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CYCLES 2R4G -- F-Cycle Summary Utility

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1. Description

CYCLES is a utility that will print a concise, single-screen summary of all the F-cycles of a file, eliminating the need to do a @PRT,F of each cycle. Unless modified by options, CYCLES will display the date and time catalogued and last referenced, track size, and certain flag letters for each cycle. Catalogued tape files will show their first reel number instead of track size.

A legend explaining the flag letters will be displayed at the bottom of the listing. Note the use of upper and lower case letters for certain items:

D - Hard disable; d - soft disable.

N - No backup; n - no current backup.

P - Private file; p - semi-private.

W - Write-only file (@ASG,W); w - word-addressable file.

A,C - @ASG,A/C to caller; a/c - @ASG,A/C to other user(s).

The C flag ("to-be-catalogued") applies to files that are @ASG,C or @ASG,U. All flags are explained in a separate section.

Depending on the combination of options used, CYCLES will abbreviate or omit some fields in order to include others. In some cases, a numeric field may adjoin a preceding field if it requires the maximum digits. Examples of valid option combinations are: MI, MA, BT, BA, BPT, BAT.

CYCLE's initial line will show the file's current and maximum cycle range, its clearance level, and whether it is removable, tape, or shared.

CYCLE's END line will show the range of absolute cycles listed (if the R option was used), the file's owner and ACR if any, and up to five packids if the file is removable.

An SGS file containing one image for each cycle may optionally be generated by coding an SGS label on the @CYCLES call.

2. Calling CYCLES

Call Format: @CYCLES(m),options {Filename.|@USEname}[,SGS-label[/ShrLbl]]

2.1. Options

*A - Show the total assign count (number of times cycle has been assigned) for each cycle listed. To do this, CYCLES will omit the time portion of the date catalogued.

*B - Display the date and time of last backup, and first backup reel number, instead of the date catalogued. The reel number will replace the track count unless the T option is used, in which case the track count will appear but the time portion of the backup date will be omitted. See also P option.

*C - For catalogued tapes, show the total reel count instead of flag letters. Without this option, CYCLES will try to show the reel count in the first flag positions: 0-99 (9999 if F option), or "+" if greater than the maximum.

For disk files, show each cycle's current assign count (number of users that currently have this cycle assigned).

D - List only the cycles down to the cycle specified or implied in the Filename or @USEname spec of the @CYCLES call. The cycle may be absolute or relative. Compare with U.

*E - Use eight columns for the track size, in case any cycle has a million or more tracks. Otherwise, the number will be rounded to the nearest thousand and displayed as NNNNk. E will not be honored in any display for which tracks or flags would be suppressed.

*F - Use a longer field than normal for the flag letters (9 or 10 characters vs. 4 or 5). In some cases, there may be more flags than will fit in the shorter field, though all flags will always be shown when SGS images are generated.

G - Show the correct granule count for each cycle instead of the default tracks. If one or more cycles of the file is position granularity, its position count will appear instead of a track count. (The "Total Tracks" field at the bottom will always show tracks, however.)

H - Using the F-cycle of the name given on the call, whether a @USE name, a currently assigned external name, or an unassigned name with an implied association to a cycle, set T3 of the condition word to 1 if a higher cycle exists; else set T3 to 0. If the file does not exist or some other error occurs, bit 8 will be set.

If the file is from the SHARED directory, will set T3 to 2 if a higher cycle exists.

Normal cycle listing output will not occur unless the O option is also set. CYCLES' end line will show the final T3 value, and the higher cycle number if there was one.

If a higher cycle exists, the @USE name $HIGHERCYCLE will be attached to it. For SHARED, the @USE name will be $HIGHERCYCSH.


                  @CYCLES,H USENAME
                  @TEST TEP/1/T3
                  @USE USENAME,$HIGHERCYCLE


HELP - Display CYCLES' Help Page, which summarizes options and flags. There must be no filename specification.

*I - Display each cycle's initial granule (reserve) field.

*J - Display the project ID each cycle was catalogued under. May be all slashes depending on the user's project and privileges.

*K - Display the account each cycle was catalogued under. May be all slashes depending on the user's account and privileges.

L - List all cycles of the file within the current cycle range, including deleted ones. Normally, only the existing cycles of a file are shown. If the CYCLES$ SGS file is being created and the O option is not used, the L option will force the listing of the SGS images.

*M - Display each cycle's maximum granule field.

N - Do not use full-screen mode on output. This might be desired if, for instance, a terminal printer is active (@@PRNT).

O - Display CYCLE's normal output when the CYCLES$ SGS file is being created, or if the H option is being used. Otherwise, only the first and last line of the display will be printed.

*P - If the B option is used, show the starting file position of each cycle's backup instead of any flag letters.

*Q - If the B option is used, show the total number of backup reels of each cycle instead of any flag letters. P and Q are mutually exclusive.

If Q appears without B, show each cycle's equipment @ASG mnemonic.

R - Display the relative, rather than absolute, F-cycle number for all files. If the +1 cycle has been @ASG,CP, it will be shown as such. Any other to-be-catalogued cycles will be shown as +0.

S - Search the Shared directory for the file. See Y option.

*T - Used with the B option to retain the file's track count. This will cause the time portion of the backup date to be omitted.

U - List only the cycles up to the cycle specified or implied in the Filename or @USEname spec of the @CYCLES call. The cycle may be absolute, relative, or relative plus. Relative plus means using a +n cycle to denote the nth oldest cycle: '@CYCLES,U FILE(+5).' would list the five oldest cycles. Compare with D.

*V - Show each cycle's current and maximum backup levels instead of any flag letters.

*W - Show each cycle's time of first write after backup instead of the last reference date.

X - Produce a minimal listing, showing only the cycle number of each file, similar to the output of FURPUR's @CYCLE command. Indicators:

nnn< - Cycle of Filename spec.

^nnn - Assigned to caller.

'nnn - Assigned to other user(s) only, not to caller.

*nnn* - Deleted.

YS - Directory Search options:
Neither - Search Local, then Shared.

Y - Search Local only.

S - Search Shared only.

SY - Search Shared, then Local.

*Z - Display both the absolute and relative cycle numbers for all files.

*(m) - Show each cycle's MUSER$ cell, where m is a number from 1 to 3 directing whether to display the cell in decimal (1), octal (2), or Fieldata (3). Note that this field is enclosed in parentheses and comes immediately after the processor name but before the comma and options field, if any.

*  - Use of these options causes abbreviation or omission of other fields.

2.2. Processor Fields

Filename - May be an actual file name, qualified to any degree; or a @USE name, in which case it does not require a period.

SGS-label - A 1-12 character label which CYCLES will use to build a temporary SDF file, CYCLES$, which will contain an image with that label for every cycle of the file.

ShrLbl - The label to use for the SHARED cycle set if both STD and SHARED exist. If omitted, will append "SH" to SGS-label, replacing its 11th and 12th characters if SGS-label is 11 or 12 characters long.

2.3. SGS Image Format

The format of each SGS image is:

[LAB,n,1,1]=Qualifier, [LAB,n,1,2]=Filename
[LAB,n,1,3]=Absolute Cycle, [LAB,n,1,4]=Relative Cycle

[LAB,n,2,1] = F (fixed), R (removable), or T (tape) [LAB,n,2,2] = track count for disk, reel count for tape.
[LAB,n,3,1],[LAB,n,3,2] = Catalogued date (YYYYMMDD), time (HHMM)
[LAB,n,4,1],[LAB,n,4,2] = Last Referenced date (YYYYMMDD), time (HHMM) [LAB,n,4,3] = Total assign count.
[LAB,n,5,1],[...,2],[...,3],... = Flag letters. If none, [LAB,n,5,1] is '-'.
CYC PROJX,FILE2, 3, -0 F,254 19960801,0930 19960816,1520,110 A,d,n

The format of these SGS images will not be affected by any other options.

The SGS images for the cycles will be followed by an informational SGS having the same label appended with 'INFO' and containing the file's current cycle range, maximum cycles, clearance level, directory, owner if any, and ACR if any. Example:


2.4. Flag Characters Used in File Display [Top][Contents]
* - Position Granularity|N - No backup        |P - Private
U - Unloaded            |n - No current backup|p - Semi-private
D - Hard disable        |K - To be dropped    |B - Big file ( > 4095 pos.)
d - Soft disable        |w - word addressable |Q - Queued (@SYMed)
0-99(9999 if F opt.) - reel count. "+" = >Max.|ACXRWGVS - @ASG/@CAT options
< - Will point to cycle specified or implied by Filename/@USEname spec.

Note: A and C will be upper case if the file is assigned to the caller, lower case if assigned only to other user(s).

Table of Contents

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1. Description
2. Calling CYCLES
2.1. Options
2.2. Processor Fields
2.3. SGS Image Format
2.4. Flag Characters Used in File Display