HELMS 1R1C -- Help with ELMS Utility
Calls: @HELMS ABC - Translate 3-letter component id to 5-digit octal code.
@HELMS nnnnn - Translate 5-digit octal code to component id.
@HELMS ABC/nnnnn - Decode component/error and submit to @EHELP.
nnnnn assumed decimal unless O opt./leading 0.
@HELMS ABCnnnnn - Same, but component & error in @EHELP format.
@HELMS ppppp/eeeeee - Decode product#/error and submit to @EHELP.
ppppp assumed octal unless D option.
eeeee assumed decimal unless O opt./leading 0.
@HELMS nnnnnnnnnnnn - Decode octal status (11-12 digits or leading 0)
and submit to @EHELP.
@HELMS [-]ddddddddd - Decode decimal status & submit to @EHELP. May
need neg. # [PIC -9(10) DISPLAY] if from COBOL.
D option or leading minus forces decimal.