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TITLE 4R3 -- Title Page Processor

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1. Introduction

1.1. Description

The TITLE processor will print one or two TITLE pages using block characters. Each page may have several lines of information as specified by the operand field and/or option letters. The character size and number of TITLE lines per page are selectable.

1.2. Block Character Size / TITLE Lines Per Page

The default size of the block characters used by TITLE is 12 by 12, which allows a maximum of 10 block characters per TITLE line. Using the Z option will select the alternate size, 10 by 10, which will allow up to 12 block characters per TITLE line.

TITLE retrieves the user's current PRINT$ page length and margins and uses them to determine the default number of TITLE lines per page. The tlpp parameter on the @TITLE call may be used to override this default and explicitly set the number of TITLE lines per page. TITLE will eject the first TITLE page after printing this number of TITLE lines. (Note that TITLE does not internally change page margins or line density.) The maximum number of TITLE lines printed by a single @TITLE call is two times this number.

TITLE's sign-on line will display the tlpp value it is using for this call.

1.3. TITLE Line Construction Character

The default character for constructing characters for TITLE lines is '$'. If desired, this character may be redefined by means of the EQU tag BUILDCHAR located near the beginning of the source code. It may also be redefined for an individual execution in the write key field of the first field, as described later in the "Operand" section for alternate date/time.

If this character is redefined as an apostrophe ('), characters will be constructed out of themselves: A out of 'A', B out of 'B', etc.

2. Processor Call

@TITLE,options LINE1,LINE2,...


@TITLE,options [P*ttlp(+|-dtoffset)/YYMMDD/HHMMSS.]LINE1,LINE2,...

(The second format allows the changing of some TITLE defaults.)

2.1. Options

2.1.1. Miscellaneous Options

B - Begin TITLE on new page. This will cause a page eject before the first TITLE line is printed, so that neither the @TITLE call nor its sign-on line will appear on the same page as the title.

E - Do not eject page after printing the last TITLE line. The page is normally ejected to separate the TITLE page from other text. Compare with B option.

F - Repeat the first TITLE page. This will ensure that there is always a TITLE page facing up in a stacked listing.

H - Begin a new page heading through an ER APRTCN$, using the entire set of TITLE lines as the text. The N, P, and X options function as with the @HDG control card. TITLE will copy as many complete TITLE lines -- separated by two spaces -- as will fit into the 96-character heading.

If special character substitution is used to put periods in TITLE lines, they will be converted to commas in the header, since periods are illegal characters in headers.

HELP - Print TITLE's HELP page, showing basic call, options, and syntax. There must be no other fields in the @TITLE call (@TITLE,HELP ). Add the N option to avoid using FUSION full screen display mode.

L - Left-justify all TITLE lines. If neither the L nor R option is present, all lines will be centered.

M - Display as many complete TITLE lines as will fit in a one-line console message.

N - See H option.

O - Omit the printing of block characters if the run is demand. A @TITLE,O call might be used in a runstream that could be @ADDed in either batch or demand. In the latter case, the block characters will not be printed, eliminating unwanted clutter on the screen. (The H and M options are still honored.)

P - See H option.

R - Right-justify all TITLE lines.

X - See H option.

Z - Use smaller size for TITLE block characters (10 x 10).

2.1.2. TITLE Line Insertion Options

The following options may be used alone or in any combination to cause the insertion of certain items into TITLE lines that have been left void on the control card. The options are presented here in the order in which the items would be inserted. An * before a letter denotes a 12-character item, of which only the first 10 will be printed if the default character size is used.

TITLE lines inserted through options are counted in the 2*tlpp limit for the total number of TITLE lines printed by a call to @TITLE.

I - Original runid

G - Generated runid

V - Local system site id (from SYSGEN)

*Y - System type (1100/80A, 2200/600, etc.)

*C - Local EXEC level (e.g., 41R4*CAA40G). If the Z option is not set, however, and the last two characters of the local level are not blank, then the basic EXEC level, which is shorter, will be used.

*U - Userid

*A - Account code

*K - Project id

*Q - Most recent implied qualifier

W - Day of week (MONDAY, TUESDAY, ...)

D - Date (format: 28 DEC 93). The default format for the D option may be changed to ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) by setting the EQU tag DOPISO at the beginning of the source code to 1 and regenning. The current default can be displayed by entering '@TITLE,HELP' and viewing the description of the D option. See also the version construction characters A and B to explicitly insert either format.

T - Time (format: 12:34:56)

S - Combination: Day-of-week abbreviation plus abbreviation of date, time, or julian date (see section below on date/time insertions)

J - Combination: Julian date plus abbreviation of date, time, or day of week (see section below on date/time insertions)

2.1.3. Date/time Insertion Options

The W, D, and T options work in a straightforward manner when used to cause insertions of these items into empty TITLE lines. The S and J options are more complex, however, since there can be different combinations of the abbreviated items; also, item duplication must be avoided (such as the date on one line and the abbreviated date on another). For this reason, only certain combinations of the S and J options with each other and with the W, D, and T options are valid. These are given below, assuming a date and time of Wednesday, December 28, 1993, at 12:34:56 (Julian date 362). Results are unpredictable for any option combination involving S or J other than those listed here. See also the section on Version Field Line Construction to create any combination desired.

If the Z option is not used, items longer than 10 characters will have the seconds, year, or century (19/20) removed; or the month or weekday abbreviated.

Anywhere the format '28 DEC 93' occurs it will be replaced by '1993-12-28' if the default for the D option has been redefined for ISO format.

   One-line insertions
        S-'WED,12/28/93'     J-'12/28/93-362'   SW-'WED-12:34:56'
      JST-'WED-93362'      SDT-'931228-12:34'

Two-line insertions (The lines of 2- and 3-line insertions may be separated, depending on how the subfields on the control card are coded.)

      SD-'28 DEC 1993', 'WED-12:34:56'   SJ-'WED,12/28/93','362-12:34:56'
      ST-'WED,12/28/93','12:34:56'       JW-'WEDNESDAY',   '12/28/93-362'
      JD-'28 DEC 1993', '362-12:34:56'   JT-'12/28/93-362','12:34:56'
     SJW-'12/28/93-362','WED-12:34:56'  SJD-'28 DEC 1993', 'WED-93362'
     SWT-'WED-93362',   '12:34:56'      SWD-'DECEMBER 28,','1993 - WED'

Three-line insertions JDT-'28 DEC 1993', 'WED-93362', '12:34:56' JWD-'WEDNESDAY', '28 DEC 1993', '362-12:34:56' JWT-'WEDNESDAY', '12/28/93-362', '12:34:56' SWDT-'WEDNESDAY,', 'DECEMBER 28,', '1993 - 12:34'

2.1.4. Example

The following call:


   will produce 2 pages:     Page 1 - Line 1:'  RUNID  '
                                      Line 2:'28 DEC 93'
                                      Line 3:'WED-12:34'
                                      Line 4:' FOR JOE '
                             Page 2 - Line 1:'  RUNID  '
                                      Line 2:'28 DEC 93'
                                      Line 3:'WED-12:34'
                                      Line 4:' FOR JOE '

In addition, the H and P options will start a heading as if the following control card had been submitted:


Finally, the M option will cause the TITLE lines to be displayed on the console in the same format as shown on the @HDG card.

2.2. Operand Field

2.3. P* -- TITLE Line Preview

If anything is included in the qualifier field of the first parameter, TITLE will not print banner pages, but simply list the TITLE lines it would have printed. This can be used to test the appearance of TITLE lines before deciding on them. Example:


     [TEST OF P ]
     [  RUNIDG  ]
     [20 FEB 98 ]
     [FRI-16:04 ]
/    [TEST OF P ]
     [  RUNIDG  ]
     [20 FEB 98 ]
     [FRI-16:04 ]
HDG:       H,,1,TEST OF P  RUNIDG  20 FEB 98  FRI-16:04

A slash in column 1 represents a page eject. The M and H options are handled by showing, respectively, the COM$ message and APRTCN$ strings that would be submitted.

2.3.1. tlpp -- TITLE Lines Per Page

tlpp, as described earlier, may be used to specify the number of TITLE lines per page. Its range is 1-12. There may be 2*tlpp TITLE lines coded in the operand field. tlpp should rarely be necessary, since TITLE always determines the maximum value based on current PRINT$ margins and line length.

2.3.2. (+|-dtoffset)/YYMMDD/[c]HHMMS[S]. -- Date/Time, Build Char.

For date and time insertions, TITLE can be given an alternate date and/or time by supplying them in the read and/or write key fields of the first parameter. Alternatively, an offset may be applied to the current date by coding a positive or negative number in the F-cycle field, denoting how many days are to be added or subtracted. If both an offset and an alternate date are included, the former will be applied to the latter. The range for year (YY) is 64 (1964) through 63 (2063).

The write key field may also be used to specify a character other than the default '$' that will be used to construct each character in the TITLE lines. 'c' may be any non-numeric character that would be valid in a write key; i.e., excluding space, period, comma, slash, and semicolon. If an apostrophe is coded, each character is constructed out of itself: 'A' used to make A, etc.

Both a construction character and an alternate time may be specified, but only five digits of the time may follow the character: cHHMMS. The last digit will be assumed to be 0.

2.3.3. LINE1,LINE2,... (TITLE Lines - What TITLE Actually Prints)

Each TITLE line specified in an operand subfield must conform to the syntax of an element name (A-Z,0-9,-,$).

Except in the case of qualifier/project insertion (Q/K option), leading and embedded dollar signs are not printed but are replaced by spaces, thus allowing two or more short words to occupy the same line. (A single trailing dollar sign will be printed.) If $'s are desired on a TITLE line, the version name field may specify an alternate space character.

Example: '$-EXAMPLE/-' will print as: '$ EXAMPLE'

(Also see next section for printing other special characters.)

2.3.4. Special Characters in TITLE Lines

If needed, up to four special characters may be included in a TITLE line, by coding a version name field which indicates character substitution. The format of such a field is KccKccKccKcc, with each K being a valid TITLE line character not being used in the current line, and cc being the two-digit octal code of the Fieldata character to substitute for it. Each K must be followed by a cc, unless K is the last or only substitution character in the field and it is being used for a space. In such a case, K may terminate the field.

To print a list of available special characters and their octal codes, call '@TITLE,HELP' with no arguments. Note that the code for an underscore (077) can be made to print a solid block instead by following the version name field with "/1". Example: BLOCKSXXX/X77/1 (In the latter case, an underscore would still be used for headers and COM$ messages.)

In the following example, '-' will be used for an apostrophe (octal code 72), $ for a space (default), '1' for an exclamation mark (55) and '9' for a question mark (54).

@TITLE,Z IT-S$EZ1$OK9/-72155954 will print as IT'S EZ! OK?

If either the dollar sign ($) or the space character is redefined, the dollar sign loses its default property of allowing a single trailing $.

2.3.5. Blank TITLE Lines

If one or more blank TITLE lines are desired before the final non-blank line, a single $ must be coded for each; a void subfield, unless filled because of an insertion option, will cause TITLE to exit, either immediately or after performing any F option repetition.

2.3.6. Version Field Line Construction

A TITLE line may be constructed by leaving the element name blank and coding construction characters in the version field. This can provide more flexibility in case the date/time insertion options above do not provide the desired combination, or a different insertion order is desired for blank fields. The format is:

@TITLE,options LINE1,/LINE2-constructor,...

In the above example, LINE1 is supplied normally and LINE2 is constructed by coding 1-12 characters from the following table. Each character will cause the insertion into the line of a different item. When all items have been inserted in order, the TITLE line is finished. A maximum of 10 or 12 item characters may be inserted into the line, based on the Z option.

Constructor characters and what they insert:

W  - 3-letter weekday abbreviation.

K  - full name of weekday.

D  - 2-digit day of month.

E  - same as D, but 1 digit if day is 1 thru 9.

J  - 3-digit Julian date (001 - 366).

V  - 3-letter month abbreviation.

N  - 2-digit month number.

I  - same as N, but 1 digit if month is 1 thru 9.

L  - full name of month.

Y  - 2-digit year.

C  - 2-digit century (19 or 20) -- used to precede Y.

H  - 2-digit hour of current time.

G  - same as H, but 1 digit if hour is 0 thru 9.

M  - 2-digit minute of current time.

S  - 2-digit second of current time.

Z  - Time zone from current ER SYS$TIME.

A  - Date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD).

B  - Date in DD MMM YY format.

TnKKK... - Insert the n following characters as text. Example: T4TEST.

F  - Insert following character only if TITLE's Z option was set.

U  - Insert following character only if TITLE's Z option was NOT set.

OL - Insert the item represented by the TITLE insertion option L following the O. Allowable option letters are I, G, V, Y, C, U, A, K, and Q.

Since the C option could insert either the basic or local EXEC level depending on its length and the Z option, E and L are also allowed to force either one of them: OE (basic) or OL (local).

Also allowed is OD, to insert the default qualifier, vs. the implied qualifier (Q) or project id (K).

$  - space.

-  - dash.

X  - slash.

8  - colon.

9  - comma. (X, 8, and 9 look a little like the characters they insert.)

P  - period.

cc - a two-digit octal code from 00 through 77, denoting a specific Fieldata character to insert. Type '@TITLE,HELP' to see special character values.


@TITLE,SD is equivalent to @TITLE /D$V$Y,/W-H8M

@TITLE,Z /T4USER8$OU,/T4SITE8$OV will generate:

'USER: userid', 'SITE: siteid'

@TITLE /FLUVUP$E will generate 'SEP. 5 '

@TITLE,Z /FLUVUP$E will generate 'SEPTEMBER 5 '

Table of Contents

(Go to Top)

1. Introduction
1.1. Description
1.2. Block Character Size / TITLE Lines Per Page
1.3. TITLE Line Construction Character
2. Processor Call
2.1. Options
2.1.1. Miscellaneous Options
2.1.2. TITLE Line Insertion Options
2.1.3. Date/time Insertion Options
2.1.4. Example
2.2. Operand Field
2.3. P* -- TITLE Line Preview
2.3.1. tlpp -- TITLE Lines Per Page
2.3.2. (+|-dtoffset)/YYMMDD/[c]HHMMS[S]. -- Date/Time, Build Char.
2.3.3. LINE1,LINE2,... (TITLE Lines - What TITLE Actually Prints)
2.3.4. Special Characters in TITLE Lines
2.3.5. Blank TITLE Lines
2.3.6. Version Field Line Construction