PRIV 2R2    [PART-1] -- 2020-08-05, WED. 1925:46

PRIV 2R2 - Set/Clear Privileged Bit | List User Privileges
      Call: @PRIV[,options]  [/readky/writky.][userid]
   S -   Set privileged bit using ER MODPS$. See also D.
   C - Clear privileged bit using ER MODPS$. If used with D, @FREE SYS$*DLOC$.

No L - If no userid, list caller's privileged state & clearance info.
       If userid, list userid's privileges & interfaces.
   L - If no userid, list caller's priv. state, info, privileges, & interfaces.
       If userid: caller's priv. state & info + userid's privileges&interfaces.
   A - List all available privileges and flag user's with "*".
   U - Dump STAB$/SPRNT$ packets & user's security buffer if privileges listed;
       buffer words numbered from 0 and as offset to userid record (0274).

   D - Set privileged mode by @ASG,A SYS$*DLOC$. Necessary on a system with
       Fundamental Security if the caller is not the security officer.
       Keys must either be supplied or have been prestored using the W option.
           If used with C, @FREE SYS$*DLOC$.
   W - Write the supplied DLOC$ keys to this copy of the PRIV absolute.
       D option assumed. The @ASG of DLOC$ must have been successful.
   B - If used with W, write blank DLOC$ keys.
   F - @FREE,R the PRIV execution file. (Ignored for temp file.)