USAF Serial Number Search Results

Serial Number Criteria: 42-103403
Description Criteria:
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
42-103329 ... 42-103778 (EXACT MATCH)
North American P-51C-5-NT Mustang
MSN 103-22766/22815, 103-25933/26332.
103329 (359th FG, 368th FS) crashed during wheels-up belly landing 16 km NW of Evreux, 6 mi SE of
Mantes Gassicourt, France Jun 10, 1944 do to mechanical failure.  MACR 5594.  Pilot surivived and evaded.
103330 condemned salvage no battle damage Aug 21, 1945
103331 condemned salvage no battle damage Jul 23, 1944
103332 (4th FG, 336th FS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA near Evreux, Normandy, France while attacking a
train Jun 6, 1944.  MACR 5610.  Pilot bailed out and evaded.  Hidden by French Underground for 3 months
until liberated by Canadian army.
103333 (355th FS, 354th FG, 9th AF) crashed after flew into bomb blast of other P-51s over target while
attacking trucks W of carteret, France Jun 17, 1944.  MACR 6291.  Pilot killed.
103334 (355th FG, 354th FS) shot down by AAA over Lechfeld Jul 24, 1944.  MACR 7730.  Pilot KIA
103335 (380th FS, 363rd FG, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by unknown pilot and unit 5 km W of
Quedlinburg, SW of Wittenberg, Germany Jun 20, 1944.  MACR 6110.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103336 (352nd FG, 486th FS) crashed after being damaged by exploding truck that was just strafed between
Elbeuf and Louviers, France Jun 8, 1944.   MACR 5555.  Pilot bailed out and evaded.
103337 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in midair collision at San Severo airfield, Foggia,
Italy Feb 15, 1945.  Able to land.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Aug 11, 1945
103338 (382nd FS, 363rd FG, 9th AF) collided in midair with P-51B 43-6328 and crashlanded E of Sein
near Les Andelys, SW of Beauvais, France Jun 25, 1944.  MACR 6188.  Pilot killed.
103339 (359th FG, 369th FS) shot down by AAA at Hoevinghause, 5 k m S of Mettingen, Germany Nov 4, 1944.  MACR 10427.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103340 condemned salvage no battle damage Nov 12, 1944
103341 (487th FS, 352nd FG) crashed from unknown cause 1 mi N oF RAF Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England
Jun 7, 1944.  Pilot killed.
103342 (339th FG, 504th FS, 8th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Lubeck, Germany May 19, 1944.  MACR 4983.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103343 (359th FG, 370th FS) shot down by AAA near Reims, France May 12, 1944.  MACR 4703.  Pilot bailed out and
became POW.
103344 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 26, 1946
103345 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia,
Italy Mar 28, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Sep 30, 1945
103346 (339th FG, 503rd FS, 8th AF) crashed after hitting some wires while strafing a locomotive at
Denaon, France Jun 22, 1944.  MACR 6105.  Pilot killed.
103347 (361st FG, 375th FS) shot down by AAA 5 mi N of Chartes, France Jun 6, 1944.  MACR 5521.  Pilot bailed out
but was KIA.
103348 (364th FS, 357th FG) crashed during wheels up belly landing at RAF Leiston airfield Jul 20, 1944.  Pilot
survived but aircraft was destroyed.
103349 (361st FG, 375th FS) shot down by AAA at Torgau, 5 km W of Stendal, Germany May 21, 1944.  MACR 5002.
Pilot KIA.
103350 (376th FS, 361st FG) crashed near Nijmegen, Holland due to mechanical failure Nov 27, 1944.  Pilot bailed
out and was rescued by Canadian army patrol.
103351 (5th FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause while strafing locomotives SW of Seregelyes,
Hungary Oct 14, 1944.  MACR 9141.  Pilot killed.
103352 (354th FS) in midair collision west of Foulmere Apr 20, 1945.  Condemned salvage from enemy action Sep 29, 1945
103353 (356th FS, 354th FG, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-6 flown by unknown pilot and unit near Dreux,
France Aug 16, 1944.  MACR 8197.  Pilot bailed out, fate unknown.
103354 (359th FG, 369th FS) hit by AAA near Saarbrucken, Germany May 25, 1944 and crashed W of Sarrebourg,
France.  MACR 5114.  Pilot bailed out and evaded.
103355 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 10, 1946
103356 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 26, 1946
103357 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 8 mi SW of Duren, Germany Dec 2, 1944.  MACR 10554.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103358 (F-6C, 12th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Saint Dizier Airfield A-64, Saint Dizier,
France Dec 25, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  condemned salvage Apr 24, 1946
103359 (362nd FS, 357th FG) crashlanded at Leiston, England Jun 8, 1944.  Condemned Jun 10, 1944
103360 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Furth Airfield R-28, Furth, Bavaria, Germany
Apr 25, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  Oondemned salvage Apr 24, 1946
103361 surveyed at Dallas ATC, TX Mar 16, 1944
103362 (374th FS, 361st FG) in landing accident at RAF Bottisham, Cambridgeshire, England May 30, 1944.
Condemned salvage no battle damage May 31, 1944
103363 (353rd FG, 352nd FS) bellylanded May 2, 1945.  Condemned salvage no battle damage May 26, 1945
103364 (F-6C, 67th PRG) crashed from unknown cause 5 mi N of Eschwege airfield R-11, Hesse, Germany 
May 10, 1945.  MACR 14451.  Pilot survived and returned to duty, aircraft was destroyed.
103365 condemned salvage no battle damage Sep 25, 1944
103366 condemned salvage no battle damage Jan 24, 1945
103367 condemned salvage Jun 28, 1945
103368 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 26, 1946
103369 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause 50 mi NE of Galati, Rumania Jun 6, 1944.  
MACR 5854.  Pilot killed
103370 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) shot down by friendly AAA from Allied ships off Audouville, France
in English Channel Jun 9, 1944.  Pilot believe killed.
103370 (F-6C, 67th FG) MIA Jun 9, 1944.  MACR 5700
103371 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 15, 1946
103372 condemned salvage from enemy action Sep 29, 1945
103373 (2nd Base Air Depot, 8th AF) crashlanded at bille Paisis, France Nov 16, 1944.  Pilot survived,
aircraft condemned salvage no battle damage Nov 20, 1044
103374 condemned salvage from eney action Apr 15, 1946
103375 condemned MIA Aug 11, 1944
103336 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Charleroi Airfield A-87, Gosselies, Belgium
Jan 14, 1945.  Pilot surivived, aircraft destroyed and condemned salvage Jan 15, 1945
103377 (302nd FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen) ground looped at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia, Italy Sep 28, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Oct 13, 1944
103378 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 67th TRG) shot down by small arms fire 15 mi W of St Quentin, France Jun 22, 1944. 
MACR 6276.  Pilot killed.
103379 (302nd FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in forced landing at Pianosa, Italy due to engine failure
Aug 19, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Aug 30, 1944
103380 (326 FRS, 31 ATG) w/o at Lasham, England May 8, 1944.  Condemned salvage no battle damage
103381 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Charleroi airfield A-87 Gosselies, Belgium
Nov 28, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired. Condemned salvage Jun 26, 1946.  
103382 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) shot down by Fw 190A-8 flown bo Oblt Alfred Neumayer of JG 4/1 
at Bellheim, E of Landau and crashed 3 km NW of Dahnk SW of Pirmasens, Germany Sep 29, 1944.  MACR 9280.
Pilot killed.
103383 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Charleroi airfield A-87, Gosselies, 
Belgium Nov 28, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  Condemned salvage 
May 6, 1947.  To reclamation/scrap Jun 9, 1948
103384 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing at Emmering, 15 km
N of Aibling, Germany due to engine failure Feb 25, 1945.  MACR 12670.  Pilot survived and became POW.
103385 condemned salvage Aug 18, 1945
103386 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) crashed W of Trier, Germany due to engine failure Feb 2, 1945.
Pilot bailed out and survived, aicraft destroyed and condemned Feb 3, 1945
103387 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia,
Italy Feb 26, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage no battle damage Feb 3, 1945
103388 condemned MIA Dec 4, 1944
103389 (357th FG, 364th FS) shot down by AAA over France May 24, 1944.  MACR 5109.  Pilot KIA
103390 (309th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF) collided in midair with P-51B 43-6511 over Tortorella airfield, Foggia,
Italy and crashed Aug 21, 1944.  Pilot bailed out but was killed, aircraft was destroyed. Aircraft
condemned crash landing Aug 21, 1944
103391 condemned salvage Nov 26, 1945
103392 (309th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF) crashed on takeoff at San Severo airfield, Foggia, Italy May 29, 1944.
Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.  Aircraft condemned crash takeoff May 29, 1944
103393 (339th FG, 503rd FS, 8th AF) crashed at Poperinge, 12 km W of Ypern, Belgium due to engine
failure May 15, 1944.  MACR 4694.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103394 (339th FG, 504th FS, 8th AF) crashed 800 m S of brahcnewinda Thuringen in Gamarkung Am Anblick, Germay 
after aircraft started leaking fuel and caught fire Jul 29, 1944.  MACR 7720.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103395 2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flownd by Uffz Heinrich Koch of JG 52/6 over
airfield at Reghin, Rumania Aug 31, 1944.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103396 (F-6C, 111th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) in landing accident at
Nancy/Azelot Airfield A-95, Azelot, France Jan 5, 1945.  Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
Condemned salvage no battle damage Jan 5, 1945
103397 (F-6C, 12th RS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause 1 1/2 mi N of Valognes,
France while on flight from RAF Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, England to Le Molay Airfield A-9 Basse-Normandie,
France Jul 21, 1944.  MACR 15903.   Condemned salvage no battle damage Dec 22, 1944
103398 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 25, 1945
103399 condemned salvage no battle damage Dec 21, 1944
103400 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) shotdown by AA near Eleusis, Greece Oct 6, 1944.  MACR 8979.
Pilot bailed out and evaded with help of some Greek civilians and returned Oct 18, 1944 to his unit.
103401 (4th FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crashed 1 mi E of Castel Frentano, Italy after caught fire May 5, 1945.
Pilot bailed out and survived, aircraft was destroyed.
103403 (F-6C, 11th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissqance Group, 9th AF) in landing accident at Dijon-Longvic
Airfield Y-9, Longivc, France Nov 5, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, condemned salvage no 
battle damage Nov 7, 1944
103404 condemned excess inventory Aug 18, 1944
103405 condemned salvage no battle damage Jul 24, 1946
103406 condemned salvage Jul 24, 1946
103407 condemned MIA Apr 17, 1945
103408 (107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) crashlanded 1 1/2 mi SWS of Le Molay airfield A-9 Basse-Normandie,
France due to engine failure Aug 17, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft destroyed and condemned salvage Aug 18, 1944
103409 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) crashlanded 3 km SW of Coissy, 15 km SE oF Poix, France after
ran out of fuel Aug 10, 1944.  MACR 7791.  Pilot survived and evaded.
103410 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) missing on local test flight Dec 9, 1944.  MACR 10588.  Pilot MIA and
presumed killed.
103411 (F-6C, 111th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) crashed from unknown cause at
Friedlingsbach, 20 km NW of Freiburg, Germany Feb 11, 1945.  MACR 12314.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103412 condemed salvage from enemy action Apr 24, 1946
103413 condemned salvage no battle damage Apr 6, 1945
103415 condemned from enemy action Aug 18, 1944
103416 condemned MIA Nov 5, 1944
103417 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 15, 1946
103418 condemned accident Sep 24, 1944
103419 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109K-4 flown by Hptm Siegrfied
Luckenback of JG 53/3 Stab at Ramsden and crashed 1.5 kn NW of Harsbert, 7 km S of Landstuhl, Germany
Feb 14, 1945.  MACR 12353.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103420 to reclamation/scrap Venice AAF, FL Jul 11, 1945
103421 (118th TRS, 23rd FG) crashed near Liuchow airfield due to bad weather Nov 7, 1944.  MACR 10093.
Pilot killed.
103422 condemned burned Oct 4, 1944
103423 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by Lt Rudolf Harbort of JGr 200/3 S of
Marseille, France over Guly of Lyon Jun 15, 1944.  MACR 5775.  Pilot killed.
103424 (309th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Wiener Neustadt, Austria May 29, 1944.  MACR 5410.
Pilot killed.
103425 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 22, 1946
103426 condemned salvage Sep 7, 1945
103427 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) MIA over Northeastern France Sep 27, 1944.  MACR 9226.  Pilot MIA and presumed killed.
103428 (F-6C, 111th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, XII Tactical Air Command, 12th AF) shot down by AAA over
southern france Aug 22, 1944.  MACR 8774.  Pilot killed.
103429 (107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Charleroi Airfield A-87 Gosselies, Belgium
Jan 20, 1945.  Pilot surivived, aicraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  Condemned salvage Jun 26, 1946
103430 surveyed at Pittsburgh AAF, PA Apr 8, 1944
103431 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield,
Foggia, Italy Jun 30, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned wrecked Jun 30, 1944
103432 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause 50 mi NE of Galati, Rumania Jun 6, 1944.   MACR 6763.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103433 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Ober Olf Airfield Y-64 Mainz, Germany Apr 15, 1945.
Condemned salvage Apr 15, 1946
103434 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia,
Italy Apr 10, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned Apr 10, 1945
103435 condemned salvage Apr 30, 1946
103436 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in takeoff accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia, Italy
Aug 23, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
103437 condemned salvage no battle damage Feb 20, 1945
103438 condemned salvage from enemy action Jul 18, 1946
103439 (5th FS, 52nd FG) crashlanded at Madna, Italy Jun 14, 1944.  Condemned crash landing Jun 14, 1944.
103440 condemned MIA Apr 16, 1945
103441 (309th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF) crashlanded at San Severo airfield, Foggia, Italy Jun 13, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage crash Jun 15, 1944
103442 (328th Ferry Squadron, Air Transport Command) in landing accident at El Aouina airfield at Tunis,
Tunisia while on ferry flight Aug 1, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Aug 1, 1944
103443 (302nd FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing at Ramitelli
airfield, Foggia, Italy Jul 1, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103444 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103444 condemned salvage no battle damage Jun 24, 1944
103445 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) crashed 5 mi E of Avignon Puga, France after hitting high tension
wire while strafing railroad cars Jun 15, 1944.   MACR 6131.  Pilot killed.
103446 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) crashed at Moquemaure, France after hitting high-tension wire Jun 15, 1944.   
MACR 6130.  Pilot bailed out and evaded and made it to Spain with help of French Maquis and returned
to duty.
103447 (325th FG, 317th FS, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause while strafing vehilces 1 m S of Andrijevica,
Yugoslavia Jul 23, 1944.   MACR 7039.  Pilot killed.
103448 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) crashlanded at RAF Middle Wallop airfield, Hampshire, England
due to engine failure Jun 17, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft destroyed and condemned salvage no battle 
damage Jun 21, 1944
103449 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing 1 mi NW of
Beroughton Farm, England due to engine failure Jun 25, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft was destroyed, 
condemned salvage no battle damage Jun 30, 1944
103450 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103451 (F-6C, 12th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) shot don by AAA 1 mi NE of Brest, France Oct 27, 1944.  MACR 9632.
Pilot killed.
103452 (15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) MIA near Avaranches, France Jul 18, 1944.  MACR 6881.  Pilot believed killed.
103453 condemned salvage from enemy action Jul 26, 10946
103454 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed near Vienna, Austria due to engine
failure Jan 21, 1945.  MACR 11540.  Pilot killed.  According to amateur Czech historian Jan Mahr the pilot's body was 
found in a field south of Brno Czechoslovakia and buried. Later reburied at Lorraine American Cemetery in France.
103455 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF, *Tennessee's Partner*) crashed from unknown cause near Vienna, Austria
Dec 9, 1944.  MACR 10729.  Pilot killed.  Plane captured by Luftwaffe.
103456 condemned MIA Jun 23, 1944
103457 (111th TRS, XII Air Support Command, 12th AF) shot down by AAA Sw of Cortona, Italy Jun 15, 1944.  MACR 6043.
Pilot MIA and fate unknown
103458 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF, *My Lady/Miss Marilyn*) crashlanded from unknown cause near Raab, Hungary
Dec 9, 1944.  MACR 10784.  Pilot survived and became POW.  Plane captured by Luftwaffe.
MACR 10784
103459 (107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Toussus-le-Noble airfield A-46 Toussus-le-Noble,
France Sep 8, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraf DBR and condemned salvage no battle damage Sep 21, 1944
103460 (F-6C, 111th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by
unknown pilot and uinit SW of Frankfurt, Germany Dec 25, 1944.   MACR 11619.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103461 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB351.  Crashed 10 mi S of Nijmegen
Sep 6, 1944 when pilot abandoned aircraft following engine failure.
103462 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB352.  SOC Feb 24, 1947
103463 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB353.  SOC Feb 25, 1947
103464 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB354.  SOC Feb 18, 1947
103465 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB355.  Missing from sweep Aug 18, 1944
103466 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB356.  Damaged while taxying at
Andrews Field Jan 19, 1945, not repaired and SOC.
103467 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB357.  Overshot forced landing at
RAF Coltishall Jun 6, 1946 following engine failure.
103468 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB358.  SOC Jan 16, 1947
103469 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB359.  Crashed Mar 13, 1945 after
hitting high-tension cables on high ground 1/2 mi S of Cove, Scotland
103470 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB360.  SOC Dec 6, 1946. 
103471 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB361.  SOC Mar 13, 1947
103472 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB362.  SOC Jun 2, 1947
103473 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB363.  SOC Nov 26, 1946
103474 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB364.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
103475 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB365.  Shot down by flak Jul 3, 1944
while attacking bridge at Lavagotiere
103476 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB366.  SOC Nov 16, 1946
103477 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB367.  Missing Sep 20, 1944
103478 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB368.  Spun into ground near Villers
Bocage Jun 30, 1944
103479 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB369.  SOC Mar 22, 1945
103480 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB370.  SOC Jan 23, 1947
103481 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 26, 1946
103482 (F-6C, 111th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) shot fown by AAA from a train
near Ingolstadt, Germany Apr 11, 1945.   MACR 13753.  Pilot killed.
103483 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) shot down by AAA over Agignon Puga, France Jun 15, 1944.  MACR 6022.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103484 condemned MIA Nov 28, 1944
103485 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) crashed in Liguran Sea after air scoop hit water Jun 15, 1944.  MACR 5766.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103486 (F-6C, 111th TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) crashed 6 km NW of Karlsruhe,
Germany due to engine failure Feb 22, 1945.  MACR 12678.  Pilot bailed out and became POW
103487 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in taxiing accident at Charleroi airfield A-87 Gosselies,
Belgium Nov 26, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
Condemned salvage Jun 26, 1946
103488 (F-6C, 109th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Eschwege Airfield R-11, Hesse, Germany
Apr 16, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.
Condemned salvage Jun 22, 1946
103489 (325th FG, HQ) shot down by AAA off coast of Southern France and crashed  into Ligurian Sea Jun 15, 1944.  
MACR 6309.  Pilot bailed out but was killed.
103490 condemned salvage no battle damage Sep 29, 1944
103491 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) ground looped at Chievres airfield A-84, Casteau, Belgium
Dec 7, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft was destroyed and condemned salvage no batle damage Dec 12, 1944
103492 (5th FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) in landing accident at Pescara airfield, Italy Oct 23, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Sep 7, 1945
103493 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 1/4 mi ENE of Rahms, Germany after helping
shoot down an Fw 190 fighter Mar 15, 1945.   MACR 13035.  Pilot killed.
103494 converted to F-6C.  Lend-Leaseto French ADO Mar 8, 1945.  Operated by GR II/33.  Damaged May 1, 1945.
Repaired and returned to service.  WFU c May 1948
103495 (F-6C, 162nd TRS, attached to Provisional Reconnaissance Group, 9th AF) MIA in Ingolstadt, Germany
area Apr 14, 1945.  MACR 14154.  Pilot MIA and presumed killed.
103496 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in landing accident near Sinn, Germany Apr 11, 1945.  Pilot
survived, aircraft destroyed and condemned salvage no battle damage Apr 16, 1945
103497 condemned salvage no battle damage Nov 10, 1944
103498 (319th FS, 325th FG) crashed at Cutella gunnery range, Italy Jul 17, 1944.  Condemned crash landing Jul 18, 1944
103499 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) lost off unknown cause NE of Lake Balaton, Hungary Jul 27, 1944.  MACR 7108.
Pilot MIA and presumed killed.
103500 delivered to RAF ADO Feb 22, 1945 as Mustang III FZ161.  SOC Feb 24, 1947.
The British Air Commission records show this plane as a P-51B,
presumably because serial FZ161 was originally allocated to 
P-51B 43-6542, which was not delivered to RAF.
103501 (302nd FS, 332nd FG) w/o in landing accident at Ramitelli, Italy Jun 15, 1944.  Condemned salvage Jul 22, 1944
103502 condemned salvage Nov 22,1944
103503 (5th FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crashed near Tremesna village, Czechoslovakia Jul 7, 1944 after being
attacked by Bf 109s.  MACR 6514.  Pilot bailed out but was killed when his parachute was ripped by the aircraft
tail section..
103504 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 22, 1946
103505 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103506 (F-6C) assigned to 118th TRS, 23FG in China.  Condemned salvage Dec 31, 1945
103507 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) shot down by 20-mm AA while strafing Ecka airfield and crashed W of
Muschla, Yugoslavia Sep 8, 1944.   MACR 8757.  Pilot killed.
103508 (2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) in taxiing accident at Madna airfield, Foggia, Italy Nov 4, 1944.  Pilot
survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned crash Nov 4, 1944
103509 to reclamation/scrap at Lakeland AAF, FL Jan 1, 1945
103510 to excess inventory list Aug 15, 1944
103511 condemnned enemy action Sep 30, 1944
103512 condemned MIA Mar 26, 1945
103513 (325 FG, 319 FS) in midair collision with 43-24866 near Garganico,
Italy Jun 29, 1944.  Both pilots killed.
103514 condemned MIA Dec 25, 1944
103515 condemned MIA Jul 19,1944
103516 to excess inventory list Apr 26, 1944
103517 (317th FS, 325th FG) crashed at Lesina, Italy Jun 13, 1944.  Condemned destroyed Jun 13, 1944.
103518 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103519 (319th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) in landing accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Aug 17, 1944.
Pilot survived, aicraft condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103520 (307th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF) in forced landing at Mondolf airfield, Marche, Italy due to
engine failure Apr 8, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103521 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB371.  SOC Jun 26, 1947
103522 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB372.  Missing from sweep to
Munster Sep 10, 1944. 
103523 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB373.  Crashlanded at West Malling
Jul 7, 1944 following engine failure
103524 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB374.  Crashed after losing wing
in recovery from dive, Catfield Oct 2, 1944
103525 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB375.  SOC Dec 4, 1946
103526 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB376.  SOC Mar 3, 1947
103527 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB377.  SOC Feb 22, 1947
103528 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB378.  Crashed when pilot abandoned
aircraft after being caught in blast from exploding V-1 Jul 12, 1944
103529 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB379.  SOC Mar 14, 1947
103530 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB380.  SOC Feb 25, 1947
103531 to RAF Apr 1944 as Mustang III FB381.  Spun into sea 8 mi off
Listerfjord Sep 3, 1944.  Also listed as being with 307th FS, 351st FG, 15th AF and involved in
landing accident at San Severo airfield, Foggia, Italy Feb 2, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly
damaged, unknown if repaired.
103532/103549 to Britain May 1944.
103532 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB382.  SOC Jan 8, 1947
103533 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB383.  Crashed 45 mi E of Bradwell
Bay May 16, 1945 when pilot abandoned aircraft following collision
with Mustang KH540 (44-10965)
103534 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB384. Crashed into sea Sep 1, 1944
when engine failed during escort mission
103535 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB385.  SOC Sep 6, 1947
103536 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB386.  SOC Jan 17, 1947
103537 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB387.  Wrecked when struck truck
while taxying at night, Andrews Field Nov 9, 1944
103538 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB388.  Crashed when stalled on
approach to Bentwaters and wing struck ground Feb 3, 1945
103539 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB389.  Crashed at Zuid Beveland 
Oct 18, 1944 when pilot abandoned aircraft after engine lost power.
103540 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB390.  Missing Aug 21, 1944
103541 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB391.  Missing Nov 11, 1944
103542 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB392.  Crashlanded near Ypres
Sep 27, 1944 following engine failure
103543 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB393.  Crashelanded near Westham
Jul 13, 1944 following engine failure.
103544 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB394.  Crashed into sea off Blakenberge
Mar 16, 1945 following engine failure
103545 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB395.  Spun into ground 3 mi S of
Ashford Aug 20, 1944.
103546 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB396.  Shot down by flak near s'Hertogenbosch
Sep 6, 1944
103547 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB397.  SOC Feb 27, 1947
103548 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB398.  Missing from sweep over Normandy
Jun 22, 1944.  
103549 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III FB399.  SOC Feb 18, 1947
103550 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Oct 25, 1944.  Also listed as boing to RAF as HB821
and being destroyed by fire after swung on takeoff and hit crane at Friston
Aug 13, 1944.
103551 condemned MIA Jun 25, 1944
103552 (325th FG, 319th FS, 15th AF) shot down by AA and crashed 1 1/2 mi off Fano Italy in the Adriatic
Sea while on air-sea rescue mission looking for a pilot shot down off the coast of Italy Jun 24, 1944.  
MACR 6178.  Pilot killed.
103553 (HQ, 31st FG, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause at Egyed, Hungary Jun 27, 1944.  MACR 6413.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103554 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) crashed SW of Ploesti, Rumania Jun 23, 1944.  MACR 6733.  Pilot bailed
out and became POW
103555 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia, Italy
Dec 6, 1944.  Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
103556 (318th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) groundlooped at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Aug 22, 1944.
Pilot surivived, aircraft condemned crash Aug 22, 1944
103557 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103558 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) lost from unknown cause near Linz, Austria Jul 21, 1944.  
MACR 6965.  Pilot MIA and fate unknown.
103559 (339th FG, 505th FS, 8th AF) crashed from unknown cause into railroad station at Busigny, 20
km SE of Cambrai, France Jul 11, 1944.  MACR 6795.  Pilot killed.
103560 (319th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) in takeoff accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Nov 7, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Nov 7, 1944.
103561 (4th FG, 335th FS, 8th AF) hit by AAA near Aachen, Germany, but able to fly and headed home but
crashed in Bornem, Belgium Jul 20, 1944.  MACR 6849.  Pilot bailed out and evaded.
103562 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF) shot down by AAA 5 mi W of Lake Balaton, Hungary Dec 17, 1944.  MACR 10674.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103563 (2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) in landing accident at Madna airfield, Foggia, Italy Sep 4, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Sep 22 ,1944
103564 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103565 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed NE of Vienna, Austria near Czech border
due to engine failure Mar 23, 1945.  MACR 13256.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103566 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103567 (503rd FS, 339th FG, 8th AF) collided in midair with P-51D 44-14012 at Manor Farm Thriplow, 
Cambridgeshire, England and crashed Aug 5, 1944.  Pilot killed, aircraft was destroyed.
103568 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 24, 1946
103569 to RAF May 28, 1944 as FB142 as replacement for 42-103036 which
was diverted to USAAF.  SOC Nov 15, 19456
103570 (2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crshed from uknown cause NW of Koprivnica, Yugoslavia Nov 5, 1944.  MACR 9682.
Pilot killed.
103571 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause near Munich, Germany 
Dec 29, 1944.  MACR 10932.  Pilot killed.
103572 to RFC at Cincinatti Oct 4, 1945
103573 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 30, 1946
103574 condemned crash Aug 26, 1944
103575 condemned salvage Sep 2,1945
103576 (F-6C, 69th TRG, 111th TRS) crashlanded at Borgo, 
Corsica Jul 26, 1944.  Condemned salvage Jul 29, 1944
103577 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 24, 1946
103578 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 15, 1946
103579 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 22, 1946
103580 (318th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) in takeoff accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Nov 18, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Nov 18, 1944
103581 (325th FG, 318th FS, 15th AF, *Marry Norris*) in landing accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy
Dec 15, 1944.  Pilot survived, but aircraft was destroyed.
103582 (5th FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crashed during wheels-up belly landing at Madna airfield, Foggia, Italy
Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged and condemned salvage Sep 7, 1945.
103583 condemned salvage Dec 31, 1945
103584 condemned salvage Sep 7, 1945
103585 served in CBI theatre with 75th FS, 23rd FG, 14th AF.  Condemned damaged Mar 22, 1945
103586 condemned AAA Apr 3 ,1945
103587 condemned lost at sea Jul 2, 1944
103588 (375th FS, 361st FG) in takeoff accident at RAF Bottisham, Cambridgeshire, England Aug 16, 1944.
Aircraft badly daamaged, condemned salvage Sep 29, 1945
103589 condemned salvage Dec 31, 1945
103590 (5th FS, 52nd FG) crashed from unknown cause 20 mi W of Kotor, Yugoslavia Jun 23, 1944.  MACR 6075.
Pilot killed.
103591 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 26, 1946
103592 (302nd FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) shot down by AAA at Kraljevo, Yugosolvia Jul 22, 1944.  
MACR 6852.  Pilot MIA and fate unknown.
103593 (364th FG, 385th FS, 8th AF) shot down by AAA at Wegezin, 13.5 km WSW of Anklam, Germany Aug 25, 1944.  
MACR 8541.  Made wheels-up belly landing in field, pilot survived and became POW.  Aircraft destroyed
by P-51D to prevent capture.
103594 condemned salvage from enemy action Apr 24 1946
103595 (301 FS, 333 FG) crashed while doing 
low-altitude barrel roll near Ramitelli
Airfield, Italy Jun 28, 1944.  Pilot killed.
103596 (318th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) in landing accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Dec 17, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103597 (2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF) crashed SW of Veszprem, Hungrry after atrafing airfield Nov 19, 1944.  MACR 9873.
Pilot MIA and believed killed.
103598 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103599 (325th FG, 381th FS, 15th AF) crashed from unknown cause 10 mi E of Ploesti, Rumania Jun 24, 1944.  MACR 6077.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103600 (503rd FS, 339th FG, 8th AF) in takeoff accident at RAF Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire, England
Nov 16, 1944.  Pilot survived but aircraft was destroyed.
103601 (364th FS, 357th FG) in taxiing accident at RAF Leiston airfield Jul 24, 1944.  Pilot survived but
aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  Condemned salvage Sep 29, 1945
103602 condemned salvage from enemy action Sep 29, 1945
103603 (336th FS, 4th FG, 8th AF)  crashed from unknown cause at Warrier's Farm, Somersham, England Apr 8, 1945.
Pilot killed, aircraft condemned salvage no battle damage Apr 8, 1945
103604 condemned salvage Nov 26, 1945
103605 condemned salvage Dec 31, 1945
103606 (75th FS, 23rd FG, 14th AF) crashlanded in China Sep 12, 1944.  Pilot survived but aircraft was
destroyed.  Condemned accident Sep 14, 1944
103607 condemned MIA Jun 20, 1944
103608 (75th FS, 23rd FG, 14th AF) crashlanded in China Sep 12, 1944.  Pilot survived but aircraft was
destroyed.  Condemned accident Sep 14, 1944
103609 (4th FG, 335th FS, 8th AF) crashed from unknown cause 20 M SW of Zandbergen, 7 km ENE of Grammont,
France May 31, 1944.  MACR 5670.  Pilot bailed out and became POW
103610 (118th FRS, 23rd FG) shot down by AAA S of Kukiang, China Nov 20, 1944.  MACR 10089.  Pilot KIA
103611 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) crashed due to mechanical failure S of Chemnitz,
Germany Mar 24, 1945.  MACR 13268.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103612 (353rd FS, 354th FG, 9th AF) shot down by AAA 4 km ENE of Laon, France Jun 3, 1944.  MACR 5541.
Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103613 condemned enemy operations Apr 3, 1945
103614 (India Burma Theatre Training Command, 10th AF) in landing assicent at Malir Airfield, Karachi, India
Jun 20, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Jun 30, 1945
103615 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 30, 1945
103616 (F-6C, 107th TRS, 67th TRG, 9th AF) in takeoff accident at Charleroi Airfield A-87 Gosselies, Belgium
Jan 1, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft destroyed and condemned salvage no battle damage Jan 14, 1945
103617 (317th FS, 325th FG, 15th AF) in taxiing accident at Lesina airfield, Foggia, Italy Dec 7, 1944.
Pilot survived, aircraft condemned crash May 1, 1945
103618 (109th TRS, 67th TRG) crashed on takeoff at Middle Wallop, England Jun 13, 1944.
Condemned salvage no battle damage Jun 18, 1944
103619 (12th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Saint Dizier Airfield A-64, Saint Dizier, France
Nov 25, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft badly damaged, unknown if repaired.  Condemned salvage Apr 24, 1946
103620 (F-6C, 15th TRS, 10th PRG, 9th AF) in landing accident at Conflans airfield A-94 Conflans, France
Feb 13, 1945.  Condemned salvage Feb 20, 1945
103621 condemned salvage Nov 26, 1945
103622 condemned salvage from enemy action Jun 22, 1946
103623 condemend salvage Aug 12, 1945
103624 (India Burma Theatre Training Command, 10th AF) crashed from unknown cause 2 1/2 mi S of Mauripur, India
Aug 23, 1945.  Pilot killed, aircraft condemned crash landing Aug 25, 1945
103625 condemned salvage Jul 9, 1945
103626 condemned salvag Jul 9 1945
103626 condemned salvage Fab 5, 1945
103627 condemned salvage Sep 2, 1945
103628 (118th TRS, 23rd FG) shot down by AAA 10 mi NW of Samshui, China Oct 5, 1944.  MACR 9299.
Pilot bailed out and evaded.
103629 condemned salvage Oct 22, 1945
103630 condemned accident Feb 25, 1945
103631 to reclamation/scrap at Venice AAF, FL Jul 11, 1945
103632 condemned salvage Nov 26, 1945
103633 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) ground looped at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia, Italy
Apr 25, 1945.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Sep 30, 1945
103634 to reclamation at Wright Patterson AAB May 11, 1948
103635 (301st FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) shot down by Bf 109G-6 flown by Lt Oskar Romm of
JG 3/12 near Kempten, Germany Jul 18, 1944.  MACR 6973.  Pilot crashlanded the aircraft, survived and
became POW.
103636 delivered to RAFDO as FB147 Feb 22, 1945 as replacement for
42-103041 which was diverted to USAAF.   Missing near Arnhem Sep 25, 1944,
presumed shot down by enemy fightes.  Seems to be a conflict of dates here,
maybe Feb 22, 1945 was the date that the paperwork for the transfer
caught up?
103637 condemned crash Feb 28, 1945
103638 surveyed at Pinellas AF Sep 27, 1944
103639 to reclamation/scrap at Key AF, MS Jan 17, 1945
103640 to reclamation/scrap at Venice AF, FL May 12, 1945
103641 to reclamation/scrap at Bartow AF, FL Oct 26, 1944
103642 surveyed at Pinellas AB, FL Aug 12, 1944
103643 to RFD at Albuquerque, NM Jul 28, 1945
103644 to reclamation/scrap at MacDill AAF, FL May 24, 1946
103645 (MSN 103-26199) to RFC at Bozeman, MT Oct 3, 1945.  Now with Confederate AF as NL61429.  
At one time this was N215CA.  Was N9288 before becoming N215CA.  Crashed
at Wings of Freedom Air Show in Bay City, WI May 29, 2004.  There appears to
have been some problem immediately after takeoff, as pilot attempted to force-land
in a nearby field but struck a tree.  Pilot critically injured and died in
hospital next day.  Aircraft has been restored, first flight Jul 22, 2009
103646 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 28, 1945
103647 to CL-26 at Pinellas AB, FL Oct 5, 1944
103648 to reclamation/scrap at Dal Mabry AAF, FL Jan 21, 1946
103649 to reclamation/scrap at Dale Mabry AAF, FL Jan 21, 1946
103650 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1945
103651 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1945
103652 to reclamation/scrap at Pinellas AB, FL Sep 19, 1944
103653 surveyed at Pinellas AB, FL Nov 28, 1944
103654 surveyed at Pinellas AB, FL Sep 14, 1944
103655 surveyed at Jacksonville AAF, FL Jul 21, 1944
103656 surveyed at Panellas AB, FL Apr 21, 1944
103657 to reclamation/scrap at Pinellas AB, FL Sep 18, 1944
103658 surveyed at Lakeland AB, FL Jun 16, 1944
103659 surveyed at Pinellas AB, FL Jun 20, 1944
103660 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 20, 1945
103661 surveyed at Lakeland AAF, FL Oct 1, 1944
103662 to reclamation/scrap at Venice, FL May 9, 1945
103663 (MSN 103-26217) to RFC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK Oct 5, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946.
Became NX4821N, then NL4821N.  To Dominican Republic in 1948 as FAD 1700.  
Crashed on delivery at Villa Julia Molina Jun 6, 1948
103664 to reclamation/scrap at Venice, FL Mar 1, 1945
103665 to reclamation/scrap at Venice, FL Mar 1, 1945
103666 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1944
103667 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 20, 1945
103668 to RFC at Claremont Sep 27, 1945
103669 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1945
103670 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 22, 1945
103671 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB822.  SOC Sep 6, 1947
103672 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB823.  SOC Nov 28, 1946
103673 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB824.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
103674 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB825.  SOC Feb 28, 1947
103675 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB826.  Struck parked Mustang FB137 (42-103031)
at Matlask Oct 13, 1944
103676 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB827.  Damaged by flak and crashed into
house, Vimoutiers Aug 18, 1944
103677 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB828.  Wrecked when bellylanded after engine
failure, B.78 (Eindhoven) Jan 3, 1945
103678 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB829.  Crashed on approach to Earls colne
Oct 5, 1944 after engine failure
103679 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB830.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
103680 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB831.  SOC Feb 24, 1947
103681 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB832.  SOC Jan 31, 1947
103682 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB833.  DItched off Norwegian coast Dec 6, 1944
following engine failure.
103683 was to have gone to RAF as HB834, but not delivered.  Condemned MIA Aug 7, 1944
103684 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB835.  SOC Dec 16, 1946  
103685 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB836.  Missing off Forde Fjord Feb 9, 1945,
presumed shot down by Bf 109s
103686 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB837.  SOC Mar 14, 1947
103687 was to have gone to Britain as HB838 but was returned to USAAF
Jun 19, 1944.  Condemned MIA Nov 19, 1944
103688 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB839. Sold for scrap May 7, 1947
103689 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB840.  Wrecked when bellylanded at Park Wood
Jul 28, 1944 following engine failure
103690 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB841.  DBR when tasied into fuel bowser at
Hethel Mar 22, 1946
103691 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB842.  SOC Mar 14, 1946
103692 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB843.  SOC Jan 17,1947
103693 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB844.  Wrecked when struck by Mustang FX889
(43-12378) at Andrews Field Nov 16, 1944.  
103694 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB845.  SOC Nov 19, 1946
103695 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB846.  SOC Sep 6, 1947
`			103696 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB847.  SOC Feb 24, 1947
103697 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB848.  SOC Jun 2, 1947
103698 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB849.  SOC Feb 8, 1947
103699 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB850.  Missing Dec 8, 1944
103700 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB851.  Flew into ground while attacking
train near Zagreb Mar 1, 1945
103701 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB852.  SOC Jan 4, 1947
103702 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB853.  Crashelanded near Zagrep Apr 21, 1945
after flak hit
103703 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB854.  Shot down by flak over Kutina,
Yugoslavia Oct 21, 1944
103704 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB855.  SOC Dec 13, 1946
103705 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB856.  SOC Aug 1944
103706 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB857.  SOC Dec 7, 1944
103707 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB858.  Shot down by flak while attacking
enemy motor transport near Houtoncon Aug 15, 1944
103708 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB859.  Crashed into Adriatic Sea Mar 16, 1945
after pilot abandoned aircraft following engine failure
103709 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB860.  Bellylanded in France Apr 16, 1945
after engine failure.
103710 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB861.  SOC Jan 3, 1949 (?)
103711 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB862.  SOC Feb 24, 1947
103712 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB863.  SOC Feb 11, 1947
103713 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB864.  DBR Feb 9, 1945, relegated to ground
instructional airframe with serial 5062M
103714 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB865.  Swung on takeoff, hit snowbank and 
overturned, Banff Jan 29, 1945
103715 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB866.  SOC Dec 26, 1946
103716 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB867.  Dove into ground, Blythborough Oct 9, 1945
103717 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB868.  SOC Feb 20, 1947
103718 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB869.  SOC Mar14, 1946
103719 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB870.  SOC Jan 31,1 947
103720 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB871.  Wrecked when swung on takeoff and
hit gully, Friston Sep 22, 1944
103721 surveyed at Lakeland AAF, FL Jul 18, 1944
103722 surveyed at Lakeland AAF, FL May 19, 1944
103723 to reclamation/scrap at Venice AAF, FL Nov 13, 1945
103724 (374h FS, 361st FG) crashed tdue to bad weather a Normandy, France Jun 19, 1944.  Pilot KIA.
Condemned MIA Jun 20, 1944
103725 (MSN 103-26279) to RFC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK Oct 5, 1945.  Sold by War Assets Corp to 
Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946  Became NX4814N.  Crashed Sep 1947 while racing
103726 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 24, 1945
103727 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1945
103728 surveyed at Jacksonville AAF, FL Jul 21, 1944
103729 to RFC at Albuerque, NM Jul 25, 1945.
103730 (MSN  103-26284.  to RFC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK Oct 5, 1945. Sold by War Assets Corp to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
To civil registry as NX4831N.  To Aviacion Militar Dominicana as 403.  To Dominican Republic AF in 1948 as 
FAD 1703.  WFU Sep 1948
103731 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 22, 1945
103732 (100th FS, 332nd FG (Tuskegee Airmen), 15th AF) in landing accident at Ramitelli airfield, Foggia,
Italy Aug 2, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage Aug 18, 1944
103733 to reclamation/scrap at Venidce AAF, FL Mar 16, 1945
103734 surveyed at Lakeland AB, FL Jun 2, 1944
103735 (355th FG, 357th FS, "Tiger's Revenge") MIA Oct 5, 1944 due to engine failure near Medemli/Zuider Zee and 
crashed near Aartwood.  MACR 9263.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103736 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Aug 27, 1945
103737 condemned salvage battle damage Dec 13, 1944
103738 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 1945
103739 surveyed at Alachua, FL Jul 13, 1944
103740 (MSN 103-26294) surveyed at Cross City AAF, FL Jun 21, 1944.  Registered
N309PV Mar 21, 2008.
103741 to reclamation/scrap at Bartow, FL Jan 6, 1945
103742 (339th FG, 505th FS, 8th AF) shot down by Me 261A-1a flown by Ofw Helmuth Baudach of Epr.Kdo 261 
1 km E of Aidlingen, SW of Boblingen, Germany Sep 11, 1944.  MACR 8696.  Pilot bailed out and became POW.
103743 (359th FG, 369th FS) shot down by AAA SE of Wingen, France Aug 10, 1944.  MACR 7780.  Pilot KIA
103744 to RFC at Albuquerque Jul 15, 1945
103745 to RFC at Venice, FL Oct 5, 1945.  SOC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, OK.  Sold by War Assets Corp 
to Paul Mantz Feb 19, 1946
103746 to reclamation/scrap at Venice, FL Apr 20,1945
103747 (328th FS, 352nd FG) crashed from unknown cause somewhere in England Jul 21, 1944.
Pilot bailed out and survived.  Condemned Jul 21, 1944
103748 to RFC at Walnut Ridge Apr 14, 1946
103749 (361st FG, 375th FS) collided in midair wwith B-24H 42-95138 over Eerde Ommen, 17 mi SE of Meppel,
Netherlands Sep 11, 1944.  MACR 8703.  Pilot killed.
103750 condemned salvage from enemy action Sep 29, 1945
103751 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 22, 1945
103752 to RFC at Albuquerque, NM Jul 22, 1945
103753 (357th FS, 355th FG, 8th AFG, "Barbara") ground looped at RAF Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire, England due to
engine failure Aug 28, 1944.  Pilot survived, aircraft condemned salvage no battle damage Sep 1, 1944
103754 to reclamation/scrap at Venice, FL May 9, 1945
103755 to  at Albuquerque, NM Jul 25, 194556
103756 (339th FG, 505th FS, 8th AF) dhot down by AAA at Holzkirchen airfield S of Munich, Germany
and crashed at Katzenburg 6 km NE of Miesbach, Germany Sep 13, 1944.  MACR 8662  Pilot bailed out and
became POW.
103757 (MSN 103-26311) to RFC at Searcy Field, Stillwater, FL Oct 6, 1945.  Bought by Paul Mantz and
his partners Feb 19, 1946 as NX4845N from the War Assets Administration.
Named "Beguine", it was extensively modified, including removal of
the radiator scoop, wings clipped and radiators installed in two
wingtip pods using tip fuel tanks from a FJ-1 Fury.  Bought by
Jacqueline Cochrane and her husband Floyd Odlum shortly before
the 1949 Cleveland Air Races.  On the second lap of the Thompson
Trophy Race Sep 5, 1949, pilot Bill Odum lost control and plane crashed inverted
into a residential neighborhood, killing Odum and two people on the ground.
103758 (487th FS, 352nd FG) ground looped at RAF Honington, Suffolk, England Apr 25, 1945.  Pilot survived,
aircraft badly damaged, condemned salvage Sep 29, 1945
103759 surveyed at Lakeland AB, FL Oct 2, 1944
103760 surveyed at Bartow, FL oct 9, 1944
103761 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB872.  SOC Dec 28, 1946
103762 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB873.  SOC Jun 26, 1946
103763 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB874.  SOC Feb 21, 1947
103764 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB875.  Missing from sweep over Yugoslavia
Feb 14, 1945
103765 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB876.  Spun into ground during aerobatics,
Keevil Sep 24, 1945
103766 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB877.  Wrecked when undercarriage collapsed
on landing following engine failure on approach, RAF Coltishall
Sep 20, 1944
103767 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB878. Crashed at Andrews field Apr 11, 1945
after colliding with Mustang FB164 (42-103056)
103768 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB879.  Crashed into sea off Biferno
Dec 20, 1944 after swinging on takeoff and hitting sandbank
103769 to RAF Jul 1944 as Mustang III HB880.  Ditched in Adriatic Sea Apr 30,1945
after losing glycol Apr 30, 1945.
103770 to RAF Oct 1944 as Mustang III HB881.  Crashed May 5, 1945 after hitting
tree while attacking enemy vehicles. 
103771/103778 to Britain May 1944
103771 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB882.  Stalled during dogfighting practice
and crashed, Aberdeenshire Nov 8, 1944.
103772 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB883.  Overturned after overshooting landing,
Vis Jan 26, 1945
103773 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB884.  Crashed near Split Dec 1, 1944 after
pilot abandoned aircraft after running out of fuel
103774 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB885. Missing Dec 23, 1944.
103775 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB886.  SOC Sep 12, 1946
103776 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB887.  SOC Sep 12, 1946
103777 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB888.  Flew into ground 8 mi NW of Crepaja,
Yugoslavia Sep 13, 1944 while attacking SM.79.
103778 to RAF May 1944 as Mustang III HB889.  DBR Aug 13, 1944

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