LOGEX 2R4C -- Log File Extractor/Combiner -- 2023 Sep 27 Wed 2054:36 EDT
·LOGEX creates a single output log file from one or more cycles, with optional
 timestamp test and type/runid exclusion:          <From>          <To>
·A - Process all cycles if no Bcyc.Ecyc or only Bcyc; continue if any rejects.
 B|D-With C,L,K:Batch(132)|Demand(79) width;BRK/batch def.=B,else screen width.
 C[S][F]-Show log entry type Count[&Subtype];F-Sort:freq|Q-#ent->2nd ln if nec.
Snap:L-Blk 1|K-Aux Blks(Hd/Trl);KH-Blk info only;E-entry(max prt)|V-Verify only
 J - Omit UNUSED SPARE message and FAC REJECT messages for nonexistent cycles.
 M - Merge: append cycle(s) to end of LOGEX OutFL.|O - Overwrite if LOGEX file.
 N - Do not create output; can omit 2nd field. Assumed if V (Verify). This may
     be used to list all cycles(NA)|show counts(NCS)|track blocks/entries(NKE).
 P/T-Exclude entries: Perf. Mon.(500s)/TIP XQT(103);Z-Allow excl. of 71-74,106
 I/R - Select (vs. exclude) types(I)/runids(R)|X - List only end lines.
·InpFL -  Input log file. If omitted assumes SYS$*F010L1|W/Y-Initial/End rewind
·OutFL - Output log file. B=Block size(1792-65520,<3584>;2->max for dbl buffer)
·Bcyc - Beginning cycle. May appear without filename for system log.
 Ecyc - End cycle. B&Ecyc must both be abs or rel|TpInf-#Tape files[/#-to-move]
·Specs 3 & 4 - Timestamp range. If no Spec 4 date, uses Spec 3's. Default time:
   000000(Spec 3),235959(Spec 4). Start time w/o date=>today. 00 used if no MM
   or SS. Dashes allowed in YYYY-MM-DD. Dates can be relative: -3/0800,-0/1600
·Spec 5-?:Exclude/Include type|range|type(subtp)|runid|Qual*File.<-Include only

LOGEX can be a powerful tool to extract/combine/archive system log files, on
the fly or via automated runstreams. LOGEX accepts ALAT|DSTA|TPM log files on
disk|tape(Audit|@COPY,G). Output files are compatible with the ZIP utility.
 @LOGEX,ATP ,ALL-CYCLES.7168,800/899,ROL$$$.,LIB$$$.     [$ = wild card]
 -- Combine all existing log cycles into a single output log file, using a
    block size of 7168 (output file should be POS granularity). Exclude TIPXQT,
    Performance Monitor, security entries; & runids ROLOUT/ROLBAK,LIBSAV/LIBLOD
 @LOGEX,CF (-10).-1,LOGARCHIVE*01DEC-05DEC.,2011-12-01,2011-12-05
 -- Process relative cycles -10 thru -1 of system log, extracting those in
    in the range of Dec. 1, 2011 - Dec. 5, 2011. List type counts by frequency.
 @LOGEX,AR ,PROBLEMTRACK.,2011-1120/1530,2011-1121/0800,T$$TST.
 -- Extract entries for a problem that began Nov. 20, at 15:30, thru 8 A.M.
    LOGEX will go thru all cycles to find entries for runs T01TST, T02TST, etc.
 -- Copy 3 latest cycles & select only entries referencing specified files.
    $ is default wild card, can supply for Qual(rkey) or File(wkey); *=space.
 @LOGEX ,XQFILE.,.prg1,.prg2/tst$$,.prg3(1) . Track @XQTs of specific programs;
 (1)=all thread entries from @XQT to @XQTEND. Elt/Ver wild cards as for files.
 @LOGEX,CSN LOGEXTRACT. . Read file, listing counts of all types & subtypes.
 @LOGEX,W LOGTP.3,MERGE-FILE. . Combine 3 consecutive tape log files.
 @LOGEX (-2).,SAMPLE.,$1000/2000,$5000/6500 . Extract these line numbers.
 @LOGEX,A ,EXFL.,U/JONES,A/PROD$$,V/1 . Entries for usrid & acct,ver.1 log only