Changes in CYCLES 2R4G
- Show correct current asg count for disk files (@CYCLES,C) by expanding cell.
- Adjust color of Backup Tape Position in case it adjoins Last Reference Date.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4F
- Because of a wrongly placed packet word, CYCLES could get garbage MSCON$
status words on systems where MFD items are configured to use MODSWTIME$.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4E
- Recognize D and U options when producing X-option listing.
- Allow relative plus cycle for U option.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4D
- Expand C option to show current ASG count for disk file cycles.
- Ensure sign extension removed from third-word MFD items.
- Upgrade to STM$PKG Rev. 9.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4C
- Expand Backup File Position field to 5 digits.
- Switch to STM$PKG for signon and date/time editing.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4B
- Q option without B will display each cycle's equipment @ASG mnemonic.
- (1), (2), or (3) before options field will show MUSER$ cell in decimal,
octal, or Fieldata.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4A
- Added Z option: Display both absolute and relative F-cycles.
- Modified SGS format to always include both absolute and relative cycle nos.
Previously, it was showing one or the other based on the R option. Now the
format will be consistent.
Patched CYCLES 2R4 - 2008/01/30
- Flag letters on SGS images were not showing lower case A or C when file
assigned to other user only.
Changes in CYCLES 2R4
- Added H option, to set T3 of condition word to 1 or 0 based on whether there
is or is not a higher cycle than the one specified on the call. If there is,
will attach @USE name $HIGHERCYCLE to it. For SHARED, will set T# to 2 and
attach @USE name $HIGHERCYCSH.
- Added X option, to produce abbreviated display showing cycle numbers only.
- Will now distinguish between cycles assigned to the caller (A or C flag)
and those assigned to other users only (a or c).
- Changed meaning of directory search options Y & S. Neither - Local, then
Shared; Y - Local only. S - Shared only. SY - Shared, then local. The change
will only affect systems with shared.
- If both STD and SHARED exist for same filename, will pause between displays.
- Fixed bug that could inadvertently @FREE assigned lower cycles of a file.
Changes in CYCLES 2R3C
- Added informational SGS to file showing range,max,clev,directory,owner,ACR.
- Improve detection of @USE name in call.
Changes in CYCLES 2R3B
- Added D, U options.
Changes in CYCLES 2R3A
- Added E, Q, W options.
- Display no. of cat. tape reels in Flags field, even if more than 1 digit.