 Changes in MISCUTIL 19.2

 - Update PRIV 2R2: Improve sorting, spacing, formatting; add A option to list
   all privileges and flag user's with "*"; add SECOPT level to privileged
   state line.
 - ZERO was erroneously signing on as "SIZE".

 Changes in MISCUTIL 19.1

 - Update RUNINFO$ 5R1: allow MMDDYYYY for DATE replacement; allow DFQL on DATE.
 - Update SDFXMN 1R1C: Switch to common-banked BSP$, controlled by BSP$CB tag.
 - Update TBIX$: Include return value for MMGR (7) if available.
 - Update ZERO 1R2B: Final word count displayed incorrectly as octal if M opt.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 18.4

 - Update IOTFMT 1R1A: @IOTFMT of temp file gets error if REJCONFLTOPT set.
 - Update FL 2R1D: Show current reel number of assigned tape files.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 18.3

 - Add TBIX$ utility: display return from each TIMEBYINDEX$ call: @<file.>TBIX$
 - Update BKMSG 1R1B: Improve message formatting.
 - Update DEMQRY 1R3C: Add F option to show default reply in reply window.
 - Update FL 2R1C: Warn if user has XA-XZ file or @USE nm (may be used by SORT).
 - Update MINITOC 5R2A: Recognize new size of FAS tape header.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 18.2

 - Add IOTFMT 1R1: examine or reformat SIP IO Trace tapes or files.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 18.1

 - Update MINITOC 5R2: recognize SIP data/trace tapes; show dates in ISO format.
 - Update XML 1R1F: map Dbank at 040000 for BSP$ CB; use DATELN$ for signon.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 16.5

 - Update RUNINFO$ 4W: Add U option for M (list only UP or SU drives); use 4
   digits for RUNINFO$ images.
 - Update SIZE 2I: Regen with new SCAN$ to avoid DB32 (SAIL) problem.
 - Update FREEALL: wait 1/2 second before exit to avoid 04/43/12 error.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 16.4

 - Update RUNINFO$ 4V: RUNIDENT$ INFO$ function for RUNSRC had too few words.
 - Update PRIV 2R1C: revise behavior of L option with regard to supplied userid.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 16.3

 - Add INITREG$ utility: display initial registers & info: @<file.>INITREG$
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4U: Add image to indicate if running on PS2200.
 - Update SIZE 2H: Test for program file before trying SDF.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 16.2

 - Update DEMQRY 1R3B: Add X option to suppress writing SSG file DEMQRY$SGS.
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4T: show time zone in TIME image.
 - Upgrade to STM$PKG Rev. 9.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 16.1

 - Update MINITOC 5R1N to recognize MODSWTIME timestamps in prt/pch file labels
   and identify audit trail files more specifically: LOG, V1/V2, etc.
 - Upgrade to STM$PKG Rev. 8.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 15.2

 - Upgrade to STM$PKG Rev. 7.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 15.1

 - Update MINITOC 5R1M: was not showing correct creation & expiration dates.
 - Update BKMSG 1R1A: Improve timestamping and message number decoding code.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 14.2

 - Update DEMQRY 1R3A. Fix bug: Negative wait not using default for Y/N call.
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4S: Handle dates up to 2063 w/ STM$PKG; add HOSTID image.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 14.1

 - Add EMIFVA: list Extended Mode Call Interfaces & VAs. @EMIFVA,H for help.
 - Update SETCW to allow setting & clearing bits 7 & 8. Add S2 to fractions;
   add T23 meaning T2 & T3; have W include T1.
 - Update PRIV 2R1B: Add user's ACR count to privilege list; add Z option to U
   to dump security buffer as offsets of user record (0274).

 Changes in MISCUTIL 13.4

 - Update MINITOC 5R1L: Recognize older format AUDIT files.
 - Switch many programs to STM$PKG for signon and date/time editing.
 - Create HTM versions of DOC elts at unpack time.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 13.3

 - Update MINITOC 5R1K: Recognize older format @COPY,G files; generate "?" for
   missing SGS fields; apply O option to both log & print; put signon in log.
 - Update ZERO 1R2A: 'WORDS OF xxx' phrase inadvertently dropped from end msg.
   Allow octal for Start or Count.
 - Patch SIZE 2G: Would remain in escape mode if called without argument.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 13.2

 - Update MINITOC 5R1J: Fix more bugs with tape @FREE options.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 13.1

 - Update MINITOC 5R1I: Fix some bugs with tape @FREE options.
 - Update ZERO 1R2: Add R option to release rather than zero area. RZ-Zero also.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 12.5

 - Update MINITOC 5R1H: Add create & expire dates to FILE ID line.
 - Update PRIV 2R1A: Show siteid in signon; show userid's owner; add U option.
 - Update XML 1R1E: maxoutcol=512 for non-SGS images; SGSs w/.,; in ''quotes''

 Changes in MISCUTIL 12.4

 - Update HELMS 1R1C: Improve and expand error code recognition.
 - Patch MINITOC 5R1G: Internal dates not always added to log & SGS files.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 12.3

 - Update HELMS 1R1B: Fix conversion of status with leading '-'.
 - Update MINITOC 5R1G: Add internal dates of @COPY,G & FAS tapes (AUD,SDF).
   Add B and P options.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 12.2

 - Update FL 2R1A: Show system site ID in header.
 - Update TIMING 2R1A: Add D option to print separator after last time line.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 12.1

 - Update MINITOC 5R1F: Allow specifying # of files to move after list; add J
   option to trace all I/Os; show I/O function mnemonics when tracing.
 - Remove LOGEX from MISCUTIL; it is now standalone.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 11.3

 - Add LOGEX 1R1: Log File Extractor and Combiner. Call @LOGEX,H for guide.
 - Update FL 2R1: add T Extra Option, to sort by type first: Cat./Temp./NameItm
 - Update MINITOC 5R1E: Recognize more SV file info, add L & O options.
 - Update SIZE 2G: For large files, show progress of images read if in demand.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 11.2

 - Add PRIV 2R1 utility, to set/clear privileged mode bit and/or list privileges
   of the caller or specified userid: @PRIV[,SCL] [userid] . @PRIV,H for help.
 - Add A option to FAC processor, to assume all bits.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 11.1

 - Update RUNINFO$ 4R: retrieve PROJ correctly, show implied & default QUAL.
 - Update SETCW utility: S/L options to list T1 bit descriptions.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 10.5

 - Update XML 1R1D: Correct minor errors when indenting source output.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 10.4

 - Update MINITOC 5R1D: Indicate if tape has more than 2 reels on @ASG image.
                         Obtain correct reel count & reel index from PCT.
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4Q: add PROCID image for SPID instruction processor info;
                        add PROCBITS image for valid ER ADED$ IP mask bits.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 10.3

 - Update MINITOC 5R1C: show correct COPOUT, SDF, UDS, & TIP totals; recognize
   IRU MOVE & DUMP files; show prog. file types. @MINITOC,HT lists file types.
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4P: add HDWFEAT image to show hardware features.
 - Update SIZE 2F: include END line showing longest image even if C|N option.

 Changes in MISCUTIL 10.2

 - Update MINITOC 5R1B: add CSF$ debugging options; recognize WAD files.
 - Update RUNINFO$ 4N: display @BRKPT status & filename; also batch run source.
 - Update SDFXMN 1R1B to incorporate PIPE$ 1R2A.
 - Use year and sequence number for MISCUTIL level.