as Mitchell II FR152 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Wrecked when ran into bomb crater at end of runway at
Airfield B.110 (Achmer, Germany) Apr 28, 1943
32295/32300 to USSR
32311 (42nd BG, 69th BS) w/o in landing accident in New Caledonia Nov 5, 1943.
32314 (345th BG, 500th BS, *Stubborn Hellion*) shot down by AAA
in attack on Kavieng, New Britain Feb 15, 1944. 1 of 6 crew
32319 (42nd BG) lost Jan 22, 1944. MACR 1800
32337 to NEIAF as N5-150 - lost in action 6/43
32338 to NEIAF as N5-148
32339 to NEIAF as N5-153 - crashed 9/43
32342 to RAF as Mitchell II FR156 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32343 to RAF as Mitchell II FR157 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32344 to RAF as Mitchell II FR158 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - lost July 29, 1944
32345 to RAF as Mitchell II FR159 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32346 to RAF as Mitchell II FR160 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32347 to RAF as Mitchell II FR161 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1947. Scrapped 1949
32348 to RAF as Mitchell II FR162 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Damaged by explosion of Mitchell FR178 (42-64788) and
damaged beyond repair when crashlanded and Perranporth, Wales Oct 25, 1943
32349 to RAF as Mitchell II FR163 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK . Transferred to Dutch AF Jul 22, 1974
32350 to RAF as Mitchell II FR164 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - DBR in accident Dec 25, 1944
32351 to RAF as Mitchell II FR165 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Collided with Mitchell FW212 (43-3478) and crashed at
Tirlemont Feb 9, 1945
32352 to RAF as Mitchell II FR166 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Missing from mission to Lanveoc Oct 25, 1943
32353 to RAF as Mitchell II FR167 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK - Transferred to Royal Netherlands Navy Jul 22, 1947 as 18-3. W/o 1954
32354 (MSN 94-12762) used as movie studio prop. Flew in a Twilight Zone episode. Reported in 1998 to be under restoration
to fly. Now in storage at Aero Trader in Chino, CA.
32376 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
42-32383 ... 42-32532
North American B-25C-15 Mitchell
MSN 93-12491/93-12640. Intended for delivery to China, but this order was cancelled in lieu of aircraft
transferred from theatre stocks in India.
32384/32388 modified as B-25G-1
32385 to RFC. To Cuban AF as 301 Dec 14, 1945.
32388 converted to TB-25C. Crashed 9 mi E of Binger, OK Apr 14, 945.
32414 (310th BG, 379th BS) shot down by Bf 109G-6 of JG 53/8 over Italy Aug 27, 1943.
MACR 639. 5 KIA
32421 (12th BG) lost Jan 13, 1944. MACR 2213
32422 (310th BG, 381st BS) shot down by AAA and ditched 37 km W of Oristano, Sardinia, Italy Jul 3, 1943.
5 KIA. MACR 341.
32430 (321st BG, 447th BS, "Miss Virginity") shot down by AAA and ditched 10 mi N of Marettimo Island, Italy
Jul 10, 1943. 2 KIA, 4 POW, two of them liberated shortly thereafter. MACR 97.
32432 (321st BG, 446th BS) hit by AA and ditched in Mediterranean
Sea 13 mi off Capo Bianco, Sicily Jul 5, 1943. Crew rescued.
32434 (321st BG, 445th BS, "Mississippi Gambler") crashed Jul 20, 1944
at Foggia, Italy
32435 (1st BG (Provisional), 1st BS (Provisional)) crashed in India
Dec 3, 1943.
32437 w/o in crash landing at Belem, Brazil May 26, 1943
32440 (310th BG, 428th BS) shot down by AA 1 km S of Chiauci, Italy Oct 3, 1943. MACR 797. 1 KIA,
2 POW, 2 evaded.
32441 missing off Marajo Island, Amazon River, Brazil Apr 27, 1943
32450 (321st BG) lost Jan 8, 1944. MACR 1825
32464 lost May 3, 1944. MACR 4381
32466 (310th BG, 379th BS) shot down by Bf 109G-6 of JG 53/8 over Italy Aug 27, 1943.
MACR 638. 2 POW, 3 evaded.
32471/32482 to USSR
32474 to USSR. Crashed in forest between Kismanayok and Nagymanyok, Hungary Aug 10, 1944. 6 KIA.
32483 to NEIAF as N5-152 - crashed 5/43
32484 to NEIAF as N5-147. Shot down by AAA and crashed into deep water 1.5 mi SW of
of western shore of Saumlaki Bay May 21, 1943
32485 to NEIAF as N5-151
32486 (321st BG, 445th BS) shot down by AAA at Araxos airfield,
Patras, Greece and crashed into Eleusis Bay, 1 km off Eleusis, Greece Nov 3, 1943. MACR 1198.
6 KIA.
32491 (ACR) lost Dec 18, 1944. MACR 10787
32493 (321st BG) lost Feb 19, 1944. MACR 2476
32497 (321st BG) damaged by AAA and crashlanded at Mateur, Tunisia
Jun 15, 1943. 4 injured.
32498 (321st BG) lost Mar 28, 1944. MACR 3518
32501 (341st BG, 491th BS) w/o in landing accident at Dinjan, India Sep 23, 1943.
32503 converted to B-25G. With 321st BG, 447th BS shot down by AAA
and ditched 8 mi N of Pizzo, Italy Aug 13, 1943. MACR 409.
The MACR lists this as 42-42503.
32508 w/o in takeoff accident at Wad Seidna, Sudan May 11, 1943.
32511 to NEIAF as N5-149
32512 to NEIAF as N5-146
32513 to RAF as Mitchell II FR168 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK . Transferred to Royal Netherlands
Navy Jul 22, 1947. SOC Feb 6, 1954.
32514 to RAF as Mitchell II FR169 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK . Transferred to Dutch AF
Jul 22, 1947. SOC Aug 15, 1951.
32515 to RAF as Mitchell II FR170 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK . Transferred to Dutch AF
Jul 22, 1947. SOC Sep 30, 1949
32516 to RAF as Mitchell II FR171 for service with Dutch No 320 Sq in UK . Transferred to Dutch AF
Jul 22, 1947. SOC Feb 11, 1948
32517/32532 to USSR
32523 to USSR. MIA at Markusfalva, Hungary Aug 16, 1944. 5 crew MIA.
42-39613 ... 42-39613
Northrop P-61B-25-NO Black Widow
MSN 1132. 39613 to reclamation at Mitchel Field, NY Jun 14, 1949
42-53332 ... 42-53493
North American B-25C-5 Mitchell
MSN 90-11819/90-11980. Originally earmarked for NEIAF as N5-122/283 but impressed
by USAAF. This batch was received by the USAAF as an exchange for the release of earlier aircraft to enable
early deliveries of aircraft to the NEIAF.
53333/53344 Lend-Lease to USSR
53345 (28th BG) lost Sep 11, 1943. MACR 2821
53348 (28th BG) lost Nov 23, 1943. MACR 2612
53349 (28th BG) lost Sep 9, 1944, NW Pacific. MACR 11271
53354 (28th BG) lost Sep 11, 1943. MACR 2283
53357 arrived in UK from North Africa Mar 2943 and used for
communications work. Acquired by 7th PG Sep 1943 as "Miss
Nashville" and used as hack until loaned to 25th Group Jul 1944 for
night photo missions to V-weapons sites. Last sortie on this
work was Aug 18, 1944. Thereafter used for courier work
until strayed over front lines in France Oct 26, 1944 and
damaged by AAA and crashed near Chalons-sur-Saone.
53362 (4121 BU) converted to TB-25C. Crashed on takeoff at Kelly Field, TX May 23, 1945.
53364 (340th BG) lost Feb 13, 1944. MACR 3212
53366 (340th BG, 488th BS) shot down over Campolene, Italy Feb 16, 1944. MACR 2825
53371 ("Deathwind") lost May 10, 1944 over Corsica. Wreckage and remains of 5 crew recoverd on Mt Cagna, Corsica.
53376 (340th BG, 488th BS) shot down by AAA over Sicily, Italy Jul 16, 1943. 2 KIA, 3 POW. MACR 186.
53383 (15th Ferry Group) w/o in ground accident at Belem, Brazin Mar 31, 1943.
53385 (340th BG) lost Jan 14, 1944. MACR 2096
53386 forcelanded 15 mi N of La Romana, Dominican Republic Feb 17, 1943.
53404 (42nd BG (Medium)) crashed Jun 22, 1943 on mission to Rendova Island.
No survivors, no remains ever found.
53417 (22nd BSD, 341st BG) lost Aug 3, 1943, Burma. MACR 241
53426 (340th BG) belly landed at Djedieda airfield on Medjerda River, 15 mi from Tunis
due to engine trouble Apr 19, 1943 and captured by Luftwaffe. On May 6, 1943 American
troops captured the airfield.
53429 (42nd BG) lost Jan 22, 1944. MACR 1801.
53433 (69th BS, 42nd BG) lost Jul 10, 1943, Solomon Islands. MACR 86
53444 (381st BS, 310th BG) lost May 26, 1943, Mediterranean Sea. MACR 32
53450 crashed near Sinnamary, French Guiana Mar 3, 1943.
53451 (310th BG, 380th BS, "Worth Fighting For") damaged by AAA and ditched into sea 140 km
N of Palermo, Sicily, Italy Aug 19, 1943. MACR 477. 6 POW.
53455 (340th BG, 487th BS, "Little Isadore") cashed after takeoff
near Sfax, Tunisia Sep 9, 1943. 4 killed, 1 thrown out and survived. MACR 3686.
53458 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
53461 crashed 18 mi S of Cayenne, French Guiana Feb 27, 1943.
53464 (340th BG, 486th BS) shot down by AAA and crashed into Naples Bay near Ischia
Island, Italy Sep 10, 1943. MACR 635
53465 (340th BG, 487th BS) shot down by AA and crashed 5 mi NW of Cape Peloro,
Sicily Aug 16, 1943. MACR 1643 and 299. All crew bailed out but 3 KIA, 2 POW.
53468 (490th BS, 341st BG) lost Sep 25, 1943, India. MACR 721
53469 (1st BG, 1st BS) w/o in landing accident at Malir, India (now Pakistan) Nov 18, 1943.
53475 crashed 12 mi S of Cairo, Egypt Mar 21, 1943.
53483 (340th BG) lost Feb 13, 1944. MACR 3358
53484 (2144 BU) converted to TB-25C. Crashlanded at Freeman Field, IN Jan 9 1945.
53489 (341st BG) lost Feb 15, 1944. MACR 2298
42-64502 ... 42-64701
North American B-25C-20 Mitchell
MSN 96-16381/96-16580
64502/64506 to USN as PBJ-1C 34998/35002
64522 (310th BG, 381st BS) shot down by AAA 1.5 mi E of Sciacca, Sicily, Italy Jul 10, 1943. 6 KIA. MACR 342.
64510 (379th BS, 310th BG) list Oct 10, 1943. MACR 1102. The MACR has the serial number wrong, as 42-6451, which
was a B-29
64531 converted to B-25G
64535 (340th BS(M), 340th BG(M)) shot down by AAA over Sicily Jul 31, 1943. MACR 15461. All crew killed.
64540 (340th BG, 486th BS) shot down by AAA
near Kalamaki, Greece Nov 17, 1943. MACR 1826. 4 KIA, 1 POW,
1 evaded.
64550 (321st BG) lost Feb 19, 1944. MACR 2477
64552 (321st BG) lost Mar 28, 1944. MACR 3507
64554 (310th BG, 428th BS) left wing broke off and plane crashed into sea 32 km W of
Paola, Italy Sep 7, 1943 while returning from mission to Trebisacce, Italy. MACR 567. Entire
crew of 6 lost.
64557 (321st BG) lost Jan 27, 1944. MACR 2472
64558 converted to B-25G
64559 (321st BG) lost Apr 14, 1944. MACR 4188
64561 converted to B-25G
64563 converted to B-25G. With 42nd BG (M), 390th BS, shot down by AAA between Shortland Island and
Vella LaVella Oct 6, 1943 in Solomons. MACR 787. Entire crew rescued.
64569 converted to B-25G
64570 (42nd BG, 390th BS) shot down by AAA from area of Vunakanau
Airdrome, New Britain Jan 20, 1944. MACR 1788. All 6 crew KIA.
64571 (42nd BG) lost Oct 12, 1943. MACR 1222
64579/64582 converted to B-25G
64579 (321st BG) lost Oct 30, 1943. MACR 1137
64583 (321st BG, 447th BS) crashlanded in water in Corsica May 4, 1944 after experiencing
runaway prop after takeoff from Solenzari field. All crew
64584/64587 converted to B-25G
64588 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
64589 (341st BG) lost Feb 6, 1944. MACR 2317
64590 (321st BG, 445th BS) shot down by Maj Gustav-Siegfried Rodel inBf 109G-6 of JG 27/Stab over sea off
Greece and ditched 20 K=km S of Levadhia, Greece Oct 8, 1943. MACR 1307. 3 KIA, 2 POW, 2 evaded.
64594 (310th BG, 381st BS) shot down by AAA and when tried to crashland struck trees and crashed near
Teggiano, Italy Sep 9, 1943. MACR 643. 4 KIA, 1 POW.
64597 (310th BG, 379th BS) shot down by AAA at Montecorvino, Italy Jul 20, 1943. 4 KIA, 1 died of injuries. MACR 249.
64598 (321st BG, 447th BS) shot down by AAA NW of Chieti, Italy Dec 2, 1943. MACR 1619.
64600 (321 BG, 447 BS, *Lady Luck*)
64602/64621 to USN as PBJ-1C 35003/35022
64622 to RAF as Mitchell III FV900. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64623 to RAF as Mitchell III FV901. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64624 to RAF as Mitchell III FV902. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64625 to RAF as Mitchell III FV903. DBR during German air raid while parked at
Melsbroek, Belgium Jan 19, 1945
64626 to RAF as Mitchell III FV904. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64627 to RAF as Mitchell III FV905. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64628 to RAF as Mitchell III FV906. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64629 to RAF as Mitchell III FV907. Wrecked when hit Ventura AE856 (direct purchase so no
USAAF or USN serial) on takeoff at Oulton, England Jun 6, 1943
64630 to RAF as Mitchell III FV908. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64631 to RAF as Mitchell III FV909. SOC Aug 22, 1944
64632 to RAF as Mitchell III FV910. Hit by flak near Abbeville, France and ditched Feb 25, 1944
64633 to RAF as Mitchell III FV911. Control lost during single-engined flight, crashed 2 mi E of
Little Snoring, England Oct 4, 1943.
64634 to RAF as Mitchell III FV912. Shot down by flak, Matinvast Nov 26, 1943
64635 to RAF as Mitchell III FV913. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64636 to RAF as Mitchell III FV914. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64637 to RAF as Mitchell III FV915. Flew into ground after takeoff at Swanton Morley,
England Apr 23, 1944
64638 to RAF as Mitchell III FV916. SOC Feb 3, 1947
64639 to RAF as Mitchell III FV917. Returned to USA Nov 7,1 945
64640 to RAF as Mitchell III FV918. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64641 to RAF as Mitchell III FV919. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64649 converted to B-25G. Lost with 321st BG 448th BS when crashed into
sea 60 mi NW of Cape Fortass, Tunisia Aug 10, 1943. MACR 6144. 5 KIA, 1 rescued.
64651 (341st BG, 490th BS) lost Aug 12, 1943, China. MACR 322
64654 converted to B-25G
64655 (321st BG, 448th BS) shot down by AAA and crashed 2 mi S of Attigliano, Italy Apr 17, 1944. MACR 4193.
5 KIA, 1 POW, 1 evaded.
64657 (321st BG, 447th BS) shot down by AAA at Gerbini, Sicily Jul 5, 1943, Sicily. MACR 71
64661 (321st BG, 448th BS) ditched in Adriatic 12 km W of Kryekuq, Albania
on return from raid on Albanian airfield Nov 12, 1943. MACR 1602. 2 crew bailed
out over coast prior to ditching but one crew's chute failed
to open and he was killed. The other was rescued 2 days
later. The other 5 crewmembers entered a dinghy and were
rescued by Italian ASR shortly thereafter.
64662 (10th BG) lost Mar 14, 1944. MACR 3505
64664 (310th BG, 428th BS) shot down by Bf 109G-6 of JG 53/I 2 km W of Spezzano Albanese,
Italy Sep 8, 1943. MACR 717. 3 KIA, 2 POW.
64668 converted to B-25G
64670/64675 converted to B-25G
64675 (321st BG, 445th BS) shot down by Fw Alfred Stuckler in Bf 109G-6 of JG 27/8
over sea off Greece and ditched 10 mi NW of Patras, Greece Oct 8, 1943. MACR 927 and 1301.
8 POW.
64688 to RAF as Mitchell III FR172 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK - Wrecked when engine failed
on takeoff and aircraft swung and undercarriage collapsed, Sherburn-in-Emlet, England Aug 31, 1943
64689 to RAF as Mitchell III FR173 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947.
64690 to RAF as Mitchell III FR174 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Hit by flak over Cherbourg
Oct 28, 1943 and DBR when crashlanded at Tarrant Rushton, England.
64691 to RAF as Mitchell III FR175 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Netherlands AF Jul 22, 1947.
64692 converted to B-25G
64693 converted to B-25G
64696/64701 converted to B-25G
42-64702 ... 42-64801
North American B-25C-25 Mitchell
MSN 96-16581/96-16680
64702/64707 converted to B-25G
64705 (42nd BG) lost Jun 5, 1944. MACR 5660.
64708/64732 to USN as PBJ-1C 35023/35047
64733 to RAF as Mitchell III FV920. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64734 to RAF as Mitchell III FV921. Hit by flak and subsequently crashed at Ivychurch, England
Sep 6, 1943
64735 to RAF as Mitchell III FV922. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64736 to RAF as Mitchell III FV923. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64737 to RAF as Mitchell III FV924. Missing Sep 3, 1944.
64738 to RAF as Mitchell III FV925. Relegated to ground instructional airframe with serial
4189M September 1943; presumably subsequently scrapped
64739 to RAF as Mitchell III FV926. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64740 to RAF as Mitchell III FV927. Shot down by AAA Mimoyecques, France Nov 8, 1943
64741 to RAF as Mitchell III FV928. Crashed at Vielsham while returning from operation Dec 29, 1944
64742 to RAF as Mitchell III FV929. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64743 to RAF as Mitchell III FV930. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64744 to RAF as Mitchell III FV931. Damaged by explosion of Mitchell FV985 (41-30660) and w/o when
crashlanded at Tangmere, England Jul 23, 1944
64745 to RAF as Mitchell III FV932. Shot down by Me 210s during air-sea rescue mission Jul 30, 1943
64746 to RAF as Mitchell III FV933. SOC Aug 22, 1944
64747 to RAF as Mitchell III FV934. Hit by flak and wrecked when crashlanded at Friston,
England Feb 25, 1944
64748 to RAF as Mitchell III FV935. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64749 to RAF as Mitchell III FV936. DBR when crashlanded after engine failure,
Dunsfold, England Sep 8, 1944
64750 to RAF as Mitchell III FV937. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64751 to RAF as Mitchell III FV938. SOC Jun 5, 1947
64752 to RAF as Mitchell III FV939. Hit by flak and crashed near Manston, England Nov 8, 1943
64753/64772 converted to B-25G
64757 (341st BG) lost 10 mi S of Yockow, China Nov 12, 1943. MACR 1106
64760 (908th AAF Base Unit) crashed 1 1/4 mi N of West
Chester, PA on training flight May 7, 1944. No survivors
64776 (42nd BG) lost at Solomons Nov 29, 1943. MACR 1185
64779 converted to B-25G
64780 converted to B-25G
64786 to RAF as Mitchell III FR176 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Hit by flak over Hedel
Oct 24, 1944 and crew bailed out.
64787 to RAF as Mitchell III FR177 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Hit by flak over Gorenflos and ditched
in English Channel Mar 18, 1944
64788 to RAF as Mitchell III FR178 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Hit by flak and exploded
Lanveoc-Poulmic Oct 25, 1943
64789 to RAF as Mitchell III FR179 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Missing during night intruder
mission Jun 8, 1944
42-64802 ... 42-65101
North American B-25G-5 Mitchell
42-64802/64901 MSN 96-16681/96-16780
42-64902/65101 MSN 96-20806/96-21005
64807 (38th BG) lost Jan 21, 1944, SW Pacific.
64810 (38th BG) lost Feb 2, 1944, New Guinea
64822 to RAF as Mitchell II FR208. Relegated to instructional airframe Feb 1945
with serial 4823M. Presumably subsequently scrapped
64823 to RAF as Mitchell II FR209. Relegated to instructional airframe Sep 13, 1951
with serial 6981M. Presumably subsequently scrapped.
64827 (38th BG) lost Jan 16, 1944, New Guines
64833 (41st BG, 48th BS, "Paper Doll") survived the war. Not sure of
its ultimate disposition.
64835 (822th BS, 38th BG) crash-landed in Papua New Guinea following
strafing attack Apr 12, 1944. Crew of 5 survived the landing
but are believed to have been captured by the Japanese.
They were never seen again, presumed executed by their captors.
The plane is still there.
64843 (38th BG) lost Nov 10, 1943, New Guinea
64846 (38th BG) shot down by AAA at Arwin Island, New
Guinea Nov 22, 1943. MACR 1171. 5 KIA
64850 (38th BG, 823rd BS) damaged by AAA and crashed into water
offshore S of Madang, New Guinea Nov 3, 1943. MACR 1087.
Crew entered dinghy and paddled ashore.
64867 (38th BG, 823rd BS) DBR during landing at Saidor Apr 16, 1944 during infamous Black
Sunday mission to Hollanida
64868 lost Jul 28, 1943, Pacific. MACR 10.
64873 (38th BG, 823rd BS) lost in attack on Kavieng, New Britain
Feb 15, 1944. All 5 crew killed.
64881 (38th BG) lost Jan 28, 1944, SW Pacific.
64889 (38th BG, 823rd BS) shot down by AAA and crashed into sea off
Wewak, New Guinea Nov 27, 1943. MACR 1177. 6 KIA.
64892 ("On the Make")
64893 (41st BG, 820th BS) tail shot off by AAA at Jaluit Atoll, Marhsalls Jan 2, 1944. MACR 1586. 6 KIA.
64889 (38th BG) lost Nov 27, 1943, New Guinea.
64893 (41st BG) lost Jan 2, 1945, Central Pacific
64911 (41st BG) lost Jan 17, 1944, Central Pacific.
64915 (41st BG) lost Feb 12, 1944, Central Pacific.
64924 (41st BG) lost Jan 28, 1944, Central Pacific.
64948 (41st BG) lost Jan 22, 1944, Central Pacific.
64949 (41st BG) lost Jan 22, 1944, Central Pacific.
64957 (41st BG) lost Jan 15, 1944, Central Pacific.
65026/65030 Lend-Lease to USSR
65031 to USN as PBJ-1G 35097
65037 surveyed Aug 17, 1945
65038 condemned Apr 1, 1944
65039 to RFC at Altus Sep 5, 1945
65040 crashed Edinburg AAB, Trinidad, BWI Sep 15, 1943. 6 killed.
65041 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65042 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Jan 17, 1946
65043 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65044 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1948
65045 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65046 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 7, 1945
65047 surveyed Apr 5, 1944
65048 surveyed Oct 22, 1943
65049 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 145
65050 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65051 to reclamation Jan 1, 1947
65052 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
65053 to RFC at Altus Sep 6, 1945
65054 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65055 to reclamation Douglas AAF, AZ Feb 17, 1945
65056 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65057 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65058 surveyed at Brooks AAF Jun 7, 1944
65059 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 20, 1945
65060 surveyed at Greenville AAF, SC Sep 1, 1943.
65061 (25th BG) lost Jan 13, 1944, Caribbean
65062 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 6, 1945
65063 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65064 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65065 to RFC at Altus Sep 5, 1945
65066 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65067 to reclamation at Lowry AAF, CO Oct 15, 1945
65068 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65069 (25th BG, 59th BS) bellylanded at Beane Field, St Lucia
Dec 17, 1943. Condemned Apr 1, 1944.
65070 to reclamation at La Junta AAF, CO Jul 17, 1945
65071 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65072 to RFC at Kingman, AZ Dec 4, 1945.
65073 to RFC at Altus Oct 29, 1945
65074 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945
65075 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 21, 1945
65076 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65077 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65078 to RFC at Altus Aug 11, 1945
65079 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65080 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65081 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65082 to reclamation at Enid AAF, OK Mar 27, 1945.
65083 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65084 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65085 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65086 to reclamantion at Brooks AAF, TX Feb 13, 1946
65087 slavaged May 31, 1946
65088 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945
65089 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945
65090 salvaged Apr 15, 1944
65091 to RFC at Albuquerque Aug 6, 1945.
65092 to RFC at Albuquerque Aug 18, 1945
65093 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65094 to RAF Nov 22, 1944. RAF serial not known
65095 surveyed Frederick AAF, OK Apr 2, 1945
65096 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65097 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65098 salvaged Aug 14, 1945
65099 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65100 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65101 to reclamation at Columbia AAF ,SC Apr 18, 1945
42-65102 ... 42-65201
North American B-25G-10 Mitchell
MSN 96-21006/96-21105
65102 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Aug 6, 1945
65103 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65104 surveyed sep 18,1 943
65105 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65106 in combat-related accident Jan 31,1 945
65107 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19,1 945
65108 salvaged Nov 12, 1944
65109 lost in action Jan 20, 1945
65110 to reclamation Jul 13, 1949.
65111 salvaged Sep 6, 1945
65112 in combat-related accident Mar 22, 1945
65113 lost in typhoon Oct 28, 1945
65114 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65115 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65116 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 22, 1945
65117 surveyed Feb 25, 1944
65118 (25th BG, 417th BS) exploded and crashed into Caribbean Sea 15 mi NW off Borinquen, Puerto Rico
Oct 30, 1943. 6 KIA. MACR 980.condemned Nov 30, 1943
65119 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 20,1945
65120 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65121 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65122 surveyed Jan 8, 1944
65123 to RFC at Albuquerque Aug 6, 1945
65124 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65125 surveyed Apr 1, 1944
65126 to CL-26 at Turner AAF, GA Jul 22, 1944
65127 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Aug 6, 1945
65129 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945.
65130 to RFC at Altus Oct 24, 1945
65131 to reclamation at Olmstead AAF, PA May 24, 1946
65132 condemned Apr 30, 1945
65133 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65134 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 19, 1945
65135 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945.
65136 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Aug 18, 1945
65137 to reclamation Jan 1, 1947
65138 to RFC at Lemoore AAF, CA Nov 16, 1945
65139 to reclamation Jan 1, 1947
65140 to reclamation Jan 12, 1946
65141 in accident Dec 24, 1944
65142 lost to AAA Nov 19, 1944
65143 in accident Jun 10, 1944
65144 in non-combat accident Jan 10, 1945
65145 in non-combat accident Feb 3, 1945
65146 in non-combat accident Sep 6, 1945
65147 to reclamation Jul 13, 1949
65148 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 19, 1945
65149 to reclamation Jul 13, 1949
65150 surveyed at Hanner AAF, CA May 4, 1944
65151 salvaged Oct 2, 1945
65152 salvaged Jun 3,1 944
65153 condemned Dec 14, 1944
65154 to reclamation Dec 13, 1946
65155 (42nd BG 390th BS, "Goin' Hard") lost to AAA Mar 4, 1945 off Leyte (Zamboanga), Phillipines. Crew rescued.
65156 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 9, 1946
65157 to RFC at Kingman Dec 15, 1945
65168 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65159 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65160 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 27, 1945
65161 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 20, 1945
65162 surveyed Jul 1, 1948
65163 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 2, 1945
65164 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65165 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65166 to RFC at Altus Oct 29, 1945
65167 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65168 to rFC at Pampa, TX Sep 25, 1945
65169 to reclamation Jan 1, 1947
65170 to RFC at Altus Sep 11, 1945
65171 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65172 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65173 to RFC at Altus Oct 29, 1945
65174 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 27, 1945
65188 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65189 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Nov 15, 1945
65190 to RFC at Altus Aug 30, 1945
65191 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 31, 1945
65192 surveyed Jan 25, 1944
65193 to reclamation at Enid AAF, OK Jul 5, 1945
65194 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 21, 1945
65195 surveyed Apr 11, 1944
65196 to reclamation at Columbia, MS Apr 20, 1945
65197 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Dec 6, 1945
65198 surveyed at Mather AAF, CA by Aug 1,1944
65199 to RFC at Walnut Ridte Sep 19, 1945
65200 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Sep 20,1945
65201 surveyed at Hammer AAF, CA Feb 13, 1944.
42-67312 ... 42-67401
Lockheed F-5B-1-LO Lightning
MSN 1823/1912
67312 to 33rd PRS and crashed at Will Rogers Field, OK Mar 7, 1944. Pilot
67318 in midair collision with RAF Halifax, embedding one of the Halifax's fins
in the Lightning's port wing and bending starboard wing back by 26 degrees.
Starboard engine froze but pilot was able to get the plane on the ground.
67325 shot down by AAA near Munich Apr 12, 1944, Wing Commander Warburton on board.
67329 (17th PRS, 4th PRG) lost Apr 18, 1943, Solomon Islands. MACR 3997
67331 (7th PRG, 27th PRS) lost Huissen, Netherlands Sep 25, 1944.
67342 (7th PRG, 27th PRS, "Double Trouble") lost S of Breskens, Netherlands Sep 19, 1944.
MACR 9168. Pilot evaded.
67350 (F-5A, 26th PRS, 6th PRG) in collision with B-25D 41-30337 while
landing at Saidor during infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida.
67362 (7th PRG 13th PRS) lost in a landing accident on Jan 21, 1944
67366 (7th PRG, 27th PRS) lost Veldhoven, Netherlands Jun 8, 1944. MACR 5491.
67378 (7th PRG 13th PRS) lost on Jan 19, 1944. Pilot was killed attempting a landing in bad weather.
67388 (21st PRS) lost Dec 17, 1944 with pilot bailing out in weather
due to fuel exhaustion, he walked back to the station on 15 Jan 1945. MACR 10625
42-87113 ... 42-87137
North American B-25D-20 Mitchell
MSN 100-20606/100-20630
87113 to RAF as Mitchell II FV979. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87114 to RAF as Mitchell II FV980. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87115 to RAF as Mitchell II FV981. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87116 to RAF as Mitchell II FV982. DBR in German air raid on Melsbroek airfield in
Belgium Jan 1, 1945
87117 to RAF as Mitchell II FV983. SOC Jun 6, 1947
87118 to RAF as Mitchell II FV984. SOC Sep 26, 1947
87119 Lend-Lease to USSR
87120 Lend-Lease to USSR
87122 to RAF as Mitchell II FR176. With 320 Sqdn, crasned at Hedel near Ammerzoden, Netherlands
Oct 24, 1944.
87123 Lend-Lease to USSR
87132 to RAF as Mitchell II FR186 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. SOC Jun 20, 1945.
87133 to RAF as Mitchell II FR187. British Air Commission records show this aircraft as
becoming FR187, but RAF records say that FR187 was never issued. Not actually delivered to RAF. Crashed on
takeoff 5 mi SW of Romulus AAF, MI Aug 30, 1943.
87135 Lend-Lease to China Jul 1943
87136 Lend-Lease to China Jul 1943
42-87138 ... 42-87452
North American B-25D-25 Mitchell
87138/87312 were MSN 100-20631/100-20805
87313/87452 were MSN 100-23306/100-23445
87140 to RAF as Mitchell II FV986. Dove into ground at night, Chilwell, England Jul 24, 1944
87146 to RAF as Mitchell II KL141 - Retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
87149 to RAF as Mitchell II FV987. Sideslipped into ground while in circuit at North Bay,
Canada Apr 28, 1945
87150 to RAF as Mitchell II FV988. DBR when bellylanded after engine caught fire on
takeoff, Reykjavik, Iceland Nov 25, 1943
87154 to RAF as Mitchell II FV989. Missing from night intruder mission Aug 18, 1944
87155 to RAF as Mitchell II FV990. Missing from ferry flight from Bluie West 3 to Reykjavik,
Iceland Nov 28, 1943
87156 to RAF as Mitchell II FV991. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87157/87180 to USN as PBJ-1D 35073/35096
87181/87205 to USN as PBJ-1D 35098/35122
87195 crashed through roof of Glenn L Martin plant at Offutt AFB,
Nebraska Sep 22, 1943. 3 crew killed, one injured. B-26C 41-35622 in the plant was destroyed.
No injuries in the plant.
87206 to RAF as Mitchell II FV992. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87207 to RAF as Mitchell II FV993. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87208 to RAF as Mitchell II FV994. Returned to USA Nov 18, 1945
87209 to RAF as Mitchell II FV995. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87210 to RAF as Mitchell II FV996. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87211 to RAF as Mitchell II FV997. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87212 to RAF as Mitchell II FV998. Shot down by flak over Pas de Calais, France Jun 20, 1944
87213 to RAF as Mitchell II FV999. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87214 to RAF as Mitchell II FW100. Bellylanded and blew up after both engines cut on takeoff,
Dunsfold, England May 5, 1944
87215 to RAF as Mitchell II FW101. Crashed at Cranleigh, England when engine cut during night
approacy to Dunsfold, England Jun 28, 1944
87216 to RAF as Mitchell II FW102. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87217 to RAF as Mitchell II FW103. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87218 to RAF as Mitchell II FW104. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87219 to RAF as Mitchell II FW105. Crashlanded in Normandy after receiving flak damage
Aug 28, 1944
87220 to RAF as Mitchell II FW106. Missing from mission to Deventer, Holland Oct 15, 1944
87221 to RAF as Mitchell II FW107. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87223 to RAF as Mitchell II FW108. Wrecked when clided with Mitchell FR370 (41-13114) on
landing, Harwell, England Mar 13, 1945
87224 to RAF as Mitchell II FW109. Missing from mission to Bois Boquerel May 9, 1944
87225 to RAF as Mitchell II FW110. Crashed after hitting tree during night approach to
Swanton Morley, England Apr 21, 1944
87226 to RAF as Mitchell II FW111. SOC Jan 13, 1947
87227 to RAF as Mitchell II FW112. SOC Jan 15, 1947
87228 to RAF as Mitchell II FW113. Shot down by flak over Foret de Lyons, France Aug 9, 1944
87229 to RAF as Mitchell II FW114. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87230/87253 Lend-Lease to USSR
87254 to NEIAF as N5-170 -
87255 to NEIAF as N5-171, later to RAAF as A47-36. SOC 3/50.
87256 to NEIAF as N5-172 -
87257 to NEIAF as N5-173
87258 to NEIAF as N5-174, later to RAAF as A47-37. Lost en route
to Biak 8/14/1945.
87259 to NEIAF as N5-175, later to RAAF as A47-33. lost on operations 12/44
87260 to NEIAF as N5-188
87261 to RAF as Mitchell II FR199. With No 320 (Dutch) RAF Squadron.
SOC 1954 and sent to Technical University Delft
where cockpit section was used as a flight simulator.
This section was donated to the Aviodome in 1981.
Moved to Veghel on loan to museum Bevrijdende Vleugels.
87262 to RAF as Mitchell II FR188 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Royal Netherlands AF 7/22/1947.
87263 to RAF as Mitchell II FR189 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Royal Netherlands AF 7/22/1947.
87264 to RAF as Mitchell II FR190 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK - w/o Aug 31, 1944 after overshot
landing at Long Newnton, England.
87265 to RAF as Mitchell II FR191 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK- ditched Jun 12, 1944 in English Channel.
87266/87273 Lend-Lease to China Jul 1943
87269 lost in China Nov 29, 1943. MACR 1231.
87276 (41st BG) lost Aug 18, 1944, Central Pacific.
87284 (41st BG) lost Jan 29, 1944, Central Pacific.
87288 to RAF as Mitchell II KL142 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU.
87290 to RAF as Mitchell II KL143 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
87293 (38th BG/17th RS) Survived 190 missions in Pacific
Theatre during WW2; believed scrapped in theatre after war's end.
87296 (71st BG) lost Dec 26, 1944, SW Pacific.
87297 (71st BG) lost Dec 26, 1944, SW Pacific.
87302 in takeoff accident at Fort Worth AAF, TX Oct 10, 1944. Landing gear
was retracted too early during takeoff and aircraft settled onto the
runway, with the left gear collapsing and aircraft bellying in. Left
prop broke off and tore into the pilot side of the cockpit, critically
injuring the pilot. Except for the flight engineer, who had minor
injuries, all others aboard were uninjured.
87305 to NEIAF as N5-164
87307 to NEIAF as N5-179 - missing 3/44
87311 to NEIAF as N5-177 - missing 5/44
87312 to NEIAF as N5-178
87313 to NEIAF as N5-176 - crashed 5/44
87317 to RAF as Mitchell II FR200 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Royal Netherlands AF 7/22/1947
87321 to NEIAF as N5-180
87322 to RAF as Mitchell II FR201 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Royal Netherlands AF 7/22/1947.
87323 to RAF as Mitchell II FR202 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. SOC Nov 1, 1945.
87325 to RAF as Mitchell II FW115. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87326 to RAF as Mitchell II FW116. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87328 to RAF as Mitchell II FW117. SOC Aug 22, 1945
87329 to RAF as Mitchell II FW118. Missing from night intruder mission Jul 23, 1944
87331 to RAF as Mitchell II FW119. SOC Aug 22, 1945
87332 Lend-Lease to USSR
87333 Lend-Lease to USSR
87334 to RAF as Mitchell II FW120. SOC Aug 22, 1945
87336 (42nd BG) lost Jan 20, 1945, SW Pacific.
87338 Lend-Lease to USSR
87339 to RAF as Mitchell II FR203 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Caught fire and crashed into sea
50 mi W of Reykjavik, Iceland Nov 8, 1943
87340 to RAF as Mitchell II FW121. DBR when overshot forced landing due to engine
failure and ran into ditch, Weston Zoyland, England Feb 21, 1944
87342 to RAF as Mitchell II FW122. Damaged by explosion of Mitchell FV985 (41-30660) over
Glos-Montford and crashed Jul 23, 1944.
87344 to RAF as Mitchell II FW123. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87345 to RAF as Mitchell II FW124. Missing on mission to Elbeuf, France Aug 21, 1944
87346 to RAF as Mitchell II FW125. Shot down by AAA over Boulogne, France Sep 9, 1944.
87347 to RAF as Mitchell II FW126. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87348 to RAF as Mitchell II FW126. Abandoned and crashed after being hit by flak over
La Maillerayte sur Seine, France Aug 17, 1944
87349 to NEIAF as N5-162 - missing 6/44
87350 to NEIAF as N5-163
87352 to RAF as Mitchell II KL144. Retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU.
87354 Lend-Lease to USSR
87355 Lend-Lease to USSR
87357 Lend Lease to USSR
87358 to RAF as Mitchell II FR204 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Shot down by flak,
Chateau d'Ansenne Jun 25, 1944.
87361 Lend-Lease to USSR
87362 Lend-Lease to USSR
87364 (42nd BG, 100th BS, "Big Operator")
87375 Lend-Lease to USSR
87377 (42nd BG, 100th BS, "Eager Rosie")
87379 to RAF as Mitchell II KL145. Retained in Canada for use by 5 OTU.
87381 to RAF as Mitchell II FR205 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. Missing from night
intruder mission Jun 12, 1944
87382 Lend-Lease to USSR
87387 Lend-Lease to USSR
87389 Lend-Lease to USSR
87392 Lend-Lease to USSR
87394 Lend-Lease to USSR
87396 Lend-Lease to USSR
87397 Lend-Lease to USSR
87398 to NEIAF as N5-166
87399/87404 Lend-Lease to USSR
87405 to RAF as Mitchell II FR206 for service with Dutch No 320 Sqdn in UK. To Royal Netherlands Navy
as 18-2 Jul 22, 1947.
87406 Lend-Lease to USSR
87408 to RAF as Mitchell II FR207 for service with Dutch No 32 Sqdn in UK. SOC 8/22/1945
87409 Lend-Lease to USSR
87410 to RAF as Mitchell II FW128. SOC Dec 26, 1946.
87411 to RAF as Mitchell II FW129. Missing from night intruder mission Jun 13, 1944
87412 to RAF as Mitchell II FW130. SOC Dec 9, 1946
87415 to RAF as Mitchell II FW131. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87416 to NEIAF as N5-168, later to RAAF as
A47-35. struck off charge 3/50.
87417 to RAF as Mitchell II FW132. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87420 to RAF as Mitchell II FW133. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87421 to RAF as Mitchell II FW134. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87422 to RAF as Mitchell II FW135. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87423 to RAF as Mitchell II FW136. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87425 to RAF as Mitchell II FW137. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87427 to RAF as Mitchell II FW138. Missing during ferry flight between Goose Bay and
Reykjavik Nov 6, 1943
87428 to RAF as Mitchell II FW139. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87431 to RAF as Mitchell II FW140. SOC Oct 31, 1946
87432 to RAF as Mitchell II FW141. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87433 to RAF as Mitchell II FW142. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87436 to RAF as Mitchell II FW143. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87437 (345th BG, 500th BS, "General's Daughter") after landing fell
off 2 wire-wrapped parademo bombs, exploded and burned out
at Nadzab, New Guinea Jul 2, 1944. 5 killed, plus 7 armorers on
the ground also killed. Tail gunner survived.
87440 crashed Sept 11, 1944 near Loyette Air Field, France. 15 killed.
87444 (71st BG) lost May 18, 1945, SW Pacific.
42-87453 ... 42-87612
North American B-25D-30 Mitchell
MSN 100-23446/100-23605
87453 to RAF as Mitchell II FW144. DBR when overshot landing at Swanton Morley,
England Jun 30, 1944
87457 crashed into Rincon Mountains, AZ Jan 20, 1945
87471 to RAF as Mitchell II FW145. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87472 to RAF as Mitchell II FW146. Shot down by flak over Venlo, Holland Nov 19, 1944
87473 to RAF as Mitchell II FW147. SOC Aug 23, 1945
87474 to RAF as Mitchell II FW148. Lost height after bombing run and flew into trees at
Yanacraw Hill, New Providence Island, Bahamas Oct 28, 1944
87475 Lend-Lease to USSR
87476 to RAF as Mitchell II FW149. DBR when bellylanded after practice bomb
exploded in bomb Bay, Oakes Field May 3, 1945
87477 to RAF as Mitchell II FW150. Collided with Mitchell HD330 (43-3801) and crashed
in sea off Nassau, Bahamas Nov 24, 1944.
87478/87487 Lend-Lease to USSR
87489 Lend-Lease to USSR
87491 Lend-Lease to USSR
87495 to RAF as Mitchell II FW151. SOC Jan 15, 1947
87501 to RAF as Mitchell II KL147. Retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU.
87503 to RAF as Mitchell II FW152. Missing Nov 16, 1944
87504 to RAF as Mitchell II FW153. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87505 to RAF as Mitchell II FW154. Ditched off Eleuthera, Bahamas Jun 6, 1944
87506 to RAF as Mitchell II FW155. SOC Feb 19, 1947
87507 to RAF as Mitchell II FW156. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87509 to RAF as Mitchell II FW157. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87510 to RAF as Mitchell II FW158. SOC Dec 9, 1946
87511 to RAF as Mitchell II FW159. Missing on flight from Goose Bay to Reykjavik Dec 6, 1943
87582 Lend-Lease to USSR
87584 Lend-Lease to USSR
87586/87592 Lend-Lease to USSR
87594 to USSR
87595 to NEIAF as N5-165
87596 to RAF as Mitchell II FW160. DBR by flak over Thurty-Harcourt Aug 6, 1944. Returned to
base, but thereafter SOC.
87597 to NEIAF as N5-182 - crashed 7/44
87598 Lend-Lease to USSR
87599 Lend-Lease to USSR
87600 to RAF as Mitchell II FW161. SOC Sep 27, 1945
87601 to RAF as Mitchell II FW162. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87602 to RAF as Mitchell II FW163. Damaged by flak over Venlo and crashlanded at Volkel Nov 4, 1944.
87603 to RAF as Mitchell II FW164. DBR by flak over Zwolle Nov 29, 1944. Returned to base but
thereafter SOC.
87604 to RAF as Mitchell II FW165. Spun into ground 2 mi NW of Reykjavik during ferry flight Dec 18, 1943.
87605 to RAF as Mitchell II FW166. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87606 to RAF as Mitchell II FW167. Shot down by flak over Vlissingen Sep 12, 1944
87607 to NEIAF as N5-183, later to RAAF as A47-1. SOC 3/50.
87608 to NEIAF as N5-186, later to RAAF as A47-34. SOC 3/50.
87609 to RAF as Mitchell II FW168. DBR when taxiied into hangar after brakes failed, Melsbroek Jan 1, 1945
87610 to RAF as Mitchell II FW169. Destroyed by fire when hit tree after night takeoff from
Dunsfold Jun 30, 1944
87611 to RAF as Mitchell II FW170. SOC Jun 5, 1947
87612 to RAF as Mitchell II FW171. DBR when forcelanded at Melsbroek Nov 5, 1944.
42-93284 ... 42-93823
Douglas C-47A-25-DK Skytrain
MSNs beginning with 13179 and ending with 13777, with entries ending with '8' skipped.
93284 (MSN 13179) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17208
93285 (MSN 13180) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17210
93286 (MSN 13181) by 1954 was ET-T-2 of Ethiopian Air Lines Inc
93287 (MSN 13182) to ZS-BCA Avair T’port (Jul 1, 1946), to G-AJDE ( Sep 27, 1948), to VP-KGL Skyways on
(May 19, 1949), to ZS-DBV (Dec 15, 1949), to G-AJDE BEA (May 10, 1950) , to PH-SSM Transaero (Feb 3, 1961),
to Martins Air Charter (Jan 14, 1966) & broken up 1967
93288 (MSN 13183) by 1955 was TC-ATA of Devlet Hava Yollari.
93289 (MSN 13184)
93290 (MSN 13185)
93291 (MSN 13186) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Jan 5, 1946 as XT-T10
93292 (MSN 13187)
93293 (MSN 13189)
93294 (MSN 13190)
93295 (MSN 13191) W/o Aug 5, 1945 Lalmanirhat, India
93296 (MSN 13192) to LR-AAA with Middle East Airlines w/o Jan 30, 1948 at Beirut IAP following ground collision with Ju-52/3m
93297 (MSN 13193)
93298 (MSN 13194) by 1954 was PI-C41 of Philippine Air Lines.
Operated by All Nippon Airways as JA5024 was
DBR at Toyama Airport, Japan Oct 29, 1963. Later put on
display at Sakurayama amusement park, Fukagawa-shi and
scrapped Nov 2000.
93299 (MSN 13195)
93300 (MSN 13196)
93301 (MSN 13197) reportedly w/o Sep 3, 1945.
93302 (MSN 13199) struck 42-93306 on ground at Madzab Strp, PNG Aug 31, 1945. Both
aircraft w/o.
93303 (MSN 13200)
93304 (MSN 13201)
93305 (MSN 13202)
93306 (MSN 13203)
93307 (MSN 13204) w/o Feb 13, 1945 in landing accident Port Moresby, Jackson Field, Papua New Guinea.
93308 (MSN 13205)
93309 (MSN 13206) damaged Apr 17, 1945 in landing accident Hollandia/Sentani Strip, Pauua New Guinea
93310 (MSN 13207) to NEIAF as DT-952, callsign VH-REF. TO KLM as PK-REF in 1950,
later PK-VDO.
93312 (MSN 13210) to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-12. Damaged Mar 26k 1947 near Gimbat
Station, Jakarta, Indonesia. Last operated by Netherlands East Indies Navy as W-12. Postwar, the
fuselage was mounted on a truck chassis for use as a motor home. Now drives around Australia
as a camper.
93313 (MSN 13211)
93314 (MSN 13212)
93315 (MSN 13213)
93316 (MSN 13214)
93317 (MSN 13215)
93318 (MSN 13216)
93319 (MSN 13217) to USSR. To Polish AF as No 10.
93320 (MSN 13219)
93321 (MSN 13220)
93322/93328 (MSN 13221/13227) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17211/17217
93328 now at Fred E. Weisbrod Museum, Pueblo, CO also carrying
civilian number of N64605.
93329 (MSN 13229) w/o Jan 18, 1945, CPI
93330 (MSN 13230)
93331 (MSN 13231) to VT-AUI of Mistri Airways
93332 (MSN 13232) to VT-AZU, N2426C
93333 (MSN 13233) destroyed on ground in bombing raid Dec 25, 1944 Bhamo Strip, Burma.
93334 (MSN 13234) hit high gound on supply mission Jun 3, 1944 near Myitkyina, Burma.
93335 (MSN 13235) w/o Jul 24, 1944 in landing accident Tingkawk, Sakan, Burma
93336 (MSN 13236) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporatin Dec 29, 1945. Destroyed in
Zhenyuan County Mar 31, 1946
93337 (MSN 13237) W/o Feb 2, 1945 in landing accident, Burma
93338 (MSN 13239) w/o May 19, 1945, CBI
93339 (MSN 13240) w/o Jan 29, 1946 Barrackpore AB, India. 2 lost
93340 (MSN 13241) w/o Jun 3, 1944 in takeoff accident Salalah, Oman
93341 (MSN 13242, 3rd TCG) lost Aug 7, 1944. MACR 7176 and 7292
93342 (MSN 13243)
93343 (MSN 13244)
93344 (MSN 13245) to VT-AUA of Tata Airlines. W/o. Sep 1, 1957 Dum Dum Airport, Calcutta, India. 4 lost.
93345 (MSN 13246) w/o in takeoff accident Apr 23, 1945 at Rumkhapalong, India
93346 (MSN 13247)
93347 (MSN 13249)
93348 (MSN 13250) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
93349 (MSN 13251, 3rd TCG) lost Jul 23, 1944. MACR 7293
93350 (MSN 13252) w/o Jun 22, 1944 in crash 181 mi NE of Fenny AB, India
93351 (MSN 13253) to Jamair as VT-AZV. W/o Dec 7, 1961 at Amritsar,
India shortly after takeoff. Both engines failed as a result of
fuel starvation caused by the improper selection of the fuel tanks.
93352 (MSN 13254)
93353 (MSN 13255)
93354 (MSN 13256) to F-BCYA, F-VNAF, South Vietnam AF
93355 (MSN 13257)
93356 (MSN 13259) to VT-AXF
93357 (MSN 13260)
93358 (MSN 13261) w/o in landing accident Aug 3, 1944 at Myitkyina, Burma
93359 (MSN 13262) w/o Feb 6, 1945 in landing accident, Muse, Burma
93360 (MSN 13263) w/o in landing accident Mar 1, 1945 at Warazup Strip, Burma
93362 (MSN 13265) to VT-AUO of Deccan Airways. W/o Nov 21, 1951 when crashed on approach to Dum Dum
Airport, Calcutta, India in bad weather. 16 killed, one survived.
93365 (MSN 13269, 3rd TCG) damaged Jul 19, 1944 in midair collision with C-47A 42-93751. Missing CBI Dec 9, 1944.
MACR 10393. 5 crew and 5 passengers missing.
93367 (MSN 13271) w/o Apr 28, 1945 in takeoff accident at Barrackpore AB, India
93371 (MSN 13275, 3rd TCG) lost Jul 15, 1944. MACR 10722
93372 (MSN 13276, 3rd TCG) lost Jun 15, 1944. MACR 6297
93374 (MSN 13279) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17219
93377 (MSN 13282) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
93379 (MSN 13284) lost Dec 14, 1944. MACR 10398
93380 (MSN 13285) by 1955 was VT-AZX of Indian Airlines Corp. W/o Aug 30, 1955 in takeoff accident Simra, Nepal.
2 lost.
93381 (MSN 13286) w/o Jul 8, 1945 in takeoff accident Luliang, China
93384 (MSN 13290) by 1955 was VT-CSB of Indian Airlines Corp.
93385 (MSN 13291, 11th Combat Cargo Squadron, 3rd Combat Cargo
Group) MIA in India-Burma sector during cargo
drop for British Jun 28, 1944. MACR 6453. 8 crew MIA.
93389 (MSN 13295) by 1955 was VT-AVT of Indian Airlines Corp
93390 (MSN 13296) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Aug 1946 as XT-T31. To Chile as CC-CBX and
on display as CC-CLDT at Museo Nacional Aeronautico y del Espacio, Santiago.
93391 (MSN 13297) w/o Apr 11, 1945, Makum, India
93392 (MSN 13299)
93393 (MSN 13300) to RAF as Dakota III KG577. To RCAF Aug 26, 1946. to CF-OV Kenting Atlas and W/o Feb 12, 1973 Iqaluit,
93394 (MSN 13301) to RAF as Dakota III KG578. Sold Nov 7, 1947. To KLM as PH-TEV. To KLM West-Indisch Bedrijf as PJ-ALI in 1946.
Sold to United Fruit Company, Hoduras, to XH-T-001, AX-ANA of Aerovias Nacionales de Honduras. To HR-ANA.
W/o Nov 25, 1969 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
93395 (MSN 13302) to RAF as Dakota III KG579. Shot down by Fw 190s near Arnhem Sep 21, 1944.
93396 (MSN 13303) to RAF as Dakota III KG580. To RCAF as KG580 Apr 16, 1946. Renumbered 12930
in 1970. Now on US civil registry as N64767.
93397 (MSN 13304) to RAF as Dakota III KG581. Returned to USAAF Feb 4, 1947. To G-AKIJ BEA Sep 18, 1947. To VR-NCP
W. African Airways Corp Jan 3, 1958 "Zaria", Nigerian Airways Jun 1958 at 5N-AAP, to Niger AF Aug 4, 1967.
93398 (MSN 13305) to RAF as Dakota III KG582. Transferred to Ethiopian AF Jul 22, 1946.
By 1954 was ET-T-16 of Ethiopian Air Lines Inc. W/o Sep 5, 1961 Sendafar, 5 lost
93399 (MSN 13306) to RAF as Dakota III KG583. Sold to Primeras Lineas Uruguayas
de Navigacion Aeres as CX-AGD Sep 28, 1946.
93400 (MSN 13307) to RAF as Dakota III KG584. Attached to 271 Sqdn, flew into Leith Hill, Surrey UK in low cloud
Dec 10, 1944.
93401 (MSN 13309) to RAF as Dakota III KG586. With 233 Sqdn crashed w of DZ Buunderkamp,
Netherlands Sep 21, 1944
93402 (MSN 13310) to RCAF as Dakota III KG587. Renumbered
12931 in 1970. To C-GXAU, C-GRTM and N115SA
93403 (MSN 13311) to RAF as KG588, to Jugoslovenski Aerotransport 1947 as YU-ABD. Then to
4W-ABG and finally ET-AHR, crashing at Kombolcha, Ethiopia Oct 7, 1981.
93404 (MSN 13312) to RAF as KG589. To SAS Oct. 01, 1946 as OY-AIB,
then SE-BSI (Named Ravn Viking), next to France Oct 1946 as F-BGXD for
Aigle-Azur. Crashed on takeoff from Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam Jan 31, 1954
when undercarriage retracted prior to liftoff. DBR but no fatalities
93405 (MSN 13313) to RAF as KG590. To instrictional airframe 5566M.
93406 (MSN 13314) to RAF as KG591. Struck by C-53 42-68806 on
ground at Northolt, UK Nov 13, 1944.
93407 (MSN 13315) to RAF as KG592. (48th Sqn) lost on return flight to UK Sep 18, 1944. 4 MIA.
93408 (MSN 13316) to RAF as KG593. To instructional airframe 4957M.
93409 (MSN 13317) to RAF as KG594. One of the propellers would not unfeather, lost height and bellylanded
in a field 3 km SE of Wymeswold, UK Apr 17, 1946. Crew OK.
93410/93416 (MSN 13319/13325) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17221/17227
93417 (MSN 13326) to RAF as Dakota III KG595. Bought by Epressa do Transpore Aereo Brasileiro and registered
PP-ACA. Bought by Real Transportes Aereos (RAS) and registered PP-AXD. In midair collision with US Navy
R6D-1 BuNo 131582 Feb 25, 1960. Both aircraft fell into Guanabara Bay. All 22 onboard PP-AXD killed, but
12 of the 38 occupants of the R6D survived..
93418 (MSN 13327) to RCAF as KG956. To Empresa Guatemalteca de
Aviacion (Aviateca) as LG-AKA. Later registered to Aviateca
as TG-AKA. W/o Sep 30, 1977 in accident at Flores-Santa Elena
Airport in Guatemala when the tire burst on touchdown and
aircraft went off runway and the left gear dropped into a hole.
Power on No 2 engine was applied, the tail raised, and the prop
separated when striking the ground.
93419 (MSN 13329) to RAF as Dakota III KG598. Control lost and crashed near El Adem
Nov 14, 1945 after flaps raised in error during overshoot.
93420 (MSN 13330) to RAF as Dakota III KG599. DBr at Evere Jan 10, 1945 when bomb
exploded aboard unidentified B-17.
93421 (MSN 13331) to RAF as Dakota III KG600. To RCAF Apr 22, 1946 as 601B. To civil registry as N96U,
then CU-P-702, then N702S, then to G-ASDX (not taken up), then G-AJRY Jun 9, 1947, then ZS-PTG,
then A2-ACG, then ZS-PTG. Returned to UK as G-ASDX registered Nov 19, 1962 but NTU when it was
realised that it had previously been G-AJRY. Cancelled on export to South Africa Apr 1, 1974.
Reregistered in South Africa as ZS-CRV
93422 (MSN 13332) to RAF as Dakota III KG601. Sold Sep 28, 1946. Became OO-SBA. To OE-FDA Austria Flugdienst and
W/o May 2, 1959. Hit Alfabia Mountain, Mallorca.
93423 (MSN 13333) to RAF as Dakota III KG602. To RCAF as KG602 Jun 16, 1946. Renumbered 12932 in 1970.
93424 (MSN 13334) to RAF as Dakota III KG603. To Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM) as
PH-TCT Nov 7, 1946, to KLM as PH-DAT, to De Kroonduif as JZ-PDF (Netherland East Indies),
to Garuda Indonesia Airways as PK-GDP, to Merpati Nusantara as PK-NDF,
to Dirgantara Air Serivices as PK-VTO, to TNI-AU (Indonesian AF as
AF-475. To FASI (Satuan Udara Fasa) as AF-4775. Still flying (2005)
as RI-001 with Indonesian Airways.
93425 (MSN 13335) to RAF as Dakota III KG604. To BOAC Apr 10, 1946 as G-AHCX, to British European
Airways (BEA) as G-AHCX, to Yemenia Airways as YE-ABC, to Yemenia Airways
as 4W-ABC. WFU
93426 (MSN 13336) to RAF as Dakota III KG605. Returned to USAAF Jul 17, 1946. To Zonas Oeste y Norte de
Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) registered as LV-ACJ.
To Aerolineas Aeroposta, to Aerolineas Argentinas, to
Lineas Aereas del Esstado (Argentine AF) as T-10. To
Frigorifico Yeres of Bolivia as CP-1622 in 1980,
later to Trans Aereos Cochabama. During 1954 was
PP-AXD of Empresa de Transportes Aerovias Brasil S.A.
Destroyed Apr 20, 1993 while used by Trans Aereos
Cochabamba. 2 crew killed.
93427 (MSN 13337) to RAF as Dakota III KG606. Returned to USAAF Jun 22, 1946. To CF-TEJ with Trans Canada
Airlines (TCA), to CF-QBG with Quebecair. W/o in hangar fire Jul 13, 1958
at Rimouski, Quebec.
93428 (MSN 13339) to RAAF as A65-54 (VH-CUP). Crashed 11/1945
near Rabaul PNG
93429 (MSN 13340) to RAAF as A65-55 (VH-CUQ). To TAA 7/1948 as VH-TAU "Howitt". TO VH-MAT Mandated Airlines
(1960) to P2-MAG Air Nuigini (1973)
93430 (MSN 13341) to RAAF as A65-53 (VH-CTO). Collided with B-24 A72-182 12/1945.
Converted to components.
93431 (MSN 13342) to RCAF as Dakota 970. Renumbered 12954 in 1970. Sold as CF-OOW, later C-FOOW. Registration
cancelled Nov 13, 2012 and now N167BT with Basler Turbo Conversions
93432 (MSN 13343) to RCAF as Dakota 969. Renumbered 12953 in 1970. Sold as C-GWYX. W/o May 21, 1989 when
made forced landing at Bronson Creek following an in-flight engine fire. Aircraft destroyed by fire but both
crew escaped.
93433 (MSN 13344) to NEIAF as DT-943, callsign VH-RDM. To KLM in 1950 as PK-RDM.
93434 (MSN 13345) to NEIAF as DT-944, callsign VH-RDN. To KLM in 1950 as KK-RDN.
Later to Indonesia.
93437 (MSN 13349) to USSR. To Polish Air Force as No. 2.
93447 (MSN 13360) w/o Jan 12, 1946 in takeoff accident Nichols AB, Manila, Philippines
93448 (MSN 13361) ditched in SW Pacific area Jun 6, 1944.
93449 (MSN 13362) to civil registry as VH-AMK, then VH-RMK, then VH-BZK. To Thai Airways Oct 1, 1958 as HS-TDG.
Registration cancelled Dec 1973. Aircraft stored at Don Muang AP, Thailand until 1979 and presumably
scrapped there.
93451 (MSN 13364) by 1954 was N1280N of West Coast Air Lines
93453 (MSN 13366) to RAF as Dakota III KG607. Sold Feb 4, 1947. Registration cancelled Aug 6, 1947 on sale as
VR-SCO. To VR-RCO, to 9M-ALO, to 9V-BAN, to XU-DAG. Also quoted as being PK-IDB afte 9M-ALO
93454 (MSN 13367) to RAF as Dakota III KG608. Sold May 4, 1947. Became YU-ACB.
To Philippines as PI-C128. To Zamrud Aviation, Indonesia as PK-ZDG.
93455 (MSN 13369) to RAF as Dakota III KG610. Overshot landing at Nivelles
Jan 29, 1945 and wrecked when collided with Dakota KG397 (ex 42-92612) and a
crashed P-51.
93456 (MSN 13370) to RAF as Dakota III KG611. DBR when overshot landing and tipped
up, Castle Donington Aug 14, 1945.
93457 OMSN 13371) to RAF as Dakota III KG612. Returned to USAAF Sep 19, 1946.
93458 (MSN 13372) to RAF as Dakota III KG613. Returned to USAAF Aug 7, 1946.
By 1956 ws YS-35 of Transportes Aereos Salvador.
93459 (MSN 13373) to RAF as Dakota III KG614. Sold Jul 17, 1946. To Zonas Oeste y Norte de
Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ACE. Damaged Oct 17, 1953 during landing
with the tail wheel unlocked. Ran off runway and hit a small
elevation of the ground. To LADE (Lineas Aereas del Estado
(Fuerza Aerea Argentina). WFU
93460 (MSN 13374) to RAF as Dakota III KG615. Returned to USAAF Dec 31, 1946
93461 (MSN 13375) to RAF as Dakota III KG616. Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1946.
Registered G-AJAY Jan 13, 1947. Registration cancelled Jun 5, 1950 on sale to Iberia as
EC-AET on Spanish civil registry. To Spanish AF as T.3-67 May 1966
93462 (MSN 13376) to RAF as Dakota III KG617. Sold Sep 19, 1946. Became CF-DXR
93463 (MSN 13377) to RAF as Dakota III KG618. Sold Feb 4,1947. Became PH-TDZ of KLM,
reregistered PH-DAZ
93464 (MSN 13379) to US Navy as R4D-5 17228
93465 (MSN 13380) to RAF as Dakota III KG620. Returned to USAAF Nov 28, 1946.
By 1955 was VT-CHH of Indian Airlines Corp.
93466 (MSN 13381) to RAF as Dakota III KG621. Transferred to BOAC Mar 15, 1946 and
registered G-AHCU Mar 29, 1946. WFU at Southend Oct 16, 1966 and broken up
Jan 1970.
93467 (MSN 13382) to RAF as Dakota III KG622. Relegated to ground instructional
airframe as 6301M Jun 13, 1947. Presumably subsequently scrapped.
93468 (MSN 13383) to RAF as Dakota III KG623. To RCAF Jun 16, 1946 as KG623.
Renumbered 12933 in 1970. Became N103BF and converted
to Basler BT-67 (Basler conversion no 28); to Mali AF as TZ391 (replacement for
TZ389, alias 43-48741). Became N167BT of Oiland LLL. Registerd Oct 14, 2008
to Kenn Borek Air of Calgary, AB as C-GJKB, US registration
cancelled on the same day.
93469 (MSN 13384) to RAF as Dakota III KG624. Sold Dec 21, 1948 as VR-SCW of Malayan Airways Ltd.
To VR-OAH to 9M-AND, to 9V-BAL, to XU-GAJ Khmer Airlines and w/o Feb 22, 1975.
93470 (MSN 13385) to RAF as Dakota III KG625. Destroyed by fire when swung on
landing and undercarriage collapsed, Amblie Aug 12, 1944.
93471 (MSN 13386) to RAF as Dakota III KG626. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
93472 (MSN 13387) to RAF as Dakota III KG627. Returned to USAAF May 29, 1947. To XY-ACH, to Burmese AF ?.
To US civil registry as N2270W
93473 (MSN 13389) to RAF as Dakota III KG629. To Flugefelag Islands (Airline)
as TF-ISI. Crashed May 29, 1947 near Hjeninsfjordur, Iceland in poor weather. 25 killed.
93474 (MSN 13390) to RAF as Dakota III KG630. Destroyed by fire after flying into
hills in low cloud near Folkington Feb 6, 1945.
93475 (MSN 13391) to RAF as Dakota III KG631. SOC Mar 30, 1950.
93476 (MSN 13392) to RAF as Dakota III KG632. To RCAF Apr 8, 1946. Renumbered 12934 in 1970.
93477 (MSN 13393) to RAF as Dakota III KG633. Sold Jul 17, 1946, became PH-TET
93478 (MSN 13394) to RAF as Dakota III KG634. To RCAF Apr 22, 1946.
93479 (MSN 13395) to RAF as Dakota III KG635. TO RCAF Apr 16, 1946.
Rebuilt sold as N41341 to Pacific Northern Airlines. WFU used as spares.
93480 (MSN 13396) to RAF as Dakota III KG636. Became PH-TEU of KLM. Crashed into North Sea Feb 2, 1950.
93481 (MSN 13397) to Commercial Air Lines, Inc Sep 25, 1946. To Philippine Air Lines Oct 15, 1948.
Registered as PI-C142 May 10, 1949. In non-fatal accident at Piat, Tuguegarao, Cayagan Oct 15, 1953.
Number changed to PI-C133 Jul 2, 1954. Crashed on Mt Baco, Oriental Mindoro Nov 23, 1960 due to
navigational error under adverse weather conditions. All 33 onboard killed.
93482 (MSN 13399) to CAT as XT-823,later to B823, to N6634. Nov 23, 1955 to CF-MCC
for Maritime Central Airlines, Aug 1, 1958 to Wheeler Airlines, Jun 1961
to Canadian Aircraft Renters, Aug 19, 1964 to Sundair, Sep 1967 to Nordail Ltd,
Nov 11, 1973 to Trans New England, registered as N14636. Jun 1977 to
Nutmeg Commercial, Jun 1979 to S. E. Bird, Jan 2, 1979 to JLR Transport,
Feb 1981 to Hermina De La Cruz. Oct 12, 1986 noted at Brownsville, TX. WFU.
93483 (MSN 13400) destroyed Jan 21, 1945
93484 (MSN 13401) WFU
93485 (MSN 13402) destroyed Sep 17, 1945
93486 (MSN 13403) to PI-C144 of Philippine Air Lines. Crashed after takeoff
Manila Nichols Air base Oct 20, 1960. 37 were onboard, one passenger was killed.
93487 (MSN 13404) with E squadron 35th AAFB at Bolling Field damaged in belly
landing at Offutt Field Oct 3, 1946. Converted to VC-47A. To N87696.
To Cameron Government as TJ-AAC. To Armee de l'Air du Cameron as TJ-XAA.
Parted out and derelict at Touala IAP
93488 (MSN 13405) to Deccan Airways of India as VT-AUN. Crashed following engine
failure approaching Delhi-Safdarjung Airport, India Apr 30, 1952
93489 (MSN 13406) damaged in taxi accident Feb 4, 1945 at Kunming, China when
C-46A 42-60981 of 3rd ATS taxied into it. Transferred to China Sep 16, 1945.
93490 (MSN 13407) 2nd RCS,43rd TCG, 10th AF w/o Mar 1, 1945 when groundlooped at Muse, Burma
93491 (MSN 13409) WFU and scrapped
93492 (MSN 13410) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Dec 29, 1945. Destroyed near
Macheng Jan 26, 1946
93493 (MSN 13411) WFU and scrapped
93494 (MSN 13412) WFU and scrapped
93495 (MSN 13413) WFU and scrapped
93496 (MSN 13414) WFU
93497 (MSN 13415) WFU and scrapped
93498 (MSN 13416) WFU and scrapped
93499 (MSN 13417, 317th TCG) lost Sep 25, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 14321.
93500 (MSN 13419) WFU and scrapped
93501 (MSN 13420) reported w/o Aug 1, 1944.
93502 (MSN 13421) w/o Oct 2, 1944, Wewak, PNG
93503 (MSN 13422) WFU
93504 (MSN 13423, 868th TCG) lost Nov 24, 1944. MACR 10897
93505 (MSN 13424) with 5th TCG lost Mar 14, 1945, Australia. MACR 14322
93506 (MSN 13425) WFU
93507 (MSN 13426) with 313rd TCG, 49th TCS lost between Uden and Volkel, Netherlands Sep 23, 1944.
93508 (MSN 13427) in crash landing at Ramsbury Station, England Dec 22, 1944
93509 (MSN 13429) converted to VC-47A. In takeoff accident due to engine
failure, Ankara, Turkey Jan 6, 1950. WFU.
93510 (MSN 13430) to OK-WAR of Czech State Airlines then to French AF as 93510.
to F-SEYE, then to 6W-SAE. Broken up
93511 (MSN 13431) rebuilt as MSN 1946
93512 (MSN 13432) to NC42022, to A-HEY, to XB-TEY, WFU
93513 (MSN 13433) w/o Mar 26, 1952 near Thule AB, Greenland
93514 (MSN 13434) converted to VC-47A
93515 (MSN 13435) to CF-DYK, to Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas
(ZONDA), registered as LV-ABX, to Aerolineas Aeroposta, to Aerolineas
Argentinas. Broken up in 1953.
93516 (MSN 13436) to H 039
93517 (MSN 13437) WFU
93518 (MSN 13439) to USAAF May 29, 1944, to 9th AF Jun 19, 1944. To RFC Oct 31, 1945. Leased to
Pioneer Airlines as N54729 Aug 1946. Back to USAF Mar 1, 1952 as C-117C. In 1971 to Indiana Department
of Civil Defense as N11ND. Returned to USAF in 1973 as C-117C and placed on display. To Vincennes
University as N11VU in 1974. In 1975 to Avenales Aviation as N36AP, and then five other owners.
To Basler Turbo Conversions of Oshkosh, Wisconsin Apr 28, 2006 for turbo conversion.
Aug 22, 2012 to Fugro Aviation Canada Ltd as C-FAZO.
93519 (MSN 13440) to French AF as 93519 and then to French Navy as 919.
93520 (MSN 13441) w/o
93521 (MSN 13442) w/o
93522 (MSN 13443) WFU
93523 (MSN 13444) to Turkish AF as 6095, coded 2-095.
93524 (MSN 13445) to NC62566, to N462T, to XB-BIS, to Woods Air service as N50CM. WFU
93525 (MSN 13446) 321 TBS, 27 ATG w/o when crashed near Princess Riseboro, England Oct 21,1944.
At least one fatality.
93526 (MSN 13447) WFU and stored at MASDC. To Kenyan AF under MAP Nov 8, 1965.
Ferry serial was N400, registered 5Y-ADI. W/o Dec 24, 1968 (Kenya Police Air Wing) in crash
at Nairobi-Wilson Airport. 3 lost.
93527 (MSN 13449) to RAF as Dakota III KG637. Sold Jul 17, 1946, became
93528 (MSN 13450) to RAF as Dakota III KG638. Returned to USAAF
Sep 11, 1946. To SABENA May 1948 as OO-CBN Q/o Feb 4, 1952 in crash near Kikwit, Congo. 16 lost.
93529 (MSN 13451) to RAF as Dakota III KG639. Damaged when flew into
high ground at night near Crosby Dec 6, 1944. Relegated to
ground instructional airframe with serial 4981M. Presumably
subsequently scrapped.
93530 (MSN 13452) to RAF as Dakota III KG640. Registered G-AJLY Mar 31, 1947.
Registration cancelled May 24, 1948 on sale as VP-CBA.
By 1955 was PP-CDU of Servicos Aereos Cruziero do Sul.
Registration CY-ACE also appears to relate to this aircraft,
but uncertain whether before G-AJLY or between VP-CDBA and PP-CDU.
93531 (MSN 13453) to RAF as Dakota III KG641. Transferred to RCAF
Apr 7, 1946. Renumbered 12935 in 1970.
93532 (MSN 13454) to RAF as Dakota III KG642. Sold Jul 28, 1947.
By 1954 was ET-T-14 of Ethiopian Air Lines, Inc
93533 (MSN 13455) to RAF as Dakota III KG643. Returned to USAAF May 10, 1947
93534 (MSN 13456) to RAF as Dakota III KG644. Sold Jan 21, 1947. Registered
G-AJPF Apr 18, 1947. Flew in Berlin Airlift, completing 186 sorties. Registration cancelled Feb 5, 1951
on Sale to owner in Canadaas CF-IOC. Later became N47CE and based at Aurora, IL Jul 5, 1985. Crashed
west of Aurora, Illinois May 22, 1989, killing 3.
93535 (MSN 13457) to RAF as Dakota III KG645. Sold Jan 21, 1947.
Became OO-SBC
93536 (MSN 13459) to RAF as Dakota III KG647. Sold Dec 2, 1946.
Became VH-SNI.
93537 (MSN 13460) to RAF as Dakota III KG648, delivered Montreal May 30, 1944, June 04, 1944 left for the
UK, June 13, 1944 delivered to Operational Training Unit 107 (107 OUT) at
Desborough, UK, next released for Transport Squadron 1333 (133 (TS) CU on
August 15, 1944. On November 07,1946 registered to KLM as PH-TCW, on December
18, 1946 registered as F-BCYY as assigned to Aigle-Azur Extreme-Orient. Next
transferred to the Armee de l'Air (France) as #93537, next F-RAJB, next
F-SCJA, then transferred first to Air Burundi, then the military of Burundi
as 9U-BAC. Currently stored by private operator in Burundi.
93538 (MSN 13461) to RAF as Dakota III KG649. Relegated to ground
instructional airframe with serial 6230M Jan 14, 1947.
Presumably subsequently scrapped
93539 (MSN 13462) to RAF as Dakota III KG650. Sold Dec 1, 1946, then to PH-NCR, then to N. V. Frits Diepen Vliegtuigen Apr 1948 as PH-TFA.
93540 (MSN 13463) to NEIAF as DT-986, callsign VH-RCD. By 1955 was
PK-DPF of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV.
93541 (MSN 13464) w/o Jun 30, 1944 in takeoff accident Burtonwood, UK
93542 (MSN 13465)
93543 (MSN 13466) to MASDC
93544 (MSN 13467) to RAF as Dakota III KG349. To PP-ACB TABA (1949), to PP-AXE Aerovias Brasil, to Brazilian
AF as FAB-2076, to PT-KVU and w/o Oct 7, 1978.
93545 (MSN 13469) to RAF as Dakota III KG652. Sold Dec 12, 1946. Became NC95488.
93546 (MSN 13470) to RAF as Dakota III KG653. Strayed off course
during delivery flight to Middle East and shot down by Hptm
Lulius Meimberg in Bf 109G-14 of JG 53/Stab II at Neuleiningen,
Germany Sep 24, 1944. 2 crew and 20 passengers killed.
93547 (MSN 13471) to RAF as Dakota III KG654. Stalled on takeoff
from Broadwell Feb 24, 1945 and bellylanded. Relegated to ground
instructional airframe with serial 5201M. Presumably
subsequently scrapped.
93548 (MSN 13472) to RAF as Dakota III KG655. Became PH-TCU,
later became F-OAPA. Was believed to have been destroyed
by rebels at Hanoi, but in 1956 was reported to be F-BEHC
of Air France.
93549 (MSN 13473) to RAF as Dakota III KG656. Sold Jul 17, 1946.
To Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentinas (ZONDA) as
LV-ABZ. To Aerolineas Aeroposta, to Aerolineas Argentinas.
WFU and scrapped.
93550 (MSN 13474) to RAF as Dakota III KG657. Sold Nov 2, 1946.
Registered G-AIWC Nov 14, 1946. Became VR-AAK, then reverted
to G-AIWC. Registration finally cancelled Feb 12, 1952 on
sale as OO-SBI. To EC-ARZ with Spantax and w/o Dec 7, 1965 when crashed into high terrain
shortly after takeoff from Tenerife, Canary Islands. 32 killed.
93551 (MSN 13475) to RAF as Dakota III KG658. Sold Nov 2, 1946 to BEA and
registered G-AIWD Nov 14, 1946. Sold to BKS Air Transport LTD May
18, 1960 still registered as G-AIWD. Lay wingless at Leeds for some
time after its wings were put on G-AMSH. Not sure where it
got its new wings from. Registration cancelled
Mar 4, 1967 on sale to Lebanon, but was registered VR-ABF with Brothers
Air Service of Aden, Yeman the same month, and no Lebanese identity known.
To Alymeda as 7O-ABF. Crashed into sea Mar 1, 1977 when on climb
out from Aden, Yemen. 19 killed.
93552 (MSN 13476) to RAF as Dakota III KG659. To RCAF Apr 16, 1946
as 994. To Indian AF as BJ762 in 1962.
93553 (MSN 13477) to RAF as Dakota III KG660. DBR when forcelanded
at Brampton, England Mar 28, 1946 following engine failure
on takeoff.
93554 (MSN 13479) to RAF as Dakota III KG662. Sold Nov 2, 1946.
Registered G-AIWE Nov 14, 1946. Registration cancelled Apr 19, 1952
on sale as EC-AGS.
93555 (MSN 13480) to RAF as Dakota III KG663. Sold Nov 7, 1946. To KLM as PH-TDS. Sold to
Pakair as AP-ACF and then to Meteor Air Transport as N1549V.
93556 (MSN 13481) to RAF as Dakota III KG664. Transferred to BOAC
as G-AHDC Jun 6, 1945. Not converted for civilian use and
relegated to spares use at Liverpool/Speke AP Apr 8, 1947.
93557 (MSN 13482) to RAF as Dakota III KG665. DBR at Ringway (Manchester)
IAP Aug 31, 1946 when stalled back onto runway when taking off
from overshoot. SOC May 14, 1947.
93558 (MSN 13483) to RAF as Dakota III KG666. Sold Jul 22, 1946, then to Ethiopian Airlines as
ET-T-15. To Swissair as HB-IRH in 1951, probably on lease since
it was returned to Ethiopian Airlines as ET-T-15 Jan 1953. Reregistered as ET-AAT and w/o Nov 30, 1963
on a test flight.
93559 (MSN 13484) to RCAF as Dakota III KG667. Sold Jul 17, 1946. To Empresa Guatemalteca de
Aviacion (Aviateca) as LG-AMA. Later registered to Aviateca as
TG-AMA. W/o Feb 17, 1975 when DBR by fire on the ground
at Tikal-El Peten Airport, Guatemala.
93560 (MSN 13485) to RAF as Dakota III KG668. Transferred to RCAF
Apr 8, 1946. Renumbered 12942 in 1970.
93561 (MSN 13486) to RAF as Dakota III KG669. Sold Aug 1, 1946.
Became OO-AWF.
93562 (MSN 13487) to RAF as Dakota III KG670. Returned to USAAF
May 9, 1947.
93565 (MSN 13491) to Philippine AF. To XY-ACA. Now on civil registry as N2270Z
93566 (MSN 13492) to XY-ACA. To Burmese AF
93567 (MSN 13493) to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-10.
Transferred to AURI
93571 (MSN 13497) to NEIAF as DT-962, callsign VH-REP.
93573 (MSN 13500) w/o in takeoff accident Oct 13, 1944 Nandi AB, Fiji
93576 (MSN 13503) to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-8.
Transferred to AURI
93577 (MSN 13504)
93578 (MSN 13505)
93579 (MSN 13506) became VH-AJD, then VH-CAN (order may be reversed),
then ZK-AMY. In Mar 2007 was at Ashburton Aviation Museum, New Zealand.
93580 (MSN 13507)
93581 (MSN 13509)
93582 (MSN 13510) by 1954 was PI-C55 of Philippine Air Lines
93583 (MSN 13511)
93584 (MSN 13512) to XY-ACC. DBR at Lanya Nov 13, 1949. To Burmese AF?
93585 (MSN 13513) w/o in landing accident Jan 31, 1946 Lipa AB, Philippines.
93586 (MSN 13514)
93587 (MSN 13515)
93588 (MSN 13516)
93589 (MSN 13517)
93590 (MSN 13519)
93591 (MSN 13520)
93592 (MSN 13521) became VH-ANU of Australian National Airways.
By 1956 had been bought by New Zealand National Airways
and registered ZK-BKD.
93593 (MSN 13522)
93594 (MSN 13523)
93595 (MSN 13524) to XW-PFW
93596 (MSN 13525)
93597 (MSN 13526)
93598 (MSN 13527) ditched near Dumong, Philippines Feb 9, 1946.
93599 (MSN 13529) delivered June 07, 1944, arrived in Manila June 14, 1944. Butler Air
delivered to Australia April 14, 1948 for the Australian National Airlines,
registered as VH-IND, named 'Menana', next to Aviation Sales in Auckland, NZ
as ZK-BYE. Imported into Laos with the help of Air America, believed to be
one of the two C-47s delivered to General Vang Pao's Xieng Khouang Air
Transport as XW-PFX. Next to Lao Air Charter now registered as XW-TDJ. On
December 23, 1969 the left wing contacted a mountain and the aircraft crashed
near Luang Prabang, Laos. 2 crew fatal of three. Passengers 4 fatal of 16 onboard.
93600 (MSN 13530) damaged in landing Oct 29, 1947 at Kindley Field, Bermuda
93601 (MSN 13531, C-117C) to TAC in 1963
93605 (MSN 13535) to NEIAF as DT-987, callsign VH-RCD. By 1955 was PK-DPG
of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV
93607 (MSN 13537) bailed from the USAF to Air America July 1966 as '607' (not B-607).
Numerous accidents, incidents over the years all repaired. On March 22 1968 veered
off the runway and rolled down a steep embankment to the right of the extreme end of
the runway at Gia Nghia (V-202), South Vietnam. The wreck was abandoned, but noted
still in place in 1972. Correspondence on the Air-Britain chat site suggests that
the Air America identity was 603, not 607 - or maybe both were worn at different times?
93608 (MSN 13539) to RAF as KG672, then to South African AF as 6837.
93609 (MSN 13540) to RAF as KG673. To SAAF as 6839 Jul 1944. To civil registry as ZS-MRS. Back to SAAF as 6839.
Converted to C-47TP. Was stillactive in 2010.
93610 (MSN 13541) to RAF as KG674 Jun 1944. To SAAF as 6838 Jul 1944. To civil registry as ZS-CAI Aug 1958.
93611 (MSN 13542) to RAF as KG675. Was VT-CGO of Indian Airlines
Corp from 1953 to 1958.
93612 (MSN 13543) to RAF as KG676. To civil registry as VT-CYX, operated by Deccan Airwayas and Indian Airlines.
To the Indian Border Security Force. Later displayed at Border Security Force's Signal Training Center.
Offered for auction in Bangalore Nov 2010.
93613 (MSN 13544) to RAF as KG677. WFU.
93614 (MSN 13545) to RAF as KG678. W/o.
93615 (MSN 13546) to RAF as KG679. To Thai AF postwar.
93616 (MSN 13547) to RAF as KG680. To India.
93617 (MSN 13549) to RAF as Dakota III KG682. Transferred to Indian AF Nov 28, 1946 as VP915.
93618 (MSN 13550) to RAF as KG683. To USSR.
93619 (MSN 13551) to RAF as Dakota III KG684. Transferred to Indian AF Sep 25, 1946 as MA968
93620 (MSN 13552) intended to RAF as KG685, but diverted to USSR Jun 1944. To Polish AF Jul 1944 as No. 1. To civil
registry with LOT as SP-LCH. To Iran Air as EP-AEI Feb 1959. W/o near Ahwaz, Iran Feb 20, 1962.
Lot had several C-47s registered as SP-LCH over the years.
93621 (MSN 13553) to RAF as KG686. To USSR.
93622 (MSN 13554) to RAF as KG687. To USSR.
93623 (MSN 13555) to RAF as Dakota III KG688. Sold to Indian government Oct 31, 1946. To civil registry VT-CHI.
93624 (MSN 13556) to RAF as Dakota III KG689. Returned to USAAF Oct 31, 1946
93625 (MSN 13557) to RAF as Dakota III KG690. Flew into cliffs in
cloud near Salalah, Aden Jul 31, 1944.
93626 (MSN 13559) to RAF as Dakota III KG692. Diverted to RCAF,
no RAF service. To TCA as CF-TEE in 1946. To US civil registry
as N4998E. To Air Manila as PI-C854. W/o. May 23, 1967 at Iligan.
93627 (MSN 13560) to RAF as Dakota III KG693, to RCAF 18 days later. To TCA as CF-TEF in 1946. To Babb Co.
as CF-53f, then to Aero Enterprises as N5590A. Then to Royal Thai AF as BL.2 s/n 213560 in 1959.
wfu 1985.
93628 (MSN 13561) to RAF as Dakota III KG694. Destroyed by fire when
bellylanded 3 mi S of Myingyan, Burma Jun 14, 1945 after
engine caught fire.
93629 (MSN 13562) to RAF as Dakota III KG695. To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946 as L2-3/90. SOC
Mar 11, 1965
93630 (MSN 13563) to RAF as Dakota III KG696. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
93631 (MSN 13564) to RAF as Dakota III KG697. SOC Apr 14, 1947.
93632 (MSN 13565) to RAF as Dakota III KG698. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
93633 (MSN 13566) to RAF as Dakota III KG699. Transferred to Indian AF
Nov 28, 1946 as VP916
93634 (MSN 13567) to RAF as Dakota III KG700. Transferred to Indian AF
Nov 28, 1946 as VP917
93635 (MSN 13569) to RAF as Dakota III KG702. Sold to Indian government
Jan 30, 1947
93636 (MSN 13570) to RAF as Dakota III KG703. Returned to USAAF
Jun 26, 1947. Oct 1947 to Jamair as VT-COU.
To Kalinga Airlines. W/o Ar 2, 1964 when DBR at Calcutta.
93637 (MSN 13571) to RAF as Dakota III KG704. Returned to USAAF
Jul 26, 1946. By 1955 was TC-BEY of Devlet Hava Yollari. Seen derelict at Istanbul/Yesilkoy Jun 1971.
93638 (MSN 13572) to RAF as Dakota III KG705. Returned to USAAF
Jun 27, 1946. To Iran Air as EP-AAJ. W/o Dec 1, 1950
when crashed into mountain NNW of Chamaran, Iran. 7 crew, 1 passenger killed.
93639 (MSN 13573) to RAF as Dakota III KG706. Returned to USAAF
Aug 29, 1946. By 1955 was VT-CGQ of
Indian Airlines Corp.
93640 (MSN 13574) to RAF as Dakota III KG707. Returned to USAAF
Aug 29, 1946.
93641 (MSN 13575) to RAF as Dakota III KG708
93642 (MSN 13576) to RAF as Dakota III KG709. Returned to USAAF
Sep 29, 1946
93643 (MSN 13577) to RAF as Dakota III KG710. Missing in transit
between Bari and Hassani Dec 13, 1944.
93644 (MSN 13579) to RAF as Dakota III KG712. Returned to USAAF
Aug 29, 1946. By 1955 was VT-CGR of Indian Airlines Corp.
93645 (MSN 13580) to RAF as Dakota III KG713. Transferred to RCAF
Apr 8, 1946, Renumbered 12946 in 1970.
93646 (MSN 13581) to RAF as Dakota III KG714. Returned to USAAF
Jul 31,1 947. By 1955 was VT-CGZ of
Indian Airlines Corp.
93647 (MSN 13582) to RAF as Dakota III KG715. Flew into high ground
in cloud 48 mi NE of Kyaukpyu while on supply dropping mission
Jun 5, 1945.
93648 (MSN 13583) to RAF as Dakota III KG716. Returned to USAAF
Jun 27, 1946.
93649 (MSN 13584) to RAF as Dakota III KG717. To Indian government Jan 30, 1947. To Deccan
Airways Jan 1950 as VT-DDD. To Indian airlines Corp Aug 1, 1953. To J K
Chemicals Ltd Bombay May 6, 1971. To Safari Airways "Mayur" in 1978. To Yemen
Airways as 4W-ABX, but not sure this is correct.
93650 (MSN 13585) to RAF as Dakota III KG718. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
93651 (MSN 13586) to RAF as Dakota III KG719. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
93652 (MSN 13587) to RAF as Dakota III KG720. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947.
Became VH-BFW. By 1955 was VH-MAC of Mandated Airlines Ltd.
93653 (MSN 13589) to RAF as Dakota III KG722. Sold to Indian government Jan 30, 1947
93654 (MSN 13590) to RAF as Dakota III KG723. Sold Jan 5, 1950. Became G-ALWC Jan 10, 1950.
Was to have become F-GBOL Nov 1982 but NTU. G-ALWC cancelled
Apr 3, 1989. Preserved by La Federation Francaise des Ailes
Anciennes and displayed at Aeroscopia Museum, Toulouse, France
93655/93660 (MSN 13591/13596) to Navy as R4D-5 BuNo 17229/17234.
93661 (MSN 13597)
93662 (MSN 13599)
93663 (MSN 13600) w/o Dec 20, 1945 at Sendai-Yanomi Field, Japan
93664 (MSN 13601) w/o May 11, 1945 in crashlanding at Sorido, Indonesia
93665 (MSN 13602)
93666 (MSN 13603)
93667 (MSN 13604)
93668 (MSN 13605)
93669 (MSN 13606) became VH-AML, then VH-RML.. By 1955 was VH-BZL of
Ansett Airways Pty. To Nigeria as 5N-aan
93670 (MSN 13607) to NEIAF as DT-967, callsign VH-REU.
93671 (MSN 13609)
93672 (MSN 13610)
93673 (MSN 13611) to Philippine AF
93674 (MSN 13612) became VH-ANY. By 1955 was VH-AVK of
MacRobertson Miller Aviation Co, Ltd. Registration N86C subsequently
allocated but NTU. To Taiwan as B-259. Ultimate fate unknown.
93675 (MSN 13613)
93676 (MSN 13614)
93677 (MSN 13615)
93678 (MSN 13616) to MLD (Marine Luchtvaard Dienst--Dutch Navy) as Q-11.
Transferred to AURI
93680 (MSN 13619) to NEIAF as DT-983
93681 (MSN 13620) went to Taiwan AF as 13612. Reported
2008 at Taiwan Taoyuan IAP Aviation Museum painted as B-126.
93682 (MSN 13621) to NC62567. To Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ABH. To
private operator in Brazil as PP-XES, PP-YQA, and then Oct 1960 to
Lineas Aereas del Estado (Argentine AF) as T-27, then TC-27. Placed
in storage Apr 1972.
93683 (MSN 13622) became VH-EBI. By 1955 was VH-TAV "Todd" of
Trans Australian Airlines
93684 (MSN 13623) to XW-PEE
93685 (MSN 13624) To Australian National Airways December 1945
as VH-ANW; sold May 1954 to Guinea Airways and reregistered August 1958
to VH-GAK. Guinea Airways taken over January 1960 by Ansett-ANA,
aircraft reverted to VH-ANW. Retired Oct 4, 1971 and placed on display at youth
camp in South Australia; to Southern Air Maintenance at Parafield Nov 7, 1985
for restoration. Restoration completed 1987 and aircraft painted as VH-MMF
of MacRobertson Miller Airlines; was intended for display in a
restaurant complex at Perth, Australia.
93687 (MSN 13626) by 1955 was VT-CFB of Indian Airlines Corp. W/o Mar 13, 1957 Kingsway Camp in training
flight. 3 lost.
93688 (MSN 13627)
93689 (MSN 13629) w/o Sep 22, 1944, CBI.
93690 (MSN 13630) damaged Aug 1, 1950 in taxiing accident in Greece
93691 (MSN 13631)
93692 (MSN 13632) by 1954 was PP-AVY of Empresa de Transportes
Aerovias Brasil S.A. W/o Aug 27, 1959 Maringa Aiport, operated by REAL
93693 (MSN 13633) to NC53668 in 1946. Cqncelled Dec 21, 1948
93694 (MSN 13634) to NC15557, PK-GDK, PK-ZDI
93695 (MSN 13635) W/o Jul 26, 1944 Fayetteville-Pope AAF, North Carolina.
93696 (MSN 13636) to civil registry as NC54215, to Maquinas Aerocom as
PP-XDU. To Aerovias Brazil (REAL Transportes Aereos) as PP-AXK.
To Brazilian AF as FAB 2066. w/o Mar 13, 1961, Brasilia, DF Internacional,
93697 (MSN 13637) by 1955 was SE-BBO of Scandinavian Airlines System. To OY-DMN Faroe Airways. Broken
up at Kastrup 1969.
93698 (MSN 13639) to NEIAF as DT-977, callsign VH-RCR. By 1955 was
PK-RCT of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV. Became PK-GDH Jul 4, 1956
93701 (MSN 13642) to Honduras AF as FAH 306 Jun 1963. Used as bomber
during July 1969 war between Honduras and El Salvador. Now at
Museo del Aire de Honduras.
93704 (MSN 13645) converted to EC-47Q from VC-478A. To Republic of Korea AF Jul 10, 1975. Now at Korean Aerospace
Industry Aerospace Museum, Sacheon AFB.
93706 (MSN 13647)to Canadair for conversion to DC-3A-456 1945-1946. Registered LN-IAH for Det Norske
Luftfartselskam AS (DNL), named "Nordheim" Sep 21, 1946. On Aug 1, 1945, DNL became SAS, plane named
"Hallvard Viking" Damaged, registered as LN-IKH by SAS Apr 30, 1949. Sold to Sweden and registered
SE-CFR by AB Aerotransport (Linjeflyg) Sep 21, 1957. To Swedish AF as s/n 79007 Jul 28, 1960.
To Swedish AF Museum, Malmen Dec 19, 1982
93707 (MSN 13649) to NC38860
93708 (MSN 13650) to Spanish AF as T.3-12 Jun 1957
93709 (MSN 13651)
93710 (MSN 13652)
93711 (MSN 13653) to Turkish AF as 6053.
93715 (MSN 13657) to France as F-BEFD for Aigle-Azur, next to
the Mauritanian AF as 5T-MAF. WFU 1962
93716 (MSN 13659)
93717 (MSN 13660) to N87627
93718 (MSN 13661)
93719 (MSN 13662, 315th TCG) lost Mar 24, 1945. MACR 13428
93720 (MSN 13663) w/o May 15, 1951 in takeoff accident at Giebelstadt, West Germany
93721 (MSN 13664)
93722 (MSN 13665) w/o in landing Feb 4, 1953 at Orly A/P, Paris
93723 (MSN 13666) crash landed at Munich, Germany Feb 19, 1947. One passenger
was killed.
93724 (MSN 13667)
93725 (MSN 13669)
93726 (MSN 13670) ditched off Beachey Head, UK Sep 14, 1944
93727 (MSN 13671) w/o Sep 14, 1944 off Beachey Head, UK
93728 (MSN 13672)
93729 (MSN 13673)
93730 (MSN 13674) to Turkish AF as 6093 Apr 24, 1949
93731 (MSN 13675) w/o Sep 10, 1945 in crash 6 mi NW off Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
93732 (MSN 13676) to N6895D
93733 (MSN 13677) to F-BAXI
93734 (MSN 13679) to MASDC
93735 (MSN 13680) converted to EC-47N from RC-47N. To reclamation, cannibalization, salvage, or survey Aug 5, 1975
from 56th Special Operations Wing, Udorn, Thailand.
93736 (MSN 13681) to NC62568, CU-T100, [Cuba] 3681 [Haiti] Compagnie Haitienme de Transports
Aeriens, leased from Haiti, AF (Corps d'aun de l Arrnee d'Haiti). Now stored
93739 (MSN 13684) by 1955 was VT-AZW of Indian Airlines Corp.
93741 (MSN 13686) by 1955 was VT-AUR of Indian Airlines Corp.
93742 (MSN 13687) by 1955 was VT-AUU of Indian Airlines Corp.
93743 (MSN 13689) in 1954 was listed as operated by Indian
Airlines Corp. Later to Jamair as VT-ATZ. Still listed
with Jamair in 1977 when it closed down.
94746 (MSN 13692) w/o in landing accident Jan 17, 1945, Bhamo, Burma
93747 (MSN 13693) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
93748 (MSN 13694) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945.
93749 (MSN 13695) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945
93750 (MSN 13696) to Indian Airlines as VT-AVS. To Indian AF as BJ920.
Destroyed Sep 7, 1974.
93751 (MSN 13697) with 11CCS/3CCG damaged Jul 29, 1994 in midair collision woth C-47A 42-93365. Damaged in accident
at Myrikyina, Burma Mar 8, 1945. DBR Apr 4, 1945 in landing accident at Lashio, Burma.
93754 (MSN 13701) to USAAF, 3PFS, (3rd Sqn IX Troop Carrier Command Pathfinder Group) stationed at Chalgrove in Oxfordshire
Crashed into Leith Hill, Surrey, UK Nov. 26, 1944 (along with 42-92837, 43-47975) during flight from France to
Chalgrove in Oxfordshire. 13 killed on the 3 planes, only the navigator and radio operator from 43-47975 survived.
93761 (MSN 13709) w/o Oct 9, 1944, Ledo, India
93763 (MSN 13711) transferred to China Sep 16, 1945.
93764 (MSN 13712) to VT-AUF of Tata Airlines. Reported w/o Jan 10, 1947
93765 (MSN 13713) sold 1947 to Jugoslovenski Aerotransport as YU-ABB. Noted 1997
undergoing restoration at Yugoslav Aeronautical Museum, Belgrade
93766 (MSN 13714) to VT-ATY of Tata Airlines Dec 1945, to Air India Nov 1946, to Indian AF Dec 1947.
93767 (MSN 13715) with 3rd CCG, 12th CCS crashed due to bad weather near Ledo, India
Sep 8, 1944. MACR 7183. 4 crew and 2 passengers killed.
93768 (MSN 13716) to Tata Airlines as VT-AUD Nov 1945. To Air India Nov 1946, to Indian Airlines Aug 1953.
Crashed 20 mi S of Delhi May 9, 1953.
93771 (MSN 13720) by 1955 2as VT-AUT of Indian Airlines Corp.
93772 (MSN 13721) w/o Oct 29, 1944 in crash 195 mi SW of Moran, India
93773 (MSN 13722) w/o Oct 20, 1944 in ground fire Dinjan, India
93774 (MSN 13723, 2nd Air Commando Group) destroyed by enemy shell fire at Meiktila air strip, Burma
93776 (MSN 13725) to RAF as Dakota III KG724. DBR when taxiied into
bomb crater at Mingaladon May 26, 1945.
93777 (MSN 13726) to RAF as Dakota III KG725. To Thai AF Aug 29, 1946. To Siamese Airways in 1947 as
HS-SAA. Inherited by Thai Airways Nov 1, 1951. Reregistered HS-TDA Sep 15, 1958.
To Sky of Siam Co in 1980. Noted derelict at Don Muang AP, Thailand Mar 1983 and
presumably subsequently scrapped.
93778 (MSN 13727) to RAF as Dakota III KG726. Sold May 24, 1946.
Became OY-DDI "Ruar Viking" of DDL. Subsequently sold as N9986F
93779 (MSN 13729) to RAF as Dakota III KG728. Returned to USAAF
May 9, 1947. Registered G-AKPW Jan 17, 1948.
Registration cancelled Mar 3, 1948 on sale to Malayan
Airways Ltd as VR-SCQ then VR-RCQ. To 9M-ALQ to 9V-BAO to XW-TDA Royal Air Lao (Mar 1967)
To Laos Air Charter, Cambodian Air Commercial, shot down Oct 2, 1972 on approach To Kampot, Cambodia
93780 (MSN 13730) w/o Oct 24, 1944 in landing accident at RAF Cottesmore, UK
93781 (MSN 13731) to NEIAF as DT-981, callsign VH-RCZ
93783 (MSN 13733) to RAF as Dakota III KG729. Relegated to ground
instructional airframe with serial 6359M Jun 13, 1947. Presumably
subsequently scrapped.
93784 (MSN 13734, 62nd TCG, 4th TCS) w/o Apr 12, 1945 when it was struck while parked by a
landing B-17 44-6756.
93785 (MSN 13735, 62nd TCG, 4th TCS) w/o Apr 12, 1945 when it was struck while parked by
landing B-17 44-6756.
93786 (MSN 13736) to Aaxico Air Lines as NC57673, next to Transair of New York.
93787 (MSN 13737) to Turkish AF as 6063 under MDAP.
93788 (MSN 13739) with 9th TCS, 20th AF, while parked at Isley Field,
Saipan was seriously damaged by taxying C-46 44-78145 Dec 12, 1945.
DBR and scrapped.
93789 (MSN 13740) to Thailand Sep 21, 1970 as L2-34/13, converted to AC-47 JL2-39/13.
W/o following crashlanding at Bangkok Feb 8, 1988. Preserved at Don Muang
Airport, Thailand.
93790 (MSN 13741) seen in 2007 on display at Ft Benning, GA, having been displayed there since at least Mar 1970.
93791 (MSN 13742) assigned to Patterson Field, OH
Assigned to NACA Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, later as NACA Langley Research Center,
Langley Field, VA Aug 16, 1943 to Jan 4, 1951. Assigned to Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ.
Parted out at McEntire ANGS Airport, Eastover, SC.
93792 (MSN 13743) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-368, re-registered as OB-R-1151.
93793 (MSN 13744) in 1947 to Transport Aero Militar Urugayo (TAMU) registered
as CX-BJD (also carries serial T-508). Current 2002.
93794 (MSN 13745) w/o Jan 23, 1964 at unknown location.
93795 (MSN 13746) to civil registry as NC55462. To SAETA as C-1204, reregistered
as HK-1204. To Avianca Columbia. To chitreana de Aviacion as HB-490.
Scrapped at Paitilla-Marcos A. Galabert Airport, Panama City, Panama.
93796 (MSN 13747) to RFC Nov 25, 1945
93797 (MSN 13749) located at Forsvarets Flysamling at Gardermoen
IAP near Oslo, Norway. On exhibit with its old registration of BW-L
93798 (61st TCG) MIA Mar 24, 1945. MACR 13507
93799 (MSN 13751) to RFC Oct 31, 1945.
93800 (MSN 13752) Redesignated VC-47A in 1984 and transferred to North Dakota ANG. By 1987 was
at Museum of State Historical Society, Bismarck, ND, but nominally
on charge of USAFM. Also reported by 1993 to be at North Dakota ANG, Fargo, ND. In 2012 was
on display at Eagles Air Museum in Fargo, North Dakota.
93801 (MSN 13753) missing Dec 29, 1945.
93802 (MSN 13754) salvaged and reclamation completd Mar 9, 1948
93803 (MSN 13755, 434th TCG) lost Sep 17, 1944. MACR 10710
93804 (MSN 13756) while attached to Air Attache office in Europe,
crashed in Ethiopian wilderness Mar 20, 1947 40 km SSW of
Dessie, Ethiopia while enroute from Asmara to Addis Abba.
6 onboard killed, including the head of the CIG in Beirut
(CIG became the CIA later in 1947)
93805 (MSN 13757) to RFC Nov 18, 1945. To TWA as NC88822. To
N565, N143JB, N2VM.
93806 (MSN 13759) to RFC Nov 18, 1945. To NC86599,
by 1954 was N53159 of Delta Airlines
93807 (MSN 13760) WFU and stored MASDC, scrapped
93808 (MSN 13761) to OY-AOB. Broken up Kastrup, Copenhagen Dec 31, 1949
93809 (MSN 13762) w/o Apr 9, 1952 at unknown location
93810 (MSN 13763) salvaged Dec 31, 1945
93811 (MSN 13764) to RFC Sep 21, 1945. to PP-BRB of Linhas
Aereas Brasillerias, later PP-CDC of Cruzeiro,
by 1955 was PP-SAD of Sercicos Aereos Cruziero do Sol
w/o Oct 2, 1968.
93812 (MSN 13765) converted to AC-47, assigned to 460th TRW, Tan Son Nhut,
Vietnam. To South Vietnam AF Jan 29, 1971. To Khmer Air Force
(Cambodia) Mar 1973. Subsequent fate unknown.
93813 (MSN 13766) to NEIAF as DT-989, callsign VH-RCG. By 1955 was
PK-DPI of Garuda Indonesian Airways NV
93814 (MSN 13767) converted to EC-47N from RC-47N. To reclamatin, cannibalization, salvage or survey Aug 5, 1975
from 56th Special Operations Wing at Udorn, Thailand.
93815 (MSN 13769) to RFC Sep 21, 1945. To CR-LBK. Crashed
Jul 18, 1950
93816 (MSN 13770) to Mexican AF Sep 30, 1947
93817 (MSN 13771) to VC-47A. W/o Feb 15, 1958 Mount Vesuvius, Italy. 16 lost.
93818 (MSN 13772) to VC-47A. To civil registry as N86450. To Spanish AF as T.3-43. DBF at Malacan, Spain Jul 6, 1970
93819 (MSN 13773) to RFC Nov 8, 1945. To PP-BRC with Linhas Aereas
Brasillerias. by 1954 was PP-ANK of Transportes Aereos Nacional Ltda.
Crashed Sep 6, 1956 Pampulha, Belo Horizonte
93820 (MSN 13774) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-372.
93821 (MSN 13775) Salvaged Jul 5, 1945
93822 (MSN 13776) to RFC Nov 18, 1945. To NC18618 with Chicagoand
Southwestern, by 1954 was PP-YPG of S. A. Transportes Aeros REAL
93823 (MSN 13777) to RFC Nov 5, 1945. To NC53210. Crashed
Jan 6, 1949 at Brandywine, IN
42-107237 ... 42-107248
Sikorsky YR-4B
Vought-Sikorsky Model VS-316A Hoverfly developed for US Army as Sikorsky Model S-47, designate R-4B
107237 crashed in Burma Jul 26, 1945. It had been flown by C-54 from Wright Field in Ohio to Burma by order
of General Arnold, urgently needed to rescue the crew of a B-25 that had crashed in the Burma jungle.
107238 to Royal Navy as Hoverfly I FT833 7/1943. To static test 9/44 at Hanworth, UK
107239 to US Navy as HNS-1 46445.
107240 to Royal Navy as Hoverfly I FT834 9/1943. Reduced to spares 10/2/1948.
107246 to Royal Navy as Hoverfly I FT835 11/1943. Crashed at Hanworth, UK May 1945.
To ground instructional airframe at Worthy Down, UK.
43-3280 ... 43-3619
North American B-25D-30 Mitchell
MSN 100-23606/100-23945 (Andrade quotes 100-20606/20805 for 43-3280/3479, 100-23306/23445
for 43-3480/3619)
3280 to RAF as Mitchell II FW172. SOC Sep 27, 1945.
3281 to RAF as Mitchell II FW173. DBR when undercarriage collapsed on landing at Finmere,
England Aug 18, 1944
3282 to NEIAF as N5-184
3283 to RAF as Mitchell II FW174. SOC Sep 27, 1945
3284 to RAF as Mitchell II FW175. Shot down by AAA over Foret de Lyons, France Aug 9, 1944
3285 to RAF as Mitchell II FW176. SOC Aug 23, 1945
3286 to RAF as Mitchell II FW177. Crashed during ferry flight Oct 8, 1944
3287 to RAF as Mitchell II FW178. SOC Feb 26, 1947.
3289 to RAF as Mitchell II FW179. SOC Aug 23, 1945
3290 (341st BG) shot down Apr 8, 1944 on raid on Japanese airfield on Hainan Island
3296 (41st BG, 48th BS, "Rose's Beau")
3297 crashed 40 mi SW of Ililo, Panay Oct 2, 1945 while ferrying men from the 347th FG from Palawan
to Leyte for return to USA. No survivors.
3300 to RAF as Mitchell II KL150 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3301 to RAF as Mitchell II KL151 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3302 to RAF as Mitchell II KL152 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3303 to RAF as Mitchell II KL153 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3304 to RAF as Mitchell II KL154 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3307 to RAF as Mitchell II KL155 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3308 (MSN 100-23634, 100-20634 according to Andrade) to RAF as Mitchell II KL156 - retained in Canada for
service with 5 OTU. To N8011, HP-428, and CP-915 of Transportes Aereos Benianos (in that order).
Sold to J. Sangueza of La Paz. Derelict at La Paz by 1976. Eventually found its way back to USA.
Restored at Chino by 1987. By 1988 was on static display as PBJ-1D
at USMC Museum, Quantico, VA. Sent to Freedom Museum USA in Pampas, TX in exchange
for the Freedom Museum's PBJ-1.
3310 to RAF as Mitchell II KL157 - Crashed in USA prior to delivery
3311 to RAF as Mitchell II KL158 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3312 to RAF as Mitchell II KL159 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3316 to RAF as Mitchell II KL160 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
3318 (MSN 100-23644, 100-20644 according to Andrade) to RAF as KL161 - retained in Canada for service with 5 OTU
Ex N88972, CF-0GQ. Restored by Aero Trader, Chino CA
in 1987. Now airworthy with The Fighter Collection, Duxford,
UK and has had its registration number changed to G-BYDR. Purchased
summer of 2004 by Vulcan Warbirds and registered N25644.
Currently based at North Weald, UK. Registration N88972 reserved
Jan 23, 2009, taken up Feb 19, 2009
3320/3344 to USN as PBJ-1D 35123/35147
3345/3369 Lend-Lease to USSR
3355 (MSN 100-23681) on display outside at Moscow Air Force Museum, Russia.
3371 converted to F-10
3372 converted to F-10
3373 converted to F-10. in taxying accident at Kelly Field, Texas May 24, 1944.
3374 (MSN 100-20700) converted to RB-25D. Now on display at WPAFB Museum restored as General Doolittle's
B-25B 40-2344.
3385 Lend-Lease to USSR
3393 to RAF as FW187. SOC 6/5/1947.
3412 to RAF as FW273 - retained in Canada
3413 (321st BG, 447th BS) during ferry flight exploded in midair and crashed into Lake Lesina,
N of Foggia, Italy Feb 19, 1944. 7 killed. MACR 2717.
3416 converted to F-10
3419 converted to F-10
3420 Lend-Lease to USSR
3421 to NEIAF as N5-185
3422 to NEIAF as N5-187, later to RAAF as A47-2. crashed 12/44
3423 to NEIAF as N5-181, later to RAAF as
A47-3. Lost on operations north coast of Timor 9/22/1944.
3424 to NEIAF as N5-189, later to RAAF as A47-4. Scrapped 12/46.
3425 to NEIAF as N5-191 (may be 3435)
3426 to NEIAF as N5-192, later to RAAF as A47-5. SOC 3/50.
3427 to NEIAF as N5-193, later to RAAF as A47-6. Crashed 9/2/1944 off
Peron during search for A47-12 and its crew.
3433 converted to F-10
3434 converted to F-10
3434 converted to F-10
3437 converted to F-10
3438 converted to F-10
3439 converted to F-10
3440 converted to F-10
3444 converted to F-10
3446 converted to F-10
3459 to RAF as FW193. Hit by flak, Stadkyll
and crash-landed 12/25/1944.
3460 to RAF as Mitchell II FW194. With 98th Sqdn lost at Arnhem, Netherlands Sep 25, 1944
3477 to RAF as Mitchell II FW211. With 98 Sqdn, lost Neerbosch, Netherlands Sep 25, 1944
3478 to RAF as FW212. Collided with FR165 and crashed near Tirlemont 2/9/1945.
3482 to RAF as FW197. SOC 9/27/1945.
3489 Lend-Lease to USSR
3493 Lend-Lease to USSR
3496 Lend-Lease to USSR
3499/3502 Lend-Lease to USSR
3504/3516 Lend-Lease to USSR
3507 to USSR. Shot down by Fw. Eckart Ulmer in Bf 110G-4 of NJG 6/8. and crashed into a house in Akasztó, Hungary Aug 10, 1944. 5 KIA and
1 person on ground killed by fire.
3518/3520 Lend-Lease to USSR
3539 to RAF as FW219. SOC 9/27/1945.
3540 to RAF as FW220 - retained in Canada
3547 to RAF as FW227. Damaged in flight by premature
bomb explosion aboard Mitchell FR181 (ex USAAF 41-30721) and lost wing near
Mandersfield, England Jan 31, 1945.
3548 to RAF as Mitchell II FW228. Collided with Mitchell FW201 (ex 43-3467)
and crashed near Melsbroek, Belgium Nov 11, 1944
3549 to RAF as Mitchell II FW229. SOC 12/27/1946.
3550 to RAF as Mitchell II FW230. Shot down by AAA ove Deventer, Holland Nov 26, 1944
3551 to RAF as Mitchell II FW231. SOC Feb 7, 1947
3552 to RAF as Mitchell II FW232. Crashed on takeoff at Dunsfold, England Sep 13, 1944
3553 to RAF as Mitchell II FW233. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3554 to RAF as Mitchell II FW234. Wrecked when took off out of trim and had to
bellyland at Dorval, Canada Mar 15, 1945
3555 to RAF as Mitchell II FW235. Interned after forced landing following fuel shortage
at Doolock, Eire
3556 to RAF as Mitchell II FW236. Shot down by AAA over Bocholt, Germany Mar 21, 1945
3557 to RAF as Mitchell II FW237 - retained in Canada
3558 to RAF as Mitchell II FW238. Wrecked when undercarriage collapsed whilst attempting
to takeoff in error from perimeter track at Hartfordbridge, England Aug 23, 1944.
3559 to RAF as Mitchell II FW239. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3560 to RAF as Mitchell II FW240. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3561 to RAF as Mitchell II FW241. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3562 to RAF as Mitchell II FW242. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3563 to RAF as Mitchell II FW243. Wrecked wieh undercarriage collapsed on takeoff
at Reykjavik, Iceland Mar 14, 1944.
3564 to RAF as Mitchell II FW244. Collided with Mitchell FRW221 (ex 43-3541) and crashed
near Dunsfold, England Oct 6, 1944
3565 to RAF as Mitchell II FW245. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3566 to RAF as Mitchell II FW246 - retained in Canada
3567 to RAF as Mitchell II FW247. Returned to USA Nov 16, 1945
3568 to RAF as Mitchell II FW248. Abandoned over Belgium when bombload hung up Feb 13, 1945.
3569 to RAF as Mitchell II FW249. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3570/3605 to USN as PBJ-1D 35148/35183
3606 (41st BG, 48th BS, "Old Ugly")
3607 to NEIAF as N5-194, later to RAAF as A47-7. SOC 3/50.
3611 (341st BG) lost May 26, 1944. MACR 11972
3612 (341st BG) lost Oct 24, 1944. MACR 9452
3613 to NEIAF as N5-195, later to RAAF as A47-8. Lost on operations 11/44.
3616 (341st BG) lost Mar 27, 1944. MACR 4004
3617 (69th Composite Wing, 341st BG, 22nd BS) crashed near Quang Fri in French
IndoChina May 29, 1945. All but one survived
the crash, but were made POW and were executed by the Japanese.
43-3620 ... 43-3869
North American B-25D-35 Mitchell
MSN 100-23946/100-24195 (Andrade quotes 100-23446/23695)
3620 to NEIAF. Listed as being lost with 340th BG Apr 6, 1944. MACR 3587.
3621 to NEIAF as N5-196, later to RAAF as A47-9. Crashed 12/26/1944 on takeoff
from Hughes Strip.
3623 to NEIAF as N5-197, later to RAAF as A47-10. SOC 3/50.
3624 to NEIAF as N5-198, later to RAAF as A47-11. Crashed on landing at
Bathurst NSW, Australia and scrapped 12/44.
3625 to NEIAF as N5-199, later to RAAF as A47-12. Ditched 9/2/1944 near
Perron due to fuel exhaustion.
3626 to NEIAF as N5-200, later to RAAF as A47-13. Crashed 8/13/1944 during
training flight.
3628 (340th BG) lost May 12, 1944. MACR 5419
3629 to RAF as Mitchell II KL146. Served with 5 OTU in Canada
3634 (MSN 100-23960 (100-23460 according to Andrade) delivered on December 17, 1943, to the USAAF. Jan 1944
assigned to Lend-Lease program for the RAF as 'KL148'. Instead departed Hunter Field, GA, on January 19, 1944
on the southern route through Brazil to Africa enroute to "ELMS" (ie North Africa / Algeria);
May 1944 on May 30, to "DUKO" (ie Italy). Flew 7 combat missions from Corsica over Sicily and through the
Brenner Pass. With the USAAF 12th AF, 57th BW, 340th BG, 489th BS during April and May of 1944. It carried the
tail code '634 9C' and was named Ellen E. & Son.
Later back to the US via San Antonio, TX, and Great Falls, MT, before leaving for Sea Island at Vancouver;
Oct 1944 taken on strength by RCAF on October 18, as Mitchell II. Later stored until January 1947;
Jan 1947 assigned to No. 418 Squadron "City of Edmonton" Auxiliary. 1950 stored until June 1953;
Jun 1953 to Flying Instructors School at RCAF Trenton, Ontario; 1954 stored until 1956; on March 16, 1955,
1956 used for training; Jan 1961 transferred January 4, from RCAF Trenton 129AAF to Dunnville, Ontario;
Jun 1962 sold June 10, to Hicks and Lawrence Ltd., St. Thomas, Ontario;
Aug 1962 registered CF-NWV for the ferry flight on August 2;
Jun 1968 sold on June 1, to Richard B. McPherson of Aerodix Association, New Albany, OH;
Jul 1969 sold on July 29, to Glenn Lamont. Oct 1969 ferried from St. Thomas, Ontario, to Detroit City
Airport, MI, by Glenn Lamont, October 24; 1987 sold to Yankee Air Force, now "YANKEE WARRIOR"
Registered N3774, current. Based at the Yankee Air Museum, Willow Run, MI. Named Yankee Warrior
Reported 1989 at Milestones of Flight Museum, Lancaster, CA
3647 to RAF as Mitchell II KL149 - used in Canada with 5 OTU
3650 340th BG 488th BS Interned in Spain after landing in Palma de
Mallorca on Sep 14, 1944. Was flying from base in Corsica and became lost. Becoming
low on fuel, spotted an airfield where there was a parked B-24, so made choice to
land there. It was the airport of Palma de Mallorca. Not known what happened to this plane.
3651 to USN as PBJ-1D 35184
3655 to USN as PBJ-1D 35185
3663 (10th PRG) crashed Jun 19, 1945. MACR 14725
3668 converted to RB-25D. Crashed at Rajagiri, India Oct 19, 1945
3669 converted to RB-25D. Crashed at Rajagiri, India Oct 19, 1945
3671 (10th PRG, "Bit of Lace") crashed Mar 10, 1945 shortly after
refueling at Myitkyin on the way to Chengtu, China. MACR 12978
3674 converted to RB-25D. Crashed at Rajagiri, India Oct 19, 1945.
3683 to RAF as Mitchell II FW250. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3685 (28th BG) lost Oct 31, 1944. MACR 9607
3686 to RAF as Mitchell II FW251 - retained in Canada
3687 to RAF as Mitchell II FW252. DBR during air raid at Melsbroek, Belgium
Jan 1, 1945
3688 to RAF as Mitchell II FW253. Wrecked when failed to become airborne and ran
off end of runway at Dunsfold, England Jul 12, 1944.
3689 to RAF as Mitchell II FW254. SOC Jan 24, 1947
3690 to RAF as Mitchell II FW255. DBR during air raid at Melsbroek, Belgium
Jan 1, 1945
3691 to RAF as Mitchell II FW256.
3692 to RAF as Mitchell II FW257. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3693 to RAF as Mitchell II FW258. Missing on flare drop mission over
Falaise, France Aug 19, 1944.
3694 to RAF as Mitchell II FW259 - retained in Canada
3695 to RAF as Mitchell II FW260 - retained in Canada
3696 to RAF as Mitchell II FW261. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3697 to RAF as Mitchell II FW262. Damaged by flak over Recht Dec 25, 1944. SOC
3698 to RAF as Mitchell II FW263. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3699 to RAF as Mitchell II FW264. SOC Sep 27, 1945
3700 to RAF as Mitchell II FW265. Returned to USA Nov 8, 1945
3701 to RAF as Mitchell II FW266. SOC Jun 21, 1947
3702 Lend-Lease to USSR
3703 to RAF as Mitchell II FW267. Returned to USA Nov 8, 1945
3704 to RAF as Mitchell II FW268. Hit trees while flying low at Shackleford Park,
Godalming, England Aug 30, 1944
3705 to RAF as Mitchell II FW269. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3706 Lend-Lease to USSR
3707 to RAF as Mitchell II FW270. Returned to USA Nov 8, 1945
3708 to RAF as Mitchell II FW271. DBR when undercarriage collapsed on landing
at Oldenburg, Germany Apr 17, 1945.
3710 to RAF as Mitchell II FW272. Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service.
3711 Lend-Lease to USSR
3712 to RAF as Mitchell II FW273. Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service.
3713 Lend-Lease to USSR
3715/3717 Lend-Lease to USSR
3718 to RAF as Mitchell II FW274 - Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
w/o Aug 1944
3719 Lend-Lease to USSR
3720 to RAF as Mitchell II FW275. SOC Sep 27, 1945
3721 Lend-Lease to USSR
3722 Lend-Lease to USSR
3723 to RAF as Mitchell II FW276. Wrecked when nosewheel collapsed on landing at Kirkbride,
England Jul 12, 1945.
3724/3749 Lend-Lease to USSR
3750 to RAF as Mitchell II FW277. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3751 to RAF as Mitchell II FW278 - Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
3752 to RAF as Mitchell II FW279 - Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
3753 to RAF as Mitchell II FW280 - Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
3754 Lend-Lease to USSR
3755 Lend-Lease to USSR
3756 to RAF as Mitchell II HD302. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3757 to RAF as Mitchell II HD303. SOC Nov 29, 1946
3758 to RAF as Mitchell II HD304. SOC May 31, 1945
3759 to RAF as Mitchell II HD305. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3760 to RAF as Mitchell II HD306. SOC Jun 5, 1947
3761 to RAF as Mitchell II HD307. Shot down by Bf 109s near Wesel, Germany Mar 13, 1945
3762 to RAF as Mitchell II HD308. Crashed into sea 18 mi N of New Providence,
Bahamas Apr 21, 1945.
3763 to RAF as Mitchell II HD309. SOC Aug 23, 1945.
3764 to RAF as Mitchell II HD310 - Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service.
3765 to NEIAF
3766 to NEIAF as N5-201, later to RAAF as A47-14. SOC 3/50.
3767 to NEIAF as N5-202, later to RAAF as A47-15. SOC 3/50.
3768 to NEIAF as N5-203, later to RAAF as A47-16. Scrapped 8/45.
3769 to NEIAF as N5-204, later to RAAF as A47-17. SOC 3/50.
3770 to NEIAF as N5-205, later to RAAF as A47-18. SOCX 3/50.
3771/3778 to USN as PBJ-1D 35186/35193
3779 to RAF as Mitchell II HD311 - retained in Canada
3780 to RAF as Mitchell II HD312 - retained in Canada
3781 to RAF as Mitchell II HD313 - retained in Canada
3782 to RAF as Mitchell II HD314 - retained in Canada
3783 to RAF as Mitchell II HD315 - retained in Canada
3784 to RAF as Mitchell II HD316. Ditched 12 mi S of Beachy Head, England after
engine failure Aug 25, 1944.
3785 to RAF as Mitchell II HD317 - retained in Canada
3786 to RAF as Mitchell II HD318 - retained in Canada
3787 to RAF as Mitchell II HD319 - retained in Canada
Flew into 700-foot level east face of Skihist Mtn. in British Columbia
3788 to RAF as Mitchell II HD320 - retained in Canada
3789 to NEIAF as N5-213, later to RAAF as A47-21. SOC 3/50.
3790 to NEIAF as N5-206, later to RAAF as A47-19. Crashed 9/16/1945 during
escort of a Catalina from Balikpapen.
3791 to NEIAF as N5-207, later to RAAF as A47-20. Damaged by brake failure
at a repair depot 6/1/1944. Scrapped 6/44.
3793 to RAF as Mitchell II HD322 - retained in Canada. w/o July 1956
3794 to RAF as Mitchell II HD323 - retained in Canada. w/o July 1952
3795 to RAF as Mitchell II HD324 - retained in Canada
3796 to RAF as Mitchell II HD325 - retained in Canada. w/o Dec 1950
3797 to RAF as Mitchell II HD326 - retained in Canada
3798 to RAF as Mitchell II HD327. SOC Aug 23, 1945
3799 to RAF as Mitchell II HD328. SOC Sep 27, 1945
3800 to RAF as Mitchell II HD329. MIA on mission to Falaise, France Aug 19, 1944
3801 to RAF as Mitchell II HD330. Collided with Mitchell FW150 (ex 42-87477) and
crashed into sea off Nicholls Town, Bahamas Nov 24, 1944
3802/3829 Lend-Lease to USSR
3830 to NEIAF as N5-190, later to RAAF as A47-22. SOC 3/50.
3831 Lend-Lease to USSR
3832 to NEIAF as N5-212, later to RAAF as A47-23. Scrapped 10/9/1945.
3833 to NEIAF as N5-208
3834 to NEIAF as N5-210. Shot down by AAA Sept 19, 1944 with No 18
Sqdn of RAAF. All crew KIA.
3835 to NEIAF as N5-209
3836 to NEIAF as N5-211
3837/3843 to USN as PBJ-1D 35196/35202
3844 to RAF as Mitchell II HD331 - retained in Canada. w/o Aug 1954
3845 to RAF as Mitchell II HD332 - retained in Canada
3846 to RAF as Mitchell II HD333 - retained in Canada
3847 to RAF as Mitchell II HD334 - retained in Canada
3848 to RAF as Mitchell II HD335 - retained in Canada
3849 to RAF as Mitchell II HD336. SOC Oct 31, 1946
3850 to RAF as Mitchell II HD337 - retained in Canada
3851 to RAF as Mitchell II HD338 - retained in Canada
3852 to RAF as Mitchell II HD339 - retained in Canada
3853 to RAF as Mitchell II HD340 - retained in Canada
3854 to RAF as Mitchell II HD341 - retained in Canada
w/o Dec 1949
3855 to RAF as Mitchell II HD342 - retained in Canada
w/o Aug 1953
3856 to RAF as Mitchell II HD343 - retained in Canada
w/o Dec 1944
3857 to RAF as Mitchell II HD344 - retained in Canada
3858 to RAF as Mitchell II HD345 - retained in Canada
Struck side of mountain in southern British Columbia and exploded 5/29/44
3859/3866 Lend-Lease to USSR
3867 to NEIAF as N5-216, later to RAAF as A47-24. Crashed into sea off
Angelsea, VIC, Australia 12/12/1944.
3868 to NEIAF
3869 to NEIAF as N5-215, later to RAAF as A47-25. SOC 3/50.
43-3870 ... 43-4104
North American B-25J-1-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-24196/108-24430
3874 to RAF as Mitchell II HD346. SOC Jun 6, 1947.
3885 (341st BG) lost Jan 5, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 11095
3894 to Chinese Nationalist Air Force. Have an MACR 7591 on this one with 341st BG,
lost Jul 17, 1944
3896 to Chinese Nationalist Air Force. Have an MACR 11383 on this one with 12th BG,
lost May 20,1944.
3899 (12th BG, 434trh BS) squadron courire plane returning to home base in India on Jul 11, 1945 ran into
a wire and crashed. Cre of 3, 8 passengers, and over 30 people killed on the ground ner Takerhat.
3904 (341st BG) lost Jan 19, 1945. MACR 11638
3910 (MSN 108-24236) converted to TB-25N. Became N9937Z. Crashed in
Alaska Jun 27, 1967.
3917 reportedly crashed in North Carolia Sep 7, 1944.
3935 (12th BG) lost Jun 1, 1944. MACR 5377
3943 (341st BG) lost Jul 29, 1944. MACR 7213
3949 (341st BG, 11th BS, "Hustlin' Hazel") lost Jun 16, 1945. No MACR on this plane, which may mean that it
was not lost in combat.
3951 ("Cornhusker") crash landed in marsh near Myitkyina, Burma after losing an engine. Crew rescued.
3960 (341st BG, 11th BS) pilot could not find the base at night, ran out of fuel, abandoned and crashed
near Kweilin, China Jul 11, 1944. MACR 6470. All 6 crew bailed out successfully
3961 (12th BG) lost Jun 20, 1944. MACR 6450
3964 (12th BG) lost Oct 6, 1944. MACR 9096
3969 Lend-Lease to China Mar 1944
3970 shot down by Japanese fighters over China Sep 7, 1944. MACR 8594.
3974 crashed at Natal, Brazil Jun 6, 1944.
3985,3986 to USN as PBJ-1J 35194,35195
3987 to Chinese Nationalist Air Force
3994 Lend-Lease to China Mar 1944
3996 Lend-Lease to China Mar 1944
3997 Lend-Lease to China Mar 1944
3999 (71st Tactical Recon Group, 17th Tactical Recon SQ) shot down by small arms fire
Apr 16, 1945 off Bias Bay, China coast. MACR 14274. 3 KIA, 3 rescued by submarine.
4000 (340th BG) lost Feb 25, 1945. MACR 12567
4013 (340th BG) lost Aug 8, 1944. MACR 7331
4018 (310th BG) lost Jun 22, 1944. MACR 6090
4021 (321st BG) lost Apr 12, 1945. MACR 13745
4022 (340th BG) lost Jan 20, 1945. MACR 11835
4026 (321st BG) lost May 31,1 944. MACR 4823
4030 (MSN 108-24356) modified as VB-25J for use as General Eisenhower's personal transport. It was taken from
the Kansas City line and transferred to the Inglewood CA line for extensive modifications. Accepted May 12, 1944.
In 1958, reassigned to 1001st Air Base Wing at Andrews AFB, MD where it served as a government VIP transport.
To Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ, December 1958-1959. To Lanward Leasing Corp, El Paso, TX, April 22, 1959-1961.
Registered as N3339G. To Southwest Air Rangers, El Paso, TX, May 1961-1962.
To Perry Logan, Littleton, CO, July 1962. To Eldorado Corp, Dallas, TX, August 1962-1963.
To Joseph C. Frazier, El Paso, TX, May 1963-1965. To Newell R. Hayes, El Paso, TX, July 1965-1970.
Displayed at The Air Museum, Ontario, CA, 1966-1970. To Edward T. Maloney/The Air Museum, Ontario (later Chino),
CA, October 1970-1978. Sold to USAFM, March AFB, CA, 1984-1985. Displayed as 34030/Blonde Bomber.
To South Dakota Air and Space Museum, Ellsworth AFB, SD, 1984-2012. Displayed as 34030 & 44-39340.
4033 (340th BG) lost Apr 4, 1945. MACR 13705
4038 (340th BG) lost Mar 20, 1945. MACR 13205
4042 (310th BG) lost Jun 22, 1944. MACR 6089
4046 (340th BG) lost Aug 15, 1944. MACR 7973
4051 (321st BG) lost Jul 26, 1944. MACR 7064
4055 crash landing at Tulln Airbase, Austria Mar 1, 1946
4059 (310th BG) lost Jun 7, 1944. MACR 5826
4062 (340th BG) lost Feb 25, 1945. MACR 12707
4064 (340th BG, 489th BS, "8U") lost Jan 21, 1945. MACR 11712. After bombing San Michele, flak started
but nobody was hit. Changing heading to join Corsica, strong blast of wind unbalanced
the "8U". It collided with the tail of 43-27657 "8P" and
killed the tail gunner. Entered spin and crashed with crew members KIA.
4067 (321st BG, 448th BS, *The Big Swing*) crashed in Switzerland Feb 7, 1945. MACR 12135
4069 (321st BG) lost Jan 18, 1945. MACR 11713
4071 (340th BG) lost Jul 12, 1944. MACR 66611
4076 (321st BG, 448th BS) crashed in Switzerland Feb 27, 1945. MACR 12708
4082 (340th BG) lost Mar 18, 1945. MACR 12980
4086 (341st BG) lost Feb 10, 1945. MACR 12043
4087 (310th BG) lost Jun 22, 1944. MACR 6040
43-4105 ... 43-4404
North American B-25H-1 Mitchell
MSN 98-21106/98-21405
4105 first flew Jul 31, 1943. Stress tested to destruction by the manufacturer.
4106 sold to Bendix as N5548N. Airworthy
with Weary Warriors Squadron, Rockford, IL.
I saw this one on 8-5-95 at Aurora, Ill.
4108 listed as crash wreck in Alaska. I have a report of it having gone
down in a storm on Feb 18, 1944 about 35 mi NE of Anchorage. MACR 4100.
The plane was on some sort of classified mission. Listed as being claimed by US
Historical Aircraft Preservation Museum, AK. Civilian serial
number N58HA associated with the plane. This seems to have been part
of a scam in which people would register unrecovered B-25s in an
attempt to get part of the take if and when they were actually found and
recovered. Plane now listed as being in storage at US Historical Preservation
Museum at Anchorage. Reservation N58HA reserved Mar 1985 for USAFM
4113 Lend-Lease to China
4114 (1st BG) lost Aug 14, 1944. MACR 7670 and 7347
4115/4124 Lend-Lease to China
4120 ended up with People's Liberation Army Air Force as 120 and was on display at Chinese Peoples
Revolution Museum at Beijing by 1965 and last note 1990. Thought to have gone into storage somewhere.
4129 lost Aug 5, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 8784
4131 Lend-Lease to China
4134 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
4146 Lend-Lease to China
4152 crashed into sea 1 1/2 miles off Polia Bay, Oahu, Hawaiil Mar 15, 1944.
MACR 16409
4155 (341st BG) lost Mar 22, 1944. MACR 3272
4159 (341st BG) lost Mar 5, 1945. MACR 12925
4178 (7th BG) lost Dec 23, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 12257
4179 (5th BG0 lost Mar 27, 1944. MACR 5347
4183 Lend-Lease to China
4184 Lend-Lease to China
4186 Lend-Lease to China
4188 Lend-Lease to China
4189 Lend-Lease to China
4193 Lend-Lease to China
4199/4203 Lend-Lease to China
4209 (341st BG) shot down Apr 8, 1944 on raid on Japanese airfield on Hainan Island
4229 (341st BG, R90th BS) shot down by AAA in Burma Mar 17, 1944. MACR 3283. 5 KIA
4242 (1st Air Command Group) crashed Mar 24, 1944 near Thelon, India. All aboard
killed. One of the passengers was British Army Major General Orde Charles
Wingate, commander of the Chindits.
4279/4286 Lend-Lease to China
4289 Lend-Lease to China
4291 Lend-Lease to China
4292 Lend-Lease to China
4294/4301 Lend-Lease to China
4305 lost Niihau Island, HI Jul 23, 1945. 4 killed, 1 survived.
4307 assigned to NACA Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, NAS Moffett Field, CA Jul 4, 1945 to Jan 1951.
Used for flying qualities, stability and control, and performance evaluations
4329 Lend-Lease to China. 4329 ended up with People's Liberation Army Air Force as 329 and was on display
at Chinese Peoples Revolution Museum at Beijing by 1965 and last note 1990. Thought to have gone into
storage somewhere
4330 lost Feb 14, 1944, Central Pacific.
4336 sold on civilian market in 1950. Succession of owners.
Civilian registrations N67998, N96GC, N66TI. Crashed
in 1975 after alleged drug smuggling operation. Remained
on the FAA active list according to Scott Thompson, but
his latest list lists it as being destroyed. Reported
as having crashed near Dawsonville, GA as N96GC Jun 3, 1975
during a marijuana smuggling flight.
4368 (341 BG, 490 BS) lost Feb 26, 1944, CBI theatre
4395 (341st BG) shot down Apr 8, 1944 on raid on Japanese airfield on Hainan Island
4403 (490th BG, 341st BS) crashed in raid on Momgpawn,
Burma 2/1/1945. All 5 crew killed.
43-4405 ... 43-4704
North American B-25H-5 Mitchell
MSN 98-21406/98-21705
4406 modified as NA-98X with R2800 engines. First flight Mar 31, 1944.
Crashed Apr 24, 1944 when aircraft was flown beyond its
structural limits. Both crew killed.
4432 (MSN 98-21433) SOC at RFC Altus, OK. sold on commercial market as N90399. Later N10V.
Used in film *Catch 22*. Registration N410V was a film serial, presumably mistaken for a US registration..
Now with Experimental Aircraft Association of Oshkosh, WI as N10V.
Also appeared as a VIP transport with a pinkish paint scheme
4447 crashed May 29, 1945 on Crystal Peak, CA, 11 mi SW of Reno, NV. Was enroute from Hill Field,
Utah to Salinas, California. Pilot ran into thunderstorms and turbulence over Truckee,
California. Reversed his course, let his speed become too great and the plane broke apart
inflight. A young girl who witnessed crash said engines sounded like they were screaming
as plane sped towards the ground. Outer wings broke off at the landing lights as well as tail
feathers. All aboard killed.
4450 remains noted in 1977 at Girua AP, Popondetta, PNG.
4471 to USN as PBJ-1H 35280
4478 Lend-Lease to China
4481 Lend-Lease to China
4482 to USN as PBJ-1H 35281
4483 Lend-Lease to China
4492 to USN as PBJ-1H 35282
4513 (42nd BG, 40th BS) force-landed at Talasea, Papua Sep 3, 1944 following combat damage.
Wreck still extant in 1989.
4530 to USN as PBJ-1H 88872
4536 to RB-25H. To RFC. Sold via RFC Nov 9, 1945 to Cuban AF as 300. MAP to Uruguyan as Jan 1958 as 164.
4542/4544 to USN as PBJ-1H 35283/35285
4551 lost Jul 10, 1945, Central Pacific.
4587 Lend-Lease to China
4588 Lend-Lease to China
4589 Lend-Lease to China
4590 Lend-Lease to China
4591/4593 to USN as PBJ-1H 35286/35288
4638 to USN as PBJ-1H 88873
4643 (MSN 98-21664) later redesignated TB-25H. SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Purchased by Paul Mantz
Feb 19, 1946 for use as camera platform (NX1203). Sold
in 1975 and went through a succession of users. Used in film *Catch 22*, registered N1203, film serial
01203. Was camera ship. During filmining, a cameraman fell out and was killed.
Ended up in South America running drugs. Written off after a crash landing in 1981.
While this machine was allegedly destroyed in Colombia, it was reported still to be flying in South America.
4645 SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946 and stored.
Rebuilt by Frank Abel in 1953 and assigned N123A. To Mexico as XC-BIV
and operated as an executive transport.
4654 to USN as PBJ-1H 88874
4655 to USN as PBJ-1H 35292
4656 to USN as PBJ-1H 35259
4658 to USN as PBJ-1H 35293
4659/4660 to USN as PBJ-1H 35250/35251
4661 to USN as PBJ-1H 88875
4662 Lend-Lease to China
4663 Lend-Lease to China
4664/4666 to USN as PBJ-1H 35294/35296
4667 to USN as PBJ-1H 35252
4668 Lend-Lease to China
4669 to USN as PBJ-1H 35253
4670 to USN as PBJ-1H 35260
4671/4673 to USN as PBJ-1H 35254/35256
4674 to Chinese Nationalist Air Force
4675 to USN as PBJ-1H 35261
4676 to USN as PBJ-1H 35257
4678 Lend-Lease to China
4679 Lend-Lease to China
4680 Lend-Lease to China
4681 Lend-Lease to China
4682/4684 to USN as PBJ-1H 35289/35291
4685/4702 to USN as PBJ-1H 35262/35279
4703 to USN as PBJ-1H 88876
4704 to USN as PBJ-1H 88877
43-4705 ... 43-5104
North American B-25H-10 Mitchell
MSN 98-21706/98-22105
4705 to USN as PBJ-1H 89051
4709 to USN as PBJ-1H 35297
4710 to USN as PBJ-1H 35258
4711/4883 to USN as PBJ-1H 88878/89050
4896 ditched off Guam Apr 6, 1945.
4899 sold on commercial market in 1946. N66572, N1582V, N37L. Converted to executive transport. Now
on display at Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, Kalamazoo, MI as N37L.
4905 (341st BG) lost Oct 17, 1944. MACR 11697
4915 MIA Sep 8, 1945. Wreckage found Dec 24, 1995 on the edge of a cliff near Timkua,
West Irian, Indonesia. Remains of crew recovered Jan 1999.
4999 sold on commercial market as N3970C. At one stage was 2502 of
Dominican AF. Now owned by New England Air Museum, Windsor Locks, CT.
5022 sold on commercial market 1946 as N4903V. Scavenged for spare parts.
5028/5047 to USN as PBJ-1H 89052/89071
5049/5098 Lend-Lease to China
5068 lost Aug 7, 1944, British West Indies.
5103 on display at USAF History and Traditions Museum, Lackland AFB, Texas
5104 was last B-25 off the production line at Englewood, California. Went to 81st BS, 12th BG in India
43-8231 ... 43-8236
Northrop P-61B-25-NO Black Widow
MSN 1277/1282
43-12502 ... 43-13201
Noorduyn AT-16-ND
MSN 14A-801/1500. North American AT-16 built under license by Noorduyn Aviation.
Delivered to Great Britain as Harvard IIB FS661/FS999 and FT100/FT460.
12507 (MSN 14A-806) to RAF as FS666. To Swedish AF as 16081 1947-1969. Probably scrapped.
12509 (MSN 14A-808) to RCAF as FS668 (Klu records show 12509 as FE998).
SOC by RCAF 12/4/1946. To LLN 9/29/49 as B-182. SOC. Became PH-TBR.
At DVM 11/21/1966. Went to LETS/Deelen Aug 1972.
Moved to Gilze-Rijen Sept 1976 where it was rebuilt as
A "Thunderbolt" with s/n "43-12509". Rebuilt as
Fokker D.XXI in Aug 1987 with serial "141".
12513 (MSN 14A-812) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS672. To Swedish AF as 16040 1947-1971. Probably scrapped.
12514 (MSN 14A-813) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS673. To Swedish AF as 16079 1947-1970. Probably scrapped.
12522 (MSN 14A-821) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS681. To Swedish AF as 16082 1947-1969. Probably scrapped.
12564 (MSN 14A-863) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS723. To Klu as B-113. Destroyed when F-84F P-111 (52-7145) crashed into hangar
at Gilze-Rijen, Netherland Oct 30, 1961.
12569 (MSN 14A-868) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS728 with RCAF. To KLu
as FS728, reserialed B-104. To civilian registry as PH-SKL,
G-BAFM, HB-RCP. An identity of 8104 is quoted (maybe SAAF?) which
was NTU, remaining FS728, but it could be a mistype for the later
Dutch serial of B-104.
12575 (MSN 14A-874) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS734. To Norwegian AF as
M-AB. To Turkish AF as 7363 Oct 6, 1955.
12601 (MSN 14A-900) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS760. To Norwegian AF as
M-AC. To Turkish AF as 7351 Oct 4, 1955.
12604 (MSN 14A-903) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS763. To Norwegian AF as
M-AD. To Turkish AF as 7359 Oct 5, 1955.
12612 (MSN 14A-911) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS771. To Netherland AF as B-137. Destroyed when F-84F P-111 (52-7145)
crashed into hangar at Gilze-Rijen, Netherland Oct 30, 1961.
12613 (MSN 14A-912) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS772. To Norwegian AF as
M-AF. To Turkish AF as 7375 Sep 18, 1957.
12626 (MSN 14A-927) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS787. SOC Sep 1947. To Indian AF as HT-291 Retired in 1968 and
preserved at Indian Air Force Museum at Palam Air Force Station, Delhi with the Indian Vintage Flight.
Registered as G-CGYM Dec 7, 2011 for restoration to airworthy condition.
12647 (MSN 14A-946) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS806. To Norwegian AF.
To Turkish AF as 7371 Sep 18, 1957.
12667 (MSN 14A-966) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS826. Then to Danish
AF as 31-309, then became OY-IIB. Crashed Jun 18, 2005 during a rehearsal formation flight prior to RDAF
annual airshow. 2 killed.
12671 (MSN 14A-970) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS830. To Netherland AF as B-25. Destroyed when F-84F P-111 (52-7145)
crashed into hangar at Gilze-Rijen, Netherland Oct 30, 1961.
12703 (MSN 14A-1002) diverted to RCAF as FS862. To Swedish AF as 16057 1947-1968. Probably scrapped.
12708 (MSN 14A-1007) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS867. To Swedish AF as 16037 1947-1967. Scraspped after crash
12711 (MSN 14A-1010) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS870. To Swedish AF as 16014 1947-1971. Scrapped after crash
12712 (MSN 14A-1011) diverted to RCAF as FS871. To Swedish AF as 16055 1947-1968. Scrapped after crash.
12714 (MSN 14A-1013) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS873. To Swedish AF as 16084 1947-1972. Sold to Lance Aircraft Supply, Dallas.
12716 (MSN 14A-1015) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS875. To Swedish AF as 16003 1947-1972. Sold to Lance Aircraft Supply, Dallas.
12719 (MSN 14A-1018) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS878. To Swedish AF as Sk 16A 16085 1947-1961. Scrapped after crash.
12728 (MSN 14A-1027) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS887. To Norwegian AF as
M-AI. To Turkish AF as 7352 Oct 10, 1955
12739. To RAF as FS900. (3rd FTS) lost propeller blade and crashed into sea 4 mi NW of Downham Market,
UK Apr 5, 1954. Pilot bailed out but died.
12748 (MSN 14A-1047) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS907. To Norwegian AF as M-AL. To Turkish AF as 7372 Sep 18, 1957
12758 (MSN 14A-1057) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS917. To Royal Danish AF as 31-310.
12774 (MSN 14A-1073) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS933. Crash landed and w/o near Landhi, India Nov 4, 1944
12791 (MSN 14A-1090) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS950. W/o in landing accident at Landhi,
India Nov 4, 1944
12798 (MSN 14A-1097) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS957. To Swedish AF as 16048 1947-1957. Scrapped
12799 (MSN 14A-1098) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS958, then to Swedish AF as 16073 1947-1969.
Registration SE-FVU reserved Apr 7, 2006, taken up by by Vastgota
Veteranflygforening of Satenas Jun 15, 2006.
12801 (MSN 14A-1100) to RCAF as FS960 (Klu records show 12801 as FH124).
SOC by RCAF 10/2/1946. Taken on LLN strength 10/15/49
as B-184. SOC at DVM 7/18/66. Moved to Klu Museum
at Soesterberg in 1968. At end of 1990 moved to
Stichting Vleigsport at Gilze-Rijen to be rebuilt
to flying condition. Will be operated by Dutch AF
Historic Flight as PH-IBY
12802 (MSN 14A-1101) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS961. To Swedish AF as Fv16078 1947-1970. Probably scrapped.
12803 (MSN 14A-1102) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS962. To Swedish AF as 16080 1947-1967. Probably scrapped.
12806 (MSN 14A-1105) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS965. To Norwegian AF as
M-BC. To Turkish AF as 7376 Sep 18, 1957
12807 (MSN 14A-1106) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS966, later to Swedish AF as Fv16077 1947-1969. Registered VH-NZI 1983.
To VH-JHP 1995. To VH-TXN 1996.
12808 (MSN 14A-1107) diverted to RCAF as FS967. To Swedish AF as 16016 1947-1969. Probably scrapped.
12809 (MSN 14A-1108) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS968. To Swedish AF as 16011 1947-1969. Probably scrapped.
12813 (MSN 14A-1112) to RAF as Harvard IIB FS972. To Swedish Af as 16116 19478-1970. Probably scrapped.
12841 to RAF as FT100. To Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. Stalled and crashed at Aberdeen Island, Hong Kong
May 20, 1956. Solo pilot killed.
12859 (MSN 14A-1158) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT118. Registered
G-BHZL Jun 6, 2000.
12879 (MSN 14A-1178) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT138. To Norwegian AF as
M-AP. To Turkish AF as 7353 Oct 4, 1955
12881 (MSN 14A-1180) used in England as communications aircraft by 361st FG
12885 (MSN 14A-1184) to RAF as FT144. To Dutch AF as B-59.
Became PH-KLU.
12888 (MSN 14A-1187) to RAF as FT147.
12904 (MSN 14A-1203) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT163. To Norwegian AF as
M-AS. To Turkish AF as 7369 Sep 18, 1957
12917 (MSN 14A-1216) to RAF as FT176. To Netherlands as B-56
12956 made belly landing near Montreal Airport Oct 30, 1943. Slight damage
12961 (MSN 14A-1260) to RAF as FT220. To Netherlands as B-57
12962 (MSN 14A-1261) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT221. To Norwegian AF as
M-AU. To Turkish AF as 7361 Oct 5, 1955
12968 (MSN 14A-1267) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT227. DBR at RAF Meir (Stoke on
Trent), England Dec 18, 1944.
12969 (MSN 14A-1268) to RAF as FT228. Taken over by Netherlands in 1947 as
Klu B-73. May never have entered service. Now in museum
storage at Badhoevedorp. Seen in 2006 at Aviodrome, Lelystad
12970 (MSN 14A-1269) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT229. To Dutch AF as B-45. To PH-SKM. To
G-AZKI 1971. To F-AZDS 1984. Had French 'experimental/test' registration
F-WZDS before becoming F-AZDS
12974 (MSN 14A-1273) to RAF as FT233. To KLu as B-61 in 1946. SOC Sep 15, 1948
12977 (MSN 14A-1276) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT236. Repossessed by USAAF. Crash landed
and w/o at Boxted, England Feb 7, 1945.
12978 (MSN 14A-1277) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT237. To Norwegian AF as
M-AU. To Turkish AF as 7361 Oct 10, 1955
12989 (MSN 14A-1288) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT248. To Netherland AF as B-74. Destroyed when F-84F P-111 (52-7145)
crashed into hangar at Gilze-Rijen, Netherland Oct 30, 1961.
12993 (MSN 14A-1292) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT252. To Norwegian AF as
M-AV. To Turkish AF as 7374 Sep 18, 1957
13005 (MSN 14A-1304) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT264. To Norwegian AF as
M-AW. To Turkish AF as 7365 Oct 6, 1955
13007 (MSN 14A-1306) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT266. To Swedish AF as 16031 1947-1963. Scrapped after crash
13013 (MSN 14A-1312) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT272. To Swedish AF as 16112 1947-1971. Being
13015 (MSN 14A-1314) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT274. To Swedish AF as 16065 1947-1972. Sold to Lance Aircraft Supply, Dallas.
13016 (MSN 14A-1315) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT275. To Swedish AF as 16049 1947-1954. Scrapped after crash.
13017 (MSN 14A-1316) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT276. To Swedish AF as 16050 1947-1956. Scrapped after crash.
13018 (MSN 14A-1317) diverted to RCAF as FT277. To Swedish AF as 16039 1947-1969. Scrapped after crash.
13033 (MSN 14A-1332) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT292. To Swedish AF as 16088 1947-1949. Scrapped after crash
13037 (MSN 14A-1336) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT296. To Swedish AF as 16001 1947-1968. Probably scrapped.
13050 (MSN 14A-1349) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT309. To Norwegian AF as M-AX. To Turkish AF as 7370 Sep 18, 1957
13057 (MSN 14A-1356) to RAF as FT316. To KLu as B-63. SOC Apr 8, 1949.
13064 (MSN 14A-1363) to RCAF as Harvard 2B FT323. To KLu as B-19. To civilian registry
13067 (MSN 14A-1366) to RAF as FT326. To KLu as B-62 in 1946. SOC Jul 23, 1948
13098 (MSN 14A-1397) to RAF as FT456. To KLu as B-60 in 1946. SOC Feb 3, 1949.
13116 (MSN 14A-1415) to RAF as FT375. Became G-BWUL Jul 4, 1996.
Then became N16NA,then G-BWUL again Jun 11, 1999. Flies
in RAF colors.
13120 (MSN 14A-1419) to RAF, later to Dutch AF with serial B-66
13121 (MSN 14A-1420) preserved at Historiske Forening Museet, Denmark
13132 (MSN 14A-1431) to RAF as Harvard IIB FT391. To Dutch AF as B-97. To PH-HON. To
G-AZBN 1971.
13133 (MSN 14A-1432) to RAF as FT392
13145 (MSN 14A-1444) to RAF as FT404. To KLu as B-71. To civil registry as PH-MLM
13149 (MSN 14A-1448) to RAF as FT408. To Klu as B-29. Destroyed when F-84F P-111 (52-7145) crashed
into hangar at Gilze-Rijen, Netherland Oct 30, 1961.
13160 (MSN 14A-1459) to RAF as FT419. Taken over by the Netherlands at No.
10 M.U, Hullavington 11/5/1947. Served with Klu as B-103
SOC 3/21/1963. Now on display at Militair
Luchtvaart Museum, Kamp Zeist.
13163 (MSN 14A-1462) to RAF as FT422. Later to Netherlands AF as B-67. On display in Czech Aviation Museum
at Kbely, outside Prague, Czech Republic in Oct 2010
13168 (MSN 14A-1467) to RCAF as Harvard IIB FT427. To KLu as FT427, later
reserialled B-118. To civilian registry as PH-IIB.
13195 (MSN 14A-1494) to RAF as FT454. To Netherlands as B-84. To Dutch Navy
perhaps as KM-098. Now OO-DAF, registered
to Colonel E. Vormezeele, painted in Belgian Air Force colour scheme
43-15633 ... 43-16132
Douglas C-47A-90-DL Skytrain
MSN 20099/20598
15633 (MSN 20099) to Royal Laotian AF as 633 Dec 1960.
15634 (MSN 20100) to F-BAXR with Uni-Air, Toulouse
15635 (MSN 20101) noted September 2003 on display at National Museum of Transport, Barrett Station, St
Louis, Missouri.
15637 (MSN 20103) lost Jun 7, 1944. MACR 6013
15638 (MSN 20104, 36th TCS, 316th TCG) lost Milheeze, Holland Sep 18, 1944. MACR 10040
Crew 1 POW and 3 returned.
15641 (MSN 20107) with 316th TCG, 45th TCS lost Schijndel, Netherlands Sep 18, 1944. MACR 10402.
15643 (MSN 20109, 36th TCS, 316th TCG) lost Groesbeek, Holland Sep 18, 1944. MACR 10039
Crew 1 MIA and 3 returned.
15644 (MSN 20110) damaged Feb 12, 1946 in ground accident at Bovingdon, UK
15645 (MSN 20111) assigned to 50th Squadron for resupply missions from England in
Normandy invasion. Suffered some battle damage. Later stored as 0-315645.
In 1951 assigned to USAFB Greenham Common in UK. In May 1961 to Portuguese
AF as FAP 6159. In 1975 to Mozambique AF as FP-502
15646 (MSN 20112) to Turkish AF as 6062, coded TK-62
15648 (MSN 20114) became SE-BBL "Orren" (later renamed "Loke
Viking") of ABA. Sold as F-VNBD
15649 (MSN 20115) by 1955 was TC-TUG of Devlet Hava Yollari
15650 (MSN 20116) w/o May 8, 1945 at Cham, Germany in landing accident.
15652 (MSN 20118) to Norwegian Air Force as 315652 in July 1950. To
Danish Air Force in Oct 1956 as K-688 and 68-688. Withdrawn from use Jul 30, 1982. In Dec 1982 on display at
Militair Luchtvaartmuseum at Kamp Zeist, Netherlands. Previously painted in RNLAF livery as X-5, repainted
in Royal Netherlands Indies Air Force colors as ZU-5, later repainted X-5. After restoration now displayed
in National Military Museum on the former Soesterberg AB in Royal Netherlands Indies Air Force colors
as T-443.
15654 (MSN 20120) to Ecuadorian AF as 20120/HC-AUW
15655 (MSN 20121) w/o Aug 27, 1944 in France
15657 (MSN 20123) to N54579
15658 (MSN 20124) lost Dec 27, 1944 Sibret, Belgium. MACR 11316. 4 killed.
15659 (MSN 20125) attached to 316 TCG/45TCS, Crashed during Operation Varsity over Germany Mar 24, 1945, MACR 13345.
15660 (MSN 20126) by 1955 was PP-CCY "Caraja" of Servicos
Aereos Cruziero do Sul. But there is a photo showing this plane as having been destroyed Dec 30, 1944 while
with the 439th TCG.
15661 (MSN 20127) with 81st TCS, 463rd TCG in 1944, used in D-Day airdrop.
15662 (MSN 20128) became SE-BBM "Ripan" (later renamed "Magna
Viking") of ABA. Crashed at Bromma Apr 1, 1951
15663 (MSN 20129) with 434th TCG, 72nd TCS lost St Oedenrode, Netherlands Sep 18, 1944. MACR 11003
15664 (MSN 20130) to Imperial Iranian AF in 1949
15665 (MSN 20131) first aircraft in history to land at the North Pole as "Operation Oil Drum" on May 3, 1952.
The aircraft crashed Nov 3, 1952 on Fletcher's Ice Island, a floating Navy research facility. The aircraft was
left there when the island was abandoned, and the island has since melted away.
15666 (MSN 20132) damaged Jun 8, 1952 in ground accident at Bolling AB, Washington.
15668 (MSN 20134) converted to EC-47N from RC-47N. To MAP Feb 17, 1973.
15669 (MSN 20135) to SAF as SE-BAX "Esbjorn Viking". To Air Lingus
as EI-AC. To Royal Nepal Airlines Corp as 9N-AAO. W/o
in 1964 at Nepaigunj, Nepal
15670 (MSN 20136) to Meteor Air Transport as NC54337 (aircraft rebuilt
after an accident on Nov 19, 1949 in which 2 were killed) To
PP-AOD, to Transportes Aereos Nacional (Nacional) as PP-AKD.
To Brazilian AF as FAB 2072. To Clube Nautico Agua Limpa as PT-KVB
Destroyed while used by Clube Nautico.
15673 (MSN 20139) registered Apr 24, 1981 as N95C to Fromhagen Aviation ut was w/o Jun 6, 1982 when starboard
engine failed on takeoff from St Petersburg-Clearwater IAP, Florida on a training flight. All 5 onboard
15675 (MSN 20141) damaged Aug 12, 1944, Aldermaston, UK
15676 (MSN 20142) w/o May 6, 1946 near Heidelberg, West Germany. Crew bailed out.
15677 (MSN 20143) to Ecuadorian AF as 15677/HC-AUR
15679 (MSN 20145) operated by 90th TCS. was registered as N998Z in 1977 with Mountain West Chargers of Aspen,
Colorado. On display at War Eagles Air Museum, Santa Teresa, NM. Currently registered N574JB
15681 (MSN 20147) converted to EC-47Q from VC-47A. Disposed of as surplus by 56th Special
Operations Wing at Clark AB, Philippines Sept 30, 1974.
15682 (MSN 20148) w/o Jul 16, 1944 at Cortland AB, New York
15684 (MSN 20150) to Imperial Iranian AF Nov 30, 1962. Assigned to 50th Air Transport Composite Group
15686 (MSN 20152) to Philippine AF
15687 (MSN 20153) w/o Aug 11,1 945 in crash 7 mi SW of Marietta, Georgia.
15688 (MSN 20154) converted to C-47E.
15689 (MSN 20155) ditched in Mediterranean Sea 60 mi off Libyan
coast Jun 7, 1959.
15691 (MSN 20157) w/o Mar 27, 1951 in landing accident near Matagorda AB, Texas
15692 (MSN 20158) to NC60942, to Aerolineas Argentinas as LV-ADF,
to Fuerza Aerea Argentina as T-20 then TC-20 between
Sept 1966 and Sep 1991, later registered in Chile as CC-CLK and
is now in the Museo Nacional de Aeronautica de Chile.
15694 (MSN 20160) to XT-T36, NC8382C, N1797B, ETA-101, T-17, TC-17 Argentine AF
15697 (MSN 20163) w/o Feb 27, 1945 in landing accident at Thatbutkon, Burma
15698 (MSN 20164) lost Dec 5, 1944, Kuyung, Burma. MACR 11071
15699 (MSN 20165) lost Jun 27, 1945. MACR 14695
15700 (MSN 20166) converted to VC-47A. To civil registry as N839M
15701 (MSN 20167) Struck off USAF charge on Feb 2, 1965 upon transfer to the US Army and then to Aberdeen
Proving Grounds, Maryland
15702 (MSN 20168) to Imperial Iranian AF in 1949
15704 (MSN 20170) to USAAF, to Indamar of Bombay, reg. VT-DDT, to Mararajah S. K. Singh, registered VT-DDT, returned to Indamar of
Bombay, to Kalingal Air Line of Calcutta. Nationalized into Indian Air Force and registered as BJ1046.
15705 (MSN 20171) to North West Orient Airlines then to Airline
Transport Carriers as NC79055, then (Oct 1958 to Mar 1962) to
Ozark Airlines Inc as N151D. To Aerlolineas Andinas (Aliansa SA)
Jun 21, 1982 as HK-2820. Still active.
15706 (MSN 20172) by 1955 was VT-AXB of Indian Airlines Corp.
15707 (MSN 20173) to Portugal with Companhia de Transportes Aereos (CTA) as
CS-TDX. In 1948 to TAAG - (Linhas Aereas de Angola) Angola Airlines (DTA)
as CR-LCC. In 1967 to Portuguese AF as FAP 6168. WFU in Angola in 1975
and scrapped.
15708 (MSN 20174) by 1954 was ET-T-3 of Ethiopian Air Lines Inc
15709 (MSN 20175) to South African AF as 6835. To Dodson
Aviation (Wonderboom, South Africa) converted to AMI-DC3-65TP
with PT-6A-65AR turboprops. To Baja Air Inc as N145RD
operating flights to Baja California for a timeshare business.
15710 (MSN 20176) by 1955 was VT-CGI of Indian Airlines Corp.
15711 (MSN 20177) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-369.
15712 (MSN 20178) damaged while parked at Chicago MAP Dec 13, 1944.
To United Airlines as C/L "Boston" NC39572. To Kirk Kerkorian's
Los Angeles Air Service, renamed Trans International Airlines (TIA)
in 1960, later to be Transamerica Airlines. To N3588 owned
by Purdue University (Purdue Aeronautics Corp). Crashed
on takeoff for a test flight after overhaul at Dallas Love Field,
TX Apr 18, 1962.
15713 (MSN 20179) by 1954 was PP-YPJ of S. A. Transportes Aeros
15714 (MSN 10180) by 1956 was CF-CRZ of Canadian Pacific Airlines.
15715 (MSN 20181) by 1954 was PP-YPK of S.A. Transportes Aereos REAL.
15716 (MSN 20182) by 1954 was PP-ANJ of Transportes Aereos Nacional Ltda.
15717 (MSN 20183) to C-11 to Lineas Aereas Nacionales (LANSA) as
HK-311. DBR Jan 31, 1951 following forced landing
at Madrid, Colombia on a cargo flight
15718 (MSN 20184) to Vietnam AF
15721 (MSN 20187) to Transportes Aereos Nacionales of Brazil as PP-ANH.
Crashed near Palmeira de Goias, GO (Brazil) Aug 12, 1952 after inflight
bomb explosion. 4 crew and 20 passengers killed.
15724 (MSN 20190) to Brooks Air Fuel as N95460. By 1955 had gone to
Northern Consolidated Airlines. Now a hulk at Fairbanks.
15725 (MSN 20191) by 1954 was N91234 of Allegheny Airlines
15728 (MSN 20194) to RFC Jun 12, 1946. In 1946 to N63440 of Southwest Airways.
To Pacific Airlines Mar 1958, to Paradise Airlines in 1963.
To Amerine Turkey Breeding Farms in 1966. To Jack Adams
Aircraft Sales Oct 1968. To Amherst Airways Inc Jan 1969.
To Englert Investments Mar 1971. To Caribbean Aircraft Inc
1973 to 1975. To Carib-West Airways on lease 1972 to
1976. Later with Alaska Crew Inc, Anchorage, AK. WFU at
Anchorage Oct 1978. In 2008 was stored at Arlington, WA airport.
15729 (MSN 20195) by 1956 was N79056 of Northwest Airlines
15730 (MSN 20196) to NC59749, N11W then to C-GRMH with Air-Dale Lit of Ontario but removed from Canadian
registery Mar 14, 1989.
15731 (MSN 20197) sold in 1946 to Johnson Flying Service of Missoula, MT as NC24320.
In accident Dec 22, 1954. Rebuilt as N24320 by Johnson Flying Service.
Sold to Evergreen International in 1977. Registered Feb 12, 1979 to
Basler Flight Service of Oshkosh, WI. Registered Jul 24, 1985 to
McNeely Charter Service of West Memphis, AR. In ground accident
Dec 15, 1994. Sold to Museum of Mountain Flying of Missoula, MT.
Arrived at Museum Oct 17, 2001.
15732 (MSN 20198) w/o Feb 11, 1962 near Bao Lac, South Vietnam when hit high ground. 9 killed.
15733 (MSN 20199) by 1956 was N91007 of Alaska Airlines
15734 (MSN 20200) by 1954 was CP-591 of Lloyd Aero Boliviano SA
15737 (MSN 20203) by 1956 was N91005 of Alaska Airlines
15738 (MSN 20204) crashed 10 mi NE of Talkeetna, Alaska Sep 18, 1944. MACR 8878. 3 crew and 16 passengers killed.
15740 (MSN 20206) to Brazilian AF as FAB-2035. Now at Museu Aerospacial, Rio de Janiero, Brazil.
15742 (MSN 20208) to N91006
15743 (MSN 20209) to Philippine AF. To RP-C82
15744 (MSN 20210) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2061. To civil registry
with Construtora Andrade Gutierrez SA as PT-KVX, then to Rondonia
Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-KVX, scrapped
Manaus, AM, Brazil.
15745 (MSN 20211) w/o Sep 7, 1944 in crash 10 mi S of Ottawa
15747 (MSN 20213) by 1953 was N63105 of Southwest Airways
15748 (MSN 20214) by 1953 was N63104 of Southwest Airways
15749 (MSN 20215) became NC20754 in 1954, then N36MK ca 1963, then by 1969
had become N364K, then C_GYBA, then N347AB, then N33623.
15750 (MSN 20216) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2062. W/o Jul 9, 1956
15753 (MSN 20219) to NC60941 with Nationwide Air Transportation Service.
To CF-FSP leased to Quebecair, returned to Nationwide Air Transportation
Service as N60941. To CF-QBH with Quebecair. W/o in hangar fire
Jul 13, 1958 at Rimouski, Quebec.
15755 (MSN 20221) w/o Feb 2, 1946 near Aurora-Lowry AB, Colorado
15758 (MSN 20224) to RFC May 5, 1946. To Flamingo Air Service as NC54332. To
Avianca as HK-328. Crashed Trujillo, Colombia Mar 9, 1955 while enroute from Condoto to
Cali. 3 crew 5 passengers killed.
15759 (MSN 20225) to civilian registry as NC88877. Sold to Avensa of Venezuela as
YV-C-AVA. Sold to Faucett of Peru as OB-WBG-500 and later re-registered
OB-PBG-500 and later OB-R-500.
15760 (MSN 20226)
15761 (MSN 20227) to civil registry as NC91002
15762 (MSN 20228) to Reconstruction Finance Corp in 1946. Sold on
civilian market as NC9033H. To South Africa in
1955 as ZS-DLX. Re-registered N9033H on 29 June,
1955, and ZS-DLX on 3 January, 1956. On 7 February,
1956, it was registered CF-ITH in Canada with Spartan
Air Services and in 1960 became VP-KLG in Kenya, still
with Spartan. Re-registration back to CF-ITH in March
1961, being registered to Kersey Airspray Ltd of Ottawa,
Ontario, on 16 April, 1969. Became C-FITH in 1977.
Ownership in Canada lapsed in 1980 and transferred to
Malta Now on display at Air Museum of Malta.
15764 (MSN 20230) converted to C-47E
15766 (MSN 20232) w/o Jan 11, 1945 in crash 15 mi E of Exeter, Missouri
15767 (MSN 20233) w/o Jul 7, 1944 off Constatia, New York. 3 lost.
15768 (MSN 20234) w/o Sep 22, 1944 in Illinois
15771 (MSN 20237) w/o Oct 4, 1944
15772 (MSN 20238) to N786T
15773 (MSN 20239) converted to EC-47N, converted to EC-47P.
to Vietnam AF during Operation "Farm Gate". To Cambodia AF May 9, 1971. Converted to AC-47
Jul 1973.
15775 (MSN 20241) to Bolivian AF as TAM-06
15776 (MSN 20242) w/o Oct 19, 1944, Indiana
15777 (MSN 20243) to Philippine AF
15778 (MSN 20244) to civil registry as N5900V, to Aerovias
Brazil (REAL Transportes Aereos) as PP-AXZ, to Empresa de
Transportes Aereos Norte do Brasil (Aeronorte) as PP-NBL.
To Brazilian AF as FAB 2069. To Transportes Aereos
Meridionais as PT-KZF, then to TAF Linhas Aereas (Taxi
Aereo Fortaleza) as PT-KZF. Destroyed 1991 Fortaleza (CE)-Pinto
Martins, Brasil while used by TAF Linhas Aereas.
15781 (MSN 20247) missing during sortie from Dinjan, Burma Apr 21, 1945.
15782 (MSN 20248) became VT-CFL of Air India. Crashed at
Junagarh Sep 18, 1947
15783 (MSN 20249) shot down at Moguang, China Jun 22, 1944
15785 (MSN 20251) w/o in takeoff crash May 17, 1945 at Myitkyina, Burma
15786 (MSN 20252) delivered to Chinese National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Jul/Jul 1944
15787 (MSN 20253) delivered to Chinese National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Jun 11, 1944. Crashed into Hukawng Valley
Aug 31, 1944 during flight from Yunnanyi to Dinjan. Crew
bailed out.
15788 (MSN 20254) crashed at Pelel, India Jun 15, 1944
15789 (MSN 20255, 3rd TCG) lost Apr 22, 1945, India. MACR 14315
15792 (MSN 20258) to NEIAF as DT-988, callsign VH-RCF. Conflict
here. Article in Air-Britain says aircraft flew into
mountainside in Burma Mar 20, 1945 while still in USAAF service.
15793 (MSN 20259) to VT-ATR of Indian Airlines Corp. Nov 1945. Cancelled Feb 25, 1961
15795 (MSN 20261) shot down in Burma enroute to Myitkyina
Jun 22, 1944. MACR 6761 and 7939.
15796 (MSN 20262) crashed on landing at Mawlu, Burma Nov 30, 1944.
15797 (MSN 20263) sold to Indian Government Apr 10, 1946
15798 (MSN 20264) condemned Dec 31, 1944.
15799 (MSN 20265) by 1955 was VT-AUL of Indian Airlines Corp.
15800 (MSN 20266) w/o in takeoff accident at Muse, Burma Apr 26, 1945.
15801 (MSN 20267) w/o Mar 13, 1945 near Moran, India due to engine failure.
15802 (MSN 20268) lost Sep 1, 1944. MACR 8022.
15803 (MSN 20269) sold to Indian Government Apr 10, 1946.
By 1955 was VT-DFM of Indian Airlines Corp.
15805 (MSN 20271) lost Sep 30, 1944 in crash 25 mi SW of Santahar, India. MACR 9618.
15808 (MSN 20274) assigned to 1604th Air Base Wing at Kindley AFB, Bermuda in 1958
15809 (MSN 20275) lost Apr 25, 1945. MACR 14731
15810 (MSN 20276) sold to Indian Government Apr 10, 1946.
15812 (MSN 20278) lost Oct 10, 1944. MACR 9077
15816 (MSN 20282) w/o Feb 14, 1945 Luzon, Philippines
15821 (MSN 20287) with 317th TCS went down in mountain north of Tai Hsueh Shan near Myitkyina, China
on mission to Kunming Dec 5, 1944. MACR 10394. All aboard lost.
15823 (MSN 20289) by 1955 was VT-AUS of Indian Airlines Corp.
15824 (MSN 20290) w/o in landing accident Jun 4,1 945 at Ledo, India
15832 (MSN 20298) MIA Jan 22, 1945 in crash 40 mi NE of Chanyi, China. MACR 11268
15834 (MSN 20300) w/o in landing accident at Yangllin Field, China Jun 12, 1945.
15835 (MSN 20301) to Air VietNam as F-VNAH, later reregistered
as XV-NIC. Shot down by ground fire Sep 16, 1965 near Quang-Ngai
Vietnam. 38 of 39 onboard killed.
15836 (MSN 20302) w/o Nov 25, 1944 Yazagyo, China
15837 (MSN 20303) by 1955 was VT-AXC of Indian Airlines Corp.
15841 (MSN 20307, 1st CCS) lost in ground accident Lao Ho Kaw,
China Mar 25, 1945
15845 (MSN 20311) by 1955 in 1949 to VT-AVR of Indian Airlines Corp. To
Airwork (India) Ltd, to Royal Nepal Airlines Corp as 9N-AAB.
WFU by 1979
15847 (MSN 20313) w/o in crash landing Jun 15, 1945 Luingshan, China
15849 (MSN 20315, 1st CCG) crashed between Chihkiang and
Chengkung Dec 28, 1944. MACR 11094
15851 plane painted as such on display at Niagara Falls ARS base is actually 43-48957
15852 (MSN 20318) by 1955 was VT-AUV of Indian Airlines Corp.
15853 (MSN 20319) w/o Jun 26, 1945 Chenkang, China
15856 (MSN 20322) w/o Oct 21, 1944 crash 7 miles E of Tiddim, Burma
15861 (MSN 20327) lost Sep 19, 1944 in China. MACR 13679
15862 (MSN 20328) to XW-TAF Ral Air Lao Feb 22, 1962. W/o Mar 24, 1976.
15864 (MSN 20330) lost Nov 8, 1944. MACR 12419
15865 (MSN 20331) w/o Nov 8, 1944 crash N of Thayagom, Burma (shot down by a Ki-43)
15870 (MSN 20336) w/o Sep 19, 1944 in crash 50 mi S of Kunming, China when ran out of fuel.
15874 (MSN 20340) w/o Oct 7, 1945 Crash on t/off-Kunming-Wujiab AF
15875 (MSN 20341) w/o Feb 15, 1945 in takeoff accident at Tulihal, India
15880 (MSN 20346) to N8327C
15881 (MSN 20347) lost Jun 30, 1945. MACR 14688.
15882 (MSN 20348) lost Jan 10, 1945 in crash 20 mi W of Laoshan, China. MACR 11092
15883 (MSN 20349) to civil registry as N34960. To Thailand in 1958.
15884 (MSN 20350) w/o Jul 28, 1944 at Ft Wayne Baer Field, Indiana
15885 (MSN 20351) w/o Jul 16, 1945 Mengsa, China due to engine failure. Crew bailed out
15886 (MSN 20352) w/o in ground accident Jul 2,1945 at Myitkyina, Burma
15888 (MSN 20354) w/o Sep 18, 1944 Agartala A/p, India (landing)
15891 (MSN 20357) to Philippine AF
15892 (MSN 20358) to VT-ATU with Indian Airlines Corp. w/o at Jammu Bridge Feb 25, 1954.
15893 (MSN 20359) to VT-ATS with Indian Airlines Corp. W/o near Pathankot Jul 17, 1950.
15897 (MSN 20363) by 1954 was VT-ATT with Indian Airlines Corp.
In Oct 1964 to Jamair of Jamnagar (Calcutta), India
as VT-ATT. W/o Mar 3, 1971 when the plane strayed off course on a
flight from Guwahati to Calcuta via Bagdora and collided with a
hill. Wreck located 6 days later. All 15 onboard killed.
15900 (MSN 20366) w/o Mar 23, 1945 in takeoff accident at Dohazari, India
15901 (MSN 20367, 1st CCS) crashed on takeoff from Hsian AB, China Mar 25, 1945. 1 killed.
15904 (MSN 20370, 1st CCS) blew tire on landing Aug 26, 1945. Damaged in tow and w/o
15906 (MSN 20372) w/o Aug 4, 1945 Luliang, China (t/off accident)
15913 (MSN 20379) lost Aug 31, 1945.
15914 (MSN 20380, 1st CCS) crashed at Lalimar-Hat, India Sep 23, 1944. 9 killed.
15915 (MSN 20381) w/o Jan 24, 1945 reportedly w/o
15917 (MSN 20383, 1st CCS) crashed in China Sep 19, 1944
15919 (MSN 20385, 1st CCS) crashed Yangkai, China Aug 30, 1945
15920 (MSN 20386) w/o Dec 23, 1944 Yunnanyl, China (t/off accident)
15922 (MSN 20388) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Dec 21, 1945 as XT-T24.
15929 (MSN 20395) w/o Oct 24, 1944 Selman Field, Louisiana.
15930 (MSN 20396) to PI-C569 (Fleming A/ws) w/o Dec 21, 1964 eng failure crash at Numancia Aklan-1 lost, 38 ok
15931 (MSN 20397) crashed Jan 6, 1949 in bad weather near Mineral, WA
on flight from Maxwell AFB,AL to McChord AFB, WA. All 3
onboard killed.
15932 (MSN 20398) w/o Sep 29, 1951 near Maedong, South Korea. 7 killed.
15933 (MSN 20399) on civil registry as N61721
15934 (MSN 20400) to NC200 FAA
15935 (MSN 20401) declared surplus Nov 28, 1946. To VH-BHC Feb 28, 1947. To G-ALFO Dec 20, 1948,
To N94529 Dec 22, 1950, To N300A Oct 1951, To N700E Oct 1961. To N20DH, Jun 1970. To 890P
Apr 21, 1979. To N12RB with Vintage Airways in 1991. To Vintage Wings and Things, Carenco,
Louisiana in Jun 1998 as N33VW. To Cavanaugh Flight Museum, Addison, Texas in 2009. To civil registry as N33VW
15936 (MSN 20402) to NC68353
15937 (MSN 20403) to N195W in 1965.
15938 (MSN 20404) to N56990 in 1977.
15939 (MSN 20405) to Colonial Airlines of Morristown, NJ as NC86548.
Purchased by Aeroposta Argentina and registered as LV-AGF.
Immediately transferred to Aerolineas Argentinas. Sold to
Iberia as EC-EAB. WFU at Sabadell Airport, Barcelonia, Spain.
15940 (MSN 20406) to NC41761, LV-XEP Aug 29, 1946, to T-175 Oct 9, 1946 FAA
15941 (MSN 20407) to NEIAF as DT-970, callsign VH-REX. By 1955 was
PK-REX of Garuda Indonesian Airway
15944 (MSN 20410) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2063. WFU 1963
15945 (MSN 20411) to N6899D, then N386T. Owned by Purdue University
(Purdue Aeronautics Corp). Crashed on approach to Morgantown,
WVA in poor weather on ferry flight Nov 29, 1963.
15946 (MSN 20412) w/o Nov 17, 1944 in crash 8 mi NW of Malden, Oklahoma
15947 (MSN 20413) converted to VC-47A
15948 (MSN 20414) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2032. Preserved in Belem, Para, Brazil
15949 (MSN 20415) bailed from the USAF to Air America July 1966 as '949' (not B-949). Numerous
accidents, incidents over the years, all repaired. Crashed into mountain near DaNang, SVN
Jan 16, 1969 during bad weather while enroute from Hue to Da Nang. 3 crew and 9 passengers
15950 (MSN 20416) delivered to USAAF. Re-reg to USAF 18 Sep 47. Attached to 10MSU Pope AFB, NC damaged
in a landing accident 21 Feb. 1948 at Marshall AFB, KS. To civil, Registered to Beldex Corp. (St. Louis, MO)
as N570R, Re-registered to N578R, sold to Lanhoff Grain Co., derelict, sold to Basler Air Lines.
Unused sold to Aerovias de Oaxaquenas, Puerto Esconida, Oaxacea, Reg XA-JII, now parted out
and derelict PXM (Puerto Esconida).
15951 (MSN 20417) to MASDC Jun 1, 1971
15952 (MSN 20418) nose noted at San Diego Aerospace Museum Jan 2002.
15953 (MSN 20419) delivered to USAAF. Re-reg to USAF Sep 18, 1947. 1949 to CAA as NX183, 1958 to FAA Reg N52,
Nov 9, 1965 WFU after an off field accident Pittsburgh, PA when it ran out of gas and crashed into the trees.
15954 (MSN 20420) delivered to USAAF. Ultimate fate obscure.
15955 (MSN 20421) to Thai AF in 1972. W/o Sakhon Nakhon Sep 23, 1976.
15956 (MSN 20422) delivered to USAAF, converted to EC-47A. To civil for U.S. Department of Justice
(Immigration & Naturalization Service) as N3630G, to N148Z for the US Forest Service. W/o Jun 11, 1979
when one engine caught fire and separated from the wing. A forced landing was carried out on the
Selway River. 48 km (30 mls) NE of Elk City, ID, 10 fatal.
15957 (MSN 20423) at JW Duff Aircraft, Stapleton Airport, CO
15960 (MSN 20426) to CAA as N2, later NC818, NC118, NC3, NC2, N3, N7.
15961 (MSN 20427) w/o Oct 27, 1944 in Tennessee
15962 (MSN 20428) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2064. To civil registry
with Rondonia Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-KVS.
Stored Fortaleza (CE)-Pinto Martins, Brazil
15966 (MSN 20432) to Miami Airlines as NC65743, rebuilt to World Wide
Airways as CF-DME, to N5592A, to HK-1179, for Transamazonica.
Stored Villavicencio, Colombia.
15967 (MSN 20433) front fuselage seen at J. W. Duff Aircraft Salvage,
Denver, CO in 2005. Crashed at Lowry AFB in 1964?
15968 (MSN 20434) by 1953 was N63106 of Southwest Airways
15970 (MSN 20436) to Panama AF as 203 Jan 17, 1970.
15971 (MSN 20437) to N160 FAA Jun 1, 1971
15972 (MSN 20438) to NC79037
15973 (MSN 20439) to NC54577
15974 (MSN 20440) converted to VC-47A
15975 (MSN 20441) w/o Jan 26, 1971 Pacific??
15976 (MSN 20442) on civil registry as N94Z
15977 (MSN 20443) on display at Castle Air Museum, California. Has "7th Heaven" nose art
15978 (MSN 20444) to civil registry as NC25644, N5W, N5PG, CF-QZU, CF-PAG, C-FPAG, N8021Z, (N513AA), and back
again to N8021Z. Flown to Gillespie County Airport, Fredericksburg, TX under a ferry permit in 2007 and
has not flown since.
15979 (MSN 20445) converted to EC-47N from RC-47N May 1967. To MAP Feb 17, 1973
15980 (MSN 20446) converted from RC-47N to EC-47N. To MAP Feb 17, 1973.
15981 (MSN 20447) became N53593. By 1955 was N55V of
Piedmont Aviation, Inc.
15982 (MSN 20448) on civil registry as N838M used as mosquito sprayer
15984 (MSN 20450) to French AF
15985 (MSN 20451) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2041. To civil registry with Clube
Nautico Agua Limpe as PT-KVH. Later derelict and scrapped.
15987 (MSN 20453) became OY-DDO "Odd Viking" of DDL. Sold
as EI-AFB Nov 267, 1948. Registration cancelled Jan 1958
on sale as VR-TBT. Registered G-APPO Jul 10, 1953 to BKS Air Transport Ltd and on Oct 24, 1966 to
Autair Ltd. Deregistred Mar 5, 1970.
15988 (MSN 20454) by 1955 was TR-ASA of Devlet Hava Yollari. On civil registry as N164VW in 1968 then to XB-NAE
15989 (MSN 20455) converted to EC-47N. By 1955 was TC-ARA of
Devlet Hava Yollari.
15990 (MSN 20456) to CR-LCA and in 1976 with TAAG Angola Airlines as D2-LCA
15992 (MSN 20458) converted to VC-47A. With 7473rd Combat Support Group at Moron Air Base, Spain in Sep 1966. Flown back to USA
in September 1969 and arrived at MASDC on Oct 7, 1969.
15993 (MSN 20459) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2026. WFU
15994 (MSN 20460) w/o Aug 31, 1951 in crash 45 mi E of Platinum, Alaska
15995 (MSN 20461) w/o Jun 3, 1957 reportedly w/o
15997 (MSN 20463) to NC69329
15998 (MSN 20464) w/o Dec 10, 1945 in takeoff accident at Thorobrough AB, Canada
16000 (MSN 20466) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2027. WFU
16002 (MSN 20468) w/o 20 Sep 1961 Hit Oat Mtn, Ca (in cloud) 6 lost
16004 (MSN 20470) to MASDC Apr 14, 1971
16005 (MSN 20471) to N79029. By 1954 was N47V of Piedmont Aviation, Inc. To Spanish AF as T.3-26. Crashed
into Guadalquivir River near Seville Apr 10, 1962
16006 (MSN 20472) by 1953 was XA-HIY of Mexicana
16007 (MSN 20473) to NC79026, to Argentina LACAS as LV-AFX, then to
a private operator as LV-FDF, to Miami Airlines as N3957C,
Nov 20, 1952 to Polanco Narvaez Luis Enrique as HK-1505E, later as
HK-1505W, to Taxi Aero del Guauiare (TAGUA) at Villavicencio,
Colombia as HK-1505. WFU.
16008 (MSN 20474) declared surplus and sold Jul 24, 1946 as NC15836, later N15836.
Reacquired by USAF Jul 13, 1949 as 49-2622
16009 (MSN 20475) to N4766C
16011 (MSN 20477, 417th TCG) lost Mar 27, 1945, New Guinea. MACR 14320
16013 (MSN 20479) to NC67562
16015 (MSN 20481, 317th TCG) lost Feb 10, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 12298
16022 (MSN 20488) damaged Jul 14, 1949 (grd accident) at Harmon Fd, Guam
16023 (MSN 20489) to NC88757
16025 (MSN 20491) w/o Nov 10, 1945 near Chezy-sur-Marne, France
16026 (MSN 20492) forced down in Hungary Nov 19, 1951 and interned. While approaching
Belgrade, Yugoslavia got lost and strayed into Hungary
and was forced down. Crew returned after show trial. Used
by Hungarian AF 1952 to 1956 then to Malev as HA-TSA.
Crashed into a house in Lumumba Street, Zudlo, East Pest Aug 6, 1961, killing all 27 onboard,
plus 3 on the ground. Aircraft was on a sightseeing flight and stalled off a steep turn.
It seems that the pilot was showing off to some friends.
16027 (MSN 20493) w/o Apr 4, 1945 in takeoff accident at Mourmelon, France
16028 (MSN 20494) became N100 then N100Z and converted to Basler BT-67 (Basler conversion no 6).
To US Forest Service as N142Z
16029 (MSN 20495) converted to EC-47Q from VC-47D Mar 1968. To Republic of Korea AF Jun 13, 1975
16031 (MSN 20497) to Spanish AF as T.3-7 May 1956
16032 (MSN 20498) with 315th TCG, 43rd TCS lost Dodewaard, Netherlands Sep 18, 1944. MACR 10038
16033 (MSN 20499, 434rd TCG, 72nd TCS) shot down by AAA Bladel, Holland Sep 17, 1944 during Operation
Market Garden. 2 of 5 crew KIA. MACR 10797
16034 (MSN 20500) with 434rd TCG, 72nd TCS lost Lage Mierde, Netherlands Sep 17, 1944. MACR 9922
16036 (MSN 20502) in midair collision with another C-47 (43-15111??)
Aug 24, 1948 near Ravolzhausen, West Germany. 4 killed.
16037 (MSN 20503) w/o Apr 16, 1945 in crash landing at Goch, Germany
16039 (MSN 20505) to UNO-219, 6V-AAP
16040 (MSN 20506) w/o Feb 28, 1967 reportedly w/o
16041 (MSN 20507) became N387T and converted to Basler BT-67 (Basler conversion no 8).
To Bolivian AF as TAM-38; fuselage noted at Santa Cruz/la Trompillo, Bolivia September 1997
16043 (MSN 20509) w/o Dec 25, 1944 in takeoff accident at Orleans, France
16044 (MSN 20510) struck mountain near Limone Piedmonte, Italy Oct 24, 1954. 21 killed.
16047 (MSN 20513) w/o Dec 13, 1944 cr 2 miles NE of Zelma, Mo (Hit high grd) 4lost
16049 (MSN 20515, 49th TCS, 313rd TCG) shot down by AAA near Bladel, Holland Sep 17, 1944 during
Operation Market Garden. Crew 3 KIA and 1 POW. MACR 9913
16050 (MSN 20516) damaged Feb 11, 1946 (taxi accident) at Bolling Fd, DC
16053 (MSN 20519) to NC79035 (a ferry number), to PP-ATT, to Viacao Aerea Santos
Dumont SA (VASD/taken over by Nacional 1956) as PP-SDE. To Transportes Aereos
Nacional (Nacional/taken over by REAL 1957) as PP-ANQ, to Aerovias Brazil
(REAL Transportes Aereos as PP-ANQ. To Brazilian AF as FAB 2075. Ultimate
fate uncertain.
16054 (MSN 20520) as N28889 crashed at Summerland Key, Florida May 2, 1989 while wiht Monroe County Mosquito
Control District.
16055 (MSN 20521) converted to VC-47A, later to EC-47N. Assigned to 1604th Air Base Wing, Kindley AFB,
Bermuda 1956-58 and again 1962. To Hunter AFB, GA, Nov 1964. To MAP Nov 6, 1972
16057 (MSN 20523) to Imperial Iranian AF Dec 24, 1962. Assigned to 50th Air Transport Composite Group
16058 (MSN 20524) to MASDC
16059 (MSN 20525) to N86452 then to Spanish AF as T.3-39.
16061 (MSN 20527) converted to VC-47A
16062 (MSN 20528) crashed one mi E of abandoned Isachsen weather
station on Ellef Rignes Island, Northwest Territories,
Canada Oct 9, 1949. Aircraft failed to gain height due to
icing problems when overloaded. Only minor injuries to the crew. The
wreck is still there.
16063 (MSN 20529) by 1954 was PP-YPO of S. A. Transportes Aeros REAL
16064 (MSN 20530) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-364. Sold on civil market as N8160Z.
16065 (MSN 20531) converted to AC-47D. W/o Aug 16, 1969
16066 (MSN 20532) w/o Dec 29, 1944 near Ironton, Missouri. 5 killed.
16067 (MSN 20533) converted to VC-47A. W/o Jul 28, 1944 in New York State
16068 (MSN 20534) to MASDC Aug 10, 1964, Apr 15, 1965 to Colombia (MAP)
16069 (MSN 20535) damaged Apr 4, 1946 Lawson Fd, GA
16070 (MSN 20536) to Pacific Airlines as NC67588, in 1953 user was Southwest
Airways, to Blatz Airlines, leased to Universal Airlines as N67588, to Majestic Air Cargo
as N67588. W/o May 24, 1998 when ran out of fuel and crashed
in marsh at Unalakleet Airport 5 mi NW of Anchorage, AK.
Wreck moved to Anchorage in 2001 for possible rebuild.
16072 (MSN 20538) w/o Mar 13, 1965 reportedly w/o
16073 (MSN 20539) damaged Aug 25, 1953 at Sidi Simane AB, French Morocco
16075 (MSN 20541) to Uruguayan AF as 508
16076 (MSN 20542) to Frontier Airlines as N65385.
16077 (MSN 20543) to PP-SPT (VASP) w/o Dec 13, 1950 (eng fire on t/off) cr at
Londrina, Brazil 3 lost
16078 (MSN 20544) to PP-SPR
16079 (MSN 20545) to MASDC
16080 (MSN 20546) to Peruvian Air Force. Transferred to Escuela de Aviacion Civil as OB-I-818.
16082 (MSN 20548) to Jim Hankins Air Services as N17779, to
Aerolineas Andinas (Aliansa SA) Apr 4, 1983 as HK-3037.
Currently active with Aerolineas Llaneras (arall) still as
as HK-3037 at Villavicencio Vanguardia Airport, Colombia.
16083 (MSN 20549) bailed from the USAF to Air America July 1966 first as 0-16083, then as
'083'. Numerous accidents and incidents all repaired. Stored at Tan Son Nhut
July 01, 1972 until May 31, 1974. Escaped from Saigon on April 29, 1975 and
landed at Tainan, Taiwan. Returned to the USAF on June 30, 1975 and declared
surplus by the USAF as of May 1975. May have gone to Thai AF in 1976
16084 (MSN 20550) to N16475
16085 (MSN 20551) to MASDC Jan 9, 1968
16086 (MSN 20552) to Imperial Iranian AF Nov 19, 1962. Assigned to 50th Air Transport Composit
Group. SOC Dec 11, 1962
16088 (MSN 20554) by 1954 was XA-HUH of Aerovias Reforma SA
16089 (MSN 20555) to Brazilian AF as FAB 2024. To civil registry Feb 1970 as N4946F.
To Museo Aerospacial Dos Afonsos Jul 1996. Re-registered PP-AVJ Dec 2002
16090 (MSN 20556) with 7th Air Commando Squadron at Sembach Air Base, Germany in Sep 1964 and flown back to
USA in Jul 1968 for 1st Air Commando Wing at Otis AFB.
16091 (MSN 20557) to Philippine AF
16092 (MSN 20558) by 1954 was YV-C-AVR of Aerovias Venozalanas SA
16093 (MSN 20559) to MASDC
16094 (MSN 20560) to N16094
16095 (MSN 20561) converted to EC-47N from RC-478N May 31, 1967. To MAP Aug 24, 1972.
16096 (MSN 20562) to Norwegian AF May 1945. Became LN-IAN with
Norwegian Airlines Oct 1947, then to F-OADR for Les Avions
Bleus "Francoise" Mar 25, 1949. To N9989F with Cornell
Dubilier Electric Corp, NJ in 1951. To N335HH with Huber
Homes Inc Jan 1968. To H. M. Dunn, Lexington, KY Jan 1970.
To Midwest Airlines Jun 1970. To Aviation Sales Intl Jun 7,
1972 as CF-ABA, to C-FABA. To Albig Avtn Ltd in Lorette,
PQ (reg Jul 4, 1972). Apr 26 1973 to Sigfusson Transport
Ltd of Winnipeg, Manitoba. To Superior Airways Apr 1973 and
to Ontario Central Airlines and to Reindeer Air Service
and to Wright Enterprises Ltd, Edmonton, Alberta (this was
in 1974). Ilford Riverton Airways (1978) and Wright
Enterprises (Jan 22, 1979). Cancelled from Canadian
registry Sep 1979. To N3FT for Yukon Air Service in
Fairbanks, AK Air North. In 1990 registered with Rocky Mountain
Helicopter, Provo, UT. Bought in Oct 1993 by "Living Water
Teaching Inc" and stationed in Guatemala and operated as
"Mercy Wings". Crashed into mountain in bad weather Nov 1, 1998
while on approach to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
16097 (MSN 20563) converted to VC-117C then to SC-117A-DL
16098 (MSN 20564) damaged Nov 28, 1945 in landing accident at Nice, France
16100 (MSN 20566) to Peruvian Air Force as FAP-371.
16101 (MSN 20567) w/o Jul 1, 1945 in crash 6 mi SE of Springlake, Texas. 5 killed.
16102 (MSN 20568) w/o Jan 28, 1951 in landing accident at Ft Knox, Kentucky.
16105 (MSN 20571) to VH-ANL, F-OAPD, F-KHAB, served with Royal Khmer Air Force in late 1950s, early 1960s.
Inherited by Khymer AF Dec 1971 as 105.
16107 (MSN 20573) by 1954 was PI-C17 of Philippine Air Lines
16108 (MSN 20574) damaged Nov 3, 1945 (grd accident) at Yonton AF, China
16109 (MSN 20575) used as search aircarft by 3rd Emergency Rescue Squadron in SW Pacific.
16110 (MSN 20576) to Cathay Pacific Airlines Nov 1946 as VR-HDG. W/o
Feb 24, 1949 after the crew aborted an approach in poor
visibility and tried to go around. Plane struck a hillside
near Braemar Reservoir in Hong Kong. 23 killed.
16111 (MSN 20577) damaged May 7, 1946 in takeoff accident at Tacloban Field, Philippines
16112 (MSN 20578) leased from and flown by US citizen for the
Indonesian nationalist air force as RI-002. Shot down by KNIL B-25
Sep 30, 1948 (another reported date is Oct 1, 1948) and
crashed near Begkulu, south of Sumatra. Wreckage finally found in jungles of
Indonesia in 1981. At the time of the crash reports had circulated
that the aircraft had been captured at Palembang by the Dutch and had been flown to Bangkok.
16113 (MSN 20579)to Philippine AF
16114 (MSN 20580) lost Dec 24, 1944, New Guinea. MACR 12181. Also listed as w/o Oct 16, 1944 in landing
accident at El Fasher, Sudan
16117 (MSN 20583) SOC in Philippines Jul 22, 1946 and sold to Trans-Asiatic Airlines
of Manila as PI-C180. May have been transferred tin 1947 to Trans-Asiatic Airlines
of Siam as HS-TA180 and w/o early in 1949 at Mingaladon, Burma when ground looped.
Appeared in movie "Objective Burma" with Errol Flynn (1945)
16119 (MSN 20585) damaged Jan 25, 1950 (ground accident) at Keesler AFB, MS
16120 (MSN 20586) to NC63287, PP-DLM, to Cruzeiro do Sul as PP-CEB, to Brazilian AF
as FAB 2086. To Rondonia Industria y Comercio (RICO Taxi Aereo) as PT-LBM.
Now listed as derelict at Afonsas.
16121 (MSN 20587) converted to VC-47A. Used to fly Generals Jodl and Keitel from Berlin to
Eisenhower's French headquarters to sign German unconditional surrender.
To Portuguese AF as FAP 1060 in 1961. To Guinea-Bissau Air Force in 1976,
probably registered as CR-GBP. WFU
16122 (MSN 20588) was to have been Navy R4D-7 BuNo 39110, but it was not
transferred from USAAF. Q/o Sep 29, 1945 in crash 47 mi S of Hisian, China
16123 (MSN 20589) converted to EC-47N from RC-47N May 31, 1967. To MAP Feb 17, 1973.
16124 (MSN 20590) Delivered June 22, 1945, next to Canal Zone on June 30, 1945.
June 01, 1946 Excl to RX-76 for Lineas Aeras Costarricenses - LACSA.
Nov. 27, 1946 crashed after striking a mountain on approach near San
Jose, Costa Rica. 3 Crew, 20 pax fatal.
16125 (MSN 20591) damaged Apr 3, 1945 in takeoff accident at Pope Field, North Carolila
16126 (MSN 20592) by 1956 was CF-CRY of Canadian Pacific Airlines.
16127 (MSN 20593) by 1954 was PI-C126 of Philippine Air Lines
16128 (MSN 20594) to NC41667
16129 (MSN 20595) damaged Feb 5, 1945 in taxi accident at George Field, Illinois
16130 (MSN 20596). To civil registry as N86453, then T.3-33 with Spanish AF.
Registered G-BGCF Nov 20, 1978 then N3753C Apr 1980. In 1987 preserved at
8th Air Force Museum, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana although nominally on charge of USAFM
16131 (MSN 20597) to NEIAF as NL-205. W/o after accident near Katwijk
16132 (MSN 20598) w/o Sep 21, 1944 crash 1 mile Nth of Malden AAF, Mo (on approach hit church tower-2 lost & 6 ok)\
43-22454 ... 43-22466
Douglas A-26B-25-DT Invader
MSN 18601/18613
22455 (MSN 18602, TB-26B) to Cuba in 1957 as FAEC 935.
22456 (MSN 18603, B-26C) to Brazil in 1958 as 5162.
Refurbished 1968. Withdrawn 1975.
22457 (MSN 18604, B-26C) to Brazil in 1958 as 5163.
Withdrawn Oct 1967.
22458 (MSN 18605) loaned to France Mar 1953 for service
in Indochina. Returned to USAF Oct 1955 and scrapped.
22459 (MSN 18606) loaned to France May 1953 for service
in Indochina. Returned to USAF Oct 1955 and scrapped.
22460 (MSN 18607) identity given in error for 43-22416/N1394N
22461 (MSN 18608, B-26C) to Brazil in 1958 as 5164. Withdrawn June 1968.
22464 (MSN 18611) to France in Dec 1956 as 332-B. WFU May 1964. SOC Apr 29, 1965.
22466 (MSN 18613) to France in Mar 1957 as 338-B.
SOC after accident on Aug 13, 1964.
43-27473 ... 43-27792
North American B-25J-1-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-34486/108-34805
27484 (310th BG, 428th BS) blew a tire and crashed on takeoff Feb 15, 1945 at
Ghisonaccia, Corsica. Crew escaped the fire and explosion of bombs.
27491 to Brazil in 1946/47
27493 completed 140 missions during WW2. Presumed scrapped after the war. There is a B-25J flying with Commemorative
Air Force with this tail number.
27501 (381st BS, 310th BG, "Pin Up Girl") nose gear collapsed on landing Jun 22, 1944. Ship scrapped
27511/27515 to USN as PBJ-1J 35203/35207
27517 (340th BG, 489th BS, "Prop Wash") lost Feb 26, 1945. MACR 12573.
27524 (310th BG, 428th BS) hit by flak over target at Ora, Italy Mar 10, 1945.
Plane crashed near Corniglio, Italy in Apennines. MACR 12971.
27525 Lend-Lease to USSR
27526 Lend-Lease to USSR
27527 (310th BG, 381st BS) crashed at Barjols, France Aug 8, 1944. MACR 7304.
6 crew evaded.
27529 (310th BG, 428th BS) hit by flak over target Mar 10, 1945 and crashed 10 mi
E of Ora, Italy. MACR 12920
27530 to Brazil in 1946/47
27535 Lend-Lease to USSR
27536 Lend-Lease to USSR
27546 Lend-Lease to USSR
27547 Lend-Lease to USSR
27552 (310th BG 381st BS) lost in action when collided with another aircraft over the target,
Apr 4, 1945. MACR 13682.
27557 Lend-Lease to USSR
27558 Lend-Lease to USSR
27561 (381st BS, 310th BG) crashlanded at 321st BG base. Scrapped
27568 Lend-Lease to USSR
27569 Lend-Lease to USSR
27579 Lend-Lease to USSR
27580 Lend-Lease to USSR
27590 Lend-Lease to USSR
27591 Lend-Lease to USSR
27596 sold on civilian market as N9865C. At Grand Forks
AFB Museum marked as 44-28834. Listed by FAA as "sale reported" in 1990
27601 Lend-Lease to USSR
27602 Lend-Lease to USSR
27605 to Brazil in 1946/47
27610 to Brazil in 1946/47
27612 Lend-Lease to USSR
27613 Lend-Lease to USSR
27623 Lend-Lease to USSR
27624 Lend-Lease to USSR
27626 to Brazil in 1946/47
27634 Lend-Lease to USSR. Shot down by AAA at night at Ásványráró, Hungary Dec 22/23, 1944. 3 KIA, 1 POW
27635 Lend-Lease to USSR
27638 used in North African campaign in WW2 and sank Italian cruiser Taranto
27644 Lend-Lease to USSR
27645 Lend-Lease to USSR
27646 Lend-Lease to USSR
27650 shot down in Italy May 26, 1944. MACR 5145 and 6613.
27657 (340th BG, 489th BS, "9P") collided in midair with 43-4064 Jan 21, 9145 after bombing San Michele. Tail
gunner was killed, but 27657 landed safely at Alesani. 43-4064 crashed. 43-27657 ditched Mar 16, 1945
at 4 miles after take-off when both engines stopped. The aircraft blew up when it hit the water.
Only body of radio-gunner was found and buried at the cemetery of Bastia
27666 (310th BG, 428th BS) hit by flak over Lavis, Italy Jan 4, 1945, crashed near
Lake Garda. MACR 10945.
27670 (340th BG, 496th BS, "Yankee Doodle Dandy") shot down Feb 13, 1945 on mission to San Ambrogio, Italy. MACR 12092.
27671 (310th BG, 428th BS) stalled twice on landing attempts Mar 22, 1945 at Fano, Italy
and dropped to airstrip, aircraft DBR.
27681/27687 to USN as PBJ-1J 35208/35214
27688 to NEIAF as N5-221
27689 to NEIAF as N5-220, later to RAAF as A47-26. SOC 3/50.
27691 to NEIAF as N5-219, later to RAAF as A47-27. SOC 3/50.
27692 to NEIAF as N5-218
27698 (MSN 108-24711) assigned to 445th BS/321st BG, 57th BW named "Peggy Lou". This aircraft survived over 129
missions and was returned to USA.
27702 (340th BG) lost Jul 3, 1944. MACR 6457
27708 (340th BG) lost Mar 30, 1945. MACR 13704
27709 (340th BG) lost Nov 5, 1944. MACR 9703.
27712 converted to TB-25N. On static display at Pima Air and Space Museum,
Tucson, AZ marked as '0-32712/BD-712'. Reported 1968 displayed
at MASDC main gate, moved Oct 1969 to Pima County Museum.
27713 (340th BG) lost Aug 15, 1944. MACR 7972
27717 (340th BG, 489th BS, "That's All Brother") crash landed on Corsica late 1944.
27719 (310th BG, 428th BS) hit by flak near Callianno,Italy Nov 11, 1944 and
crashed 6 mi E of Arco, Italy. MACR 9848.
27727 (486th BG) lost Jun 3, 1944. MACR 5453
27730 (321st BG) lost Feb 6, 1945. MACR 12131
27732 (321st BG, 446th BS) shot down Nov 10, 1944 in mission
over Ostiglia, Italy. MACR 9962.
27735 (310th BG) lost Sep 9, 1944. MACR 8382
27737 (310th BG) lost Apr 4, 1945. MACR 13685
27740 (MSN 108-34753) attached to 321st BG 445th BS shot down by flak Oct 3, 1944 while on mission to bomb the
Galliate road bridge, Italy. MACR 9037. 7 crew bailed out, one safe in hands of Italian partisans and
the remainder became POW.
27746 (340th BG) lost Nov 4, 1944. MACR 9711
27747 (321st BG) lost Mar 21, 1945. MACR 13203
27753 to RAF as Mitchell III HD347. SOC Jan 15, 1947.
27754 to RAF as Mitchell III HD348. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27755 to RAF as Mitchell III HD349. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27756 to RAF as Mitchell III HD350. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27757 to RAF as Mitchell III HD351. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27758 to RAF as Mitchell III HD352. Missing on ferry flight between Gander,
Canada and Lagens, Azores May 24, 1944.
27759 to RAF as Mitchell III HD353. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27760 to RAF as Mitchell III HD354. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27761 to RAF as Mitchell III HD355. SOC Jan 15, 1947
27762 to RAF as Mitchell III HD356. With 180 Squadron hit by AAA over Bocholt, Germany
and DBR in subsequent belly landing at Eindhoven, Holland Mar 21, 1945. SOC Jun 23, 1945
27763 to RAF as Mitchell III HD357. SOC Jan 30, 1947
27764 to RAF as Mitchell III HD358. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27765 to RAF as Mitchell III HD359. Wrecked when swung on landing and undercarriage
collapsed, Fersfield, England Apr 11, 1945.
27766 to RAF as Mitchell III HD360. Damaged by flak over Weeze and DBR when
belly landed at Melsbroek, Belgium Feb 13, 1945.
27767 to RAF as Mitchell III HD361. SOC Nov 29, 1946.
27768 (310th BG, 428th BS) crashed in Corsican mountains during weather flight Dec 24, 1944.
MACR 10725.
27770 (340th BG) lost Nov 4, 1944. MACR 10778
27771 (310th BG, 428th BS) hit by flak and collided with 43-28068 Sep 18, 1944, and
made forced landing in Italy. Aircraft DBR. MACR 8938 was issued because
one crewman bailed out before the landing.
27774 for period 1945/47 (at least) based in Italy and used as
VIP transport by RAF Mediterranean/Middle East Communications Sqn (still
with USAAF identity).
27775 to Brazil in 1946/47
27776 Lend-Lease to USSR
27777 Lend-Lease to USSR
27778 Lend-Lease to USSR
27783 (486th BG) lost Aug 15, 1944. MACR 7685
27788 Lend-Lease to USSR
27789 Lend-Lease to USSR
27790 Lend-Lease to USSR
27792 (321st BG) lost Sep 18, 1944. MACR 8779
43-27793 ... 43-28112
North American B-25J-5-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-34806/108-35125 (Andrade quotes 108-32306/32625)
27796 (310th BG) lost Nov 18, 1944. MACR 9982
27797 (310th BG,428th BS) hit by flak near Galliate, Italy Sep 23, 1944, crashed in
Maritime Alps near Altaie, Italy. MACR 8937.
27801 Lend-Lease to USSR
27802 Lend-Lease to USSR
27803 Lend-Lease to USSR
27812 Lend-Lease to USSR
27813 Lend-Lease to USSR
27814 Lend-Lease to USSR
27816 (38th BG) lost on practice minimum altitude bombing attack
mission south of Abra River, 50 yd offshore of Manangat, Luzon
Feb 25, 1945. 3 on board killed.
27824 Lend-Lease to USSR
27825 Lend-Lease to USSR
27826 Lend-Lease to USSR
27836 Lend-Lease to USSR
27837 Lend-Lease to USSR
27838 Lend-Lease to USSR
27844 (38th BG) lost Mar 20, 1945, SW Pacific.
27847 to Brazil in 1946/47. Brazilian Air Force serial 5087 then Uruguay and displayed as 156 at Museo
Aeronautica, Montevideo.
27848 (42nd BG) lost Apr 14, 1945, South Pacific.
27849 Lend-Lease to USSR
27850 Lend-Lease to USSR
27851 Lend-Lease to USSR
27858 (345th BG) lost Apr 3, 1945, SW Pacific.
27860 Lend-Lease to USSR
27861 Lend-Lease to USSR
27864 to Brazil in 1946/47
27865 to Brazil in 1946/47
27868 (MSN 108-34881) converted to TB-25N. Sold on commercial market as N9077Z. Airworthy
with Confederate Air Force, San Antonio, TX. as N25YR "Yellow Rose".
27869 to Brazil in 1946/47
27871 Lend-Lease to USSR
27872 Lend-Lease to USSR
27873 to Brazil in 1946/47
27876 survived war in 381st BS, 310th BG. to Brazil in 1946/47
27878 to Brazil in 1946/47
27879 (41st BG) lost Jul 29, 1945, Central Pacific.
27880 to Brazil in 1946/47
27881 to Brazil in 1946/47
27888 (345th BG) lost Apr 3, 1945, SW Pacific.
27890 (5th BG) lost Mar 13, 1945, SW Pacific.
27904/27910 to USN as PBJ-1J 35215/35221
27921/27924 Lend-Lease to China Mar 1944
27926 to NEIAF as N5-223
27927 to NEIAF as N5-224, later to RAAF as A47-28. SOC 3/50.
27928 to NEIAF as N5-225, later to RAAF as A47-29. SOC 3/50.
27929 to NEIAF as N5-226
27955 (43rd BG) lost Sep 20, 1945, South Pacific.
27960 (38th BG) lost Nov 29, 1945, SW Pacific.
27975 (38th BG) lost Nov 11, 1944. MACR 10088
27976 (42nd BG) lost Mar 10, 1945. MACR 13501.
27979 shot down by AAA after bombing Kendari Airfield on
Celebes Island Jan 11, 1945. Crew of 6 KIA.
27982 (38th BG) lost Mar 20, 1945, SW Pacific.
27990 to RAF as Mitchell III HD362. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27991 to RAF as Mitchell III HD363. DBR in air raid Melsbroek, Belgium Jan 1, 1945.
27992 to RAF as Mitchell III HD364. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27993 to RAF as Mitchell III HD365. Missing from mission to Xanten Feb 10, 1945
27994 to RAF as Mitchell III HD366. SOC Mar 4, 1947
27995 to RAF as Mitchell III HD367. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27996 to RAF as Mitchell III HD368. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27997 to RAF as Mitchell III HD369. SOC Jun 6, 1947
27998 to RAF as Mitchell III HD370. SOC Aug 7, 1947
27999 to RAF as Mitchell III HD371. SOC Sep 27, 1945. Must have been
returned to USAF, since it was damaged by AAA and crash landed Mindoro,
Philippines Jan 26, 1954. Pilot OK
28000 to RAF as Mitchell III HD372. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28001 to RAF as Mitchell III HD373. SOC Sep 11, 1947
28002 to RAF as Mitchell III HD374. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28003 to RAF as Mitchell III HD375. SOC Sep 27, 1945
28004 to RAF as Mitchell III HD376. Crashed when abandoned by crew after being
hit by flak over Bocholt, Germany Mar 20, 1945
28005 to RAF as Mitchell III HD377. SOC Sep 27, 1945
28006 to RAF as Mitchell III HD378. SOC Aug 7, 1947
28007 to RAF as Mitchell III HD379. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28008 to RAF as Mitchell III HD380. Missing from mission to Deventer, Holland Feb 6, 1945.
28013 MACR 13514 erroneously lists this plane as being lost Jan 18, 1945,
but it was really 42-28013
28017 Lend-Lease to USSR
28018 Lend-Lease to USSR
28019 Lend-Lease to USSR
28029 Lend-Lease to USSR
28030 Lend-Lease to USSR
28031 Lend-Lease to USSR
28033 to Brazil in 1946/47
28035 to Brazil in 1946/47. Also listed as being lost with 38th BG, 405th BS Oct 2, 1944
near Halwahara, NEI. MACR 9967
28041 Lend-Lease to USSR
28042 Lend-Lease to USSR
28043 Lend-Lease to USSR
28046 to Brazil in 1946/47
28053 Lend-Lease to USSR
28054 Lend-Lease to USSR
28055 Lend-Lease to USSR
28059 (MSN 108-35072) converted to TB-25N. WFU and stored at Davis
Monthan AFB, AZ 1957-58. Sold to Blue Mountain Air Service,
La Grande, OR as N9857C. Fitted with 1000 gallon tank and
converted to air tanker Apr 1959. To Earl "Red" Dodge,
Anchorage, AK as Tanker #4 1959-1970. To Edgar L. Thorsrud,
Missoula, MT Jul 1970-79. To Max Power Inc, Carlsbad, CA
Dec 1979-80. To Holden Aviation Services, Lamont, Alberta
Sep 1980-81 registered as C-GTTM. To Aero Trader, Borrego
Springs, CA May 1981 registered as N26795. To Kermit
Weeks/Weeks Air Museum, Tamiami, FL May 1981. To Kermit A.
Weeks/Fantasy of Flight, Polk City, FL Jul 1984-2005.
Registered as N1943J. Rebuilt to flying condition by Aero
Traders, Chino, CA 1983-2000. First flight Mar 17, 2000.
Flown as 152/Apache Princess. Aft fuselage for rebuild came
from 44-30090 (N9633C). Rear fuselage and parts of N9857C
are stored in Aero Trader yard, Ocotillo Wells, CA 2000.
28060 modified as TB-25N in 1954. Sold in 1957 on
commercial market as N5244V. Believed to have been scrapped.
28065 Lend-Lease to USSR
28066 Lend-Lease to USSR
28067 Lend-Lease to USSR
28068 (310th BG, 428th BS) shot down by flak Sep 18, 1944 5 mi W of Rimini, Italy. MACR 8940
28077 Lend-Lease to USSR
28078 Lend-Lease to USSR
28079 Lend-Lease to USSR
28085 (100th BS, 42nd BG, 13th AF) lost Feb 18, 1945 over San Roque Airdrome, Zamboanga.
28088 (38th BG) lost Mar 2, 1945, SW Pacific.
28089 Lend-Lease to USSR
28090 Lend-Lease to USSR
28091 Lend-Lease to USSR
28096 reported in 1990 as being on display at the Museo Aeronautico,
Maracay, Venezuela.
28099 (38th BG) lost Oct 5, 1944, SW Pacific.
28102 Lend-Lease to USSR
28103 Lend-Lease to USSR
28111 Lend-Lease to USSR
28112 Lend-Lease to USSR
43-28113 ... 43-28222
North American B-25J-10-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-35126/108-35235 (Andrade quotes 108-32626/32735)
28124 (38th BG) lost Nov 10, 1944, Leyte.
28127 (345th BG) lost Mar 6, 1945, SW Pacific.
28134 (345th BG) lost Jan 9, 1945, SW Pacific.
28174/28180 to USN as PBJ-1J 35222/35228
28181 to NEIAF as N5-227, later to RAAF as A47-32. SOC 3/50.
28182 to NEIAF as N5-228
28183 to NEIAF as N5-231, later to RAAF as A47-31. SOC 3/50. The aircraft
painted as A47-31 ex VH-XXI is really 44-86791 and is flying in the USA.
28184 to NEIAF as N5-230
28185 to NEIAF as N5-229, later to RAAF as A47-30. SOC 3/50.
28196 to Brazil in 1946/47
28204 modified as TB-25N in 1953. Sold on civilian market
in 1957 as N9856C. Operated as firefighting plane.
Sold in 1968 to Filmways, Inc and used to film
Catch-22. Sold in 1971 to Tallmantz Aviation, CA.
Restored by Aero Traders and marked as PBJ-1J *Pacific
Princess*. Currently airworthy. Used in filming
of *Pearl Harbor*
28210 to Brazil in 1946/47
28220 to Brazil in 1946/47
28221 to Brazil in 1946/47
28222 Delivered to USAAF Jun 7, 1944. Converted to TB-25N. To MASDC Oct 1, 1957.
Droped from USAF inventory Nov 18, 1957. Sold in 1957 on commercial
market as N5256V and operated as aerial tanker. Put on
display at Beale AFB, California marked as 328222.
Moved in 1995 to Hurlburt Field Memorial Air Park, Florida.
43-35946 ... 43-36245
North American B-25J-10-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-35236/108-35535 (Andrade quotes 108-32736/33035)
35947 (310th BG) lost Mar 10, 1945. MACR 14896
35957 (310th BG) lost Mar 10, 1945. MACR 12817
35964 lost Mar 7, 1945. MACR 12905
35967 to Brazil in 1946/47
35968 (319th BG) lost Dec 22, 1944. MACR 10772
35969 to RAF as Mitchell III HD381. SOC Jun 6, 1947
35970 to RAF as Mitchell III HD382. DBR during German raid on Melsbroek,
Belgium Jan 1, 1945.
35971 to RAF as Mitchell III HD383. SOC Jun 6, 1947.
35972 converted to TB-25N in 1955. Sold on commercial
market in 1960 as N9552Z. Sold to Confederate Air Force
in 1981, and assigned to Arizona Wing, where the
aircraft is being restored at Falcon Field, Mesa, AZ.
Will be assigned to American Airpower Heritage Museum,
Midland, TX. Preserved with Commemorative Air Force as
N125AZ *Maid In The Shade*. First flew from Mesa Field May 2009 after
35982 (381st BS, 310th BG, "Angel of Mercy") crash landed and badly damaged at Fano Airfield, Italy in 1945.
36012 (345th BG) lost Jan 9, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 11792
36013 (42nd BG) lost Dec 25, 1944. MACR 12256
36023 (345th BG, 500th BS, "Seabiscuit") shot down 70 mi off coast of China
by Japanese destroyer Apr 6, 1945. All 5 onboard KIA.
36035 (345th BG) lost Nov 9, 1944, SW Pacific. MACR 10594
36036 (38th BG) lost Nov 10, 1944, Philippines. MACR 10669
36045 (345th BG) lost over Luzon Jan 13, 1945. MACR 11793. There is a report that the crew was seen alive on
the ground but were executed by Japanese forces, but the MACR makes no mention of this.
36062 (319th BG) lost Dec 22, 1944. MACR 10771
36074 modified to TB-25N in 1954. Sold on commercial market
as N9080Z. Exported to Mexico as XB-NAJ.
36075 sold on export market 1946/47 to Dominican Air
Force(FAD). Sold by FAD in 1952 to Charles E. Mathews
And Co. FL as N3969C. Reported as derelict in NJ by
1960. Scrapped onsite in 1960.
36083 to Brazil in 1946/47
36087 to Brazil in 1946/47
36093 to 1st WRs, detached to Kindley Field, Bermuda in 1945. To Brazil in 1946/47
36096 to Brazil in 1946/47
36097 to Brazil in 1946/47
36122 (319th BG) lost Nov 17, 1944. MACR 9991
36128 (77th BS) lost during sweep of northern Kurile Islands Dec 29, 1944.
36132 to Brazil in 1946/47
36134 (28th BG) lost May 19, 1945. MACR 14473
36135 (28th BG) lost Jul 16, 1945.
36128 (77th BS) lost during sweep of northern Kurile Islands Dec 29, 1944.
36140 (28th BG) lost May 19, 1945
36141 to Brazil in 1946/47
36145 (28th BG) lost Jul 16, 1945.
36147 to Brazil in 1946/47
36148 (28th BG) lost Jul 12, 1945, North Pacific.
36149 (38th BG) lost May 10, 1945, Alaska. MACR 14408
36150 (38th BG) lost Mar 6 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13515
36151 (28th BG) lost Nov 6, 1944, Alaska. MACR 14942
36152 (28th BG) lost May 19, 1945. MACR 14471
36153 (77th BG) lost Nov 15, 1944, Alaska. MACR 13286
36154 to Brazil in 1946/47
36158 (28th BG) lost May 10, 1945, Alaska. MACR 14409
36160 (28th BG) made forced landing at Elizovo airfield, Kamchatka Oblast Jun 9, 1945 after being attacked by
Japanese fighters. One crewman was killed.. MACR 14611
36164 (8th BG) lost Sep 29, 1944. MACR 14298
36167 to Brazil in 1946/47
36171 (345th BG, 500th BS, "Bold Venture") crashed on a mission over
Hong Kong Harbor Mar 15, 1945. Aircraft was caught in the
explosion of a freighter from the preceding aircraft's bomb run
and crashed into a ridgeline. All 5 onboard killed.
36178 (345th BG) lost Jan 16, 1945, SW Pacific.
36190 (345th BG) lost Mar 11, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13326
36192 (498th GBS, 345th BG) shot down by AAA May 26, 1945 while attacking Byoritsu oil refinery
36201 (43rd BG) lost Jan 31, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13759
36203 (345th BG) lost Mar 2,1 945, SW Pacific. MACR 13698
36216 (319th BG) lost over northern Italy between lakes of Garda and Iseo Dec 10, 1944.
Shot down by Bf 109G of Il Gruppo Caccia ANR. MACR 10384 Crew bailed out safely.
36224 to Brazil in 1946/47
36245 to Brazil in 1946/47
44-28711 ... 44-29110
North American B-25J-15/17-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-31986/108-32385 (Andrade quotes 108-33036/33435)
28717 (MSN 108-31992) to Brazil in 1946/47
28726/28733 to RAF
28726 (MSN 108-32001) to RAF as Mitchell III HD384. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28727 (MSN 108-32002) to RAF as Mitchell III HD385. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28728 (MSN 108-32003) to RAF as Mitchell III HD386. Hit by flak over Bocholt, Germany and
wrecked when crashlanded at Kleine Broeghel, Holland Mar 21, 1945
28729 (MSN 108-32004) to RAF as Mitchell III HD387. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28730 to RAF as Mitchell III HD388. Crashed afer being abandoned by crew over
Norfolk, England Apr 28, 1945
28731 to RAF as Mitchell III HD389. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28732 to RAF as Mitchell III HD390. Missing from mission to Rees Feb 25, 1945
28733 to RAF as Mitchell III HD391. Crashed near Aardenburg after being abandoned
by crew when bomb hung up Feb 13, 1945
28734 to RAF as Mitchell III HD392. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28735 to RAF as Mitchell III HD393. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28736 to RAF as Mitchell III HD394. Stalled in cloud and dove into ground, Littlemore
Farm, Norfolk, England Apr 28, 1945
28737 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28738 converted to TB-25N. At Strategic Air Command Museum, Offut AFB, NB, N3441G
28740 to RAF as Mitchell III HD395. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28741 to RAF as Mitchell III HD396. SOC Feb 26, 1947
28742 to RAF as Mitchell III HD397. Shot down by flak over Dorsten Mar 15, 1945
28743 to RAF as Mitchell III HD398. SOC Jan 21, 1947
28744 to RAF as Mitchell III HD399. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28745 to RAF as Mitchell III HD400. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28746 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ561. To ground instructional airframe as 5226M
Jun 1945. Probably subsequently scrapped.
28747 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ562. Wrecked when bellylanded at Kirkbride, England
Apr 25, 1945
28748 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ563. Shot down by flak over Bocholt, Germany Mar 21, 1945
28749 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28750 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 26 May 1946
28751 to RFC Kingman, AZ 20 Jan 1946
28752 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ564. SOC Oct 22, 1947
28753 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ565. SOC Dec 26, 1947
28754 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ566. SOC Mar 4, 1947
28755 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ567. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28756 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ568. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28757 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ569. Damaged by flak Jan 21, 1945. Not repaired
and subsequently scrapped
28758 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ570. SOC Feb 26, 1947
28759 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ571. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28760/28762 to Britian Aug 1944
28760 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ572. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28761 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ573. SOC Dec 26, 1946
28762 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ574. SOC Jun 21, 1947
28763 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28765 (MSN 108-32040) converted to TB-25N. In storage at Aero Trader, Chino, CA as N9443Z.
28766 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ575. SOC Jun 6, 1947.
28767 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ576. SOC Dec 26, 1946
28768 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ577. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28769 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ578. SOC Dec 10, 1946
28770 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ579. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28771 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ580. SOC Aug 23, 1945
28772 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ581. SOC Aug 23, 1945
28773 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ582. SOC Aug 23, 1945
28774 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ583. Wrecked when ran away during startup,
Oakes Field, Bahamas
28775 to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
28776 to RFC Kingman, AZ 24 Jan 1946
28779 to Chinese ADO 26 Dec 1945
28780 condemned salvage 19 Jan 1945
28781 condemned salvage 9 Dec 1945
28782 to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
28783 condemned enemy AAA 7 Jan 1945
28785 (345th BG) lost Jan 2, 1945, SW Pacific.
28787 to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
28788 (341st BG) MIA Feb 9, 1945. MACR 12158.
28789 recalmation completed at Long Beach, CA 15 Jul 1946
28792/28801 to USN as PBJ-1J 35229/35238
28802 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
28803 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 22 May 1946
28804 to RFC Kingman 20 Jan 1946
28805 condemned salvage 13 Dec 1945
28806 condemned salvage 12 Aug 1945
28807 condemned salvage 14 Aug 1945
28808 reclamation completed at Atlanta AAF, GA 4 Sep 1945
28809 to RFC Kingman 20 Jan 1946
28810 reclamation completed at Robbins AFB, 13 Mar 1950
28811 to Chinese ADO 26 Dec 1945
28812 condemned salvage 12 Aug 1945
28813 condemned salvage 31 Dec 1945
28814 to Chinese ADO 26 Dec 1945
28816 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
28817 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28818 (MSN 108-32093) to N3449G, N8197H
28820 (38th BG, 405th BS) shot down by AA over Tarakan, Borneo Dec 30, 1944. All 6 crew KIA.
MACR 11510.
28821 reclamation completed Chanute AFB 7 Mar 1950
28823 reclamation completed at Greenville, SC 22 Dec 1949
28824 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Pyote AFB, TX 22 Dec 1949
28825 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Pyote AFB, TX 22 Dec 1949
28826 reclamation completed Greenville AAF, SC 9 Feb 1945
28827 reclamation completed Robbins AFB 13 Mar 1950
28828 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
28829 reclamation completed at Kelly AAF 12 Apr 1947
28830 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds,MD 23 May 1946
28833 (MSN 108-32108) converted to air tanker as N9866C. Crashed in
1961 while being operated by Red Dodge, Inc.
Pieces remain at Ephrata, Washington airport.
28834 (MSN 108-32109) to MASDC Dec 1957. To civil registry as N9865C.
On display at Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota as 327899.
28835 reclamation completed Lockburn AAF 9 Dec 1947
28837 to RFC at Walnut Ridge 16 Apr 1946. To N10564
28838 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
28839 to RFC at Walnut Ridge 16 Apr 1946
28840 to RFC at Walnut Ridge 18 Apr 1946
28842 reclamation completed Kelly AAF 24 Jul 1947
28843 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28844 on static display at Grand Forks AFB, ND.
28845 to RFC at Walnut Ridge 16 Apr 1946
28846 to RFC at Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
28847 to RCAF as 5206 in 1951. Returned to USA in 1953
28848/28850 to Chinese ADO 26 Dec 1945
28851 reclamation completed Clark AFB, PI 21 Jul 1948
28852 reclamation completed FEA 19 Nov 1947 (condemned salvage FEA 23 Sep
1946, Assigned FEA 30 Apr 1947)
28853 reclamation completed European Theater 30 Mar 1948 (condemned
salvage combat use 17 jul 1947, Assigned European theater 30 Apr 1947)
28854 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28855 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
28856 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28857 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Pyote AFB 22 Dec 1949
28858 to European Theater excess inventory list 30 Sep 1947
28861 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 2 May 1946
28862 to RFC Kingman, AZ 30 Jan 1946
28863 reclamation completed Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
28864 to RFC Kingman 20 Jan 1946
28865 Enid AAF, OK surveyed 9 Nov 1944
28866 (MSN 108-33191) converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N5277V. Later as borate bomber, Northwestern Air Lease,
Fort Smith, Yukon registered as CF-OND. Now registered as N225AJ.
Registration N744CG reserved Jul 10, 2004, taken up Aug 23, 2004. Seen at
North Carolina Aviation Museum, Asheboro, NC airport May 2006.
N744CG restored to flying condition by North Carolina Aviation
Museum and flew for the first time Oct 30, 2004.
28867 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28868 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
28869 Tampa AAF, Fl surveyed 30 Mar 1945
28871 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 1 May 1946
28874 (MSN 108-33199) to Aviation Rental Services as N9876C. Bought
by Ben E. Widtfeldt of Biegert Aviation Apr 13, 1959. Bought
by Frank Fiorini (Frank Sturgis) as Caribbean Cargoes May 12, 1959. Flown by
Pedro Luis Ciaz Lanz (former head of Cuban AF Jan-Jun 1959 and Frank Fiorini
(Frank Sturgis, Watergate burglar) dropping leaflets on Havana Oct 21, 1959.
Erroneously reported to have strafed and dropped bombs, but local panic and
shooting caused deaths and injuries.
28875 at Goodfellow AFB, Texas, not on general display.
28876 reclamation completed Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
28877 condemned salvage 13 Feb 1945
28878 condemned salvage 13 Feb 1945
28879 reclamation completed Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
28880 reclamation completed Dale Mabry AAF 21 Jan 1945
28881 to RFC Kingman 30 Jan 1946
28881 to RFC Kingman 30 Jan 1946
28882/28892 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Aug 1944
28893 lost 31 Jul 1946 (Moody AAF SAD 30 Apr 1946)
28895 reclamation completed Turner AAF, GA 19 Sep 1945
28896/28905 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Aug 1944
28906 reclamation completed Turner AAF, GA 17 Jul 1945
28908 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 14 May 1946
28909/28912 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Sep 1944
28913 to Brazil in 1946/47
28914 converted to TB-25L. Became N3524G.
28915 condemned salvage 10 Mar 1945
28916 condemned salvage 30 Nov 1944
28917 (310th BG) lost Nov 22, 1944. MACR 9851
28918 (321st BG) lost to flak Feb 8, 1945. MACR 12126.
28919 reclamation completed Enid AAF 30 Oct 1946
28920 reclamation completed Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
28921 reclamation completed Moody AAF, GA 24 Feb 1945
28922 reclamation completed Tuskegee AAF, AL 23 Jul 1945
28923 reclamation completed Kelly Field 24 Jul 1947
28924 condemned 11 Sep 1944
28925 (MSN 108-32200) converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N7687C.
Was *Catch 22* aircraft. Underwent restoration at New Smyrna
Beach Airport, FL as N7687C. Now presented as "How 'Boot That?" at Cavanaugh Flight Museum, Addison, Texas
28926 (MSN 108-32201) to MASDC 1958. To civil registry as N3695G
28927 condemned crash landing 22 May 1945
28928 to Brazil in 1946/47. Also have this as going to reclamation at Kelly Field
Mar 10, 1948.
28929 to Brazil in 1946/47
28930 to Brazil in 1946/47
28932 (MSN 108-33257) to MASDC Dec 1958. To civil registry as N3476G
in 1959. Crashed at Minute Man Field, Stowe, MA Jun 10, 1987.
Rebuilt. Name changed to Tondelayo in 2002. Was under restoration
by Collings Foundation, MA as N3476G. Now listed
for sale by Courtesy Aircraft. Flying since Nov 2005 in New Smyrna
Beach, FL.
28934 reclamation completed Kelly Field 17 Apr 1947
28938 (MSN 108-33263) converted to TB-25N. Civil registry in 1958 as N7946C.
Under restoration by Aero Nostalgia, CA as N7946C. Issued airworthiness certificate
in 1995.
28939 to Brazil in 1946/47. Also have this as going to reclamation at Kelly Field Oct 1, 1947
28940 to Brazil in 1946/47. Also have this as going to reclamation at Kelly Field Mar 10, 1948.
28941 reclamation completed Robins AFB 11 Mar 1950
28945 (MSN 108-33220) converted as General Arnold's personal transport. To MASDC
Dec 1958. To Edwards Petroleum Co, TX in 1960 as N3184G. To Bendix Corp
of Baltimore, MD 1963-1968. to Transaereos Beni, La Paz, Bolivia 1972
as CP-970. Crashed Jun 7, 1976.
28946 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
28947 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
28948 to Cuban AF as 304. To Uruguayan AF as 162 Jan 1958.
28949 to Brazil in 1946/47
28950 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ584. Craqshed after night takeoof, Gander,
Canada Aug 29, 1944.
28951 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ585. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28952 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ586. SOC Nov 1, 1945
28953 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ587. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28954 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ588. Destroyed by fire when crashed during
ferry flight, Sept Isles, PQ Aug 25, 1944
28955 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ589. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28956 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ590. SOC Oct 7, 1947
28957 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ591. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28958 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ592. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28959 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ593. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28960 to RFC Bush Field 17 May 1946
28961 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28962 to RFC Kingman, AZ 25 Jan 1946
28963 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ594. SOC Dec 17, 1946
28964 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ595.
28965 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ596. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28966 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ597. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28967 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ598. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28968 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ599. SOC Oct 22, 1947
28969 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ600. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28970 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ601. SOC Nov 26, 1946
28971 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ602. SOC Jun 6, 1947
28972 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ603. Damaged when ran off taxiway at
Fersfield, England Sep 12, 1945. Not repaired and presumably scrapped.
28973 to RFC Roswell AAF, NM 20 Nov 1946
28974 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28975 to RFC Kingman 30 Jan 1946
28976/28985 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Sep 1944
28986 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
28988 to ASF ADO 21 May 1946
28989/28998 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Sep 1944
28999 to RFC Kingman, AZ 26 Jan 1946
29000 to RFC Kingman, AZ 17 Jan 1946
29001 to RFC Kingman, AZ 18 Jan 1946
29002/29006 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Sep 1944
29007/29011 to Brazil in 1944
29012 Pampa AAF surveyed 16 Jun 1945
29013 to RFC Kingman, AZ 20 Jan 1946
29014 to RFC Kingman, AZ 20 Feb 1946
29015/29020 to Brazil in 1944
29021 to NEIAF as N5-232, later to RAAF as A47-38. SOC 3/50.
29022 to NEIAF as N5-233
29023 to NEIAF as N5-234. Now on static display at Indonesian Air Force
Museum, Central Java as M-439
29024 to NEIAF as N5-235, later to RAAF as A47-39. SOC 3/50.
29025 to RFC Kingman, AZ 20 Jan 1946
29026 to RFC Kingman, AZ 25 Jan 1946
29027 wrecked 15 Aug 1944, Atlanta,Ga; DBR. Reclamation completed 26 Oct 1944
29028 to NEIAF
29029 to NEIAF as N5-236
29030 to NEIAF as N5-237
29031 to NEIAF as N5-238
29032 to NEIAF as N5-239. To Indonesian AF as M-439
29033 to NEIAF as N5-240
29034 to NEIAF as N5-241
29035 to Venezuela as FAV0953. Recovered 1993 from
Palo Negro Air Base, Venezuela in 1993 and
registered as N61821. Stored for spares in
Alpharetta, Georgia.
Restored by Air Heritage Museum, PA. To
US Navy Air Museum, Pensacola FL as PBJ-1D
BuNo 35143. Noted Mar 2006 at National Musuem of Naval Aviation
Pensacola, FL painted as 35087. Later became N3516G.
29036 (TB-25J) reclamation Kessler AFB 19 Oct 1950
29037 (TB-25J) reclamation at Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29038 to RFC Kingman, AZ 20 Jan 1946
29039 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds,MD 22 May 1949
29040 to RFC Kingman 18 Jan 1946
29041 (TB-25J) to reclamation Mather AFB 3 May 1950
29042 (TB-25J) to reclamation Pyote 22 Dec 1949
29046 to reclamation Enid AAF 24 Jan 1946
29050 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29053 to reclamation Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
29055 to reclamation Langley AAF 21 Sep 1947
29056 to Brazil in 1946/47. Also listed as going to reclamation at Kelly Fld 1 Aug 1947
29059 to reclamation Boco Raton, Fl 28 Jan 1949
29063 Frederick AAF,OK surveyed 15 Feb 1945
29064/29073 to USN as PBJ-1J 35239/35248
29074 to reclamation Kelly Fld 17 Apr 1947
29076 to reclamation Moody AAF, GA 24 Jan 1945
29077 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29078 Pampa AAF surveyed 12 Jul 1945
29079/29088 to Britian Sep 1944
29079 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ604. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29080 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ605. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29081 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ606. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29082 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ607. SOC Jun 21, 1947
29083 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ608. SOC Jun 21, 1947
29084 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ609. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29085 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ610. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29086 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ611. SOC Aug 7, 1947
29087 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ612. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29088 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ613. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29089 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ614. To Aberdeen Proving Grounds,
MD 23 May 1946. SOC from RAF Jun 6, 1947
29090 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29091 to reclamation Barksdale Field, LA 10 Nov 1949
29092/29101 to Britian Sep 1944
29102 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29103 Pampa AAF surveyed 27 Mar 1945
29104 (TB-25J) to reclamation Tinker AFB 8 Nov 1949
29105 to reclamation Barksdale Field, LA 11 Feb 1949
29106 (TB-25J) to reclamation Vance AFB,OK 30 Sep 1949
29107 (4121 BU) crahsed on landing at Kelly Field, TX Sep 20, 1944.
29108 to RFC Kingman AAF 31 Mar 1946
29109 Pampa AAF surveyed 19 Jun 1945
29110 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 30 Apr 1946
44-29111 ... 44-29910
North American B-25J-20/22-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-32386/108-33185 (Andrade quotes 108-33436/34235)
29111 (341st BG) lost Jan 18, 1945. MACR 112284. Condemned 22 Jan 1945
29112 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
29113 Eglin AAF scrapped 14 Mar 1946
29116 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 26 May 1946
29117 Enid AAF, Okla salvaged 31 Oct 1946
29119 to reclamation Ft.Worth AAF 30 Sep 1946
29120 to reclamation Muroc AAF 16 Dec 1944
29121 converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N86427. Now on static display at Museo
del Aire Cuatro Vientos, Madrid, Spain. In 1988 this was painted as
41-30338, the only B-25 ever used by Spanish AF.
29122 to USN 2 Jun 1949
29123 became N9869C.
29124 to reclamation Hamilton AAF 30 Apr 1946
29125 (TB-25N) ditched in Monongahela River near Homestead, PA Jan 31, 1956 while
enroute from Selfridge AFB, MI to Olmstead AFB, Harrisburg, PA. All six crew
evacuated the aircraft, but 2 did not make it to shore. Aircraft sank and was
never recovered.
29126 Hamilton AAF, CA salvaged 9 Dec 1945
29127 converted to TB-25N. Under restoration by Colvin Aircraft, OK as N9899C
29128 to RCAF as 5236 in 1952. to
US civilian register as N92872.
Now on a pole at Technical Museum,
Chapultepec Park, Mexico City.
29130 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 13 May 1946
29133 Robins AAF AMC 9 Mar 1947(storage)
29134 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29135 (TB-25J) to reclamation Pyote AAB 22 Dec 1949
29139 to reclamation Columbia AAB, SC 26 Oct 1944
29142 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29145 became N9877C.
29146 to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
29147 to Reclamation FEA 13 Jul 1949 (UCIP condemned salvage 25 Nov 1946, Acft
assigned FEA 30 Apr 1947)
29148 (28th BG) wandered into Soviet airspace Jun 10, 1945 and was shot down by AAA. MACR 14612. 6 crew killed.
29149 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ624. Took off on unauthorized flight and
flew into trees, Wavre, Belgium May 1, 1945.
29150 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ625. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29151 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ626. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29152 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ627. Damaged when force-landed at Blackbushe,
England Aug 13, 1945. Not repaired and presumably subsequently scrapped.
29153 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ628. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29158 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ629. SOC Jun 21, 1947
29159 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ630. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29160 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ631. SOC Jun 21, 1947
29161 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ632. SOC Sep 27, 1947
29162 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ633. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29163 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ634. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29164 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ635. Wrecked when overshot landing at
Kirkbride, England Oct 16, 1945
29165 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ636. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29166 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ637. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29167 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29168 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29169 to reclamation Chanute 29 Aug 1947
29171 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ638. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29172 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ639. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29173 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ640. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29174 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ641. Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
29175 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ642. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29176 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ643. SOC Feb 7, 1947
29177/29179 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Oct 1944
29182 listed as being converted to TB-25N and later became N7768C.
29184/29196 Lend-Lease to USSR via Alaska Oct 1944
29197 Phillips AFB, MD (Aberdeen Pvg) salvaged 19 Jul 1948
29199 airworthy at Rialto, CA as N9117Z "In the Mood".
Used in filming of *Pearl Harbor*
29200 to reclamation Turner AAF,GA 17 Jul 1945
29201/29209 Lend-Lease to USSR Oct 1944
29210 to reclamation at Kelly Field Jul 24, 1947
29211 to reclamation at Kelly Field Jul 24, 1947
29212 reclamation Enid AAF, OK 4 Aug 1945
29213 to RFC Enid AAF, OK 9 Jul 1946
29215 to reclamation Stewart AAF, TX 15 Oct 1948
29216 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29217 to reclamation Chanute 15 Jul 1946
29218 to reclamation Boca Raton AAF, FL 17 Mar 1947
29219 to reclamation Enid AAF, Okla 29 Nov 1945
29220 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 29 May 1946
29221 to eclamation Enid AAF 7 Jan 1946
29222 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29223 to reclamation Maxwell AFB 1 Nov 1948
29225 Tuskegee AAF surveyed 18 Jun 1945
29226 UCIP 7AF (Manila, Luzon,PI) condemned salvage obsolete 10 Dec 1945
29228 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29229 (CB-25J) reclamation Pyote AF 22 Feb 1949
29232 to reclamation Perrin Fld, TX 28 Feb 1947
29233 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29235 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29236 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
29241 to reclamation Perrin Fld 24 Jul 1947
29242 to reclamation Perrin Fld 24 Jul 1947
29243 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29244 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29245 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29246 (TB-25J) to reclamation Reese AFB, TX 9 Oct 1950
29248 to reclamation/scrap Bolling Fld, DC 25 Aug 1947
29249 became N9637C
29252 to reclamation Mitchel Fld, NY 24 May 1946
29254 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin AAF 17 Apr 1947
29255 (TB-25J) to reclamation Turner AAF 6 Jul 1945
29256 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29258 to reclamation Patterson Fld, OH 26 Aug 1946
29260 to NEIAF Nov 1944 as N5-242
29261 to NEIAF Nov 1944 as N5-243
29262 to NEIAF Nov 1944 as N5-244
29263 to NEIAF Nov 1944 as N5-245
29264 condemned due to accident May 17, 1945
29265 (345th BG) lost Apr 6 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14145
29266 to reclamation Manila FEA 3 Dec 1946
29267 to reclamation Manila FEA 13 Jul 1949
29268 condemned MIA 23 Jun 1945
29269 condemned ack ack 26 Apr 1945
29270 condemned flak 15 Mar 1945
29271 (71st BG) lost Mar 6, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 12932
29272 condemned ack ack 22 Apr 1945
29273 Perrin AAF, TX salvaged 28 Feb 1947
29274 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld, TX 24 Jul 1947
29276 to USN as PBJ-1J 35249
29277/29285 to USN as PBJ-1J 38980/38988
29286 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29287 to civil registry as N9116Z, then CP-796. Became N9637C
29288 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29289 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin Fld, TX 17 Apr 1947
29290/29299 to USN as PBJ-1J 38989/38998
29292 became N68777
29300 to RFC Kingman 15 Feb 1946
29301 (TB-25J_ tp reclamation Muroc AB, CA 25 Apr 1949
29303 to reclamation Barksdale AAF, LA 17 Mar 1947
29304 to reclamation FEA 22 Sep 1947
29305 to reclamation FEA 15 Jan 1948
29306 (38th BG) lost Mar 29, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14241
29307 condemned accident Feb 20, 1945
29308 condemned accident combat damage 11 Mar 1945
29309 (38th BG) lost Feb 5, 1945. MACR 13402
29310 to reclamation FEA 22 Sep 1947
29311 to reclamation FEA 13 Jul 1949
29313 to reclamation Perrin AAF 24 Jul 1947
29314 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 27 May 1946
29315 to reclamation Langley AAF, VA 30 Dec 1947
29316/29325 Lend-Lease to USSR Oct 1944
29327 to reclamation Turner AAF, GA 20 Apr 1945
29330/29339 Lend-Lease to USSR Oct 1944
29340 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29341 to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29344/29348 Lend-Lease to USSR Oct 1944
29349 condemned accident 2 Feb 1945
29350 condemned combat 30 Mar 1945
29351 (71st BG) lost Jan 9, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13502
29352 condemned enemy action 16 Jan 1945
29353 condemned destroyed 22 Feb 1945
29354 condemned bombed 25 Jan 1945
29355 condemned accident not combat related 19 Oct 1945
29356 condemned accident 23 Aug 1945
29357 condemned enemy action 6 Jan 1945
29358 condemned salvage 23 Aug 1945
29359 condemned 5 Dec 1944
29360 (38th BG) lost Mar 11, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13324.
29361 condemned salvage 21 Feb 1945
29362 condemned ack ack 2 Apr 1945
29363 (TB-25J) to reclamation Maxwell AFB, AL 29 Jan 1945
29366 (MSN 108-32641) converted to TB-25N in 1954. Dropped from USAF inventory Dec 1959.
To civilian registry as N9115Z and flown by Sonora Flying Service, Columbia, CA as fire-fighting
bomber aircraft. Was *Catch 22* aircraft. Acquired by Military Aircraft Restoration Corp of
Chino, CA in 1972. Used in filming of *Hanover Street*. Acquired by Warbirds of Great Britain collection,
then based at Blackbushe Jun 1979. Loaned to RAF Museum in 1982. Now on static display at Bomber Command
Museum, Hendon, UK. Is painted as 34037, and is technically
RAF property so has the instructional airframe serial 8838M
29367 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
29371 (38th BG) lost May 6, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14391
29372 condemned ack ack 6 Mar 1945
29373 condemned accident 6 Mar 1945
29374 condemned destroyed 20 Feb 1945
29376 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ644. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29377 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ645. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29378 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ646. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29379 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ647. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29380 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ648. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29381 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ649. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29382 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ650. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29383 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ651. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29384 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ652. SOC Sep 27, 1945
29385 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ653. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29386 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ654. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29387 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ655. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29388 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ656. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29389 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ657. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29392 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 17 Apr 1947
29394 (TB-25J) to reclamation Barksdale AAF, La 29 May 1947
29396 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ658. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29397 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ659. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29398 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ660. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29399 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ661. Overshot landing and caught
fire, Auxerre, France Apr 12, 1945
29400 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ662. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29401 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ663. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29402/29415 Lend-Lease to USSR Nov 1944
29416 (TB-25J) to storage at Enid AAF, OK 31 Mar 1947
29417 to reclamation Enid AAF 4 Mar 1946
29419 (TB-25J) to reclamation Ft. Worth AAF 15 Oct 1946
29420 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AAF 4 Aug 1945
29422/29441 Lend-Lease to USSR Nov 1944
29442 condemned salvage from enemy action 28 May 1946
29443 (TB-25J) to reclamation Scott AFB, ILL 13 May 1950
29445 (TB-25J) to reclamation Barksdale AAF 10 May 1949
29446 (TB-25J) to reclamation Moddy AAF, Ga 28 Nov 1944
29447 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 26 May 1946
29448/29463 Lend-Lease to USSR Nov 1944
29465 (MSN 108-32740) to TB-25N. To civil register as N3523G in 1959. Went
through a succession of owners. Registration
changed to N25GL in 1985. Restored to
airworthy condition in 1989. Operated as
Guardian of Freedom at Frazer, MI. Sold to
Martin Aviation of Orange County Apt, CA in
June 2000.
29466 to reclamation Turner AAF, Ga 15 Oct 1945
29468 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29469 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin AAF 24 Jul 1947
29470/29471 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 17 Apr 1947
29472 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
29474 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 17 Apr 1947
29475 (TB-25J) to reclamation Moody Fld 24 Jan 1945
29476 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin AAF 24 Jul 1947
29477 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin AAF 24 Apr 1947
29480 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin AAF 17 Apr 1947
29481 (TB-25Jl) to reclamation Kelly Fld 17 Apr 1947
29482 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29483 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin Fld 24 Jul 1947
29484 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin Fld 24 Jul 1947
29485 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ664. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29486 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ665. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29487 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ666. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29488 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ667. SOC Dec 26, 1946
29489 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ668. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29490 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ669. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29419 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ670. DBR at Oakes Field, Bahamas
when struck by runaway Mitchell KJ583 (ex 44-28774)
29492 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ671. SOC Aug 23, 1945.
To reclamation Long Beach AAF, CA 15 Jul 1946
29493/29502 to Brazil in Oct 1944
29500 at Eduardo Andrea Matarazzo
War Museum, Bebeduoro, Brazil
29504 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
29505 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29507 converted to TB-25N. To civilian registry as N3698G.
Now operated by Duke of Brabant Air Force at Gilze Rijen AB,
the Netherlands. Registered as N320SQ (referring to RAF Dutch 320 Sq.).
Was painted as RAF Mitchell HD346/NO-V/Lotys II, but since 1999
painted as 218 Sqdn ML-KNIL (Royal Netherlands East-Indies
Air Force) Mitchell N5-149, SARINAH
and flies regularly during airshows in Europe.
Will be re-registered PH-XXV in 2009. Reported Nov 2008
now owned by Dutch AF Historic Flight
29508 (TB-25J) to Reclamation Kelly Fld 4 Nov 1949
29510/29513 to USN as PBJ-1J 64969/64972
29514 to NEIAF as N5-246
29515 to NEIAF as N5-247
29516 to NEIAF as N5-248
29517 to NEIAF as N5-249
29518 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 24 Jul 1947
29519 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin Fld 17 Apr 1947
29520 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kelly Fld 1 Dec 1949
29521 (TB-25J) to reclamation Barksdale AAF 26 Jun 1947
29522 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AAF 28 Jan 1947
29523 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AAF 28 Jan 1947
29524 (TB-25J) to reclamation Tuskegee AAF 21 Aug 1945
29525/29543 Lend-Lease to USSR Nov 1944
29544 condemned accident 29 Jan 1945
29545 condemned accident 21 May 1945
29546 condemned accident 29 Dec 1944
29547 condemned 17 May 1945
29548 condemned salvage 13 May 1945
29549 (345th BG) lost Mar 6, 1945, SW Pacific.
29550/29569 Lend-Lease to USSR Nov 1944
29570 condemned accident not combat related 31 Oct 1945
29571 condemned salvage accident 11 Aug 1945
29572 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29573 to Reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29574 (38th BG) shot down by enemy ack ack 7 Feb 1945. MACR 13582
29575 condemned salvage 25 Apr 1945
29576 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29577 to reclamation 10 Jul 1949
29578 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29579 condemned salvage combat use 23 Dec 1945
29580 (345th BG) lost Mar 21, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 13500
29581 to reclamation 15 Jan 1948
29582 condemned salvage 20 Apr 1945
29583 to reclamation 12 Jul 1949
29584 (42nd BG) lost Jun 6, 1945. MACR 14449.
29585 to reclamation 12 Jul 1949
29586 condemned accident combat damage 21 Jan 1945
29587 condemned salvage 23 Apr 1945
29588 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29589 condemned destroyed 9 May 1945
29590 to reclamation 15 Jan 1948
29590 to reclamation 15 Jan 1948
29591 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29592/29593 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29594 condemned combat 13 Aug 1945
29595 to reclamation 22 Sep 1944
29596 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29597 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29598 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29599 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29600 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29601 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 30 Apr 1946
29602 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 16 May 1946
29603 to RFC Walnut Ridge 16 Apr 1946
29604/29617 to USN as PBJ-1J 38999/39012
29618/29623 to USN as PBJ-1J 64943/64948
29624 (TB-25J) to reclamation Love Fld, TX 2 Jan 1946
29625 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 13 Aug 1946
29626 to reclamation McChord AAF, WA 28 Jan 1947
29627 to reclamation Jacksonville AAF, FL 13 Feb 1947
29628 became N9419H
29630 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ672. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29631 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ673. Struck in rear by USAAF P-47
over West Hendred, England Jul 11, 1945. Returned safely
but then SOC
29632 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ674. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29633 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ675. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29634 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ676. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29635 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ677. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29636 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ678. SOC Dec 26, 1946
29637 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ679. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29638 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ680. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29639 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ681. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29640 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ682. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29641 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ683. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29642 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ684. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29643 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ685. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29644 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ686. Transferred to RCAF
Sep 25, 1945. To Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 6 Jun 1946
29645 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ687. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29646 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ688. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29647 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ689. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29648 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ690. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29649 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ691. SOC Sep 28, 1945
29651 to reclamation Kelly Fld 4 Nov 1949
29652 (TB-25J) to reclamation Perrin Fld 24 Jul 1947
29653 to reclamation 13 Dec 1946
29654 condemned crash 6 May 1945
29655 condemned salvage 16 Apr 1945
29656 to reclamation 22 Sep 1945
29657 to reclamation 12 Jul 1949
29658 to eclamation 13 Sep 1946
29659 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29660 condemned salvage accident 19 Aug 1945
29661 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29662 to reclamation 15 Jan 1948
29663 condemned destroyed 24 Feb 1945
29664 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29665 Wrecked, 13 Nov 1944, March Field, CA; Spun-in, crew killed
29666 to reclamation 12 Jul 1949
29667 condemned missing 28 Jun 1945
29668 Wrecked, 4 Dec 1944, Memphis,Tenn During ferry flight; DBR
29669 condemned MIA 26 Jul 1945
29670 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29671 (71st BG) lost Aug 31, 1945, SW Pacific
29676 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 27 May 1946
29678 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ692. SOC Nov 13, 1945. To Armee de l'Air as staff transport. Damaged
when gear collapsed at Luxeuil, France Jul 28, 1951. Repaired and to USA as N9958F in 1953.
To XB-DOF, broken up and scrapped 1989.
29679 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ693. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29680 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ694. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29681 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ695. SOC Jul 1, 1945
29682 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ696. SOC Mar 4, 1947
29683 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ697. SOC Nov 19, 1946
29684 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ698. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29685 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ699. SOC Oct 22, 1947
29686 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ700. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29687 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ701. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29688 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ702. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29689 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ703. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29690 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ704. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29691 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ705. SOC Feb 19, 1947
29692 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ706. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29693 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ707. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29694 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ708. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29695 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ709. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29696 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ710. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29697 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ711. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29699 to RCAF as 5278 in 1953
29701 (TB-25J) to reclamation Olmstead AAF, PA 1 Apr 1947
29703 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29704/29723 Lend-Lease to USSR Dec 1944
29724 (TB-25J) to reclamation Langley AAF 1 Apr 1947. Became N7796C
29725 to Russia Dec 1944
29726 to RCAF as 5274 in 1953.
29730/29749 Lend-Lease to USSR Dec 1944
29750 to RCAF as 5277 in 1953
29752 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AAF 30 Oct 1946
29753 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Gorunds, MD 20 May 1946
29756 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29757 condemned accident 4 Apr 1945
29758 condemned ack ack 2 Apr 1945
29759 (TB-25J) to reclamation Tachikawa AFB, Japan 30 Sep 1949
29760 crashed while on mission over island of Cebu Apr 3, 1945.
Condemned accident 5 Apr 1945
29761/29762 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29763 condemned salvage combat use 30 Sep 1945
29764 condemned salvage obsolete 11 Jun 1946
29765/29769 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29770 (42nd BG) lost May 2, 1945. MACR 14424
29771 to reclamation 13 Apr 1949
29772 condemned ack ack 4 Jun 1945
29773 (71st BG) lost Jun 4, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14655.
29774/29775 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29776 to reclamation 22 Sep 1947
29777/29778 to reclamation 13 Jul 1949
29779 condemned accident 10 Jul 1945
29780 condemned accident 29 May 1945
29781 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AAF 26 Jul 1946
29784 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29788/29794 to USN as PBJ-1J 64949/64955
29795 (TB-25J) to reclamation Douglas AAF, AZ 15 Oct 1945
29797 (TB-25J) to reclamation Kessler AAF, MS 1 Apr 1947
29798 (TB-25J) to reclamation Douglas AAF 20 Sep 1945
29801/29807 to USN as PBJ-1J 64956/64962
29808 converted to TB-25N. Became N5248V
29810 becma N9652C
29812 to civil registry as N2854G and displayed at Paul Bunyan
Amusement Park, Brainerd, MN 1958-2000, un-airworthy.
To Aero Trader, Chino, CA 2000-2003. Dismantled and
stored at Ocotillo Wells, CA
29813 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
29814/29819 to USN as PBJ-1J 64963/64968
29823 (TB-25J) to reclamation Chanute Field 21 Oct 1947
29824 (TB-25J) to reclamation Douglas AAF, AZ 21 Aug 1945
29826 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ712. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29827 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ713. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29828 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ714. SOC Nov 21, 1946
29829 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ715. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29830 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ716. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29831 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ717. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29832 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ718. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29833 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ719. SOC Aug 23, 1945
29835 converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N3676G. Now on static display at USAF History
and Traditions Museum, Lackland AFB, TX
29837 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29839 converted to TB-25N. Became N7669C
29841 (TB-25J) to reclamation Barksdale AFB 18 Jun 1948
29842 (TB-25J) to reclamation Enid AFB 25 Jul 1948
29844 to reclamation Tyndall AFB 31 Jan 1950
29846/29857 to Britian Nov 1944
29846 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ720. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29847 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ721. Dove into Lake St Louis
after takeoff from Dorval, Canada Dec 10, 1944
29848 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ722. Wrecked when crashlanded
4 mi N of Dorval, CAnada Dec 7, 1944 after catching fire in air.
29849 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ723. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29850 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ724. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29851 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ725. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29852 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ726. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29853 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ727. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29854 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ728. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29855 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ729. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29856 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ730. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29857 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ731. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29858 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29862 (TB-25J) Ferry to ASF ADO 29 Apr 1946
29863 (TB-25J) to reclamation completed Long Beach AAF 10 Mar 1945
29865 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 10 Apr 1946
29866 (TB-25J) to reclamation completed San Bernardino, CA 24 May 1946
29867 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Enid AAF 17 Apr 1947
29869 airworthy with Confederate Air Force, as N27493. Ex N3160G. After its rebuild
which finished in 1993, it was painted as'327493'.
29870/29884 to USN as PBJ-1J 64973/64987
29887 (MSN 108-33162) was in storage at NASM. Was N10564 *Catch 22* aircraft. Now on display at
Udvar-Hazy Center of NASM, Chantilly, Virginia
29891 to Brazil in 1946/47
29895 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
29897/29901 to USN as PBJ-1J 64988/64992
29903 to RCAF as 5283 in 1953
29905 was orginally supposed to be sent to Brazil 11 Jul 1946, that was amended
and plane was sent to Cuba 27 Jun 1947
29907 to RCAF as 5279 in 1953
29909 (TB-25J) reclamation completed McAndrew AFB, Argentia, Newfoundland
14 Oct 1949
29910 became N2835G, then, N58T, then N58TA
44-29911 ... 44-30910
North American B-25J-25/27-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-33186/108-34185 (Andrade quotes 108-34236/35235)
29911 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Weaver AFB(Ellsworth AFB),SD 10 Nov 1948
29912 to Peru in 1947.
29913 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
29917 reclamation completed Langley AB 30 Dec 1947
29919 converted to TB-25N. To civil register as N9868C in 1958. Disappeared
off civil register in 1967. May have been used
by Biafran Air Force in war for independence.
29921 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29925 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Blackland AAF, TX 4 Sep 1945
29926 (TB-25J) reclamation completed LaJunta AAB, CO 27 Mar 1945
29927 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Douglas AAF 27 Mar 1945
29928 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds. MD 23 May 1946
29932 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946
29938 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Randolph AAF, TX 2 May 1946
29939 (MSN 108-33214) redesignated TB-25J Nov 1947. Modified as TB-25N Jan 1954.
Sold to National Metals of Phoenix, AZ as N9456Z in 1959. To
Tallmantz Aviation in 1961. Used in filming of *Catch 22*.
To Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, Reading, PA. in 1982, still as N9456Z.
Airworthy as "Briefing Time" marked as 43-27638. Landing accident in May 1997,
underwent rebuild. Rebuilt and is flying the airshow circuit again aince 1999.
29943 converted to TB-25J, became N9444Z. Reported derelict and on
fire dump at Anchorage, AK in 1976. Removed as undersling
load by helicopter 10 years later. Put under restoration at
Fairacres, NM. as N943 Sept 1987
29944 (CB-25J) wrecked,22 Sep 1950, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Crashed:DBR
29945 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29946 (TB-25J) lost to ASF 31 Jul 1946
29950 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Langley AFB, VA 3 Feb 1950
29951 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Barksdale AFB 16 Aug 1948
29953 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 19 May 1946
29954 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ732. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29955 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ733. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29956 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ734. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29957 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ735. Ditched Dec 26, 1944 during
ferry flight between Bluie West One, Greenland and Reykjavik, Iceland
29958 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ736. SOC Nov 29, 1946
29959 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ737. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29960 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ738. SOC Aug 7, 1947
29961 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ739. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29962 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ740. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29963 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ741. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29964 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ742. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29965 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ743. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29966 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ744. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29967 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ745. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29968 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29971 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AAF 20 Nov 1946
29975 (TB-26J) reclamation completed Barksdale AAF 12 May 1945
29979 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ746. SOC Jan 13, 1947
29980 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ747. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29981 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ748. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29982 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ749. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29983 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ750. SOC Jun 6, 1947
29984 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ751. Ditched Jan 3, 1945 during
ferry flight between Reykjavik, Iceland and Prestwick, Scotland.
29986/29993 Lend-Lease to USSR Dec 1944
29994 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
29998 (TB-25J) to storage at Brookley AFB 9 Mar 1950
30000/30006 Lend-Lease to USSR Jan 1945
30007 (TB-25J) crashed Mt Magazine, Arkansas Nov 14, 1947.
Reclamation completed Barksdale AFB 10 Feb 1948
30009 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Tinker AFB 13 Sep 1949
30010 became N9641C
30012 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Douglas AAF 13 Sep 1945
30013/30019 Lend-Lease to USSR Feb 1945
30020 became N5243V
30021 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 26 May 1946
30025 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
30026/30032 Lend-Lease to USSR Jan 1945
30034 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Yuma AAF, AZ 6 Dec 1945
30036 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
30037 (TB-25J) reclamation completed March Field 24 Jul 1947
30038 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AAF 10 Sep 1947
30039/30045 Lend-Lease to USSR Jan 1945
30047 converted as company transport. w/o 2/27/1946.
30051 reclamation completed Chanute AFB 29 Mar 1950
30052/30055 Lend-Lease to USSR Jan 1945
30056 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
30057 (TB-25J) damaged in ground collision at South Plains Field,
TX Jul 19, 1945.
30058 (CB-25J) reclamation completed Mitchel Field 1 Sep 1948
30059 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Chanute AAF 23 Aug 1946
30060 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AFB 19 Jul 1949
30061 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AAF 29 Nov 1945
30065 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Andrews AB 17 Dec 1946
30069 to Brazil in Jul 30, 1947 as 5127. Now on display at Museo Aerospacial de FAB,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
30071 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 6 Aug 1946
30075 became N9085Z
30076 (TB-25J) to Eglin AAF Range #63 Airstrip 11 Apr 1947
30077 in pieces at Kissimmee, FL as N2849C. *Catch 22* aircraft. Reported to be under
restoration to flight status at Chino, CA
30078 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Wright AB 26 Aug 1948
30079 to Universal Air Tankers as N5239V. Crashed Jul 27, 1960 in Hells Canyon
area WNW of Council, ID. 2 killed.
30081 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
30082 (TB-25J) reclamation completed San Bernardino AB 17 Apr 1947
30083 (TB-25J) to Aberdeem Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
30084 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30085 became N3503G. Crashed in Oregon while firebombing Jul 22, 1960
30086 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30088 reclamation completed Robins AFV 13 Mar 1950
30089 is reported to be the original identity of N86411 which crashed at Maison Blanche,
Algeria Mar 9, 1962, killing all four occupants. The MSN quoted (108-34414) does
not match up, however.
30090 reported stored unconverted at Rockdale, TX until early 1970s.
Reported 1987 stored dismantled at Borrego Springs, CA and
fuselage reported Sep 1988 at Chino, CA. Dismantled for restoration at
Aero Trader, Chino, CA as N9633C
30095 to Cuban as as 303. To Uruguayan AF as 161 Nov 1957
30096 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30097 Rome AAF, NY surveyed 30 Jul 1945
30098 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 16 Jul 1946
30100 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AB 17 Mar 1947
30103 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Eglin AB 15 May 1947
30105 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Philipps AFB,MD (Aberdeen Proving Grounds),
19 Jul 1948
30107 (TB-25J) forcelanded at Jefferson Proving Grounds, IN
Apr 19, 1945. Reclamation completed Jefferson Proving Grounds, IN 9 May 1945
30111 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30114 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30115 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30117 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30121 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Andrews AB 18 Aug 1947
30123 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30129 was in Walter Soplata collection, Newbury, OH. Restored by Vintage Aircraft, Inc, Woodstock, Georgia.
Now flyable and registered as N7947C and nicknamed "Wild Cargo". On display at Military Aviation Museum,
Virginia Beach, VA
30130 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Chanute AB 17 Apr 1947
30131 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Scott AFB 14 Nov 1950
30132 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
30135 (TB-25J) damaged in ground collision at Douglas AAF, AZ Oct 22, 1945.
30136 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30137 to Brazil in Sep 10, 1947
30138 (TB-25J, 91st ABG) crashed near Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee Sep 30, 1949 when left engine caught
fire and fell free. 9 aboard parachuted, 2 died. Pilot stayed with plane to steer it away from
populated area but jumped too late. Reclamation completed Spokane AFB, WA 30 Sep 1949
30139 to Brazil in 1946/47
30141 reclamation completed Robbins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30142 to Brazil in 1946/47
30144 reclamation completed 22 Sep 1947
30145 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30146 condemned 17 May 1945
30147/30148 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30149 condemned enemy action 15 Jun 1945
30152 (TB-25J) damaged in ground collision at Douglas AAF, AZ
Apr 17, 1945. Reclamation completed Douglas AAF, AZ 12 May 1945
30153 (TB-25J)
30154 (TB-25J) crashed on takeoff at Huntsville Arsenal, AL
Aug 31, 1945, reclamation completed Huntsville Arsenal, AL 27 Sep 1945
30155 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Enid AAF, OK 2 Oct 1946
30158 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 5 Jun 1946
30159 became N9655C
30162 condemned accident 26 Apr 1945
30163 reclamation completed 15 Jan 1948
30164 (345th BG) lost May 17, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14447.
30165 (42nd BG, 100th BS) lost May 5, 1945 near Tagalinog Island
on a practice skip bombing mission. Practice bomb was
dropped over water,but dropped bomb bounced off surface
and hit the plane, destroying the aircraft and killing
the entire crew. MACR 16225.
30166/30168 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30169 condemned flak 11 Jul 1945
30170 reclamation completed 22 Sep 1947
30171 condemned salvage 6 Jun 1945
30172 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30173 condemned accident 29 Aug 1945
30174 condemned accident 26 May 1945
30175 condemned accident 21 May 1945
30176 reclamation completed Godman AAF, KY 6 Dec 1945
30177 Atterbury AAF,Ind surveyed 1 Feb 1945
30182 reclamation completed Goodman AAF, Ft. Knox, KY 17 Jul 1945
30183 reclamation completed Lockbourne AAF, OH 17 Apr 1945
30184 Gunter AAF,Ala surveyed 8 Jun 1945
30185 reclamation completed Langley AAF, VA 24 May 1946
30186 Godman AAF surveyed 1 Mar 1945
30187 became N9170Z
30188 Godman AAF surveyed 12 Sep 1945
30189 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30190 condemned accident 26 Jul 1945
30191 condemned accident 13 Jun 1945
30192 condemned combat 25 Apr 1945
30193 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ752. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30194 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ753. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30195 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ754. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30196 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ755. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30197 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ756. Crashed before delivery to RAF
30198 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ757. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30199 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ758. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30200 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ759. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30201 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ760. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30202 reclamation completed Andrews AAF 3 Jul 1946
30203 surveyed at Greenville AAF Nov 2, 1945. Now at Nanta Rosa, CA being restored
to airworthy.
30204 (VB-25J) reclamation completed Offutt AFB 8 Sep 1949
30205 (TB-25J) crashlanded 2 mi NW of Carrier, OK Oct 7, 1945, reclamation
completed Enid AAF 25 Oct 1945
30209 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Barksdale AFB 16 Aug 1948
30210 (MSN 108-34535) converted to TB-25N. Surplused at MASDC
Dec 31, 1959 and to Paul Mantz Air service as N9455Z. Went
through several owners, reported 1978 with Military Aircraft
Restoration Group, Long Beach, CA. To Luton, England
May 11, 1978 for use in film "Hanover Street". Reported stored
at Blackbushe later that year, but reported 1983 abandoned
at Avignon, France. Later that year to Warplane Flying group
of Wellesbourne Mountford, England burt returned to Military Aircraft
Restoration Group at Long Beach Aug 1, 1986. Reported
acquired by USAF Museum in 1987. Believed on static display at
March AFB. Aircraft owned by David Tallichet
but loaned to March AFB Museum.
30213 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Long Beach, CA 23 Aug 1946
30214 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ761. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30215 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ762. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30216 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ763. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30217 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ764. Diverted to RCAF, no RAF service
30218 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ765. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30219 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ766. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30220 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ767. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30221 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ768. SOC Feb 3, 1947
30222 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ769. SOC Jun 6, 1947
30223 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ770. SOC Nov 29, 1946
30224 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ771. Not delivered to RAF
30225 to Brazil Jul 25, 1947
30226 reclamation completed Des Moines Airport, Iowa 21 Aug 1945
30227 (TB-25J) crashed on Cold Mountain, NC Sep 13, 1946. 5 killed, including
MGen Paul Wurtsmith. Wurtsmith AFB is named after him.
30231 (TB-25J) Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 20 May 1946
30232 (TB-25J) to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 23 May 1946. Later became N9656C.
30233 (TB-25J) crash landed in bad weather at Buffalo Apt, NY Feb 15, 1945.
30234 to RCAF as 5269 in 1953.
30236 (TB-25J) crashlanded 3 mi S of Enid, OK Jan 16, 1945,
reclamation completed Enid AAF 29 Jan 1945
30237 (TB-25J) crashlanded 8 mi E of Coldwater, KS Dec 29, 1945.
30239 to RCAF as 5270 in 1953.
30240 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Robbins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30241 (TB-25J) to RFC Walnut Ridge 4 Apr 1946
30242 to Brazil Sep 22, 1947
30243 to TB-25J Apr 1946. Redesignated CB-25J Feb 1953. Modified as TB-25N
Oct 1954. To civil registry as N9622C. Re-registered as N17666 Feg 1967. To Victory
Air Museum Mundelein, IL. Sold to commercial user, dismantled for restoration at
Kissimmee, FL under ownership of Darly Greenameyer. Traded to USMC Museum,
Quantico, VA. Sent to Pampa, TX on loan from USMC Museum. Returned to USMC Museum in 2002.
30244 Lockbourne AAF surveyed 22 Jan 1945
30245 to Brazil Sep 18, 1947
30246 to Brazil Sep 11, 1947
30248 to Brazil Sep 12, 1947
30249 to Chile Oct 15, 1947
30252 to Chile in 1947 as 801
30253 (TB-25J, HQ Sqn, 52nd ABG) force landedat McGuire AFB, NJ
Aug 29, 1950.
30254 to RCAF as 5211 in 1951. Became CF-MWC
as a fire bomber by G&M Aircraft,
Alberta. To Vintage Wings in June 1995 as
N41123. Now at Aero Trader for a long-term
30256 reclamation completed Hunter AAF 24 Feb 1945
30257 reclamation completed 15 Jan 1948
30258 condemned flak 1 Aug 1945
30259 to RCAF as 5276 in 1953
30260 condemned MIA 6 Jun 1945
30261 condemned missing 21 Aug 1945
30262 condemned salvage obsolete 13 Nov 1945
30263/30265 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30266 reclamation completed South Plains AAF 17 Apr 1947
30267 to RCAF as 5200.
30269 to Uruguayan AF as 150 9 Nov 1949
30272 to Chile in 1947 as 802
30273 to Chile in 1947 as 803. Also listed as going to Uruguaysn AF as 151 Nov 9, 1949.
30274 to Chile in 1947 as 804
30280 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30281 condemned enemy action 20 Jun 1945. Also listed as reclamation completed
Clark FEA, PI 13 Jul 1949
30282 to civil registry as N5864V
30283/30285 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30286 condemned enemy action 21 Jun 1945
30287/30291 reclamation completed 22 Sep 1947
30296 to Peru in 1947.
30302 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
crated at Atlanta, GA
30304 to RCAF as 5208 in 1951.
30306 condemned combat 8 Aug 1945
30307 condemned crash 7 May 1945
30308 condemned salvage due to accident 16 Jul 1945
30309 reclamation completed Peterson AAF, CO 7 Jun 1946
30310 reclamation completed 30 Mar 1948
30311 to Brazil in 1946/47
30312 Atlantic ATC diverted to FLC 15 Sep 1947
30313 reclamation completed Robbins AFB 23 Mar 1950
30314 to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955
30318 reclamation completed Robbins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30319 converted to VB-25J VIP transport
30321 reclamation completed Robins AFB 2 Jun 1950
30322 (EB-25J) reclamation completed Marietta AAF, GA 24 Apr 1947
30324 converted to TB-25N Sept 1954. sold Oct 1958 on civilian
market as CF-OND, later N3161G. Reported with Military Aircraft Restoration Corp as N3161G.
Bought by California user Oct 2007, will be based at South County
airport San Martin, CA and will be restored.
30326 to Cuban AF as 302. To Uruguayan AF as 163 in Jan 1958
30327 condemned 22 Jan 1945
30328 became N3445G
30331 (TB-25J) Andrews AFB salvaged 11 Sep 1950
30334 reclamation completed Robins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30335 (310th BG) lost Apr 19, 1945. MACR 14066
30336 condemned ditched 1 Feb 1945
30337 reclamation completed Brookley AB 11 Sep 1950
30339 reclamation completed Robbins AFB 13 Mar 1950
30340 reclamation completed 15 Jan 1948
30341 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30342 condemned salvage obsolete 15 Aug 1947
30343 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30344 (41st BG) lost Jul 10, 1945, North Pacific.
30345 condemned accident not combat related 8 Oct 1945
30346 reclamation completed Greenville AAB 29 Nov 1945
30347 (EB-25J) reclamation completed Langley AFB 16 Mar 1948
30348 to Brazil Sep 30, 1947. Another possible conflict! According to an article in a 1990 issue of
'FlyPast' magazine, this aircraft went to Cuban AF with serial 305, and from
them to Uruguayan AF
30350 to Brazil Jul 3, 1947
30351 to Brazil Sep 30, 1947
30352 reclamation completed Grenier AB 18 Aug 1947
30353/30356 to USN as PBJ-1J 35821/35824
30358 to Colombia Mar 27, 1947
30359 to RCAF as 5275 in 1953
30360 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30361 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30363 converted to TB-25J. On static display at SAC Museum, Bellevue, Nebraska.
30366 to RCAF as 5280 in 1953
30369 to Venezuela May 3, 1949 - on display as FAV 56-B-40
at Museo Aeronatutico, Maracay
30372/30374 to Chile 15 oct 1947
30375 to RCAF as 5271 in 1953.
30377 became N9613C. Crashed in Washington while firebombing
Jul 26, 1960.
30378 reported 1973 at Aircraft Industries Museum, Louisville, KY
30380 reclamation completed Andrews AB 17 Sep 1946
30381 reclamation completed Andrews AFB 13 Mar 1950
30384 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30385 reclamation completed Andrews AB 17 Sep 1946
30386 converted to TB-25N. To N9156Z. Broken up at Tucson, rear
fuselage reported there Nov 1969
30388 reclamation completed Cincinnati, OH 1 Apr 1946
30389 (TB-25J, HQ Sqn, 25th ABG) crashed 4 mi SW of Iowa City, IA
Feb 10,1951, reclamation completed Chanute AFB 13 Feb 1951
30390 to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955.
30391 to RCAF as 5207 in 1951
30391 to NEIAF as N5-257 (conflict here)
30392 to Chile Oct 17, 1947 as 805
30393 to RCAF as 5201 Jun 29, 1951. SOC May 23, 1962. Became
N92873, then N522DB
30395 (TB-25J) crashed 1 mi E of Andrews AFB, MD Apr 8, 1951.
30397 to Colombia Mar 27, 1947
30398 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30399 to NEIAF as N5-258 - Now on static
display at Indonesian Armed Forces
Museum, Jakarta as M-458.
30401 to Chile Oct 15, 1947 as 806.
30402 to RCAF as 5209 in 1951
30403 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30406 to Brazil Sep 27, 1947
30408 to Colombia Mar 27, 1947
30409 reclamation completed Grand Isle, LA 2 Oct 1946
30411 to Venezuela Aug 28, 1947.
30412 to Chile Oct 15, 1947 as 807.
30413 to Chile Oct 15, 1947 as 808.
30416 to Chile Oct 15, 1947 as 809.
30418 to Peru Mar 7, 1947.
30421 to RCAF as 5272 in 1953. Became CF-OVN, then N7674
30423 (MSN 108-33698) to TB-25J, to EB-25J, to JB-25J. Now with Planes
of Fame Air Museum, Chino, CA. as N3675G "Photo Fanny".
Used in filming of *Pearl Harbor*.
30428 Chile condemned salvage & reclamation 14 Feb 1947
30433 to Venezuela in 1947/49. Diverted to Military Intellingence 4 Sep 1946
30439 to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955.
30442 to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955.
30444 (MSN 108-33719, TB-25M) to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955
Now on display at General Mitchell Field, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
30445 to Chile Oct 15, 1947 as 810.
30449 to RCAF in Aug 1954. Returned to USAF Jun 1955.
30455 to Brazil May 23, 1947
30456 converted to TB-25N. Now airworthy at Breckenridge, TX as N43BA. Formerly C-GTTS and
N3512. N125PF reserved Jun 15, 2007, taken up Aug 11, 2007.
30461 to Uruguay as 152 9 Nov 1949
30465 to Chile Oct 15, 1947
30467 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30470 became N3443G. Crashed on landing at Turners Falls, Orange, MA
Sep 8, 1970.
30474 (TB-25J) crashed at Highland Springs, VA Jul 16, 1951.
30475 to RCAF as 5231 Nov 28, 1951. SOC Jun 20, 1963. Became N92884.
30478 to RCAF as 5219 in 1951. Became N9754Z. Wrecked at NAS Barbers
Point, HI Mar 1969 during filming of "Tora Tora Tora"
30479 to RCAF as 5213 in 1951. Became N8012
30481 to RCAF as 5214 in 1951
30483 to RCAF as 5217 in 1951. Became N92887
30484 to RCAF as 5250 May 9, 1952. SOC Nov 22, 1961. Became
N92882. Impounded at Port-au-Prince, Haiti by Mar 1974 and
derelict there by Sep 1976.
30485 to RCAF as 5215 in 1951
30487 to Venzuela 3 May 1949
30490/30492 to Russia Mar 1945
30493 converted to TB-25N. On static display at Malmstrom AFB. A hard nose was mounted so
that it reflects a J model.. N9451Z *Catch 22* aircraft.
30494/30503 to Russia Mar 1945
30504 to NEIAF as N5-250
30505 to NEIAF as N5-256
30506 to NEIAF as N5-251
30507 to NEIAF as N5-252
30508 to NEIAF as N5-253 - stuck off charge 7/45
30509/30531 to USN as PBJ-1J 35798/35820
30535 converted to TB-25N. On static display at Liberal Air
Museum, KS. as N9462Z. Reported 1984 at Ada Aircraft Museum,
Oklahoma City, OK
30540 reclamation completed Brookley AFB, AL 22 Nov 1949
30541 excess inventory list 4 Jul 1945
30543 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 21 Apr 1946
30544 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 16 Apr 1946
30545 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 24 Apr 1946
30546/30547 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 17 Apr 1946
30548 to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD 7 May 1946
30549/30550 to reclamation completed 22 Sep 1947
30551 to reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30552 reclamation completed 22 Sep 1947
30553 (345th BG) lost May 26, 1945, SW Pacific. MACR 14515
30554 condemned flak 3 Aug 1945
30555 diverted to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
30556 diverted to Chinese ADO 26 Dec 1945
30557 diverted to Chinese AF 15 Apr 1946
30558 condemned salvage 4 Jan 1946
30559 condemned AAA 30 Mar 1945
30560 to excess inventory list 1 Aug 1946
30561 condemned accident not combat related 20 Dec 1945
30562 reclamation completed 13 Jul 1949
30567 (345th BG) lost Aug 12, 1945, SW Pacific.
30585 became N9610C
30593 to Uruguayan AF as 153 in 1950
30595 (TB-25J) damaged in bird strike and force lande at Walker
AFB, NM Apr 12, 1950.
30596 (TB-25J) force landed at Enid AAF, OK Nov 4, 1945.
30599 to RCAF 5266 in 1953.
30601 to RCAF 5259 in 1953.
30604 to Uruguayan AF as 154 in 1950
30606 converted to TB-25N. Airworthy at Carson City, NV as N201L. Ex N5249V.
30607 converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N9582Z
30612 to RCAF 5264 in 1953.
30613 converted to TB-25N. Became N9086Z
30614 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30615 to RCAF 5263 in 1953.
30619 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30623 in midair collision and crashed 15 mi SW of Tuskegee, AL
Dec 3, 1945.
30625 to RCAF 5267 in 1953.
30626 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30627 to Venezuela in 1947/49. Now crated
at Atlanta, Ga and is restorable.
30629 to RCAF 5265 in 1953.
30630 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30631 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30633 (TB-25J) crashed in badweather 6 mi W Of Wilkes-Barre, PA
Dec 1, 1945.
30635 converted to TB-25N. On display at Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Illinois as 40-2270 of the Doolitle Raiders.
30638 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30639 to RCAF 5261 in 1953.
30641 to RCAF as 5257 Dec 19, 1952. SOC Jan 4, 1962. Became CF-NTS
30645 to RCAF 5268 in 1953.
30646 was one of 5 converted to trainers for B-29 radar crewmen using the AN/APQ-7 "EAGLE" antenna, which was mounted
under fuselage and consisted of an airfoil 18 feet long.
Also reportedly used at Wright Field as experimental radar vehicle with APS-4
30647 (TB-25J) crashlanded at Valdosta Apt, GA Mar 19, 1945.
30649 converted to TB-25N. Was ex N9452Z *Catch 22* aircraft. Now on display at Maxwell AFB Museum, Montgomery, Alabama
marked as 42-53373 'Poopsie'
30652 to RCAF 5262 in 1953.
30662 (TB-25J) crashlanded at Chanute AFB, IL Dec 9, 1950.
30667 to civil registry as N9582Z.
30676 (TB-25J) damaged in ground collision at Douglas AAF, AZ
Oct 22, 1945.
30678 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30680/30684 Lend-Lease to USSR
30690 converted to TB-25N. To N7707C. Crashed and destroyed by fire
when landing in snow at Sitka, AK Jan 24, 1968
30692 became N9623C
30702 (TB-25J) crashlanded 5 mi SW of Enid, OK May 30, 1945.
30703/30710 to USN as PBJ-1J 35830/35837
30716/30718 to USN as PBJ-1J 35838/35840
30721 became N5455V. Scrapped in Florida sometime prior to 1970.
30713 to Uruguayan AF as 155 in 1950.
30730 to Venezuela in 1947/49.
30731 (TB-25J) forcelanded in bad weather at Vance AFB, OK Feb 19, 1951.
30733 converted to TB-25N. To N9088Z. Crashed at Fairbanks, AK
Jun 27, 1969.
30734 (MSN 108-34009) to TB-25N. Still airworthy at Niagra Falls, NY as
N9079Z. Sold to Rag Wings and Radial Aircraft Leasing of Wilmington,
DE Feb 1999.
30735 to Uruguayan AF as 157 in 1950
30736 (TB-25J, 3575th MandS Goup, 3577th Maintenance Squadron) crashed Nov 17, 1950
1 mi SW of Kegelman AFB after throttle linkage failed on right engine on takeoff.
Crew suffered minor injuries.
30737 converted to TB-25N. To N9446Z. Crashed at Midway Airport,
Chicago Aug 6, 1976. 2 crew killed.
30743 to Uruguayan AF as 158 in 1950
30748 (MSN 108-34023) converted to TB-25N. Under restoration at San Fernando,
CA as N8195H. Ex N3447G. Was *Catch 22* aircraft. In 2015 was on display at Erickson Aircraft
Collection, Tillamook, Oregon.
30753 (TB-25J) crashed due to structural failure 6 mi SE of
Reese AFB, TX Jun 8, 1951.
30756 converted to TB-25N. Now in storage at Aero Trader, Chino, CA as N9936Z
30761 converted to TB-25J. To Air Museum, Ontario CA as N3398G.
Reported derelict by 1970s and subsequently scrapped. Residual
airframe sold in 1987 to Aero Traders. In 1990 was reported as
being airworthy with Planes of Fame at Chino, CA as N3398G
30772 became N9076Z. Impounded at President Stroesser Airport,
Ascuncion, Paraguay Mar 1972. Still derelict there in 1983.
30779 reported 1973 displayed in park at Odessa, TX
30783 to Brazil in 1946/47
30784 to Brazil in 1946/47
30785 (TB-25J) crashed in bad weaterh 60 mi E of Tucumcari, NM
Apr 15, 1950.
30786 to RCAF as 5281 in 1953
30787 to Brazil in 1946/47
30788 (TB-25J) collided on ground with 44-30825 at Tuskegee AAF,
AL Oct 19, 1945.
30791 to RCAF as 5273 in 1953.
30793/30799 Lend-Lease to USSR
30801 converted to TB-25N. Was *Catch 22* aircraft N3699G. Airworthy at Van Nuys, CA as N30801. Currently
owned by Ed Schepft as N3699G.
30804 Lend-Lease to USSR
30805 crashed in San Gorgonio Mountains of Califormia in 1956.
30806/30811 Lend-Lease to USSR
30812 to RCAF as 5202 in 1951. SOC off RCAF charge Nov 12, 1963 and became
N8014. To Venezuelan AF as 15B40
30816/30819 Lend-Lease to USSR
30823 converted to TB-25N. As N1042B, used as camera ship by Tallmantz Aviation in the US and later by
Aces High Ltd in England. Was *Catch 22* camera plane. Now airworthy with Aces High,
North Weald, Essex, UK. By 1997 was back in USA (still as N1042B) with World Jet Inc
of Fort Lauderdale, FL
30825 (TB-25J) collided on ground with 44-30788 at Tuskegee AAF, AL Oct 19, 1945.
30827 (TB-25J, HQ Sqdn, 7th ABG) crashlanded at Carswell AFB, TX
Jul 20, 1950.
30828 to RCAF 5260 in 1953.
30832 converted to TB-25N. In 1996 was with Amjet Aircraft Corp at Annoka County AP, MN as N3155G.
In 2005 with Historic Aeroplane Works, Inc, Roanoake IN with same registration.
30849/30851 to USN as PBJ-1J 35877/35879
30854 (TB-25N, later JB-25J) at USAF Armament Museum, Eglin AFB, Florida, painted as Doolittle's
B-25B (40-2344). It was the last B-25 in
the USAF inventory, having been retired in 1959. It had been on display
at Valparaiso/Niceville, FL between 1962 and 1973.
30856 to USN as PBJ-1J 35880
30860 (TB-25J) damaged in bird strike and crashlanded 4 mi N of
Vance AFB, OK
30861 (MSN 108-35186) to civilian registry as N9089Z. Use to film *The War Lover*
and *633 Squadron*. Abandoned at Biggin hill after filming work.
In 1983 the registration G-BKXW was reserved, but was never taken up;
the aircraft remained N9089Z. Acquired by Aces High in 1984 and
moved by road to North Weald. Put on static display at North
Weald, Essex, UK. After sitting there since 1987, aircraft was moved to
Wycombe Air Park Mar 2006 for restoration to static display.
30868 became N5242 V
30875 (TB-25J) crashlanded at Vance AFB, OK Jan 19, 1950.
30878 to Uruguayan AF as 169 in 1950
30879 Lend-Lease to USSR
30880 (TB-25J) crashed on takeoff at Douglas AAF, AZ Jun 22, 1945.
30882 became N92890
30884/30887 Lend-Lease to USSR
30888 to RAAF as A47-40. Crashed 10/45
30889 to RAAF as A47-41. SOC 3/50
30890 to RAAF as A47-42. SOC 3/50
30895 to RAAF as A47-43. SOC 3/50
30896 to RAAF as A47-44. SOC 3/50
30897 to RAAF as A47-45. SOC 3/50
30900 to NEIAF as N5-254 - ditched 11/45
30902 to NEIAF as N5-266 - SOC 1946
30903 to NEIAF as N5-255 - crashed 9/45
30910 to Chile in 1946 as 812. Crashed during delivery flight.
44-30911 ... 44-31510
North American B-25J-30/32-NC Mitchell
30911/31110 MSN 108-34186/108-34385
31111/31510 MSN 108-37186/108-37585
(Andrade quotes 108-35236/35535 for 44-30911/31210 and 108-37186/37485 for
30911 to Brazil in 1946/47
30913 (TB-25J) crashed 5 mi NW of Douglas, AZ Jul 20, 1945.
30915 (TB-25J) crashed on takeoff at Enid AAF, OK Nov 27, 1945
30916 (TB-25J) force landed 3 mi NE of Reese AFB, TX Feb 2, 1950
30925 (MSN 108-34200) converted to TB-25N. Was *Catch 22* aircraft as N9494Z. Participated in
filming of *Hanover Street* in 1978 and essentially abandoned at
Blackbushe thereafter and became derelict. Dismantled and moved to
Wellesbourne Mountford Oct 1982, then to Coventry Sep 1985. The
British registration B-BWGR has been reserved Aug 18, 1995 for
this plane., but NTU and cancelled Feb 22, 2005. Has been acquired by the Brussels Air Museum
Foundation and arrived there in 2010.
30935 to RCAF as 5210 in 1951.
30937 converted to TB-25K. Became N7693C, then N198W
30947 to RCAF as 5212 in 1951. Became CF-NTP
30953 (TB-25J) damaged by bird strike and crashlanded 10 mi E of
Menard, TX Mar 21, 1950.
30954 (TB-25J) damaged in takeoff accident at Andrews AFB, MD
Jul 31, 1950.
30961/30964 to USN as PBJ-1J 35841/35844
30969 became N2811G
30971 converted to VB-25J VIP transport
30972/30975 to USN as PBJ-1J 35845/35848
30975 (BuNo 35848) converted into prototype for trainer. w/o 3/25/1950
30976 converted to VB-25J VIP transport. Became N8193H, noted
derelict at President Stroesser Airport, Ascuncion, Paraguay
by 1972. Still there 1983.
30977 (TB-25J) crashed on takeoff at Vance AFB, OK Jan 31, 1950.
30979 converted to TB-25N. Reported at Air Museum, Ontario, CA Sep 1967.
and was noted at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA in 1976. Still there
in 1990.
30980/30991 to USN as PBJ-1J 35849/35860
30996 converted to TB-25N. To N9991Z, then became PI-C905. Destroyed by
cyclone at Virac Island airstrip Oct 14, 1970
31004 converted to TB-25N. Under restoration for display on USS Alabama, Mobile, AL. N9463Z
31005 (TB-25J) force landed at Vance AFB, OK Feb 28, 1951
31006 (TB-25J) damaged in taxiing accident at Kelly AFB, TX
Apr 17, 1951.
31007 (TB-25J) in midair collision with 44-31045 and forcelanded
at Kegelman Auxiliary Airfield, OK Jul 22, 1950.
31008 (TB-25J) crashlanded at Vance AFB, OK Apr 23, 1951.
31015 (TB-25J) crashed into a mountain in Colorado Apr 8, 1952. All 11 on board killed.
31022 became N9634C
31024 (TB-25J) failed to recover from spin and crashed 2.5 mi SE
of Sharon, KS Feb 26, 1951.
31032 converted to TB-25N. To civil registry as N3174G. Used in film "Catch-22".
Reported 1972 at Yesterday's Air Force, Chino, CA in 1972. Now on
static display at March AFB Museum, California.
31042 (MSN 108-35367) converted to TB-25N. Became N3515G, last heard of
Dec 1964.
31045 (TB-25J) in midair collision with 44-31007 and forcelanded
at Kegelman Auxiliary Airfield, OK Jul 22, 1950.
31089/31104 to USN as PBJ-1J 35861/35876
31121 restorable at Atlanta, GA. In 1990 was stored by Walter Soplata, Newbury, IA.
31145 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ772. To RCAF Sep 25, 1945
31146 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ773. To RCAF Sep 16, 1945
31147 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ774. To RCAF Aug 29, 1945
31148 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ775. To RCAF Sep 11, 1945
31149 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ776. To RCAF Oct 5, 1945
31150 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ777. To RCAF, no RAF service
31151 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ778. To RCAF, no RAF service
31152 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ779. SOC Sep 4, 1945
31153 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ780. To RCAF, no RAF service
31154 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ781. To USAAF Aug 27, 1945
31155 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ782. To RCAF, no RAF service
31156 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ783. To RCAF Aug 27, 1945
31157 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ784. To RCAF Sep 16, 1945
31158 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ785. To RCAF, no RAF service
31159 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ786. To RCAF Sep 25, 1945
31161 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ787. To RCAF, no RAF service
31162/31165 Lend-Lease to USSR
31170 converted to TB-25N. To N2810G
31171 converted to JTB-25J. As N7614C, based at Luton, UK for filming and
then stored 1970 or 1971. Impounded and now on display at American
Air Museum, Duxford, UK painted as PBJ-1J.
31172 converted to TB-25N. Became LV-GXH Jun 1961. On static display at Santiago del Estero AP,
Argentina by 1980. Still there in 1990.
31173 converted to TB-25N by Hayes Co. To Enrique Denwert of Argentina
as LV-GXH in 1961. Sold to Empresa Provincal de Aviacion Civil de
San Juan in 1971. Operated as *Huaira Bajo*.
Preserved in Malpaso, Santiago del Estero airport. There is
a report that this plane is now gone, but at last report it was still
in a hangar at Santiago del Estero airport. In Jul 2009 reported parked on apron of Aero club
at Santiago del Estro, Argentina. Noted under restoration at Santiago in Aug 2011.
31183 (TB-25J, 348th AAFBU) crashed on takeoff at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Jan 29, 1946. Slid into
pond at end of runway. 3 crew OK.
31185 (TB-25J) crashlanded in bad weather at Langley AFB, VA Apr 28, 1950
31188 (TB-25J, HQ Sqn, 407th ABG) crashed on takeoff at MacDill
AFB, FL Apr 26, 1950.
31190 to Uruguayan AF as 160 in 1950
31191 to Venezuela in 1947/49
31201 to NEIAF as N5-259
31202 to NEIAF as N5-260
31203 to NEIAF as N5-261
31204 to NEIAF as N5-262
31217/31251 Lend-Lease to USSR
31253 to RAAF as A47-48. SOC 3/50
31254 to RAAF as A47-47. SOC 3/50
31255 to RAAF as A47-46. SOC 3/50
31256 to NEIAF as N5-263
31258 to NEIAF as N5-264, later changed to M-464.
Transferred to AURI as M-464. Donated by
Indonesia in 1971 to Militare Luchvaart
Museum, Soesterberg, Netherlands as M-464.
31259 to NEIAF as N5-265
31260 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ788. To USAAF, no RAF service. Became N52998,
later N102J.
31261 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ789. To RCAF, no RAF service
31262 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ790. To RCAF, no RAF service
31263 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ791. To USAAF, no RAF service
31264 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ792. To RCAF, no RAF service
31265 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ793. To RCAF, no RAF service
31266 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ794. Not delivered to RAF
31267 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ795. To USAAF, no RAF service
31268 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ796. To USAAF, no RAF service
31269 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ797. To USAAF, no RAF service
31270 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ798. To USAAF, no RAF service
31271 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ799. To USAAF, no RAF service
31272 to RAF as Mitchell III KJ800, but not delivered
31273 to RAF as Mitchell III KP308, but not delivered
31274 to RAF as Mitchell III KP309, but not delivered
31275 to RAF as Mitchell III KP310, but not delivered
31276 to RAF as Mitchell III KP311, but not delivered
31277/31296 to USN as PBJ-1J 35881/35900
31297 (345th BG) lost Aug 12, 1945, South Pacific. However
Warbirds Worldwide Directory has it becoming N67945.
31300 (345th BG) lost Aug 7, 1945, South Pacific.
31318 became N8090H, then LV-TAE. Reported 1975 displayed at
Valparaiso, FL, then in 1976 at Eglin AFB, FL
31322 (TB-25J) crashed in bad weather 5 mi NE of Clayton, NM May 25, 1950.
31345 (TB-25J, HQ Sqn, 7 ABG) crashlanded at Bigs AFB, TX Sep 6, 1950
31346 to RCAF as 5246 in 1952
31361 (42nd BG) lost Aug 16, 1945, South Pacific
31385 converted to TB-25J. Airworthy with Confederate Air Force,
restored as 345 BG *Show Me* registered as N3481G. I saw this one
at Aurora, Ill. 8-5-95. Registered as N345TH since June 2001.
31387 Lend-Lease to Chinese Nationalist Air Force Mar 1944
31388 Lend-Lease to Chinese Nationalist Air Force Mar 1944
31399 to RCAF as 5234 in 1952. SOC Apr 26, 1962. Became CF-NTV.
Ferried to Kamloops, BC and reporte 1971 derelict there.
31401 (MSN 108-37376) to TB-25J. Crashed into mountain 25 mi
SSW of Yucca AAF, AZ Aug 11, 1945 while on training flight
from Yuma AAF, AZ. Crew of 5 killed.
31412/31416 Lend-Lease to USSR
31422/31438 were to go to RAF as Mitchell III KP312/KP328, but
were not delivered
31444/31463 to USN as PBJ-1J 35901/35920
31466 to civil registry as N3446G. Flew as fire tanker #66. Crashed
and destroyed during firefighting operations near Acton, CA
Jul 22, 1960.
31481 (TB-25J) crashlanded at Ellington AFB, TX Dec 18, 1950. Became
N8013 so presumably repaired.
31487 converted to TB-25N. Became N3506G, then N175LT
31489 became N3513G
31491 to RCAF as 5245 in 1952. Withdrawn from service
Nov 1961. Sold Oct 1963 to Bellomy Aviation of
Miami, FL and assigned civilian number N8013.
Sold to Intercontinental Trading Corporation in
1964. Reportedly used by Biafran Air Force in
war for independence.
31493 to RCAF as 5249 in 1952. SOC Apr 26, 1962. Became CF-NTX.
Ferried to Kamloops, BC and reporte 1971 still there and
31494 to RCAF as 5232 in 1952. SOC Jun 13, 1963. Became N92885
31498 rebuilt as TB-25J. Sold in 1960 to Servicos Aeros Albarenque
of Argentina as LV-GJX. Sold to Aeroexploracion SA,of Instituto
Fotogtopografico with name Cuco. Seen derelict at
Ezeiza International Airport, Buenos Aires in 1964.
31504 converted to TB-25N. To RCAF Nov 21, 1951 as 5218. SOC
Feb 16, 1952. Became N9753Z. Reported at Technical School
at Honolulu AP, HI by Sep 1971. By 1977 was owned by USAF
Museum and was on static display at Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Recently
acquired by Pacific Aviation Museum and moved to Ford Island site.
31506 to RCAF as 5228 in 1952. SOC Nov 28, 1962 and became N92877.
31508 was airworthy at Ocala, FL as N6578D, but is now missing an engine and is severely rusted.
Was the B-25 that was the camera ship for the making of the film *Battle of Britain* in 1968.
44-48754 ... 44-49001
Ford B-24J-20-FO Liberator
MSN 3609/3856
48754 to RFC Altus, Ok Oct 26, 1945
48755 converted to C-109. Lost Mar 22, 1945, India. MACR 13234
48756 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 30, 1945
48757 (461st BG, 767th BS) lost Jan 8, 1945, Yugoslavia. MACR 10943
48758 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 8, 1946
48759 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48760 condemnd salvage not combat related Jun 27, 1945
48761 (461st BG, 766th BS) lost Jan 20, 1945, Austria. MACR 11805
48762 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 21, 1945
48763 condemned crash Jan 16, 1945
48764 condemned flak Feb 23, 1945
48765 to relcamation Greenville AAB, SC Apr 30, 1946
48766 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 22, 1945
48767 (464th BG, "Ramblin' Wreck") crashed on takeoff Feb 17, 1945
due to engine failure
48768 returned to US May 29, 1945. To RFC Albuquerque, NM May 29, 1945
48769 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 17, 1945
48770 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Dec 22, 1945
48771 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL430. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman, Az Nov 29, 1945
48772 (TB-24J) to reclamation Victorville AAB, Ca May 12, 1945
48773 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL417. Not delivered.
48774 (451th BG) lost Feb 7, 1945, Hungary. MACR 12085
48775 (455th BG, 742nd BS) interned in Switzerland Feb 27, 1945. MACR 12484. Returned Sep 19, 1945.
To RFC Oct 29, 1945.
48776 (451st BG) lost Apr 25, 1945, Austria. MACR 14056
48777 condemned ditched Jan 20, 1945
48778 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL396. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 27, 1945
48779 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 4, 1946
48780 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 24, 1945
48781 (MSN 3636) to RFC Altus, Oklahoma Dec 7, 1945. Sold by USAAF to Spartan Scool of Aeronautics at
Tulsa, OK presumably for use as ground instructional airframe. Sold by them for
scrap 1960 and languished derelict after engines removed until acquired
by Eighth Air Force Museum 1978. As *Laiden Maiden* with Barksdale Global Power Museum,
formerly known as Eighth Air Force Museum, at
Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. On display as "Louisiana Belle II" in Aug 2002.
48782 to RFC Altus, Ok Dec 7, 1945. I have an MACR (number 9857) on this plane (dated Nov 12, 1944)
48783 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 10, 1945
48784 (345 BS, 98 BG) damaged by flak Dec 11, 1944 over Moosbierbaum
Refinery near Vienna. Pilot KIA, copilot nursed the
plane back to vicinity of Tortorella, Italy and
ordered the remaining crew to bail out and crashlanded
the plane in a field. Condemned Dec 11, 1944. Never flew again. MACR 11803
48785 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL395. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 23, 1945
48786 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 4, 1946
48787 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 14, 1946
48788 lost over Atlantic after takeoff from Goose Bay, Labrador
Oct 17, 1944.
48789 (459th BG, 759th BS) lost Feb 28, 1945, Austria. MACR 12751
48790 To RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 3, 1946
48791 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 5, 1945
48792 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Nov 22, 1945
48793 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 16, 1946
48794 to RFC Kingman Jan 10, 1946
48795 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL397. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48796 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48797 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 11, 1945
48798 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL394. Delivered, but no RAF service.
Returned to USA Oct 31, 1945.
48799 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman, Az Dec 5, 1945
48800 wrecked, Aug 31, 1944, at Contractors Plant (Willow Run);Crashed.
Surveyed Aug 31, 1944
48801 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48802 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 15, 1945
48803 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 5, 1945
48804 condemned salvage not combat related Aug 11, 1945
48805 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 2, 1946
48806 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 4, 1946
48807 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48808 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL418. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48809 to RFC Altus, Ok Oct 24, 1945
48810 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 13, 1945
48811 (TB-24J) to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark May 16, 1946
48812 (TB-24J) to RFC Chanute Mar 31, 1947. Became N79427.
48813 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL400. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48814 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL413. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48815 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 3, 1945
48816 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 8, 1946
48817 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL402. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48818 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL437. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48819 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL398. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48820 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48821 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 16, 1945
48822 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 17, 1945
48823 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL412. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 21, 1945
48824 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL448. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48825 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL399. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48826 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Sep 26, 1945
48827 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL407. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 37, 1945
48828 (484th BG, 826th BS) crashed after collision Feb 17, 1945. 1 crew bailed out,
10 killed. MACR 12701
48829 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jan 17, 1946
48830 (446th BG, 704th BS) crashed May 4, 1945 on night transition and
salvaged at Melton Mobray, Leicestershire.
48831 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL421. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48832 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48833 (461st BG, 765th BS) to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48834 to RFC Chanute Feb 16, 1946. Was on display at Ypsilanti, MI from 1946 to about 1950. Parked in an
apple orchard near the Village where people who assembled bombers at the Ford plant lived. Plane
was eventually scrapped
48835 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48836 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL434. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48837 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 17, 1946
48838 (TB-24J) to RFC Chanute Mar 31, 1947. Before leaving USAF
service, was converted to C-87. To civilian registry as N79428, then CP-618
of Compania Boliviana de Aviacion. Crashed May 21, 1960 at El Alta, 10 km from La Paz shortly
after takeoff. 1 killed, 2 injured.
48839 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Feb 16, 1946
48840 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48841 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL439. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 28, 1945
48842 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL404. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 19, 1945
48843 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 16, 1945
48844 (445th BG, 703rd BS) lost Mar 3, 1945. MACR 12882
48845 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL408. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 10, 1945
48846 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL415. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 4, 1945
48847 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL438. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 28, 1945
48848 Liberty AAF, Kans surveyed Jun 11, 1945
48849 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jan 22, 1946
48850 condemned salvage no battle damage Jan 25, 1945
48851 (445th BG, 701st BS) lost Mar 20, 1945. MACR 13563
48852 condemned salvage no battle damage Jun 6, 1945
48853 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL425. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 3, 1945
48854 (445th BG) suffered engine failure during training mission
Apr 6, 1945, stalled and crashed while attempting to land
at Thorpe Abbots. All crew killed. Condemned salvage Apr 7, 1945
48855 to RFC Walnut Ridge Jan 16, 1946
48856 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL426. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48857 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL409. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 10, 1945
48858 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jan 17, 1946
48859 to RAF May 11, 1945 as Liberator B.VI KL393. SOC Mar 14, 1946.
48860 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 17, 1945
48861 (465th BG) lost Mar 1, 1945. MACR 12747. Ended up in USSR service.
48862 (460th BG) lost Mar 1, 1945. MACR 12712
48863 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 25, 1945
48864 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jan 17, 1946
48865 (TB-24J) reclamation completed Hondo AAF, Tx. Jan 29, 1946
48866 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL410. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 27, 1945
48867 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL427. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48868 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL428. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48869 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL416. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 5, 1945
48870 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 27, 1945
48871 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 7, 1945
48872 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL432. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48873 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL435. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 22, 1945
48874 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 12, 1945
48875 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Nov 14, 1945
48876 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL429. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 14, 1945
48877 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Aug 25, 1945
48878 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 24, 1945
48879 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Dec 16, 1944
48880 to RFC Albuquerque, NM Sep 24, 1945
48881 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 7, 1945
48882 converted to C-109. crashed 15 mi SDE of Jorhat, India
Mar 1, 1945, condemned Mar 4, 1945
48883 converted to C-109. Condemned wash-out Jun 15, 1945
48884 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL433. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48885 to RAF as Liberator B.VI KL392. Crashed before delivery Mar 13, 1945 at Bellowflower, MO
when collided in full flight with object on the ground.
48886 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Feb 10, 1946
48887 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL406. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 6, 1945
48888 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Nov 17, 1945
48889 to RFC Altus, OK Oct 26, 1945.
48890 converted to C-109. (134th TCG) lost Jul 28, 1945, Asia
48891 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL423. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48892 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Nov 20, 1945
48893 condemned salvage not combat Aug 10, 1945
48894 to RFC Walnut Ridge Dec 21, 1945
48895 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL431. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48896 (TB-24J) reclamation completed Langley Fld, Va Jul 23, 1945
48897 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL440. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 16, 1945
48898 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 5, 1945
48899 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL441. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48901 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL443. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48902 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jan 16, 1946
48903 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 4, 1946
48904 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 23, 1945
48905 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 31, 1945
48906 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48907 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Apr 11, 1946
48908 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 7, 1945
48909 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48910 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL442. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48911 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL447. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48912 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48913 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL444. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48914 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48915 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 3, 1945
48916 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 5, 1945
48917 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL422. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 6, 1945
48918 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL445. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 17, 1945
48919 (TB-24J) to RFC Altus, Ok Dec 3, 1945
48920 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL420. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 27, 1945
48921 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48922 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL436. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 15, 1945
48923 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48924 to RFC Walnut Ridge 3 Oct 1945
48925 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 11, 1945
48926 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Oct 3, 1945
48927 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48928 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 3, 1945
48929 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Nov 6, 1945
48930 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 13, 1945
48931 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 7, 1945
48932 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL411. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 6, 1945
48933 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 1, 1945
48934 (TB-25J) reclamation completed Hondo AAF, Tx Oct 25, 1945
48935 to RFC Walnut Ridge, Ark Jan 2, 1946
48936 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 4, 1945
48937 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48938 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48939 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 22, 1945
48940 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 10, 1945
48941 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 25, 1945
48942 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 16, 1945
48943 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 18, 1945
48944 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48945 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 7, 1945
48946 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL414. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 20, 1945
48947 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 8, 1945
48948 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Nov 20, 1945
48949 to RFC Walnut Ridge Jan 10, 1946
48950 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Jun 18, 1946
48951 to RFC Walnut Ridge Oct 3, 1945
48952 (TB-24J) to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 2, 1945
48953 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48954 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48955 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 10, 1945
48956 condemned combat Mar 21, 1945
48957 to RFC Walnut Ridge Oct 15, 1945
48958 condemned crash landing Mar 8, 1945
48959 to RFC Knoxville,Tenn as TB-24J Jan 21, 1946
48960 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48961 to RFC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, Ok Aug 29, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
48962 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 31, 1945
48963 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48964 (376th BG) lost Feb 7, 1945, Yugoslavia. MACR 12114. I have a reference which has this
plane as going to USSR.
48965 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 31, 1945
48966 (460th BG) loat Feb 13, 1945. MACR 12105.
48967 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48968 converted to C-109. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 9, 1945
48969 converted to C-109: Condemned salvage from enemy action Feb 18, 1946
48970 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 3, 1945
48971 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 29, 1945
48972 (376th BG, 514th BS) lost Feb 7, 1945, Gospic, Yugoslavia. MACR 12699
48973 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 1, 1945
48974 converted to C-109. Condemned crash Nov 23, 1944
48975 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL419. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 16, 1945
48976 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL449. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 24, 1945
48977 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ as TB-24J-20 Oct 29, 1945
48978 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL424. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 15, 1945
48979 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage ANLC Nov 15, 1945
48980 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 26, 1945
48981 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 2, 1945
48982 to RFC Walnut Ridge Jan 3, 1946
48983 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL401. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 3, 1945
48984 converted to C-109. Condemned wash-out (DBR) Apr 4, 1945
48985 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 25, 1945
48986 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL405. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 29, 1945
48987 to RFC Walnut Ridge Oct 3, 1945
48988 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Oct 25, 1945
48989 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL446. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Dec 1, 1945
48990 (465th BG) lost Mar 31, 1945, Mediterranean. MACR 13488.
48991 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ as TB-24J Oct 20, 1945
48992 to RAF as Liberator GR.VIII KL403. Not delivered. To RFC Kingman AAF, AZ Nov 21, 1945
48993 (461st BG, 765th BS, "Gene's Harepower") crash landed Feb 21, 1945. MACR 12475. Ended up in USSR
48995 converted to C-109. Crashed 16 mi SW of Silchar, India
May 13, 1945 after crew bailed out when aircraft ran out
of fuel. Condemnend salvage May 13, 1945
48996 converted to C-109. Crashed NW of Likiang, China Feb 14, 1945
after crew bailed out when aircraft ran out of fuel. MACR 12032
48997 to RFC Kingman AAF, AZ as TB-24J Nov 2, 1945
48998 to RFC Walnut Ridge Jan 8, 1946
48999 converted to C-109. Lost Jul 30, 1945, Asia
49000 condemned burned Dec 6, 1944
49001 converted to C-109. Condemned salvage Nov 18, 1945.
Fuselage rported 1973 at Planes of Fame, Chino, CA
44-76027 ... 44-76028
North American XP-51J Mustang
MSN 105-47446/47447. Same MSNs as the first two B-25Js (MSN 108-47446/47447)
44-76195 ... 44-76524
Douglas C-47B-25-DK Skytrain
MSN 32527/32856
76502,76510,76518,,76524 completed as TC-47B-25-DK.
completed as C-47B-27-DK
completed as C-47B-28-DK
76195 (MSN 15779/32527) delivered to China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Jan 28, 1945. Became XT-84
76196 (MSN 15780/32528) delivered as C-47B-27-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76197 (MSN 15781/32529) delivered as VD-47D-27-DK. To civil registry N87664, C-GGCS, then as N73CD
76198 (MSN 15782/32530) delivered as VD-47D-27-DK. Delivered to China
National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) under Lend-Lease Feb 18, 1945.
Became XT-58, then XT-133, then N8354C. To VR-HEP. Back to N8354C. W/o 4 mi W of Sungei Padi, Siam Jan 13, 1951.
76199 (MSN 15783/32531) delivered to China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Feb 18, 1945.
76200 (MSN 15784/32532) to RAF as Dakota IV KN285 Jan 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Oct 7, 1954
76201 (MSN 15785/32533) to RAF as Dakota IV KN286 Jan 1945. SOC Sep 15, 1949
76202 (MSN 15786/32534) to RAF as Dakota IV KN287 Jan 1945. Returned to USAAF
Mar 27, 1947
76203 (MSN 15787/32535) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. converted to VC-47D
76204 (MSN 15788/32536) to RAF as Dakota IV KN288 Jan 1945. Overstressed
after engine failure over Somerset Aug 24, 1945. SOC
76205 (MSN 15789/32537) to RAF as Dakota IV KN289 Jan 1945. DBR when
bellylanded at Bury, QQ Feb 1,1 945 after engines cut due to fuel
76206 (MSN 15790/32538) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76207 (MSN 15791/32539) to RAF as Dakota IV KN290 Jan 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Gropu Sep 24, 1954. Converted
to AC-47D. Shot down in South Vietnam May; 5, 1968, 3 KIA
76208 (MSN 15792/32540) to RAF as Dakota IV KN291. To RCAF
Jun 6, 1946. Renumbered 12911 in 1970
76209 (MSN 15793/32541) to RAF as Dakota IV KN292. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group Apr 20, 1953. Became 709 of French navy, then
N91BF. Converted to Basler BT-67 gunship (Basler conversion no 37) and to
Colombian AF as FAC 1658.
76210 (MSN 15794/32542) completed as C-47B-28-DK
76211 (MSN 15795/32543) to RAF as Dakota IV KN293 Jan 1945. Returned to
USAAF Nov 27, 1947
76212 (MSN 15796/32544) to RAF as Dakota IV KN294 Jan 1945. Returned to
USAAF Nov 27, 1947
76213 (MSN 15797/32545) to RAF as Dakota IV KN295 Jan 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group May 19, 1953.
76214 (MSN 15798/32546) completed as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to SC-47D. To civil registry
as N87633, then CP0729. Crashed Jun 6, 1964, El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia.
76215 (MSN 15799/32547) to RAF as Dakota IV KN296 Jan 1945. Returned to USAAF
Jul 31, 1947
76216 (MSN 15800/32548) to RAF as Dakota IV KN297 Jan 1945. Sold Dec 31,
1946. To civil registry as G-AOZA Jan 8, 1957. Registration
cancelled Jul 29, 1957, sold to French AF as 76216 Nov 1957.
To Madagascar as 5R-MMB.
76217 (MSN 15801/32549) to RAF as Dakota IV KN298 Jan 1945. Broke up in
cloud 20 mi W of Feni Apr 13, 1945
76218 (MSN 15802/32550) to RAF as Dakota IV KN299 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Dec 18, 1947
76219 (MSN 15803/32551) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. By 1954 was CX-AFE
of Primeras Lineas Uroguayas de Navigacion Aerea.
76220 (MSN 15804/32552) to RAF as Dakota IV KN300 Feb 1945. Wrecked when
swung on landing and struck tree, N'duli, Tanganyika Mar 16, 1950
76221 (MSN 15805/32553) to RAF as Dakota IV KN301 Jan 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group May 27, 1953. To Armee de l'Air as 476221. Transferred
under MDAP to French Air Force call sigh F-RAQH, then to F-RAOL, then to F-TEBF, then to F-SDKD. To
Israel Defense Force Air Force as 018, to 4X-FNO. To Cascade Air Inc as N60049 Jul 13, 2000. Reported
destroyed/scrapped Alberta Mar 24, 2004.
76222 (MSN 15806/32554) to RAF as Dakota IV KN302 Feb 1945. Returned
to USAAF Aug 20, 1947
76223 (MSN 15807/32555) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76224 (MSN 15808/32556) to RAF as Dakota IV KN303 Feb 1945. Crashed and destroyed
by fire after striking tree during supply drop, seletar Jul 2, 1949
76225 (MSN 15809/32557) to RAF as Dakota IV KN304 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Apr 17, 1947. To Belgian AF K19 (call sign OT-CWI) then
to Katanga AF as KAT-03
76226 (MSN 15810/32558) to RAF as Dakota IV KN305 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jul 3, 1947. To Belgian AF as K-21 (call sign OT-CWJ), to Katanga as KAT-02.
76227 (MSN 15811/32559) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. To civil registry as PP-CCD.
Crashed Apr 28, 1946 in Amazonas, Brazil
76228 (MSN 15812/32560) to RAF as Dakota IV KN306 Feb 1945. Destroyed by fire
when swung on landing, ran into ditch and undercarriage
collapsed Oct 15, 1945, Akyab Main, Burma
76229 (MSN 15813/32561) to RAF as Dakota IV KN307. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group May 18, 1953 as 476229, then
to French Air Force as 476229, call signs F-RAMP, F-RAXP, F-RAOD
and F-TEFJ, then to French Navy as 729, call sign F-YDQS.
Then to Sarl Transalvair International as F-GDXP Feb 5, 1986.
To SA Transvalair/ACE Oct 17, 1988. To SA Transvalair
Normandie/TVN Feb 21, 1991. TO SA Transvalair/ACe Mar 15, 1993.
Exported to England Jul 26, 1994. Then registered to Aces High
Ltd Jul 27, 1994 as G-BVRB. Planned to be re-exported to France
May 9, 1995 for International Lease Finance Corporation as F-GNFD
for Classic AW, but this was abandoned. Expoerted to USA as N4332E
for Euroworld Miami, Inc of Miami May 20, 1998. Re-exported to France
Jun 4, 1999. Scrapped at Le Touquet (LTQ) in France. Fuselage moved
Oct 2006 to Saint-Mere L'Eglise for exhibit, engines to Abbeville.
76230 (MSN 15814/32562)
76231 (MSN 15815/32563) while assigned to North American Aviation crashed
Apr 5, 1947, 5 miles W of Decaturville, TN in bad weather. At least
one killed.
76232 (MSN 15816/32564) w/o Oct 23, 1945 on the Hump.
76233 (MSN 15817/32565) to USAAF 1 CCG, 2CCS. W/o Jul 24, 1945 in landing accident
at Nanning, China
76234 (MSN 15818/32566) w/o May 13, 1945 on approach to Ledo, India
76235 (MSN 15819/32567)
76236 (MSN 15820/32568) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76237 (MSN 15821/32569) reregistered to PI-C487 to XU-CAF in Aug 1972 operated by Khymer A/Ls
76238 (MSN 15822/32570) crashed Jan 31, 1946
76239 (MSN 15823/32571)
76240 (MSN 15824/32572) deliveres as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to TC-47D.
To civil registry as N87665.
76241 (MSN 15825/32573)
76242 (MSN 15826/32574) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporatin Feb 15, 1946. Destroyed in
Changxing County Dec 14, 1946.
76243 (MSN 15827/32575)
76244 (MSN 15828/32576) w/o Jun 15, 1947 in crash landing at Fort Knox, Kentucky.
76245 (MSN 15829/32577) damage Mar 30, 1945 on takeoff at Shingbwiang, Burma
76246 (MSN 15830/32578) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Aug 1946 as XT-T33.
To civil registry as N8331C, then N1799B
76247 (MSN 15831/32579) reportedly w/o Msar 3, 1954
76248 (MSN 15832/32580) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK.
76249 (MSN 15833/32581)
76250 (MSN 15834/32582)
76251 (MSN 15835/32583) w/o Sep 4, 1945 on landing at Luliang, China
76252 (MSN 15836/32584) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76253 (MSN 15837/32585)
76254 (MSN 15838/32586) delivered as C-47B-27-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76255 (MSN 15839/32587) to RAF as Dakota IV KN308 Feb 1945. SOC Nov 18, 1950.
76256 (MSN 15840/32588) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Feb 1945 as XT-T22.
Later to civil registry as N8329C, N4663V, N99H.
76257 (MSN 15841/32589) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to TC-47D
76258 (MSN 15842/32590) damaged Dec 29,1 950 in taxi accident at Itzauke AB, Japan
76259 (MSN 15943/32591)
76260 (MSN 15844/32592) to RAF as Dakota IV KN309 Feb 1945. Sold May 12, 1953.
Became VR-TBI
76261 (MSN 15845/32593) deliverd as C-47B-28-DK. Registered to Cruzeiro as PP-CCC. Crashed
Dec 1, 1955 after takeoff from Belim, Brazil when engine lost power. 2 crew, 4 passengers killed.
76262 (MSN 15846/32594) to RAF as Dakota IV KN310 Feb 1945. Sold Nov 11, 1952.
Registered G-AMWX Dec 5, 1952. Carried out trooping contracts
using temporary RAF serial XF792. Forcelanded on beach at Mers-les-Bains,
France Dec 17, 1965 and DBR when covered by incoming tide.
76263 (MSN 15847/32595)
76264 (MSN 15848/32596)
76265 (MSN 15849/32597) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To El Salvador AF Jul 1974 as 113
76266 (MSN 15850/32598) converted to VC-47D. Crashed 35 mi N of Globe, AZ Dec 30, 1951 while on
flight from Hamilton AFB to Goodfellow AFB. 4 crew and 24 passengers killed.
76267 (MSN 15851/32599) to USSR Mar 1945
76268 (MSN 15852/32600) to USSR Feb 1945
76269 (MSN 15853/32601) delivered as C-47B-28-DK
76270 (MSN 15854/32602) to USSR Mar 1945
76271 (MSN 15855/32603) to USSR Feb 1945
76272 (MSN 15856/32604) to USSR Feb 1945
76273 (MSN 15857/32605) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Reportedly w/o Aug 9, 1952
76274 (MSN 15858/32606) to USSR Feb 1945
76275 (MSN 15859/32607) to USSR Feb 1945
76276 (MSN 15860/32608) to USSR Feb 1945
76277 (MSN 15861/32609) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. To PP-PBZ of Panair do Brasil then
PP-CCR "Bare" of Servicos Aereos Cruziero do Sul and CP-1243.
76278 (MSN 15862/32610) to USSR Feb 1945
76279 (MSN 15863/32611) to USSR Feb 1945
76280 (MSN 15864/32612) to RAF as Dakota IV KN311 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 14, 1946.
76281 (MSN 15865/32613) to RAF as Dakota IV KN312. Transferred to Military
Aircraft Assistance Gropu Jul 22, 1952, later to NEIAF
76282 (MSN 15866/32614) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To Cambodia AF Aug 12, 1970
76283 (MSN 15867/32615) to RAF as Dakota IV KN313 Feb 1945. SOC Aug 14, 1947
76284 (MSN 15868/32616) to RAF as Dakota IV KN314 Feb 1945. SOC Jun 13, 1946
76285 (MSN 15869/32617) to RAF as Dakota IV KN315 Feb 1945. Returned to USAAF
Nov 27, 1947
76286 (MSN 15870/32618) delivered as C-47B-28-DK
76287 (MSN 15871/32619) to RAF as Dakota IV KN316 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Aug 23, 1948
76288 (MSN 15872/32620) to RAF as Dakota IV KN317 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 14, 1946
76289 (MSN 15873/32621) to RAF as Dakota IV KN318 Feb 1945. SOC Jun 5, 1950
76290 (MSN 15874/32622) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to AC-47D.
Crashed during mission in South Vietnam Mar 9, 1966, 1 KIA, 2 MIA.
76291 (MSN 15875/32623) to RAF as Dakota IV KN319 Feb 1945. DBR when swung on
landing and undercarriage collapsed, Mingaladon Jul 8, 1945.
76292 (MSN 15876/32624) delivered as C-47B-27-DK. Converted to VC-47D. To civil registry as N304S
76293 (MSN 15877/32625) to RAF as Dakota IV KN320 Mar 1945. SOC Apr 24, 1947
76294 (MSN 15878/32626) delivered as V-47B-28-DK
76295 (MSN 15879/32627) to RAF as Dakota IV KN321 Feb 1945. Returned to USAAF
Jan 27, 1947
76296 (MSN 15880/32628) to RAF as Dakota IV KN322 Feb 1945. Sold Jan 27, 1953.
By 1955 was VP-KLA of East African Airways Corp.
76297 (MSN 15881/32629) to RAF as Dakota IV KN323 Feb 1945. SOC Jun 21, 1950
76298 (MSN 15882/32630) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76299 (MSN 15883/32631) to RAF as Dakota IV KN324 Feb 1945. Returned to USAAF
Nov 27, 1947
76300 (MSN 15884/32632) to RAF as Dakota IV KN325 Feb 1945. Returned
to USAAF Nov 14, 1947. To Belgian AF K26
(call sign OT-CWL) then to Netherlanda AF X-3
76301 (MSN 15885/32633) to RAF as Dakota IV KN326 Feb 1945. Swung on landing
and struck Dakota KN575 (previous US serial unknown) and DBR,
Semerang, Java Jan 30, 1946
76302 (MSN 15886/32634) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76303 (MSN 15887/32635) was to have gone RAF as Dakota IV KN327 Feb 1945 but
was diverted to SAAF as 6854, no RAF service
76304 (MSN 15888/32636) to RAF as Dakota IV KN328 Feb 1945.
Transferred to Military Aircraft Assistance Group May 5, 1955. Returned to USAF. Converted to EC-47Q.
To reclamation, cannibalization, salvage, or survey Sep 30, 1974.
76305 (MSN 15889/32637) to RAF as Dakota IV KN329 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 25, 1948
76306 (MSN 15890/32638) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK Feb 1945. To SC-47D, later HC-47D.
76307 (MSN 15891/32639) to RAF as Dakota IV KN330 Feb 1945. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group Jun 23, 1953.
76308 (MSN 15892/32640) to RAF as Dakota IV KN331 Feb 1945. SOC Jan 24, 1950
76309 (MSN 15893/32641) to RAF as Dakota IV KN332 Feb 1945. Destroyed by fire
after flying into hill near Vitrolles, France while descending
in cloud Apr 19, 1945.
76310 (MSN 15894/32642) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Presented to King Farouk
of Egypt Mar 27, 1945 and serialed F3. After Egyptian revolution was
used by Col. Nasser and reserialed 113 by Egyptian AF. Replaced as
Nasser's aircraft by IL-14 Jan 1956
76311 (MSN 15895/32643) to RAF as Dakota IV KN333 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 25, 1948
76312 (MSN 15896/32644) to RAF as Dakota IV KN334 Feb 1945. To SAAF as 6882 Oct 3, 1945. Registered Jan 30, 2003
to National Test Pilots School P/L of Capetown, South Africa as ZS-MAP.
76313 (MSN 15897/32645) to RAF as Dakota IV KN335 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 12, 1948.
76314 (MSN 15898/32646) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76315 (MSN 15899/32647)
76316 (MSN 15900/32648) destroyed by typhoon Oct 22, 1945
76317 (MSN 15901/32649) to RAF as Dakota IV KN336 Mar 1945. Flew into ground
on approach in cloud Aug 9, 1949, Salalah, Oman, 12 lost.
76318 (MSN 15902/32650) delivered as C-47B-28-DK.
76319 (MSN 15903/32651) to RAF as Dakota IV KN337 Feb 1945. Transferred
to SAAF as 6874 Oct 4, 1945. To Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as 7039. Flown to Wonderboom, near Pretoria, South Africa
for conversion to turboprop in 2001/2. Taken by road in about 2009 from Wonderboom.
76320 (MSN 15904/32652) to RAF as Dakota IV KN338 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Dec 21, 1946. By 1954 was PP-VBB of S A Empresa de viacao
Aerea Rio-Grandense
76321 (MSN 15905/32653) to RAF as Dakota IV KN339 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jun 24, 1947
76322 (MSN 15906/32654) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to C-47D
76323 (MSN 15907/32655) to RAF as Dakota IV KN340 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Apr 1, 19458
76324 (MSN 15908/32656) to RAF as Dakota IV KN341 Feb 1945. Sold Jul 27, 1953.
Became ZS-DHX
76325 (MSN 15909/32657) to RAF as Dakota IV KN342 Feb 1945. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group Jul 22, 1952.
76326 (MSN 15910/32658) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D.
Now on display at USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park, Mobile, Alabama
76327 (MSN 15911/32659) to RAF as Dakota IV KN343 Feb 1945. Ditched 120
mi S of Port Moresby, New Guinea Mar 20, 1945 after both engines
76328 (MSN 15912/32660) to RAF as Dakota IV KN344. Crashed at Samari,
New Guinea Jul 2, 1945 (not sure if this is date of crash or date
wreck was found)
76329 (MSN 15913/32661) to RAF as Dakota IV KN345 Feb 1945. Crashed into
Mt Pinos near Riverside, CA Mar 13, 1945 at night during ferry flight
76330 (MSN 15914/32662) (detached from 315th Air Division from Osan AB, Korea) shot down by Pathet Lao
AAA or small-arms fire Mar 23, 1961 and crashed 4 mi nw of Phon Savan, Laos. First US
combat loss in Southeast Asia since WW2. 7 crew killed, one POW. POW
released Aug 15, 1962 after signing of Geneva Accords on Laos.
76331 (MSN 15915/32663) to RAF as Dakota IV KN346 Feb 1945. SOC Feb 4, 1948
76332 (MSN 15916/32664) to RAF as Dakota IV KN347 Feb 1945. To Belgian AF Jan 29, 1950
as K28 (call sign OT-CNO) then OO-SNC
76333 (MSN 15917/32665) to RAF as Dakota IV KN348 Feb 1945. Ditched near
Lingayen, Luzon Sep 14, 1945 after both engines lost power.
76334 (MSN 15918/32666) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D. Retired to MASDC on July 25, 1968.
76335 (MSN 15919/32667) to RAAF as A65-75 (VH-CIR). Crashed Oct 26, 1956
Daly Waters, NT. Scrapped Nov 1956.
76336 (MSN 15920/32668) to RAAF as A65-72 (VH-CIO). Used as transport
for Sir Robert Menzies. To Adastra Airways VH-AGU 1959.
Now owned by By Jeff Trappett.
76337 (MSN 15921/32669) to RAAF as A65-79 (VH-CIV). To civilian registry as
VH-CDB in 1960. To Cambodia AF in 1960.
76338 (MSN 15922/32670) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To Cambodia AF Feb 2, 1971.
76339 (MSN 15923/32671) to RAAF as A65-73 (VH-CIP). Now on static display in
Beck Collection, Mareeba, QLD.
76340 (MSN 15924/32672) to RAAF as A65-80 (VH-CIW). To civil registry as VH-AIQ. To Cambodia AF 1971.
76341 (MSN 15925/32673) to RAAF as A65-81 (VH-CIX). Damaged beyond repair
by a blizzard in Antarctic May 16, 1961.
76342 (MSN 15926/32674) delivered as C-47B-28-DK Feb 1945
76343 (MSN 15927/32675) to RAAF as A65-76 (VH-CIS). To Aeroequipment of Australia
as VH-CDA. To Israel AF as 4X-FN in April 1960. To Portuguese AF as FAP-6155
in 1961. In 1974 to Guine-Bissau Air Force and used as a bomber, possibly
registered as CR-GBN. Ultimate fate obscure.
76344 (MSN 15928/32676) delivered as C-47B-27-DK
76345 (MSN 15929/32677) to RAAF as A65-78 (VH-CIU). Now at Point Cook
Museum, VIC.
76346 (MSN 15930/32678) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to TC-47D
76347 (MSN 15931/32679) to RAAF as A65-77 (VH-CIT). Crashed Jun 27, 1945,
Mascot, NSW.
76348 (MSN 15932/32680) to RAAF as A65-74 (VH-CIQ). Crashed Dec 1, 1950 and scrapped
Feb 1951.
76349 (MSN 15933/32681) to RCAF as Dakota IV 986. W/o Goose Bay Mar 29, 1946.
76350 (MSN 15934/32682) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. By 1955 was PP-CCB
"Timbira" of Servicos Aereos Cruziero do Sul
76351 (MSN 15935/32683) to RCAF as 985. Missing Jul 23, 1951.
76352 (MSN 15936/32684) to French AF Feb 1945
76353 (MSN 15937/32685) to French AF Feb 1945.
76354 (MSN 15938/32686) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to AC-47D.
Shot dowin in South Vietnam Mar 29, 1967. 7 KIA
76355 (MSN 15939/32687) to French AF Mar 1945
76356 (MSN 15940/32688) to French AF Feb 1945
76357 (MSN 15941/32689) to French AF Feb 1945 reg 476357, call sign F-RAZB, for service in French Indo China.
Mar 13, 1954 written off (DBR) at Dien Bien Phu-Gialam Airport (DIN) Vietnam.
76358 (MSN 15942/32690) to French AF Mar 1945. By 1954 was PP-VAW of
S. A. Empresa de Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandense
76359 (MSN 15943/32691) to NEIAF as DT-945
76360 (MSN 15944/32692) to NEIAF as DT-949.
76361 (MSN 15945/32693) to RNZAF as NZ3534 Mar 1945. By 1954 was
ZK-APB of New Zealand National Airways
76362 (MSN 15946/32694) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76363 (MSN 15947/32695) to RNZAF as NZ3535 Mar 1945
76364 (MSN 15948/32696) to RNZAF as NZ3536 Mar 1945
76365 (MSN 15949/32697) to USSR Mar 1945
76366 (MSN 15950/32698) crashed 5 mi S of Memphis, TN Dec 11, 1947. 20 killed.
76367 (MSN 15951/32699) to USSR Mar 1945
76368 (MSN 15952/32700) to USSR Mar 1945
76369 (MSN 15953/32701) to USSR Mar 1945
76370 (MSN 15954/32702) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To South Vietnam AF,
then to Royal Laotian AF.
76371 (MSN 15955/32703) to USSR Mar 1945
76372 (MSN 15956/32704) to USSR Mar 1945
76373 (MSN 15957/32705) to USSR Mar 1945
76374 (MSN 15958/32706) delivered as C-47B-28-DK
76375 (MSN 15959/32707) to USSR Mar 1945
76376 (MSN 15960/32708) to USSR Mar 1945
76377 (MSN 15961/32709) to USSR Mar 1945
76378 (MSN 15962/32710) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to TC-47D
76379 (MSN 15963/32711) to RAF as Dakota IV KN349 Feb 1945. Returned to USAF Jun 18, 1948
76380 (MSN 15964/32712) to RAF as Dakota IV KN350 Feb 1945. SOC Mar 21, 1950
76381 (MSN 15965/32713) to RAF as Dakota IV KN351 Feb 1945. DBR when tire burst
on landing, swung, and undercarriage collapsed Mar 15, 1946, Mingaladon, Burma
76382 (MSN 15966/32714) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76383 (MSN 15967/32715) to RAF as Dakota IV KN352 Feb 1945. Transferred
to Southern Rhodesian AF as SR4278 (AF-103) Aug 30, 1954. In 1964 to Zambia AF as AF-101. W/o
at Londozi, Zambia Aug 4, 1964.
76384 (MSN 15968/32716) to RAF as Dakota IV KN353 Feb 1945. Then registered G-AMYJ
Feb 23, 1953. Carried out trooping work under serial XF747. Became
SU-AZF, then reverted to G-AMYJ, registration cancelled by CAA Dec 12, 2001.
Aircraft noted at Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, England Mar 2004 in
RAF colors and wearing original serial of KN353.
76385 (MSN 15969/32717) to RAF as Dakota IV KN354 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Sep 1, 1954
76386 (MSN 15970/32718) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to TC-47D
76387 (MSN 15971/32719) to RAF as Dakota IV KN355 Feb 1945. SOC Jul 15, 1950
76388 (MSN 15972/32720) to RAF as Dakota IV KN356 Feb 1945. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group Jul 19, 1954.
76389 (MSN 15973/32721) to RAF as Dakota IV KN357 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF May 27, 1948
76390 (MSN 15974/32722) delivered as C-47B-28-DK Mar 1945.
76391 (MSN 15975/32723) to RAF as Dakota IV KN358 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jan 27, 1947.
76392 (MSN 15976/32724) to RAF as Dakota IV KN359 Feb 1945. Returned to USAAF
Feb 12, 1947
76393 (MSN 15977/32725) to RAF as Dakota IV KN360 Feb 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Aug 26, 1951. In 1955 was
F-BEIL of Union Aeromaritime de Transport. Went to Luftwaffe as XA+112 when it
acquired an F-104 nose. Was to have been reserialled 14+02, but
sold as N10803 instead. Registration cancelled Mar 24, 2004 as 'sale reported Jan 14, 1977'.
On civil registry as N2271B with Nevada Airlines of Nevada.
76394 (MSN 15978/32726) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To South Vietnam AF, then
to Philippine AF.
76395 (MSN 15979/32727) delivered as C-47B-27-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76396 (MSN 15980/32728) to RAF as Dakota IV KN361 Feb 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Aug 16, 1954
76397 (MSN 15981/32729) to RAF as Dakota IV KN362. Returned to USAAF
Jan 9, 1947. Sold to Faucett of Peru as OB-PAS-199 and later
re-registered OB-R-199.
76398 (MSN 15982/32730) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Conveted to VC-47D
76399 (MSN 15983/32731) to RAF as Dakota IV KN363. Ditched in South
China Sea Jan 4, 1946 after engine failed. 3 lost
76400 (MSN 15984/32732) to RAF as Dakota IV KN364 Feb 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jan 13, 1947. By 1954 was PP-VBC of
S. A. Empresa de Viacao Aerea Rio-Grandense
76401 (MSN 15985/32733) to RAF as Dakota IV KN365 Mar 1945. Returned to USAAF
Aug 20, 1947.
76402 (MSN 15986/32734) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To US civil registry as N86441. To Spanish AF as T.3-47
76403 (MSN 15987/32735) to RAF as Dakota IV KN366 Feb 1945. Destroyed by
fire after flying into mountain on Wantau Island while on approach
to Kai Tak, Hong Kong in cloud Mar 26, 1946
76404 (MSN 15988/32736) to RAF as Dakota IV KN367 Feb 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Apr 8, 1953. To L'Armée de L'Air (French Air Force) reg 476404, call sign
F-RAZZ, for service in French Indo China. Oct 19, 1953 written off (DBR) in French Indo China.
76405 (MSN 15989/32737) to RAF as Dakota IV KN368. Returned to USAAF
Jan 29, 1947. Sold to Faucett of Peru as OB-PAT-200 and later
re-registered OB-R-200. Scrapped at Lima.
76406 (MSN 15990/32738) delivered as C-47B-28-DK. Disappeared off Drewin, Ivory Coast
May 30,1945 after emergency message. 21 missing.
76407 (MSN 15991/32739) to RAF as Dakota IV KN369 Feb 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Aug 13, 1954. To civil registry as N10802
76408 (MSN 15992/32740) to RAF as Dakota IV KN370 Mar 1945. Returned
to USAAF Mar 28, 1947. Sold to Faucett of Peru as OB-PAU-201. W/o Cuzco,
Peru Nov 23, 1950
76409 (MSN 15993/32741) to RAF as Dakota IV KN371 Mar 1945. Registered G-AMPS
Mar 4, 1952. Registration cancelled Mar 13, 1953 on sale to
Central African Airways as VP-YKN "Mashona"
76410 (MSN 15994/32742) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK.
76411 (MSN 15995/32743) to RAF as Dakota IV KN372 Mar 1945. Sold Jun 14, 1950.
Became ZS-AXS.
76412 (MSN 15996/32744) to RAF as Dakota IV KN373 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Sep 13, 1954. Returned to USAF
as 44-76412. W/o May 11, 1958 while enroute from Wheelus AB
Tripoli, Libya to RAF Alconbury when had an engine failure and
landed gear up after a second engine failure on an abandoned
airfield near Hal Far, Malta.
76413 (MSN 15997/32745) to RAF as Dakota IV KN374 Mar 1945. SOC May 30, 1946
76414 (MSN 15998/32746) delivered as C-47B-28-DK
76415 (MSN 15999/32747) to RAF as Dakota IV KN375 Mar 1945. DBR May 26, 1948
at North Luffenham, UK when struck while parked by Dakot KK198 (ex 43-49714)
76416 (MSN 16000/32748) to RAF as Dakota IV KN376 Mar 1945. Ditched 10 mi
SE of Angaur, Palau Islands after engine failure May 23, 1945.
76417 (MSN 16001/32749) to RAF as Dakota IV KN377 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Mar 23, 1953.
76418 (MSN 16002/32750) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To South Vietnam AF, then to Thailand.
WFU U-Tapao Jan 2000.
76419 (MSN 16003/32751) to RAF as Dakota IV KN378 Mar 1945. SOC Mar 7, 1950
76420 (MSN 16004/32752) to RAF as Dakota IV KN379 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Mar 26, 1953. Later registered F-GEOA. Now falsely marked as
42-108979 H2-K/282 in Musée de l'Epopée et de l'Industrie Aéronautique, Albert, France May 17, 2014
76421 (MSN 16005/32753) to RAF as Dakota IV KN380 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Feb 25, 1953. To L'Armée de L'Air (French Air Force) reg 47621, call sign
F-RAXC, then F-RBDL for service in French Indo China. Jul 3, 1954 written off (DBR) in French Indo China.
76422 (MSN 16006/32754) by 1954 was PP-VAX of S. A. Empresa de Viacao
Aerea Rio-Grandense
76423 (MSN 16007/32755) to RAF as Dakota IV KN381 Feb 1945. To Belgian AF as K39
(call sign OT-CWR) Dec 19, 1949, Returned to USAF, then to French AF Sep 1952, perhaps with call sign F-RCAN.
Became IDF/AF 044/4X-FNV Apr 1967. From 1970 to 1977 was 4X-DCE as RC-47. Reregistered 044/RX-FMP in 1996. To US
civil regiatry as N60154. Now at Palm Springs Air Museum
76424 (MSN 16008/32756) to RAF as Dakota IV KN382 Mar 1945. DBR when ran away
following brake failure and struck Dakota KN416 (ex 44-76509)
Apr 6, 1948, Oakington, UK
76425 (MSN 16009/32757) to RAF as Dakota IV KN383 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Jul 26, 1954.
76426 (MSN 16010/32758) to RAF as Dakota IV KN384 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Aug 14, 1947
76427 (MSN 16011/32759) to RAF as Dakota IV KN385 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Rhodesian AF as 155 Jun 3, 1955.
76428 (MSN 16012/32760) to RAF as Dakota IV KN386 Feb 1945.
Transferred to Military Aircraft Assistance Group.
Returned to USAF. converted to VC-47D
76429 (MSN 16013/32761) to RAF as Dakota IV KN387 Mar 1945. Returned
to USAAF Nov 27, 1947. To Pakistan AF as H-712,
then to Hunting Aviation as G-ANLI (registered Jan 11, 1954, registration cancelled Feb 19, 1954)
then to Aigle-Azure Extreme-Orient asF-OAPB, then to Air Lingus as EI-AHG,
then Feb 18, 1964 to Portugal Soc. Acoriana Transportes Aereos (SATA or
Air Acores) as CS-TAE, then Nov 28, 1975 to N47028. To Colombia's
LANSA (Lineas Aereas Nacionales S.A.) as HR-LAL, to private user in
Honduras as HR-AMJ, then in 2003 to El Sol de America CA of Maiquetia,
Venezuela as YV-911C. Reported still active in 2005.
76430 (MSN 16014/32762) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. converted to TC-47D
76431 (MSN 16015/32763) to RAF as Dakota IV KN388 Mar 1945. Listed as having
crashed of O-shima Isl, Japan Jul 27, 1950. 25 of 26 onboard killed.
However, RAF record card says that the plane was transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group Aug 6, 1954.
76432 (MSN 16016/32764) to Philippine AF
76433 (MSN 16017/32765)
76434 (MSN 16018/32766)
76435 (MSN 16019/32767)
76436 (MSN 16020/32768) w/o Jan 31, 1946
76437 (MSN 16021/32769) transferred to Central Air Transport Corporation Aug 1946.
76438 (MSN 16022/32770) to Uruguayan AF as 515
76439 (MSN 16023/32771) converted to C-47D Aug 1948. Crashed Jul 28, 1950
76440 (MSN 16024/32772)
76441 (MSN 16025/32773)
76442 (MSN 16026/32774)
76443 (MSN 16027/32775) crashed Jan 27, 1948 on Cheval Blanc Mountain, southern France. 12 killed.
76444 (MSN 16028/32776) to civil registry as N86446, to Spanish AF as T.3-46. To civil registry as
G-BHUD, N2619M.
76445 (MSN 16029/32777) reportedly w/o Oct 4, 1955
76446 (MSN 16030/32778) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to C-47D, then to TC-47D
To PK-JDG with Zamrud Aviation, Indonesia
76447 (MSN 16031/32779) to US civil registry as N86445. To Spanish AF as T.3-38. Damaged by electrical failure at
Cabo Bojador, Western Sahara May 15, 1963.
76448 (MSN 16032/32780) reregistered to FAC HC-AUQ. This plane spent some time in Jun 1945 in transport school in Brazil
76449 (MSN 16033/32781) delivered as C-47B-27-DK. Converted to VC-47D
76450 (MSN 16034/32782) to French AF
76451 (MSN 16035/32783) damaged Feb 2, 1948 in taxiing accident at Barksdale AFB, LA. To MASDC Dec 19, 1969.
76452 (MSN 16036/32784)
76453 (MSN 16037/32785) by 1954 was PP-AVV of Empresa de Transportes
Aerovias Brasil S.A.
76454 (MSN 16038/32786) to MASDC.
76455 (MSN 16039/32787)
76456 (MSN 16040/32788)
76457 (MSN 16041/32789) in 1987 preserved at Military Equipment Museum, Stout Field,
Indianapolis, IN although nominally on charge of USAFM. Reported fall 2003 at
Historic Aircraft Restoration Project, Floyd Bennett Field, NY
76458 (MSN 16042/32790) to US Navy as R4D-6 BuNo 50839.
76459 (MSN 16043/32791) to US Navy as R4D-6 BuNo 39096.
76460 (MSN 16044/32792) damaged at Komaki AB, Jaoan Apr 22, 1952.
76461 (MSN 16045/32793) to US Navy as R4D-6 BuNo 39097.
76462 (MSN 16046/32794) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To US Navy as R4D-6 BuNo 39098. Now on display at Pope AFB, North Carolina.
76463 (MSN 16047/32795) to US Navy as R4D-6 BuNo 39099
76464 (MSN 16048/32796) to US Navy as R4D-7 BuNo 39100
76465 (MSN 16049/32797) to USSR Mar 1945
76466 (MSN 16050/32798) to USSR Mar 1945
76467 (MSN 16051/32799) to USSR Mar 1945
76468 (MSN 16052/32800) to USSR Mar 1945.
76469 (MSN 16053/32801) to USSR Mar 1945
76470 (MSN 16054/32802) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To US Navy as R4D-7 BuNo 39101.
76471 (MSN 16055/32803) to China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Mar 16, 1945.
76472 (MSN 16056/32804) to USSR Mar 1945
76473 (MSN 16057/32805) to USSR Mar 1945
76474 (MSN 16058/32806) to USSR Mar 1945
76475 (MSN 16059/32807) to USSR Apr 1945
76476 (MSN 16060/32808) to USSR Apr 1945
76477 (MSN 16061/32809) to RAF as Dakota IV KN389 Mar 1945. Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1947
76478 (MSN 16062/32810) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To US Navy as R4D-7 BuNo 39102
76479 (MSN 16063/32811) to RAF as Dakota IV KN390 Mar 1945. Returned to USAAF Nov 27, 1947
76480 (MSN 16064/32812) to RAF as Dakota IV KN391 Mar 1945. To Belgian AF Jan 5, 1950 as KP31
then K31 (call sign OT-CNR). SOC Oct 19, 1971
76481 (MSN 16065/32813) to RAF as Dakota IV KN392 Mar 1945. SOC Sep 5, 1950. To RCAF Nov 1951. Renumbered 12917 in 1970.
To civil registry as CF-BKX.
76482 (MSN 16066/32814) to RAF as Dakota IV KN393 Mar 1945. Transferred to Military
Aircraft Assistance Group Feb 16, 1955. Back to USAF Feb 1956, to Luftwaffe
as GA+I LTG-61, GR+114.,
76483 (MSN 16067/32815) to RAF as Dakota IV KN394 Mar 1945. SOC Jan 12, 1950.
76484 (MSN 16068/32816) to RAF as Dakota IV KN395 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Jun 22, 1953.
76485 (MSN 16069/32817) to China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Mar 22, 1945. Became XT-81, then N8353C.
76486 (MSN 16070/32818) to US Navy as R4D-7 BuNo 39103.
76487 (MSN 16071/32819) to RAF as Dakota IV KN396 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Nov 27, 1947
76488 (MSN 16072/32820) to RAF as Dakota IV KN397 Mar 1945. Then registered G-AMSV
May 15, 1952. At one time was to have become F-BSGV, but NTU. Noted
Dec 2005 under restoration at Coventry AP, England. Registration G-AMSV
still current as of Aug 2, 2006 but certificate of airworthiness
expired Aug 13, 2003. Registration G-AMSV cancelled Feb 6, 2007
on sale to owner in USA. Redistered Feb 12, 2008 to DC3 Holdings
Inc as N347DK. Noted still in open storage at Coventry, UK Aug 9, 2008.
76489 (MSN 16073/32821) to RAF as Dakota IV KN398 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Greek AF Mar 27, 1947.
76490 (MSN 16074/32822) to RAF as Dakota IV KN399 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Aug 21, 1947. To Ste Aeronautique de Transport
Alpes Provence May 1948 as F-BEIM. Later to STAEO as F-BEIM. To
Air VietNam as F-VNBM, reregistere as XV-NID. W/o Nov 10, 1962
when crashed into mountain 12 mi from DaNang airport. 27 killed.
76491 (MSN 16075/32823) to RAF as Dakota IV KN400 Mar 1945. Returned to USAF Jul 5, 1948.
76492 (MSN 16076/32824) to RAF as Dakota IV KN401 Mar 1945. SOC Feb 4, 1948
76493 (MSN 16077/32825) to RAF as Dakota IV KN402 Mar 1945. Sold Feb 25, 1959.
By 1955 was VP-KJP of East African Airways, Corp. To5Y-AAd, then 9J-RGY. To South African AF
as 6874 (20). Registered N81952 for later turboprop conversion.
Fuselage stored outside at Wonderboom, N of Pretoria, South Africa, awaiting turboprop conversion.
76494 (MSN 16078/32826) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76495 (MSN 16079/32827) to RAF as Dakota IV KN403 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Goruop May 27, 1953.
76496 (MSN 16080/32828) to RAF as Dakota IV KN404 Mar 1945. Sold Jan 11, 1950.
Registered G-ALXK Jan 17, 1950. Certificate of airworthiness
expired May 21, 1967 and registration cancelled Nov 14, 1969 as
withdrawn from use. Aircraft parked at Lasham and subsequently
broken up.
76497 (MSN 16081/32829) to RAF as Dakota IV KN405 Mar 1945. SOC Jul 14, 1950
76498 (MSN 16082/32830) to RAF as Dakota IV KN406 Mar 1945. Transferred
to Military Aircraft Assistance Group Apr 8, 1953.
76499 (MSN 16083/32831) to RAF as Dakota IV KN407 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jan 29, 1948. Then to French AF, then to SMCA-Air Maroc May 1948 as F-BEIN.
76500 (MSN 16084/32832) to RAF as Dakota IV KN408 Mar 1945. Transferred to
Military Aircraft Assistance Group May 27, 1953.
76501 (MSN 16085/32833) to RAF as Dakota IV KN409 Mar 1945. Flew into sea
4 mi W of Irvine, Scotland while descending through cloud during
ferry flight Mar 28, 1945.
76502 (MSN 16086/32834) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. To French AF, seeing service in Indochina,
then to South Vietnamese AF. Returned to USA Oct 19, 1968, assigned to USAFM and stored at
AMARC. Now on displayh at McChord Air Museum, WA although still nominally on charge of USAFM.
76503 (MSN 16087/32835) to RAF as Dakota IV KN410 Mar 1945. Transferred to
Military Aircrart Assistance Group Apr 21, 1953.
76504 (MSN 16088/32836) to RAF as Dakota IV KN411 Mar 1945. SOC Jun 13, 1946
76505 (MSN 16089/32837) to RAF as Dakota IV N412 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF May 7, 1947
76506 (MSN 16090/32838) to RAF as Dakota IV KN413 Mar 1945. Flew into
high ground after abandoning instrument approach to
Gardermoen, Norway Dec 18, 1945.
76507 (MSN 16091/32839) to RAF as Dakota IV KN414 Mar 1945. Crashed 2 mi
WNWof Kai Tak when control was lost after takeoff Sep 25, 1946, Hong Kong. 19 lost.
76508 (MSN 16092/32840) to RAF as Dakota IV KN415 Mar 1945. To William Dempster
as G-AMSS, to Dan-Air London as G-AMSS, to Air Service Co (Iran)
as EP-AIQ, derelict.
76509 (MSN 16093/32841) to RAF as Dakota IV KN416 Mar 1945. DBR in ground accident at Oakington, UK
Apr 6, 1948 when struck while parked by Dakota KN382 (44-76424)
76510 (MSN 16094/32842) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76511 (MSN 16095/38243) to RAF as Dakota IV KN417 Mar 1945. SOC Sep 5, 1950. Then became CF-GBH,
then RCAF 10916, then N6677, then CF-CTA, then C-FCTA, then N142JR. Registered
Jun 15, 2006 to TAC Air Services Inc of Gimli MB as CF-FTR.
76512 (MSN 16096/32844) to RAF as Dakota IV KN418 Mar 1945. Sold Feb 25, 1952. By 1955 was VP-KJQ
of East African Airways Corp. Registered 5Y-AAE then ZS-OJE
76513 (MSN 16097/32845) to RAF as Dakota IV KN419 Mar 1945. Sold Feb 25, 1952. By 1955 was VP-KJR
of East African Airways Corp. Registered to 5X-AAQ to 5Y-BBn and w/o Feb 1992 by Air Kenya
76514 (MSN 16098/32846) to RAF as Dakota IV KN420 Mar 1945. Returned to USAAF
Nov 27, 1947. By 1955 was AP-AGG of Pakistan International Airlines
76515 (MSN 16099/32847) delivered to China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC)
under Lend-Lease Mar 29, 1945. Became XT-52, then N8351C.
To civil registry as N4883V
76516 (MSN 16100/32848) to RAF as Dakota IV KN421 Mar 1945. Returned to
USAAF Jul 17, 1947
76517 (MSN 16101/32849) to RAF as Dakota IV KN422. Returned to USAAF
Feb 27, 1947. To Royal Thai AF as L2-8/90.
In RTAF Museum, Don Muang.
76518 (MSN 16102/32850) delivered as TC-47B-25-DK
76519 (MSN 16103/32851) to RAF as Dakota IV KN423 Mar 1945. Engine caught
fire in flight May 20, 1948. Landed safely but SOC as DBR.
76520 (MSN 16104/32852) to RAF as Dakota IV KN424 Mar 1945. DBR Oct 20, 1948 at
Lubeck, West Germany when tipped up while taxying in gusty conditions
76521 (MSN 16105/32853) to RAF as Dakota IV KN425 Mar 1945. SOC Oct 29, 1948
76522 (MSN 16106/32854) to RAF as Dakota IV KN426 Mar 1945. Bellylanded on
fire Jan 10, 1948 25 mi NW of Cairo after engine exploded and fell off.
76523 (MSN 16107/32855) to RAF as Dakota IV KN427. TO RCAF Apr 8, 1946.
Renumbered 12921 in 1970.
76524 delivered as TC-47B-25-DK. Converted to EC-47P. Supplied under MAP in 1972.
44-83024 ... 44-83024
Lockheed XF-14 Shooting Star
MSN 080-1003. Model 80, Originally YP-80A No 2, constructed as XF-14 unarmed reconnissance prototype during
production. Destroyed in mid-air collision with B-25J 44-29120 near Muroc AB Dec 6, 1944. All crew on
both planes killed.
44-85692 ... 44-85791
Lockheed/Vega B-17G-105-VE Fortress
MSN 8601/8700. B-17G built by Lockheed-Vega Airplane Company as part of pooled production
85706 to VB-17G. Assigned HQ TAC, Langley AFB, Virginia. Sold on commercial market as N7045C. Scrapped 1959.
85715 to SB-17G. Assigned to 6th ARS [C Flight], Lajes, Azores, 1949
Assigned to 7th ARS [B Flight], Lajes, Azores Jul 31, 1949.
Assigned to AMC, Wright Patterson AFB, OH Feb 4, 1952
85718 to SNCAC at Villacoublay, France. Dec 10, 1947
sold to Institut Geographique National of France as F-BEEC.
Became ZS-EEC, then F-BEEC again, and later became G-FORT.
Returned to USA as N900RW. Now at Lone Star Aviation
Museum in Texas, and is still flyable. In 2011 the plane had 238050 on its tail and was
painted to represent "Thunderbird"
85728 (MSN 8637) bought by TWA for use in survey and liaison work to lay out postwar routes. Was originally
registered NX4600 1946. Civil registry later to NL-1B. Later given to Shah of Iran under
registration EP-HIM. Became F-BGOE after Iran and then scrapped.
85731 to Navy as BuNo 83996 in 1947 as spare parts source
85733 to SNCAC at Villacoublay, France. Sold to Institut
Geographique National of France and registered F-BEEB
Feb 20, 1948. Crashed and destroyed at Yaounde,
Cameroun March 11, 1949.
85734 converted to JB-17G. Converted as turboprop test bed by
Pratt & Whitney under civil registration NX-5111N.
Became N5111N, later N817BR. Went to New England Air Museum,
Windsor Lock, CT between 1967 and 1987. Nearly
destroyed in tornado Mar 10, 1979. Remains traded to Tom Reilly
in 1987 in exchange for work done on a museum B-25H. Assigned
civil registration of N817BR in July 1999. Registration N390TH reserved Sep 10, 2003, taken
up Feb 20, 2004. Was flying on tour as "Liberty Belle" with a false tail number of 42-97849.
Fire broke out shortly after takeoff from Aurora Municipal Airport, Illinois Jun 13, 2011. Made
emergency landing in a farm field near Oswego, Illinois. All aboard escaped uninjured, but aircraft
was destroyed by fire.
85738 converted to DB-17G then to EDB-17G and
then back to DB-17G. Delivered by air Aug 4, 1958 to
AMVETS Chapter 56, Tulare, CA. Moved in 1971 to compound
at Perry's Coffee House, Tulare, then back on permanent
display in 1981 at AMVETS of Tulare, CA
85740 sold to Metal Products, Amarillo, TX Jun 17, 1947 for
scrapping but registered Jul 10, 1947 to Universal
Aviation Inc of Tulsa, OK as N5017N . Now
owned by Experimental Aircraft Association of
Oshkosh, WS and maintained in flying condition painted
in colors of 398th BG B-17G 42-102516 "Aluminum
Overcast" which was shot down over France on Aug 13, 1944.
85741 sold on commercial market as N5110N.
Scrapped at some unknown date.
85746 (SB-17G) assigned to AMC, Olmsted AFB, PA
Assigned to 2153rd RU, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Mar 15, 1949
Assigned to 7th RS [D Flight], Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Oct 3, 1949
Assigned to AMC, Olmsted AFB, PA Sep 18, 1950 for maintenance
Assigned McChord AFB, WA. Crashed near Tyler Peak, WA Jan 19, 1952. 3
killed, 5 survived. Wreckage still there.
85747 loaned to Navy as BuNo 83999 for engine testbed work.
85748 to Navy as BuNo 83997 in 1947 as spare parts source
85752 to TB-17G drone controller with ball turret replaced by AS-154/APS-10
85762 to Navy as BuNo 83998 in 1947 as spare parts source
85774 sold to Bolivian user as CP-621.
Returned to USA as N621L and destroyed July 1975.
85778 converted to TB-17G and then to VB-17G. Sold on civilian market as N3509G and used as
aerial tanker. Put in storage at Aero Nostalgia
hangar at Stockton Airport, CA. Now with Pond Warbirds, Palm Springs, CA, but hasn't
flown for several years. On display at Palm Springs Air Museum, named "Miss Angela"
85784 converted to EB-17G and to ETB-17G. Sold to Institut Geographique National
of France as F-BGSR. Sold to American users as N17TE but never taken to USA. Moved to Britain and re-
registered as G-BEDF. Currently flying as *Sally B* with B-17 Preservation Ltd of Duxford with false
tail number 124485 (Memphis Belle). Used in remake of film *Memphis Belle*
85790 to Art Lacey of Milwaukee, OR 1947 and ferried from Altus AFB, OK to Portland, OR Mar 8-10, 1947. By Sept 1947
was on display above Lacy's Bomber Gas Station in Milwaukie, Oregon. Reported still there in 1980. Moved to
Lacey's Bomber Restaurant in 1990. 44-85790 nose section was removed in 1996, restored and now at the Wings of
Freedom Showcase, Milwaukie, Oregon. Rest of aircraft still at the gas station. The gas station is now
closed but The Bomber Restaurant at the same site is still open. Engines removed 2012. Airframe removed
2014 by B-17 Alliance Group of Aurora for rebuild to flying condition.
44-86692 ... 44-86891
North American B-25J-30/32-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-47446/108-47645
(Andrade quotes 108-37486/37585 for 44-86692/86791 and 108-47446/47545 for
86694 became N3525G
86697 (MSN 108-47451) to storage at Independence, MO. To storage at Pyote, Texas Sep 1947.
to Brookleyu Air depot, AL Oct 1951 and converted as trainer and redesignated TB-25J.
To RCAF Jan 24, 1952 as 5239. Became N92876.
I have it as having gone to Venezuela as FAV 0953 and
recovered in the 1980s and restored by Tom Reilly and
operated as N62163 *Killer Bee* by Bill Leary. Now
reportedly up for sale.
86698 to storage at Independence, MO. To storage at Pyote, Texas Sep 1947.
to Brookleyu Air depot, AL Oct 1951 and converted as trainer and redesignated TB-25J.
To RCAF as 5248. To SST Aviatin Museum, Kissimmee, Florida Sep 1975-Aug 1982.
became CF-NWU and operated as air tanker by G&M of Alberta, Canada. To N543VT,
then C-GUNO. Now being rebuilt as N325N at Santa Rosa, CA by Mitchell
Mania as a solid-nose B-25J and carries the
Name *Sunday Punch*.
86699 (MSN 108-47453) converted to TB-25J. To RCAF as 5232 in 1952. Put in storage
with National Aviation Museum, Ottawa, Canada. Noted 1997 as N62163 of Tri Con Group
Reported 1964 at National Aeronautical Collection, Rockliffe,
Ottawa, ONT
86701 converted to TB-25N. Registered N7681C 1958. Used in film "Catch-22".
Arrived Luton, UK May 11, 1978 for use in film "Hanover Street".
Subsequently stored at Blackbushe, later that year passed
to Musee de l'Air et de l'Espace. In 1988 was reported stored by the Musee
de l'Air, Paris. Destroyed May 17, 1990 when the museum storage
facility burned down.
86708 became N3682G
86711 declared surplus Aug 1960.
86712 to Mexico in 1945 as BMM-3501
86715 converted to TB-25N. being restored to airworthy as N3442G
86716 (MSN 108-47470) converted to TB-25N. Registered as N2887G, but marked as cancelled
May 25, 2004 as sale reported 1977. Aircraft was broken up
on fire dump at Salina, Puerto Rico during 1982.
86717 to Mexico in 1945 as BMM-3502
86718 to Mexico in 1945 as BMM-3503
86724 to RCAF as 5203 in 1951. Became CF-NTU and was derelict at
Kamloops, BC. Recovered and refurbished. Now on static display
at Air Command Hq. CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
86725 (MSN 108-47479) to RCAF as 5224 Jan 1952 but serial not taken up, became 5243. To Venezuelan
AF in 1963 as 5880. Later to Bolivian AF as FAB 541. Returned to USA
and restored and registered as N25NA May 1985. Force-landed in Everglades
Apr 2, 1987 following failure of both engines, recovered and under
restoration 1988. Acquired in 1996 by Jim Morgan and loaned to Evergreen
Air Museum, McMinnville, OR. As N25NA resident in Dec 2012 at Oklahoma Museum of Flying at
Wiley Post Airport, Bethany, Oklahoma and undergoing restoration.
86726 (MSN 108-47480) to RCAF as 5237 in 1952. To civil registry as N92880 then
CF-NTP. On static display at Reynolds Aviation Museum, Alberta, Canada.
86727 to RCAF as 5230 in 1952. SOC May 23, 1962 and became
N92875. Reported 1975 at USMC Museum, MCAS Quantico, VA.
By 1976 on static display at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Now at Flying
Leathernecks Museum, MCAS Miramar, CA.
86728 to RCAF Jan 15, 1952 as 5247. SOC Apr 26, 1962. Became CF-NTW,
noted in early 1970s as derelict at Kamloops, BC
86729 to RCAF as 5220 in 1951
86730 to RCAF as 5235 in 1952
86731 to RCAF as 5216 in 1951
86733 to RCAF as 5222 - possibly not received.
Also listed as RCAF 5239. w/o July 1955
Also listed as RCAF 5282.
86734 (MSN 108-47488) to TB-25N. Now airworthy as N333RW at Lone Star Flight
Museum, Houston, TX. Ex N9090Z, N600DM.
86735 to RCAF as 5227 in 1951. w/o Feb 1957.
86736 to RCAF as 5233 in 1952. SOC Jun 12, 1963 and became N92886
86738 to RCAF as 5229 in 1952. SOC Jun 12, 1963 and became N92878
86743 became N3508G
86747 (MSN 108-47501) converted to TB-25N. With Planes of Fame Air Museum of
Minnesota, airworthy as N8163H "Mitch the Witch"
Used in filming of *Pearl Harbor*.
86749 converted to TB-25N. Became N8194H, noted derelict at President Stroesser
Airport, Ascuncion, Paraguay in mid 1970s.
86752 converted to TB-25N. To N2812G
86758 (MSN 108-47512) with Confederate Air Force as "Devil Dog", airworthy
as N9643C, restored with 8-gun nose shell
and markings of USMC VMB-612.
86772 accepted by USAAF Jun 28, 1945 and put into storage. Assigned to 1050th Maintenance
Service Unit at Andrews AFB. To 1401st Air Base Wing--Utility at Anderews AFB Aug 1952.
To Birmingham, AL for Hayes conversion in 1954 and returned to Andrews AFB. To
1001st Air Base Wing Dec 1957. Converted to TB-25N at some point. To storage at MASDC in 1958. Sold on civil registry
as N9333Z Jan 1959. Made forced landing in Argentina Jan 1962 (may have been used in
cigarette smuggling), biven to a local flying club and put on display. Registration
cancelled Dec 1964. Returned to USA in 1990 by Don Whittington and sat in pieces at Fort
Lauderdale, FL until 1993, when traded to the USAF Museum for four H-1 helicopters
Now on display at Hill Aerospace Museum, Utah
86773 became RCAF 5282, then N8010, then registered YV-E-IPU to S.A. PROYECTOS Y LEVANTAMIENTOS
AEREOS Y TERRESTRES (SAPROLATE) YV-19CP reserved but NTU. Crashed Aug 11, 1977 and reported
derelict at caracas-Maiquetia.
86777 converted to TB-25N. Sold on civil register as N9167Z in Jan 1959.
Went through a succession of owners. Registration
changed to N345BG in 1988. Reported to be at Tulsa,
OK as N9167Z. Overhauled and restored early in 2012. Owned and displayed
by Liberty Aviation Museum, Port Clinton, Ohio. Active.
86779 converted to TB-25N. Crashed and totally destroyed 7 miles west of Manchester, Georgia on Oct 1, 1953.
5 killed, 1 survivor in a collision with mountainous terrain in Pine Mountain Valley, Georgia.
86782 (TB-25N) to civil registry as N3677G
86785 converted to TB-25N. Airworthy at Troy, AL as N5262V.
86786 to N3514G
86791 (TB-25J, MSN 108-47545) as Australian war memorial, Canberra.
Restored Stockton CA as N8196H in 1982/83. Two years as VH-XXV "A47-31",
then to Canberra War Memorial. Imported back into US in 1999. Registration
N6116X allocated May 2002. Noted in restoration area at Yanks Air Museum,
Chino, CA Nov 2002
86797 converted to TB-25J. Airworthy at Troy, AL as N3438G "Ol' Gray Mare". Planned to be displayed
in a proposed Glendale Aircraft Museum at Glendale Apt, AZ
86798 converted to TB-25N. To N543VT
86799 (MSN 108-47553) with 246th BU at Pratt AAF, KS crashed 2 mi
S of Hutcheson, KS Aug 3, 1945.
86800 (MSN 108-47554) converted to TB-25N before leaving USAF
service. To civil registry as N9091Z. Reported to have
crashed near Flores, Guatemala Sep-Nov 1960.
86805 converted to TB-25N. Crashed in snowstorm Jan 26, 1956 on flight from
Goodfellow AFB, TX to Norton AFB, CA. All 4 onboard killed.
86806 (MSN 108-47560) converted to TB-25J. In landing accident at
Craig AFB, AL Dec 14, 1951
86807 (MSN 108-47561) crashed 4 mi SE of Duvall, OH Dec 10, 1946
86809 (MSN 108-47563) converted to TB-25J. Crashed with belly landing
after engine failure 1 mi SE of Ellington AFB, Apr 2, 1951.
86811 (TB-25N) to civil registry as N345G.
86820 to RCAF as 5204 Jul 6, 1951. SOC May 23, 1962. To US civil registry as
N92874, then N232S, then CP-808. Crashed at Itagua, Bolivia
Apr 19, 1967but presumably repaired as registered to Volivariana
of La Paz by 1972 and then reported crashed Nov 21, 1977.
86834 converted to TB-25N. Became N9495Z, then TI-1026C, then
XB-MOP. Damaged at Miami Jan 20, 1968 by bomb in wheel whell
and noted derelict there Oct 1968
86843 (MSN 108-47597, TB-25N) Registered N3507G Aug 14, 1959, cancelled Jul 10, 1972. Was *Catch 22* aircraft.
Donated to USAF Museum, put on static display at Grissom AFB, Indiana as *Passionate Paulette Aug 1972-2002
86844 (MSN 108-47598, TB-25N) to civil registry as N3453G. Reported derelict
at New Orleans/Lakefront AP by 1973 and still there in 1977.
Mounted on a plinth above Big Kahuna Water Park, Destin, FL.
Lost its port vertical fin in hurricane Ivan
Sep 15, 2004. Registration N3453G restored Sep 15, 2005.
86853 (MSN 108-47507, B-25N) became N3521G, w/o at Red Bluff, CA May 6, 1967.
86855 to RAAF as A47-50. SOC 3/50
86859 to RAAF as A47-49. SOC 3/50
86861 to civil registry as N3482G, then to CP-718 of F. Vasquez, w/o at Cobija
Mar 2, 1966
86865 to civil registry as N3511G
86866 to civil registry as N9069Z. Was apparently impounded at
Quito. Put on static display at Museo de La FAE Quito
Airport, Ecuador.
86872 operated as aerial tanker under civilian number N2888G.
Reported derelict and stripped at Boise, ID by 1983. Restored
1987 by Aero Nostalgia of Stockton, CA and passed to USAFM
at Robbins AFB, GA. Now at Museum of Aviation, Warner Robins AFB,
Georgia (N2888G). Has been repainted as *Little King*, a
310th BG B-25 that flew 121 combat missions in Italy.
86873 converted to TB-25K. Became N9639C, later N87Z. Reported as having crashed
at Long Island, Bahamas Aug 2,1982, but still on the FAA roster.
86879 to RCAF as 5205 in 1951.
86880 converted to TB-25N. Put on static display in Reese AFB collection, Lubbock, TX.
86883 converted to TB-25J. To civil registry as N3444G, then to N344G
86891 on static display at Castle Air Museum, California restored as 40-2344. Ex N3337G
44-86892 ... 44-86897
North American B-25J-35/37-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-47646/108-47651 (Andrade quotes 108-47546/47551)
86893 was airworthy as N6123C at Kansas City Warbirds,
Richards Gebaur AFB, Missouri Combat Air Museum, Topeka, KS.
Reported WFU and derelict at Mesa, AZ by 1969. Acquired by
J. J. Stokes of San Marcos, TX in 1977 and subsequently
owned by Kansas City Warbirds, Kansas City, MO. Now
registered since 1997 to Aircraft Guarantee Corp Trustee and flying with the
demo team of The Flying Bulls/Red Bull, still as N6123C and is a
regular performer at European air shows.
86898 Ex RCAF 5248, to civilian register as
C-GUNO, to Texas in 1983 as N543VT.
Now a water bomber with G&M Aircraft of Alberta, Canada.
45-2550 ... 45-2561
Douglas C-117A-1-DK
2550 (MSN 18553/34136)
2551 (MSN 18554/34145)
2552 (MSN 18555/34168). to C-117B
2553 (MSN 18556/34191). to C-117B. Damaged Jan 1, 1946 at Patterson AAF in ground accident
2554 (MSN 18557/34212) w/o Aug 24, 1948 at Newton, New Jersey in midair collision with B-25J 44-86870 9 killed.
The B-25J landed safely
2555 (MSN 18558/34234)
2556 (MSN 18559/34250) damaged Apr 21, 1950 at National Airport, DC in ground accident
2557 (MSN 18560/34264)
2558 (MSN 18561/34278)
2559 (MSN 18562/34291) Registered in 1997 as N4421R
2560 (MSN 18563/34305)
2561 (MSN 18564/34318) damaged Feb 18, 1950 at Bolling AB, DC in ground accident.
45-8801 ... 45-8899
North American B-25J-35/37-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-47652/108-47750 (Andrade quotes 108-47552/47650)
8806 in accident at Vance AFB, OK.
8811 (MSN 108-47562) to civilian registry as N9621C. Airworthy
in France with Flying Legends at Dijon-Longvic as F-AZID. Reported Feb 2005
to be sold to Semalog AG of Switzerland, with registration HB-RDE reserved.
Jan 2005. Has left Switzerland and registered F-AZZU.
8822 converted to TB-25N and then to VB-25N
8824 to civil registry as N75150
8829 to civil registry as N66548 "The Flying Seal"
8830 to civil registry as NL2424
8834 to civil registry as NC300
8835 used by Bendix as test bed undercivilian registry of
N69345. In 1972, to Canadian registry as C-FDKU. Used as
a water bomber with G&M Aircraft,
Alberta, Canada. Sold in 1994 to C&P Aviation of
of MN and reregistered as N5672V. Currently being
Restored at Chino, CA.
8836 to civil registry as N64384
8843 (MSN 108-47694) delivered Aug 1945. Converted to VB-25N. SOC 1958 to civil registry as N9091H 1958,
cancelled, then became XB-HEY, cancelled. Deliberately burned for scene in "Catch 22' and remains
buried 1969 at Guaymas Airfield, Sonora, Mexico.
8846 1st WRS. Detached to Kindley Field, Bermuda 1945
8851 to civil registry as N8093H, then N190V. Reported derelict at
Ocala, FL by 1968
8869 (TB-25) disappeared 11/5/1945 on flight from Bolling AFB
to Newfoundland. 6 missing.
8882 to civil registry as N32T. Reported derelict at Teterboro, NJ
by 1970, then gone to Pawling, NY where one static display airframe was
apparently made from this an PBJ BuNo 35876.
8883 (MSN 108-47734) N75755, then C-GCWA (ntu), then C-GCWM. Airworthy with Canadian Warplane Heritage,
Hamilton, Ontario. Restored as HD372 of 98Sqdn RAF.
8884 airworthy at Alpharetta, GA as N5833B, named "Lady Luck". Previously owned by Air acres Air Museum of
Cartersville, Georgia nicknamed "Georgia Girl". Ex C-GCWJ, N3156G.
8887 (TB-25N) dismantled and stored at Aero Trader,
Chino, CA. N3680G. Suffered undercarriage collapse while landing
at Vega, TX sometime around 1978 and trucked dismantled to Borrego
Springs, CA. Reported 1984 stored at Aero Traders, Chino, CA
8891 converted to VB-25J VIP transport
8896 to N9075Z
8898 (TB-25N) airworthy at Scottsdale AZ in RAF
color scheme as N898BW.
45-8900 ... 45-9244
cancelled contract for B-25J-35-NC Mitchell
MSN 108-47751/48095
51-1874 ... 51-1938
Republic RF-84F-10-RE Thunderflash
Transfers to MASDC from
1877 to Republic of China AF AF as 5625. Returned to USAF in 1965, to Alabama ANG and
then to Michigan ANG
1878 to Belgium as FR-21 Jan 1959. Stored at Koksijde Oct 26, 1971. Returned to USAF Jul 31, 1973 and scrapped.
1882 to MASDC as FA087 Dec 8, 1970. To Allied Aircraft, Tucson, AZ Apr 28, 1975
1884 ex 51-1884 USAF 3600th Combat Crew Training Wing at Luke AFB (AZ);
ex 51-1884 USAF 71st SRW at Larson AFB (WA);
ex 51-1884 154th TRS Arkansas ANG at Adams Field, Little Rock (AR); (Dec 1957);
Handed over at Brookley AFB (AL) and MAP transfer to the Italian Air Force / Aeronautica Militare
as MM51-1884, (jun18, 1958); ex 3-32 132° Gruppo CR (Jul 1968);
ex 11884/3-02 18° Gruppo CR; Scrapped Villafranca, Verona, Italy (nov74).
1885 (217th TRG, Michigan ANG) crashed near Round Lake, Michigan Oct 27, 1964. Pilot killed.
1886 assigned to 432nd TRG, Shaw AFB, SC. to Iowa Angf 174th TRS, Sioux City Apt, IA Mar 1958.
To Belgian AF as FR-26 Jan 31, 1963. Crash landing Oct 22, 1970 in Belgium (42 Smaldeel). Stored in yard at
Evere Dec 11, 1970. Soc Dec 1970 and sold for scrap. To Mujsee due Chateau de Savigny, Savigny-Les-Beaune,
France Sep 14, 1988, and preserved.
1887 to Germany as EB-251, later EB-351. 52-7356 also quoted as EB-251.
1888 to Germany as EB-364. Crashed Jun 1, 1961
1890 to Netherlands as P-21. To Turkey Oct 17, 1963 as 11890.
1891 to Republic of China AF as 5621. Returned to USAF in 1965. Served with
Alabama ANG, then Michigan ANG.
1893 to MASDC as FA067 Oct 1, 1970. Sold Jan 26, 1977 to Kolar Inc, Tucson, AZ Apr 20, 1977.
1894 to Germany as EB-110, later EB-310. To fire dump at Fassberg
1896 on display with Michigan ANG at Selfridge Military Air Museum, Michigan.
1898 to Belgium as FR-24 Feb 1959. w/o after hangar fire at Beauvechain AB,
Belgium Feb 22, 1962.
1901 to Turkish AF Feb 5, 1958; noted 1997 on outdoor static display
at Turkish AF Museum, Yesilkoy, Istanbul.
1902 to MASDC as FA159 Mar 26, 1971. Scrapped.
1903 to Republic of China AF as 5622. Returned to USAF in 1965. Served with Alabama ANG,
later Michigan ANG.
1906 to Belgium as FR-22 Dec 1958. Stored at Koksijde Sep 9, 1971. returned to USAF Jul 31, 1973 and scrapped.
1907 crashed Aug 17, 1961 after welds failed on the tailpipe.
1909 to Netherlands as P-22. w/o 4/19/60 near Hahn AB, West Germany (306 Sqdn)
1910 to Netherlands as P-23. To Turkey Oct 17, 1963 as 11910.
1911 to Germany as EB-118, later EB-318
1912 to Belgium as FR-23 Dec 1959. Stored at Koksrijde Nov 5, 1971. Returned to USAF Jul 31, 1973 and scrapped.
1913 to Germany as EB-113, later EB-313.
1914 to MASDC as FA040 Nov 24, 1970. Sold Jan 26, 1977. Later to New
Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology to be
expended in explosives tests.
1916 to MASDC Nov 24, 1970. Sold for scrap Jan 26, 1977.
Later to New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology to be
expended in explosives tests.
1917 to Turkish AF Oct 25, 1958; noted 1997 in Turkish AF Museum, Yesilkoy, Istanbul.
1922 to Belgium as FR-27 Jul 16, 1963. Stored at Koksijde AB Sep 9, 1971. To Florennes AB as gate guard
Jul 26, 1973, subsequently as a decoy. To Spa airfield in Belgium for preservation Jan 29, 1996.
1923 to Germany as EB-113, later EB-313. To fire dump at Fassberg
1924 to Netherlands as P-24. To Turkey Oct 24, 1963 as 11924. WFU Aug 29, 1980. Stored at
Eskisehir AB, Turky 1980 to 1988. On display at Etimesgut airfield
1925 to MASDC as FA081 Nov 13, 1970. To Allied Aircraft, Tucson, AZ Apr 3, 1975
1928 available Republic Farmingdale (26oct54), accepted by USAF (13dec54); delivered USAF (23dec54);
ex 51-1928 USAF 432nd TRG/29th TRS at at Shaw AFB (SC);
ex 51-1928 184th TRS Arkansas ANG at Fort Smith AP (AR) (Dec 1957);
handed over at Brookley AFB (AL) and MAP transfer to the Italian Air Force / Aeronautica Militare
as MM51-1928, (18jun58); ex 3-47 132° Gruppo RT; ex 3-27 18° Gruppo CR (1973);
Stored scrapyard Petrimetal at Castrette di Villorba, Treviso (1974);
Preserved with tail of MM52-7457 as ‘French Air Force 27457/3-43’ at Musée d’Aviation du Mas
Palegry near Perpignan, France (Sep 1994-May 24, 2013).
1929 put on display at city of Neligh, Nebraska in 1971
1931 to MASDC as FA162 Apr 8, 1971. To Allied Aircraft, Tucson, AZ Apr 23, 1975
1932 Assigned to 106th TRS ANG. Crashed into sea 450 miles from Bermuda Oct 27, 1960
1933 to Germany as EB-233, later EB-333.
1934 to MASDC as FA158 Mar 26, 1971. To Allied Aircraft, Tucson, AZ Apr 28, 1975
1935 displayed at York MAP, Nebraska
1936 displayed at Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg/Skyhaven Apt.
Also have this one going to Republic of China AF as 5624
1937 (MSN 109) to Royal Danish AF Jun 4, 1962 and 11937, coded as C-937. WFU Apr 4, 1971. Became decoy at Karup AB, Denmark.
To MBB, West Germany in 1973.
1938 (171st TRS, MI ANG) crashed May 1958.
51-2045 ... 51-2081
Boeing B-47B-25-BW Stratojet
MSN 450098/450134. Transfers to MASDC from
2045 delivered to Lockheed Marietta as pattern aircraft for Refinement Program.
Remained as a static test vehicle. Subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Mar 21, 1958
2046 redesignated EB-47B Jun 1952. Subsequently converted to XB-47D testbed
for Wright XT-49 turboprop as Model 450-162-48, and formally redesignated as
such Dec 1954. First flight Feb 15, 1956.
2047 redesignated JB-47B Dec 1955. Subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 8, 1958
2048 (ARDC) stalled during landing and crashed Jun 24, 1952, 3 killed
2049 subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B
2050 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Sep 4, 1958
2051 subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Nov 19, 1957
2052 redesignated JB-47B Dec 1955, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 31, 1958
2053 subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 22, 1958
2054 (YRB-47B, 4th SRS, 26th RW) shot down by MiG-15s over Pacific E of Kamchatka
Peninsula Apr 18, 1955. Crew may have bailed out but were not recovered.
2055 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Dec 20, 1957
2056 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Nov 7, 1957
2057 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Nov 8, 1957
2058 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Sep 3, 1958
2059 updated and redesignated TB-47B. Transferred in 1956 to Canadair as testbed for
Orenda Iroquois engine as CL-52, serial X059. Following
cancellation of the Arrow program, returned to USA Aug 1959 and
scrapped at MASDC shortly thereafter.
2060 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 13, 1958
2061 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Apr 27, 1959
2062 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Dec 20, 1957
2063 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. With 340th BW, crashed near
Topeka, Kansas Mar 16, 1954. To MASDC Nov 12, 1957
2064 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Dec 20, 1957
2065 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. to MASDC Oct 17, 1958.
2066 converted to YRB-47B, subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B.
Converted to WB-47. w/o with 340th BW in Missouri Feb 17, 1955. To MASDC Sep 2, 1958.
2067 no. 1 engine tore loose during ferry flight from Wichita to Oklahoma City
Air Material Area Feb 26, 1952. Uneventful landing made. Updated and
redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 13, 1958
2068 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jun 5, 1958
2069 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 19, 1960
2070 to TB-47B. To MASDC Jan 13, 1958
2071 redesignated EB-47B Sep 1952 and JB-47B Dec 1955. Subsequently updated and
redesignated TB-47B. W/o at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Jun 30, 1953. To MASDC Jan 15, 1958
2072 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Sep 3, 1958
2073 during ferry flight between Wichita and Oklahoma City outboard cowling of
number 2 engine fell off. Landed safely. Updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Dec 5, 1958
2074 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Mar 19, 1958
2075 redesignated EB-47B then JB-47B Jan 1956, TB-47B Feb 1956 and JTB-47B Mar 1956.
Subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B again.
Put on display at Air Force Flight Test Center Museum, Edwards, AFB, California. Later put out on
bombing range at Edwards AFB.
2076 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Dec 11, 1957
2077 updated and redesignated TB-47B
2078 redesignated EB-47B Nov 1952 and JTB-47B Dec 1955. Subsequently updated and
redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Jun 12, 1959
2079 subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. W/o in Kansas Mar 17, 1953. To MASDC Jan 8, 1958
2080 redesignated JB-47B Jan 1956 and subsequently updated and redesignated TB-47B. W/o in Florida Dec 17, 1952.
To MASDC Oct 8, 1958
2081 updated and redesignated TB-47B. To MASDC Apr 1, 1958
52-7355 ... 52-7377
Republic RF-84F-25-RE Thunderflash
7355 to Germany at EB-250. 7355 is gate guard at Fliegerhorst Schleswig, Germany
7356 to Germany as EB-251, later EB-351. Used as spare parts. 51-1887 also
listed as EB-251.
7358 to Germany as EB-121, later EB-321.
7359 to Germany to Germany as EB-117, later EB-317. At Munsingen 1967.
7361 to Germany as EB-107. W/o 6/7/63
7363 to Italian AF
7364 to Germany as EB-235. W/o Aug 9, 1962.
7365 to Germany as EB-245, later EB-345.
7371 to Germany as EB-239
7373 to Germany as EB-240, later EB-340. At Erding as EB-321
7374 was at Bradley Air Museum and was damaged during 1979 tornado. Report that it was seen later at Wright Patterson AFB
7375 to Germany as EB-236, later EB-336. At Manching as EB-326
7377 to Germany as EB-241, later EB-341. At Bremgarten
53-366 ... 53-372
Boeing RB-52B-25-BO Stratofortress
MSN 16845/16851. Transfer dates to MASDC from
366 to MASDC 1/20/66
367 to MASDC 1/6/66
368 to MASDC 1/17/66
369 to MASDC 2/9/66
370 to MASDC 1/26/66
371 crashed during takeoff at Castle AFB 1/29/59
372 to RTS Castle 10/11/65--to MASDC 2/18/67
53-373 ... 53-376
Boeing B-52B-25-BO Stratofortress
MSN 16852/16855. Transfer dates to MASDC from
373 to MASDC 1/22/66
374 to MASDC 1/8/66
375 to MASDC 1/4/66
376 to MASDC 1/14/66
53-7560 ... 53-7583
Republic RF-84F-46-RE Thunderflash
7560 on display at David City, Nebraska at the airport. Was at one time with French AF
7561 to French AF. Currently at China Lake near the B-4 track
7562 to French AF
7563 to French AF. Returned to USAF
7564 to Germany as EB-369
7565 to French AF. Returned to USAF. To MASDC
7568 to Chinal Lake ranges in 1975.
7569 to French AF
7570 on display at Enka Junior HS, Candler, NC since 1974.
Still there as of 1992.
7571 (MSN 623) to Royal Danish AF as C-571 May 3, 1957 as 37571, code KA-E. w/o Sep 18, 1958 at Lauenau, West Germany
7573 to French AF
7574 (MSN 626) to Danish AF Jun 7, 1957 as 37574, code KA-F. Assigned to 729 Squadron. Code changed in 1960
to C-574. W/o Jun 16, 1961 at Koln, West Germany (Esk 729)
7575 to Germany as EB-225, later EB-325, later EB-255. To Greece. On display at Messalongi Nov 1997.
7576 to French AF
7577 to French AF. Displayed on gate at Strasbourg AB, France.
7578 to French AF
7579 to French AF
7580 to French AF. Returned to USAF.
7581 (cn 633) to Royal Danish AF as 37581, code KA-J. Assigned to 729 Squadron. Code changed in 1960 to C-581.
Crash landed in open field due to fuel exhaustion Jan 25, 1958. Rebuilt using forward part of fuselage
of 53-7642. WFU Dec 31, 1971. Now preserved at Historske Forening Museet at Karup, Denmark
7582 to Germany as EB-326
60-0706 ... 60-0851
McDonnell GAM-72A-25-MC Quail missiles
Redesignated ADM-20B-25-MC in 1963
0755 noted Mar 2004 at Southern Museum of Flight, Birmingham, AL
61-2408 ... 61-2425
Boeing-Vertol HC-1B-BV Chinook
MSN B-12/B-29. Vertol Division, Boeing Airplane Co. Model 114. Redesignated CH-47A in 1962.
2408 (MSN B-12). Accepted by the US Army Dec 19, 1962. SOC Apr 11, 1975
To the California Army National Guard Aviation Museum at San Luis Obispo, CA
To the Don F. Pratt Memorial Museum, Fort Campbell, KY. [aka - Don F. Pratt Museum-101st Airborne
Division (Air Assault)]. To be included in the Wings of Liberty Museum, Fort Campbell, KY
2409 (MSN B-13) accepted by the US Army Jan 9, 1963. To MASDC as XM0022 Dec 2, 1978. To manufacturer
Apr 15, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00261.
2410 (MSN B-14) to MASDC as XM0010 Jul 17, 1978. To manufacturer Jul 18, 1991 and rebuilt as
CH-47D and reserialed 91-00265.
2411 (MSN B-15) accepted by US Army Feb 14, 1963. Crashed Jan 29, 1964 Fort Rucker, AL
2412 (MSN B-16) accepted by the US Army Feb 15, 1963. Redesignated GCH-47A as GIA. To MASDC as XM0030 May 6, 1988. Returned to
manufacturer and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 92-00301
2413 (MSN B-17) accepted by the US Army Mar 28, 1963. Assigned to US Army Transportation School, Fort
Eustis, VA. Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 92-00299.
2414 (MSN B-18) accepted by the US Army Apr 25, 1963. old to RAF
2415 (MSN B-19) accepted by the US Army Apr 30, 1963. To MASDC as XM0002 Jun 17, 1975. Returned
to manufacturer Jul 12, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00266
2416 (MSN B-20) accepted by the US Army Apr 29, 1963. To MASDC as XM0014 Oct 26, 1978. Returned to
manufacturer Apr 1, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00260
2417 (MSN B-21) accepted by the US Army May 31, 1963. To MASDC as XM0008 Jun 30, 1978. Returned to
manufacturer Aug 5, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00267
2418 (MSN B-22) Accepted by the US Army May 31, 1963. SOC Dec 15, 1973.
To NASA Langley Research Center Impact Dynamics Research Facility, VA.
Used in a CH-47 Crash Test (T-40) Structural, Cargo Restraint, and Aircrew Inflatable Restraint
Experiments. Tested to destruction Aug 4, 1976.
2419 (MSN B-23) accepted by the US Army May 31, 1963. To MASDC as XM0007 Jun 29, 1978. Back to
manufacturer Aug 5, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 92-00268
2420 (MSN B-24) accepted by the US Army Jun 27, 1963. To MASDC as Dec 1, 1978 as XM0020. Returned to
manufacturer Jun 6, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00264.
2421 (MSN B-25) accepted by the US Army Jun 29, 1963. To MASDC as XM0003 Jun 19, 1975. Returned to
manufacturer Sep 16, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00269
2422 (MSN B-26) accepted by the US Army Jun 29, 1963. To MASDC as XM0023 Dec 15, 1978. Returned to
Boeing Sep 16, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 87-00074
2423 (MSN B-27) accepted by the US Army Jun 30, 1963. To MASDC as XM0004 Jun 19, 1975. Returned to
manufacturer Sep 22, 1991 and rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 91-00270.
2424 (MSN B-28) accepted by the US Army Jul 30, 1963. Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 87-00070.
2425 (MSN B-29) accepted by US Army Jul 31, 1963. With US Army Aviation School) on takeoff the aft blades
went to full pitch and crashed at Ft. Rucker, AL Apr 15, 1969. All onboard killed.
62-0002 ... 62-0029
Martin SM-68B Titan II missiles
Redesignated LGM-25C
0002 (B-21) launched from Vandenberg AFB Sep 11, 1967
0003 (B-22) launched from Vandenberg AFB Jun 14, 1965
0004 (B-23) used for parts. Stage 1 used for B-33 flight
0005 (B-24) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0006 (B-25) used for parts. Stage 1 used for B-30 flight
0007 (B-26) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0008 (B-27) launched from Vandenberg AFB Jan 9, 1975
0009 (B-28) launched from Vandenberg AFB Jul 30, 1964
0010 (B-29) used for parts. Stage 1 used for B-27 flight
0011 (B-30) launched from Vandenberg AFB Jun 30, 1965
0012 (B-31) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0013 (B-32) launched from Vandenberg AFB Nov 4, 1964
0014 (B-33) launched from Vandenberg AFB Oct 20, 1965
0015 (B-34) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0016 (B-35) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0017 (B-36) launched from Vandenberg AFB Apr 2, 1968
0018 (B-37) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0019 (B-38) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0020 (B-39) stored at Norton AFB, CA, used for Titan II SLV 23G-13
0021 (B-40) launched from Vandenberg AFB Sep 18, 1966
0022 (B-41) launched from Vandenberg AFB Dec 4, 1975
0023 (B-42) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0024 (B-43) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0025 (B-44) stored at Norton AFB, CA, used for Titan II SLV 23G-13
0026 (B-45) launched from Vandenberg AFB Apr 16, 1965.
0027 (B-46) launched from Vandenberg AFB May 24, 1972
0028 (B-47) stored at Norton AFB, CA
0029 (B-48) stored at Norton AFB, CA
65-13005 ... 65-13020
Bell OH-13S-BF Sioux
MSN 3901/3906,3915/3916,3909/3914,3907/3908
13005/13020 sold to Spain
13005 (MSN 3901) to Spanish Army Aviation as Z.7B-25. W/o Dec 7, 1972.
13009 to Spanish Army as HE.7B-29, then became EC-DZJ.
13012 to Peru as FAP 624
13013/13018 (MSN 3909/3914) to Turkish Army in 1966.
66-0066 ... 66-0125
Boeing-Vertol CH-47A Chinook
Vertol Division, The Boeing Airplane Co Model 114. MSN B-198/B-257.
0066 (B-198) accepted by the US Army 8Jun66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers", Vietnam May 1967-
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0066
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by ground fire Oct 27, 1972
0067 (B-199) accepted by the US Army 9Jun66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers", Vietnam May67-May68
Crashed May 28, 1968 in South Vietnam
0068 (B-200) accepted by the US Army 20Jun66
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0068
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war.
0069 (B-201) accepted by the US Army 15Jun66
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" [1967-68] Named "War Wagon"
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0069
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war.
0070 (B-202) accepted by the US Army 16Jun66
Assigned to C Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Crimson Tide" [1967]
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0070
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0071 (B-203) accepted by the US Army 21Jun66
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat"
Crashed Mar 5, 1967 in South Vietnam.
0072 (B-204) accepted by the US Army Jun66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Oct66-Jan67
Crashed near Can Tho, RVN Jan 15, 1967. All 9 aboard killed.
0073 (B-205) accepted by the US Army 30Jun66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Oct66-Mar68
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0073
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0074 (B-206) accepted by the US Army 29Jun66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Oct66-Nov68 Named "Happy Hippie"
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Jun69-Aug70 Named "Happy Hippie"
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Sep70-Nov70
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 108th Division Training, 3rd Army, Charlotte, NC Jul71-Sep71
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, for storage Oct71-Jul72
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Aug72-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01647
0075 (B-207)Accepted by the US Army 7Jul66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers: -Oct68
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01668
0076 (B-208) accepted by the US Army 5Jul66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" -Mar68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cat" Jun68-Jan69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Jan70-May70
Crashed in South Vietnam May 30, 1970
0077 (B-209) accepted by the US Army 11Jul66
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24341.
0078 (B-210) accepted by the US Army 13Jul66
Assigned to 330th Transportation Company –Feb69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Mar69-Nov70 Named "We Help The Hurt"
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA Feb71-Dec71
Assigned to 154th Aviation Company, 5th Army, Fort Sill, OK Jan72-Jul72
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company Boxcar Aug72-Sep72
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 85th Division Training, Chicago, IL Oct72
MAP transfer Dec72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0078
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost to enemy action Mar 23, 1975.
0079 (B-211) accepted by the US Army 20Jul66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" May67-
MAP delivery to South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0079.
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Explosion in cabin during approach Nov 10, 1970. 28 killed, 9 injured. Possibility
that one of the ARVN troops dropped a grenade in the cabin
0080 (B-212) accepted by the US Army 20Jul66
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0080
Captured by North Vietnam at end of war.
0081 (B-213) Accepted by the US Army 20Jul66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" May67-
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0081
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0082 (B-214) Accepted by the US Army 22Jul66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA -Oct66
Assigned to 213th Aviation Company, Fort Benning, GA "Black Cats" Nov66-Dec66 Transferred to RVN Dec66
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Jan67–Mar68
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Jun68-Jan69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Oct69-Jul70
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Sep70
MAP transfer Feb72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0082
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Shot down by ground fire Nov 9, 1973
0083 (B-215) accepted by the US Army 25Jul66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA -Oct66
Assigned to 213th Aviation Company, Fort Benning, GA "Black Cats" Nov66-Dec66
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Jan67–Jul68
Crashed in Vietnam Nov 1, 1967. While on a night resupply mission, the sling load hit ground
causing pilot to turn on landing light, revealing it was about to hit a tree, then hit the tree
causing it to crash and burn.
0084 (B-216) accepted by the US Army 1Aug66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0084
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by ground fire Dec 26, 1973, crashed and burned.
0085 (B-217) accepted by the US Army 4Aug66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0085
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Crashed Nov 3, 1972
0086 (B-218) accepted by the US Army 4Aug66
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" [1968] Named "The Silken Snarl"
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "The Silken Snarl"
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0086
Captured and operated by Vietnam People's AF 917th Mixed Air Regiment,
displayed at DaNang. Now at War Remnants Museum, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
0087 (B-219) accepted by the US Army 8Aug66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0087
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Lost to North Vietnamese action action Mar 23, 1975.
0088 (B-220) accepted by the US Army 8Aug66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" May67
Shot down in Vietnam May 13, 1967, crashed and burned.
0089 (B-221) accepted by the US Army 11Aug66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -May67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" May67-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24347.
0090 (B-222) accepted by the US Army 16Aug66
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24345
0091 (B-223) accepted by the US Army 15Aug66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0091
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by SA-7 Jun 3, 1973. 6 killed.
0092 (B-224) accepted by the US Army 20Aug66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -Feb67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Dec67-Mar69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Nov69-Aug70
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Sep70
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0092
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war.
0093 (B-225) accepted by the US Army 18Aug66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" -Feb67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Feb68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Mar68-Apr70
Assigned to 79th Transportation Company May70-Jan71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Dec71-Jun74
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules", Hunter AAF, Fort Stewart, Savannah, GA Aug75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24357.
0094 (B-226) accepted by the US Army 23Aug66
Assigned to A Company, 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms"
Named "Wonder Wart-Hog"; "Philbert Desemex"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0094
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Shot down Mar 23, 1975 and captured by NVA. The aircraft preserved and on display at the Chinese
Aviation Museum is believed to be 66-19004
0095 (B-227) accepted by the US Army 24Aug66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA -Nov66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Dec66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company Pachyderms Aug68-Sep68 Named "The Hooker"
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Oct68-Feb69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Nov69-Aug70
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Sep70
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0095
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0096 (B-228) accepted by the US Army 25Aug66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "Born Free"
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0096
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0097 (B-229) accepted by the US Army 31Aug66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms"
Named "Ragin Cajun" [or "Raisin Cagin"?]
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 87-00069
0098 (B-230) accepted by the US Army 2Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "Jugbutt"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0098
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Destroyed in combat Mar 23, 1975
0099 (B-231) accepted by the US Army 2Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "Green Monster"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0099
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down Apr 26, 1972 by ground fire and exploded in midair. 5 KIA.
0100 (B-232) accepted by the US Army 8Sep66
Assigned to 200th Aviation Company Pachyderms, Fort Benning, GA 12Dec66-Jan67
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Feb67- Named "Beep Beep Yurass"
MAP transfer Oct72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0100
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war.
0101 (B-233) accepted by the US Army 9Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "The Skyraider"
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 85-24348.
0102 (B-234) accepted by the US Army 12Sep66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Nov66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Dec66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderm"s Aug68-Feb69 Named "Good Vibrations"
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Mar69-Oct69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Sep70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company Muleskinners Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 86-01659
0103 (B-235) accepted by the US Army 15Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "The Desert Rat"
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 86-01650
0104 (B-236) accepted by the US Army 23Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "Rufus II"
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 86-01674
0105 (B-237) accepted by the US Army 25Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Named "Double Trouble"
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Apr69-Nov70 Named "Iron Butterfly"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0105
Assigned to 249th Helicopter Squadron, 84th Tactical Wing, 4th Air Division, Soc Trang
Shot down by ground fire Jan 19, 1975. 11 KIA, 5 survived.
0106 (B-238) accepted by the US Army 25Sep66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA -Nov66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Dec66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Aug68-Sep69 Named "Exodus"
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Oct68-Nov68
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Mar69-Jan71
Assigned to 349th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Jan72-Jul72
Assigned to 245th Transportation Company (Aircraft General Support) USAREUR, West Germany Aug72-Jun73
Assigned to 582nd Transportation Company USAREUR, West Germany Jul73-Jun74
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, Oct74-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 82-23768.
0107 (B-239) accepted by the US Army 30Sep66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Nov66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Dec66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Aug68-Oct68
Named "The Hulk"; "The Showboat"
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Nov68–Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Nov70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-Nov73
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Kansas; 190th Aviation Company Feb75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 85-24344
0108 (B-240) accepted by the US Army 30Sep66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Nov66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Dec66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms" Aug68-Oct68 Named “A” Modified
Assigned to 330th Transportation Company Nov68-Dec68
Assigned to 388th Transportation Company Jan69-Apr69
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" May69-Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Aug70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed as 82-23770
0109 (B-241) accepted by the US Army 19Sep66
Assigned to 200th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Pachyderms"
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train"
Crashed in Vietnam Dec 10, 1969. The Flight Engineer was struck and killed by a rotor blade
in the crash sequence that began with a dual SAS hard over
0110 (B-242) accepted by the US Army 24Sep66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0110
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Combat damage and force landed in the LZ Apr 12, 1972; subsequently destroyed by enemy action..
0111 (B-243) accepted by the US Army 30Sep66
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Crashed in South Vietnam May 25, 1971
0112 (B-244) accepted by the US Army 5Oct66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0112
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by ground fire May 29, 1971
0113 (B-245) accepted by the US Army 11Oct66
Assigned to 203rd Assault Support Helicopter Company Jul71-Mar72 Named "Short'
MAP transfer Jul72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0113
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0114 (B-246) accepted by the US Army 11Oct66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Nov66-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters, 44th Engineer Group (Construction), Korat, Thailand Aug68-Oct68
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Nov68
Assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters, 44th Engineer Group (Construction), Korat, Thailand Dec68-Apr69
Assigned to 540th Transportation Company May69-Oct70
Assigned to 79th Transportation Company Nov70-Mar71
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 108th Division Training, 3rd Army, Charlotte, NC Jul71-Sep71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company Muleskinners Fort Wainwright, AK Feb72-Nov73
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA May75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01665
0115 (B-247) accepted by the US Army 12Oct66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Nov66-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67-Mar68
Assigned to 196th Assault Helicopter Company "Flippers" Apr68-Feb69
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Jul69-Apr71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Sep72-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23776
0116 (B-248) accepted by the US Army 12Oct66
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos"
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23772
0117 (B-249) accepted by the US Army 18Oct66
MAP transfer Jan72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0117
Captured by North Vietnamese Army at end of war
0118 (B-250) accepted by the US Army 17Oct66
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Crashed Nov 22, 1974, Everett, Washington
0119 (B-251) accepted by the US Army 20Oct66
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23765
0120 (B-252) accepted by the US Army 21Oct66
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos"
The aircraft had recovered an UH-1 in Bing Duong Province, RVN and was in the hover when it was
hit by two rocket propelled grenades [RPGs] Oct 22, 1968. One exploded in the aircraft killing
the flight engineer and damaging both flight control boost systems and utility hydraulic system;
both generators went off line and lost the transmission fluid. The other RPG took out a 2 x 6 inch
spar section of blade; the blade did not fail. The aircraft landed in a rice paddy in five feet of
water. A CH-54 helicopter was unable to remove the Chinook because the fuselage had filled with
water; the salvage was subsequently abandoned because of a hostile environment
0121 (B-253) accepted by the US Army 22Oct66
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany
Crashed in West Germany Feb 19, 1971. The aircraft was returning from Hanau when it crashed 7 miles
NNE of the runway on an ADF procedure turn at night while attempting to land at the Dolan Barracks
airfield, Oberaspach, West Germany
0122 (B-254) accepted by the US Army 24Oct66
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company [Medium Helicopter], 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK "Flippers" Dec66-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Feb68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Mar68-Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company, Alaska Aug70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-Jul75
Loan to NASA, Langley Research Center, VA, Aug75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23762
0123 (B-255) accepted by the US Army 22Oct66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Dec68-Mar69
Named "Heuys Breakfast of Champions"
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24332
0124 (B-256) accepted by the US Army 26Oct66
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Mar67-Jan68
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Feb68-Aug68
Assigned to 79th Transportation Company Sep68-Dec68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Jan69-Jul69
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Aug69-Sep69
Named "Chi Town"
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Aug70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24336
0125 (B-257) accepted by the US Army 25Oct66
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-0125
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975.
66-19000 ... 66-19097
Boeing-Vertol CH-47A Chinook
Vertol Division, The Boeing Airplane Co Model 114. MSN B-258/355.
19000 (B-258) accepted by the US Army 28Oct66
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24356
19001 (B-259) accepted by the US Army 31Oct66
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company Flippers
Crashed during test flight in Vietnam Jul 16, 1969. All 7 aboard killed.
19002 (B-260) accepted by the US Army 4Nov66
Assigned to 154th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Dec66-Mar67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar" Dec67-Feb68 Named "Alfred E. Wall"
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Mar68-Jan70
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Feb71-Jun71
Assigned to 362nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Jul71-Jun72
MAP transfer Jun72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19002
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975.
19003 (B-261) accepted by the US Army 4Nov66
Assigned to US Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, AL Jan67-Jan71
Assigned to 154th Aviation Company, 5th Army, Fort Sill, OK Jan72-Jul72
Assigned to 178th Aviation Company Boxcar, 5th Army, Fort Sill, OK Aug72–Sep72
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 85th Division Training, Chicago, IL Oct72
Assigned to 388th Transportation Company Nov72
MAP transfer Nov72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19003
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975. Preserved and on display at the China Aviation
Museum, Datangshan, Beijing, PRC. Often identified as 66-19004
19004 (B-262) accepted by the US Army 7Nov66
MAP transfer Nov72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19004
Captured by North Vietnamese Army
Operated by No. 917 Mixed Transport Regiment, Vietnam People’s Air Force
19005 (B-263) accepted by the US Army 10Nov66
Assigned to US Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, AL
Crashed Jul 18, 1968 at Fort Rucker, AL
19006 (B-264) accepted by the US Army 9Nov66
Assigned to C Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Crimson Tide"
Crashed Dec 26, 1967 Phu Cat AFB, Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam. The aircraft was
approaching to land at the AFB with passengers for the Bob Hope USO show. A blade came off the
aft head and the aft transmission and pylon was dislodged from the airframe. The aircraft
fell to the ground from about 200 feet tail first. The aircraft landed on its tail then
continued down onto its belly. At this point the forward transmission departed the airframe.
There were 33 personnel on board, with eight fatalities. Every one was hurt in some way.
19007 (B-265) accepted by the US Army 10Nov66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Mar67-Jan68
MAP transfer Nov72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19007
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975.
19008 (B-266) accepted by the US Army 10Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Dec66-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Jul69
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Nov69-Feb71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 84-24176
19009 (B-267) accepted by the US Army 14Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Dec66-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Aug68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Nov68-Dec68
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Jan69-Mar69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company "Big Windy" USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, Oct74-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24354
19010 (B-268) accepted by the US Army 15Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Dec66-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Oct67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Aug68-Sep68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Oct68-Jan69
Assigned to 539th Transportation Company Jun69-Apr71
Assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 520th Transportation Battalion May71-Feb72
Assigned to 362nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Mar72-Jun72
MAP transfer Jun72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19010
Assigned to 249th Helicopter Squadron, 84th Tactical Wing, 4th Air Division, Soc Trang
Shot down by SA-7 Dec 12, 1974. All of about 50 on board killed.
19011 (B-269) accepted by the US Army 16Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Jul68
Crashed Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, Vietnam Jul 23, 1968
19012 (B-270) accepted by the US Army 17Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes
had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19013 (B-271) accepted by the US Army 16Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes
had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19014 (B-272) accepted by the US Army 19Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes
had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19015 (B.273) accepted by the US Army 18Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Muleskinners Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes
had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19016 (B-274) accepted by the US Army 28Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2 airframes
had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19017 (B-275) accepted by the US Army 2Dec66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Aug69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company Big Windy USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, Oct74-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23383
19018 (B-276) accepted by the US Army 29Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Muleskinners Sep67-Jun69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company Big Windy USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, Oct74-Nov75
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules" Hunter AAF, Savannah, GA Dec75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24360
19019 (B-277) accepted by the US Army 30Nov66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Nov68
Crashed on landing and caught fire 11/21/1966 near Cu Chi, South Vietnam. Occupants escaped
with minor injuries.
19020 (B-278) accepted by the US Army 2Dec66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb68
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Apr68-May69
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Jun69-Apr71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Aug72-Mar75
Assigned to 120th Aviation Company "Razorbacks" Jun75-Jul75
Loan to NASA, Langley Research Center, VA, Aug75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 84-24160
19021 (B-279) accepted by the US Army 10Dec66
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Jul69-Sep70
Had artwork "Road Runner".
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24324
19022 (B.280) accepted by the US Army 5Dec66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Feb69
Destroyed on ground 26 February 1969 at Cu Chi Army Airfield, Saigon, South Vietnam by North
Vietnamese Army 3rd Sapper Battalion attack using satchel charges and rocket propelled grenades.
A total of 9 Chinooks were destroyed; another 3 airframes received major damage and 2
airframes had minor damage. After a few parts were salvaged, the remains were buried by bulldozers.
19023 (B.281) accepted by the US Army 12Dec66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Mar69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Aug71
Crashed near Pegnitz, West Germany Aug 18, 1971. 37 killed. The aircraft exploded and broke
in two parts while on a training flight from Regensburg to Grafenwoehr, West Germany and crashed
near Pegnitz, Bavaria. Fatigue failure of the rotor blade led to its failure and structural
failure of the aircraft. The passengers were members of HHC 2-4 Infantry.
19024 (B-282) accepted by the US Army 9Dec66
Assigned to 177th Aviation Company, 3rd Army, Fort Benning, GA Jan67-Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Sep67-Jul69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company Big Windy USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Loan to NASA, Langley Research Center, VA, Oct74-Jul75
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules" Hunter AAF, Savannah, GA Aug75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24362
19025 (B-283) accepted by the US Army 12Dec66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Jan67-May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company, 4th Army, Fort Sill, OK Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company, Vietnam "Black Cats" Dec68-Jan69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Feb69-Aug69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company "Big Windy" USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules" Hunter AAF, Savannah, GA Oct75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23381
19026 (B-284) accepted by the US Army 19Dec66
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division "Wildcat"
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24327
19027 (B-285) accepted by the US Army 15Dec66
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Mar67-Mar69 Named "Nancy"
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Jul69-Oct70
Assigned to 196th Aviation Company "Flippers", Fort Bragg, NC Jan72-Sep72
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 85th Division Training, Chicago, IL Oct72
MAP transfer Nov72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19027
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975.
19028 (B-286) accepted by the US Army 16Dec66
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01654.
19029 (B-287) accepted by the US Army 16Dec66
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos"
Caught on wire on takeoff and fell into ravine near Chon Thanh, SVN
May 6, 1969. One crewmember killed, 39 passengers killed, 9 injured.
19030 (B-288) accepted by the US Army 19Dec66
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67-Aug69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Sep70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA
Assigned to 205th Aviation Company "Geronimos" USAREUR
Assigned to B Company, 6th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, USAREUR
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01677
19031 (B-289) accepted by the US Army 22Dec66
Assigned to US Army National Guard – California; 49th Aviation Company, Fresno [1978]
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23775
19032 (B-290) accepted by the US Army 28Dec66
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion Wildcat Jan69-Jul69
Shot down by ground fire in Vietnam Jan 3, 1968.
19033 (B-291) accepted by the US Army 9Jan67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" May67-Mar69
Artwork Biere “33” Export.
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19033
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Blew up on approach Feb 14, 1974. Suspected sabotage
19034 (B-292) accepted by the US Army 6Jan67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" May67-May69
MAP transfer May72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19034
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975.
19035 (B-293) accepted by the US Army 6Jan67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" May67-Mar69
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19035
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost in action Mar 23, 1975.
19036 (B-294) accepted by the US Army 5Jan67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Nov67-May68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Aug68-Jul69
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Aug69-Jul70
Named "Hanger Queen Abortion"
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" May71-Aug71
Assigned to 362nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Sep71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Jul73-Mar75
Assigned to 120th Aviation Company "Razorbacks" Fort Richardson, AK Jun75-Jul75
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24329
19037 (B-295) accepted by the US Army 10Jan67
MAP transfer Mar72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19037
Captured by North Vietnamase Army in 1975
19038 (B-296) accepted by the US Army 12Jan67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" May67-Jul68
MAP transfer Aug72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19038
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975.
19039 (B.297) accepted by the US Army 18Jan67
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Crashed in Vietnam Oct 30, 1968
19040 (B-298) accepted by the US Army 17Jan67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" May67-Mar69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Oct69-Jul70
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Sep70-Nov70
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Dec70-Aug71
Assigned to 362nd Assault Support Helicopter Company Sep71-Nov71
MAP transfer Nov71 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19040
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975.
19041 (B-299) accepted by the US Army 17Jan67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division "Wildcat"
Named "The Grunt Wagon".
Collided with C-7 63-9753 Oct 3, 1968 near Camp Evans, Vietnam. 5 crew and
and six passengers on the CH-47A were killed, along with 4 crew and 9 passengers on the C-7.
19042 (B-300) accepted by the US Army 20Jan67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19042
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975. Derelict at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon
19043 (B-301) accepted by the US Army 20Jan67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" May67-Feb68
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Mar68-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Aug68-Dec68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Apr69-Oct70
Assigned to 271st Assault Support Helicopter Company "Innkeeper" Nov70-May71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Aug72-Jan74
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules" Hunter AAF, Savannah, GA Oct75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23767
19044 (B-302) accepted by the US Army 23Jan67
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24368
19045 (B-303), accepted by the US Army 24Jan67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division "Wildcat"
Crashed in Vietnam Oct 31, 1969
19046 (B-304) accepted by the US Army 31Jan67
Assigned to C Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Crimson Tide"
Shot down by ground fire in Vietnam Nov 16, 1967. 5 killed.
19047 (B-305) accepted by the US Army 31Jan67
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Crashed in Vietnam Nov 4, 1968
19048 (B-306) accepted by the US Army 26Jan67
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Apr67-Jun68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Sep68-Feb69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Mar69-Jan70
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Nov70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reseraled 86-01642
19049 (B-307) accepted by the US Army 1Feb67
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Apr67-Mar69
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23763
19050 (B.308) accepted by the US Army 2Feb67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train"
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat"
Shot down by ground fire in Vietnam Feb 19, 1968. No fatalities
19051 (B-309) accepted by the US Army 8Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67-Aug69
Named "Little Annie"
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Dec69-Aug70
Assigned to 196th Assault Helicopter Company "Flippers" Sep70-Nov70
Assigned to 223rd Combat Aviation Battalion Dec70
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Dec72-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24330
19052 (B-310) accepted by the US Army 8Feb67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train"
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23382
19053 (B-311) accepted by the US Army 14Feb67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train"
Crashed near Ninh Hoa Valley, SVN Oct 20, 1968. 5 crew killed. Wreckage not found until 1994.
19054 (B.312) accepted by the US Army 8Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Dec67-Sep68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Mar69-Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Aug70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24369
19055 (B-313) accepted by the US Army 22Feb67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Apr67-May67
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Nov67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Dec67-Feb68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Mar68-Nov69
Named "The Bird of Paradise – May it Fly up Your Ass"
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion Wildcat Apr70-Jan71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Dec72-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 84-24172
19056 (B-314) accepted by the US Army 15Feb67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19056
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by SA-7 missile Dec 5, 1974. 15 aboard killed.
19057 (B-315) accepted by the US Army 15Feb67
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23384
19058 (B-316) accepted by the US Army 21Feb67
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23766
19059 (B.317) accepted by the US Army 22Feb67
Assigned to C Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Crimson Tide"
Shot down in ground fire in Vietnam Jun 24, 1970
19060 (B-318) accenped by US Army Feb 21, 1967.
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Jul67-Feb68
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Mar68-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Aug68-Nov68
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Mar69-Sep69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company "Big Windy" USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24350
19061 (B-319) accepted by the US Army 28Feb67
Assigned to 330th Transportation Company "Crap Shooter"
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat"
Shot down by ground fire in Vietnam Jan 26, 1969. Destroyed by fire, crew was extracted.
19062 (B-320) accepted by the US Army 27Feb67
Assigned to 330th Transportation Company "Crap Shooter"
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Destroyed on ground by mortar fire at Read Beach base in South Vietnam Feb 7, 1968
19063 (B-321) accepted by the US Army 28Feb67
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Hit by 37 mm rounds in the aft plyon and crashed in the A Shau valley,
SVN Apr 19, 1968. 2 KIA, 3 injured.
19064 (B-322) accepted by the US Army 1Mar67
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Crashed in Long Khanh Province, South Vietnam Sep 12, 1970
19065 (B-323) accepted by the US Army 3Mar67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19065
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by small arms fire Jun 13, 1973. 7 aboard killed.
19066 (B-324) accepted by the US Army 8Mar67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" [Apr68]
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24359
19067 (B-325) accepted by the US Army 10Mar67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar", South Vietnam Jul67-Feb68
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Mar68-Oct68
Crashed at Camp Evans, South Vietnam Oct 5, 1968
19068 (B-326) accepted by the US Army 16Mar67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19068
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost in action Mar 23, 1975
19069 (B.327) accepted by the US Army 14Mar67
Assigned to 339th Transportation Company (Aircraft Direct Support)
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat"
Exploded in midair due faulty maintenance at Pleiku, Phuoc Tuy Province, South Vietnam Apr 26, 1968. \
10 killed.
19070 (B-328) accepted by the US Army 10Mar67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar", South Vietnam Jul67-Feb68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Mar68-Jun68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Apr69-Oct70
Accident Oct 24, 1970 Bearcat, Bien Hoa, Saigon, South Vietnam
Assigned to US Army National Guard Feb71-Apr71
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 108th Division Training, 3rd Army, Charlotte, NC May71-Sep71
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 85th Division Training, Chicago, IL Oct72
MAP transfer Dec72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19070
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost to North Vietnamese action 30Apr75
19071 (B-329) accepted by the US Army 16Mar67
Assigned to Army Aviation Division, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, May67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Nov67-Feb68
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company Flippers Mar68-Sep69
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Feb69-Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Jul70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-Nov73
Assigned to US Army Reserve – Washington; 92nd Aviation Company, Paine Field, WA Mar75-
Rebuilt as MH-47D and reserialed 85-24342
19072 (B-330) accepted by the US Army 15Mar67
Assigned to 539th Transportation Company Aug67-Aug68
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Oct68-Mar69
Assigned to 79th Transportation Company Apr69-Dec69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Jan70-Nov70
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23777.
19073 (B-331) accepted by the US Army 22Mar67
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23385
19074 (B-332) accepted by the US Army 22Mar67
Assigned to 79th Transportation Company Jun67-Nov67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Dec67
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Feb68-May69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Jun69-Aug69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Aug70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-Jan74
Assigned to 132nd Aviation Company "Hercules", Hunter AAF, Fort Stewart, Savannah, GA Aug75-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 82-23771
19075 (B-333) accepted by the US Army 24Mar67
Exhibited at the Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, 1967
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Oct67-Jan68
In accident Jan 67, 1968 CP Schmidt, South Vietnam. Suffered major damage, but no injuries
to crew or passengers
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Mar69-Apr71
Crashed Apr 4, 1971 Gia Dinh Province, South Vietnam in unauthorized flight by unqualified individual.
A mechanic received a ‘Dear John’ letter and proceeded to have a few drinks. He decided to take a
CH-47 Chinook up for a flight even though he wasn't a pilot. He got the ship off the ground and
flew over Phu Loi barely in control. He finally lost control, the ship went inverted and nosed
into the ground. He was killed.
19076 (B-334), accepted by the US Army 3Apr67
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn"
Crashed in Vietnam Feb 13, 1968.
19077 (B-335) accepted by the US Army 3Apr67
Assigned to US Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, AL Jun67-Jul67
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Nov67-Jun68
Assigned to South East Asia Night Operations [SEA NITEOPS] Jul68
Assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters , 44th Engineer Group (Construction), Korat, Thailand Aug68-Oct68
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Nov68-Aug70
Assigned to 196th Assault Helicopter Company "Flippers" Sep70-Nov70
Assigned to US Army Reserve; 108th Division Training, 3rd Army, Charlotte, NC May71-Sep71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Dec72-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 85-24363
19078 (B-336) accepted by the US Army 30Mar67
Assigned to 330th Transportation Company "Crap Shooter"
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" [1969]
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19078
Assigned to 247th Helicopter Squadron, 51st Tactical Wing, 1st Air Division, Da Nang
Lost in action Mar 23, 1975.
19079 (B-337) accepted by the US Army 3Apr67
MAP transfer Dec72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19079
Captured by North Vietnam in 1975.
19080 (B.338) accepted by the US Army 3Apr67
Assigned to C Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Crimson Tide", 1st Cavalry Division
Shot down by ground fire NE of A Shau Valley, South Vietnam Apr 25, 1968 while attempting to
recover a UH-1. 3 of the crew killed, one passenger killed.
19081 (B-339) accepted by the US Army 11Apr67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat"
Crashed after takeoff in SVN Sep 15, 1968. 3 killed.
19082 (B-340) accepted by the US Army 10Apr67
MAP transfer Nov72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19082
Captured by North Vietnamese Army
Derelict at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon. Evaluated 1996 by Boeing for possible induction
into an airframe rebuild program but found to be too badly corroded.
19083 (B.341) accepted by the US Army 19Apr67
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Nov68-Aug69 Named "The War Wagon"
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19083
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Crashed Jan 9, 1974
19084 (B.342) accepted by the US Army 18Apr67
Assigned to 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion
Shot down by ground fire in Vietnam Nov 8, 1969. Crew and 12 passengers uninjured
19085 (B.343) accepted by the US Army 20Apr67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar" Sep67-Feb68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Mar68-Sep68
Combat damage 5Sep68 South Vietnam. The aircraft was hit by a mine which damaged the rotor system.
The aircraft made an emergency landing and later recovered for salvage. Returned to USA for repair.
Assigned to Headquarters & Headquarters Company, 520th Transportation Battalion Aug69-Sep69
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion Wildcat Oct69-Apr71
Crashed in Vietnam Apr 10, 1971. The aircraft was recovered on 13 April 1971 and taken to
Red Beach general support facility for salvage
19086 (B-344) accepted by the US Army 18Apr67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19086
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975.
19087 (B-345) accepted by the US Army 27Apr67
Assigned to 335th Transportation Company Oct67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar" Nov67-Jan68
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" Feb68
Assigned to 355th Aviation Company Mar68
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Apr68-Apr69
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" May69-Aug69
Assigned to B Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Longhorn" Dec69-Sep70
Assigned to 349th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Mar72-Jul72
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug72-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company "Big Windy" USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Assigned to 1st Army, New Cumberland Army Depot [NCAD], PA, Oct74-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01670
19088 (B-346) accepted by the US Army 21Apr67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar" Jul67-Feb68
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Mar68–Jul69
Assigned to 4th Aviation Company USAREUR, West Germany Aug70-Mar73
Assigned to 180th Aviation Company "Big Windy" USAREUR, West Germany Apr73-May74
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 81-23386
19089 (B-347) MSN B-347
Accepted by the US Army 24Apr67
MAP transfer Sep72 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19089
Captured by North Vietnamese Army in 1975.
19090 (B-348) Accepted by the US Army 24Apr67
Assigned to 178th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Boxcar" Jul67-Feb68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cats" Mar68-Dec68
Assigned to 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Hillclimbers" Jan69-Feb69
Accident Feb 27, 1969 Vung Tao, South Vietnam. The aircraft departed with an external slung
load then lost power from one engine. The load was jettisoned and the aircraft began to
return to the airfield. Power was then lost from the second engine and the aircraft started
an autorotation. The aircraft struck the ground and rolled over onto its back and was destroyed.
19091 (B-349) accepted by the US Army 2May67
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat"
Crashed in Vietnam Feb 24, 1969
19092 (B-350) accepted by the US Army 28Apr67
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion "Wildcat" [1967-68]
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19092
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Lost in combat Mar 23, 1975
19093 (B-351) accepted by the US Army 28Apr67
MAP transfer to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19093
Assigned to 241st Helicopter Squadron, 82nd Tactical Wing, 6th Air Division, Phu Cat
Crashed Aug 14, 1972.
19094 (B-352) accepted by the US Army 4May67
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Nov67-Mar69
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Aug70
MAP transfer Oct70 to the South Vietnam Air Force as 66-19094
Assigned to 237th Helicopter Squadron, 43rd Tactical Wing, 3rd Air Division, Bien Hoa
Shot down by small arms fire Apr 7, 1972. Combat damage by small arms fire, force landed and
consumed by fire
19095 (B-353) accepted by the US Army 5May67
Assigned to 605th Transportation Company Sep67-Feb68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cat" Mar68-Mar69
Shot at and force landed 24May68, South Vietnam. Repaired
Assigned to 205th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Geronimos" Apr69
Assigned to 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Big Windy" Jul69-Dec69
Assigned to 243rd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Freight Train" Jan70-Feb70
Crashed in Vietnam Feb 11, 1970. Shortly after impact the aircraft exploded and burned.
8 persons killed and 37 injured.
19096 (B-354) accepted by the US Army 4May67
Assigned to 605th Transportation Company Sep67-Mar68
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cat" Apr68-Nov68
Assigned to 605th Transportation Company Dec68-Jan69
Assigned to 179th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Shrimpboat" Feb69-Mar69
Assigned to 196th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Flippers" Apr69-Nov69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Dec69
Assigned to 20th Transportation Company Jan70-Sep70
Assigned to A Company, 228th Assault Support Helicopter Battalion Wildcat Oct70-Sep71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Jul73-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01671.
19097 (B-355) accepted by the US Army 12May67
Assigned to 605th Transportation Company Sep67-Oct67
Assigned to 213th Assault Support Helicopter Company "Black Cat" Nov67-Jan69
Assigned to 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company "Muleskinners" Feb69-Sep69
Assigned to 236th Aviation Company Fort Wainwright, AK Jul70-Oct71
Assigned to 242nd Aviation Company "Muleskinners" Fort Wainwright, AK Nov71-
Rebuilt as CH-47D and reserialed 86-01673
67-14906 ... 67-14909
Northrop F-5B-25-NO Freedom Fighter
MSN N.9009/9012. To Royal Norwegian AF
67-21272 ... 67-21284
Northrop F-5B-25-NO Freedom Fighter
MSN N.8049/N.8061.
21272 (MSN N.8049) to Morocco
21273,21274 (MSN N.8050/N.8051) to Turkey in 1968
21274 w/o Jul 30, 1975
21275 (MSN N.8052) to Republic of China AF
21276/21277 (MSN N.8053/N.8054) to South Korea
21278,21279 (MSN N.8055/N.8056) to Libya, to Turkish AF in 1975.
21280 (MSN N.8057) to Taiwan
21281 (MSN N.8058) to Turkey in 1968. W/o Sep 27, 1972 near Kesan
21283 on display at Konya AB, Turkey in Jun 2011.
21282/21284 (MSN N.8059/N.8061) to Taiwan
21283 (MSN N.8060) to Turkey in 1990
67-22556 ... 67-22557
Northrop F-5B-25-NO Freedom Fighter
22556 (MSN N.8062) to Turkey in 1968
22557 (MSN N.8063) to Iran
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