A Billion Here, a Billion There
If you're like me, you probably have four categories of money:
- the price of a beer,
- too much for a beer,
- rent, and
- far beyond my ability to comprehend.
I finally decided to sit down and try to comprehend that fourth category by
lining up all the examples of high finance I could find. Some attempts to make
a billion dollars comprehensible would go from the bottom up and explain how
many of your everyday purchases you could get with a billion dollars (700,000
PCs or something). Instead, I'm going from the top down because, frankly, a
billion dollars and you exist in entirely different universes. There is nothing
in your life that compares to a billion dollars. Even if you're a millionaire,
you'd have to live a thousand years to earn a billion. The only way to
comprehend billions of dollars is in relation to other billions of dollars.
This is a pretty staightfoward list for reference purposes. I haven't gone
out of my way to hunt down ironic, outrageous or humorous examples, but if
you've been wondering how many Abrams battle tanks Will Ferrell could have
bought last year, the answer is nine.
If you have a number, such as $14 billion, that you want to see in context,
just scroll down, and you'll discover that it's about the same as the GDP of
Papua New Guinea, the damage from Hurricane Hugo, and the revenue of the state
government of Colorado.
If you look down around $90 million, you'll see that the biggest movie bomb
in history is the equivalent of shovelling a year of Tiger Woods' earnings into
a furnace. If you look around $40 billion, you'll see that the 9/11 attacks
cost as much as shutting down Kuwait or Rhode Island for a year.
If you want to find the value of something specific, try [CTRL][F] and a
simple keyword. Keep it simple. "Bill Gates" will find nothing, but "Gates"
will find both "William Gates" and "Bill & Melinda Gates
All these numbers are US dollars. Unless otherwise noted, none of these are
adjusted for inflation. Also, I haven't gone out of my way to confirm the
accuracy of these numbers; I'm just trusting that my sources are more or less
sort of correct. And I haven't made any special effort to reconcile different
numbers for similar categories; I'll leave it for you to figure out why some
numbers that should be the same are actually different.
[I probably won't be updating this list, so if today is
2009, and you're wondering why all my numbers are from 2005, that's why. The
only way to properly update a list like this would be to totally replace it,
which, apparently, I haven't done, if you're reading this note in 2009.]
Here are a few links that jump to specific superlatives. Most of these are
debatable. Or you can just use [CTRL][F]"guinness" to find those
amounts that were consider noteworthy by Guinness's Book of World Records.
Tens of Trillions
- $56T: total economic production of the World. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 30T: total value of the USA's capital stock (incl. offices, factories,
business equipment) (12/17/01
- 20.8T: total Global Market Capitalization of all NYSE-Listed Companies
- 11.6T: total economic production of the United States. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank,
NC, from BEA)
- $9.8T: all the money in the US, incl. cash, checking, savings accounts and
CDs. (M3) (Howstuffworks)
- 8.6T: total economic production of the European Monetary Union. PPP GDP
2004 (World
- 7.9T: US national debt, 9/28/05 (US Treasury)
- 7.1T: total economic production of China. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 3.8T: total economic production of Japan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 3.4T: total economic production of India. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 3.1T: US military expenditure for World War II, 1941-45 (adjusted to
current dollars. 8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 2.4T: total economic production of Germany. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 2.3T: US federal budget outlays, FY2004 (Revenues: 1.9T. Deficit: 412B) (US CBO)
- 2.0T: foreign holdings of U.S. government debt (21 Sept 2005
- 1.9B: US federal budget revenues, FY2004 (Outlays: 2.3T. Deficit: 412B) (US CBO)
- 1.8T: total economic production of the United Kingdom. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.8T: total US imports of goods and services, 2004 (US
- 1.7T: total economic production of France. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.6T: total economic production of Italy. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.5T: total economic production of California. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 1.5T: total economic production of Brazil. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.4T: total economic production of Russia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.3T: revenue of United States federal government, 2003 (US Census)
- 1.3T: total revenue of all state governments, USA, FY2002-03 (US Census)
- 1.1T: total revenue of all local governments, USA, FY2002-03 (US Census)
- 1.1T: total US exports of goods and services, 2004 (US
- 1.1T: total market value of all the gold in the world as of the end of 1999
- 1.0T: total economic production of Spain. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.0T: total economic production of Mexico. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
Hundreds of Billions
Upper Hundreds of Billions
- $993B: total economic production of Canada. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 981B: total economic production of South Korea. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 900B: total economic production of New York. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 881B: total economic production of Texas. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 839B: World military expenditures, 2001 (FAS)
- 800B: annual value produced by introduced (not originally native to North
America) crops and livestock, 1998 USA (Cornell)
- 780B: total economic production of Indonesia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 759B: Wasted time at work in the US. Spent by employers per year on
salaries for which real work was expected, but not actually performed. (SF
- 683B: Japan's holdings of U.S. government debt (21 Sept 2005
- 618B: trade deficit of US goods and services, 2004 (US
- 606B: total economic production of Australia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
Mid Hundreds of Billions
- $595B: total economic production of Florida. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 571B: total US cash in circulation 6/2000 (FRB)
- 553B: total economic production of Turkey. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 535B: budget for the
Social Security Administration in fiscal year (FY) 2004
- 532B: US military expenditure for Vietnam War, 1964-72 (adjusted to current
dollars. 8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 529B: total economic production of Illinois. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 521B: total economic production of the Netherlands. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 510B: total economic production of Thailand. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 510B: total economic production of South Africa. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 505B: total economic production of Iran. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 492B: total economic production of Poland. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 486B: total economic production of Argentina. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 476B: total sales, US restaurant industry, 2004 (restaurant.org)
- 474.7B: 2003 budget outlays for Social Security, US Government (GPO)
- 469B: total economic production of Pennsylvania. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 466B: United States military spending, FY2004 (Global Sec.)
- 445B: defense spending bill for fiscal 2006 approved by US Senate (10/8/05
- 418B: total economic production of Ohio. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 416B: total economic production of New Jersey. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 412B: US federal budget deficit, FY2004 (Revenues: 1880B. Outlays: 2292B) (US CBO)
- 404.9B: 2003 budget outlays for national defense, US Government (GPO)
Lower Hundreds of Billions
- $378B: total economic production of Philippines. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 373B: total economic production of Michigan. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 361B: US military expenditure for Korean War (adjusted to current dollars.
8/29/05 Christian
Science Monitor)
- 350B: spent by US government for wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and against
terrorism since 9/11/01 (9/26/05
- 350B: largest company merger, AOL with Time Warner, 2000 (Guinness)
- 341B: total economic production of Georgia (US state). Gross State Product
2004 (NC from
- 336B: total economic production of Pakistan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 335B: total economic production of North Carolina. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 334.4B: 2003 budget outlays for income security, US Government (GPO)
- 327B: total economic production of Virginia. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 326B: total economic production of Saudi Arabia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 323B: total economic production of Belgium. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 323B: total economic production of Colombia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 318B: total economic production of Massachussetts. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 317B: federal budget deficit for the fiscal year that ended Sept 30, 2005
- 303B: total economic production of Ukraine. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 288B: revenue of Wal-Mart Stores (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 282B: total economic production of Egypt. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 271B: revenue of Exxon Mobil (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 265B: sales in the global housewares industry (IHA)
- 265B: total economic production of Sweden. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 263B: total economic production of Bangladesh. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 261B: total economic production of Austria. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 260B: total economic production of Washington (state). Gross State Product
2004 (NC from
- 249.4B: 2003 budget outlays for Medicare, US Government (GPO)
- 248B: total economic production of Switzerland. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 246B: total economic production of Malaysia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 242B: China's holdings of U.S. government debt (21 Sept 2005
- 243B: total economic production of Greece. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 236B: US federal budget surplus, FY2000 (Revenues: 2025B. Outlays: 1789B) (US CBO)
- 228B: total economic production of Indiana. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 227B: total economic production of Maryland. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 222B: total economic production of Vietnam. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 219.6B: 2003 budget outlays for health, US Government (GPO)
- 211B: total economic production of Hong Kong. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 211B: total economic production of Algeria. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 205B: US military expenditure for World War I, 1917-18 (adjusted to current
dollars. 8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 205B: total economic production of Portugal. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 200B: Total damages from Hurricane Katrina might top $200 billion. (10/9/05
A Hundred-some Billion
- $197B: total economic production of Czech Rep. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 196.7B: US imports from China, 2004 (Census)
- 195.5B: revenue of California state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 193.5B: revenue of General Motors (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 186B: US military expenditure for Iraq War, 2003-8/2005 (8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 183B: total economic production of Chile. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 182B: total economic production of Romania. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 175B: total economic production of Norway. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 173B: total economic production of Denmark. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 172.2B: revenue of Ford Motor (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 168B: total economic production of Hungary. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 164B: total economic production of Israel. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 162B: US trade deficit with China, 2004 (Census)
- 161B: total economic production of Ireland. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 156B: total economic production of Nigeria. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 156B: total economic production of Venezuela. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 155B: total economic production of Peru. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 155B: total economic production of Finland. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 153.1B: 2003 budget outlays for net interest on the national debt, US
Government (GPO)
- 152.3B: revenue of General Electric (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 150B: annual health cost of cigarettes, half in medical costs and half in
lost productivity, US (Slate)
- 150B: CBO Director predicted federal cost of Hurricane Katrina relief is
likely to be less than 200B, possibly less than 150B (10/8/05
- 147.9B: revenue of Chevron Texaco (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 138B: annual control costs and damage by invading, non-indigenous species,
1999 USA (1999
- 132B: value of gross oil imports into the US, 2003 (US DOE)
- 127B: total economic production of Morocco. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 121.6B: revenue of Conoco Phillips (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 118.2B: revenue of New York state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 118B: total economic production of Singapore. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 112B: total economic production of Kazakhstan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 108.2B: revenue of Citigroup (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 104B to 107B: assets of WorldCom, largest
bankruptcy in US history (22 July 2002
107B. Bankruptcy.com:
- 104B: over the next decade to send astronauts back to the moon (19 Sept
- 100B: US gold reserves, 1996 (Guinness)
Tens of Billions
Upper Tens of Billions
- $98.6B: revenue of American Intl. Group (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 98.7B: one year net loss by AOL-Time-Warner, 2002 (Guinness)
- 96.2B: revenue of International Business Machines (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 95B: total spending per year in USA on medical research (20 Sept 2005
- 93.7B: spent in the USA by international visitors in 2004 (9 May 2005
- 93B: total economic production of New Zealand. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 91.8B: direct medical costs of diabetes in the USA in 2002 (DHHS)
- 82.6B: revenue of Texas state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 82.6B: 2003 budget outlays for education, training, employment, and social
services, US Government (GPO)
- 81.8B: US military expenditure for Gulf War, 1991-92 (adjusted to current
dollars. 8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 79.9B: revenue of Hewlett-Packard (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 75B: medical expenditures that can be attributed to obesity, in 2003, US (Slate)
- 74.3B: revenue of Berkshire Hathaway (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 73.0B: revenue of Home Depot (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 71.5B: revenue of Verizon Communications (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 70B: total economic production of Syria. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 69.5B: revenue of McKesson (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 69B: contributed by sport fishing to the economy of USA, 1995 (1999
- 67.1B: 2003 budget outlays for transportation, US Government (GPO)
- 66B: US military expenditure for Afghanistan War, 2001-8/2005 (8/29/05
Science Monitor)
- 65B: spent by Americans annually on illegal drugs (PBS
: 65B in 1998. DOJ:
64.4B in 2000)
- 65B: cost of sleeplessness in USA: 15B in health care expenses + 50B in
lost productivity (24 Feb. 2005
- 65B: China military spending, 2004 (Global Sec.)
- 65.1B: revenue of Cardinal Health (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 64.4B: revenue of Altria Group (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 63.4B: assets of Enron when it filed for bankruptcy, 12/2001 (2 Dec. 2001
62.8B. Bankruptcy.com:
- 63.3B: revenue of Bank of America Corp. (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 62.2B: total sales in the U.S. housewares industry (IHA)
- 62B: total economic production of Bulgaria. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 61.6B: damage from 1988 drought/heat wave,
June-Sept. (NCDC:
40B at the time, 61.6B adj. to 2002$)
- 61.4B: assets of Conseco when it filed for bankruptcy, 12/2002 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 60.9B: total economic production of New Mexico. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 60B: total cost of natural disasters, worldwide, 2003 (Munich Re)
Fifty-some Billion
- $58.8B: revenue of State Farm Insurance (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 57.0B: 2003 budget outlays for veterans benefits, US Government (GPO)
- 56.9B: total economic production of Ethiopia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 56.9B: revenue of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 56.4B: assets of Texaco when it filed for bankruptcy, 1987 (adjusted for
inflation. In 1987, unadjusted assets were $35.9B) (2 Dec. 2001
- 56.4B: revenue of Kroger (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 55.2B: revenue of Florida state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 54.5B: total economic production of Delaware. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 53.9B: revenue of Valero Energy (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 53.1B: revenue of Amerisourcebergen (2005 Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 52.9B: revenue of Pfizer (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 52.5B: revenue of Boeing (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 52.1B: total economic production of New Hampshire. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 51.4B: revenue of Procter & Gamble (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 51.3B: total economic production of Ecuador. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 51B: net worth of William Gates (23 Sept 2005
- 50.1B: total economic production of Hawaii. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 50.1B: direct mail advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 50B: Russia military spending (Global Sec.)
- 50B: additional funding for the Iraq War in the defense spending bill
approved by US Senate (10/8/05
- 50.0B: revenue of Michigan state government, 2003 (US Census)
Forty-some Billion
- $49.9B: revenue of Target (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 49.9B: revenue of Ohio state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 49.8B: total economic production of West Virginia. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 49.4B: revenue of Pennsylvania state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 49.2B: revenue of Dell (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 48.5: total economic production of Uzbekistan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 48.4B: damage from 1980 drought/heat wave, June-Sept. (NCDC: 20B at the
time, 48.4 adj. to 2002$)
- 48.1B: revenue of Costco Wholesale (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 47.3B: revenue of Johnson & Johnson (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 46.5B: France military spending, 2000 (Global Sec.)
- 46.2B: newspaper advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 46.0B: revenue of New Jersey state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 45.4B: revenue of Marathon Oil (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 44.8B: total economic production of Lithuania. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 44.7B: Japan military spending, FY2005 (Global Sec.)
- 44.4B: revenue of Illinois state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 44B: global commercial value of genetically modified crops (29 Apr 2005
- 43.4B: total economic production of Idaho. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 43.3B: total economic production of Kuwait. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 43.3B: total economic production of Maine. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 42B: economic costs of 9/11. 12B replacing buildings & equipment + 30B
insurance payouts for loss of life, workers comp, etc. (12/17/01
- 42.8B: revenue of Time Warner (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 41.9B: total economic production of Rhode Island. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 41.0B: revenue of SBC Communications (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 40.3B: total economic production of Uganda. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 40.1B: revenue of Dow Chemical (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 40.0B: Net worth of Warren Buffett (23 Sept 2005
- 40B: est. damage from Hurricane Katrina, 2005 (12 Sept. 2005
- 40.0B: revenue of Albertson's (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
Thirty-some Billion
- $39.5B: revenue of Morgan Stanley (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 39.5B: revenue of MetLife (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 38.8B: Germany military spending, 2002 (Global Sec.)
- 37.5B: revenue of Walgreen (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 37.4B: revenue of United Technologies (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 37.2B: revenue of United Health Group (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 37B: total economic production of Nepal. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 36B to 39B: spent by Americans annually on cocaine
: 39B in 1998. DOJ:
36B in 2000)
- 36.8B: revenue of Microsoft (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 36.5B: revenue of United Parcel Service (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 36.4B: revenue of Lowe's (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 36.1B: revenue of Archer Daniels Midland (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 36.0B: revenue of Sears Roebuck (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 36B: total annual management costs of lawns, gardens, and golf courses in
the US (1999
- 35.9B: assets of Texaco when it filed for bankruptcy, 4/1987 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 35.8B: revenue of Safeway (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 35.5B: revenue of Lockheed Martin (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 35.4B: 2003 budget outlays for administration of justice, US Government (GPO)
- 35.3B: revenue of Motorola (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 35.3B: revenue of Medco Health Solutions (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 35.1B: total economic production of Cameroon. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 35B: proposed federal budget savings over five years, mainly from
entitlement programs for the poor, such as food stamps, Medicaid and student
loans (10/8/05
- 34.5B: total economic production of Kenya. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 34.4B: estimated insured losses from Hurricane Katrina (10/05/2005
34.4B. 9/25/05
40B-60B. KATC:
125B in economic damage, incl. 60B in insurance claims.)
- 34.2B: revenue of Intel (2005
Information Please,
from Fortune 500)
- 33.9B: total economic production of Alaska. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 33.9B: assets of Financial Corp. of America when it filed for bankruptcy,
9/1988 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 33.5B: broadcast TV advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 31.7B: United Kingdom military spending, 2002 (Global Sec.)
- 30.3B: revenue of Massachusetts state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 30.2B: assets of Global Crossing when it filed for bankruptcy, 1/2002 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 31.3B: total retail theft in US in 2002, incl. employee theft, shoplifting,
etc. (About.com)
- 30.0B: revenue of North Carolina state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 30.0B: WorldCom's debt, largest bankruptcy in US history (22 July 2002
Twenty-some Billion
- $29B: global trade in pirated software in 2003 (7 July 2004
- 29.8B: revenue of Georgia state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 29.8B: assets of Pacific Gas and Electric when it filed for bankruptcy,
4/2001 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 29.7B: 2003 budget outlays for natural resources and environment, US
Government (GPO)
- 29.6B: revenue of Washington state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 29.4B: total economic production of South Dakota. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 28.6B: National Institutes of Health, FY 2005 budget, USA (5/27/04
- 28.1B: revenue of Virginia state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 27.7B: total economic production of Montana. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 27.3B: pork barrel spending in the fiscal 2005 appropriations bills, USA (CAGW)
- 27.2B: direct cost of 9/11 terrorist attacks - damage, rescue, cleanup (CCC)
- 26.8B: assets of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
- 26.7B: damage from Midwest flooding, Summer 1993 (NCDC: 21B at the
time, 26.7B adj. to 2002$)
- 26.4B: total world weapons sales, 2001 (FAS)
- 25.5B: revenue of Minnesota state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 25.2B: assets of UAL when it filed for bankruptcy, 12/2002 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 25.1B: revenue of Wisconsin state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 24.9B: total economic production of Jordan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 24.5B: revenue of Indiana state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 24.3B: total economic production of Wyoming. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 24.3B: total economic production of Bolivia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 24.2B: total economic production of Lebanon. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 23.72B: net sales for the entire US publishing industry, 2004 (Association of American
- 23.6B: total economic production of North Dakota. Gross State Product 2004
(NC from BEA)
- 23.0B: 2003 budget outlays for general government, US Government (GPO)
- 23B: net worth of Karl Albrecht (2/25/04
- 22.6B: 2003 budget outlays for agriculture, US Government (GPO)
- 22.5B: net worth of Paul Gardner Allen (23 Sept 2005
- 22.2B: total economic production of Panama. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 22.1B: total economic production of Vermont. Gross State Product 2004 (NC from BEA)
- 22.0B: revenue of Missouri state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 22B: damage from Hurricane Andrew, 1992 (NOAA: 26.5B.
22B current$.
21B current$)
- 21.8B: revenue of Maryland state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 21.8: student loans in default (Heritage)
- 21.8B: assets of Delta Air Lines when it filed for bankruptcy, 9/2005 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 21.5B: assets of Adelphia Communications when it filed for bankruptcy,
6/2002 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 21.5B: net worth of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud (2/25/04
- 21.2B: 2003 budget outlays for international affairs, US Government (GPO)
- 20.9B: 2003 budget outlays for science, space and technology, US Government
- 20.8B: Korea, South military spending, FY2005 (Global Sec.)
- 20.7B: radio advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 20.5B: revenue of Tennessee state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 20.2B: Italy military spending, 2002 (Global Sec.)
- 20B: cost of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok, which
opened in 1998 (Guinness)
- 20B: annual savings proposed by Base Realignment and Closure (CAGW)
- 20B to 30B: Medicare overspending (Heritage)
Ten to Twenty Billion
- $19.6B: revenue of South Carolina state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 19.4B: revenue of Louisiana state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 19.2B: revenue of Oregon state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 19.0B: revenue of Alabama state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 19B: annual damage by rats, USA (1999
- 18.2B: total economic production of Senegal. PPP GDP 2004
(World Bank)
- 18B: net worth of Michael Dell (23 Sept 2005
- 18.9B: 2003 budget outlays for community and regional development, US
Government (GPO)
- 18.6B: total economic production of Estonia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 18.3B: Saudi Arabia military spending, FY2000
- 18.3B: revenue of Kentucky state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 18.2B: revenue of Connecticut state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 17.9B: revenue of Arizona state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 17.6B: in 1998, the rights to televise NFL games, as well as the Super
Bowl, were sold to several networks for eight years for $17.6B (US
Sports Academy)
- 17.4B: total economic production of Guinea. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 17B: net worth of Lawrence Joseph Ellison (23 Sept 2005
- 16.2B: damage caused by 9/11 terrorist attacks (CCC)
- 15.8B: cable TV advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 15.8B: total economic production of Albania. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 15.7B: net worth of Christy Walton (2005
- 15.7B: net worth of Jim C. Walton (2005
- 15.6B: net worth of S. Robson Walton (2005
- 15.4B: net worth of Helen R. Walton (2004
- 15.5B: net worth of Alice L. Walton (2004
- 15B+: global sales of Coca-Cola soft drinks during
12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 15B+: global sales of Marlboro cigarettes during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 14.9B: revenue of Oklahoma state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 14.8B: Back-to-school spending USA 2004
- 14.7B: total economic production of Madagascar. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 14.6B: assets of Kmart when it filed for bankruptcy, 1/2002 (Bankruptcy.com)
- 14.5B: total economic production of Haiti. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 14.4B: total economic production of Papua New Guinea. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 14B: annual damage by cats to US bird population (1999
- 14.0B: net worth of Steven Ballmer (2005
- 14B: foreign aid paid by USA, 2003 (12 April 2004
- 14B: annual direct cost of bone fractures caused by osteoporosis, US (3
Aug. 1999 Slate)
- 14B: damage from Hurricane Ivan, Sept. 2004 (NCDC: 14B.
7.1B current$)
- 13.9B: damage from Hurricane Hugo, 1989 (NOAA: 7B.
NCDC: 9B at the
time, 13.9 adj. to 2002$, US mainland + US Islands.
6.4B current$)
- 13.8B: revenue of Colorado state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 13.5B: total economic production of Georgia (the country). PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 13.4B: Brazil military spending, FY1999 (Global Sec.)
- 13.3B: revenue of Mississippi state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 13.2B: Valentine's Day consumer spending, US, 2005 (About.com)
- 13.0B: sales of U.S. weapons to foreign governments, FY2001, deliveries.
12.2B via US State Dept. + 821M directly (FAS)
- 12.9B: total economic production of Armenia. PPP GDP 2004
(World Bank)
- 12.9B: revenue of Iowa state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 12.5B: net worth of Abigail Johnson (2005
- 12.5B: net worth of Barbara Cox Anthony (2005
- 12.5B: net worth of Anne Cox Chambers (2005
- 12.4B: general purpose magazine advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 12.1B: India military spending, FY2001 (Global Sec.)
- 11B: WorldCom accounting fraud (20 Sept. 2005 Time, 20 Sept. 2005 PG)
- 11.8B: revenue of Arkansas state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 11.5B: revenue of Utah state government, 2003
(US Census)
- 11.2B: total economic production of Laos. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 11.2B: damage from Hurricane Charlie, Sept. 2004 (NCDC: 15B.
NOAA: 11.2B.
7.5 current$)
- 11B: net worth of Sergey Brin (2004
- 11B: net worth of Larry E Page (2004
- 10B to 11.6B: spent by America's users annually on heroin (PBS
: 11.6B in 1998. DOJ:
10B in 2000)
- 10.8B: assets of Lilly Endowment (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
- 10.7B to 11B: spent by Americans annually on marijuana
: 10.7B in 1998. DOJ
: 11B in 2000)
- 10.7B: possible cost to South Korea for deal to dismantle North Korea's
nuclear weapons programs (22 Sept. 2005
- 10.6B: assets of Ford Foundation (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
- 10.5B: total economic production of Jamaica. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 10.4B: revenue of Kansas state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 10.4B: Mother's Day consumer spending, USA, 2004 (About.com)
- 10.2B: net worth of Pierre M. Omidyar (2005
- 10B: net worth of Kirk Kerkorian (2005
- 10B: net worth of Forrest Edward Mars, Jr. (2005
- 10B: net worth of Jacqueline Mars (2005
- 10B: net worth of John Franklyn Mars (2005
- 10B: US porn industry (3 Sept. 2004
- 10B: damage from drought, Spring-Fall 2002, US (NCDC)
- 10B: buried treasure found on Robinson Crusoe Island (26 Sept. 2005
- $5B to 15B: global sales of Pepsi soft drinks during 12 months ending Q1
2001 (ACNielsen)
- 9.9B: annual 2004 U.S. retail sales of video games (About.com)
- 9.8B: revenue of New Mexico state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 9.7B: revenue of West Virginia state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 9.7B: Iran military spending, FY2000 (Global Sec.)
- 9.6B: total economic production of Iceland. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 9.6B: gourmet coffee sector sales in the US 2004 (Forbes)
- 9.6B: Internet advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 9.3B: Australia military spending, 2001/02 (Global Sec.)
- 9.2B: total economic production of Gabon. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 9B: net worth of John Werner Kluge (2005
- 9B: damage from Hurricane Frances, Sept. 2004 (NCDC: 9B.
4.6 current$)
- 8.8B: missing from the Development Fund for Iraq (20 Aug 2004
Fox News ; 31
Jan 2005 CNN)
- 8.5B to 9.9B: Earned Income Tax Credit wasted in overpayments (Heritage)
- 8.5B: net worth of Karl Icahn (2005
- 8.4B: net worth of Sumner M. Redstone (2005
- 8.3B: brought into South Africa annually by tourist industry (28 March 2005
- 8.3B: revenue of Nevada state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 8.0B: Father's Day consumer spending, USA 2004 (About.com)
- 7.8B: assets of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
- 7.7B: total economic production of Tajikstan. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 7.5B: net worth of Donald Edward Newhouse (2005
- 7.5B: net worth of Samuel Irving Newhouse (2005
- 7.5B: business magazine advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 7.4B: net worth of Ernesto Bertarelli (2/25/04
- 7.3B: total economic production of Moldova. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 7.2B: net worth of George Soros (2005
- 7.2B: revenue of Nebraska state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 7.1B: net worth of Charles Ergen (2005
- 7.1B: total economic production of Malawi. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 7B: US gross, video gaming industry, 2003 (17 June 2004
- 7B: solar energy per year worldwide business (28 July 2004
- 6.9B: net worth of Philip H Knight (2005
- 6.9B: revenue of Alaska state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 6.8B: revenue of Maine state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 6.8B: revenue of Hawaii state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 6.7B: net worth of Rupert Murdoch (2005
- 6.6B to 9.9B: damage from Southern drought/heat wave, US, Summer 1998 (NCDC: 6-9B at the
time, 6.6-9.9B adj. to 2002$)
- 6.6B: brought into South Africa annually by gold industry (28 March 2005
- 6.5B: damage from Hurricane Floyd 1999 (adj. 2002$) (NCDC: 6B at the
time, 6.5B adj. to 2002$)
- 6.5B: damage from Hurricane Jeanne, Sept. 2004 (NCDC)
- 6.5B: damage from Hurricane Georges, 1998 (adj. 2002$) (NCDC: 5.9B at the
time, 6.5B adj. to 2002$)
- 6.3B to 7.6B: damage from March 1993 blizzard: "Storm of the Century"
(NCDC: 5-6B at
the time, 6.3-7.6B adj. to 2002$)
- 6.3B: assets of W.K. Kellogg Foundation (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
- 6.1B: WorldCom settlement, to be returned to investors after fraud case (22
Sep 2005
- 6.0B: assets of David and Lucile Packard Foundation (3/4/04
of Philanthropy)
A Few Billion
- $5.9B: outdoor advertising revenue in the U.S. in 2004 (Industry
- 5.8B: damage from Hurricane Fran, 1996 (NOAA: 3.2B.
NCDC: 5B at the
time, 5.8 adj. to 2002$)
- 5.8B: revenue of Rhode Island state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 5.6B: expected Super Bowl spending by consumers 2005 (NRF)
- 5.4B: revenue of Idaho state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 5.3B: revenue of Starbucks 2004 (Forbes)
- 5.3B: total economic production of Bahamas. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 5.2B: revenue of New Hampshire state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 5.2B: total economic production of Fiji. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 5.1B: damage from Tropical Storm Allison 2001 (NCDC: 5B at the
time, 5.1B adj. to 2002$)
- 5.1B: total economic production of Mongolia. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 5.0B: revenue of Delaware state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 5B: annual damage by zebra mussels in USA (1999
- 4.9B: amount brought to New Orleans by convention travel in 2004. (28-29
Sep 2005
- 4.8B: net worth of Jeffrey Bezos (2005
- 4.7B: Women, Infants and Children nutrition program funding for FY 2003-04
- 4.7B: net worth of Francois Pinault (2/25/04
- 4.6B: net worth of Shari Arison (2/25/04
- 4.6B: revenue of Montana state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 4.5B: net worth of David Geffen (2005
- 4.5B: net worth of Walter Haefner (2/25/04
- 4.4B: total economic production of Central African Republic. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 4.4B: total economic production of Sierra Leone. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 4.2B: net worth of Ross Perot (2005
- 4.2B: average annual sum spent on nuclear weapons by US during the Cold
War, adjusted for inflation (23 April 2004
- 4.1B: damage from North Plains flooding, 1997 (NCDC: 3.7B at the
time, 4.1B adj. to 2002$)
- 4B: revenue from athletics programs in higher education annually (9/16/02
- 4B: how much the Harry Potter brand is worth (18 July 2005
- 4.0B: damage from 1983 Florida freeze (NCDC: 2B at the
time, 4B adj. to 2002$)
- 4.0B: damage from drought/heat wave, US, Summer 2000 (NCDC)
- 3.9B: funding to combat avian flu in the defense spending bill approved by
US Senate (10/8/05
- 3.9B: revenue of McDonald's, 2004 (McD)
- 3.9B: total spent on 2004 US congressional and presidential campaigns (Open
- 3.6B: Summer 2005 domestic US movie gross box office (5 Sept 2005
- 3.6B: revenue of Vermont state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 3.5B: net worth of George Lucas (2005
- 3.4B: revenue of Wyoming state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 3.3B: total economic production of Guyana. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 3.3B: revenue of North Dakota state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 3.3B: net worth of Ralph Lauren (2005
- 3.3B: net worth of Steven Jobs (2005
- 3.3B: net worth of Viktor Vekselberg (2/25/04
- 3.1M: annual cost of flood damage, USA (Making
- 3B to 5B: global sales of Budweiser beer during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 3B to 5B: global sales of Cambell's soup during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 3B to 5B: global sales of Kellog's cereal during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 3B to 5B: global sales of Pamper's diapers during 12 months ending Q1 2001
- 2.9B: revenue of South Dakota state government, 2003 (US Census)
- 2.7B: net worth of Donald Trump (2005
- 2.7B: net worth of Steven Spielberg (2005
- 2.7B: foreign aid paid by USA to Israel, 2003, $2.1B in military aid +
$600M in economic aid. (12 April 2004
- 2.5B: net worth of David Rockefeller (2005
- 2.2B: net worth of Leona Helmsley (2005
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Benson & Hedges cigarettes during 12 months
ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Camel cigarettes during 12 months ending Q1 2001
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Danone yogurt during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Fanta soft drinks during 12 months ending Q1 2001
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Friskies pet food during 12 months ending Q1 2001
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Gillette razors during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Huggies diapers during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Nescafe coffee during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Sprite soft drinks during 12 months ending Q1
2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Tide detergent during 12 months ending Q1 2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Tropicana drinks during 12 months ending Q1 2001
- 2B to 3B: global sales of Wrigley's chewing gum during 12 months ending Q1
2001 (ACNielsen)
- 2.0B: net worth of Ted Turner (2005
- 2B: annual airline operating costs and passenger delays caused by
lightning, USA (Making
- 1.9B: foreign aid paid by USA to Egypt, $1.3B in military aid + $615M for
social programs. (12 April 2004
- 1.9B: expected St. Patrick's Day consumer spending, USA, 2005 (About.com)
- 1.8B: net worth of Ricardo Salinas Pliego (2/25/04
- 1.8B: total worldwide box office gross for Titanic
- 1.7B: damage caused by wildfire in the Oakland Hills and Berkeley, 1991 (Insurance
News Net: 1.7B.
Waves: 2.5B)
- 1.7B: net worth of Dhanin Chearavanont (2/25/04
- 1.6B: economy of Houston (9/26/05
- 1.4B: raised by Salvation Army, USA, in the year ending September 1999 (Guinness)
- 1.4B: net worth of Oprah Winfrey (2005
- 1.3B: total US box office gross for Gone With the Wind, adjusted
for inflation (9.14.05
- 1.3B: annual translation costs for European Union (24 Feb. 2005
- 1.3B: net worth of Barry Diller (2005
- 1.2B: net worth of Roy Disney (2005
- 1.2B: net worth of William Clay Ford (2005
- 1.2B: net worth of Ernest Gallo (2005
- 1.2B: net worth of Winthrop Rockefeller (2005
- 1.2B: net worth of Richard Mellon Scaife (2005
- 1.1B: savings proposed by eliminating federal dairy programs (CAGW)
- 1.1B: total worldwide box office gross for Lord of the Rings: The
Return of the King (9.14.05
- 1.1B: annual damage by pigeons, USA (1999
- 1.1B: total US box office gross for Star Wars, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 1.1B: donations to Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina relief (10/8/05
- 1B: annual costs of fire ants, damage and control, in USA (1999
- 1B: annual damage by Formosan termites in the USA (1999
- 1B: annual damage to crops and property from hail in the US (4 Aug. 2003
- 1B: annual damage by Asian clam (Corbicula fluminea) in the USA
(1999 Cornell)
- 1.0B: total economic production of Samoa. PPP GDP 2004 (World Bank)
- 1.0B: the running total raised by the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy
Association telethon since it was first broadcast in 1966 (Guinness)
- 1B: cost of damage by lightning, annually, USA (Making
- 1B: donated by Ted Turner to the UN, 1997 (Guinness)
Upper Hundreds of Millions
- $969M: total worldwide box office gross for Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone (9.14.05
- 970M: net worth of Martha Stewart (2005
- 925M: total worldwide box office gross for Star Wars: the Phantom
Menace (9.14.05
- 921M: total worldwide box office gross for Lord of the Rings: the Two
Towers (9.14.05
- 920M: total worldwide box office gross for Jurassic Park (9.14.05
- 912M: total worldwide box office gross for Shrek 2 (9.14.05
- 900M: net worth of William Barron Hilton (2005
- 870M: total US box office gross for The Sound of Music, adjusted
for inflation (9.14.05
- 870M: sales of board games, US, 2003 (TD Monthly)
- 866M: total worldwide box office gross for Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets (9.14.05
- 861M: total worldwide box office gross for Lord of the Rings: the
Fellowship of the Ring (9.14.05
- 861M: total US box office gross for ET, adjusted for inflation
- 853M: total worldwide box office gross for Finding Nemo (9.14.05
- 843M: total worldwide box office gross for Star Wars: Revenge of the
Sith (9.14.05
- 900M: net worth of Steve Case (2005
- 813M: total worldwide box office gross for Independence Day
- 807M: total worldwide box office gross for Spider Man (9.14.05
- 801M: total US box office gross for The Ten Commandments,
adjusted for inflation (9.14.05
- 800M: annual damage by feral pigs in the USA (1999
- 800M: annual damage by starlings in the USA (1999
- 798M: total worldwide box office gross for Star Wars (9.14.05
- 790M: total worldwide box office gross for Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban (9.14.05
- 789M: total US box office gross for Titanic, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 783M: total US box office gross for Jaws, adjusted for inflation
- 750M: Boston Scientific Corp. agreed to pay to its former partner in a
settlement that ends a bitter contract dispute over the sale of heart stents.
(22 Sept 2005
- 750M: net worth of Teresa Heinz Kerry (2004
- 740M: total US box office gross for Dr. Zhivago, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 725M: damage caused by wildfire in Orange and Los Angeles County, 1991.Insurance
News Net
- 662M: total US box office gross for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves,
adjusted for inflation (9.14.05
- 650M: total US box office gross for The Jungle Book, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 642M: total US box office gross for Ben-Hur, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 627M: total US box office gross for 101 Dalmatians, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 625M: The costliest US hailstorm: Denver, 1990 (4 Aug. 2003
- 615M: total US box office gross for The Exorcist, adjusted for
inflation (9.14.05
- 601M: total US box office gross for Titanic (9.14.05
- 500M: value of 20 paintings stolen (and quickly recovered) from the Van
Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, 1991 (Guinness)
Lower Hundreds of Millions
- $481M: savings proposed by eliminating US government's Freedom Cooperative
Automotive Research Partnership (CAGW)
- 465M: a Californian jury found Toshiba guilty of theft of trade secrets
from Lexar and issued damages of 465M, the Largest IP Verdict in California
History (3/25/05
- 456M: KPMG agreed to pay in fines, restitution and penalties for tax fraud,
2005 (IRS)
- 450M: selling price of Washington Nationals baseball team (28 Sept. 2005
- 441M: total US gross in 2004 for Shrek 2 (boxofficemojo)
- 425M: value of surplus weaponry available for the US government to give
away annually under the Excess Defense Articles program (FAS)
- 415M: annual cost of dog bites in USA: 165M on medical treatment + 250M
lost work (1999
- 408: Michael Jordan's net worth (19 June 2003
- 400M: US government funding of Corp. Public Broadcast (PBS) "last year"
- 400M: cost of robotic Mars explorer Spirit (CNN)
- 400M: 5-year cost of a global action plan to save amphibians from
extinction (19 Sept 2005
- 374M: total US gross in 2004 for Spider-Man 2 (boxofficemojo)
- 370M: total US gross in 2004 for The Passion of the Christ (boxofficemojo)
- 363M: the USA's record lottery jackpot, shared by two Mega Millions
winners, 2000 (Sept. 19, 2005
- 333M: contributions by finance, insurance and real estate industries to
2004 elections, US (Open
- 314.9M: the largest single-ticket lottery winner,
USA, 2002 (Sept. 19, 2005
- 310M: damage caused by an outbreak multiple tornadoes on April 3-4, 1974 (Making
- 306M: GW Bush reelection campaign, 2004 (Open Secrets)
- 300M: value in today's money of 13 artworks stolen from Isabella Stewart
Gardner Museum, 1990 (3/13/05
Boston Globe:
200M ?unadjusted?)
- 290M: George Lucas's earnings for the past year (2005
- 279M: total US gross in 2004 for Meet the Fockers (boxofficemojo)
- 261M: total US gross in 2004 for The Incredibles (boxofficemojo)
- 250M: total US gross in 2004 for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban (boxofficemojo)
- 242M: John Kerry's presidential election campaign, 2004 (Open Secrets)
- 236M: deal to pay Carnival Cruise Lines to house hurricane Katrina evacuees
- 225M: Oprah Winfrey's earnings for the past year
- 215M: revenue of the NY Yankees, 2001 season (US
Sports Academy)
- 200M: annual damage by shipworm (Teredo navalis) in USA (1999
- 200M: counterfeit US currency in circulation (10/22/04
- 185M: Mel Gibson's earnings for the past year (2005
- 180M: presumed value of gold found in S.S. Republic, an 1865
shipwreck off Georgia. (1 Dec. 2003
- 160M: annual savings proposed by eliminating US government's sugar
subsidies (CAGW)
- 160M: revenue of the Atlanta Braves, 2001 season (US
Sports Academy)
- 152M: revenue of the NY Knicks, 1999-2000 season (US
Sports Academy)
- 150M: annual savings proposed by eliminating US government's Advanced
Technology Program (CAGW)
- 150M: paid by GlaxoSmithKline to settle a US drug pricing case (20 Sep 2005
- 147M: annual cost of house fires caused by lightning, USA (Making
- 132M: revenue of the LA Lakers, 1999-2000 season (US
Sports Academy)
- 126M: annual savings proposed by eliminating US government's High Intensity
Drug Trafficking Area Program (CAGW)
- 123M: contributions by health industry to 2004 elections, US (Open
- 100M: annual cost of electric outages caused by lightning, USA (Making
- 100M: annual cost of forest fires caused by lightning, USA (Making
- 100M: five-year contract between Shaquille O'Neal and the Miami Heat (ESPN)
- 100M: wasted commercial airline tickets at the Dept. of Defence, 1997-2003
- 100M: gems stolen from Antwerp Diamond Center, 2003 (Crime
Tens of Millions
- $98M: revenue of the NY Rangers, 1999-2000 season (US
Sports Academy)
- 90.1M: lost by Cutthroat Island, biggest flop
in history (1995, MGM/Carolco) Budget: 100M+. US Box Office: 9.9M (MSN)
- 87M: Tiger Woods's earnings for the past year (2005
- 85.6M to 95.6M: lost by The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002, Warner
Bros.) Budget: 90M-100M. US Box Office: 4.4M (MSN)
- 82.5M: Portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent Van Gogh sold, 1990. Top
price for a painting. (So You
- 80M: Steven Spielberg's earnings for the past year (2005
- 80M: the biggest record contract ever, the deal between Virgin and Mariah
Carey, 2001 (Yahoo)
- 79M: annual savings proposed by eliminating US government's EPA grants to
nonprofits (CAGW)
- 78.3M to 83.3M: lost by Town & Country (2001, New Line) Budget:
85M-90M. US Box Office: 6.7M (MSN)
- 78.1M: Au Moulin de la Galette by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, sold
1990 (So
You Wanna)
- 76.5M: Dan Brown's earning for the past year (2005
- 71.5M: Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe by Vincent Van Gogh, sold
1998 (So
You Wanna)
- 67.8M: Brazil's biggest theft, tunnel into bank vault (8/10/2005
- 66M: Jerry Bruckheimer's earnings for the past year (2005
- 62.4M to 82.4M: lost by The Postman (1997, Warner Bros.) Budget:
80M-100M. US Box Office: 17.6M (MSN)
- 61.5M: contributions by organized labor to 2004 elections, US (Open
- 60.5M: Still Life with Curtain, Pitcher, and Bowl of Fruit by
Paul Cezanne, sold 1999 (So You
- 60M: Michael Schumacher's earnings for the past year (2005
- 59.1M: J.K. Rowling's earnings for the past year (2005
- 57M: David Copperfield's earnings for the past year (2005
- 57M: raised by the 2001 Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon
- 54M: F. Ross Johnson's golden handshake (buyout terminating an executive
contract) from RJR Nabisco, 1989 (Guinness)
- 52.6M: energy and natural resources industry contributions to 2004
elections, US (Open
- 51.7M: Les Noces de Pierrette by Picasso, sold 1989 (So You
- 50M: robbery of Belfast's Northern Bank, 2004. Biggest all-cash robbery in
British history (Crime
- 50M: Madonna's earnings for the past year (2005
- 50M: annual damage by mongooses, in Hawaii and Puerto Rico (Cornell)
- 49.7M: Prince's earnings for the past year (2005
- 49.5M: Woman Seated in a Garden by Picasso, sold 1999 (So You
- 49M: savings proposed by eliminating US government's Defense Travel System,
annually (CAGW)
- 49M: Irises by Vincent Van Gogh, sold 1987 (So You
- 45M: annual costs of loosestrife (weed), damage and control, in USA (1999
- 44M: Elton John's earnings for the past year (2005
- 40M: David Letterman's earnings for the past year (2005
- 40M: Will Ferrell's earnings for the past year (2005
- 40M: cost of 2005 presidential inauguration, not including security (11
Jan. 2005
- 38M: Oscar De La Hoya's earnings for the past year (2005
- 35M: earned by Elvis Presley's estate, 2000 (Guinness)
- 34M: Shania Twain's earnings for the past year (2005
- 33.4M: Shaquille O'Neal's earnings for the past year (2005
- 33M: Michael Jordan's earnings for the past year (2005
- 32.5M: David Beckham's earnings for the past year (2005
- 31M: Tom Cruise's earnings for the past year (2005
- 31M: Howard Stern's earnings for the past year (2005
- 30M: Rush Limbaugh's earnings for the past year (2005
- 28.8M: Kobe Bryant's earnings for the past year (2005
- 28M: Lance Armstrong's earnings for the past year (2005
- 28M: Judge Judy Sheindlin's earnings for the past year (2005
- 17.3M: cost of 2005 presidential inauguration security paid by DC, incl.
5.4M reimbursed by Feds (11 Jan. 2005
- 17.0M: value of US defense contracts awarded to Lockheed Martin Corp. 2002
- 16.6M: value of US defense contracts awarded to Boeing Co. 2002 (DOD)
- 16.5M: most valuable jewel, 1995 (Guinness)
- 16.2M: defense industry contributions to 2004 elections, US (Open Secrets)
- 15.1M: most valuable piece of furniture, 1990 (Guinness)
- 14M: largest book advance, for Tom Clancy' Without Remorse in 1992
- 11.0M: most valuable watch, 1999 (Guinness)
- 10.2M: judgement against a debt-collection operation, National Check
Control, for intimidating consumers into paying debts (WaPo)
- 10.1M: top auction price for a stamp collection, 1993 (Guinness)
- 6.5M: Paris Hilton's earnings for the past year (2005
- 6M: Bill Clinton's earnings for the past year (2005
- $5.9M to10.2M: unit cost of a H-60 Black Hawk military helicopter (Global
- 5.8M: embezzling via government credit cards at the Dept. of Agriculture (Heritage)
- 4.3M: cost of single M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (Global
- 3.0M: most valuable clock, 1999 (Guinness)
- 2.2M: most valuable single stamp, 2001 (Guinness)
Hundreds of Thousands
- $959T: auction price of Eric Clapton's 'Blackie' Fender Stratocaster
guitar, 2004. (Guinness)
- 400T: annual salary of the President of the USA (U.Mich.)
Well, let's see if anyone actually looks at this page:

since 8 Oct. 2005
to MW's Home Page
Last updated October 2005
Copyright © 2005 Matthew White