 Changes in MORE 2R2A

 - @MORE,E could incorrectly show @MASM,W correction lines as errors.

 Changes in MORE 2R2

 - Add E toggle to use color in compile listings to highlight errors. E option
   will also toggle on in nonbreakpointed demand. (For MASM listings, must
   first encounter @MASM call when browsing listing.)

 Changes in MORE 2R1L

 - Add Bx command to change blank substitute character for FINDs. To reset: BB.
   Example: After B_, doing an F _LABEL_ is the equivalent of doing F ' LABEL '.
 - Display Blank Substitute & Column Separator characters on HELP screen.

 Changes in MORE 2R1K

 - Add Fn command (with n immediately following the F), to specify that the
   result of an F xx command is to be positioned at row n of the screen. To
   cancel, enter F0.

 Changes in MORE 2R1J

 - An F/FC if at end of file will automatically start from the top.
 - Handle Finds properly after backward movement from EOF (vs. going to top).

 Changes in MORE 2R1H

 - Add X option to prevent replacement of low-value characters (< 040) with
   space if FUSION is not on. This will allow embedding of ESC mode characters.
 - Indicate if element is deleted in reply to '?' command.
 - Use S$TMID proc instead of ID$ for signon.

 Changes in MORE 2R1G

 - Add FC command, for Find and Continue (like ED's but anywhere in image).
   Also add FX command for Find non-occurrence and continue. After doing an FC
   or FX, do a "T" to reset before doing any more Finds or browsing.
 - If Gn used for header line, line n will be considered Top line.

 Changes in MORE 2R1F

 - Can now specify decimal/octal SDF start sector address: @MORE File./address
   -- this could be useful in the case of an uncompleted element.
 - When indenting SSG (I option/toggle), trigger on " as well as * in col. 1.

 Changes in MORE 2R1E

 - Added "/" (slash) and "." (period) commands to go half a page forward or
   back. These keys were chosen for their proximity to the Enter key.
 - Expanded message when initial read of file gets I/O 05 error. When prompting
   for reply, accepts <Enter> to continue and @EOF to quit.

 Changes in MORE 2R1D

 - Since 0-length ICWs are valid blank records, changed meaning of Z option to
   treat several consecutive ones as an SDFI I/O error 05 only if it is
   toggled ON. By default it is OFF.
 - Made the number of 0-length ICWs reported by the Z option configurable in
   tag NZLICW. New default: 8.

 Changes in MORE 2R1C

 - Added FN command to find next non-occurrence of a string (vs. F).

 Changes in MORE 2R1B

 - Added K option & toggle to display SDF image control words. Kxy may be used
   to redefine the left and right setoff characters for ICWs. Default: {|
 - Improve recognition of relative elt cycles.

 Changes in MORE 2R1A

 - Use BSP$ to retrieve element from any type of program file.
 - Can specify elt by sequence number, including deleted elt: @MORE file.(seq#)
 - Added M option & toggle to flip ASCII/Fieldata Mode bit.
 - Improve recognition of MAPPER RID, including Fieldata vs. ASCII RIDs.
 - Input filename display ('?'): Show FDATA/ASCII mode from 050 label record.
 - Genned with FUSION 2R3 to recognize line widths > 132.

 Changes in MORE 2R1

 - Allow input of column selection spec list from a file or element in Spec 3.
 - Allow FCC separator (F) for both column selection & multi-column separators.
 - "G#" causes line number # to be used as a permanent header instead of the
   Column Guide, similar to MAPPER's "Display & Hold" function. "G" toggles it
   off, "G" again reverts to Column Guide, "GH" returns to line #.
 - C without column number will toggle through up to 4 previous start columns,
   allowing a quick viewing of wide records. Example: C1|C81|C161|C|C|C...
   CZ[n] will clear all toggles and reinitialize to column 1 or n.
 - W is no longer an option or a toggle for dynamic input adjustment. This
   action will always take place, and W will be ignored. The W command is still
   used to alter screen or output width, as in "W160".
 - Always show DATE & END REPORT lines in MAPPER RIDs.
 - If input width is set on the processor call, a print control function (W,xx)
   to expand the print width is sent if FUSION is not on. On exit it is reset.
 - Fix bug that could cause MORE to lose data from images beyond column 168.
 - Replace characters greater than 0400 with "?".