USAF Serial Number Search Results

Serial Number Criteria: 67-21295
Description Criteria: O-2A
Data last updated: Tue Mar 15 09:25:04 2016
67-21295 ... 67-21439 (EXACT MATCH)
Cessna O-2A-CE Super Skymaster
MSN 337M-0001/0145.  Transfers to MASDC from
21385,21395,21438 converted to GO-2A
21381 sold to South Vietnam
21300,21318,21349,21365,21387,21404,21414 transferred to US Navy.  21414 and 21439 to
US Army before going to Navy.
21295 to N6350F Jul 2000.
21297 (MSN 337M-0003) to MASDC as HV0125
21299 (MSN 337M-0005) to MASDC as HV0150.  Now flying as N21299
21300 (MSN 337M-0006) to US Navy sd 721300.  To civil registry as N590D Mar 24, 1992.
21301 (MSN 337M-0007) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group, hit by ground fire Nov 20, 1969
20 mi W of Kham Duc, South Vietnam while flying a forward air control mission.  Both crew KIA.
21302 (MSN 337M-0008) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by ground fire in
rear engine near Xuan Hoa 15 mi SWS of Dong Hoi, North Vietnam Mar 29, 1968.  Able to fly to Laos on
front engine where crew bailed out 45 mi from Nakhon Phanon, Thailand and were rescued.
21303 (MSN 337M-0009) to MASDC as HV0178 Aug 3, 1981
21305 (MSN 337M-0011) 23rd TASS, 504th TASG) lost on dusk mission near Tavouac in 
southern Laos, 2 May 1969.   Pilot KIA.
21307 (MSN 337M-0013) to MASDC as HV0167.  Sold as N1102A, then C-GFAC.
21308 (MSN 337M-0014) 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group destroyed in takeoff crash 
in South Vietnam Dec 14, 1968.  Pilot injured but survived.
21309 (MSN 337M-0015) to MASDC in 1984, sold on civilian market in 1994.  
To civil registry as N5251Z.  To N1309 Sep 2007.  Crashed at Avon Park, FL Nov
17, 2010. 3 killed.
21310 (MSN 337M-0016) to US Navy as 721310.  To MASDC as HV0166.   To civil registry as N40693 Aug 1, 1994
21311 (MSN 337M-0017) to MASDC as HV0120.  To civil registry as N311J Mar 23, 1992
21313 (MSN 337M-0019) to MASDC as HV0120 Nov 5, 1979.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21314 (MSN 337M-0020) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground
fire 7 mi NW of Quang Ngai, South Vietnam Sep 14, 1967.  Pilot KIA.
21315 (MSN 337M-0021) crashed at Chu Lai, RVN in 1969.
21316 (MSN 337M-0022, 20th TASS, 504th TASG) downed by .30 calibre fire during visual 
reconnaissance mission near Tam Ky, SVN, 2 June 1969; pilot KIA.
21317 (MSN 337M-0023) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group destroyed while parked at
Da Nang AB, South Vietnam by crash landing F-4C 63-7639 Aug 6, 1967.
21318 (MSN 337M-0024)to US Navy as 721318
21319 (MSN 337M-0025) 20th TASS, 504th TASG) downed by small arms fire 20 miles northwest 
of Da Nang while directing fire against enemy buildings, 1 June 1969, two crew KIA.
21321 (MSN 337M-0027) to MASDC as HV0179 Aug 3, 1981
21322 (MSN 337M-0028) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group destroyed while parked at
Da Nang AB, South Vietnam by crash landing F-4C 63-7639 Aug 6, 1967.
21324 (MSN 337M-0030) to MASDC as HV0158
21325 (MSN 337M-0031, 20th TASS, 504th TASG) destroyed by 122 mm rocket during Viet Cong 
attack on airfield at Da Nang, SVN, 6 June 1969
21326 (MSN 337M-0032) noted Sep 2003 on displayh at Linear Air Park, Dyess AFB, Texas
21327 (MSN 337M-0033) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by small armis right
after takeoff from Khe Sanh, South Vietnam Jan 27, 1968.  Both crew KIA.
21328 (MSN 337M-0034) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground fire
near Vinh Lihh, Quang Binh Province, North Vietnam Nov 3, 1967.  Pilot KIA.
21329 (MSN 337M-0035, 20th TASS, 504th TASG) crashed near Da Nang after engine failure 
and was destroyed, 9 May 1969;  pilot survived
21330 (MSN 337M-0036) to MASDC as HV0143.  To civil registry as N52513 Jan 4, 1996
21331 (MSN 337M-0037) to USAF Museum in 1982
21332 (MSN 337M-0038) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group collided with CH-47C 67-18513
in midair over Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam Aug 2, 1969.  Pilot killed, as well as 5 aboard the CH-47C.
21333 (MSN 337M-0039) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by ground fire and crashednear
Ngoc Tavak (an old French fort) 5 mi S of Kham Duc, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam May 2, 1968. Both crew KIA.
21334 (MSN 337M-0040) to MASDC as HV0129. Now flying under civil registration N256Z.  Now
at Air Combat Museum.  Registration N5VX reserved Dec 13, 2006, taken up Apr 2, 2007.
21335 (MSN 337M-0041) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by machine gun fire
near Ha Tan, 15 mi SW of Da Nang, Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam and made forced landing May 24, 1968. 
Crew of 2 rescued, aircraft destroyed to prevent capture.
21336 (MSN 337M-0042) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by ground fire near
Kham Duc Special Forces Camp, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam and made forced langing at Kham Duc airstrip
May 12, 1968.  Aircraft destroyed by enemy mortar fire, pilot survived.
21337 (MSN 337M-0043) shot down by ground fire near Ngoc Tri, 7 mi S of Chu Lai, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam 
Dec 25, 1967.  Pilot KIA.
21338 (MSN 337M-0044, 504th TASG, 20th TASS) disappeared in the vicinity of Ban Gnang, Laos Mar 20, 1968. Pilot KIA.
21339 (MSN 337M-0045, 504th TASG, 20th TASS) destroyed by VC in shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN Jan 31, 1968.
21340 (MSN 337M-0046) was with 20th TASS and made gear-up landing at Ubon, Thailand after
battle damage.  Repaired.  Now on display at Selfridge ANGB Museum, Michigan
21341 (MSN 337M-0047) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground fire
near Hoi An, 12 mi SE of Da Nang, Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam May 11, 1970.  Pilot KIA.
21342 (MSN 337M-0048) to MASDC as HV0159.  To civil registry as N52515.
21343 (MSN 337M-0049, 23TASS/504TASG) collided in midair with OV-10A 67-14635 over SVN Oct 8, 1969.
21345 (MSN 337M-0051) to MASDC as HV0216 Jul 22, 1982.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21346 (MSN 337M-0052) to MASDC as HV0127 Jan 3, 1980.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21347 (MSN 337M-0053, 504th TASG, 20th TASS) destroyed by VC in shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN Jan 31, 1968.
21348 (MSN 337M-0054) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground fire
6 mi SW of Chu Lai, Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam Aug 23, 1968.  Pilot KIA.
21349 (MSN 337M-0055) transferred to US Navy as 721349 in 1983 then to US Army in 1990.  To civil registry as N679EP Jan 17, 1997.
Operated by US Army out of Yuma Proving Ground at Laguna AAF, Arizona.  Now on
civil registry as N463DA
21350 (MSN 337M-0056, 20th TASS, 504th TASG) hit in tail by AAA near Ban Palin, SVN Jan 18, 1969.  Crew of 2
bailed out and were rescued.
21352 (MSN 337M-0058) to MASDC as HV0126.  To civil registry as N87652 Dec 2, 1993
21353 (MSN 337M-0059) to MASDC as HV0138.  To civil registry as N5252C Nov 9, 2000
21354 (MSN 337M-0060) to MASDC as HV0111
21355 (MSN 337M-0061) to MASDC as HV0164 Nov 21, 1980.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21356 (MSN 337M-0062) to MASDC as HV0113
21357 (MSN 337M-0063, 504th TASG, 20th TASS) destroyed by VC in shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN 
Jan 31, 1968.
21358 (MSN 337M-0064) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group flew into side of ridge
in Thua Thien Province, South Vietnam during training flight Feb 15, 1970.  Both crew killed.
21359 (MSN 337M-0065, 504th TASG, 20th TASS) destroyed by VC in shelling and rocket attack at Da Nang, SVN Jan 31, 1968.
21360 (MSN 337M-0066) to MASDC as HV0115 Oct 30, 1979.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21361 (MSN 337M-0067, 19th TASS, 504th TASG) crashed in South Viet Nam after engine 
failure; three crew survived
21362 (MSN 337M-0068, 504th TASG, 19th TASS) destroyed by VC rocket attack at Bien Hoa, SVN Feb 11, 1968.
21363 (MSN 337M-0069) to MASDC as HV0224.  To civil registry as N18BB.  Now with the Museum of Flight
restoration facility, WA.
21365 (MSN 337M-0071) to US Navy as 721365.  To civil registry as N593S Mar 26, 2001
21366 (MSN 337M-0072) to MASDC as HV0176 Jul 15, 1981.  To Chilean AF as 264 and preserved Oct 2012 in Museo Nacional
Aeronautico y del Espacio, Los Cerillos, Santiago
21367 (MSN 337M-0073) with 20th TASS shot down west of Hue, SVN Apr 28, 1968.  Pilot KIA.
21368 (MSN 337M-0074) Delivered to the USAF on August 31, 1967. It then saw duty at Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base, 
Thailand, Bien Hoa, Vietnam. In September 1970 the aircraft transferred to the 111th Tactical Air Support Group, Pennsylvania 
Air National Guard, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Within the next five years the aircraft transferred to two additional 
Air National Guard units eventually being dropped from the USAF inventory in 1982.   In October 1982 the Skymaster was 
installed and dedicated in the Hurlburt Field Memorial Air Park, Florida  
21369 (MSN 337M-0075) 22nd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group crashed during landing at Bin Thuy
AB, South Vietnam Dec 12, 1967.  Both crew survived.
21370 (MSN 337M-0076) 22nd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group ran out of fuel and
crash landed in South Vietnam May 10, 1968.  Crew of 2 survived.
21371 (MSN 337M-0077) to MASDC as HV0177 Jul 15, 1981.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21372 (MSN 337M-0078) to MASDC as HV0225 Feb 19, 1985.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21373 (MSN 337M-0079) to MASDC as HV0119.  To civil registry as N373AZ Sep 15, 1995.  Presently being restored.
21374 (MSN 337M-0080) to MASDC as HV0227.  To civil registry as N19GH Jun 16, 1999
21375 (MSN 337M-0081) to MASDC as HV0228.  To civil registry as N51SB Aug 19, 1999
21376 (MSN 337M-0082) on display at New York ANG, Newburgh, New York
21378 collided with F-100D 56-3452 over South Vietnam Nov 17, 1968.  Both crew bailed out and were rescued.
21380 (MSN 337M-0086) on display at Robins AFB Museum, Georgia
21381 (MSN 337M-0087) to MASDC.  Sold to South Vietnam
21382 (MSN 337M-0088) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by AAA near
Kay Bong, Sekong Province, Laos May 21, 1968.  Pilot bailed out and was rescued by helicopter.
21383 (MSN 337M-0089) to MASDC as HV0160.  To civil registry as N1166B Jun 14, 2001
21384 (MSN 337M-0090) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by small arms fire
near Ban Dong Nen, Savannakhet Province, Laos and crashlanded on small airstrip Jul 17, 1968.  Crew rescued
by helicopter, aircraft destroyed to prevent capture.
21385 (MSN 337M-0091) to MASDC as HV0048
21386 (MSN 337M-0092, 23rd TASS, 504th TASG) shot down by AAA 12 mi E of Muang Phine, Laos
Mar 6, 1969.  Pilot bailed out and was rescued.
21387 (MSN 337M-0093) to MASDC as HV0130.  To civil registry as N52490 Jan 30, 1998
21388 (MSN 337M-0094) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group sht by SA-2 Missile
30 mi E of Nakhon Phanom in Kammouan Province, Laos Apr 26, 1971.  Crew of 2 bailed out and were rescued.
21389 (MSN 337M-0095) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group crashed during landing
at Da Nang AB, South Vietnam May 20, 1971.  Crew survived, but aircraft DBR.
21390 (MSN 337M-0096) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground fire 3 mi
S of Thon Cam Son, Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam Dec 25, 1967.  Both crew KIA.
21391 (MSN 337M-0097) to MASDC as HV0051
21392 (MSN 337M-0098) to MASDC as HV0180 Aug 3, 1981
21393 (MSN 337M-0099) to MASDC as HV0217.  Later to civil registry as N302A Jun 14, 1999.
21394 (MSN 337-0100) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground fire
in DMZ 2 mi from the coast, Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam Oct 23, 1968.  Pilot KIA.
21395 (MSN 337M-0101) to MASDC as HV0047.  Put on display at Dover AFB Historical Center, Delaware.
Back to AMARC as HV0288 Nov 2003.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21396 (MSN 337M-0102) to MASDC as HV0042.  To NASM Mar 13, 1983.  On display at Udvar-Hazy Center of NASM
21397 (MSN 337M-0103) to MASDC as HV0183 Aug 14, 1981.  Still on AMARC inventory Jan 15, 2008
21398 (MSN 337M-0104) to MASDC as HV0144.  To civil registry as N102WB Jan 11, 2002.  Was N574V and then 
4X-CBV, both presumably prior to N102WB.
21399 (MSN 337M-0105) crashed near Ubon AB, Thailand May 9, 1968.  2 killed.
21401 (MSN 337M-0107, 504th TASG, 22nd TASS) destroyed by VC shelling at Binh Thuy, SVN Feb 11, 1968.
21402 (MSN 337M-0108) to MASDC as HV0132.  To civil registry as N702AF Aug 27, 1999
21403 (MSN 337M-0109) to MASDC as HV0112.  Now flying in Australia as VH-OZA
21404 (MSN 337M-011) to US Navy as 721404.
21405 (MSN 337M-0111) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by AAA 
near Ban Daktring, Attopeu Province, Laos May 30, 1968.  Pilot KIA
21406 (MSN 337M-0112) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by ground fire
over Savannakhet Province, Laos and able to fly to Thailand on front engine Apr 1, 1968, where crew
bailed out and were rescued.
21407 (MSN 337M-0113) to MASDC as HV0128.  Now flying in Australia as VH-OII.  Was N5257G before becoming VH-OII.
As VH-OII in 2014 was preserved in Temora Aviation Museum, New South Wales, Australia.
21408 (MSN 337M-0114) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group crashed from unknown
cause 10 mi NW of Khe Sanh, Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam Mar 16, 1968.  Pilot killed.
21409 (MSN 337M-0115) received damage during Tet Offensive in 1968 but was able to return to
base at Ubon, Thailand and was returned to service.
21410 (MSN 337M-0116) to MASDC as HV0161.  To civil registry as N5257J Mat 12, 1997
21411 (MSN 337M-0117) on display at Chanute AFB Museum, Rantoul, Illinois.
21412 (MSN 337M-0118, 23rd TASS, 504th TASG) shot down by AAA near Ban Senphan Feb 28, 1969.  Pilot POW,
photographer rescued
21413 (MSN 337M-0119) on display at Castle Air Museum, California
21414 (MSN 337M-0120) to MASDC in 1972.  Transferred to 110th TASG, Michigan ANG Oct 20, 1972.  To US Navy as 731414
Aug 1982 with VA-122, then to VFA-125 in 1986.  To US Army Oct 12, 1990.  To civil registry as N674EP Oct 29, 1996.  
Operated by US Army out of Yuma Proving Ground at Laguna AAF, AZ.
21415 (MSN 337M-0121) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group collided in midar with
UH-1D 66-01016 near Quang Ngai, South Vietnam Jun 13, 1968.  Pilot killed. Helicopter also crashed, killing 4
crew and 3 infantrymen.
21416 (MSN 337M-0122) to MASDC as HV0219.  To civil registry as N60BB Jun 14, 1989
21417 (MSN 337M-0123) to MASDC as HV0173 Jul 15, 1981
21419 (MSN 337M-0125) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by 37-mm AAA
near Ban Katao, Savannakhet Province, Laos Nov 26, 1968.  Pilot KIA, but observer bailed out and was 
rescued by USAF helicopter.
21420 (MSN 337M-0126) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group hit by ground fire over
Khe Sanh, South Vietnam and crashlanded at Khe Sanh Apr 21, 1968.  Pilot injured but survived, aircraft DBR.
21421 (MSN 337M-0127) to MASDC as HV0114.  To civil registry as N52575 Sep 8, 1998
21422 (MSN 337M-0128) on display at South Dakota Air and Space Museum, Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota
21423 (MSN 337M-0129) to MASDC.  To Canadian civil registry as C-FFAC.
21424 (MSN 337M-0130) to MASDC.  To civil registry as N37RM, reservation N424AF
reserved Apr 3, 2007, taken up Jul 31, 2007.
21425 (MSN 337M-0131, 23rd TASS, 504th TASG) crashed near Ban Biang, Laos Mar 9, 1969.  Crew KIA
21426 (MSN 337M-0132) to MASDC
21427 (MSN 337M-0133) to MASDC as HV0135.  To civil registry as N427AU Jul 25, 1996
21428 (MSN 337M-0134) 23rd Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group collided in midair
with B-57G 53-3931) near Ban Vangthong, Laos Dec 12, 1970.  Both crew killed.  B-57G also crashed but crew
were rescued by USAF helicopter.
21430 at OV10 Bronco Museum
21431 (MSN 337M-0137) to N337JC Apr 25, 1994, cancelled Apr 5, 1996.  To Australia as VH-OTO Sep 9, 1996
21432 (MSN 337M-0138, 23rd TASS, 504th TASG) lost over southern Laos near Muang Phine Feb 1, 1969, presumed
shot down.  Pilot KIA.
21433 (MSN 337M-0139) to MASDC as HV0131
21434 (MSN 337M-0140) to MASDC as HV0215.  To civil registry as N4070Q Aug 1, 1994
21435 (MSN 337M-0141) to MASDC as HV0118.  To civil registry as N5258C Mar 22, 1995
21436 (MSN 337M-0142) to MASDC as HV0169.  To civil registry as N436Z May 5, 1997
21437 (MSN 337M-0143, 19th TASS, 504th TASG) shot down by small arms fire near Long Thanh, SVN
Apr 16, 1969.  2 crew KIA.
21438 (MSN 337M-0144) to MASDC as HV0041
21439 (MSN 337M-0145) 20th Tactical Air Support Squadron 504th Tactical Air Support Group shot down by ground
fire near Savannakhet City, Savannakhet Province, Laos Oct 30, 1971.  Pilot KIA.

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