A Collection of Utility Processors and Libraries
for Unisys 2200 ClearPath Mainframes
These items are kept in PKZIPped FTPack format. Download
by clicking on the name; then unZIP, upload to the Unisys as an ASCII file, and @ADD the file.
In most cases, a temporary file will be created, with the @USE name UPF$
attached, which you can copy as needed to save. Files will normally include a
<name>/README element, a <name>/DOC element, and a <name>/HTM element,
which may be downloaded as <name>.htm for viewing with a browser.
{Note on "View DOC" links: To conserve space, some larger DOCs have been omitted or reduced to their Introductions.
Also, most browser-viewable <name>/HTM elements are created at unpack time rather than included with the ZIP.}
Programs on this site are TDATE$-ready, in keeping with timestamp changes introduced in CP 15.0 and later;
that is, they will recognize either TDATE$ or MODSWTIME timestamps. When creating elements they will generate timestamps in
the site's current format.
♦DB32 mod. Programs so marked have had code updated to prevent
ambiguities when interpreting the DB32 (Quarter Word Mode) Designator Register bit on SAIL systems, most likely
encountered in old MASM utilities when testing for it (TP,T1 $) or switching between Fieldata and ASCII in remote EX character load/store sequences.
Most Recent Updates: (Click name to go to entry.)
[Visitors: 3886]
BK1 and BK2 are long-standing utilities for breakpointing to and from print
files. They have been enhanced with additional options for assigning,
cataloguing, @SYMing, and editing print files with ED, FSED, IPF, MORE, TOCED, or ZIP.
-- Originally written by John Walker (FANG). Enhanced by Les Leist.
(View BK1 DOC)
(View BK2 DOC)
(View changes)
CPMD can peruse storage and register contents after execution of a Basic Mode
program. Enhancements include latest instructions & ERs, suppressing repeated
lines, 3WAY dumping command (Octal/Fieldata/ASCII), EPR (dump instructions in
Extended Mode format), and FUSION full screen mode. CPMD has been converted
completely to MASM, and will no longer need ASM to assemble some elements.
-- Originally written at University of Maryland. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(View example)
(View changes)
CYCLES is a utility for printing a summary of all a file's F-cycles. Options
can control the displaying of different items (relative vs. absolute cycle,
backup info, assign count, initial or max granules, etc.)
(View DOC)
(View screen shot)
(View changes)
DMP is a versatile program with numerous commands relating to system, MCT, and
directory information; and utility functions for files and tapes. This version
has been upgraded for the latest MCT, MFD, and Audit Trail structures.
*** Although DMP has commands that work with @COPY,G tapes, DMP does not
support the newer @COPY,G format with more than one track per block. There is
also limited LPF and LEPF support. See DMP/README. ***
-- Written by Mark Rockman. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(DOC no longer posted; obtain from download.)
(View changes)
DOCHTM can copy a text file or DOC-formatted element to an HTML-formatted
output, suitable for downloading and viewing with a browser. Alternatively, it
can copy the input to an omnibus elt for binary transfer to a PC, to be opened
by a word processor like Word.
(View HELP)
(View changes)
The University of Maryland Downdater, for comparing two elements, SDF files, or
program files, and optionally producing correction images or TCFs to update
from one to the other. Enhancements include the W & HELP options, shortcuts for
SPEC 2, full support for LPF/LEPF, and the removal of line number limits.
-- Originally written at University of Maryland. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(View DOC)
(View changes)
DSNAP$ is a routine that can replace the use of ER SNAP$. It includes
enhancements such as dumping words in multiple formats (Octal, Fieldata,
ASCII), dumping the minor register set, and dumpng to an alternate print file.
(View DOC) (View example)
(View changes)
The University of Maryland File Lister, for listing the contents of a tape, or
listing and/or compiling all or selected elements in a program file.
Enhancements include improved TOC list, recognizing Large Program Files and
Large Element Files, and better control of page line counting and headers.
-- Originally written at University of Maryland. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(View DOC)
(View changes)
FSED is a general purpose text editor executing in full-screen demand mode on
the Unisys 2200. It allows the user to create or change a symbolic file or
element conversationally. Insertion, deletion, and replacement of text are
allowed. Both ASCII and Fieldata text can be edited.
Although FSED is derived from a long-standing utility, certain options and
defaults differ from earlier versions. Check DOC, @FSED,H, and HELP RLS.
Enhancements for FSED include:
•Support for screens up to 80 X 132.
•Maximum lines in update mode increased from 40,000 to over 217,000.
•Full support for LPFs and LEPFs. Supports SHARED directory.
-- Original author: John Campbell. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(View DOC)
(View changes)
FTPack can compress a Unisys file into an SDF file suitable for downloading and
transferring between Unisys 2200 systems by ftp or email attachment. A
self-extracting file is produced which can simply be @ADDed by the receiving
(View DOC)
(View changes)
FUSION is a library utility, consisting of several PROCs and routines, that
enables a program to display demand output in full screen mode with few
modifications. It is used by several of the utilities at this site, including
(View DOC Intro)
(View changes)
KSORT$ is a reentrant assembly language subroutine for sorting serial,
fixed-length, memory-resident records.
(View DOC)
(View changes)
LOGEX creates a single, ZIP-compatible output log file from one or more cycles
of the system log file, with optional timestamp test, file selection, and
type/runid exclusion or selection. It can be a powerful tool for extracting,
combining, and archiving log files, either on the fly or by automated runstreams.
LOGEX accepts input from ALAT or DSTA log files, on disk or on tape.
(View HELP)
(View changes)
This is the classic MFD utility, with many of the same calls, options, and
formats; but upgraded for the latest directory structures and with many enhancements.
-- Originally written by D. Arthur (NYU), D. Kurland (ISD), and B. Hirschman (ISD).
Upgraded by Les Leist.
(View DOC [large])
(View changes)
Includes date manipulation, number conversion, editing, and debugging routines;
•[A]EDDECV$,[A]EDDECF$, EDDEC1$/EDDEC2$ - routines for editing double word intgers;
•ERPFX$ 1R1D, a routine to redirect ER PFx$ calls to BSP$, thus allowing LPF/LEPF usage
(View DOC);
•CALPRT$, a routine to print a calendar from within a program, + auxiliary processor CALPRT;
•DELFIL$ 1R3, a routine to delete all cycles of a file under packet control, + auxiliary processor DELFIL;
•GET$$TMSTMP$, GETPFTMSTMP$(View DOC), routines to
retrieve the system's default element timestamp format (pre-CP 18);
•PCALL$, a routine to retrieve a program's processor call, whether INFOR$ or unformatted;
•SCRSIZ$, a routine for demand programs to retrieve terminal row & column size;
•SDFIBKM, an SDFI bookmarking routine for fast browsing thru SDF files;
•MBJ$, a set of procs for multibanking system or user libraries;
a set of memory management routines;
•PROCS/MISC, miscellaneous utility procedures;
•REGSNP, a routine for snapping any groups of four registers;
•SNOOPY/77R1U2, a modified SNOOPY that can handle LRS, SRS, and many of the newer byte/bit instructions.
•Includes SSGSDF63/TCF-24R3, an SSG fix to accept 252-character images & SGSs.
•Also includes two useful SSG skeletons: LINEUPSKEL
(View desc.), for lining up items; and SYSCOMPSKEL
(View desc.), for comparing installed products on
different systems. Refer to the SSG source for full details.
(DOC no longer posted; obtain from download.)
(View changes)
(Click on individual names to view DOC, HELP, and/or examples.) Contains:
•BKMSG 1R1B -- Send Message to Terminal from Within Breakpoint;
•DEMQRY 1R3C -- Demand Query from Within @ADD Stream;
•EOMEMAIL 1R1A -- Insert DEPCON E-mail keywords into file;
•EMIFVA 1R1 -- List Extended Mode Call Interfaces & VAs;
•ERROR -- Interpret EXEC Error Message;
•FAC -- Interpret FAC Status Bits;
•FDUMP 1R1 -- Dump File or Element using CPMD;
•FL 2R1D -- Display Currently Assigned Files;
•FREEALL -- Free All Files & reassign TPF$, DIAG$, SYS$*LIB$;
•FREEM -- Free All Files, with Optional Termination;
•HELMS 1R1C -- Help for ELMS Error Messages;
•IOTFMT 1R1A -- Examine/Reformat SIP IO Trace tapes;
•MINITOC 5R2A -- Tape File Summary;
•PRIV 2R2 -- Sec/Clear Privileged Bit, List Privileges;
•RUNINFO$ 5R1 -- Generate SDF SGS file with PCT & System Information;
•SETCW -- Modify T3 and/or T2 of the Condition Word;
•SDFXMN 1R1C -- Peruse SDF file/elt interactively
•SIZE 2J -- Display Byte Size of Element or SDF File;
•TIMING 2R1A -- Print SUP Times Between Program Executions
•XML 1R1F -- XML Reformatting Utility;
•ZERO 1R2B -- Initialize file to zeroes or any word;
•INITREG$, TBIX$ -- Display initial registers, TIMEBYINDEX$ return values.
(View changes)
MORE can view an element or file interactively in full screen (FUSION) mode.
Commands are available to shift or toggle the starting column, advance forward
or backward, view input in multiple columns, squeeze out redundant spaces, and
show line numbers. MORE is also able to view MAPPER RIDs and indent SSG
(View HELP)
(View changes)
A processor to display a system's mass storage devices and their remaining
tracks. Options provide for displaying fixed/removable, shared/local, and
different statuses (UP, SU, RV, DN, etc.) Drives can be sorted by MCT order,
tracks remaining, or packid. MSD can create an output SGS file of selected
(View DOC)
(View screen shot)
(View changes)
PATH enables defining a shortcut for invoking a processor, @ADDing a runstream,
or executing an SSG skeleton. GEN allows the generating, saving, and/or
executing of a runstream via utility skeleton GENSKEL. Other utility skeletons
(View DOC)
(View changes)
(View utility skeleton HELPs)
PIPE$ allows a processor to redirect its output to a print alternate file.
Piping may be activated either from within the program or in the processor call
(View DOC)
(View changes)
PKTGEN$ is a procedure which facilitates the generation of packets in MASM
programs. It provides for cells of whole or partial word length, cell
initialization, and overlapping cells. At the user's option, the packet may be
drawn and the EQUF table listed.
(View DOC) (View example)
(View changes)
A set of MASM routines for scanning ASCII or Fieldata images. Roughly
complementary to the EDIT$ routines, they provide for copying characters and
extracting strings or numbers under programmer control.
(View DOC Intro)
(View changes)
SDFCOMP can compress source elements and SDF files. This is mainly intended for
maintaining source files on the Unisys, although it can also be used to
compress source before packing with FTPack.
(View DOC Intro)
(View changes)
SORTOC is a utility for perusing the table of contents of one or more program
files from a demand terminal. A specially formatted listing, one element per
line, will be output. Various sorting and selection options are available to
specify particular elements to list, display procedure names or entry points,
or generate ECL for each selected element. SORTOC is "read-only" in that it
does not directly modify any input files. Accompanied by UNDELETE.
(View DOC Intro)
(View Screen Shot)
(View Proc/Entry Point Display)
(View changes)
STM$PKG is a package for retrieving, converting, and editing date/time items using
the newer ERs DWTIME$ and SYS$TIME, while providing help migrating from older formats
like TDATE$. It uses only the basic EDIT$/AEDIT$ routines rather than the new or expanded
ones such as EDIT$T/AEDIT$T, TIMESUBR$, and TIMECONV$.
(View DOC) (View changes)
TITLE can create one or two title pages using block characters. Items such as
runid, date, system, EXEC level, account, and project may be inserted.
(View DOC)
(View example)
(View changes)
TOCED is the classic utility used to conversationally edit a program file's
table of contents, including changing element information and deleting or
undeleting elements. Commands are modeled on the original @ED Text Editor (see
DOC or type HELP). TOCED also allows read-only access to the Master File
Directory, system print queues, and elements within a file. If privileged, the
user may delete and requeue print files.
•Enhancements for level 13R1 include TDATE$ readiness.
•Enhancements for level 12R9 include using the new SMOQ$HNDLR interface
for the QUEUE command if available, allowing the retrieval of up to 6241 files.
•Enhancements for level 12R6 include the SELECT and COUNT commands.
•Enhancements for level 12R5 include the C option for the QUEUE command,
which allows the accumulation of successive QUEUE calls as another way of
bypassing the 169-file limit. Up to about 6200 files may be retrieved.
•Enhancements for level 12R4 include the QGENF command, which provides
the ability to list queue files directly from SYS$*GENF$ (read access
required), thus bypassing the 169-file limitation of ER SMOQUE$ and allowing a
maximum of over 252,000 files.
•Enhancements for level 12R3 include forward and backward paging, support
for SHARED as well as local MFD, the COPY command for elts or queue files, ON
SNAP mode for most modes, HELP for individual commands, FUSION full screen mode
for output display, full support for all types and sizes of program files (PF,
LPF, LEPF), and a new mode for object module entry points.
-- Originally written by Mike Darnell of Unisys. Enhanced by Les Leist.
(DOC no longer posted; obtain from download.)
(View changes)
UNDELETE is a program to reestablish a deleted element in a program file. It is
a companion program to SORTOC, is based on the same source, and has a similar
display. (UNDELETE comes with the SORTOC package; both point to the same file.)
(View DOC)
ZIP is a fast read-only text processor that can read SDF format files and
elements; ALAT, DSTA, and TIP TPM log files; and any 2200 sector-formatted
file in block mode. Records can be selected, sorted, reformatted, and
written to a different output file or element.
•New features in 7R2 include updated log entry types 106/2 & 17003; support for
COD and SPM audit trails; LIM D command; HELP OUT describes output continuation.
•New features in 7R1B include log entry types 820, 821, 17008; TPM log entry
type 10/13 shows VA of ER TDATE$ calls; added DT and TDC commands; support reading of
IRU extract audit files; RP,F dumps log entry in Fieldata vs. ASCII.
•New features in 7R1A include log entry types 470-472, 480-482, and 17006;
@RUN priority, options, & condition word T2 if >0 for 106/1; warning message if
full screen mode used on non-UTS60 terminal; no error if prt record too large;
handle Audit Blocks of up to 65520 words.
•New features in 7R1 include COLOR command to distinguish log/TOC entries
and compile list error messages (searchable with new L/LC option); A option will
avoid splitting words across lines; outstanding messages & replies highlighted
by '>'; EF/EB and CF/CB commands will skip over non-symbolic elts & deleted cycles.
-- Written by Ward Condit.
(View changes)
[Total downloads: 51601]
Programs written by Les Leist unless otherwise noted. Utilities are provided "as is" without warranty.
Testing and ideas by Erich Staubringer and Ward Condit, esp. FSED, TOCED, MFD, FTPack, ZIP, FUSION, DOWN, MSD, LOGEX.
Site maintained by
Les Leist.
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