SDF Examiner 1R1B - Peruse SDF file/elt interactively, count ICW types, and
optionally display and/or snap SDF records.  Input = Q*F.|Q*F.elt|Q*F.(seq#)
     Call: @SDFXMN[,options] Input[,FROM/nnn,TO/nnn,code,code,...]
-- Options: --                         |-- Code Selection Options --
*F - Output to file+screen|G-file only.|*A - All control codes (040-077).
 O - Input is Omnibus SDF element.     | B - Bypass records (040).
 R - Run straight thru without pausing.| C - Continuation images (051).
*S - Snap records:2 oct. wds,1-40 chars|*D - Data images.
     « = char. < 040, » = char. > 0377.| I - IPF/CTS line numbers (053).
 T - Omit ICW Totals display.          | L - Line corrections (052).
*W - Display selected ICWs (default).  | M - Mode switches (042).
 X - Initially suppress ICWs (no W).   | N - Omit default label(050) & EOF(077)
*Y - Omit deleted elt cycle images.    | P - Print Control (060,061).
*Z - Treat 8 zero ICWs as SDFI ERR 05. | U - Punch Control (070).
* Enter letter at prompt to toggle; for code options, enter O for template.
·Unless directed otherwise, SDFXMN will traverse the entire output and count
all ICWs, displaying only those selected -- by default 050(label) and 077(EOF).
Parameters beyond Spec 1 may appear in any order to modify performance. FROM
and TO define the first/last record to process. To select additional ICWs
beyond the default, use options, or list the octal codes as parameters.
·The prompt line accepts single-character commands. Skip line counts refer to
valid data images only. To interrupt a long non-displaying read, enter @@X C.