USAF Serial Number Search Results

Serial Number Criteria: 41-30525
Description Criteria:
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
41-30353 ... 41-30532 (EXACT MATCH)
North American B-25D-15 Mitchell
MSN 87-8518/8697
30355 (321st BG) lost Jan 21, 1944.  MACR 2474
30362 (Sector Search Squadron) shot down by Japanese fighter
in India Dec 10, 1943, India.  MACR 1700.  5 KIA, 1 returned.
30363 (115th BG) lost Oct 9, 1943.  MACR 1057
30367 (341st BG) lost Dec 20,1943.  MACR 1492
30369 (341st BG) lost Dec 12, 1944.  MACR 2137
30372 (345th BG) lost Aug 1, 1944, New Georgia.  MACR 8552
30376 (3rd BG, 8th BS) lost Oct 24, 1943, SW Pacific.  MACR 979
30383 (341st BG) lost Mar 13, 1944.  MACR 3009
30386 (340th BG) lost Feb 12, 1944.  MACR 2401
30388 (310th BG, 380th BS) crashed into sea 5 mi N of Tabarka, Tunisia Jul 25, 1943.  MACR 207 and 237.  3 killed.
30391 (12th BG, 81st BS) shot down by AAA N of Randazzo, Sicily Aug 7, 1943.  MACR 701 and 181.
4 POW, 1 KIA
30393 (321st BG, 446th BS in Jan 1944.)
30395 (21st ASS) crashed into Gulf of Mexico 120 mi SW of Tampa, FL Jun 23, 1943. 8 killed. MACR 16352.
30406 (341st BG) lost Jan 15, 1945.  MACR 11966
30412 (TB-25D, 3020BU, USAAF La Hunta AAF). Crashed on training flight Aug 10, 1944 1 mi. SE 
of Rocky Ford Aux. AF. Stalled, did not recover.  All 3 onboard killed..
30414 to NEIAF as N5-167 - destroyed 12/44.  Also listed as going to RAF as Mitchell II FV940
and ditched following AAA damage Mar 20, 1944.
30419 to RAF as Mitchell II FV941. Stalled off turn and dived into ground at Colkirk, 
England Nov 14, 1943
30424 to RAF as Mitchell II FV942. Crashed and burnt out near Kirkbride, Scotland Jun 30, 1943.
30426 modified as F-10
30427 modified as F-10
30431 to RAF as Mitchell II FV943. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30432 to RAF as Mitchell II FV944. Damaged by Fw 190s and ditched in English Channel Sep 21, 1943
30433 (38th BG) shot down and crashed into Simpson Harbor, Rabaul,
New Guinea Nov 2, 1943.  MACR 1086.  4 KIA
30434 (3rd BG, 8th BS) lost Sep 27, 1943, New Guinea.  MACR 731
30438 lost Jan 10, 1944.  MACR 1644
30441 lost Sep 27, 1943.  MACR 1312
30455 (341st BG) lost Oct 26, 1943.  MACR 1058
30457 (341st BG, 11th BS) during low level bomb run the right wing
struck the mast of the targeted ship and crashed on north bank
of Yangtzee River 10 mi W of Anking, China Dec 30, 1943.  MACR 1631.
4 KIA.  Wreckage found by fishermen in the Yangtzee River in 2013
30458 (11th BS, 341st BG) lost Jul 13, 1943.  MACR 305
30462 to RAF as Mitchell II FV945. Damaged beyond repair during German air raid on 
Melsbroek Airfield, Belgium Jan 1, 1945
30471 to RAF as Mitchell II FV946. Crashed into sea off New Providence Island, Bahamas Apr 9, 1945
30476 to RAF as Mitchell II FV947. Struck off charge Nov 21, 1946
30477 to RAF as Mitchell II FV948. Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947
30478 to RAF as Mitchell II FV949. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945.
30486 to RAF as Mitchell II FV950.  Struck off charge Jun 5, 1947.
30490 to RAF as Mitchell II FV951. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945
30493 to RAF as Mitchell II FV952. Crashed into sea off Bimini, Bahamas Nov 23, 1943.
30495 to RAF as Mitchell II FV953. Crashed after takeoff from Nassau, Bahamas Aug 7, 1943
30498 to RAF as Mitchell II FV954. Struck off charge Aug 23, 1945
30511 (3rd BG) crashed in South Carolina Apr 14, 1944.  MACR 1458
presumably belongs to 41-30311. 
30517 converted to D-1 strafer (345th BG, 498th BS, "Crabb 2nd").
Hit by friendly AA fire from ships and ditched into Borgen Bay
6 mi off Silimati Point, New Britain Dec 26, 1943.
Crew paddled ashore and returned.
30525 (312th BG) lost Oct 11, 1944.  MACR 9457
30527 (38th BG, 823rd BS, *Fer-de-Lance*) force landed at Yamai Apr 16, 1944
during infamous Black Sunday mission to Hollanida.
30532 (3rd BG) lost Feb 1, 1944, SW Pacific.  MACR 2565

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