USAF Serial Number Search Results

Serial Number Criteria: 41-24051
Description Criteria:
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
41-24030 ... 41-24099 (EXACT MATCH)
Consolidated B-24D-15-CO Liberator
MSN 825/894
24030 (376th BG, 515th BS) lost Oct 1, 1943 in crash landing on return from mission
24035 (376 BG, "The Gremlin" ?) shot down by Fw Heinrich Bartels in Bf 109G-6 of JG 27/11 in 
Greece Oct 5, 1943.  MACR 1096.  8 KIA, 2 POW.
24036 (330th BG, 458th BS) crashed 3 mi W of Alamogordo AAB, NM
Jan 12, 1943
24040 (98th BG, "What's Cooking Doc?") later converted to 
transport.  Disposed of in theatre
24041 crashed in Idaho in 1943.  Details?
24043 (90th BG, 400th BS, "Sky Lady") encountered bad weather during
raid on Rabaul and turned back and crew bailed out near
Kerau Oct 18, 1943.  MACR 1015.
Crew later rescued and returned to duty.  Story was the 
subject of an article in Life magazine.
24044 lost flying recon mission near Wewak, New Guinea Jun 22, 1943
24045 (90th BG, 319th BS, "Mitsu Butcher") salvaged Searcey Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp 
to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
24047 (90th BG, 320th BS, "Moby Dick") salvaged Searcey Field. Stillwater, OK.  Disposed of Oct 1945
24049 to US Navy as PB4Y-1 BuNo 31946
24050 to US Navy as PB4Y-1 BuNo 31947
24051 to US Navy as PB4Y-1 BuNo 31948
24053 to US Navy as PB4Y-1 BuNo 31950
24065 assigned to Biggs AAF, TX Jan 30, 1943.  To Pueblo AAF May 25, 1943.  Dropped from
inventory due to flying accident Dec 4, 1943
24070 named "Miss Deed" and found the Japanese fleet Mar 1, 1943 and
started the Battle of the Bismarck Sea.  To RAAF as A72-7 - 
converted to components and scrapped Oct 29, 1945
24073 (90th BG, 319th BS, "Scorpion") crashed Jun 9, 1943, Papua New Guinea
24074 (90th BG, 319th BS, "Tokio Express") salvaged in USA
24077 (90th BG, 320th BS) lost Apr 16, 1943 in attack on convoy
near Wewak.  Crashed 30 mi S of Bena Bena.  Located in 1995
near Okapa village, Eastern Highlands, PNG.
24078 sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
24088 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31949
24083,24084 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31951/31952.
24086,24087 to Navy as PB4Y-1 31953/31954.
24093 (307th BG) lost Jul 6, 1943.  MACR 1486 and 45C
24094 (90th BG, 320th BS)
24096 (307th BG, "Annie Fay" and/or "The Bar Fly") condemned salvage obsolete Nov 7, 1944
24097 (11th BG, 42nd BG, "Green Hornet") crashed near Palmyra Atoll May 27, 1943, 850 mi W of Oahu. #1 engine failed,
#2 engine feathered by mistake.  Of 10 crewman aboard, only 
3 survived, of which one died at sea after 33 days.  After 47 days, the two survivors were captured by
the Japanese, but both survived the war.  MACR 16163 mistakenly lists the aircraft as a B-17 and gives
no serial number.  Serial number of Green Hornet also reported as 41-24212.
24098 sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
24099 (7th BG, then to ATC) crashed near Kiunglai, Chhina Dec 28, 1943.  MACR 1652.
2 KIA, 1 POW, 1 returned.

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